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(Extremadamente importante)
Gourmet Gift Baskets & More: Wine, Champagne, Spa – GiftTree
Con 585 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Discover the best gift baskets for your special occasion. Give a unique and memorable moment. Send an impressive gourmet food and wine gift from GiftTree!
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (975 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
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URL de la página
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descriptionDiscover the best gift baskets for your special occasion. Give a unique and memorable moment. Send an impressive gourmet food and wine gift from GiftTree!
twitter:titleGourmet Gift Baskets & More: Wine, Champagne, Spa
twitter:descriptionDiscover the best gift baskets for your special occasion. Give a unique and memorable moment. Send an impressive gourmet food and wine gift from GiftTree!
og:titleGourmet Gift Baskets & More: Wine, Champagne, Spa
og:descriptionDiscover the best gift baskets for your special occasion. Give a unique and memorable moment. Send an impressive gourmet food and wine gift from GiftTree!

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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 3659 palabras.
Un 22.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 9 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 14.55 palabras.
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No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
Con 1534.9 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=no).
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Optimización de imágenes
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Redes Sociales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
El encabezado H1 esta compuesto por una sola palabra. Podrías ampliarlo con más información.
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (8 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 219 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 GiftTree
H2 Your cart is empty
H2 My Cart
H2 Subtotal
H2 Fine Wines &
H2 Gourmet Gift Baskets
H2 Encabezado vacío
H2 Deliver the Perfect Tasting
H2 Noteworthy Wines and Perfect Pairings. Discover Our Wine Gift Collection.
H2 Shop By Occasion
H2 Spread Joy for the Holidays!
H2 Why GiftTree?
H2 Business Gifting Made Effortless
H2 Shop GiftTree with confidence.
H2 Sign Up for Emails
H2 Shop With Gifttree
H2 Help & Info
H2 Our Company
H2 Your Account
H2 Country/region
H3 As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
H3 As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket
H3 The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Cookies Basket
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Cookies Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket
H3 Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates Texto duplicado
H3 Toast of California Wine Basket
H3 Toast of California Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Metropolitan Gourmet Gift Basket
H3 Metropolitan Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Royal Treatment Wine Basket with Founder's Vine Pinot Noir
H3 Royal Treatment Wine Basket with Founder's Vine Pinot Noir Texto duplicado
H3 Italian Cheese & Charcuterie
H3 Italian Cheese & Charcuterie Texto duplicado
H3 Manhattan Gourmet Gift Basket
H3 Manhattan Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Encore Gourmet Gift Basket
H3 Encore Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 As Good As Gold Grand Gift Basket
H3 As Good As Gold Grand Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Cookies Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Cookies Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Metropolitan Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Metropolitan Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Broadway Chocolatier
H3 Broadway Chocolatier Texto duplicado
H3 Encore Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Encore Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates Texto duplicado
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates Texto duplicado
H3 Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
H3 Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Cheers Gift Box with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
H3 Cheers Gift Box with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve Texto duplicado
H3 Manhattan Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Manhattan Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate
H3 Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Hampton's Country Estate Wine Basket
H3 Hampton's Country Estate Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Metropolitan Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Metropolitan Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Broadway Chocolatier Texto duplicado
H3 Broadway Chocolatier Texto duplicado
H3 Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
H3 Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate
H3 Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Toast of California Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Toast of California Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Party in the Park Gift Box with Wine
H3 Party in the Park Gift Box with Wine Texto duplicado
H3 Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 California Classic Wine Basket
H3 California Classic Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Adelsheim Wine Duet with Fine Tools
H3 Adelsheim Wine Duet with Fine Tools Texto duplicado
H3 Royal Treatment Wine Basket with Founder's Vine Pinot Noir Texto duplicado
H3 Royal Treatment Wine Basket with Founder's Vine Pinot Noir Texto duplicado
H3 Sommelier's Selection Dinner Party Wine Crate
H3 Sommelier's Selection Dinner Party Wine Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Hampton's Country Estate Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Hampton's Country Estate Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue Classic Wine Basket
H3 The 5th Avenue Classic Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Toast of California Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Toast of California Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Select Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Basket
H3 Select Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board
H3 Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board Texto duplicado
H3 Chef's Choice Picnic Basket
H3 Chef's Choice Picnic Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Gourmet Cheese & Charcuterie on Marble Wood Board
H3 Gourmet Cheese & Charcuterie on Marble Wood Board Texto duplicado
H3 Artisan Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Menu
H3 Artisan Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Menu Texto duplicado
H3 Italian Cheese & Charcuterie Texto duplicado
H3 Italian Cheese & Charcuterie Texto duplicado
H3 Fresh Fruit Trio, Cheese & Renoir Estates Pinot Noir Gift Box
H3 Fresh Fruit Trio, Cheese & Renoir Estates Pinot Noir Gift Box Texto duplicado
H3 Fresh Fruit Duo and Cheese Gift Box
H3 Fresh Fruit Duo and Cheese Gift Box Texto duplicado
H3 Dark and Decadent Gift Box
H3 Dark and Decadent Gift Box Texto duplicado
H3 Party in the Park Picnic Gift Box
H3 Party in the Park Picnic Gift Box Texto duplicado
H3 Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Select Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Select Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board Texto duplicado
H3 Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board Texto duplicado
H3 Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket
H3 Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Winter Wonderland Truffle Tin with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
H3 Winter Wonderland Truffle Tin with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve Texto duplicado
H3 Veuve Clicquot Rosé & Bissinger's French Connection Chocolates
H3 Veuve Clicquot Rosé & Bissinger's French Connection Chocolates Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
H3 The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve Texto duplicado
H3 Dom Pérignon Champagne Gift Basket
H3 Dom Pérignon Champagne Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Veuve Clicquot Duo Champagne Crate
H3 Veuve Clicquot Duo Champagne Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Champagne Wishes Gift Basket with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Rosé
H3 Champagne Wishes Gift Basket with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Rosé Texto duplicado
H3 Sparkling Indulgence LINDOR Truffle Gift Tower
H3 Sparkling Indulgence LINDOR Truffle Gift Tower Texto duplicado
H3 Classic LINDOR Truffle Box with Veuve Clicquot
H3 Classic LINDOR Truffle Box with Veuve Clicquot Texto duplicado
H3 Cheers Gift Box with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve Texto duplicado
H3 Cheers Gift Box with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve Texto duplicado
H3 Veuve Clicquot Rosé Cheers to You Champagne Gift Box
H3 Veuve Clicquot Rosé Cheers to You Champagne Gift Box Texto duplicado
H3 Chateau Montmore Reserve Brut Sparkling and Chocolate Pairing
H3 Chateau Montmore Reserve Brut Sparkling and Chocolate Pairing Texto duplicado
H3 Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Winter Wonderland Truffle Tin with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve Texto duplicado
H3 Winter Wonderland Truffle Tin with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve Texto duplicado
H3 Veuve Clicquot Rosé & Bissinger's French Connection Chocolates Texto duplicado
H3 Veuve Clicquot Rosé & Bissinger's French Connection Chocolates Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve Texto duplicado
H3 The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve Texto duplicado
H3 A Thousand Thanks Gift Basket
H3 A Thousand Thanks Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Thank You As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
H3 Thank You As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Thank You Message on a Bottle
H3 Thank You Message on a Bottle Texto duplicado
H3 Five Star Premium Grade Fruit Basket
H3 Five Star Premium Grade Fruit Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Silver Oak Napa Valley Cabernet Wine Basket
H3 Silver Oak Napa Valley Cabernet Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Thank You Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket
H3 Thank You Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate Texto duplicado
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Cookies Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Cookies Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Premier Selection
H3 Premier Selection Texto duplicado
H3 Thank You Encore Gourmet Gift Basket
H3 Thank You Encore Gourmet Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates Texto duplicado
H3 Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates Texto duplicado
H3 A Thousand Thanks Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 A Thousand Thanks Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Thank You As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Thank You As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket Texto duplicado
H3 Thank You Message on a Bottle Texto duplicado
H3 Thank You Message on a Bottle Texto duplicado
H3 Love
H3 Crafted Notecards
H3 Expertise
H4 From start to finish, our gifts are special. Just like the person you're giving it to.
H4 Contact a Business Gift Advisor!
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A-TITLE As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
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A-TITLE The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates
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A-TITLE Toast of California Wine Basket
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A-TITLE Metropolitan Gourmet Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Royal Treatment Wine Basket with Founder's Vine Pinot Noir
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A-TITLE Manhattan Gourmet Gift Basket
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A-TITLE As Good As Gold Grand Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket
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A-TITLE As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Broadway Chocolatier
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A-TITLE Encore Gourmet Gift Basket
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A-TITLE The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates
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/products/premium-grade-fruit-...Texto duplicado Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates
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A-TITLE Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
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/products/picnic-in-the-park-w...Texto duplicado Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Cheers Gift Box with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
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/products/cheers-goodness-gift...Texto duplicado Cheers Gift Box with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
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A-TITLE Manhattan Gourmet Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate
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/products/cheese-charcuterie-p...Texto duplicado Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate
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A-TITLE Hampton's Country Estate Wine Basket
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A-TITLE As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
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/products/as-good-as-gold-gift...Texto duplicado As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Metropolitan Gourmet Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket
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/products/golden-gourmet-class...Texto duplicado Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Broadway Chocolatier
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A-TITLE Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
/products/royal-treatment-two-...Texto duplicado Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
/products/royal-treatment-two-...Texto duplicado Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
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A-TITLE Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate
/products/silver-oak-alexander...Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate
/products/silver-oak-alexander...Texto duplicado Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate
/products/toast-of-california-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Toast of California Wine Basket
A-TITLE Toast of California Wine Basket
/products/toast-of-california-...Texto duplicado Toast of California Wine Basket
/products/toast-of-california-...Texto duplicado Toast of California Wine Basket
/products/the-5th-avenue-grand...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket
A-TITLE The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket
/products/the-5th-avenue-grand...Texto duplicado The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket
/products/the-5th-avenue-grand...Texto duplicado The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Party in the Park Gift Box with Wine
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/products/party-in-the-park-gi...Texto duplicado Party in the Park Gift Box with Wine
/products/picnic-in-the-park-w...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
A-TITLE Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
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/products/picnic-in-the-park-w...Texto duplicado Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
/products/california-classic-w...IMG-ALT California Classic Wine Basket
A-TITLE California Classic Wine Basket
/products/california-classic-w...Texto duplicado California Classic Wine Basket
/products/california-classic-w...Texto duplicado California Classic Wine Basket
/products/adelsheim-wine-duet-...IMG-ALT Adelsheim Wine Duet with Fine Tools
A-TITLE Adelsheim Wine Duet with Fine Tools
/products/adelsheim-wine-duet-...Texto duplicado Adelsheim Wine Duet with Fine Tools
/products/adelsheim-wine-duet-...Texto duplicado Adelsheim Wine Duet with Fine Tools
/products/royal-treatment-gift...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Royal Treatment Wine Basket with Founder's Vine Pinot Noir
A-TITLE Royal Treatment Wine Basket with Founder's Vine Pinot Noir
/products/royal-treatment-gift...Texto duplicado Royal Treatment Wine Basket with Founder's Vine Pinot Noir
/products/royal-treatment-gift...Texto duplicado Royal Treatment Wine Basket with Founder's Vine Pinot Noir
/products/dinner-party-wine-cr...IMG-ALT Sommelier's Selection
A-TITLE Sommelier's Selection Dinner Party Wine Crate
/products/dinner-party-wine-cr...Sommelier's Selection Dinner Party Wine Crate
/products/dinner-party-wine-cr...Texto duplicado Sommelier's Selection Dinner Party Wine Crate
/products/hamptons-country-est...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Hampton's Country Estate Wine Basket
A-TITLE Hampton's Country Estate Wine Basket
/products/hamptons-country-est...Texto duplicado Hampton's Country Estate Wine Basket
/products/hamptons-country-est...Texto duplicado Hampton's Country Estate Wine Basket
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A-TITLE The 5th Avenue Classic Wine Basket
/products/the-5th-avenue-class...Texto duplicado The 5th Avenue Classic Wine Basket
/products/the-5th-avenue-class...Texto duplicado The 5th Avenue Classic Wine Basket
/products/royal-treatment-two-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
A-TITLE Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
/products/royal-treatment-two-...Texto duplicado Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
/products/royal-treatment-two-...Texto duplicado Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
/products/silver-oak-alexander...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate Gift
A-TITLE Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate
/products/silver-oak-alexander...Texto duplicado Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate
/products/silver-oak-alexander...Texto duplicado Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate
/products/toast-of-california-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Toast of California Wine Basket
A-TITLE Toast of California Wine Basket
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/products/toast-of-california-...Texto duplicado Toast of California Wine Basket
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A-TITLE The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket
/products/the-5th-avenue-grand...Texto duplicado The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket
/products/the-5th-avenue-grand...Texto duplicado The 5th Avenue Grand Wine Gift Basket
/collections/wine-giftsView All Wine Gifts
/products/picnic-in-the-park-w...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
A-TITLE Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
/products/picnic-in-the-park-w...Texto duplicado Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
/products/picnic-in-the-park-w...Texto duplicado Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Select Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Basket
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/products/select-charcuterie-a...Texto duplicado Select Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Basket
/products/cheese-charcuterie-p...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate
A-TITLE Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate
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/products/cheese-charcuterie-p...Texto duplicado Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate
/products/classic-cheese-and-c...IMG-ALT Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board
A-TITLE Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board
/products/classic-cheese-and-c...Texto duplicado Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board
/products/classic-cheese-and-c...Texto duplicado Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board
/products/chefs-choice-picnic-...IMG-ALT Chef's Choice Picnic Basket Gift
A-TITLE Chef's Choice Picnic Basket
/products/chefs-choice-picnic-...Chef's Choice Picnic Basket
/products/chefs-choice-picnic-...Texto duplicado Chef's Choice Picnic Basket
/products/gourmet-cheese-charc...IMG-ALT Gourmet Cheese & Charcuterie on Marble Wood Board
A-TITLE Gourmet Cheese & Charcuterie on Marble Wood Board
/products/gourmet-cheese-charc...Texto duplicado Gourmet Cheese & Charcuterie on Marble Wood Board
/products/gourmet-cheese-charc...Texto duplicado Gourmet Cheese & Charcuterie on Marble Wood Board
/products/artisan-cheese-charc...IMG-ALT Artisan Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Menu Gift Hamper
A-TITLE Artisan Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Menu
/products/artisan-cheese-charc...Artisan Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Menu
/products/artisan-cheese-charc...Texto duplicado Artisan Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Menu
/products/italian-cheese-charc...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Italian Cheese & Charcuterie
A-TITLE Italian Cheese & Charcuterie
/products/italian-cheese-charc...Texto duplicado Italian Cheese & Charcuterie
/products/italian-cheese-charc...Texto duplicado Italian Cheese & Charcuterie
/products/fresh-fruit-trio-che...IMG-ALT Fresh Fruit Trio, Cheese & Renoir Estates Pinot Noir Gift Box
A-TITLE Fresh Fruit Trio, Cheese & Renoir Estates Pinot Noir Gift Box
/products/fresh-fruit-trio-che...Texto duplicado Fresh Fruit Trio, Cheese & Renoir Estates Pinot Noir Gift Box
/products/fresh-fruit-trio-che...Texto duplicado Fresh Fruit Trio, Cheese & Renoir Estates Pinot Noir Gift Box
/products/fresh-fruit-duo-and-...IMG-ALT Fresh Fruit Duo and Cheese Gift Box
A-TITLE Fresh Fruit Duo and Cheese Gift Box
/products/fresh-fruit-duo-and-...Texto duplicado Fresh Fruit Duo and Cheese Gift Box
/products/fresh-fruit-duo-and-...Texto duplicado Fresh Fruit Duo and Cheese Gift Box
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A-TITLE Dark and Decadent Gift Box
/products/dark-and-decadent-gi...Texto duplicado Dark and Decadent Gift Box
/products/dark-and-decadent-gi...Texto duplicado Dark and Decadent Gift Box
/products/party-in-the-park-pi...IMG-ALT Party in the Park Picnic Gift Box
A-TITLE Party in the Park Picnic Gift Box
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/products/party-in-the-park-pi...Texto duplicado Party in the Park Picnic Gift Box
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A-TITLE Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
/products/picnic-in-the-park-w...Texto duplicado Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
/products/picnic-in-the-park-w...Texto duplicado Picnic in the Park Wine Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Select Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Basket
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/products/select-charcuterie-a...Texto duplicado Select Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Basket
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A-TITLE Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate
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/products/cheese-charcuterie-p...Texto duplicado Cheese & Charcuterie Picnic Crate
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A-TITLE Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board
/products/classic-cheese-and-c...Texto duplicado Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board
/products/classic-cheese-and-c...Texto duplicado Classic Cheese and Charcuterie Board
/collections/epicurean-cheese-...View All Cheese & Charcuterie
/products/veuve-clicquot-tasti...IMG-ALT Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket
A-TITLE Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket
/products/veuve-clicquot-tasti...Texto duplicado Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket
/products/veuve-clicquot-tasti...Texto duplicado Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket
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A-TITLE Winter Wonderland Truffle Tin with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/winter-wonderland-tr...Texto duplicado Winter Wonderland Truffle Tin with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/winter-wonderland-tr...Texto duplicado Winter Wonderland Truffle Tin with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
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A-TITLE Veuve Clicquot Rosé & Bissinger's French Connection Chocolates
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/products/veuve-clicquot-rose-...Texto duplicado Veuve Clicquot Rosé & Bissinger's French Connection Chocolates
/products/the-5th-avenue-with-...IMG-ALT The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
A-TITLE The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/the-5th-avenue-with-...Texto duplicado The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/the-5th-avenue-with-...Texto duplicado The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
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A-TITLE Dom Pérignon Champagne Gift Basket
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/products/dom-perignon-champag...Texto duplicado Dom Pérignon Champagne Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Veuve Clicquot Duo Champagne Crate
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/products/veuve-clicquot-duo-c...Texto duplicado Veuve Clicquot Duo Champagne Crate
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A-TITLE Champagne Wishes Gift Basket with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Rosé
/products/champagne-wishes-gif...Champagne Wishes Gift Basket with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Rosé
/products/champagne-wishes-gif...Texto duplicado Champagne Wishes Gift Basket with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Rosé
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A-TITLE Sparkling Indulgence LINDOR Truffle Gift Tower
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/products/classic-lindor-truff...IMG-ALT Classic LINDOR Truffle Box with Veuve Clicquot
A-TITLE Classic LINDOR Truffle Box with Veuve Clicquot
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/products/classic-lindor-truff...Texto duplicado Classic LINDOR Truffle Box with Veuve Clicquot
/products/cheers-goodness-gift...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Cheers Goodness Gift Box
A-TITLE Cheers Gift Box with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/cheers-goodness-gift...Texto duplicado Cheers Gift Box with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/cheers-goodness-gift...Texto duplicado Cheers Gift Box with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/veuve-clicquot-rose-...IMG-ALT Veuve Clicquot Rosé Cheers Champagne Gift Box
A-TITLE Veuve Clicquot Rosé Cheers to You Champagne Gift Box
/products/veuve-clicquot-rose-...Veuve Clicquot Rosé Cheers to You Champagne Gift Box
/products/veuve-clicquot-rose-...Texto duplicado Veuve Clicquot Rosé Cheers to You Champagne Gift Box
/products/luxe-champagne-and-c...IMG-ALT Luxe Champagne and Chocolate Pairing
A-TITLE Chateau Montmore Reserve Brut Sparkling and Chocolate Pairing
/products/luxe-champagne-and-c...Chateau Montmore Reserve Brut Sparkling and Chocolate Pairing
/products/luxe-champagne-and-c...Texto duplicado Chateau Montmore Reserve Brut Sparkling and Chocolate Pairing
/products/veuve-clicquot-tasti...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket
A-TITLE Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket
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/products/veuve-clicquot-tasti...Texto duplicado Veuve Clicquot Tasting Basket
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A-TITLE Winter Wonderland Truffle Tin with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/winter-wonderland-tr...Texto duplicado Winter Wonderland Truffle Tin with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/winter-wonderland-tr...Texto duplicado Winter Wonderland Truffle Tin with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/veuve-clicquot-rose-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Veuve Clicquot Rosé & Bissinger's French Connection Chocolates
A-TITLE Veuve Clicquot Rosé & Bissinger's French Connection Chocolates
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/products/veuve-clicquot-rose-...Texto duplicado Veuve Clicquot Rosé & Bissinger's French Connection Chocolates
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A-TITLE The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/the-5th-avenue-with-...Texto duplicado The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/products/the-5th-avenue-with-...Texto duplicado The 5th Avenue with Chateau Montmore Sparkling Reserve
/collections/champagne-giftsView All Champagne Gifts
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A-TITLE A Thousand Thanks Gift Basket
/products/a-thousand-thanks-gi...Texto duplicado A Thousand Thanks Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Thank You As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
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/products/thank-you-as-good-as...Texto duplicado Thank You As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
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A-TITLE Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
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/products/royal-treatment-two-...Texto duplicado Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
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A-TITLE Thank You Message on a Bottle
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/products/thank-you-message-on...Texto duplicado Thank You Message on a Bottle
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A-TITLE Five Star Premium Grade Fruit Basket
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/products/five-star-premium-gr...Texto duplicado Five Star Premium Grade Fruit Basket
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A-TITLE Silver Oak Napa Valley Cabernet Wine Basket
/products/silver-oak-cabernet-...Texto duplicado Silver Oak Napa Valley Cabernet Wine Basket
/products/silver-oak-cabernet-...Texto duplicado Silver Oak Napa Valley Cabernet Wine Basket
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A-TITLE Thank You Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket
/products/thank-you-golden-gou...Texto duplicado Thank You Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket
/products/thank-you-golden-gou...Texto duplicado Thank You Golden Gourmet Classic Gift Basket
/products/silver-oak-alexander...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate Gift
A-TITLE Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate
/products/silver-oak-alexander...Texto duplicado Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate
/products/silver-oak-alexander...Texto duplicado Silver Oak Alexander Valley Wine Crate
/products/premium-grade-fruit-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Premium Grade Fruit and Cookies Gift Basket
A-TITLE Premium Grade Fruit and Cookies Basket
/products/premium-grade-fruit-...Texto duplicado Premium Grade Fruit and Cookies Basket
/products/premium-grade-fruit-...Texto duplicado Premium Grade Fruit and Cookies Basket
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A-TITLE Premier Selection
/products/the-premier-selectionTexto duplicado Premier Selection
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A-TITLE Thank You Encore Gourmet Gift Basket
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/products/thank-you-encore-gou...Texto duplicado Thank You Encore Gourmet Gift Basket
/products/premium-grade-fruit-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates
A-TITLE Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates
/products/premium-grade-fruit-...Texto duplicado Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates
/products/premium-grade-fruit-...Texto duplicado Premium Grade Fruit and Gourmet Chocolates
/products/a-thousand-thanks-gi...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT A Thousand Thanks Gift Basket
A-TITLE A Thousand Thanks Gift Basket
/products/a-thousand-thanks-gi...Texto duplicado A Thousand Thanks Gift Basket
/products/a-thousand-thanks-gi...Texto duplicado A Thousand Thanks Gift Basket
/products/thank-you-as-good-as...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Thank You As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
A-TITLE Thank You As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
/products/thank-you-as-good-as...Texto duplicado Thank You As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
/products/thank-you-as-good-as...Texto duplicado Thank You As Good As Gold Classic Gift Basket
/products/royal-treatment-two-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
A-TITLE Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
/products/royal-treatment-two-...Texto duplicado Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
/products/royal-treatment-two-...Texto duplicado Royal Treatment Two Bottle Wine Basket
/products/thank-you-message-on...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Thank You Message on a Bottle
A-TITLE Thank You Message on a Bottle
/products/thank-you-message-on...Texto duplicado Thank You Message on a Bottle
/products/thank-you-message-on...Texto duplicado Thank You Message on a Bottle
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/collections/thinking-of-you-g...Sin texto
/collections/thinking-of-you-g...Thinking Of You Gifts
/collections/holiday-gift-guideTexto duplicado Shop Now
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/collections/gift-basketsShop Gift Baskets
/collections/wine-gift-basketsShop Wine Gift
/collections/epicurean-cheese-...Shop Cheese & Charcuterie
/collections/gift-basketsTexto duplicado Gift Baskets
/collections/wine-gift-basketsTexto duplicado Wine Gift Baskets
/collections/champagne-gift-ba...Texto duplicado Champagne Gift Baskets
/collections/fruit-basketsFruit Gift Baskets
/collections/birthday-gift-bas...Birthday Gift Baskets
/collections/thank-you-gift-ba...Thank You Gift Baskets
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/collections/sympathy-gift-bas...Sympathy Gift Baskets
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/collections/holiday-gift-basketsHoliday Gift Baskets
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Gourmet Gift Baskets & More: Wine, Champagne, Spa – GiftTree
Discover the best gift baskets for your special occasion. Give a unique and memorable moment. Send an impressive gourmet food and wine gift from GiftTree!

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Gift Basket78%Check
Gourmet Gift78%Check
Wine Gift78%Check
Gift Baskets77%Check
Gourmet Gift Basket74%Check
Wine Gift Basket74%Check

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