# This virtual robots.txt file was created by the Virtual Robots.txt WordPress plugin: https://www.wordpress.org/plugins/pc-robotstxt/ # This virtual robots.txt file was created by the Virtual Robots.txt WordPress plugin: https://www.wordpress.org/plugins/pc-robotstxt/ User-agent: * Disallow: /lastform/ Disallow: /cgi-bin Disallow: /?s= Disallow: *&s= Disallow: /search Disallow: /author/ Disallow: *?attachment_id= Disallow: */embed Allow: /wp-content/uploads/ Allow: /wp-content/themes/ Allow: /*/*.js Allow: /*/*.css Allow: /wp-*.png Allow: /wp-*.jpg Allow: /wp-*.jpeg Allow: /wp-*.gif Allow: /wp-*.svg Allow: /wp-*.pdf Disallow: /wp-admin/ Disallow: /wp-includes/ Disallow: /trackback/ Disallow: /wp-login.php Disallow: /wp-register.php Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Allow: /wp-includes/js/ Allow: /wp-includes/images/ Sitemap: https://www.gewerbeanmeldung.com/robots.txt
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