Engagetochange.org.uk - SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
4,44 s
Tamaño HTML
115,80 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
277 internos / 9 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Home - Engage to Change
La longitud del título es óptima (242 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The Engage to Change project has worked across Wales to support young people aged 16-25 who have a learning difficulty, learning disability and/or autism to achieve their full potential.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se identifica ningún error en los enlaces alternate/hreflang.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El nombre del dominio es demasiado extenso.
El dominio no es un subdominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionThe Engage to Change project has worked across Wales to support young people aged 16-25 who have a learning difficulty, learning disability and/or autism to achieve their full potential.
robotsindex, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1
generatorSite Kit by Google 1.104.0
og:titleHome - Engage to Change
og:descriptionThe Engage to Change project has worked across Wales to support young people aged 16-25 who have a learning difficulty, learning disability and/or autism to achieve their full potential.
og:site_nameEngage to Change

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 28.67 palabras.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2318 palabras.
Un 26.6% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 12 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 46 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 4 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...ge/dist/images/engage-to-change-logo.svgEngage to ChangeEngage to Change
.../03/Engage-to-Change-Updated-600x600.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...content/uploads/2017/03/young-person.svgCarece de atributo ALT
/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/carers.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...ontent/uploads/2017/03/professionals.svgCarece de atributo ALT
.../images/engage-to-change-footer-logo.svgEngage to ChangeEngage to Change
Contenido no seguro
welsh government partnership
Contenido no seguro
welsh government partnership
URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Welcome to Influencing and Informing
El encabezado H1 contiene las palabras Welcome to. Utiliza mejor palabras clave importantes en su lugar.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Welcome to Influencing and Informing
H1 Engage to Change
H2 Research and Evaluation
H2 Young people, Parents and Carers
H2 Employers
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 9 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/Texto ancla Sin texto
/parents-and-carers/easy-read/Subdominio Easy Read
/?lang=cySubdominio Cymraeg
/Subdominio IMG-ALT Engage to Change
http://www.facebook.com/engage...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook
A-TITLE Facebook
http://www.twitter.com/engage_...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Twitter
A-TITLE Twitter
http://www.instagram.com/engag...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Instagram
A-TITLE Instagram
/Subdominio Home
/research-evaluation/Subdominio Research and Evaluation
/parents-and-carers/Subdominio Young people, parents and carers
/professionals/Subdominio Employers
/the-project/Subdominio About us
/news/Subdominio News
/professionals/useful-links/Subdominio Useful information
/contact/Subdominio Contact us
/Subdominio Texto duplicado Home
/research-evaluation/Subdominio Texto duplicado Research and Evaluation
/parents-and-carers/Subdominio Texto duplicado Young people, parents and carers
/parents-and-carers/travel-tra...Subdominio Travel training
/parents-and-carers/easy-read/Subdominio Texto duplicado Easy Read
/parents-and-carers/easy-read/...Subdominio How we supported participants on the Engage to Change project
/parents-and-carers/easy-read/...Subdominio What was the Engage to Change project?
/parents-and-carers/can-suppor...Subdominio How you can support a young person to prepare for the workplace
/parents-and-carers/questions-...Subdominio Questions to ask a young person about work
/parents-and-carers/supporting...Subdominio Supporting a young person with a problem in work
/parents-and-carers/wellbeing-...Subdominio Wellbeing support
/parents-and-carers/benefits-s...Subdominio Support with welfare benefits
/parents-and-carers/testimonials/Subdominio Testimonials
/professionals/Subdominio Texto duplicado Employers
/professionals/support-for-emp...Subdominio Support for employers
/professionals/supported-emplo...Subdominio What is Supported Employment?
/professionals/systematic-inst...Subdominio Systematic Instruction
/professionals/training/Subdominio Training
/the-project/Subdominio Texto duplicado About us
/the-project/faq/Subdominio FAQ
/news/Subdominio Texto duplicado News
/news/project-news/Subdominio Updates
/article/assessing-the-impact-...Subdominio Assessing the Impact of Supported Internships for Young People with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism
/article/enhancing-employment-...Subdominio Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Young People with Learning Disabilities and Autism: Parent Perspective
/article/neurodivergent-young-...Subdominio Neurodivergent young people and the labour market: The importance of supported employment
/article/elite-sea-shortlisted...Subdominio ELITE Supported Employment Shortlisted for ERSA Employability Award
/article/new-lead-ambassador-e...Subdominio New Lead Ambassador for Engage to Change
/article/engage-change-breakfa...Subdominio Engage to Change breakfast briefing at Cardiff Business School
/article/work-engage-change-le...Subdominio Work with Engage to Change: Lead ambassador applications now open!
/article/travis-on-the-a-word/Subdominio Travis on BBC’s The A Word
/article/award-project-search-...Subdominio Award for Engage to Change DFN Project SEARCH Cardiff
/article/project-search-induct...Subdominio Engage to Change DFN Project SEARCH Cardiff induction week
/article/welcoming-new-project...Subdominio Welcoming our new Engage to Change DFN Project SEARCH interns
/article/engage-change-welsh-a...Subdominio Engage to Change at the Welsh Autism Show
/article/hefin-david-visits-ia...Subdominio Hefin David AM visits Ian in Caerphilly
/article/engage-change-raised-...Subdominio Engage to Change raised at First Minister’s Questions
/article/employment-global-per...Subdominio Employment for All – A Global Perspective
/article/engage-change-bbc-rad...Subdominio Engage to Change on BBC Radio Wales
/article/from-project-to-policy/Subdominio Joe Powell: From Project to Policy
/article/engage-change-bbc-one...Subdominio Engage to Change on BBC One Wales
/article/launch-event-roundup/Subdominio Launch Event Roundup
/news/videos/Subdominio Videos
/article/video-gateway-to-empl...Subdominio Video: Gateway to Employment interns 2020-2021
/article/tims-journey-to-emplo...Subdominio Tim’s journey to employment
/article/new-research-report-o...Subdominio New research report on project outcomes
/article/engage-to-change-posi...Subdominio Engage to Change position statement in response to the Covid-19 crisis – 13 May 2020
/article/video-welcome-to-proj...Subdominio VIDEO: Welcome to DFN Project SEARCH Bangor 2019!
/article/billie-at-springholme...Subdominio VIDEO: Billie at Springholme Care Home
/article/video-ashleigh-at-eli...Subdominio VIDEO: Ashleigh at ELITE Paper Solutions
/article/video-brad-is-upcycli...Subdominio VIDEO: Brad is upcycling at Reseiclo Woodstore
/article/video-project-search-...Subdominio VIDEO: DFN Project SEARCH Class of 2019 Graduations
/article/video-project-search-...Subdominio VIDEO: DFN Project SEARCH Bangor Class of 2019
/article/engage-to-change-on-i...Subdominio Engage to Change on ITV Wales News and BBC Radio Cymru
/article/video-project-search-...Subdominio VIDEO: DFN Project SEARCH Cardiff 2018 – First Internship!
/article/video-lliwen-is-happi...Subdominio VIDEO: Lliwen is happier and more independent than ever a year into employment
/article/video-project-search-...Subdominio VIDEO: DFN Project SEARCH Bridgend The First Internship
/article/sarah-jayne-from-proj...Subdominio Sarah-Jayne: from DFN Project SEARCH to Apprentice Pharmacy Assistant
/article/video-project-search-...Subdominio Video: DFN Project SEARCH Cardiff Class of 2018
/article/video-caios-apprentic...Subdominio Video: Caio’s apprenticeship at Criccieth Health Centre
/article/video-owain-theatr-ar...Subdominio VIDEO: Owain at Theatr Arad Goch
/article/video-engage-changes-...Subdominio VIDEO: Engage to Change’s work in South Wales
/article/video-welcome-project...Subdominio VIDEO: Welcome to Engage to Change DFN Project SEARCH Bangor
/article/new-film-project-sear...Subdominio VIDEO – Engage to Change DFN Project SEARCH Cardiff Year 2
/article/meet-new-interns/Subdominio Meet our new interns!
/article/project-search-cardif...Subdominio Engage to Change DFN Project SEARCH Cardiff Class of 2017
/article/gerraint/Subdominio Gerraint
/article/mari/Subdominio Mari
/article/project-search-cardiff/Subdominio DFN Project SEARCH, Cardiff
/article/elen/Subdominio Elen
/news/case-studies/Subdominio Case studies
/article/a-view-from-the-top-e...Subdominio A view from the top: E2C supports young person to gain employment in the DVLA.
/article/tims-journey-to-emplo...Subdominio Texto duplicado Tim’s journey to employment
/article/ryan-is-enjoying-life...Subdominio Ryan is enjoying life as a hospital porter
/article/working-on-the-nhs-fr...Subdominio Working on the NHS frontline
/article/elenid-follows-her-dr...Subdominio Elenid follows her dream
/article/alex-is-keeping-it-cl...Subdominio Alex is keeping it clean in his new job at Ysbyty Gwynedd
/article/kiara-finds-her-niche/Subdominio Kiara finds her niche
/article/preparing-for-work-wi...Subdominio Preparing for work with the Engage to Change Job Club
/article/billie-at-springholme...Subdominio Texto duplicado VIDEO: Billie at Springholme Care Home
/article/video-ashleigh-at-eli...Subdominio Texto duplicado VIDEO: Ashleigh at ELITE Paper Solutions
/article/lyndon-secures-employ...Subdominio Lyndon secures employment at Torfaen Council
/article/video-brad-is-upcycli...Subdominio Texto duplicado VIDEO: Brad is upcycling at Reseiclo Woodstore
/article/marko-looks-back/Subdominio Marko looks back
/article/laura-looks-back/Subdominio Laura looks back
/article/jacob-looks-back/Subdominio Jacob looks back
/article/hollie-looks-back/Subdominio Hollie looks back
/article/brendan-looks-back/Subdominio Brendan looks back
/article/grace-looks-back/Subdominio Grace looks back
/article/project-search-intern...Subdominio DFN Project SEARCH Cardiff interns look back
/article/mari/Subdominio Texto duplicado Mari
/article/joe/Subdominio Joe
/article/carrie/Subdominio Carrie
/article/elen/Subdominio Texto duplicado Elen
/article/gavin/Subdominio Gavin
/article/shane/Subdominio Shane
/article/michael/Subdominio Michael
/news/research/Subdominio Research
/article/assessing-the-impact-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Assessing the Impact of Supported Internships for Young People with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism
/article/enhancing-employment-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Young People with Learning Disabilities and Autism: Parent Perspective
/article/neurodivergent-young-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Neurodivergent young people and the labour market: The importance of supported employment
/article/job-equality-and-incl...Subdominio Job equality and inclusion in supported employment: The experience of the Engage to Change project
/article/employment-challenges...Subdominio Employment challenges for people with a learning disability and/or autism during the Covid-19 pandemic in Wales
/article/the-role-and-experien...Subdominio The role and experience of the job coach: The experience of a nationwide supported employment project
/article/breaking-down-barrier...Subdominio Breaking down barriers – Supporting employment for young people with learning disabilities and/or autism
/article/welsh-government-laun...Subdominio Welsh Government launches new employment plan with integrated Job Coaching
/article/engage-to-change-the-...Subdominio Engage to Change: The First Four Years Evaluation Report
/article/the-way-forward-provi...Subdominio Online event 24 March: The way forward – providing employment for people with learning a disability and autism
/article/how-can-public-sector...Subdominio How can public sector employers like the NHS help people with a learning disability or autism get jobs?
/article/what-needs-to-change-...Subdominio What needs to change to allow people with a learning disability and/or ASD equal access to employment?
/article/new-research-report-o...Subdominio Texto duplicado New research report on project outcomes
/article/engage-to-change-prog...Subdominio Engage to change: Progress so far and what we’ve learned
/article/if-youve-got-a-job-yo...Subdominio “If you’ve got a job, you have money coming in to pay your bills and be independent”
/article/engage-change-iassidd...Subdominio Engage to Change at IASSIDD Europe Congress
/article/engage-change-breakfa...Subdominio Texto duplicado Engage to Change breakfast briefing at Cardiff Business School
/article/spotlight-on-research/Subdominio Spotlight on the Research Team
/news/consultations/Subdominio Consultations
/article/welsh-government-laun...Subdominio Texto duplicado Welsh Government launches new employment plan with integrated Job Coaching
/article/benefits-system-in-wa...Subdominio Benefits System in Wales Needs Reform
/article/consultation-response...Subdominio Consultation Response: Refresh of Welsh Government’s Economic Contract
/article/consultation-response...Subdominio Consultation Response on Social Partnership and Public Procurement
/article/consultation-response...Subdominio Consultation Response: Llwybr Newydd–a new Wales transport strategy
/article/engage-to-change-subm...Subdominio Engage to Change Submits Evidence on Neurodiversity in the Criminal Justice System
/article/consultation-response...Subdominio Consultation response: Disabled Students’ Allowance
/article/internet-socialmedia-...Subdominio Young people, the internet and social media – our consultation event
/news/supported-internships-up...Subdominio Supported internships updates
/news/project-search/Subdominio DFN Project SEARCH updates
/article/jayne-bryant-ms-visit...Subdominio Jayne Bryant MS visits Cardiff University’s Engage to Change Project SEARCH interns
/article/welcoming-new-project...Subdominio Texto duplicado Welcoming our new Engage to Change DFN Project SEARCH interns
/article/project-search-cardif...Subdominio Texto duplicado Engage to Change DFN Project SEARCH Cardiff Class of 2017
/article/shaun-looks-back/Subdominio Shaun looks back
/article/shane-looks-back/Subdominio Shane looks back
/article/marko-looks-back/Subdominio Texto duplicado Marko looks back
/article/laura-looks-back/Subdominio Texto duplicado Laura looks back
/article/jacob-looks-back/Subdominio Texto duplicado Jacob looks back
/article/hollie-looks-back/Subdominio Texto duplicado Hollie looks back
/article/brendan-looks-back/Subdominio Texto duplicado Brendan looks back
/article/grace-looks-back/Subdominio Texto duplicado Grace looks back
/article/project-search-intern...Subdominio Texto duplicado DFN Project SEARCH Cardiff interns look back
/article/project-search-cardiff/Subdominio Texto duplicado DFN Project SEARCH, Cardiff
/article/shane/Subdominio Texto duplicado Shane
/news/blog/Subdominio Blog
/article/confidence-building-t...Subdominio Confidence Building Top Tips by E2C Ambassador Gerraint
/article/e2c-lead-ambassador-b...Subdominio E2C Lead Ambassador Blog June 2023
/article/how-to-recognise-the-...Subdominio How to recognise the skills and abilities you have and how to improve on them: Tips by Gerraint, E2C lead Ambassador
/article/e2c-lead-ambassador-b...Subdominio E2C Lead Ambassador Blog, May 2023
/article/e2c-lead-ambassador-b...Subdominio E2C Lead Ambassador Blog March 2023
/article/gerraints-blog-march-...Subdominio Gerraint’s Blog March 2023
/article/gerraints-blog-decemb...Subdominio Gerraint’s Blog December 2022
/article/gerraints-blog-june-2...Subdominio Gerraint’s Blog June 2022
/article/gerraints-blog-februa...Subdominio Gerraint’s Blog February and March 2022
/article/gerraints-blog-septem...Subdominio Gerraint’s Blog September 2021
/article/gerraints-blog-june-2...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog June 2021
/article/gerraints-blog-learni...Subdominio Gerraint’s Blog Learning Disability Week 2021: Let’s get creative!
/article/gerraints-blog-april-...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog April 2021
/article/gerraints-blog-march-...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog March 2021
/article/gerraints-blog-februa...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog February 2021
/article/gerraints-blog-januar...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog January 2021
/article/gerraints-blog-decemb...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog December 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-novemb...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog November 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-octobe...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog October 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-septem...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog September 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-august...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog August 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-july-2...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog July 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-june-2...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog June 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-may-2020/Subdominio Gerraint’s blog May 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-april-...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog April 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-march-...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog March 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-februa...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog February 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-januar...Subdominio Gerraint’s blog January 2020
/article/gerraints-blog-6/Subdominio Gerraint’s Blog December 2019
/article/gerraints-blog-5/Subdominio Texto duplicado Gerraint’s Blog December 2019
/article/gerraints-blog-4/Subdominio Gerraint’s Blog September and October 2019
/article/elsas-blog/Subdominio Engage to Change Ambassador Blog: Elsa
/article/gerraints-blog-3/Subdominio Gerraint’s blog March-June 2019
/article/gerraints-blog-2/Subdominio Gerraint’s Blog
/article/gerraints-blog/Subdominio Texto duplicado Gerraint’s Blog
/article/gerraint-wins-breakin...Subdominio Gerraint wins Breaking Down Barriers Award
/article/day-life-job-coach/Subdominio A Day in the Life: Job Coach
/article/meet-ambassadors-jona...Subdominio Meet our Ambassadors: Jonathan
/article/meet-ambassadors-jordan/Subdominio Meet Our Ambassadors: Jordan
/article/meet-ambassadors-george/Subdominio Meet Our Ambassadors: George
/article/meet-ambassadors-elsa/Subdominio Meet Our Ambassadors: Elsa
/article/ambassador-blog/Subdominio What has our Lead Ambassador been up to?
/article/spotlight-new-employm...Subdominio Spotlight on our new Employment Consultant
/article/spotlight-new-staff/Subdominio Spotlight on new staff
/article/spotlight-new-team-me...Subdominio Spotlight on new team members
/article/nathan/Subdominio Nathan finds confidence in his role at Rabaiotti’s Café
/article/spotlight-on-elite/Subdominio Spotlight on…ELITE
/article/spotlight-agoriad-cyf/Subdominio Spotlight on…Agoriad Cyf
/article/spotlight-employment-...Subdominio Spotlight on employment training
/article/spotlight-job-coaches/Subdominio Spotlight on job coaches
/article/spotlight-on-research/Subdominio Texto duplicado Spotlight on the Research Team
/article/spotlight-on/Subdominio Spotlight on Chris English
/news/events/Subdominio Events
/article/empowering-participan...Subdominio Empowering participants: Celebrating achievements and gathering feedback from the project
/article/engage-to-change-awar...Subdominio Engage to Change Awards 2022
/article/engage-to-change-anno...Subdominio Engage to Change Announces Celebration Events
/article/the-way-forward-provi...Subdominio Texto duplicado Online event 24 March: The way forward – providing employment for people with learning a disability and autism
/article/women-in-work-free-on...Subdominio Women in work: free online event 21 January 2021
/article/engage-to-change-proj...Subdominio Engage to Change evaluation forum
/article/all-wales-people-firs...Subdominio All Wales People First Evaluation Forum 18 March 2020
/article/engage-to-change-at-t...Subdominio Engage to Change at the Learning Disability Wales Annual Conference
/article/ebbw-vale-and-carmart...Subdominio Ebbw Vale and Carmarthen Engage to Change Roadshows
/article/engage-to-change-wrex...Subdominio Engage to Change Wrexham Roadshow
/article/if-youve-got-a-job-yo...Subdominio Texto duplicado “If you’ve got a job, you have money coming in to pay your bills and be independent”
/article/engage-to-change-runs...Subdominio Engage to Change runs Valued in Work event hosted in conjunction with Cardiff Business School
/article/engage-to-change-supp...Subdominio Engage to Change supports the launch of Welsh Government’s Inclusive Apprenticeships Disability Action Plan
/article/engage-change-welsh-a...Subdominio Texto duplicado Engage to Change at the Welsh Autism Show
/article/engage-change-learnin...Subdominio Texto duplicado Engage to Change at the Learning Disability Wales Annual Conference
/article/engage-change-awards-...Subdominio Engage to Change Awards 2018
/article/engage-change-celebra...Subdominio Engage to Change Celebration and Awards 2018
/article/engage-change-breakfa...Subdominio Texto duplicado Engage to Change breakfast briefing at Cardiff Business School
/article/engage-change-welsh-a...Subdominio Texto duplicado Engage to Change at the Welsh Autism Show
/article/employment-global-per...Subdominio Texto duplicado Employment for All – A Global Perspective
/article/internet-socialmedia-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Young people, the internet and social media – our consultation event
/article/e2c-evaluation-forum/Subdominio Engage to Change Evaluation Forum
/article/launch-event-roundup/Subdominio Texto duplicado Launch Event Roundup
/article/join-us-engage-change...Subdominio Join us at the Engage to Change launch event and celebration
/professionals/useful-links/Subdominio Texto duplicado Useful information
/contact/Subdominio Texto duplicado Contact us
/the-project/+ More Details
/research-evaluation/Subdominio + More Info
/parents-and-carers/Subdominio Texto duplicado + More Info
/professionals/Subdominio Texto duplicado + More Info
/article/from-service-to-strat...Subdominio From Service to Strategy: A New Approach to Job Coaching in Wales
/article/from-service-to-strat...Subdominio + Read More
/article/assessing-the-impact-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Assessing the Impact of Supported Internships for Young People with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism
/article/assessing-the-impact-...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/enhancing-employment-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Enhancing Employment Opportunities for Young People with Learning Disabilities and Autism: Parent Perspective
/article/enhancing-employment-...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/confidence-building-t...Subdominio Texto duplicado Confidence Building Top Tips by E2C Ambassador Gerraint
/article/confidence-building-t...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/neurodivergent-young-...Subdominio Texto duplicado Neurodivergent young people and the labour market: The importance of supported employment
/article/neurodivergent-young-...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/e2c-lead-ambassador-b...Subdominio Texto duplicado E2C Lead Ambassador Blog June 2023
/article/e2c-lead-ambassador-b...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/welsh-government-repo...Subdominio Welsh Government report features Engage to Change case study: Empowering learners with additional learning needs
/article/welsh-government-repo...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/how-to-recognise-the-...Subdominio Texto duplicado How to recognise the skills and abilities you have and how to improve on them: Tips by Gerraint, E2C lead Ambassador
/article/how-to-recognise-the-...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/job-equality-and-incl...Subdominio Texto duplicado Job equality and inclusion in supported employment: The experience of the Engage to Change project
/article/job-equality-and-incl...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/8808/Subdominio Engage to Change Influencing and Informing: 2023 - 2024
/article/8808/Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/e2c-lead-ambassador-b...Subdominio Texto duplicado E2C Lead Ambassador Blog, May 2023
/article/e2c-lead-ambassador-b...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/engage-to-change-lead...Subdominio Press Release - ‘Engage to Change’ leads the way in Wales to a brighter future in employment for people with a learning disability and/or autism
/article/engage-to-change-lead...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/employment-challenges...Subdominio Texto duplicado Employment challenges for people with a learning disability and/or autism during the Covid-19 pandemic in Wales
/article/employment-challenges...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/the-role-and-experien...Subdominio Texto duplicado The role and experience of the job coach: The experience of a nationwide supported employment project
/article/the-role-and-experien...Subdominio Texto duplicado + Read More
/article/breaking-down-barrier...Subdominio Breaking down barriers - Supporting employment for young people with learning disabilities and/or autism
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Home - Engage to Change
The Engage to Change project has worked across Wales to support young people aged 16-25 who have a learning difficulty, learning disability and/or autism to achieve their full potential.

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Engage Change84%Check
Work Engage Change71%Check
Change project67%Check
Engage Change BBC67%Check
Change Influencing67%Check
or Autism63%Check
disability or63%Check
Engage Change Awards63%Check

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