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Knowable Magazine
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Knowable Magazine explores the real-world significance of scholarly work through a journalistic lens. A digital magazine from Annual Reviews.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (876 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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URL de la página
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viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
dc.titleSite homepage
dc.publisherAnnual Reviews
citation_titleSite homepage
citation_publisherKnowable Magazine
descriptionKnowable Magazine explores the real-world significance of scholarly work through a journalistic lens. A digital magazine from Annual Reviews.
og:descriptionKnowable Magazine explores the real-world significance of scholarly work through a journalistic lens. A digital magazine from Annual Reviews.
og:site_nameKnowable Magazine | Annual Reviews
og:titleKnowable Magazine

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1787 palabras.
Un 34.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 36 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.25 palabras.
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Optimización para móviles
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No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 76 caracteres:
"science literacy is more important than ever. help us combat misinformation.".
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 16 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
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Etiquetas markup adicionales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/images/magazine/logo-k-1586554393837.svgKnowable Magazine
/images/magazine/logo-k-1586554393837.svgKnowable Magazine | Annual Reviews
/images/magazine/logo-k-1586554393837.svgKnowable Magazine
...s/magazine/logo-mobile-1586554393833.svgKnowable Magazine | Annual Reviews
/images/magazine/logo-1586554394067.svgKnowable Magazine | Annual Reviews
/docserver/fulltext/metformin-1600x600.jpgConceptual illustration shows lab-coated scientists attempting to kick a field goal but missing by many yards.Short kick
/docserver/fulltext/mass-timber-500x288.jpgA collage of photos shows five high-rise buildings made of mass timber.Wood skyscrapers
...ver/fulltext/brood-parasite2-500x288.jpgA European robin feeds a much larger common cuckoo in a nest.Host bird feeds a brood parasite
...t/multicellularity-evolution-500x288.jpgAn artist’s conception of an “awkward family photo” featuring multicellular animals and their unicellular cousins.Evolution of Multicellularity Awkward Family Photo
...erver/fulltext/hummingbirds2-500x288.jpgA colorful hummingbird hovers at a flower, feeding with a long beak.Hummingbird
...fulltext/cell-death-listicle-500x288.jpgA computer drawing in which a white blood cell spits its stringy DNA at a virus.NETosis
/images/magazine/logo-1586554394067.svgKnowable Magazine | Annual Reviews
/docserver/fulltext/kidney-drug-500x288.jpgIllustration of two kidneys, ureters and some major blood vessels, with some yellow blobs depicting a drug.Kidney treatment
/docserver/fulltext/polling-qa-500x288.jpgHands type at a computer with bar graphs on screen, other hands hold questionnaires.Polls, polls, polls
...erver/fulltext/phage-therapy-500x288.jpgCollage with images of hospital, bacteria, viruses. Patient and healthcare worker.Resistance
...rver/fulltext/sense-of-smell-500x288.gifCartoon illustration shows four people sniffing strong-smelling items: an old sock, flowers, a banana and a cake.Sniff and smell
...fulltext/metabolic-chromatin-500x288.jpgCollage shows DNA, chromosomes, histones, a few key chemicals.Histones
/docserver/fulltext/biocrusts-500x288.jpgA closeup view of a bit of soil forming an arch.Biocrust
...rver/fulltext/warning-labels-500x288.pngPhotograph of a warning label on the side of a cigarette pack. It says SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.Surgeon General’s Warning
...le-080423-2/clear-lake-video-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...e-063023-3/controlling-covid-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...le-080822-2/long-covid-video-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...ble-052522-1/covid-and-brain-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...22-3/zoonotic-diseases-video-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...22-1/joshua-tree-restoration-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...le-100721-1/covid-test-video-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...091721-2/delta-covid-schools-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...-052221-2/covid-equity-video-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...2221-1/virus-evolution-video-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...litical-polarization-drivers-500x288.pngA conceptual illustration shows a city street with people standing on each side, some holding placards. One side is colored red, the other blue. There are political posters on the walls and a huge chasm in the middle of the street.Political polarization
/docserver/fulltext/phageome-500x288.jpgConceptual illustration. Polygonal bacteriophages inject their nucleic acid into one bacterium; elsewhere, new phages pop out of another bacterium.Bacteria and bacteriophages walking through a dark greenhouse filled with trays of softly glowing plantsGlowing greenhouse image of small orb in the upper left with gray planetary rings taking up much of the rest of the image.Mimas orbits Saturn
...ltext/lighter-materials-cars-500x288.pngIllustration shows a hand holding a 1960s-era car.Lighter cars
...71723-1/entanglement-podcast-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...ble-061523-1/placebo-podcast-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...wable-060923-1/archaeopteryx-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...text/children-type2-diabetes-500x288.jpgCollage showing children, some of them obese, plus fast food and other diabetes risk factors. Diabetes in kids
...lltext/pollution-pollination-500x288.jpgPhotograph of a flying bee heading toward a mustard plant with yellow blossoms. In the background are grey clouds and blue sky.Pollination
/docserver/fulltext/workaholics-500x288.pngDrawing of tiny people holding, carrying and trying to push the metal balls of an outsized Newton’s cradle.Can’t win
...server/fulltext/jenny-graves-500x288.jpgCollage shows Jenny Graves reading a book, a koala, kangaroos, a concert hall.Jennifer Ann Marshall Graves
...fulltext/twilight-networking-500x288.jpgPhoto of an old rhesus macaque putting something on her mouth. She sits on what looks like a beach or bare ground. Vegetation is behind her.Elderly macaque
...fulltext/sky-islands-opinion-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...fulltext/sugar-taxes-opinion-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...lltext/sea-level-underground-500x288.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...text/physics-animal-behavior-500x288.jpgStop motion photo shows how a cat twists and turns during a fall so that it can safely land on its feet.Cat fall
...ltext/carbon-capture-storage-500x288.pngAn illustration shows a net wrapping around emissions from a smokestack with more smokestacks in the background.Carbon capture
...t/decarbonize-transportation-500x288.pngConceptual illustration shows various modes of transport, colored green: ships, trucks, trains, cars, planes. A couple of fuel molecules — hydrogen gas and kerosene — are also incorporated into the illo.Decarbonizing transportation
/docserver/fulltext/cichlids-500x288.pngA collage of photographs of cichlid fishes of different colors and patterns, including blue and yellow, stripy and splotchy.Haplochromine fishes
/images/magazine/logo-k-1586554393837.svgKnowable Magazine
/images/magazine/logo-ar-1586554393827.svgAnnual Reviews

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Why a diabetes drug fell short of anticancer hopes
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 52 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Why a diabetes drug fell short of anticancer hopes
H2 Bring Knowable Magazine to your classroom
H2 Sustainable building effort reaches new heights with wooden skyscrapers
H2 Are you my baby? The clever ways that brood parasites trick other birds
H2 We are family: Tracing the evolution of animals
H2 Hummingbirds thrive on an extreme lifestyle. Here’s how.
H2 Your cells are dying. All the time.
H2 Stay in the Know
H2 Targeting the racial disparity in kidney disease
H2 Can you believe the polls? It depends
H2 What if a virus could reverse antibiotic resistance?
H2 What’s that smell — and how’d you know?
H2 These proteins have been secretly managing your cells
H2 The dirt on biocrusts: Why scientists are working to save Earth’s living skin
H2 The tussle over cigarette warning labels, and the hazy future of vaping
H2 Multimedia
H2 Divided we stand: The rise of political animosity
H2 The phageome: A hidden kingdom within your gut
H2 What a bioluminescent petunia had to teach me
H2 Saturn’s moon Mimas may hide a surprisingly young ocean
H2 New forms of steel for stronger, lighter cars
H2 Understanding the sudden rise of type 2 diabetes in children
H2 Air pollution makes it harder for bees to smell flowers
H2 Are you a workaholic? Here’s how to spot the signs
H2 Of genes, chromosomes and oratorios
H2 It’s not just us: Other animals change their social habits in old age
H2 Animals use physics? Let us count the ways
H2 To help with climate change, carbon capture will have to evolve
H2 The greening of planes, trains and automobiles
H2 One fish, two fish, 3,000 fish ...
H2 Support Knowable Magazine
H2 Science literacy is more important than ever. Help us combat misinformation.
H3 Animals use physics? Let us count the ways Texto duplicado
H3 What’s that smell — and how’d you know? Texto duplicado
H3 Hummingbirds thrive on an extreme lifestyle. Here’s how. Texto duplicado
H3 What a bioluminescent petunia had to teach me Texto duplicado
H3 The fight against an invasive fish in California’s Clear Lake
H3 Preparing for future pandemics: Learning from Covid-19
H3 Long Covid: A parallel pandemic
H3 Covid and the brain: A neurological health crisis
H3 Covid-19: Origins of an outbreak
H3 Can a fire-ravaged forest of Joshua trees be restored?
H3 Why Covid-19 testing went so wrong in the US, and what to do now
H3 Covid’s main lesson? For this journalist, it’s unpredictability
H3 Covid-19: Why race matters for health
H3 SARS-CoV-2: Evolution of a virus
H3 Quantum entanglement’s long journey from ‘spooky’ to law of nature
H3 How the placebo effect went mainstream
H3 The fossil that launched a dinosaur revolution
H3 Hunting sky islands for genetic clues to climate resilience
H3 Soda taxes can’t reverse the obesity epidemic
H3 The hidden threat from rising coastal groundwater
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
16 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 11 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content Knowable Magazine Knowable Magazine | Annual Reviews
/health-diseaseHealth & Disease
/living-worldLiving World
/physical-worldPhysical World
/food-environmentFood & Environment
/technologyTechnology Mind
/topic/climate-changeClimate Change
/health-diseaseTexto duplicado Health & Disease
/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/physical-worldTexto duplicado Physical World
/societyTexto duplicado Society
/food-environmentTexto duplicado Food & Environment
/technologyTexto duplicado Technology duplicado The Mind
/topic/climate-change?PrimaryL...Texto duplicado Climate Change
/topic/disease-updateDisease Update
/topic/reviewIn Review
/topic/story-behind-pictureStory Behind a Picture
/report/building-bodiesBuilding Bodies
/report/resetSpecial Report: Reset
/report/special-report-working...The Working Life
/support-knowable-magazineTexto duplicado DONATE
/newsletter-signupNewsletter Signup
/privacy-policyPrivacy Policy Subdominio español duplicado IMG-ALT Knowable Magazine duplicado IMG-ALT Knowable Magazine | Annual Reviews
/support-knowable-magazineTexto duplicado DONATE Subdominio Texto duplicado español
/health-diseaseTexto duplicado Health & Disease
/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/physical-worldTexto duplicado Physical World
/societyTexto duplicado Society
/food-environmentTexto duplicado Food & Environment
/technologyTexto duplicado Technology duplicado The Mind
/topic/climate-changeCLIMATE CHANGE
/content/article/health-diseas...Health & Disease Why a diabetes drug fell short of anticancer hopes Population and animal studies suggested it could treat cancer, but the clinical trials we...
IMG-ALT Conceptual illustration shows lab-coated scientists attempting to kick a field goal but missing by many yards.
/science-teacher-resourcesBring Knowable Magazine to your classroom
/science-teacher-resourcesFree science graphics for teachers
/science-teacher-resourcesLearn More
/content/article/technology/20...IMG-ALT A collage of photos shows five high-rise buildings made of mass timber.
/content/technologyTexto duplicado Technology
/content/article/technology/20...Sustainable building effort reaches new heights with wooden skyscrapers
/content/article/living-world/...IMG-ALT A European robin feeds a much larger common cuckoo in a nest.
/content/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/content/article/living-world/...Are you my baby? The clever ways that brood parasites trick other birds
/content/article/living-world/...IMG-ALT An artist’s conception of an “awkward family photo” featuring multicellular animals and their unicellular cousins.
/content/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/content/article/living-world/...We are family: Tracing the evolution of animals
/content/article/living-world/...IMG-ALT A colorful hummingbird hovers at a flower, feeding with a long beak.
/content/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/content/article/living-world/...Hummingbirds thrive on an extreme lifestyle. Here’s how.
/content/article/living-world/...IMG-ALT A computer drawing in which a white blood cell spits its stringy DNA at a virus.
/content/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/content/article/living-world/...Your cells are dying. All the time. Subdominio Annual Reviews
/newsletter-signupSIGN UP
/content/article/health-diseas...Health & Disease Targeting the racial disparity in kidney disease Some people of West African descent face a higher risk of renal failure. New drugs based on...
IMG-ALT Illustration of two kidneys, ureters and some major blood vessels, with some yellow blobs depicting a drug.
A-TITLE Kidney treatment
/content/article/society/2024/...Society Can you believe the polls? It depends A veteran of survey research explains why high-quality polling matters — and warns of the proliferation of shod...
IMG-ALT Hands type at a computer with bar graphs on screen, other hands hold questionnaires.
A-TITLE Polls, polls, polls
/content/physical-worldTexto duplicado Physical World
/content/article/physical-worl...Animals use physics? Let us count the ways
/content/mindTexto duplicado The Mind
/content/article/mind/2024/pet...What’s that smell — and how’d you know?
/content/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/content/article/living-world/...Texto duplicado Hummingbirds thrive on an extreme lifestyle. Here’s how.
/content/societyTexto duplicado Society
/content/article/society/2024/...What a bioluminescent petunia had to teach me
/content/article/health-diseas...IMG-ALT Collage with images of hospital, bacteria, viruses. Patient and healthcare worker.
/content/health-diseaseTexto duplicado Health & Disease
/content/article/health-diseas...What if a virus could reverse antibiotic resistance?
/content/article/mind/2024/pet...IMG-ALT Cartoon illustration shows four people sniffing strong-smelling items: an old sock, flowers, a banana and a cake.
/content/mindTexto duplicado The Mind
/content/article/mind/2024/pet...Texto duplicado What’s that smell — and how’d you know?
/content/article/living-world/...IMG-ALT Collage shows DNA, chromosomes, histones, a few key chemicals.
/content/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/content/article/living-world/...These proteins have been secretly managing your cells
/content/article/food-environm...IMG-ALT A closeup view of a bit of soil forming an arch.
/content/food-environmentTexto duplicado Food & Environment
/content/article/food-environm...The dirt on biocrusts: Why scientists are working to save Earth’s living skin
/content/article/health-diseas...IMG-ALT Photograph of a warning label on the side of a cigarette pack. It says SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And M...
/content/health-diseaseTexto duplicado Health & Disease
/content/article/health-diseas...The tussle over cigarette warning labels, and the hazy future of vaping
/content/article/food-environm...Sin texto
/content/article/food-environm...The fight against an invasive fish in California’s Clear Lake
/content/article/health-diseas...Sin texto
/content/article/health-diseas...Preparing for future pandemics: Learning from Covid-19
/content/article/health-diseas...Sin texto
/content/article/health-diseas...Long Covid: A parallel pandemic
/content/article/health-diseas...Sin texto
/content/article/health-diseas...Covid and the brain: A neurological health crisis
/content/article/health-diseas...Sin texto
/content/article/health-diseas...Covid-19: Origins of an outbreak
/content/article/living-world/...Sin texto
/content/article/living-world/...Can a fire-ravaged forest of Joshua trees be restored?
/content/article/health-diseas...Sin texto
/content/article/health-diseas...Why Covid-19 testing went so wrong in the US, and what to do now
/content/article/health-diseas...Sin texto
/content/article/health-diseas...Covid’s main lesson? For this journalist, it’s unpredictability
/content/article/health-diseas...Sin texto
/content/article/health-diseas...Covid-19: Why race matters for health
/content/article/health-diseas...Sin texto
/content/article/health-diseas...SARS-CoV-2: Evolution of a virus
/content/article/society/2024/...IMG-ALT A conceptual illustration shows a city street with people standing on each side, some holding placards. One side is colored red, the other blue. There are po...
/content/societyTexto duplicado Society
/content/article/society/2024/...Divided we stand: The rise of political animosity
/content/article/living-world/...IMG-ALT Conceptual illustration. Polygonal bacteriophages inject their nucleic acid into one bacterium; elsewhere, new phages pop out of another bacterium.
/content/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/content/article/living-world/...The phageome: A hidden kingdom within your gut
/content/article/society/2024/...IMG-ALT People walking through a dark greenhouse filled with trays of softly glowing plants
/content/societyTexto duplicado Society
/content/article/society/2024/...Texto duplicado What a bioluminescent petunia had to teach me
/content/article/physical-worl...IMG-ALT Grayscale image of small orb in the upper left with gray planetary rings taking up much of the rest of the image.
/content/physical-worldTexto duplicado Physical World
/content/article/physical-worl...Saturn’s moon Mimas may hide a surprisingly young ocean
/content/article/technology/20...IMG-ALT Illustration shows a hand holding a 1960s-era car.
/content/technologyTexto duplicado Technology
/content/article/technology/20...New forms of steel for stronger, lighter cars
/content/article/physical-worl...Sin texto
/content/physical-worldTexto duplicado Physical World
/content/article/physical-worl...Quantum entanglement’s long journey from ‘spooky’ to law of nature
/content/article/mind/2023/how...Sin texto
/content/mindTexto duplicado The Mind
/content/article/mind/2023/how...How the placebo effect went mainstream
/content/article/living-world/...Sin texto
/content/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/content/article/living-world/...The fossil that launched a dinosaur revolution
/podcastNueva ventana Other Podcast articles
/content/article/health-diseas...Health & Disease Understanding the sudden rise of type 2 diabetes in children The metabolic disorder was long known as a disease of adulthood. Now, it’s spik...
IMG-ALT Collage showing children, some of them obese, plus fast food and other diabetes risk factors.
A-TITLE Diabetes in kids
/content/article/food-environm...Food & Environment Air pollution makes it harder for bees to smell flowers Contaminants can alter plant odors and warp insects’ senses, disrupting the proces...
IMG-ALT Photograph of a flying bee heading toward a mustard plant with yellow blossoms. In the background are grey clouds and blue sky.
A-TITLE Pollination
/content/article/society/2024/...IMG-ALT Drawing of tiny people holding, carrying and trying to push the metal balls of an outsized Newton’s cradle.
/content/societyTexto duplicado Society
/content/article/society/2024/...Are you a workaholic? Here’s how to spot the signs
/content/article/living-world/...IMG-ALT Collage shows Jenny Graves reading a book, a koala, kangaroos, a concert hall.
/content/societyTexto duplicado Society
/content/article/living-world/...Of genes, chromosomes and oratorios
/content/article/mind/2024/ani...IMG-ALT Photo of an old rhesus macaque putting something on her mouth. She sits on what looks like a beach or bare ground. Vegetation is behind her.
/content/mindTexto duplicado The Mind
/content/article/mind/2024/ani...It’s not just us: Other animals change their social habits in old age
/content/article/living-world/...Sin texto
/content/living-worldTexto duplicado Living World
/content/article/living-world/...Hunting sky islands for genetic clues to climate resilience
/content/article/health-diseas...Sin texto
/content/health-diseaseTexto duplicado Health & Disease
/content/article/health-diseas...Soda taxes can’t reverse the obesity epidemic
/content/article/food-environm...Sin texto
/content/food-environmentTexto duplicado Food & Environment
/content/article/food-environm...The hidden threat from rising coastal groundwater
/content/topics/opinion?primar...Other Opinion articles
/content/article/physical-worl...IMG-ALT Stop motion photo shows how a cat twists and turns during a fall so that it can safely land on its feet.
/content/physical-worldTexto duplicado Physical World
/content/article/physical-worl...Texto duplicado Animals use physics? Let us count the ways
/content/article/society/2024/...IMG-ALT An illustration shows a net wrapping around emissions from a smokestack with more smokestacks in the background.
/content/societyTexto duplicado Society
/content/article/society/2024/...To help with climate change, carbon capture will have to evolve
/content/article/technology/20...Technology The greening of planes, trains and automobiles We need new fuels to transport people and goods around the globe as society moves away from coal, n...
IMG-ALT Conceptual illustration shows various modes of transport, colored green: ships, trucks, trains, cars, planes. A couple of fuel molecules — hydrogen gas and k...
A-TITLE Decarbonizing transportation
/content/article/living-world/...Living World One fish, two fish, 3,000 fish ... Groups of cichlid fishes in East Africa radiated into thousands of species within dazzlingly short periods of...
IMG-ALT A collage of photographs of cichlid fishes of different colors and patterns, including blue and yellow, stripy and splotchy.
A-TITLE Haplochromine fishes
/support-knowable-magazineTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Knowable Magazine
/support-knowable-magazineSupport Knowable Magazine
/support-knowable-magazineDonate duplicado IMG-ALT Annual Reviews Subdominio Texto duplicado Annual Reviews ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook
A-TITLE Facebook ventana Externo Twitter
A-TITLE Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio Instagram
A-TITLE Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio LinkedIn
A-TITLE LinkedIn ventana Externo Subdominio YouTube
A-TITLE YouTube ventana Externo Subdominio Reddit
A-TITLE Reddit ventana Externo Flipboard
A-TITLE Flipboard
/rssNueva ventana Subdominio RSS Feed
/support-knowable-magazineTexto duplicado Donate
/about-knowable-magazineTexto duplicado About
/our-staffTexto duplicado Staff
/contact-usTexto duplicado Contact
/republishTexto duplicado Republish
/privacy-policyTexto duplicado Privacy Policy
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Configuración del servidor

Redirecciones HTTP
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página redirige a "".
Cabecera HTTP
La cabecera X-Powered-by no se envía en la cabecera de la página.
Esta página utiliza GZip para la transmisión de datos comprimidos.
(Poco importante)
Con 0,81 segundos, el tiempo de respuesta de la página es superior al límite recomendado de 0,4 segundos. Un tiempo de respuesta elevado ralentiza innecesariamente el rastreo de los buscadores y propicia una mala experiencia de uso.
El tamaño HTML de la página es adecuado: 65 kB.

Cabecera HTTP

dateSat, 12 Oct 2024 16:22:29 GMT
set-cookie178 Caracteres

Factores externos

Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 7.823 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 787.592 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 4.329 direcciones IP distintas.

Backlinks desde Wikipedia

No se ha encontrado ningún enlace lanzado desde la Wikipedia.


# Agent-specific settings for indexing the site.

#  Allow Google for full text crawling 
User-agent: GoogleBot
# Google ignores Crawl-delay
# Crawl-delay: 2
# URL prefixes
# URL wildcards
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# Yandex have two bots so they can work twice as slowly
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# Yandex have two bots so they can work twice as slowly
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# Bing specific configuration
User-agent: bingbot
Crawl-delay: 2
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Disallow: /content/institution/

# Baidu specific configuration
User-agent: Baiduspider
Crawl-delay: 2
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Disallow: /content/institution/

User-agent: facebookexternalhit
User-agent: LinkedInBot
User-agent: Twitterbot
Allow: /

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

# Generic settings for indexing the site.
User-agent: *
Crawl-delay: 2
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Disallow: /content/contributor/
Disallow: /content/institution
Disallow: /content/institution/

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Knowable Magazine
Knowable Magazine explores the real-world significance of scholarly work through a journalistic lens. A digital magazine from Annual Reviews.

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