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Home | GSK
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
At GSK, we unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (499 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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URL de la página
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descriptionAt GSK, we unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together
twitter:titleHome | GSK
twitter:descriptionAt GSK, we unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together
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og:descriptionAt GSK, we unite science, technology and talent to get ahead of disease together

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(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1714 palabras.
Un 29.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 14 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 19.65 palabras.
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 7 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
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Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffGSK Tech Human Image
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffOutstanding people
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffScientist works in a futurist vaccine laboratory for GSK
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffTony Wood
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffLab technician leaning against wall
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffTwo scientists on orange background
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffLab technician smiling
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffGSK orange texture
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffLab machinery
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffCase of vials
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffScientist works in a futurist vaccine laboratory for GSK
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffLab test equipment
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffOutstanding people
...stretch&width=329&height=185&bgcolor=fffLab technician smiling de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT portrait - light background - 8 smiling smiling conversing over skeletal formulae
/assets/img/pinch-white-bg.svgpinch icon
...k_precisionpoint_1280x720_trust_andy.jpgGSK Precisionpoint 1280X720 Trust Andy
/media/10381/katie-still.jpgMeet Katie
...k_precisionpoint_1280x720_trust_mark.jpgGSK Precisionpoint 1280X720 Trust Mark Dana
..._small_1280x720_employee_rn_2_white1.pngMeet Samuel: helping get medicines to our patients
...twist_small_1280x720_employee_alison.jpgGSK Twist Small 1280X720 Employee Alison
/media/9545/web14-header-hct_5328.jpgBaby laughing
...-header-gsk_rix_24_10_18_p_d2_s1_128.jpgScientist inspecting a vial
/media/10976/rainbow-gsk-irvine.jpgSolar panels with a rainbow in Irvine
...eb16-header-stvg_2_2022_port_13_hess.jpgScientist in laboratory
...ia/9544/ware_3_2022_prodqc_38_hess-1.jpgGroup of scientists in the lab
...ia/9543/ware_3_2022_prodqc_21_hess-1.jpgScientist in conversation
/assets/img/back-to-to-arrow.svgBack to top
URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
El encabezado H1 esta compuesto por una sola palabra. Podrías ampliarlo con más información.
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (9 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 34 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Investors
H2 GSK delivers second quarter 2024 results​
H2 Our purpose
H2 Discover how we're getting ahead
H2 How we help people thrive
H2 Outstanding people
H2 Positively impacting society and the planet
H2 In the spotlight
H2 London
H3 ‘The roar I hear is the next stage of the rocket firing’: MAPS technology and the new age of vaccine development
H3 ‘Patients can breathe easier today’: Scientific advances in asthma and COPD care could prevent irreversible lung damage
H3 Robots, AI, and machine learning: how smart manufacturing is getting medicines and vaccines from factories to patients faster
H3 'Prevention is the best medicine to stop disease before it starts'
H3 ‘Global health progress is vital for millions of lives, but it isn’t going fast enough. Here’s what we need to do to get things back on track’
H3 ‘You can’t be what you can’t see’: Why diversity in STEM is key to greater medical innovation
H3 The ‘tripledemic’ will hit older people hard this winter – but there are things we can all do to reduce the impact
H3 Culture
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Growth
H3 Diversity, equity and inclusion
H3 Wellbeing
H3 Access
H3 Global health and health security
H3 Environment
H3 Diversity, equity and inclusion Texto duplicado
H3 Ethical standards
H3 Product governance
H3 Innovation
H3 Partners
H3 Media
H3 Investors Texto duplicado
H3 Share price at 01 August 2024 16:39
H3 Share price at 01 August 2024 16:00
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 14 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to Content ancla Skip to Search
/en-gb/locations/Change location
A-TITLE Change location ventana Externo Subdominio Healthcare professionals
A-TITLE Directing you to your local GSK healthcare professionals' website for info on GSK's medicines, vaccines and educational resources Opens in a new window
/en-gb/contact-us/Contact us
A-TITLE Contact us
A-TITLE Search logo linking to the homepage
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...Behind the science magazine
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...Texto duplicado Behind the science magazine
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...Texto duplicado Behind the science magazine
/en-gb/company/Texto duplicado Company
/en-gb/company/Texto duplicado Company
/en-gb/company/purpose-strateg...Purpose, strategy and culture
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...Outstanding people
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...Texto duplicado Outstanding people
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...Working together
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...My GSK story
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...Innovating together 2022
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...Innovating together 2021
/en-gb/company/gsk-at-a-glance/GSK at a glance
/en-gb/company/history-and-her...History and heritage
/en-gb/company/board-of-direct...Board of directors and leadership team
/en-gb/company/board-information/Board information
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/en-gb/company/governance/sarb...Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002
/en-gb/company/policy-positions/Policy positions
/en-gb/company/codes-standards...Codes, standards and reports
/en-gb/company/purpose-strateg...FEATURED SECTION Our purpose, strategy and culture
IMG-ALT GSK Tech Human Image
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...FEATURED SECTION Outstanding people
IMG-ALT Outstanding people
/en-gb/innovation/Texto duplicado Innovation
/en-gb/innovation/Texto duplicado Innovation
/en-gb/innovation/our-leading-...Our leading scientists
/en-gb/innovation/our-leading-...Texto duplicado Our leading scientists
/en-gb/innovation/our-leading-...Dr Tony Wood
/en-gb/innovation/our-leading-...Dr Philip Dormitzer
/en-gb/innovation/our-leading-...Dr Sabine Luik
/en-gb/innovation/our-leading-...Dr Hesham Ahmed Abdullah
/en-gb/innovation/research-and...Research and development approach
/en-gb/innovation/therapeutic-...Therapeutic areas
/en-gb/innovation/therapeutic-...Texto duplicado Therapeutic areas
/en-gb/innovation/therapeutic-...Infectious diseases
/en-gb/innovation/therapeutic-...Respiratory/ immunology
/en-gb/innovation/trials/Clinical trials at GSK
/en-gb/innovation/trials/Texto duplicado Clinical trials at GSK
/en-gb/innovation/trials/provi...Provision of unapproved medicines for unmet medical needs
/en-gb/innovation/trials/data-...Data transparency
/en-gb/innovation/trials/diver...Diversity in clinical trials
/en-gb/innovation/partnerships/Partnering with GSK
/en-gb/innovation/partnerships/Texto duplicado Partnering with GSK
/en-gb/innovation/partnerships...Supported studies
/en-gb/innovation/rd-locations/R&D locations
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...SPOTLIGHT ON Behind the science magazine
IMG-ALT Scientist works in a futurist vaccine laboratory for GSK
/en-gb/innovation/our-leading-...Featured section Our leading scientists
IMG-ALT Tony Wood
/en-gb/products/Texto duplicado Products
/en-gb/products/Texto duplicado Products
/en-gb/products/our-product-ar...Our product areas
/en-gb/products/products-a-z/Products A-Z
/en-gb/innovation/SPOTLIGHT ON Innovation
IMG-ALT Lab technician leaning against wall ventana Externo FEATURED WEBSITE GSKPro for healthcare professionals
IMG-ALT Two scientists on orange background
/en-gb/responsibility/Texto duplicado Responsibility
/en-gb/responsibility/Texto duplicado Responsibility
/en-gb/responsibility/global-h...Global health and health security
/en-gb/responsibility/global-h...Texto duplicado Global health and health security
/en-gb/responsibility/global-h...Global health
/en-gb/responsibility/global-h...Health security
/en-gb/responsibility/global-h...Using our science for global health
/en-gb/responsibility/global-h...Improving access to healthcare
/en-gb/responsibility/environm...Texto duplicado Environment
/en-gb/responsibility/environm...Materials and waste
/en-gb/responsibility/diversit...Diversity, equity and inclusion
/en-gb/responsibility/ethical-...Ethical standards
/en-gb/responsibility/ethical-...Texto duplicado Ethical standards
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/en-gb/responsibility/ethical-...Human rights
/en-gb/responsibility/ethical-...Use of animals
/en-gb/responsibility/ethical-...Engaging with healthcare professionals
/en-gb/responsibility/product-...Product governance
/en-gb/responsibility/charitab...Charitable Investments
/en-gb/responsibility/esg-reso...ESG resources
/en-gb/responsibility/esg-reso...Texto duplicado ESG resources
/en-gb/responsibility/esg-reso...ESG reports archive
/en-gb/responsibility/diversit...FEATURED SECTION Diversity equity and inclusion
IMG-ALT Lab technician smiling
/en-gb/company/policy-positions/SPOTLIGHT ON Our policy positions
IMG-ALT GSK orange texture
/en-gb/investors/Texto duplicado Investors
/en-gb/investors/Texto duplicado Investors
/en-gb/investors/why-invest-in...Why invest in GSK?
/en-gb/investors/quarterly-res...Quarterly results
/en-gb/investors/financial-rep...Financial reports
/en-gb/investors/financial-rep...Texto duplicado Financial reports
/en-gb/investors/financial-rep...Annual Report 2023
/en-gb/investors/financial-rep...Corporate reports archive
/en-gb/investors/environmental...Environmental, social and governance
/en-gb/investors/speeches-and-...Speeches and presentations
/en-gb/investors/science-publi...Science publications
/en-gb/investors/events-calendar/Events calendar
/en-gb/investors/dividend-and-...Dividend and share price
/en-gb/investors/dividend-and-...Texto duplicado Dividend and share price
/en-gb/investors/dividend-and-...GSK share price
/en-gb/investors/dividend-and-...Share price calculators (GBp/USD)
/en-gb/investors/dividend-and-...Dividend calculators (GBp/USD)
/en-gb/investors/dividend-and-...Dividend calendar
/en-gb/investors/analyst-conse...Analyst consensus
/en-gb/investors/stock-exchang...Stock exchange announcements
/en-gb/investors/stock-exchang...Texto duplicado Stock exchange announcements
/en-gb/investors/stock-exchang...London (RNS)
/en-gb/investors/stock-exchang...London (RNS) inside information
/en-gb/investors/stock-exchang...New York (SEC)
/en-gb/investors/stock-exchang...Sign up for announcements
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...Shareholder information
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...Texto duplicado Shareholder information
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...Manage your shares
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...Annual General Meeting
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...General Meeting
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...Annual Governance Meeting
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...Corporate sponsored nominee service
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...Our ADR programme
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...Asset reunification - ProSearch
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...Share scam alert
/en-gb/investors/shareholder-i...Privacy notice for ordinary shareholders
/en-gb/investors/corporate-act...Corporate actions
/en-gb/investors/corporate-act...Texto duplicado Corporate actions
/en-gb/investors/corporate-act...Consumer Healthcare Demerger
/en-gb/investors/corporate-act...Consumer Healthcare Joint Venture
/en-gb/investors/corporate-act...Agreement to acquire TESARO
/en-gb/investors/debt-investors/Debt investors
/en-gb/investors/investor-cont...Investor contacts
/en-gb/media/press-releases/SPOTLIGHT ON Press releases
IMG-ALT Lab machinery
/en-gb/innovation/pipeline/SPOTLIGHT ON Our pipeline
IMG-ALT Case of vials duplicado Media duplicado Media
/en-gb/media/press-releases/Press releases
/en-gb/media/media-contacts/Media contacts
/en-gb/media/media-library/Media library
/en-gb/media/our-response-to-t...Our response to the situation in Ukraine
/en-gb/media/our-response-to-t...Our response to the crisis in Israel and Gaza
/en-gb/media/zantac-litigation/Zantac litigation
/en-gb/media/social-media/Our social media
/en-gb/media/rss-feeds/RSS feeds
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...FEATURED SECTION Behind the science magazine
IMG-ALT Scientist works in a futurist vaccine laboratory for GSK
/en-gb/media/conferences/SPOTLIGHT ON Conferences
IMG-ALT Lab test equipment
/en-gb/careers/Texto duplicado Careers
/en-gb/careers/Texto duplicado Careers
/en-gb/careers/search-jobs/Search jobs
/en-gb/careers/featured-careers/Featured careers
/en-gb/careers/featured-careers/Texto duplicado Featured careers
/en-gb/careers/featured-career...A career in Data
/en-gb/careers/life-at-gsk/Life at GSK
/en-gb/careers/life-at-gsk/Texto duplicado Life at GSK
/en-gb/careers/life-at-gsk/wha...What’s your angle?
/en-gb/careers/experienced-pro...Experienced professionals
/en-gb/careers/experienced-pro...Texto duplicado Experienced professionals
/en-gb/careers/experienced-pro...Business Operations
/en-gb/careers/experienced-pro...Engineering at GSK
/en-gb/careers/experienced-pro...Manufacturing and supply
/en-gb/careers/experienced-pro...Marketing and sales
/en-gb/careers/experienced-pro...Research and development
/en-gb/careers/experienced-pro...Texto duplicado Research and development
/en-gb/careers/experienced-pro...Chemical Manufacturing and Controls (CMC), Medicine Development and Supply (MDS)
/en-gb/careers/experienced-pro...Genomic sciences
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/Early talent
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/Texto duplicado Early talent
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/ki...Kickstart your career
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/ap...Apprentice programmes
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/wo...Work experience, placements and internships
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/fu...Future leaders graduate programme
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/fu...Texto duplicado Future leaders graduate programme
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/fu...Business operations
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/fu...Manufacturing Operations, Quality & Supply Chain
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/fu...Texto duplicado Marketing and sales
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/fu...Texto duplicado Research and development
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/fu...Texto duplicado Technology
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/fu...Manufacturing Sciences & Technology
/en-gb/careers/early-talent/po...Post graduate opportunities
/en-gb/careers/our-global-and-...Our global and regional hubs
/en-gb/careers/how-we-hire/How we hire
/en-gb/careers/how-we-hire/Texto duplicado How we hire
/en-gb/careers/how-we-hire/fre...Frequently asked questions
/en-gb/careers/how-we-hire/fra...Fraudulent internet recruitment activities
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...Texto duplicado FEATURED SECTION Outstanding people
IMG-ALT Outstanding people
/en-gb/responsibility/diversit...Texto duplicado FEATURED SECTION Diversity equity and inclusion
IMG-ALT Lab technician smiling ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Healthcare professionals
A-TITLE Opens in a new window
/en-gb/contact-us/Texto duplicado Contact us
/en-gb/investors/quarterly-res...Texto duplicado Quarterly results
/en-gb/company/purpose-strateg...Texto duplicado Purpose, strategy and culture
/en-gb/investors/why-invest-in...Texto duplicado Why invest in GSK?
/en-gb/innovation/therapeutic-...Go to infectious diseases
/en-gb/innovation/therapeutic-...Go to HIV
/en-gb/innovation/therapeutic-...Go to respiratory/immunology
/en-gb/innovation/therapeutic-...Go to oncology
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...‘The roar I hear is the next stage of the rocket firing’: MAPS technology and the new age of vaccine development
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...‘Patients can breathe easier today’: Scientific advances in asthma and COPD care could prevent irreversible lung damage
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...Robots, AI, and machine learning: how smart manufacturing is getting medicines and vaccines from factories to patients faster
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...'Prevention is the best medicine to stop disease before it starts'
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...‘Global health progress is vital for millions of lives, but it isn’t going fast enough. Here’s what we need to do to get things back on track’
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...‘You can’t be what you can’t see’: Why diversity in STEM is key to greater medical innovation
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...The ‘tripledemic’ will hit older people hard this winter – but there are things we can all do to reduce the impact
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...Read our magazine
/media/8520/the-code-presentat...Nueva ventana The Code
/en-gb/company/purpose-strateg...Texto duplicado Purpose, strategy and culture
A-TITLE Opens in a new window
/en-gb/careers/life-at-gsk/Texto duplicado Life at GSK
/en-gb/responsibility/diversit...Texto duplicado Diversity, equity and inclusion
A-TITLE Diversity, equity and inclusion
/en-gb/careers/life-at-gsk/Texto duplicado Life at GSK
/en-gb/careers/Careers at GSK
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...WORKING TOGETHER Meet Andy: how a life-changing diagnosis changed his career
IMG-ALT GSK Precisionpoint 1280X720 Trust Andy
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...MY GSK STORY Meet Katie: elevating the voice of the patient
IMG-ALT Meet Katie
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...WORKING TOGETHER Meet Mark and Giuseppe: working to reduce our carbon footprint
IMG-ALT GSK Precisionpoint 1280X720 Trust Mark
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...MY GSK STORY Meet Dana: representing the voices of indigenous colleagues
IMG-ALT Meet Dana
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...MY GSK STORY Meet Samuel: helping get medicines to our patients
IMG-ALT Meet Samuel: helping get medicines to our patients
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...MY GSK STORY Meet Alison: taking pride in working for GSK
IMG-ALT GSK Twist Small 1280X720 Employee Alison
/en-gb/company/outstanding-peo...View film series
/en-gb/responsibility/access/Texto duplicado Access
/en-gb/responsibility/global-h...Texto duplicado Global health and health security
/en-gb/responsibility/environm...Texto duplicado Environment
/en-gb/responsibility/diversit...Texto duplicado Diversity, equity and inclusion
/en-gb/responsibility/ethical-...Texto duplicado Ethical standards
/en-gb/responsibility/product-...Texto duplicado Product governance
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...Innovation Robots, AI, and machine learning: how smart manufacturing is getting medicines and vaccines from factories to patients faster
/en-gb/innovation/partnerships/Partners Working with our partners to deliver the next generation of transformational vaccines and medicines
/en-gb/media/press-releases/gs...Media GSK tops Access to Medicine Index (ATMI) for eighth consecutive time​
/en-gb/investors/financial-rep...Investors We've published our 2023 Annual Report and ESG Performance Report
/en-gb/investors/dividend-and-...Go to calculator
/en-gb/investors/dividend-and-...Texto duplicado Go to calculator
/en-gb/investors/quarterly-res...View latest results
/en-gb/company/Continue to Company
/en-gb/locations/location selector.
A-TITLE Location selector
/media/10998/modern-slavery-ac...Nueva ventana > Modern Slavery Act statement 2023 (PDF - 139.1KB)
A-TITLE Opens in a new window
/en-gb/locations/Locations selector
/en-gb/media/social-media/Social media directory ventana Externo Subdominio GSKPro for healthcare professionals
A-TITLE Opens in a new window
https://www.gsk-studyregister....Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio GSK study register
A-TITLE Opens in a new window ventana Externo Subdominio Supplier website
A-TITLE Opens in a new window ventana Externo ViiV Healthcare
A-TITLE Opens in a new window
/en-gb/behind-the-science-maga...Texto duplicado Behind the science magazine
/en-gb/company/Texto duplicado Company
/en-gb/innovation/Texto duplicado Innovation
/en-gb/products/Texto duplicado Products
/en-gb/responsibility/Texto duplicado Responsibility
/en-gb/investors/Texto duplicado Investors duplicado Media
/en-gb/careers/Texto duplicado Careers
/en-gb/contact-us/report-a-pos...Report a possible side effect ventana Externo Subdominio GSK Speak up
A-TITLE Opens in a new window ventana Externo Subdominio facebook ventana Externo twitter ventana Externo Subdominio youtube ventana Externo Subdominio linkedin ventana Externo Subdominio instagram
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Listas negras
Esta página no está clasificada como “contenido para adultos”.
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Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 1.691 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 124.691 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 1.290 direcciones IP distintas.
Popularidad en Facebook
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