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(Extremadamente importante)
IWC | International Whaling Commission
La longitud del título es óptima (362 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) is the global intergovernmental body charged with the conservation of whales and the management of whaling.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (965 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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descriptionThe International Whaling Commission (IWC) is the global intergovernmental body charged with the conservation of whales and the management of whaling.
generatorZenario 10.0 (svn branch)
keywordsCommission, International, Whaling, IWC,global,body,conservation,whale, management,whaling,88, member,government,country,world ,1946,conservation,bycatch,entanglement, ocean, noise, pollution, debris, collision,between, whales, ships, sustainable, watching, scientific,commission
og:titleIWC | International Whaling Commission
og:descriptionThe International Whaling Commission (IWC) is the global intergovernmental body charged with the conservation of whales and the management of whaling.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 28.73 palabras.
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
The International Whaling Commission - IWC
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 The International Whaling Commission - IWC
H3 LATEST NEWS FROM THE IWC: Texto duplicado
H3 LATEST NEWS FROM THE IWC: Texto duplicado
H3 LATEST NEWS FROM THE IWC: Texto duplicado
H3 LATEST NEWS FROM THE IWC: Texto duplicado
H4 Colombia: Successful test of newly trained entanglement response team
H4 Available now: the new IWC Intersessional Report
H4 The IWC-POWER research vessel sets sail
H4 Successful conclusion to two bycatch workshops in Colombia
H4 Spain completes its first large whale entanglement response workshop
H4 Latest Tweets
Página base:
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (580) en esta página.
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
Hay 11 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (59) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla IWC logo white the Commission
/commission/history-and-purposeHistory and Purpose
/commission/creation-of-the-iwcCreation of the IWC
/commission/75th-anniversary-o...75th Anniversary of the IWC
/commission/75th-anniversary-r...75th Anniversary - Reflections
/commission/membersMembership & Contracting Governments
/commission/historical-chairsList of Previous Chairs
/commission/joining-the-iwcJoining the IWC
/commission/organisational-str...Organisational Structure
/commission/commission-sub-groupsCommission Sub-groups
/commission/iwcfinancingIWC Finance & Funding
/commission/database-of-recomm...Database of Recommendations
/commission/conventionKey Documents ventana Externo Subdominio ICRW Convention ventana Externo Subdominio Schedule ventana Externo Subdominio Rules of Procedure
/commission/convention/resolut...Resolutions Whales
/about-whales/estimatePopulation Estimates
/about-whales/population-statusPopulation Status
/about-whales/whale-species/bl...Blue whale
/about-whales/whale-species/bo...Bottlenose dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/bo...Bowhead whale
/about-whales/whale-species/br...Bryde's whale
/about-whales/whale-species/co...Common dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/du...Dusky dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/fa...False killer whale
/about-whales/whale-species/fi...Fin whale
/about-whales/whale-species/gr...Gray whale
/about-whales/whale-species/hu...Humpback dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/hu...Humpback whale
/about-whales/whale-species/ir...Irrawaddy dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/ki...Killer whale
/about-whales/whale-species/mi...Minke whale
/about-whales/whale-species/pi...Pilot whale
/about-whales/whale-species/ri...Right whale
/about-whales/whale-species/se...Sei whale
/about-whales/whale-species/sp...Sperm whale
/about-whales/whale-species/sp...Spinner dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/sp...Spotted dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/st...Striped dolphin
/management-and-conservationConservation & Management
/management-and-conservation/w...Aboriginal subsistence whaling
/management-and-conservation/w...Special Permit Whaling
/management-and-conservation/w...Commercial Whaling
/management-and-conservation/w...Total Catches
/management-and-conservation/rmpRevised Management Procedure
/management-and-conservation/w...Animal welfare issues
/commission/commission-sub-gro...Conservation Committee Subdominio Conservation Committee Working Methods
/management-and-conservation/c...CC/SC Joint Working Group
/resources/protocols-guideline...Protocols & Best Practice Guidelines
/commission/database-of-recomm...Texto duplicado Database of Recommendations
/management-and-conservation/b...Expert Panel on Bycatch
/management-and-conservation/e...Entanglement (in fishing gear and debris)
/management-and-conservation/e...Expert Advisory Panel on Entanglement Response
/management-and-conservation/e...Best practice guidelines for entanglement responders
/management-and-conservation/s...Advice to the public
/management-and-conservation/s...Strandings Initiative
/management-and-conservation/s...Expert Advisory Panel on Strandings
/management-and-conservation/s...Ship Strikes
/management-and-conservation/s...Expert Panel on Ship Strikes
/management-and-conservation/e...Environmental concerns
/management-and-conservation/e...Climate change
/management-and-conservation/e...Ocean Noise
/management-and-conservation/e...Marine Debris
/management-and-conservation/e...Chemical pollution
/management-and-conservation/e...Cetacean diseases
/management-and-conservation/e...Marine renewable energy developments
/management-and-conservation/e...State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER)
/management-and-conservation/c...Conservation management plans
/management-and-conservation/c...Western Gray Whale CMP
/management-and-conservation/c...South Atlantic Southern Right Whale
/management-and-conservation/c...South Pacific Southern Right Whale
/management-and-conservation/c...Franciscana Dolphin
/management-and-conservation/c...Amazon River Dolphin
/management-and-conservation/s...Sanctuaries and MPAs
/management-and-conservation/w...Whale Watching
/management-and-conservation/w...Whale Watching Handbook
/management-and-conservation/s...Small cetaceans
/scientific-research/guideline...Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund
/management-and-conservation/s...Small Cetacean Task Teams
/management-and-conservation/s...Small Cetaceans - Wildmeat
/management-and-conservation/c...Cetaceans and Extinction
/scientific-researchScientific Research
/scientific-research/scientifi...Summary of Scientific Committee Activity 2023-24
/scientific-research/data-avai...Data Availability
/scientific-research/correspon...Correspondence Groups ventana Externo Subdominio Scientific Committee Meetings
/resources/protocols-guideline...Texto duplicado Protocols & Best Practice Guidelines
/commission/database-of-recomm...Texto duplicado Database of Recommendations
/scientific-research/guideline...IWC Research Funds
/scientific-research/guideline...Guidelines for Funding Research
/scientific-research/guideline...Texto duplicado Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund
/scientific-research/guideline...Small Cetacean Voluntary Fund Donor List
/scientific-research/sorpSouthern Ocean Research Partnership
/scientific-research/sowerInternational research cruises
/scientific-research/reportsReports ventana Externo Subdominio Scientific Committee Reports
/scientific-research/reports/s...National Progress Reports
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER)
/scientific-research/reports/w...Workshop Reports
/scientific-research/reports/j...Texto duplicado CC/SC Joint Working Group ventana Externo Subdominio Research & Data Requests
/events-and-workshopsMeetings & Events
/events-and-workshops/iwc69-vi...IWC69 Virtual Sub-Committees
/events-and-workshops/iwc69-2024IWC69 2024
/events-and-workshops/sc69b-2024SC69B - 2024
/events-and-workshops/iwc-virt...IWC Virtual Special Meeting
/events-and-workshops/pollutio...Pollution 2025 Workshop
/events-and-workshops/climate-...Climate Change Workshop 2021
/events-and-workshops/iwc-bure...IWC Bureau meeting
/events-and-workshops/cc-inter...IWC Conservation Committee - Intersessional 2020 ventana Externo Subdominio Main Outcomes of 2022 meeting
/events-and-workshops/historicalVenues and dates of all previous meetings ventana Externo Subdominio IWC Resolutions ventana Externo Subdominio IWC Meeting Voting Records
/events-and-workshops/observersProcedures for observers at IWC meetings
/events-and-workshops/verbatim...Verbatim Records
/events-and-workshopsAll Meetings & Workshops ventana Externo Subdominio Commission Meeting Archive ventana Externo Subdominio Scientific Committee Meeting Archive & Media
/resources/documentsTexto duplicado Reports ventana Externo Subdominio Commission Meeting Reports ventana Externo Subdominio Intersessional Report of the IWC 2018-22 ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Scientific Committee Reports ventana Externo Subdominio Conservation Committee Reports ventana Externo Subdominio IWC Bureau Reports ventana Externo Subdominio Reports of the IWC Special Issues (1974 to 1998)
/resources/documentsDocuments ventana Externo Subdominio IWC Archive - all documents ventana Externo Subdominio Commission Meeting Papers ventana Externo Subdominio Commission Resolutions ventana Externo Subdominio Commission Workshops ventana Externo Subdominio Scientific Committee Workshops ventana Externo Subdominio JCRM current issues ventana Externo Subdominio JCRM historic archives
/resources/media-resourcesMedia Resources Archive
/resources/media-resources/iwc...News Bulletin
/resources/media-resources/mee...Meeting Accreditation
/resources/media-resources/aud...Blue Whale Song Reference Library ventana Externo Subdominio IWC YouTube Channel ventana Externo IWC Twitter Feed
/resources/protocols-guideline...Protocols/Guidelines ventana Externo Subdominio Databases & Applications
/resources/photo-galleryPhoto Gallery
/resources/website-toolsWebsite Tools
/resources/glossary-of-termsGlossary of Terms duplicado About the Commission duplicado About Whales
/management-and-conservationTexto duplicado Conservation & Management
/scientific-researchTexto duplicado Scientific Research
/events-and-workshopsTexto duplicado Meetings & Events duplicado Resources & Media
/commission/conventionTexto duplicado Key Documents
/about-whales/livesTexto duplicado Introduction
/about-whales/cetaceaTexto duplicado Taxonomy
/about-whales/estimateTexto duplicado Population Estimates
/about-whales/population-statusTexto duplicado Population Status
/about-whales/soundsTexto duplicado Sounds
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/management-and-conservation/w...Texto duplicado Whaling
/management-and-conservation/rmpTexto duplicado Revised Management Procedure
/management-and-conservation/w...Texto duplicado Animal welfare issues
/commission/commission-sub-gro...Texto duplicado Conservation Committee
/management-and-conservation/b...Texto duplicado Bycatch
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado Entanglement (in fishing gear and debris)
/management-and-conservation/s...Texto duplicado Strandings
/management-and-conservation/s...Texto duplicado Ship Strikes
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado Environmental concerns
/management-and-conservation/c...Texto duplicado Conservation management plans
/management-and-conservation/s...Texto duplicado Sanctuaries and MPAs
/management-and-conservation/w...Texto duplicado Whale Watching
/management-and-conservation/s...Texto duplicado Small cetaceans
/management-and-conservation/c...Texto duplicado Cetaceans and Extinction
/management-and-conservation/i...Texto duplicado Infractions
/scientific-research/guideline...Texto duplicado IWC Research Funds
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/scientific-research/sowerTexto duplicado International research cruises
/scientific-research/reportsTexto duplicado Reports ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Research & Data Requests
/events-and-workshopsTexto duplicado All Meetings & Workshops ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Commission Meeting Archive ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Scientific Committee Meeting Archive
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/resources/documentsTexto duplicado Documents
/resources/media-resourcesTexto duplicado Media Resources
/resources/protocols-guideline...Texto duplicado Protocols/Guidelines ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Databases & Applications
/resources/photo-galleryTexto duplicado Photo Gallery
/resources/iwc-communicationsTexto duplicado Communications/Circulars
/resources/website-toolsTexto duplicado Website Tools
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/commission/history-and-purposeTexto duplicado History and Purpose
/commission/creation-of-the-iwcTexto duplicado Creation of the IWC
/commission/75th-anniversary-o...Texto duplicado 75th Anniversary of the IWC
/commission/75th-anniversary-r...Texto duplicado 75th Anniversary - Reflections
/commission/membersTexto duplicado Membership & Contracting Governments
/commission/historical-chairsTexto duplicado List of Previous Chairs
/commission/joining-the-iwcTexto duplicado Joining the IWC
/commission/_ParticipationTexto duplicado Participation
/commission/organisational-str...Texto duplicado Organisational Structure
/commission/commission-sub-groupsTexto duplicado Commission Sub-groups duplicado Bureau
/commission/iwcfinancingTexto duplicado IWC Finance & Funding
/commission/secretariatTexto duplicado Secretariat
/commission/database-of-recomm...Texto duplicado Database of Recommendations ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado ICRW Convention ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Schedule ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Rules of Procedure
/commission/convention/resolut...Texto duplicado Resolutions
/about-whales/whale-species/bl...Texto duplicado Blue whale
/about-whales/whale-species/bo...Texto duplicado Bottlenose dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/bo...Texto duplicado Bowhead whale
/about-whales/whale-species/br...Texto duplicado Bryde's whale
/about-whales/whale-species/co...Texto duplicado Common dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/du...Texto duplicado Dusky dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/fa...Texto duplicado False killer whale
/about-whales/whale-species/fi...Texto duplicado Fin whale
/about-whales/whale-species/gr...Texto duplicado Gray whale
/about-whales/whale-species/hu...Texto duplicado Humpback dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/hu...Texto duplicado Humpback whale
/about-whales/whale-species/ir...Texto duplicado Irrawaddy dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/ki...Texto duplicado Killer whale
/about-whales/whale-species/mi...Texto duplicado Minke whale
/about-whales/whale-species/pi...Texto duplicado Pilot whale
/about-whales/whale-species/ri...Texto duplicado Right whale
/about-whales/whale-species/se...Texto duplicado Sei whale
/about-whales/whale-species/sp...Texto duplicado Sperm whale
/about-whales/whale-species/sp...Texto duplicado Spinner dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/sp...Texto duplicado Spotted dolphin
/about-whales/whale-species/st...Texto duplicado Striped dolphin
/management-and-conservation/w...Texto duplicado Aboriginal subsistence whaling
/management-and-conservation/w...Texto duplicado Special Permit Whaling
/management-and-conservation/w...Texto duplicado Commercial Whaling
/management-and-conservation/w...Texto duplicado Total Catches Subdominio Texto duplicado Conservation Committee Working Methods
/management-and-conservation/c...Texto duplicado CC/SC Joint Working Group
/resources/protocols-guideline...Texto duplicado Protocols & Best Practice Guidelines
/commission/database-of-recomm...Texto duplicado Database of Recommendations
/management-and-conservation/b...Texto duplicado Expert Panel on Bycatch
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado Expert Advisory Panel on Entanglement Response
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado Best practice guidelines for entanglement responders
/management-and-conservation/s...Texto duplicado Advice to the public
/management-and-conservation/s...Texto duplicado Strandings Initiative
/management-and-conservation/s...Texto duplicado Expert Advisory Panel on Strandings
/management-and-conservation/s...Texto duplicado Expert Panel on Ship Strikes
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado Climate change
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado Ocean Noise
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado Marine Debris
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado Chemical pollution
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado Cetacean diseases
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado Marine renewable energy developments
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER)
/management-and-conservation/c...Texto duplicado Western Gray Whale CMP
/management-and-conservation/c...Texto duplicado South Atlantic Southern Right Whale
/management-and-conservation/c...Texto duplicado South Pacific Southern Right Whale
/management-and-conservation/c...Texto duplicado Franciscana Dolphin
/management-and-conservation/c...Texto duplicado Amazon River Dolphin
/management-and-conservation/w...Texto duplicado Whale Watching Handbook
/scientific-research/guideline...Texto duplicado Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund
/management-and-conservation/s...Texto duplicado Small Cetacean Task Teams
/management-and-conservation/s...Texto duplicado Small Cetaceans - Wildmeat
/scientific-research/scientifi...Texto duplicado Handbook
/scientific-research/scientifi...Texto duplicado Summary of Scientific Committee Activity 2023-24
/scientific-research/data-avai...Texto duplicado Data Availability
/scientific-research/correspon...Texto duplicado Correspondence Groups ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Scientific Committee Meetings
/resources/protocols-guideline...Texto duplicado Protocols & Best Practice Guidelines
/commission/database-of-recomm...Texto duplicado Database of Recommendations
/scientific-research/guideline...Texto duplicado Guidelines for Funding Research
/scientific-research/guideline...Texto duplicado Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund
/scientific-research/guideline...Texto duplicado Small Cetacean Voluntary Fund Donor List
/scientific-research/sowerTexto duplicado SOWER
/scientific-research/sower/powerTexto duplicado POWER ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Scientific Committee Reports
/scientific-research/reports/s...Texto duplicado National Progress Reports
/management-and-conservation/e...Texto duplicado State of the Cetacean Environment Report (SOCER)
/scientific-research/reports/w...Texto duplicado Workshop Reports
/scientific-research/reports/j...Texto duplicado CC/SC Joint Working Group
/events-and-workshops/iwc69-vi...Texto duplicado IWC69 Virtual Sub-Committees
/events-and-workshops/iwc69-2024Texto duplicado IWC69 2024
/events-and-workshops/sc69b-2024Texto duplicado SC69B - 2024
/events-and-workshops/sc69a-2023Texto duplicado SC69A
/events-and-workshops/iwc68Texto duplicado IWC68
/events-and-workshops/iwc-virt...Texto duplicado IWC Virtual Special Meeting
/events-and-workshops/sc68cTexto duplicado SC68C
/events-and-workshops/sc68d-2022Texto duplicado SC68D
/events-and-workshops/pollutio...Texto duplicado Pollution 2025 Workshop
/events-and-workshops/climate-...Texto duplicado Climate Change Workshop 2021
/events-and-workshops/iwc-bure...Texto duplicado IWC Bureau meeting
/events-and-workshops/cc-inter...Texto duplicado IWC Conservation Committee - Intersessional 2020 ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Main Outcomes of 2022 meeting
/events-and-workshops/historicalTexto duplicado Venues and dates of all previous meetings ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IWC Resolutions ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IWC Meeting Voting Records
/events-and-workshops/observersTexto duplicado Procedures for observers at IWC meetings
/events-and-workshops/verbatim...Texto duplicado Verbatim Records ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Commission Meeting Reports ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Intersessional Report of the IWC 2018-22 ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Scientific Committee Reports ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Conservation Committee Reports ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IWC Bureau Reports ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Reports of the IWC Special Issues (1974 to 1998) ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IWC Archive - all documents ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Commission Meeting Papers ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Commission Resolutions ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Commission Workshops ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Scientific Committee Workshops ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado JCRM current issues ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado JCRM historic archives duplicado News Archive
/resources/media-resources/iwc...Texto duplicado News Bulletin
/resources/media-resources/mee...Texto duplicado Meeting Accreditation
/resources/media-resources/aud...Texto duplicado Blue Whale Song Reference Library ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IWC YouTube Channel ventana Externo Texto duplicado IWC Twitter Feed
/resources/media-resources/com...Texto duplicado Competitions
/commission/commission-sub-gro...Scientific Committee
/commission/commission-sub-gro...Texto duplicado Conservation Committee
/commission/commission-sub-gro...Finance and Administration Committee
/commission/commission-sub-gro...Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Sub-Committee
/commission/commission-sub-gro...Infractions Sub-Committee
/commission/commission-sub-gro...Working Group on Whale Killing Methods and Welfare Issues
/commission/iwcfinancing/calcu...Calculating Financial Contributions
/commission/iwcfinancing/stren...Strengthening Finance Group
/management-and-conservation/w...Catch Limits
/management-and-conservation/w...Scientific advice
/management-and-conservation/w...Information on hunts
/management-and-conservation/w...Russian Federation
/management-and-conservation/w...SPW Scientific Cttee Review
/management-and-conservation/w...SPW Catches
/management-and-conservation/w...SPW Programmes
/management-and-conservation/e...Infectious Disease
/scientific-research/guideline...Population endemic Chilean dolphins southern Chile
/scientific-research/guideline...Rapid assessment of the occurrence and conservation status of Guiana dolphins
/scientific-research/sower/pow...POWER Objectives
/events-and-workshops/observer...Procedures for non-member Government and IGO observers
/events-and-workshops/observer...Procedures for Non-Governmental Organisation observers
/resources/media-resources/new...Entanglement response training completes in Colombia
/resources/media-resources/new...Available now: the new IWC Intersessional Report
/resources/media-resources/new...The IWC-POWER research vessel sets sail
/resources/media-resources/new...Successful conclusion to two bycatch workshops in Colombia
/resources/media-resources/new...Spain completes its first large whale entanglement response workshop
/resources/media-resources/new...Joining forces: the Bycatch Mitigation Initiative and Conservation Management Plan for South American River Dolphins
/resources/media-resources/new...Conservation Management Plan for southern right whales in the eastern South Pacific: new implementation strategy developed
/resources/media-resources/new...From indigenous whaling to Iberian killer whales: the IWC Scientific Committee reports on a wide-ranging meeting
/resources/media-resources/new...Starting today: IWC Scientific Committee meeting
/resources/media-resources/new...Call for papers: JCRM Special Issue on whale tagging
/resources/media-resources/new...Comprehensive Assessment: North Pacific Humpback Whales
/resources/media-resources/new...Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphin: Task Team Workshop
/resources/media-resources/new...Planning the next phase: Conservation Management Plan for southern right whales in western South Atlantic
/resources/media-resources/new...Views and collaborators sought for Indian Ocean Monitoring Initiative
/resources/media-resources/new...New Series of Scientific Committee Workshops: Small Cetaceans in the South Pacific
/resources/media-resources/new...Technical meeting: western North Pacific minke whale
/resources/media-resources/new...Crossing borders to address large whale entanglement: bi-national workshop in Puerto Williams, Chile
/resources/media-resources/new...World Shipping Council: Whale Protection Conference launches ‘Whale Chart’ navigation aid
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC and CMS collaborate for second workshop on Cetacean Ecosystem Functioning
/resources/media-resources/new...Successful conclusion to strandings response training across the Caribbean region
/resources/media-resources/new...Large Whale Disentanglement Training in Puntarenas, Costa Rica
/resources/media-resources/new...The IWC welcomes new Executive Secretary, Martha Rojas Urrego
/resources/media-resources/new...Annual IWC Pacific Research Cruises Sets Sail
/resources/media-resources/new...Workshop: In-depth Assessment for western North Pacific Minke
/resources/media-resources/new...Contract awarded: Survey of Indigenous and Human Rights Instruments
/resources/media-resources/new...First ever Extinction Alert from the IWC
/resources/media-resources/new...Tripartite entanglement response training at the Pelagos Sanctuary
/resources/media-resources/new...From population assessments to pingers and pearls: the Scientific Committee reports on a wide-ranging meeting
/resources/media-resources/new...Emergency Response and Capacity Building on the agenda at IWC Strandings Workshop
/resources/media-resources/new...Starting today: the IWC Scientific Committee meeting
/resources/media-resources/new...Franciscana dolphins aerial surveys in Uruguay: overcoming a challenge
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC General Principles for Whale Watching: additional support for operators, regulators & travellers
/resources/media-resources/new...Seismic survey questionnaire
/resources/media-resources/new...Published today: Chair’s Report of the 2022 IWC Meeting
/resources/media-resources/new...El Salvador joins the Global Whale Entanglement Response Network
/resources/media-resources/new...Focus on collaboration and coordination at FAO Regional Secretariat’s Organisation
/resources/media-resources/new...Oman workshop Arabian Sea humpback
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC resumes in-person entanglement response training in Italy
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Plenary: Day Five
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Plenary: Day Four
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Plenary: Day Three
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Plenary: Day Two
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Plenary: Day One
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado IWC68
/resources/media-resources/new...Vacancy at IWC Headquarters: Editorial Assistant
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Intersessional Report of the IWC 2018-22
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC-POWER research cruise sets sail
/resources/media-resources/new...Report of the 2022 Scientific Committee Meeting available now.
/resources/media-resources/new...Bycatch and illegal fishing on the agenda of a new, international collaboration
/resources/media-resources/new...Brazil hosts Conservation Management Plan Workshops for two vulnerable populations in the southwest Atlantic
/resources/media-resources/new...Third virtual meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee begins
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC workshop: the value of whales to the ecosystem
/resources/media-resources/new...Scientific Committee Implementation Review workshop
/resources/media-resources/new...Annual Scientific Committee meeting begins
/resources/media-resources/new...Collaboration and co-existence: the key to bycatch reduction and a winning formula for Pedro Fruet
/resources/media-resources/new...Available now: IWC Scientific Committee meeting report for 2021
/resources/media-resources/new...Annual IWC-POWER research cruise sets sail from Shiogama, Japan
/resources/media-resources/new...75 years of recommendations: the IWC’s new, public database
/resources/media-resources/new...Special Virtual Meeting: Actions on Voting Rights and the Plight of the Vaquita
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC-POWER completes twelfth successful research voyage
/resources/media-resources/new...Fifth IWC Workshop on Climate Change and Cetaceans will focus on increased efforts and collaboration
/resources/media-resources/new...Pollution 2025: Intersessional Workshop
/resources/media-resources/new...75 years of the IWC
/resources/media-resources/new...Marine debris workshop, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Whale Watch Operators Workshop, Brisbane, Australia
/resources/media-resources/new...Conservation Management Plans, IWC Working Group Brisbane, Australia
/resources/media-resources/new...Southern Ocean Research Partnership (SORP) Conference, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, 31 May – 2 June
/resources/media-resources/new...2013 IWC Scientific Committee Meeting, Jeju, Republic of Korea
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC POWER Research Cruise
/resources/media-resources/new...Extending the global whale entanglement response network – IWC training in Salinas, Ecuador.
/resources/media-resources/new...2013 IWC Scientific Committee Report published
/resources/media-resources/new...2013 POWER Research Cruise sets sail
/resources/media-resources/new...New IWC Bureau meets in St Lucia, September 2013
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC-POWER Whale Research Ship Coming to Shiogama, Japan
/resources/media-resources/new...Extending the global whale entanglement response network
/resources/media-resources/new...Journal of Cetacean Research and Management moves online and open access
/resources/media-resources/new...CMP Working Group Report Published
/resources/media-resources/new...Now published - report of the IWC Whale Watch Operators Workshop
/resources/media-resources/new...Research establishes whale-friendly approach to seismic surveys
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Extending the global whale entanglement response network
/resources/media-resources/new...Arctic Impacts Workshop, 6-7 March 2014
/resources/media-resources/new...Understanding the threat to cetaceans from microplastics and PAHS - Pollution 2020
/resources/media-resources/new...North Pacific Gray Whale - range-wide review begins
/resources/media-resources/new...Cetaceans and the Soundscape workshop
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC report published on stranded cetaceans – Euthanasia Protocols to Optimize Welfare Concerns
/resources/media-resources/new...The whale entanglement response network extends to the Dominican Republic
/resources/media-resources/new...Successful release of entangled gray whale calf by newly trained Mexican response team
/resources/media-resources/new...Workshop: Collisions Between Marine Mammals and Ships, 18-20 June, 2014
/resources/media-resources/new...Nineteen cetacean species recorded by the latest IWC-POWER Research Cruise in the eastern North Pacific
/resources/media-resources/new...Long distance acoustic monitoring: the IWC-Southern Ocean Research Project (SORP)
/resources/media-resources/new...Experts gather for second marine debris workshop
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Workshop - Southern Right Whale Die-Off and Kelp Gull Management
/resources/media-resources/new...The fifth IWC-POWER research cruise sets sail.
/resources/media-resources/new...Extending the whale entanglement response network – Tonga and Vanuatu.
/resources/media-resources/new...Vaquita: increasing concern for Mexico's 'little cow.'
/resources/media-resources/new...The 65th IWC meeting gets underway in Slovenia
/resources/media-resources/new...Aboriginal whaling and sanctuaries on the first day's agenda at the IWC meeting in Slovenia.
/resources/media-resources/new...Ongoing discussions and a Resolution regarding highly migratory species at IWC65
/resources/media-resources/new...Endangered vaquita and western gray whale on the agenda at the IWC meeting in Slovenia
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC’s 65th meeting closes with progress - and praise for a constructive dialogue
/resources/media-resources/new...Extending the global whale entanglement network - Oaxaca, Mexico
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC and SPREP - the benefits of collaboration
/resources/media-resources/new...Extending the whale entanglement network - Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
/resources/media-resources/new...Satellite tagging to help understand Southern Right Whale Die-Off in Patagonia
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC POWER Research Programme prepares for next phase.
/resources/media-resources/new...Expert assistance to help minimise the risk of collision to both racing crews and whales
/resources/media-resources/new...Expanding and evolving: the Global Entanglement Response Network
/resources/media-resources/new...Workshop to progress Strike Limit Algorithms for Greenland Subsistence Hunts
/resources/media-resources/new...Expert Review Panel workshop of NEWREP special permit proposal
/resources/media-resources/new...RMP Implementation Reviews workshop: North Atlantic minke and fin whales
/resources/media-resources/new...The IWC brings ship strikes to the agenda of Whalefest, Brighton.
/resources/media-resources/new...Stage two of the Gray Whale Rangewide Review.
/resources/media-resources/new...New report highlights surprising gray whale telemetry results
/resources/media-resources/new...Growing success: the IWC Global Whale Entanglement Response Network
/resources/media-resources/new...New website section explains the work of the Small Cetacean Voluntary Fund
/resources/media-resources/new...Research confirms perilous fin whale migration across busy shipping lanes
/resources/media-resources/new...The Scientific Committee of the IWC meets in San Diego
/resources/media-resources/new...Humpback whale 'Spinnaker' disentangled for the third time
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Scientific Committee report is published
/resources/media-resources/new...Entanglement response training for IWC-POWER research crew - Shiogama, Japan
/resources/media-resources/new...The sixth IWC-POWER research cruise sets sail from Japan
/resources/media-resources/new...A very real test for IWC's entanglement apprentices
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Bureau meets in Bern, Switzerland
/resources/media-resources/new...Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling: Expert Workshop begins in Greenland
/resources/media-resources/new...Building capacity - entanglement response apprentices share their knowledge
/resources/media-resources/new...Report of the IWC Expert Workshop on Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling
/resources/media-resources/new...New paper presents major advances in understanding of Omura’s whale
/resources/media-resources/new...An experimental success: entanglement & stranding response training in Oman
/resources/media-resources/new...Entanglement Response Training: critically endangered Southern Right Whales
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Entanglement Training in Eastern Caribbean
/resources/media-resources/new...International collaboration on mass strandings and large scale mortalities
/resources/media-resources/new...Prestigious award for IWC funded scientist
/resources/media-resources/new...Sustainable whalewatching on the agenda in the Indian Ocean
/resources/media-resources/new...Call for Applications – the Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Entanglement Response Training for Greenland
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC-SORP Research Fund - Call for Proposals
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC entanglement response training for northern Peru
/resources/media-resources/new...Entanglement response training for southern Brazil
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Plenary begins in Portorož, Slovenia
/resources/media-resources/new...A wide variety of topics on day two of the IWC Plenary
/resources/media-resources/new...Focus on whaling, welfare, cetacean health and habitat on day three
/resources/media-resources/new...Five Resolutions adopted on day four of IWC66
/resources/media-resources/new...A comprehensive and diverse workplan is agreed as 2016 Plenary concludes
/resources/media-resources/new...Need for collaboration is demonstrated at entanglement workshop, Mexico
/resources/media-resources/new...Special Permit Whaling: Expert Panel Review
/resources/media-resources/new...Applications sought for new Voluntary Assistance Fund
/resources/media-resources/new...Scientific Committee meeting begins in Slovenia
/resources/media-resources/new...Scientific Committee Report available
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC entanglement and stranding response training for Sakhalin, Russia
/resources/media-resources/new...Annual IWC-POWER Cruise sets sail from Alaska
/resources/media-resources/new...Cetacean Tagging Workshop begins in the US
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC-POWER Research Ship returns to Japan
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC entanglement response training for Norway
/resources/media-resources/new...Entanglement training concludes in Columbia
/resources/media-resources/new...Latest satellite tagging information shows that nothing is simple in cetacean science
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Governance Review Report published today
/resources/media-resources/new...Successful conclusion to Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling Group Workshop (ASWWG)
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Scientific Committee Meets in Bled
/resources/media-resources/new...Publication of annual Scientific Committee Report
/resources/media-resources/new...Entanglement Response Experts Meet in Provincetown, USA
/resources/media-resources/new...Marine Mammal Bycatch on the agenda at FAO
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Plenary Meeting begins in Florianopolis, Brazil
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC meeting opens with agreement on next steps for IWC Governance Review
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC67: discussions on Subsistence Whaling and vote on South Atlantic Sanctuary
/resources/media-resources/new...Subsistence whaling catch limits & £50,000 for bycatch initiative
/resources/media-resources/new...Future direction of IWC & special permit whaling on IWC agenda
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Plenary concludes in Florianopolis, Brazil
/resources/media-resources/new...Launch of the global Whale Watching Handbook
/resources/media-resources/new...Statement on Government of Japan withdrawal from the IWC
/resources/media-resources/new...Multi-faceted approach to protecting endangered southern right whales in the eastern South Pacific.
/resources/media-resources/new...Scientific Committee workshop: western North Pacific common minke whales
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Workshop: Locating Ship Strike Hotspots
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC Workshop: Understanding Small Cetacean Catches
/resources/media-resources/new...Collaboration at the heart of the first Bycatch Mitigation Initiative workshop
/resources/media-resources/new...Annual Scientific Committee begins in Nairobi
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC entanglement response training for Kenya
/resources/media-resources/new...Whale Song Library and Satellite Tagging Guidelines amongst wide-ranging recommendations of the 2019 Scientific Committee
/resources/media-resources/new...Expanding entanglement response capability for endangered Southern right whales in the western South Atlantic.
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Annual IWC-POWER Cruise sets sail from Alaska
/resources/media-resources/new...Small Cetaceans Task Team workshop: South Asian River Dolphins
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC attends Whaling Captains’ Convention, Utqiaġvik, Alaska
/resources/media-resources/new...Bycatch Mitigation in the Indian Ocean: IWC workshop report published
/resources/media-resources/new...Latest Entanglement Response trainees complete an action-packed apprenticeship in Cape Cod.
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC hosts international biodiversity group
/resources/media-resources/new...Entanglement response training in Scottish Highlands
/resources/media-resources/new...Conservation Management Plans: raising awareness at every level
/resources/media-resources/new...Guiana dolphin workshop gets underway in Brazil
/resources/media-resources/new...Next steps in work to understand and mitigate the threat to cetaceans from marine debris
/resources/media-resources/new...New Tagging Guidelines to protect whales and their observers
/resources/media-resources/new...Review of the IWC’s Pacific Ocean Whale and Ecosystem Research Programme (IWC-POWER)
/resources/media-resources/new...Workshop: status of the Franciscana dolphin
/resources/media-resources/new...Indian Ocean's whale watching aims for gold standard in sustainability
/resources/media-resources/new...Species of the Week
/resources/media-resources/new...Week Two - IWC Species of the Week
/resources/media-resources/new...New publication: IWC Scientific Committee’s 2019 annual meeting report
/resources/media-resources/new...Species of the Week - Week Three
/resources/media-resources/new...Species of the Week - Week Four
/resources/media-resources/new...Virtual meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee begins
/resources/media-resources/new...Species of the Week - Week Five
/resources/media-resources/new...Species of the Week - Week Six
/resources/media-resources/new...IWC reflects on World Oceans Day 2020 - with collaboration at its core
/resources/media-resources/new...Available now: report of the 2020 (virtual) meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee
/resources/media-resources/new...New educational resources for Whale Watching Handbook
/resources/media-resources/new...Marine debris: a substantial threat with more research required
/resources/media-resources/new...Pacific whale and ecosystem research programme completes 11th annual cruise.
/resources/media-resources/new...Meeting of the Conservation Committee: six work plans, 150 participants and over £125,000 of voluntary contributions
/resources/media-resources/new...Guided tours of the Whale Watching Handbook
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado 75 years of the IWC
/resources/media-resources/new...Successful response to entangled Arabian Sea humpback
/resources/media-resources/new...Published: FAO technical guidelines to reduce and prevent bycatch
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Call for Applications – the Small Cetaceans Voluntary Fund
/resources/media-resources/new...On World Wildlife Day, scientists highlight the threat of cetacean extinctions - and importance of acting now
/resources/media-resources/new...JCRM relaunch - a long-standing journal for today’s digital age
/commission/commission-sub-gro...Voluntary Fund for Conservation
/commission/commission-sub-gro...Voluntary Fund for Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling
/commission/iwcfinancing/calcu...Capacity to Pay Groups for 2024 Contributions
/management-and-conservation/w...Makah Tribe
/resources/media-resources/new...Whale of the week 2020
/resources/media-resources/new...IMG-ALT Colombia 2024
/resources/media-resources/new...Colombia: Successful test of newly trained entanglement response team
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto ancla no relevante
read more archive
/resources/media-resources/new...IMG-ALT cover
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Available now: the new IWC Intersessional Report Subdominio Sin texto
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
read more duplicado news archive
/resources/media-resources/new...IMG-ALT Head of a rare North Pacific rare whale 2023
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado The IWC-POWER research vessel sets sail
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
read more duplicado news archive
/resources/media-resources/new...IMG-ALT amazon river dolphin fernando trujilo Fundacion Omacha2
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Successful conclusion to two bycatch workshops in Colombia
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
read more duplicado news archive
/resources/media-resources/new...IMG-ALT spain 1 june 2024
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Spain completes its first large whale entanglement response workshop
/resources/media-resources/new...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/scientific-researchIMG-ALT icon science
/scientific-researchTexto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/management-and-conservationIMG-ALT icon binoculars
/management-and-conservationCONSERVATION & MANAGEMENT
/management-and-conservationTexto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/events-and-workshopsIMG-ALT icon calendar
/events-and-workshopsTexto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/events-and-workshopsTexto duplicado Meetings & Events duplicado Resources & Media Notice Us Map ventana Externo Subscribe to the IWC Mailing List

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
IWC | International Whaling Commission
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) is the global intergovernmental body charged with the conservation of whales and the management of whaling.

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Whaling Commission82%Check
International Whaling Commission81%Check
IWC Conservation64%Check
IWC workshop62%Check
IWC Entanglement62%Check
Commission Meeting60%Check

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