En.cppreference.com - SEO Checker

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1,02 s
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46,20 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
272 internos / 18 externos

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Meta descripción
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El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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URL de la página
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Hay demasiadas etiquetas de negritas en esta página: 47. Utiliza un máximo de 13 etiquetas.
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: language.
Optimización de imágenes
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...mon/images/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.pngPowered by MediaWiki
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...ages/9/94/powered_by_tigertech_88x31.pngHosted by Tiger Technologies

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
C and C++ reference
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (19 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 C and C++ reference
H5 cppreference.com
H5 Namespaces
H5 Variants
H5 Views
H5 Actions
H5 Navigation
H5 Toolbox
El texto ancla es una URL.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 18 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/mwiki/index.php?title=Special...Create account
/mwiki/index.php?title=Special...Log in
A-TITLE You are encouraged to log in; however, it is not mandatory [o]
A-TITLE View the content page [c]
A-TITLE Discussion about the content page [t]
/mwiki/index.php?title=Main_Pa...View source
A-TITLE This page is protected. You can view its source [e]
A-TITLE Past revisions of this page [h]
https://en.cppreference.com/w/cppC++ reference
A-TITLE cpp/11
A-TITLE cpp/14
A-TITLE cpp/17
A-TITLE cpp/20
A-TITLE cpp/23
A-TITLE cpp/26
/w/cpp/compiler_supportCompiler support
A-TITLE cpp/compiler support
/w/cpp/compiler_support/11Texto duplicado C++11
A-TITLE cpp/compiler support/11
/w/cpp/compiler_support/14Texto duplicado C++14
A-TITLE cpp/compiler support/14
/w/cpp/compiler_support/17Texto duplicado C++17
A-TITLE cpp/compiler support/17
/w/cpp/compiler_support/20Texto duplicado C++20
A-TITLE cpp/compiler support/20
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A-TITLE cpp/compiler support/23
/w/cpp/compiler_support/26Texto duplicado C++26
A-TITLE cpp/compiler support/26
A-TITLE cpp/language
A-TITLE cpp/keyword
A-TITLE cpp/preprocessor
/w/cpp/language/asciiASCII chart
A-TITLE cpp/language/ascii
/w/cpp/language/basic_conceptsBasic concepts
A-TITLE cpp/language/basic concepts
A-TITLE cpp/comment
A-TITLE cpp/language/identifiers
A-TITLE cpp/language/lookup
A-TITLE cpp/language/type
/w/cpp/language/typesfundamental types
A-TITLE cpp/language/types
/w/cpp/language/main_functionThe main function
A-TITLE cpp/language/main function
A-TITLE cpp/language/expressions
/w/cpp/language/value_categoryValue categories
A-TITLE cpp/language/value category
/w/cpp/language/eval_orderEvaluation order
A-TITLE cpp/language/eval order
A-TITLE cpp/language/expressions
A-TITLE cpp/language/operator precedence
A-TITLE cpp/language/expressions
A-TITLE cpp/language/expressions
A-TITLE cpp/language/statements
A-TITLE cpp/language/if
A-TITLE cpp/language/switch
A-TITLE cpp/language/for
A-TITLE cpp/language/range-for
A-TITLE cpp/language/while
A-TITLE cpp/language/do
A-TITLE cpp/language/declarations
A-TITLE cpp/language/initialization
A-TITLE cpp/language/functions
A-TITLE cpp/language/overload resolution
A-TITLE cpp/language/classes
A-TITLE cpp/language/union
A-TITLE cpp/language/templates
A-TITLE cpp/language/exceptions
/w/cpp/freestandingFreestanding implementations
A-TITLE cpp/freestanding
/w/cpp/standard_libraryStandard library
A-TITLE cpp/standard library
A-TITLE cpp/header
/w/cpp/named_reqNamed requirements
A-TITLE cpp/named req
/w/cpp/feature_testTexto duplicado Language
A-TITLE cpp/feature test
/w/cpp/utility/feature_testTexto duplicado Standard library
A-TITLE cpp/utility/feature test
/w/cpp/utilityLanguage support library
A-TITLE cpp/utility
/w/cpp/utility/programProgram utilities
A-TITLE cpp/utility/program
A-TITLE cpp/utility/program
/w/cpp/utility/programNon-local jumps
A-TITLE cpp/utility/program
/w/cpp/memory/newBasic memory management
A-TITLE cpp/memory/new
/w/cpp/utility/variadicVariadic functions
A-TITLE cpp/utility/variadic
A-TITLE cpp/utility/source location
/w/cpp/coroutineCoroutine support
A-TITLE cpp/coroutine
/w/cpp/utilityComparison utilities
A-TITLE cpp/utility
/w/cpp/typesType support
A-TITLE cpp/types
A-TITLE cpp/types/type info
A-TITLE cpp/types/numeric limits
A-TITLE cpp/error/exception
A-TITLE cpp/utility/initializer list
/w/cpp/conceptsConcepts library
A-TITLE cpp/concepts
/w/cpp/errorDiagnostics library
A-TITLE cpp/error
A-TITLE cpp/error
/w/cpp/errorSystem error
A-TITLE cpp/error
/w/cpp/errorException types
A-TITLE cpp/error
/w/cpp/errorError numbers
A-TITLE cpp/error
A-TITLE cpp/utility/basic stacktrace
/w/cpp/utilityDebugging support
A-TITLE cpp/utility
/w/cpp/memoryMemory management library
A-TITLE cpp/memory
A-TITLE cpp/memory
/w/cpp/memorySmart pointers
A-TITLE cpp/memory
/w/cpp/memoryMemory resources
A-TITLE cpp/memory
/w/cpp/metaMetaprogramming library
A-TITLE cpp/meta
/w/cpp/metaType traits
A-TITLE cpp/meta
A-TITLE cpp/numeric/ratio
A-TITLE cpp/utility/integer sequence
/w/cpp/utilityGeneral utilities library
A-TITLE cpp/utility
/w/cpp/utility/functionalFunction objects
A-TITLE cpp/utility/functional
A-TITLE cpp/utility/hash
A-TITLE cpp/utility
/w/cpp/utilityType operations
A-TITLE cpp/utility
/w/cpp/utilityInteger comparison
A-TITLE cpp/utility
A-TITLE cpp/utility/pair
A-TITLE cpp/utility/tuple
A-TITLE cpp/utility/optional
A-TITLE cpp/utility/expected
A-TITLE cpp/utility/variant
A-TITLE cpp/utility/any
A-TITLE cpp/utility/bitset
/w/cpp/numericBit manipulation
A-TITLE cpp/numeric
/w/cpp/containerContainers library
A-TITLE cpp/container
A-TITLE cpp/container/vector
A-TITLE cpp/container/deque
A-TITLE cpp/container/array
A-TITLE cpp/container/list
A-TITLE cpp/container/forward list
A-TITLE cpp/container/map
A-TITLE cpp/container/multimap
A-TITLE cpp/container/set
A-TITLE cpp/container/multiset
A-TITLE cpp/container/unordered map
A-TITLE cpp/container/unordered multimap
A-TITLE cpp/container/unordered set
A-TITLE cpp/container/unordered multiset
/w/cpp/containerContainer adaptors
A-TITLE cpp/container
A-TITLE cpp/container/span
A-TITLE cpp/container/mdspan
/w/cpp/iteratorIterators library
A-TITLE cpp/iterator
/w/cpp/rangesRanges library
A-TITLE cpp/ranges
/w/cpp/rangesRange factories
A-TITLE cpp/ranges
/w/cpp/rangesRange adaptors
A-TITLE cpp/ranges
A-TITLE cpp/coroutine/generator
/w/cpp/algorithmAlgorithms library
A-TITLE cpp/algorithm
/w/cpp/numericNumeric algorithms
A-TITLE cpp/numeric
/w/cpp/algorithmExecution policies
A-TITLE cpp/algorithm
/w/cpp/algorithm/rangesConstrained algorithms
A-TITLE cpp/algorithm/ranges
/w/cpp/stringStrings library
A-TITLE cpp/string
A-TITLE cpp/string/basic string
A-TITLE cpp/string/char traits
A-TITLE cpp/string/basic string view
/w/cpp/stringNull-terminated strings
A-TITLE cpp/string
A-TITLE cpp/string/byte
A-TITLE cpp/string/multibyte
A-TITLE cpp/string/wide
/w/cpp/utilityPrimitive numeric conversions
A-TITLE cpp/utility
A-TITLE cpp/utility/format
A-TITLE cpp/locale/locale
/w/cpp/localeCharacter classification
A-TITLE cpp/locale
A-TITLE cpp/locale/text encoding
/w/cpp/regexRegular expressions
A-TITLE cpp/regex
A-TITLE cpp/regex/basic regex
A-TITLE cpp/regex
/w/cpp/regex/ecmascriptDefault regular expression grammar
A-TITLE cpp/regex/ecmascript
/w/cpp/numericNumerics library
A-TITLE cpp/numeric
/w/cpp/numeric/mathCommon math functions
A-TITLE cpp/numeric/math
/w/cpp/numeric/special_functionsMathematical special functions
A-TITLE cpp/numeric/special functions
/w/cpp/numeric/constantsMathematical constants
A-TITLE cpp/numeric/constants
/w/cpp/numeric/linalgBasic linear algebra algorithms
A-TITLE cpp/numeric/linalg
/w/cpp/numeric/randomPseudo-random number generation
A-TITLE cpp/numeric/random
/w/cpp/numeric/fenvFloating-point environment
A-TITLE cpp/numeric/fenv
A-TITLE cpp/numeric/complex
A-TITLE cpp/numeric/valarray
/w/cpp/chronoDate and time library
A-TITLE cpp/chrono
A-TITLE cpp/chrono
/w/cpp/chronoTime zone
A-TITLE cpp/chrono
/w/cpp/ioInput/output library
A-TITLE cpp/io
/w/cpp/ioPrint functions
A-TITLE cpp/io
/w/cpp/ioStream-based I/O
A-TITLE cpp/io
/w/cpp/io/manipI/O manipulators
A-TITLE cpp/io/manip
A-TITLE cpp/io/basic istream
A-TITLE cpp/io/basic ostream
/w/cpp/ioSynchronized output
A-TITLE cpp/io
/w/cpp/filesystemFile systems
A-TITLE cpp/filesystem
/w/cpp/threadConcurrency support library
A-TITLE cpp/thread
A-TITLE cpp/thread/thread
A-TITLE cpp/thread/jthread
A-TITLE cpp/atomic/atomic
A-TITLE cpp/atomic/atomic flag
A-TITLE cpp/atomic/atomic ref
A-TITLE cpp/atomic/memory order
/w/cpp/threadMutual exclusion
A-TITLE cpp/thread
A-TITLE cpp/thread
/w/cpp/threadCondition variables
A-TITLE cpp/thread
A-TITLE cpp/thread
A-TITLE cpp/thread/latch
A-TITLE cpp/thread/barrier
/w/cpp/threadSafe Reclamation
A-TITLE cpp/thread
/w/cpp/executionExecution support library
A-TITLE cpp/execution
/w/cpp/experimentalTechnical specifications
A-TITLE cpp/experimental
/w/cpp/experimental/lib_extens...Standard library extensions
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/lib extensions
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/resource adaptor
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/invocation type
/w/cpp/experimental/lib_extens...Standard library extensions v2
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/lib extensions 2
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/propagate const
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/ostream joiner
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/randint
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/observer ptr
/w/cpp/experimental/is_detectedDetection idiom
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/is detected
/w/cpp/experimental/lib_extens...Standard library extensions v3
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/lib extensions 3
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/scope exit
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/scope fail
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/scope success
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/unique resource
/w/cpp/experimental/parallelism_2Parallelism library extensions v2
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/parallelism 2
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/simd
/w/cpp/experimental/concurrencyConcurrency library extensions
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/concurrency
/w/cpp/language/transactional_...Transactional Memory
A-TITLE cpp/language/transactional memory
A-TITLE cpp/experimental/reflect
/w/cpp/linksExternal Links
A-TITLE cpp/links
/w/cpp/links/libsNon-ANSI/ISO Libraries
A-TITLE cpp/links/libs
A-TITLE cpp/index
/w/cpp/symbol_indexstd Symbol Index
A-TITLE cpp/symbol index
https://en.cppreference.com/w/cC reference
A-TITLE c/95
A-TITLE c/99
A-TITLE c/11
A-TITLE c/17
A-TITLE c/23
/w/c/compiler_supportTexto duplicado Compiler support
A-TITLE c/compiler support
/w/c/compiler_support/99Texto duplicado C99
A-TITLE c/compiler support/99
/w/c/compiler_support/23Texto duplicado C23
A-TITLE c/compiler support/23
/w/c/languageTexto duplicado Language
A-TITLE c/language
/w/c/language/basic_conceptsTexto duplicado Basic concepts
A-TITLE c/language/basic concepts
/w/c/keywordTexto duplicado Keywords
A-TITLE c/keyword
/w/c/preprocessorTexto duplicado Preprocessor
A-TITLE c/preprocessor
/w/c/language/expressionsTexto duplicado Expressions
A-TITLE c/language/expressions
A-TITLE c/language/declarations
/w/c/language/initializationTexto duplicado Initialization
A-TITLE c/language/initialization
/w/c/language/functionsTexto duplicado Functions
A-TITLE c/language/functions
/w/c/language/statementsTexto duplicado Statements
A-TITLE c/language/statements
A-TITLE c/header
/w/c/typesTexto duplicado Type support
A-TITLE c/types
/w/c/programTexto duplicado Program utilities
A-TITLE c/program
/w/c/variadicTexto duplicado Variadic functions
A-TITLE c/variadic
/w/c/errorTexto duplicado Diagnostics library
A-TITLE c/error
/w/c/memoryDynamic memory management
A-TITLE c/memory
/w/c/stringTexto duplicado Strings library
A-TITLE c/string
/w/c/string/byteTexto duplicado byte
A-TITLE c/string/byte
/w/c/string/multibyteTexto duplicado multibyte
A-TITLE c/string/multibyte
/w/c/string/wideTexto duplicado wide
A-TITLE c/string/wide
/w/c/chronoTexto duplicado Date and time library
A-TITLE c/chrono
/w/c/localeLocalization library
A-TITLE c/locale
/w/c/ioTexto duplicado Input/output library
A-TITLE c/io
/w/c/algorithmTexto duplicado Algorithms library
A-TITLE c/algorithm
/w/c/numericTexto duplicado Numerics library
A-TITLE c/numeric
/w/c/numeric/mathCommon mathematical functions
A-TITLE c/numeric/math
/w/c/numeric/fenvTexto duplicado Floating-point environment
A-TITLE c/numeric/fenv
/w/c/numeric/randomTexto duplicado Pseudo-random number generation
A-TITLE c/numeric/random
/w/c/numeric/complexComplex number arithmetic
A-TITLE c/numeric/complex
/w/c/numeric/tgmathType-generic math
A-TITLE c/numeric/tgmath
/w/c/numericTexto duplicado Bit manipulation
A-TITLE c/numeric
/w/c/numericChecked integer arithmetic
A-TITLE c/numeric
/w/c/threadTexto duplicado Concurrency support library
A-TITLE c/thread
/w/c/experimentalTexto duplicado Technical specifications
A-TITLE c/experimental
/w/c/experimental/dynamicDynamic memory extensions
A-TITLE c/experimental/dynamic
/w/c/experimental/fpext1Floating-point extensions, Part 1
A-TITLE c/experimental/fpext1
/w/c/experimental/fpext4Floating-point extensions, Part 4
A-TITLE c/experimental/fpext4
/w/c/linksTexto duplicado External Links
A-TITLE c/links
/w/c/links/libsTexto duplicado Non-ANSI/ISO Libraries
A-TITLE c/links/libs
/w/c/indexTexto duplicado Index
A-TITLE c/index
/w/c/symbol_indexSymbol Index
A-TITLE c/symbol index
/w/Cppreference:Archivesoffline archive
A-TITLE Cppreference:Archives
/w/Cppreference:ArchivesTexto duplicado offline archive
A-TITLE Cppreference:Archives
/w/Cppreference:ArchivesTexto duplicado offline archive
A-TITLE Cppreference:Archives
/mwiki/index.php?title=Main_Pa...Subdominio Texto ancla URL
http://www.cppreference.com/su...Nofollow Externo Subdominio Support us
/w/Special:RecentChangesRecent changes
A-TITLE A list of recent changes in the wiki [r]
/w/Cppreference:ArchivesOffline version
/w/Special:WhatLinksHere/Main_...What links here
A-TITLE A list of all wiki pages that link here [j]
/w/Special:RecentChangesLinked...Related changes
A-TITLE Recent changes in pages linked from this page [k]
http://upload.cppreference.com...Externo Subdominio Upload file
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/w/Special:SpecialPagesSpecial pages
A-TITLE A list of all special pages [q]
/mwiki/index.php?title=Main_Pa...Printable version
A-TITLE Printable version of this page [p]
/mwiki/index.php?title=Main_Pa...Permanent link
A-TITLE Permanent link to this revision of the page
/mwiki/index.php?title=Main_Pa...Page information
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