Kls.herts.sch.uk - SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
2,63 s
Tamaño HTML
302,40 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
295 internos / 15 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Kings Langley Secondary School - Unlocking Potential for Life
La longitud del título es óptima (555 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
No se encuentra la meta descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-gb
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-gb.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
Esta página está alojada en un subdominio. Para que la optimización de tu web en los buscadores tenga éxito, deberías utilizar tu propio dominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
twitter:image:altKings Langley Secondary School Logo
og:titleKings Langley Secondary School
og:descriptionMain School
og:site_nameKings Langley Secondary School
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Solo se han encontrado 2 párrafos en esta página.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 901 palabras.
Un 14.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 22.33 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 18 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Kings Langley Secondary School
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Kings Langley Secondary School
H2 Welcome from theHeadteacherHead of Sixth Form
H2 Dates forYour Diary
H2 Kings LangleyHouse Points
H2 CharacterEducation
H3 Important Notices
H4 Open Events 2024
H5 Contact Us
H5 Useful Links
Página base: https://www.kls.herts.sch.uk/
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay 2 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 15 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/?Static=trueSkip Navigation
https://www.kls.herts.sch.uk/Kings Langley Secondary School
IMG-ALT logo
/home/about-us/Subdominio About UsAbout
A-TITLE About Us
/home/about-us/from-the-headte...From the Headteacher
A-TITLE From the Headteacher
/home/about-us/our-mission-sta...Our Mission Statement
A-TITLE Our Mission Statement
A-TITLE Admissions
A-TITLE Prospectus
/home/about-us/financial-infor...Financial Information
A-TITLE Financial Information
A-TITLE Governors
/home/about-us/kings-langley-s...Kings Langley School Staff
A-TITLE Kings Langley School Staff
/home/about-us/leading-experts/Leading Experts
A-TITLE Leading Experts
/home/about-us/open-events/Open Events 2024
A-TITLE Open Events 2024
/home/about-us/our-awards/Our Awards
A-TITLE Our Awards
/home/about-us/perspective-par...Perspective - Parents
A-TITLE Perspective - Parents
/home/about-us/perspective-staff/Perspective - Staff
A-TITLE Perspective - Staff
/home/about-us/perspective-stu...Perspective - Students
A-TITLE Perspective - Students
/home/about-us/remote-learning/Remote Learning Plan
A-TITLE Remote Learning Plan
/home/about-us/school-policies/School Policies
A-TITLE School Policies
/home/about-us/statutory-infor...Statutory Information
A-TITLE Statutory Information
/home/about-us/student-leaders...Student Leadership Team
A-TITLE Student Leadership Team
/home/about-us/virtual-tour/Virtual Tour
A-TITLE Virtual Tour
/home/about-us/job-vacancies/Job Vacancies
A-TITLE Job Vacancies
/home/about-us/talent-pool/Talent Pool
A-TITLE Talent Pool
/home/curriculum/Subdominio CurriculumCurriculum
A-TITLE Curriculum
/home/curriculum/principles-of...Principles of Curriculum
A-TITLE Principles of Curriculum
/home/curriculum/curriculum-co...Curriculum Coverage
A-TITLE Curriculum Coverage
A-TITLE Computing
/home/curriculum/literacy-and-...Literacy & Oracy
A-TITLE Literacy & Oracy
A-TITLE Reading
/home/curriculum/bedrock-learn...Bedrock Learning
A-TITLE Bedrock Learning
/home/curriculum/subject-pages/Subject Pages
A-TITLE Subject Pages
/home/curriculum/year-9-options/Year 9 Options
A-TITLE Year 9 Options
/home/personal-development/Subdominio Personal DevelopmentPersonal Development
A-TITLE Personal Development
/home/personal-development/act...Activities Week
A-TITLE Activities Week
/home/personal-development/bri...British Values
A-TITLE British Values
/home/personal-development/cam...Camps International
A-TITLE Camps International
/home/personal-development/car...Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
A-TITLE Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
/home/personal-development/cha...Character Development
A-TITLE Character Development
/home/personal-development/col...Colour Awards
A-TITLE Colour Awards
/home/personal-development/duk...Duke of Edinburgh
A-TITLE Duke of Edinburgh
A-TITLE Extra-Curricular
/home/personal-development/hou...House System
A-TITLE House System
/home/personal-development/pen...Penn Resilience
A-TITLE Penn Resilience
/home/personal-development/per...Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)
A-TITLE Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)
/home/personal-development/reg...Registration Programme
A-TITLE Registration Programme
/home/personal-development/stu...Student Leadership
A-TITLE Student Leadership
/home/personal-development/sum...Summer School
A-TITLE Summer School
/home/personal-development/the...The Library
A-TITLE The Library
/home/personal-development/tri...Trips and Events
A-TITLE Trips and Events
/home/send/Subdominio SENDSEND
/home/send/send-information-re...SEND Information Report (FAQs) . Reviewed November 2023
A-TITLE SEND Information Report (FAQs) . Reviewed November 2023
/home/send/send-provision/SEND Provision
A-TITLE SEND Provision
/home/send/glossary-of-send-te...Glossary of SEND Terms
A-TITLE Glossary of SEND Terms
/home/send/send-family-support...SEND Family Support Services
A-TITLE SEND Family Support Services
/home/wellbeing/Subdominio WellbeingWellbeing
A-TITLE Wellbeing
/home/wellbeing/advice-and-sup...Advice and Support for Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Wellness
A-TITLE Advice and Support for Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Wellness
A-TITLE Attendance
A-TITLE Equality
/home/wellbeing/families-first/Families First
A-TITLE Families First
/home/wellbeing/girls-on-board/Girls on Board
A-TITLE Girls on Board
A-TITLE Homework
/home/wellbeing/medical-inform...Medical Information
A-TITLE Medical Information
/home/wellbeing/mobile-phones/Mobile Phones
A-TITLE Mobile Phones
/home/wellbeing/parent-support...Parent Support Services
A-TITLE Parent Support Services
/home/wellbeing/pastoral-infor...Pastoral Information
A-TITLE Pastoral Information
/home/wellbeing/physical-wellb...Physical Wellbeing Support
A-TITLE Physical Wellbeing Support
/home/wellbeing/rewards-and-co...Rewards and Consequences
A-TITLE Rewards and Consequences
/home/wellbeing/staying-safe-o...Staying Safe Online
A-TITLE Staying Safe Online
/home/wellbeing/student-and-fa...Student and Family Support Services
A-TITLE Student and Family Support Services
/home/wellbeing/student-wellbe...Student Wellbeing Support
A-TITLE Student Wellbeing Support
/home/wellbeing/tooled-up/Tooled Up
A-TITLE Tooled Up
/home/wellbeing/wellbeing-staf...Wellbeing Staff in School
A-TITLE Wellbeing Staff in School
/home/wellbeing/wellbeing-loca...Wellbeing Local and National Services
A-TITLE Wellbeing Local and National Services
/home/parents/Subdominio ParentsParents
A-TITLE Parents
A-TITLE Calendar
/home/parents/calendar-sports-...Calendar - Sports Fixtures
A-TITLE Calendar - Sports Fixtures
/home/parents/calendar-term-da...Calendar - Term Dates
A-TITLE Calendar - Term Dates
A-TITLE Catering
/home/parents/artificial-intel...Artificial Intelligence (AI)
A-TITLE Artificial Intelligence (AI)
A-TITLE Examinations
A-TITLE Fundraising
/home/parents/internet-payments/Internet Payments
A-TITLE Internet Payments
A-TITLE Letters
/home/parents/lost-property/Lost Property
A-TITLE Lost Property
/home/parents/newsletters-2022...Newsletters 2022-2025
A-TITLE Newsletters 2022-2025
/home/parents/new-intake/New Intake
A-TITLE New Intake
A-TITLE Pastoral
/home/parents/severe-weather-a...Severe Weather Arrangements
A-TITLE Severe Weather Arrangements
/home/parents/timings-of-the-s...Timings of the School Day
A-TITLE Timings of the School Day
A-TITLE Transport
/home/parents/uniform-and-equi...Uniform and Equipment
A-TITLE Uniform and Equipment
/home/parents/pupil-premium-an...Pupil Premium and Free School Meals
A-TITLE Pupil Premium and Free School Meals
/sixth-form/Subdominio Sixth FormSixth Form
A-TITLE Sixth Form
https://www.kls.herts.sch.uk/Main School
A-TITLE Go to the Main School page
/home/about-us/About Us
A-TITLE Go to the About Us page
/home/about-us/from-the-headte...Texto duplicado From the Headteacher
A-TITLE Go to the From the Headteacher page
/home/about-us/our-mission-sta...Texto duplicado Our Mission Statement
A-TITLE Go to the Our Mission Statement page
/home/about-us/admissions/Texto duplicado Admissions
A-TITLE Go to the Admissions page
/home/about-us/prospectus/Texto duplicado Prospectus
A-TITLE Go to the Prospectus page
/home/about-us/financial-infor...Texto duplicado Financial Information
A-TITLE Go to the Financial Information page
/home/about-us/governors/Texto duplicado Governors
A-TITLE Go to the Governors page
/home/about-us/kings-langley-s...Texto duplicado Kings Langley School Staff
A-TITLE Go to the Kings Langley School Staff page
/home/about-us/leading-experts/Texto duplicado Leading Experts
A-TITLE Go to the Leading Experts page
/home/about-us/open-events/Texto duplicado Open Events 2024
A-TITLE Go to the Open Events 2024 page
/home/about-us/our-awards/Texto duplicado Our Awards
A-TITLE Go to the Our Awards page
/home/about-us/perspective-par...Texto duplicado Perspective - Parents
A-TITLE Go to the Perspective - Parents page
/home/about-us/perspective-staff/Texto duplicado Perspective - Staff
A-TITLE Go to the Perspective - Staff page
/home/about-us/perspective-stu...Texto duplicado Perspective - Students
A-TITLE Go to the Perspective - Students page
/home/about-us/remote-learning/Texto duplicado Remote Learning Plan
A-TITLE Go to the Remote Learning Plan page
/home/about-us/school-policies/Texto duplicado School Policies
A-TITLE Go to the School Policies page
/home/about-us/statutory-infor...Texto duplicado Statutory Information
A-TITLE Go to the Statutory Information page
/home/about-us/student-leaders...Texto duplicado Student Leadership Team
A-TITLE Go to the Student Leadership Team page
/home/about-us/virtual-tour/Texto duplicado Virtual Tour
A-TITLE Go to the Virtual Tour page
/home/about-us/job-vacancies/Texto duplicado Job Vacancies
A-TITLE Go to the Job Vacancies page
/home/about-us/talent-pool/Texto duplicado Talent Pool
A-TITLE Go to the Talent Pool page
A-TITLE Go to the Curriculum page
/home/curriculum/principles-of...Texto duplicado Principles of Curriculum
A-TITLE Go to the Principles of Curriculum page
/home/curriculum/curriculum-co...Texto duplicado Curriculum Coverage
A-TITLE Go to the Curriculum Coverage page
/home/curriculum/computing/Texto duplicado Computing
A-TITLE Go to the Computing page
/home/curriculum/literacy-and-...Texto duplicado Literacy & Oracy
A-TITLE Go to the Literacy & Oracy page
/home/curriculum/reading/Texto duplicado Reading
A-TITLE Go to the Reading page
/home/curriculum/bedrock-learn...Texto duplicado Bedrock Learning
A-TITLE Go to the Bedrock Learning page
/home/curriculum/subject-pages/Texto duplicado Subject Pages
A-TITLE Go to the Subject Pages page
A-TITLE Go to the Art page
/home/curriculum/subject-pages...Business Studies
A-TITLE Go to the Business Studies page
/home/curriculum/subject-pages...Computing Studies
A-TITLE Go to the Computing Studies page
A-TITLE Go to the Drama page
/home/curriculum/subject-pages...Design and Technology
A-TITLE Go to the Design and Technology page
A-TITLE Go to the Economics page
A-TITLE Go to the English page
A-TITLE Go to the Geography page
A-TITLE Go to the History page
A-TITLE Go to the Mathematics page
/home/curriculum/subject-pages...Modern Foreign Languages
A-TITLE Go to the Modern Foreign Languages page
A-TITLE Go to the Music page
/home/curriculum/subject-pages...Physical Education
A-TITLE Go to the Physical Education page
A-TITLE Go to the Politics page
A-TITLE Go to the Psychology page
/home/curriculum/subject-pages...Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
A-TITLE Go to the Philosophy, Religion and Ethics page
A-TITLE Go to the Science page
A-TITLE Go to the Sociology page
/home/curriculum/year-9-options/Texto duplicado Year 9 Options
A-TITLE Go to the Year 9 Options page
/home/personal-development/Personal Development
A-TITLE Go to the Personal Development page
/home/personal-development/act...Texto duplicado Activities Week
A-TITLE Go to the Activities Week page
/home/personal-development/bri...Texto duplicado British Values
A-TITLE Go to the British Values page
/home/personal-development/cam...Texto duplicado Camps International
A-TITLE Go to the Camps International page
/home/personal-development/car...Texto duplicado Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
A-TITLE Go to the Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) page
/home/personal-development/cha...Texto duplicado Character Development
A-TITLE Go to the Character Development page
/home/personal-development/col...Texto duplicado Colour Awards
A-TITLE Go to the Colour Awards page
/home/personal-development/duk...Texto duplicado Duke of Edinburgh
A-TITLE Go to the Duke of Edinburgh page
/home/personal-development/ext...Texto duplicado Extra-Curricular
A-TITLE Go to the Extra-Curricular page
/home/personal-development/hou...Texto duplicado House System
A-TITLE Go to the House System page
/home/personal-development/pen...Texto duplicado Penn Resilience
A-TITLE Go to the Penn Resilience page
/home/personal-development/per...Texto duplicado Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)
A-TITLE Go to the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) page
/home/personal-development/reg...Texto duplicado Registration Programme
A-TITLE Go to the Registration Programme page
/home/personal-development/stem/Texto duplicado STEM
A-TITLE Go to the STEM page
/home/personal-development/stu...Texto duplicado Student Leadership
A-TITLE Go to the Student Leadership page
/home/personal-development/sum...Texto duplicado Summer School
A-TITLE Go to the Summer School page
/home/personal-development/the...Texto duplicado The Library
A-TITLE Go to the The Library page
/home/personal-development/tri...Texto duplicado Trips and Events
A-TITLE Go to the Trips and Events page
A-TITLE Go to the SEND page
/home/send/send-information-re...Texto duplicado SEND Information Report (FAQs) . Reviewed November 2023
A-TITLE Go to the SEND Information Report (FAQs) . Reviewed November 2023 page
/home/send/send-provision/Texto duplicado SEND Provision
A-TITLE Go to the SEND Provision page
/home/send/glossary-of-send-te...Texto duplicado Glossary of SEND Terms
A-TITLE Go to the Glossary of SEND Terms page
/home/send/send-family-support...Texto duplicado SEND Family Support Services
A-TITLE Go to the SEND Family Support Services page
A-TITLE Go to the Wellbeing page
/home/wellbeing/advice-and-sup...Texto duplicado Advice and Support for Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Wellness
A-TITLE Go to the Advice and Support for Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Wellness page
/home/wellbeing/attendance/Texto duplicado Attendance
A-TITLE Go to the Attendance page
/home/wellbeing/equality/Texto duplicado Equality
A-TITLE Go to the Equality page
/home/wellbeing/equality/stude...Student Ambassadors
A-TITLE Go to the Student Ambassadors page
/home/wellbeing/equality/equal...Equalities Award - Silver
A-TITLE Go to the Equalities Award - Silver page
/home/wellbeing/families-first/Texto duplicado Families First
A-TITLE Go to the Families First page
/home/wellbeing/girls-on-board/Texto duplicado Girls on Board
A-TITLE Go to the Girls on Board page
/home/wellbeing/homework/Texto duplicado Homework
A-TITLE Go to the Homework page
/home/wellbeing/medical-inform...Texto duplicado Medical Information
A-TITLE Go to the Medical Information page
/home/wellbeing/mobile-phones/Texto duplicado Mobile Phones
A-TITLE Go to the Mobile Phones page
/home/wellbeing/parent-support...Texto duplicado Parent Support Services
A-TITLE Go to the Parent Support Services page
/home/wellbeing/pastoral-infor...Texto duplicado Pastoral Information
A-TITLE Go to the Pastoral Information page
/home/wellbeing/physical-wellb...Texto duplicado Physical Wellbeing Support
A-TITLE Go to the Physical Wellbeing Support page
/home/wellbeing/rewards-and-co...Texto duplicado Rewards and Consequences
A-TITLE Go to the Rewards and Consequences page
/home/wellbeing/staying-safe-o...Texto duplicado Staying Safe Online
A-TITLE Go to the Staying Safe Online page
/home/wellbeing/student-and-fa...Texto duplicado Student and Family Support Services
A-TITLE Go to the Student and Family Support Services page
/home/wellbeing/student-wellbe...Texto duplicado Student Wellbeing Support
A-TITLE Go to the Student Wellbeing Support page
/home/wellbeing/tooled-up/Texto duplicado Tooled Up
A-TITLE Go to the Tooled Up page
/home/wellbeing/wellbeing-staf...Texto duplicado Wellbeing Staff in School
A-TITLE Go to the Wellbeing Staff in School page
/home/wellbeing/wellbeing-loca...Texto duplicado Wellbeing Local and National Services
A-TITLE Go to the Wellbeing Local and National Services page
A-TITLE Go to the Parents page
/home/parents/calendar/Texto duplicado Calendar
A-TITLE Go to the Calendar page
/home/parents/calendar-sports-...Texto duplicado Calendar - Sports Fixtures
A-TITLE Go to the Calendar - Sports Fixtures page
/home/parents/calendar-term-da...Texto duplicado Calendar - Term Dates
A-TITLE Go to the Calendar - Term Dates page
/home/parents/catering/Texto duplicado Catering
A-TITLE Go to the Catering page
/home/parents/artificial-intel...Texto duplicado Artificial Intelligence (AI)
A-TITLE Go to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) page
/home/parents/examinations/Texto duplicado Examinations
A-TITLE Go to the Examinations page
/home/parents/examinations/yea...Year 7 Examinations
A-TITLE Go to the Year 7 Examinations page
/home/parents/examinations/yea...Year 8 Examinations
A-TITLE Go to the Year 8 Examinations page
/home/parents/examinations/yea...Year 9 Examinations
A-TITLE Go to the Year 9 Examinations page
/home/parents/examinations/yea...Year 10 Examinations
A-TITLE Go to the Year 10 Examinations page
/home/parents/examinations/yea...Year 11 Examinations
A-TITLE Go to the Year 11 Examinations page
/home/parents/examinations/yea...Year 12 Examinations
A-TITLE Go to the Year 12 Examinations page
/home/parents/examinations/yea...Year 13 Examinations
A-TITLE Go to the Year 13 Examinations page
/home/parents/fundraising/Texto duplicado Fundraising
A-TITLE Go to the Fundraising page
/home/parents/internet-payments/Texto duplicado Internet Payments
A-TITLE Go to the Internet Payments page
/home/parents/letters/Texto duplicado Letters
A-TITLE Go to the Letters page
/home/parents/letters/archived...Archived Letters
A-TITLE Go to the Archived Letters page
/home/parents/lost-property/Texto duplicado Lost Property
A-TITLE Go to the Lost Property page
/home/parents/newsletters-2022...Texto duplicado Newsletters 2022-2025
A-TITLE Go to the Newsletters 2022-2025 page
/home/parents/new-intake/Texto duplicado New Intake
A-TITLE Go to the New Intake page
/home/parents/pastoral/Texto duplicado Pastoral
A-TITLE Go to the Pastoral page
/home/parents/pastoral/year-7/Year 7
A-TITLE Go to the Year 7 page
/home/parents/pastoral/year-8/Year 8
A-TITLE Go to the Year 8 page
/home/parents/pastoral/year-9/Year 9
A-TITLE Go to the Year 9 page
/home/parents/pastoral/year-10/Year 10
A-TITLE Go to the Year 10 page
/home/parents/pastoral/year-11/Year 11
A-TITLE Go to the Year 11 page
/home/parents/severe-weather-a...Texto duplicado Severe Weather Arrangements
A-TITLE Go to the Severe Weather Arrangements page
/home/parents/timings-of-the-s...Texto duplicado Timings of the School Day
A-TITLE Go to the Timings of the School Day page
/home/parents/transport/Texto duplicado Transport
A-TITLE Go to the Transport page
/home/parents/uniform-and-equi...Texto duplicado Uniform and Equipment
A-TITLE Go to the Uniform and Equipment page
/home/parents/pupil-premium-an...Texto duplicado Pupil Premium and Free School Meals
A-TITLE Go to the Pupil Premium and Free School Meals page
/sixth-form/Sixth Form
A-TITLE Go to the Sixth Form page
/sixth-form/Texto duplicado Sixth Form
A-TITLE Go to the Sixth Form page
/sixth-form/about-us/Texto duplicado About Us
A-TITLE Go to the About Us page
A-TITLE Go to the Welcome page
/sixth-form/about-us/welcome-f...Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form
A-TITLE Go to the Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form page
/sixth-form/about-us/ethos-vis...Ethos, Vision & Culture
A-TITLE Go to the Ethos, Vision & Culture page
/sixth-form/about-us/sixth-for...Sixth Form Team
A-TITLE Go to the Sixth Form Team page
/sixth-form/about-us/sixth-for...Sixth Form Facilities
A-TITLE Go to the Sixth Form Facilities page
/sixth-form/about-us/ofsted-re...Ofsted Report & Data
A-TITLE Go to the Ofsted Report & Data page
/sixth-form/about-us/sixth-for...Sixth Form Information
A-TITLE Go to the Sixth Form Information page
/sixth-form/about-us/events-an...Events and Gallery
A-TITLE Go to the Events and Gallery page
/sixth-form/about-us/student-p...Student Perspectives
A-TITLE Go to the Student Perspectives page
/sixth-form/admissions-2/Texto duplicado Admissions
A-TITLE Go to the Admissions page
/sixth-form/admissions-2/sixth...Sixth Form Open Evenings
A-TITLE Go to the Sixth Form Open Evenings page
/sixth-form/admissions-2/admis...Admissions & Entry Requirements
A-TITLE Go to the Admissions & Entry Requirements page
/sixth-form/admissions-2/apply...Apply & Prospectus
A-TITLE Go to the Apply & Prospectus page
/sixth-form/admissions-2/apply...Apply Now
A-TITLE Go to the Apply Now page
/sixth-form/admissions-2/visit...Visit Us
A-TITLE Go to the Visit Us page
/sixth-form/admissions-2/your-...Your Journey to KLS Sixth Form
A-TITLE Go to the Your Journey to KLS Sixth Form page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/A Level Subjects
A-TITLE Go to the A Level Subjects page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/art/Texto duplicado Art
A-TITLE Go to the Art page
A-TITLE Go to the Biology page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/b...Texto duplicado Business Studies
A-TITLE Go to the Business Studies page
A-TITLE Go to the Chemistry page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/c...Computer Science
A-TITLE Go to the Computer Science page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/d...Texto duplicado Drama
A-TITLE Go to the Drama page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/e...Texto duplicado Economics
A-TITLE Go to the Economics page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/e...English Literature
A-TITLE Go to the English Literature page
A-TITLE Go to the French page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/f...Further Mathematics
A-TITLE Go to the Further Mathematics page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/g...Texto duplicado Geography
A-TITLE Go to the Geography page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/h...Texto duplicado History
A-TITLE Go to the History page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/m...Texto duplicado Mathematics
A-TITLE Go to the Mathematics page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/m...Texto duplicado Music
A-TITLE Go to the Music page
A-TITLE Go to the Physics page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/p...Texto duplicado Physical Education
A-TITLE Go to the Physical Education page
A-TITLE Go to the Photography page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/p...Texto duplicado Politics
A-TITLE Go to the Politics page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/p...Product Design
A-TITLE Go to the Product Design page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/p...Texto duplicado Psychology
A-TITLE Go to the Psychology page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/r...Religious Studies (Ethics and Philosophy)
A-TITLE Go to the Religious Studies (Ethics and Philosophy) page
/sixth-form/a-level-subjects/s...Texto duplicado Sociology
A-TITLE Go to the Sociology page
A-TITLE Go to the Spanish page
A-TITLE Go to the Textiles page
/sixth-form/student-information/Student Information
A-TITLE Go to the Student Information page
A-TITLE Go to the Bursary page
A-TITLE Go to the Enrichment page
/sixth-form/student-informatio...Pastoral Care
A-TITLE Go to the Pastoral Care page
/sixth-form/student-informatio...Post-18 Information, Advice and Guidance
A-TITLE Go to the Post-18 Information, Advice and Guidance page
/sixth-form/student-informatio...Texto duplicado Student Information
A-TITLE Go to the Student Information page
/sixth-form/student-informatio...Student Handbook & Guidance
A-TITLE Go to the Student Handbook & Guidance page
/sixth-form/student-informatio...UCAS Handbook
A-TITLE Go to the UCAS Handbook page
/sixth-form/student-informatio...KS5 Wider Reading
A-TITLE Go to the KS5 Wider Reading page
/sixth-form/student-informatio...Bridging Work
A-TITLE Go to the Bridging Work page
https://www.kls.herts.sch.uk/Texto duplicado Main School
A-TITLE Go to the Main School page
/home/facilities-for-hire/Facilities For Hire
/home/contact-us/Contact Us
https://www.twitter.com/KL_Sch...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto
/?Static=trueSin texto
/sixth-form/Texto duplicado Sixth Form
https://www.pearsonactivelearn...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Active Learn
https://www.amazon.co.uk/ref=a...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Amazon
https://app.bedrocklearning.org/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Bedrock Learning
https://www.ceop.police.uk/Saf...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio CEOP - Child Exploitation and Online Protection
https://www.languagenut.com/en...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Language Nut
https://www.lexiapowerup.com/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Lexia Powerup
https://vle.mathswatch.co.uk/vle/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Mathswatch
https://www.microsoft.com/en-g...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Microsoft Teams
https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Ofsted
https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Parent View
https://klsacademy.schoolcloud...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Parents Evening Booking System
https://www.thisislanguage.com/Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio This is Language
https://tooledupeducation.com/Nueva ventana Externo Texto duplicado Tooled Up
/home/about-us/open-events/Texto ancla no relevante
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/home/about-us/from-the-headte...Texto duplicado Texto ancla no relevante
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/home/about-us/admissions/Texto duplicado Admissions
/home/curriculum/Texto duplicado Curriculum
/home/parents/calendar/School Calendar
/home/parents/calendar-sports-...Sports Fixtures
/home/parents/calendar/Go to Calendar
/home/about-us/statutory-infor...Texto duplicado Statutory Information
/home/about-us/school-policies/Texto duplicado School Policies
/home/parents/calendar/Texto duplicado Calendar
/home/send/Texto duplicado SEND
/home/about-us/admissions/Texto duplicado Admissions
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/cookie-policy/Cookie Policy
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