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Puntuación SEO
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3,14 s
Tamaño HTML
151,40 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
177 internos / 19 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Home | House of the Year
La longitud del título es óptima (233 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Home | House of the Year
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (233 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionHome | House of the Year
keywordsHome | House of the Year
authorRegistered Master Builders
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimal-ui
og:site_nameHouse of the Year
og:titleHome | House of the Year
og:descriptionHome | House of the Year

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Solo se han encontrado 1 párrafos en esta página.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 789 palabras.
Un 19.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimal-ui).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Hay demasiadas etiquetas de negritas en esta página: 24. Utiliza un máximo de 16 etiquetas.
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: 15 july 2024.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 1 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/images/logo-hoty.svgRegistered Master Builders House of the Year
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...h=1903&height=800&rnd=133631800880000000SOG 11683 1 14 W
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/images/loading/1580x580.pngBuilding AcademyBuilding Academy
/images/loading/1580x580.pngPlumbing WorldPlumbing World
/images/loading/1580x580.pngWinstone WallboardsWinstone Wallboards
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMitre 10 TradeMitre 10 Trade
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMaster Build 10-Year GuaranteeMaster Build 10-Year Guarantee
/images/loading/1580x580.pngPDL By Schneider ElectricPDL By Schneider Electric
/images/loading/1580x580.pngAPL Window SolutionsAPL Window Solutions
/images/loading/1580x580.pngAltus Window SystemsAltus Window Systems
/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast Coast & Hawkes BayEast Coast & Hawkes Bay
/images/loading/1580x580.pngWellington & WairarapaWellington & Wairarapa
/images/loading/1580x580.pngCook StraitCook Strait
/images/loading/1580x580.pngAuckland / Northland / CoromandelAuckland / Northland / Coromandel
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMid & South CanterburyMid & South Canterbury
/images/loading/1580x580.pngNelson / Marlborough / West CoastNelson / Marlborough / West Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngManawatu & WhanganuiManawatu & Whanganui
/images/loading/1580x580.pngBay of Plenty & Central PlateauBay of Plenty & Central Plateau
/images/loading/1580x580.pngCentral North Island & East Coast / Hawke's BayCentral North Island & East Coast / Hawke's Bay
/images/loading/1580x580.png2023 National Winners2023 National Winners
/images/loading/1580x580.pngNelson / Marlborough / West CoastNelson / Marlborough / West Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngManawatu & WhanganuiManawatu & Whanganui
/images/loading/1580x580.pngAuckland / Northland / CoromandelAuckland / Northland / Coromandel
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMid & South CanterburyMid & South Canterbury
/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast Coast & Hawkes BayEast Coast & Hawkes Bay
/images/loading/1580x580.pngCentral North Island & East Coast / Hawke's BayCentral North Island & East Coast / Hawke's Bay
/images/loading/1580x580.pngBay of Plenty & Central PlateauBay of Plenty & Central Plateau
/images/loading/1580x580.pngWellington & WairarapaWellington & Wairarapa
/images/loading/1580x580.png2022 National Winners2022 National Winners
/images/loading/1580x580.pngManawatu & WhanganuiManawatu & Whanganui
/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast Coast & Hawkes BayEast Coast & Hawkes Bay
/images/loading/1580x580.pngWellington & WairarapaWellington & Wairarapa
/images/loading/1580x580.pngCook StraitCook Strait
/images/loading/1580x580.pngBay of Plenty & Central PlateauBay of Plenty & Central Plateau
/images/loading/1580x580.pngNelson / Marlborough / West CoastNelson / Marlborough / West Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngAuckland / Northland / CoromandelAuckland / Northland / Coromandel
/images/loading/1580x580.pngCentral North Island / East Coast & Hawkes BayCentral North Island / East Coast & Hawkes Bay
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMid & South CanterburyMid & South Canterbury
/images/loading/1580x580.png2021 National Winners2021 National Winners
/images/loading/1580x580.pngAuckland / Northland / CoromandelAuckland / Northland / Coromandel
/images/loading/1580x580.pngManawatu & WhanganuiManawatu & Whanganui
/images/loading/1580x580.pngBay of Plenty & Central PlateauBay of Plenty & Central Plateau
/images/loading/1580x580.pngWellington & WairarapaWellington & Wairarapa
/images/loading/1580x580.pngNelson / Marlborough / West CoastNelson / Marlborough / West Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMid & South CanterburyMid & South Canterbury
/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast Coast & Hawkes BayEast Coast & Hawkes Bay
/images/loading/1580x580.png2020 National Winners2020 National Winners
/images/loading/1580x580.pngWellington / WairarapaWellington / Wairarapa
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMid & South CanterburyMid & South Canterbury
/images/loading/1580x580.pngNelson / Marlborough / West CoastNelson / Marlborough / West Coast
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/images/loading/1580x580.pngManawatu / WhanganuiManawatu / Whanganui
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/images/loading/1580x580.pngAuckland / Northland / CoromandelAuckland / Northland / Coromandel
/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast CoastEast Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.png2019 National Winners2019 National Winners
/images/loading/1580x580.pngNelson / Marlborough / West CoastNelson / Marlborough / West Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngWellington / WairarapaWellington / Wairarapa
/images/loading/1580x580.pngBay of Plenty / Central PlateauBay of Plenty / Central Plateau
/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast Coast / Manawatu / WhanganuiEast Coast / Manawatu / Whanganui
/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast CoastEast Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMid & South CanterburyMid & South Canterbury
/images/loading/1580x580.pngManawatu / WhanganuiManawatu / Whanganui
/images/loading/1580x580.pngCarece de atributo ALT
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/images/loading/1580x580.pngBay of Plenty/Central PlateauBay of Plenty/Central Plateau
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/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast CoastEast Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMid South CanterburyMid South Canterbury
/images/loading/1580x580.png2017 National Winners2017 National Winners
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/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast CoastEast Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMarlborough/Nelson/West CoastMarlborough/Nelson/West Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast Coast/Manawatu/WhanganuiEast Coast/Manawatu/Whanganui
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMid & South CanterburyMid & South Canterbury
/images/loading/1580x580.png2016 National Winners2016 National Winners
/images/loading/1580x580.pngBay of Plenty/Central PlateauBay of Plenty/Central Plateau
/images/loading/1580x580.pngManawatu/Wanganui/East CoastManawatu/Wanganui/East Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast CoastEast Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMarlborough/Nelson/West CoastMarlborough/Nelson/West Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMid & South CanterburyMid & South Canterbury
/images/loading/1580x580.png2015 National Winners2015 National Winners
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMid & South CanterburyMid & South Canterbury
/images/loading/1580x580.pngEast CoastEast Coast
/images/loading/1580x580.pngBay of Plenty/Central PlateauBay of Plenty/Central Plateau
/images/loading/1580x580.pngMarlborough/Nelson/West CoastMarlborough/Nelson/West Coast

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
RMBA sites
Más de un encabezado H1.
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (10 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 145 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 RMBA sites
H1 Registered Master Builders House of the Year
H1 Welcome to the Registered Master Builders House of the Year
H2 Sponsor Family
H2 2024 House of the Year Entrants
H2 2023 House of the Year Results
H2 2022 House of the Year Results
H2 2021 House of the Year Results
H2 2020 House of the Year Results
H2 2019 House of the Year Results
H2 2018 House of the Year Results
H2 2017 House of the Year Results
H2 2016 House of the Year Results
H2 2015 House of the Year Results
H3 Owned By
H3 Our Sponsors
H3 East Coast & Hawkes Bay
H3 Wellington & Wairarapa
H3 Southern
H3 Waikato
H3 Cook Strait
H3 Taranaki
H3 Canterbury
H3 Auckland / Northland / Coromandel
H3 Mid & South Canterbury
H3 Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast
H3 Manawatu & Whanganui
H3 Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau
H3 Central North Island & East Coast / Hawke's Bay
H3 2023 National Winners
H3 Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Manawatu & Whanganui Texto duplicado
H3 Auckland / Northland / Coromandel Texto duplicado
H3 Mid & South Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Southern Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast & Hawkes Bay Texto duplicado
H3 Central North Island & East Coast / Hawke's Bay Texto duplicado
H3 Waikato Texto duplicado
H3 Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau Texto duplicado
H3 Taranaki Texto duplicado
H3 Wellington & Wairarapa Texto duplicado
H3 2022 National Winners
H3 Manawatu & Whanganui Texto duplicado
H3 Waikato Texto duplicado
H3 Taranaki Texto duplicado
H3 Southern Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast & Hawkes Bay Texto duplicado
H3 Wellington & Wairarapa Texto duplicado
H3 Cook Strait Texto duplicado
H3 Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau Texto duplicado
H3 Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Auckland / Northland / Coromandel Texto duplicado
H3 Central North Island / East Coast & Hawkes Bay
H3 Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Mid & South Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 2021 National Winners
H3 Auckland / Northland / Coromandel Texto duplicado
H3 Southern Texto duplicado
H3 Manawatu & Whanganui Texto duplicado
H3 Taranaki Texto duplicado
H3 Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau Texto duplicado
H3 Wellington & Wairarapa Texto duplicado
H3 Waikato Texto duplicado
H3 Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Mid & South Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast & Hawkes Bay Texto duplicado
H3 2020 National Winners
H3 Wellington / Wairarapa
H3 Mid & South Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast / Manawatu / Whanganui
H3 Manawatu / Whanganui
H3 Waikato Texto duplicado
H3 Taranaki Texto duplicado
H3 Bay of Plenty / Central Plateau
H3 Auckland / Northland / Coromandel Texto duplicado
H3 Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast
H3 Southern Texto duplicado
H3 2019 National Winners
H3 Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Waikato Texto duplicado
H3 Taranaki Texto duplicado
H3 Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Wellington / Wairarapa Texto duplicado
H3 Bay of Plenty / Central Plateau Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast / Manawatu / Whanganui Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Mid & South Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Southern Texto duplicado
H3 Manawatu / Whanganui Texto duplicado
H3 Auckland
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Wellington/Wairarapa
H3 Manawatu/Whanganui/Taranaki
H3 Waikato Texto duplicado
H3 Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast
H3 Taranaki Texto duplicado
H3 Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau
H3 Southern Texto duplicado
H3 Canterbury/Mid South Canterbury
H3 Manawatu/Whanganui
H3 Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Auckland/Northland
H3 East Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Mid South Canterbury
H3 2017 National Winners
H3 Taranaki Texto duplicado
H3 Manawatu/Wanganui
H3 Southern Texto duplicado
H3 Wellington/Wairarapa Texto duplicado
H3 Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Auckland/Northland Texto duplicado
H3 Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Waikato Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast/Manawatu/Whanganui
H3 Mid & South Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 2016 National Winners
H3 Southern Texto duplicado
H3 Taranaki Texto duplicado
H3 Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau Texto duplicado
H3 Manawatu/Wanganui/East Coast
H3 Wellington/Wairarapa Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Waikato Texto duplicado
H3 Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Manawatu/Wanganui Texto duplicado
H3 Mid & South Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Auckland/Northland Texto duplicado
H3 2015 National Winners
H3 Mid & South Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Manawatu/Wanganui Texto duplicado
H3 East Coast Texto duplicado
H3 Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau Texto duplicado
H3 Waikato Texto duplicado
H3 Auckland/Northland Texto duplicado
H3 Wellington/Wairarapa Texto duplicado
H3 Taranaki Texto duplicado
H3 Canterbury Texto duplicado
H3 Southern Texto duplicado
H3 Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast Texto duplicado
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 19 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ventana Externo Subdominio Constructive ForumIndustry innovation excellence
http://www.commercialprojectaw...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Commercial Project AwardsCelebrating building excellence
http://www.apprenticeoftheyear...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Apprentice of the YearBuilding excellent futures of the YearCelebrating building excellence ventana Externo Subdominio Registered Master BuildersBuilding Excellence Registered Master Builders House of the Year
A-TITLE House of the Year - Home
/houses/?f=home&year=2023Texto duplicado 2023
/houses/?f=home&year=2022Texto duplicado 2022
/houses/?f=home&year=2021Texto duplicado 2021
/houses/?f=home&year=2020Texto duplicado 2020
/houses/?f=home&year=2019Texto duplicado 2019
/houses/?f=home&year=2018Texto duplicado 2018
/houses/?f=home&year=2017Texto duplicado 2017
/houses/?f=home&year=2016Texto duplicado 2016
/houses/?f=home&year=2015Texto duplicado 2015
/articles/30-years-hoy/30 Years of House of the Year
/about/how-they-are-scored-and...How They Are Scored and Judged
/about/key-dates-and-timings/Key Dates and Timings
/about/homeowner-faq/Homeowner FAQ
/about/contact-us/Contact Us
/about/registered-master-build...Registered Master Builders
/about/2023-map/2023 Map
/sponsor-family/Sponsor Family
/find-a-builder/Find a Builder ventana Externo Subdominio Login
/houses/2023/sog-11683-1-14/IMG-ALT SOG 11683 1 14 W
A-TITLE SOG-11683-1-14
/houses/2023/ak-7191-2-3/IMG-ALT AK 7191 2 3 06 W)
A-TITLE AK-7191-2-3
/houses/2023/cb-1565-3-2/IMG-ALT CB 1565 3 2 11 W)
A-TITLE CB-1565-3-2
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A-TITLE CB-1449-4-10
/houses/2023/wk-2029-6-10/IMG-ALT WK 2029 6 10 59 W)
A-TITLE WK-2029-6-10
/houses?f=homeHouse of the Year
/houses/?f=home&year=2024See the Regional entrants for 2024
/results/national?Texto ancla View the 2023 National winners ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Master Builders ventana Externo IMG-ALT CARTERS Building Supplies ventana Externo IMG-ALT Comfortech Building Performance Solutions ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Bunnings Trade ventana Externo IMG-ALT Building Academy ventana Externo IMG-ALT Plumbing World ventana Externo IMG-ALT Winstone Wallboards ventana Externo IMG-ALT Mitre 10 Trade ventana Externo IMG-ALT Master Build 10-Year Guarantee ventana Externo IMG-ALT PDL By Schneider Electric ventana Externo IMG-ALT Resene ventana Externo IMG-ALT APL Window Solutions ventana Externo IMG-ALT Altus Window Systems ventana Externo IMG-ALT BCITO
/houses/?f=home&year=2024view 2024 entrants
/houses/list/Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau
/results/?year=2023view all
/results/national?year=20232023 National Winners
IMG-ALT 2023 National Winners
A-TITLE 2023 National Winners
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IMG-ALT Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast
/results/list/Manawatu & Whanganui
IMG-ALT Manawatu & Whanganui
/results/list/Auckland / Northland / Coromandel
IMG-ALT Auckland / Northland / Coromandel
/results/list/Mid & South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Mid & South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Canterbury
IMG-ALT Southern
/results/list/East Coast & Hawkes Bay
IMG-ALT East Coast & Hawkes Bay
/results/list/Central North Island & East Coast / Hawke's Bay
IMG-ALT Central North Island & East Coast / Hawke's Bay
IMG-ALT Waikato
/results/list/Texto duplicado Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Taranaki
/results/list/Wellington & Wairarapa
IMG-ALT Wellington & Wairarapa
/results/?year=2022Texto duplicado view all
/results/national?year=20222022 National Winners
IMG-ALT 2022 National Winners
A-TITLE 2022 National Winners
/results/list/Texto duplicado Manawatu & Whanganui
IMG-ALT Manawatu & Whanganui
/results/list/Texto duplicado Waikato
IMG-ALT Waikato
/results/list/Texto duplicado Taranaki
IMG-ALT Taranaki
/results/list/Texto duplicado Southern
IMG-ALT Southern
/results/list/Texto duplicado East Coast & Hawkes Bay
IMG-ALT East Coast & Hawkes Bay
/results/list/Texto duplicado Wellington & Wairarapa
IMG-ALT Wellington & Wairarapa
/results/list/Cook Strait
IMG-ALT Cook Strait
/results/list/Texto duplicado Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau
/results/list/Texto duplicado Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast
IMG-ALT Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Auckland / Northland / Coromandel
IMG-ALT Auckland / Northland / Coromandel
/results/list/Central North Island / East Coast & Hawkes Bay
IMG-ALT Central North Island / East Coast & Hawkes Bay
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IMG-ALT Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado Mid & South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Mid & South Canterbury
/results/?year=2021Texto duplicado view all
/results/national?year=20212021 National Winners
IMG-ALT 2021 National Winners
A-TITLE 2021 National Winners
/results/list/Texto duplicado Auckland / Northland / Coromandel
IMG-ALT Auckland / Northland / Coromandel
/results/list/Texto duplicado Southern
IMG-ALT Southern
/results/list/Texto duplicado Manawatu & Whanganui
IMG-ALT Manawatu & Whanganui
/results/list/Texto duplicado Taranaki
IMG-ALT Taranaki
/results/list/Texto duplicado Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Bay of Plenty & Central Plateau
/results/list/Texto duplicado Wellington & Wairarapa
IMG-ALT Wellington & Wairarapa
/results/list/Texto duplicado Waikato
IMG-ALT Waikato
/results/list/Texto duplicado Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast
IMG-ALT Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Mid & South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Mid & South Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado Canterbury
IMG-ALT Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado East Coast & Hawkes Bay
IMG-ALT East Coast & Hawkes Bay
/results/?year=2020Texto duplicado view all
/results/national?year=20202020 National Winners
IMG-ALT 2020 National Winners
A-TITLE 2020 National Winners
/results/list/Wellington / Wairarapa
IMG-ALT Wellington / Wairarapa
/results/list/Texto duplicado Mid & South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Mid & South Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast
IMG-ALT Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast
/results/list/East Coast / Manawatu / Whanganui
IMG-ALT East Coast / Manawatu / Whanganui
/results/list/Manawatu / Whanganui
IMG-ALT Manawatu / Whanganui
/results/list/Texto duplicado Waikato
IMG-ALT Waikato
/results/list/Texto duplicado Taranaki
IMG-ALT Taranaki
/results/list/Bay of Plenty / Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Bay of Plenty / Central Plateau
/results/list/Texto duplicado Auckland / Northland / Coromandel
IMG-ALT Auckland / Northland / Coromandel
/results/list/Texto duplicado Canterbury
IMG-ALT Canterbury
/results/list/East Coast
IMG-ALT East Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Southern
IMG-ALT Southern
/results/?year=2019Texto duplicado view all
/results/national?year=20192019 National Winners
IMG-ALT 2019 National Winners
A-TITLE 2019 National Winners
/results/list/Texto duplicado Canterbury
IMG-ALT Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado Waikato
IMG-ALT Waikato
/results/list/Texto duplicado Taranaki
IMG-ALT Taranaki
/results/list/Texto duplicado Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast
IMG-ALT Nelson / Marlborough / West Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Wellington / Wairarapa
IMG-ALT Wellington / Wairarapa
/results/list/Texto duplicado Bay of Plenty / Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Bay of Plenty / Central Plateau
/results/list/Texto duplicado East Coast / Manawatu / Whanganui
IMG-ALT East Coast / Manawatu / Whanganui
/results/list/Texto duplicado East Coast
IMG-ALT East Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Mid & South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Mid & South Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado Southern
IMG-ALT Southern
/results/list/Texto duplicado Manawatu / Whanganui
IMG-ALT Manawatu / Whanganui
IMG-ALT Auckland
/results/?year=2018Texto duplicado view all
/results/national?year=2018Sin texto
IMG-ALT Wellington/Wairarapa
IMG-ALT Manawatu/Whanganui/Taranaki
/results/list/Texto duplicado Waikato
IMG-ALT Waikato
/results/list/Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast
IMG-ALT Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Taranaki
IMG-ALT Taranaki
/results/list/Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau
/results/list/Texto duplicado Southern
IMG-ALT Southern
/results/list/Canterbury/Mid South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Canterbury/Mid South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Manawatu/Whanganui
/results/list/Texto duplicado Canterbury
IMG-ALT Canterbury
IMG-ALT Auckland/Northland
/results/list/Texto duplicado East Coast
IMG-ALT East Coast
/results/list/Mid South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Mid South Canterbury
/results/?year=2017Texto duplicado view all
/results/national?year=20172017 National Winners
IMG-ALT 2017 National Winners
A-TITLE 2017 National Winners
/results/list/Texto duplicado Taranaki
IMG-ALT Taranaki
IMG-ALT Manawatu/Wanganui
/results/list/Texto duplicado Southern
IMG-ALT Southern
/results/list/Texto duplicado Wellington/Wairarapa
IMG-ALT Wellington/Wairarapa
/results/list/Texto duplicado Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau
/results/list/Texto duplicado East Coast
IMG-ALT East Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Auckland/Northland
IMG-ALT Auckland/Northland
/results/list/Texto duplicado Canterbury
IMG-ALT Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast
IMG-ALT Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Waikato
IMG-ALT Waikato
/results/list/East Coast/Manawatu/Whanganui
IMG-ALT East Coast/Manawatu/Whanganui
/results/list/Texto duplicado Mid & South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Mid & South Canterbury
/results/?year=2016Texto duplicado view all
/results/national?year=20162016 National Winners
IMG-ALT 2016 National Winners
A-TITLE 2016 National Winners
/results/list/Texto duplicado Southern
IMG-ALT Southern
/results/list/Texto duplicado Taranaki
IMG-ALT Taranaki
/results/list/Texto duplicado Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau
/results/list/Manawatu/Wanganui/East Coast
IMG-ALT Manawatu/Wanganui/East Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Wellington/Wairarapa
IMG-ALT Wellington/Wairarapa
/results/list/Texto duplicado East Coast
IMG-ALT East Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Waikato
IMG-ALT Waikato
/results/list/Texto duplicado Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast
IMG-ALT Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Canterbury
IMG-ALT Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado Manawatu/Wanganui
IMG-ALT Manawatu/Wanganui
/results/list/Texto duplicado Mid & South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Mid & South Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado Auckland/Northland
IMG-ALT Auckland/Northland
/results/?year=2015Texto duplicado view all
/results/national?year=20152015 National Winners
IMG-ALT 2015 National Winners
A-TITLE 2015 National Winners
/results/list/Texto duplicado Mid & South Canterbury
IMG-ALT Mid & South Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado Manawatu/Wanganui
IMG-ALT Manawatu/Wanganui
/results/list/Texto duplicado East Coast
IMG-ALT East Coast
/results/list/Texto duplicado Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau
IMG-ALT Bay of Plenty/Central Plateau
/results/list/Texto duplicado Waikato
IMG-ALT Waikato
/results/list/Texto duplicado Auckland/Northland
IMG-ALT Auckland/Northland
/results/list/Texto duplicado Wellington/Wairarapa
IMG-ALT Wellington/Wairarapa
/results/list/Texto duplicado Taranaki
IMG-ALT Taranaki
/results/list/Texto duplicado Canterbury
IMG-ALT Canterbury
/results/list/Texto duplicado Southern
IMG-ALT Southern
/results/list/Texto duplicado Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast
IMG-ALT Marlborough/Nelson/West Coast

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Home | House of the Year
Home | House of the Year

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
2024 House64%Check
Year Results62%Check
National winners48%Check

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