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(Extremadamente importante)
Test & Measurement | Load Cell | Sensor | Strain Gauge | HBM
La longitud del título es óptima (565 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
As a technology and market leader worldwide, HBM offers products for test and measurement including load cells, transducers, and strain gauges.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (902 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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Otras Metaetiquetas
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URL de la página
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keywordstest & measurement, load cell, transducer, strain gauges. measurement,data acquisition,data acquisition system,transducers,transducer,strain gauge,load cells,load cell,measurement software,test,weighing
descriptionAs a technology and market leader worldwide, HBM offers products for test and measurement including load cells, transducers, and strain gauges.
og:descriptionAs a technology and market leader worldwide, HBM offers products for test and measurement including load cells, transducers, and strain gauges.
og:titleTest & Measurement | Load Cell | Sensor | Strain Gauge

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • enviroments => environments
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 930 palabras.
Un 25.2% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 14 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 19.1 palabras.
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Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
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Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Hay demasiadas etiquetas de negritas en esta página: 21. Utiliza un máximo de 19 etiquetas.
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: driver and api.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 2 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
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(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
.../Public/Images/Template/hbm-logo-rgb.svgHBM Logo
...ublic/Images/Template/hbm-slogan-rgb.svgHBM Slogan
.../Public/Images/Template/hbm-logo-rgb.svgHBM Logo
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...ackage/Resources/Public/Images/blank.gifLoad Cell Product Overview
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...ackage/Resources/Public/Images/blank.gifTorque Sensor Product Overview
...ackage/Resources/Public/Images/blank.gifCustom OEM Sensors
...ackage/Resources/Public/Images/blank.gifData Acquisition Hardware
...ackage/Resources/Public/Images/blank.gifData Acquisition and Data Analysis Software
...ackage/Resources/Public/Images/blank.gifGenesis HighSpeed Product Overview
...ackage/Resources/Public/Images/blank.gifIndustrial Electronics Product Overview
...ackage/Resources/Public/Images/blank.gifDMP41 - Highest Precision Measuring Instrument
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...ackage/Resources/Public/Images/blank.gifYouTube Logo

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
HBM: The right measurement solution ...
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 HBM: The right measurement solution ...
H2 Hottinger Brüel & Kjær pauses its business activities in Russia, Belarus
H2 Our offers for you in challenging times
H2 ... offering many sensor types
H2 ... in any environment
H2 ... for any testing need
H2 HBM in Germany
H2 HBM - Your eMobility Test Center
H2 Latest Innovations from HBM
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
42 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 9 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla HBM Logo
/en/8630/any-test-every-measur...IMG-ALT HBM Slogan ventana Externo Subdominio Contact
A-TITLE Contact ventana Nofollow Subdominio HBMshop
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/tw/?country=twSin texto
/jp/?country=jpSin texto
/kr/?country=krSin texto duplicado IMG-ALT HBM Logo
/en/0014/strain-gauges/IMG-ALT HBM Strain Gauges
A-TITLE HBM Strain Gauges: First Choice for Measuring Strain
A-TITLE Strain Gauge | Stress Gauge | Accessories
/en/9803/strain-gauges-for-exp...Stress Analysis Strain Gauges
A-TITLE Strain Gauge | Stress Gauge | Accessories
/en/0388/strain-gauges-for-tra...Transducer Strain Gauges
A-TITLE Strain Gauges for Transducer Manufacturers
/en/4599/new-light-optical-fib...Optical Fiber Sensors
A-TITLE Optical Fiber Sensors: based on fiber Bragg grating Technology
/en/0400/strain-gauge-accessor...Strain Gauge Accessories
A-TITLE Strain Gauge Accessories
/en/0013/load-cells-and-load-s...IMG-ALT Load Cell Product Overview
A-TITLE Load Cell | Load Sensor | Load Measurement
A-TITLE Load Cell | Load Sensor | Load Measurement
/en/0013/load-cells-and-load-s...Load Cells
A-TITLE Load Cells and Load Sensors
/en/0315/single-point-load-cel...Single Point Load Cells
A-TITLE Single Point Load Cells for platform scale construction
/en/0303/beam-load-cell-overview/Beam Load Cells
A-TITLE Beam Load Cell | Bending Load Cell | Supplier
/en/0321/digital-load-cell-spe...Digital Load Cells
A-TITLE Digital Load Cells
/en/0406/industrial-electronics/Industrial Electronics
A-TITLE Industrial Electronics
/en/0249/force-sensors-and-for...IMG-ALT Force Sensor Product Overview
A-TITLE Force Sensors, Force Transducers and Load Cells [N]
A-TITLE Force Sensors, Force Transducers and Load Cells [N]
/en/0249/force-sensors-and-for...Force Sensors
A-TITLE Force Sensors, Force Transducers and Load Cells [N]
/en/5626/multi-axis-sensor-mcs10/Multi Axis Sensors
A-TITLE Multi Axis Sensors
/en/0264/torque-transducers-to...IMG-ALT Torque Sensor Product Overview
A-TITLE Torque Transducers, Torque Sensors and Torque Meters
A-TITLE Torque Transducers, Torque Sensors and Torque Meters
/en/0264/torque-transducers-to...Torque Sensors
A-TITLE Torque Transducers, Torque Sensors and Torque Meters
/en/5626/multi-axis-sensor-mcs10/Texto duplicado Multi Axis Sensors
A-TITLE Multi Axis Sensors
/en/6579/oem-sensor-design-and...IMG-ALT Custom OEM Sensors
A-TITLE Partnership for OEMs: from Concept to Custom Sensor Assem
/en/6579/oem-sensor-design-and...OEM Sensors
A-TITLE Custom Sensors
/en/6579/oem-sensor-design-and...Texto duplicado Custom OEM Sensors
/en/0297/pressure-transducers-...Pressure Sensors
A-TITLE Pressure Sensors
/en/0236/displacement-sensors-...Displacement Sensors
A-TITLE Displacement Sensors | Displacement Transducers | Types
/en/8880/current-transducers/Current Transducers
A-TITLE Current Transducers
/en/8881/high-voltage-probe/High Voltage Probes
A-TITLE High Voltage Probe
A-TITLE TEDS - Transducer Electronic Data Sheet
A-TITLE Microphones for Acoustic Measurements
A-TITLE Accelerometers
/en/10121/daq-and-instruments-...DAQ & Instruments
/en/5502/daq-data-acquisition-...IMG-ALT Data Acquisition Hardware
A-TITLE Data Acquisition System | Instrument | DAQ | Supplier
/en/5502/daq-data-acquisition-...DAQ Systems
A-TITLE Data Acquisition System | Instrument | DAQ | Supplier
/en/2128/quantumx-compact-univ...QuantumX – Universal
A-TITLE QuantumX Data Acquisition System | DAQ | Supplier
/en/4256/somatxr-rugged-data-a...SomatXR – Rugged
A-TITLE SomatXR Modular DAQ System For Harsh Environments
/en/2261/mgcplus-data-acquisit...MGCplus – High Channel
A-TITLE MGCplus | Data Acquisition System | DAQ
/en/2322/optical-interrogators/Optical Interrogators
A-TITLE Optical Interrogator | Fiber Optic Sensing | FBG Sensor
/en/1448/genesis-high-speed-da...Genesis HighSpeed
A-TITLE Genesis HighSpeed-Transient Recorder and Data Acquisition
/en/1996/software/IMG-ALT Data Acquisition and Data Analysis Software
A-TITLE Data Analysis | Data Acquisition | Software
/en/1996/software/Software & Drivers
A-TITLE Data Analysis | Data Acquisition | Software
/en/2290/catman-data-acquisiti...catman – Universal
A-TITLE DAQ Software | Data Acquisition Software | catman
/en/2956/catman-enterprise-rea...catman Enterprise – High Channel
A-TITLE catman Enterprise | DAQ Software | Measurement Project
/en/2279/high-speed-data-acqui...Perception – HighSpeed
A-TITLE High Speed Data Acquisition Software | Perception
/en/3750/drivers-for-compatibi...Driver and API for DAQ Systems
A-TITLE Drivers & API for HBM DAQ Systems
/en/7557/hardware-and-software...Driver and API for Genesis HighSpeed and Perception
A-TITLE How to Interface with Genesis HighSpeed and/or Perception
/en/7805/open-automation-with-...Open Automation – Industrial software, APIs and web-based solutions
A-TITLE Open Automation: Benefit from New Possibilities
/en/8750/electric-power-testing/IMG-ALT Genesis HighSpeed Product Overview
A-TITLE Electric Power Testing | Electric Vehicle Testing
/en/8750/electric-power-testing/Power Analyzers
A-TITLE Electric Power Testing | Electric Vehicle Testing
/en/8905/edrive-product-overview/eDrive and eGrid Power Analyzers
A-TITLE Power Analyzers | Inverter Testing | Solutions | HBM
/en/1328/high-voltage-switchge...High Voltage Test & Isolation Systems
A-TITLE Grid Testing | Switchgear Testing | Solutions | HBM
/en/7381/electric-power-knowle...Electric Power Testing Knowledge Base
A-TITLE HBM Academy: Electric Power Testing Knowledge Base | HBM
/en/0406/industrial-electronics/IMG-ALT Industrial Electronics Product Overview
A-TITLE Industrial Electronics
/en/0406/industrial-electronics/Texto duplicado Industrial Electronics
A-TITLE Industrial Electronics
/en/2981/pmx-modular-measuring...PMX Industrial DAQ
A-TITLE PMX Multi Channel Data Acquisition System
/en/7077/clipx-precise-industr...ClipX Signal Conditioner
A-TITLE ClipX: Precise and smart signal conditioner
/en/8162/hygienic-load-cell-si...DSE Digital Sensor Electronics
A-TITLE DSE Load Cell Signal Conditioner with Industrial Ethernet
/en/0406/industrial-electronics/Measuring Amplifiers and Weighing Electronics for Factory and Process Automation
A-TITLE Industrial Electronics
/en/2315/precision-amplifiers-...IMG-ALT DMP41 - Highest Precision Measuring Instrument
A-TITLE Precision Amplifier | Calibration Units | Supplier
/en/2315/precision-amplifiers-...Precision Instruments
A-TITLE Precision Amplifier | Calibration Units | Supplier
/en/3971/dmp41-highest-precisi...DMP41 Precision Amplifier
A-TITLE Digital Precision Amplifier | Strain Gauge Measurements
/en/2315/precision-amplifiers-...Bridge Standards Calibration Instruments
A-TITLE Precision Amplifier | Calibration Units | Supplier ventana Externo Subdominio Solutions ventana Externo Subdominio Service & Support ventana Externo Subdominio About
/en/0008/products/See our products
A-TITLE HBM Measurement Solutions | Products | The Complete Chain Us
A-TITLE Contact ancla Previous ancla Next
/en/3157/webinars/extended webinar schedule
A-TITLE Webinars
/en/8974/stronger-together-the...Video messages
A-TITLE Stronger together. The HBK Response to Corona (COVID-19) ventana Externo HBM and HBK on the evolving Covid-19 situation
/en/0013/load-cells-and-load-s...Load & weight (kg/lbs ...)
A-TITLE Load Cells and Load Sensors
/en/0249/force-sensors-and-for...Force (N)
A-TITLE Force Sensors
/en/0264/torque-transducers-to...Torque (N·m)
A-TITLE Torque Transducers, Torque Sensors and Torque Meters
/en/0014/strain-gauges/Strain (ε/μm/m)
A-TITLE Strain Gauges & Accessories
/en/3754/test-cell-measurements/In a test stand or lab
A-TITLE Test Cell Measurements
/en/3755/mobile-data-acquisition/Outdoor & mobile
A-TITLE Road Load Data Acquisition: Mobile Data Acquisition
/en/0079/industrial-measuremen...In a production line
A-TITLE Industrial Measurement & Control
/en/0062/test-measurement/Testing a product or component
A-TITLE Test & Measurement
/en/0079/industrial-measuremen...Monitoring production lines
A-TITLE Industrial Measurement & Control
/en/0192/custom-sensors-and-cu...Equipping machines with sensors
A-TITLE Custom Sensors
/en/5530/structural-health-mon...Monitoring infrastructure
A-TITLE Structural Health Monitoring
/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection[email protected]
/en/8630/any-test-every-measur...Learn about HBK – Hottinger Brüel & Kjær HBK
/en/4256/somatxr-rugged-data-a...Rugged DAQ system and software SomatXR Products
/en/9455/hbmshop/Shop online for sensors, DAQ and software HBMshop
/en/2128/quantumx-compact-univ...QuantumX Data Acquisition System Choose Which Module Fits Your Needs
/en/3157/webinars/Free online training in 30-minutes Measurement Webinars
/en/6579/oem-sensor-design-and...Custom load, force, torque and pressure sensors Custom OEM Sensors
/en/6947/videos/Product overview and how-to videos by HBM Videos
/en/newsletter/Your perfect source for measurement news Newsletters
/en/6212/social-media/Stay connected with our technology experts Social Media
/en/0082/calibration-service/Calibrating force, torque, pressure and more Calibration Lab
/en/3830/case-studies/See examples of HBM technology in action Customer Case Studies
/en/0010/support/Professional support for your measurement tasks Support
/en/0224/seminars-trainings-ev...Practical measurement knowledge Seminars & Trainings
/en/1254/downloads/CAD files, software and firmware Downloads
/en/8314/emobility-test-center/A-TITLE eMobility: Powered by Data
/en/8314/emobility-test-center/eMobility with HBM
A-TITLE eMobility: Powered by Data
/en/10992/lcmc-load-cell-measu...Load Cell Measurement Chain (LCMC) A wide range of established load cells combined with a choice of excellent measuring electronics makes your tailored Load ...
A-TITLE Load Cell Measurement Chain (LCMC)
/en/3926/u9c-miniature-force-s...U9C Load Cells for Tensile/Compressive Force Configurable, reliable, compact, dynamic: U9C is a cost-effective miniature force sensor for compressive and ten...
A-TITLE U9C Load Cells for Tensile/Compressive Force
/en/3928/c9c-miniature-force-s...C9C Miniature Force Sensor: For Compressive Force Configurable, reliable, compact, dynamic: C9C is HBM’s cost-effective miniature force sensor for compressiv...
A-TITLE C9C Miniature Force Sensor: For Compressive Force
/en/8789/rotating-shaft-torque...Shaft Torque Sensor T210 T210 shaft torque sensor is well-equipped to be used universally and is often found in end-of-Line applications or in development te...
A-TITLE Shaft Torque Sensor T210
/en/10305/ng120-strain-gauge-c...NG120 Nitrile Rubber Covering Material NG120 is a brown nitrile rubber covering material that is easy to apply from the tube and well-suited for use at room ...
A-TITLE NG120 Nitrile Rubber Covering Material
/en/8606/strain-link-slh700/SLH700 strain link The SLH700 is a hemetically sealed strain link, available with or without integrated amplifier.
A-TITLE SLH700 strain link
/en/10049/u10f-precision-load-...U10F U10F low-profile force sensors achieve outstanding accuracy and are easily installed due to flange connections on both sides. Ideal for fast measurements.
/en/8427/quantumx-mxfs-optical...QuantumX MXFS Optical Interrogator Integrate optical technology with MXFS into the QuantumX modular DAQ system and receive the best out of each system for yo...
A-TITLE QuantumX MXFS Optical Interrogator
/en/9697/pcb-test-kit/PCB Test Kit Everything you need for PCB testing: Fast and simple mechanical durability and reliability testing based on strain measurement on printed circui...
/en/8656/dakks-calibration/DAkkS Calibration
A-TITLE DAkkS Calibration
/en/0011/about-us/Read more about us
A-TITLE About Us
/en/0014/strain-gauges/Strain Gauges
A-TITLE Strain Gauge | Stress Gauge | Accessories
/en/0013/load-cells-and-load-s...Texto duplicado Load Cells
A-TITLE Load Cell | Load Sensor | Load Measurement
/en/0264/torque-transducers-to...Texto duplicado Torque Sensors
A-TITLE Torque Transducers, Torque Sensors and Torque Meters
/en/0249/force-sensors-and-for...Texto duplicado Force Sensors
A-TITLE Force Sensors, Force Transducers and Load Cells [N]
/en/5502/daq-data-acquisition-...Measuring Instruments
A-TITLE Data Acquisition Systems & Instruments
/en/1996/software/Data Acquisition Software
A-TITLE Data Analysis | Data Acquisition | Software
A-TITLE Support
A-TITLE Downloads
/en/3164/tips-tricks-measureme...Measurement Know-How
A-TITLE Tips & Tricks
/en/0224/seminars-trainings-ev...Trainings & Webinars
A-TITLE HBM Academy: Seminars, Trainings, Trade Shows & Events
A-TITLE Contact ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Facebook Logo
A-TITLE Link to HBM Facebook page ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT LinkedIn Logo
A-TITLE Link to the HBM LinkedIn page ventana Externo IMG-ALT Twitter Logo
A-TITLE Link to the HBM Twitter account ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT YouTube Logo
A-TITLE Link to the HBM YouTube channel ancla A-TITLE to top of the page
/en/0061/company-details/Company Details
A-TITLE Company Details
/en/2295/privacy-notice/Privacy Notice
A-TITLE Privacy Notice
A-TITLE Website Disclaimer
A-TITLE Cookie Notice
/en/8365/modern-slavery-and-hu...Anti-Slavery Statement
A-TITLE Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Test & Measurement | Load Cell | Sensor | Strain Gauge | HBM
As a technology and market leader worldwide, HBM offers products for test and measurement including load cells, transducers, and strain gauges.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Test Measurement75%Check
Load Cell61%Check
Strain Gauge60%Check
Test Center57%Check

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