- SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,23 s
Tamaño HTML
197,00 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
107 internos / 4 externos

Lista de tareas pendientes para mejorar tu SEO


(Extremadamente importante)
Film School Rejects: Movies, TV, Culture
La longitud del título es óptima (365 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
No se encuentra la meta descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El nombre del dominio es demasiado extenso.
El dominio no es un subdominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1
og:titleFilm School Rejects: Movies, TV, Culture
og:descriptionFeatured Review Home Video Pick of the Week Latest Articles A Small Ad How’d They Do That? More Perfect Shots Advertisement Editor’s Picks Spotlight: “Episodes”…
og:site_nameFilm School Rejects

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 819 palabras.
Un 34.2% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 3 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 16.2 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 16 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 1 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Best Horror Movies of 2024, So Far
data:[...] Base64Martin Scorsese Brings Out the Dead for Our Pick of the Week
data:[...] Base64Our Pick of the Week Heads Out to Wind River
data:[...] Base64Albert Brooks Films Our Home Video Pick of the Week
data:[...] Base64A Brief, Bloody History of How Gunshot Squibs Work
data:[...] Base64How They Parted the Red Sea in ‘The Ten Commandments’
data:[...] Base64How They Shot the Plane Zip-Line Stunt in ‘Cliffhanger’
data:[...] Base64Man vs Waterfall: The ‘Deliverance’ Stunt That Broke Burt Reynolds
data:[...] Base64How They Shot The Melting Effects in ‘The Devil’s Rain’
data:[...] Base64In the Belly of the Beast: How They Shot ‘Das Boot’
data:[...] Base64The Casual Film Lover’s Guide to the Bokeh Effect
data:[...] Base64How They Shot That Transformation Scene in ‘Sh! The Octopus’
data:[...] Base64Nonfics Logo Home
data:[...] Base64The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of The Star Wars Franchise
data:[...] Base64The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of the ‘Indiana Jones’ Franchise
data:[...] Base6430 Perfect Shots to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of ‘TMNT’
data:[...] Base64Breaking Down with ‘Broadcast News’
data:[...] Base64The 50 Best Shots of 2019
data:[...] Base6425 Beautiful Shots from the Films of Martin Scorsese
data:[...] Base647 Perfect Shots with ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Cinematographer Trent Opaloch
data:[...] Base64One Perfect Shot Presents The 100 Most Beautiful Shots of the Decade
data:[...] Base64Every Episode of ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Ranked
data:[...] Base6430 Female Directors Who Would Kill It At Blumhouse
data:[...] Base64Every Episode of ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Ranked
data:[...] Base64A Beginner’s Guide to Claire Denis
data:[...] Base64What Recent Science Fiction Movies Are Telling Us About The Future
data:[...] Base64The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of The Alien Franchise
data:[...] Base64The Melancholy of Don Bluth
data:[...] Base646 Filmmaking Tips from David Fincher
data:[...] Base64In ‘San Junipero,’ Heaven Is A Place On Earth
data:[...] Base64The ‘Lost’ Pilot Episode Just Keeps Getting Better With Age
data:[...] Base64The Heartfelt Long Con of ‘Better Call Saul’
data:[...] Base64One Early M*A*S*H Episode Proved That Sitcoms Can Break Our Hearts
data:[...] Base64Revisiting The ‘House’ Bus Crash That Shocked Viewers
data:[...] Base64Once Upon a Time, ‘Gilmore Girls’ Danced the Night Away
data:[...] Base64Let’s Revisit That Cathartic ‘Jessica Jones’ Showdown
data:[...] Base64Love and Creativity Die “A Dark Quiet Death” in Mythic Quest’s Standalone Episode

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Featured Review
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (15 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 55 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Featured Review
H2 Best Horror Movies of 2024, So Far
H2 Home Video Pick of the Week
H2 Martin Scorsese Brings Out the Dead for Our Pick of the Week
H2 Our Pick of the Week Heads Out to Wind River
H2 Albert Brooks Films Our Home Video Pick of the Week
H2 Latest Articles
H2 ‘V/H/S/Beyond’ Gives a Sci-Fi Tweak to the Found Footage Antics
H2 Canine Thrills Follow You Home In Our Pick of the Week
H2 ‘Ghost Killer’ Unleashes Masterful Action in a Supernatural Comedy
H2 Martin Scorsese Brings Out the Dead for Our Pick of the Week Texto duplicado
H2 Our Pick of the Week Heads Out to Wind River Texto duplicado
H2 ‘Rebel Ridge’ Is an Intense and Immensely Satisfying Rage Against the Machine
H2 Best Action Movies of 2024, So Far
H2 Best Horror Movies of 2024, So Far Texto duplicado
H2 How’d They Do That?
H2 A Brief, Bloody History of How Gunshot Squibs Work
H2 How They Parted the Red Sea in ‘The Ten Commandments’
H2 How They Shot the Plane Zip-Line Stunt in ‘Cliffhanger’
H2 Man vs Waterfall: The ‘Deliverance’ Stunt That Broke Burt Reynolds
H2 How They Shot The Melting Effects in ‘The Devil’s Rain’
H2 In the Belly of the Beast: How They Shot ‘Das Boot’
H2 The Casual Film Lover’s Guide to the Bokeh Effect
H2 How They Shot That Transformation Scene in ‘Sh! The Octopus’
H2 Do you like documentaries?
H2 More Perfect Shots
H2 The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of The Star Wars Franchise
H2 The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of the ‘Indiana Jones’ Franchise
H2 30 Perfect Shots to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of ‘TMNT’
H2 Breaking Down with ‘Broadcast News’
H2 The 50 Best Shots of 2019
H2 25 Beautiful Shots from the Films of Martin Scorsese
H2 7 Perfect Shots with ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Cinematographer Trent Opaloch
H2 One Perfect Shot Presents The 100 Most Beautiful Shots of the Decade
H2 Advertisement
H2 Editor’s Picks
H2 Every Episode of ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Ranked
H2 30 Female Directors Who Would Kill It At Blumhouse
H2 Every Episode of ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Ranked
H2 A Beginner’s Guide to Claire Denis
H2 What Recent Science Fiction Movies Are Telling Us About The Future
H2 The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of The Alien Franchise
H2 The Melancholy of Don Bluth
H2 6 Filmmaking Tips from David Fincher
H2 Spotlight: “Episodes”
H2 In ‘San Junipero,’ Heaven Is A Place On Earth
H2 The ‘Lost’ Pilot Episode Just Keeps Getting Better With Age
H2 The Heartfelt Long Con of ‘Better Call Saul’
H2 One Early M*A*S*H Episode Proved That Sitcoms Can Break Our Hearts
H2 Revisiting The ‘House’ Bus Crash That Shocked Viewers
H2 Once Upon a Time, ‘Gilmore Girls’ Danced the Night Away
H2 Let’s Revisit That Cathartic ‘Jessica Jones’ Showdown
H2 Love and Creativity Die “A Dark Quiet Death” in Mythic Quest’s Standalone Episode
H4 A Small Ad
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 4 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content Follow FSR on Twitter
/section/streaming/Streaming Guides
/topics/commentary/Commentary Commentary
/topics/ending-explained/Ending Explained
/topics/how/How’d They Do That?
/topics/movie-dna/Movie DNA
/topics/real-stories/Real Stories
/topics/great-performances/The Great Performances
/topics/the-queue/The Queue
/topics/through-a-native-lens/Through a Native Lens
/topics/world-builders/World Builders
/about/About FSR
/best-horror-movies-of-2024/IMG-ALT Best Horror Movies of 2024, So Far
/best-horror-movies-of-2024/Texto duplicado Best Horror Movies of 2024, So Far
/best-horror-movies-of-2024/Click here to read more…
/bringing-out-the-dead-4k-uhd-...IMG-ALT Martin Scorsese Brings Out the Dead for Our Pick of the Week
/bringing-out-the-dead-4k-uhd-...Texto duplicado Martin Scorsese Brings Out the Dead for Our Pick of the Week
/wind-river-4k-uhd/IMG-ALT Our Pick of the Week Heads Out to Wind River
/wind-river-4k-uhd/Texto duplicado Our Pick of the Week Heads Out to Wind River
/real-life-4k-criterion/IMG-ALT Albert Brooks Films Our Home Video Pick of the Week
/real-life-4k-criterion/Texto duplicado Albert Brooks Films Our Home Video Pick of the Week
/topics/home-video/More from this series ▶
/v-h-s-beyond-review/‘V/H/S/Beyond’ Gives a Sci-Fi Tweak to the Found Footage Antics
/a-dog-called-vengeance-bluray/Canine Thrills Follow You Home In Our Pick of the Week
/ghost-killer-review/‘Ghost Killer’ Unleashes Masterful Action in a Supernatural Comedy
/bringing-out-the-dead-4k-uhd-...Texto duplicado Martin Scorsese Brings Out the Dead for Our Pick of the Week
/wind-river-4k-uhd/Texto duplicado Our Pick of the Week Heads Out to Wind River
/rebel-ridge-review/‘Rebel Ridge’ Is an Intense and Immensely Satisfying Rage Against the Machine
/best-action-movies-of-2024/Best Action Movies of 2024, So Far
/best-horror-movies-of-2024/Texto duplicado Best Horror Movies of 2024, So Far
/how-squibs-work/IMG-ALT A Brief, Bloody History of How Gunshot Squibs Work
/how-squibs-work/Texto duplicado A Brief, Bloody History of How Gunshot Squibs Work
/ten-commandments-parting-the-...IMG-ALT How They Parted the Red Sea in ‘The Ten Commandments’
/ten-commandments-parting-the-...Texto duplicado How They Parted the Red Sea in ‘The Ten Commandments’
/cliffhanger-zip-line-stunt/IMG-ALT How They Shot the Plane Zip-Line Stunt in ‘Cliffhanger’
/cliffhanger-zip-line-stunt/Texto duplicado How They Shot the Plane Zip-Line Stunt in ‘Cliffhanger’
/deliverance-waterfall-stunt/IMG-ALT Man vs Waterfall: The ‘Deliverance’ Stunt That Broke Burt Reynolds
/deliverance-waterfall-stunt/Texto duplicado Man vs Waterfall: The ‘Deliverance’ Stunt That Broke Burt Reynolds
/devils-rain-melt-effects/IMG-ALT How They Shot The Melting Effects in ‘The Devil’s Rain’
/devils-rain-melt-effects/Texto duplicado How They Shot The Melting Effects in ‘The Devil’s Rain’
/how-they-shot-das-boot/IMG-ALT In the Belly of the Beast: How They Shot ‘Das Boot’
/how-they-shot-das-boot/Texto duplicado In the Belly of the Beast: How They Shot ‘Das Boot’
/bokeh-effect-explained/IMG-ALT The Casual Film Lover’s Guide to the Bokeh Effect
/bokeh-effect-explained/Texto duplicado The Casual Film Lover’s Guide to the Bokeh Effect
/sh-the-octopus-transformation/IMG-ALT How They Shot That Transformation Scene in ‘Sh! The Octopus’
/sh-the-octopus-transformation/Texto duplicado How They Shot That Transformation Scene in ‘Sh! The Octopus’
/topics/how/Texto duplicado More from this series ▶ Subdominio Watch the docuseries on Max Follow the Twitter account Subdominio Visit the new Nonfics
/star-wars-shots/IMG-ALT The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of The Star Wars Franchise
/star-wars-shots/Texto duplicado The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of The Star Wars Franchise
/indiana-jones-franchise-shots/IMG-ALT The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of the ‘Indiana Jones’ Franchise
/indiana-jones-franchise-shots/Texto duplicado The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of the ‘Indiana Jones’ Franchise
/30-perfect-shots-tmnt/IMG-ALT 30 Perfect Shots to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of ‘TMNT’
/30-perfect-shots-tmnt/Texto duplicado 30 Perfect Shots to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of ‘TMNT’
/broadcast-news/IMG-ALT Breaking Down with ‘Broadcast News’
/broadcast-news/Texto duplicado Breaking Down with ‘Broadcast News’
/best-shots-2019/IMG-ALT The 50 Best Shots of 2019
/best-shots-2019/Texto duplicado The 50 Best Shots of 2019
/martin-scorsese-shots/IMG-ALT 25 Beautiful Shots from the Films of Martin Scorsese
/martin-scorsese-shots/Texto duplicado 25 Beautiful Shots from the Films of Martin Scorsese
/avengers-endgame-cinematograp...IMG-ALT 7 Perfect Shots with ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Cinematographer Trent Opaloch
/avengers-endgame-cinematograp...Texto duplicado 7 Perfect Shots with ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Cinematographer Trent Opaloch
/most-beautiful-shots-of-the-d...IMG-ALT One Perfect Shot Presents The 100 Most Beautiful Shots of the Decade
/most-beautiful-shots-of-the-d...Texto duplicado One Perfect Shot Presents The 100 Most Beautiful Shots of the Decade
/topics/one-perfect-shot/Texto duplicado More from this series ▶
/every-episode-of-its-always-s...IMG-ALT Every Episode of ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Ranked
/every-episode-of-its-always-s...Texto duplicado Every Episode of ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Ranked
/female-directors-who-would-ki...IMG-ALT 30 Female Directors Who Would Kill It At Blumhouse
/female-directors-who-would-ki...Texto duplicado 30 Female Directors Who Would Kill It At Blumhouse
/every-episode-of-avatar-the-l...IMG-ALT Every Episode of ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Ranked
/every-episode-of-avatar-the-l...Texto duplicado Every Episode of ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ Ranked
/beginners-guide-to-claire-denis/IMG-ALT A Beginner’s Guide to Claire Denis
/beginners-guide-to-claire-denis/Texto duplicado A Beginner’s Guide to Claire Denis
/science-fiction-futurism/IMG-ALT What Recent Science Fiction Movies Are Telling Us About The Future
/science-fiction-futurism/Texto duplicado What Recent Science Fiction Movies Are Telling Us About The Future
/50-most-beautiful-shots-alien...IMG-ALT The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of The Alien Franchise
/50-most-beautiful-shots-alien...Texto duplicado The 50 Most Beautiful Shots of The Alien Franchise
/the-melancholy-of-don-bluth-1...IMG-ALT The Melancholy of Don Bluth
/the-melancholy-of-don-bluth-1...Texto duplicado The Melancholy of Don Bluth
/6-filmmaking-tips-from-david-...IMG-ALT 6 Filmmaking Tips from David Fincher
/6-filmmaking-tips-from-david-...Texto duplicado 6 Filmmaking Tips from David Fincher
/black-mirror-san-junipero/IMG-ALT In ‘San Junipero,’ Heaven Is A Place On Earth
/black-mirror-san-junipero/Texto duplicado In ‘San Junipero,’ Heaven Is A Place On Earth
/lost-pilot-episode/IMG-ALT The ‘Lost’ Pilot Episode Just Keeps Getting Better With Age
/lost-pilot-episode/Texto duplicado The ‘Lost’ Pilot Episode Just Keeps Getting Better With Age
/better-call-saul-finale-episo...IMG-ALT The Heartfelt Long Con of ‘Better Call Saul’
/better-call-saul-finale-episo...Texto duplicado The Heartfelt Long Con of ‘Better Call Saul’
/mash-episodes-sometimes-you-h...IMG-ALT One Early M*A*S*H Episode Proved That Sitcoms Can Break Our Hearts
/mash-episodes-sometimes-you-h...Texto duplicado One Early M*A*S*H Episode Proved That Sitcoms Can Break Our Hearts
/house-bush-crash-episode/IMG-ALT Revisiting The ‘House’ Bus Crash That Shocked Viewers
/house-bush-crash-episode/Texto duplicado Revisiting The ‘House’ Bus Crash That Shocked Viewers
/gilmore-girls-best-episode/IMG-ALT Once Upon a Time, ‘Gilmore Girls’ Danced the Night Away
/gilmore-girls-best-episode/Texto duplicado Once Upon a Time, ‘Gilmore Girls’ Danced the Night Away
/episodes-jessica-jones-aka-sm...IMG-ALT Let’s Revisit That Cathartic ‘Jessica Jones’ Showdown
/episodes-jessica-jones-aka-sm...Texto duplicado Let’s Revisit That Cathartic ‘Jessica Jones’ Showdown
/mythic-quest-a-dark-quiet-death/IMG-ALT Love and Creativity Die “A Dark Quiet Death” in Mythic Quest’s Standalone Episode
/mythic-quest-a-dark-quiet-death/Texto duplicado Love and Creativity Die “A Dark Quiet Death” in Mythic Quest’s Standalone Episode
/topics/episodes/Texto duplicado More from this series ▶

Configuración del servidor

Redirecciones HTTP
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página redirige a "".
Cabecera HTTP
La cabecera X-Powered-by se envía innecesariamente en la cabecera de la página.
Esta página utiliza GZip para la transmisión de datos comprimidos.
(Poco importante)
El tiempo de respuesta de la página HTML es excelente: 0,23 segundos, y se sitúa por debajo de los 0,40 segundos.
El tamaño HTML de la página es adecuado: 197 kB.

Cabecera HTTP

dateFri, 27 Sep 2024 13:46:26 GMT
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last-modifiedFri, 27 Sep 2024 00:56:58 GMT

Factores externos

Listas negras
Esta página no está clasificada como “contenido para adultos”.
Wikipedia enlaza esta página en sus fuentes.
Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 9.013 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 202.823 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 5.164 direcciones IP distintas.
Popularidad en Facebook
(Poco importante)
Esta página tiene 0 compartir y comentarios en Facebook.


# ---------------------------
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# ---------------------------

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Movies 202451%Check
Horror Movies50%Check
Film School49%Check

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