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Lingua Franca NYC
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Luxury Cashmere Hand Embroidered Sweaters and More
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (354 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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descriptionLuxury Cashmere Hand Embroidered Sweaters and More
twitter:titleLingua Franca NYC
twitter:descriptionLuxury Cashmere Hand Embroidered Sweaters and More
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og:titleLingua Franca NYC
og:descriptionLuxury Cashmere Hand Embroidered Sweaters and More

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Solo se han encontrado 2 párrafos en esta página.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2255 palabras.
Un 21.2% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 20 palabras.
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Optimización para móviles
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Con 911 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width,initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 45 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 8 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página está perfectamente optimizada para las redes sociales.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

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URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 82 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Spring '25 is here!
H2 It all started with a stitch - literally. No grand plan, no big idea.
H2 Design Your Own
H2 Select Your Canvas & Create Your Own
H2 High on Life
H2 Elevate Your Style
H2 Featured collection
H2 We Give a Damn
H2 More to Explore
H3 Our Seasonal Hits
H3 What We're Known For
H3 About Us
H3 Chora Blazer
H3 Lampi Button Down Dress
H3 Lampi Button Down
H3 Lampi Wrap Skirt
H3 Patmos Patch Dress
H3 Patmos Tie Dress
H3 Patmos Patch Shirt
H3 Patmos Patch Skirt
H3 Custom Womens Crewneck
H3 Custom Women's Sweatshirt
H3 Custom Cotton Silk Crewneck
H3 Custom Striped Boatneck
H3 Custom Cardigan
H3 Custom Oversized Pocket Cardigan
H3 Custom Oversized Button Down
H3 Custom Wrangler® Adult Jacket
H3 Custom Mens Crewneck
H3 Custom Men's Sweatshirt
H3 Custom Wrangler® Mens Shirt
H3 Custom Wrangler® Adult Jacket Texto duplicado
H3 Custom Beanie
H3 Custom Oversized Pocket Cardigan Texto duplicado
H3 Custom Scarf
H3 Pet Mama Love Crewneck
H3 Custom Kids Crewneck
H3 Custom Kids' Sweatshirt
H3 Custom Wrangler® Kids Jacket
H3 Custom Wrangler® Kids Shirt
H3 Custom Baby Blanket
H3 School Spirit Kids Crewneck
H3 Crochet Flowers Kids Crewneck
H3 Bespoke Kids Crewneck
H3 Jerry Dress
H3 Olivia Cardigan
H3 Elton Cardigan
H3 Hand Knit Disco Crew
H3 Cher Fringe Jacket
H3 Bianca Crew
H3 Diana Cardigan
H3 Bianca Skirt
H3 Gummy Bear Crew
H3 Brooke Cardigan
H3 Minnelli Halter Dress
H3 Mushroom Crewneck
H3 High On Life Crewneck
H3 Debbie Pleated Skirt
H3 Goldie Fringe Top
H3 Charlie Oversized Polo
H3 Jade Cable Knit Crewneck
H3 Jade Cable Knit Skirt
H3 Mekas Knit Combo Top
H3 Mekas Knit Combo Drop Waist Skirt
H3 Bianca Plaid Fair Isle Robe
H3 Jackie Double Breasted Blazer
H3 Brushed Wool Cardigan
H3 All Good Things Button Down
H3 Brushed Wool A-Line Skirt
H3 Oyster Rosette Oversized Cardigan
H3 Wire Daisy Cardigan
H3 Crochet Collar
H3 Wire Montauk Cardigan
H3 Custom Oversized Button Down Texto duplicado
H3 Collections
H3 Projects
H3 News
H4 Spring '25
H4 Women's
H4 Men's
H4 Kid's
H4 Availability
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
9 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay 1 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 6 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content Lingua Franca texto
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/collections/lf-x-the-bowery-h...LF x The Bowery Hotel
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/collections/resort25-collectionResort '25
/collections/fall-2024Fall '24
/collections/rtw-shop-allTexto duplicado Shop All
/collections/rtw-new-arrivalsSin texto
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/collections/classic-new-arrivalsTexto duplicado New Arrivals
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/collections/spring-25SHOP SPRING
/collections/spring-25Texto duplicado Spring '25
/collections/spring-25/product...IMG-ALT Chora Blazer RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Cream XS
/collections/spring-25/product...Chora Blazer
/collections/spring-25/product...IMG-ALT Lampi Button Down Dress RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Lunch 0
/collections/spring-25/product...Lampi Button Down Dress
/collections/spring-25/product...IMG-ALT Lampi Button Down RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/spring-25/product...Lampi Button Down
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/collections/spring-25/product...Lampi Wrap Skirt
/collections/spring-25/product...IMG-ALT Patmos Patch Dress RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Salmon Multi XS
/collections/spring-25/product...Patmos Patch Dress
/collections/spring-25/product...IMG-ALT Patmos Tie Dress RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Cream Multi XS
/collections/spring-25/product...Patmos Tie Dress
/collections/spring-25/product...IMG-ALT Patmos Patch Shirt RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Pink Multi XS
/collections/spring-25/product...Patmos Patch Shirt
/collections/spring-25/product...IMG-ALT Patmos Patch Skirt RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Pink Multi XS
/collections/spring-25/product...Patmos Patch Skirt
/collections/spring-25View all
/pages/about-usTexto duplicado Our Story
/collections/customStart Customizing
/collections/womens-custom/pro...IMG-ALT Menorah Men's Crewneck Sweater LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/womens-custom/pro...Custom Womens Crewneck
/collections/womens-custom/pro...IMG-ALT Custom Women's Sweatshirt Sweatshirt LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/womens-custom/pro...Custom Women's Sweatshirt
/collections/womens-custom/pro...IMG-ALT Custom Cotton Silk Crewneck 307 Other LINGUA FRANCA NYC Canvas XS
/collections/womens-custom/pro...Custom Cotton Silk Crewneck
/collections/womens-custom/pro...IMG-ALT Custom Striped Boatneck 307 Other LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/womens-custom/pro...Custom Striped Boatneck
/collections/womens-custom/pro...IMG-ALT Wedding Date Classic Cardigan Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC Smoke XS
/collections/womens-custom/pro...Custom Cardigan
/collections/womens-custom/pro...IMG-ALT Oversized Cardigan, Sans Stitching Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC Oatmeal XS
/collections/womens-custom/pro...Custom Oversized Pocket Cardigan
/collections/womens-custom/pro...IMG-ALT Custom Oversized Button Down Shirts & Tops LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/womens-custom/pro...Custom Oversized Button Down
/collections/womens-custom/pro...IMG-ALT Custom Wrangler® Adult Jacket 307 Other LINGUA FRANCA NYC Dark Wash S
/collections/womens-custom/pro...Custom Wrangler® Adult Jacket
/collections/womens-customTexto duplicado View all
/collections/mens-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Custom Mens Crewneck Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/mens-custom/produ...Custom Mens Crewneck
/collections/mens-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Custom Men's Sweatshirt Sweatshirt LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/mens-custom/produ...Custom Men's Sweatshirt
/collections/mens-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Custom Wrangler® Mens Shirt 307 Other LINGUA FRANCA NYC Light Wash S
/collections/mens-custom/produ...Custom Wrangler® Mens Shirt
/collections/mens-custom/produ...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Custom Wrangler® Adult Jacket 307 Other LINGUA FRANCA NYC Dark Wash S
/collections/mens-custom/produ...Texto duplicado Custom Wrangler® Adult Jacket
/collections/mens-custom/produ...IMG-ALT "the mark" Beanie Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC Cream OS
/collections/mens-custom/produ...Custom Beanie
/collections/mens-custom/produ...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Oversized Cardigan, Sans Stitching Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC Oatmeal XS
/collections/mens-custom/produ...Texto duplicado Custom Oversized Pocket Cardigan
/collections/mens-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Custom Scarf Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/mens-custom/produ...Custom Scarf
/collections/mens-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Pet Mama Love Crewneck Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/mens-custom/produ...Pet Mama Love Crewneck
/collections/mens-customTexto duplicado View all
/collections/kids-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Custom Kids Crewneck Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC Sky 2T
/collections/kids-custom/produ...Custom Kids Crewneck
/collections/kids-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Custom Kids' Sweatshirt Sweatshirt LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/kids-custom/produ...Custom Kids' Sweatshirt
/collections/kids-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Custom Wrangler® Kids Jacket 307 Other LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/kids-custom/produ...Custom Wrangler® Kids Jacket
/collections/kids-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Custom Wrangler® Kids Shirt 307 Other LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/kids-custom/produ...Custom Wrangler® Kids Shirt
/collections/kids-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Custom Baby Blanket Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/kids-custom/produ...Custom Baby Blanket
/collections/kids-custom/produ...IMG-ALT School Spirit Kids Crewneck Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC Red 2T
/collections/kids-custom/produ...School Spirit Kids Crewneck
/collections/kids-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Crochet Flowers Kids Crewneck Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/kids-custom/produ...Crochet Flowers Kids Crewneck
/collections/kids-custom/produ...IMG-ALT Bespoke Kids Crewneck Cashmere Core LINGUA FRANCA NYC Navy 2T
/collections/kids-custom/produ...Bespoke Kids Crewneck
/collections/kids-customTexto duplicado View all
/collections/resort25-collectionSin texto
/collections/rtw-new-arrivalsSHOP HERE
/collections/resort25-collectionLet's Party!
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Jerry Dress RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/resort25-collecti...Jerry Dress
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Olivia Cardigan RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC XS Acorn
/collections/resort25-collecti...Olivia Cardigan
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Elton Cardigan RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Black XS
/collections/resort25-collecti...Elton Cardigan
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Hand Knit Disco Crew RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC XS Cream
/collections/resort25-collecti...Hand Knit Disco Crew
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Cher Fringe Jacket RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC XS Cream
/collections/resort25-collecti...Cher Fringe Jacket
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Bianca Crew RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Charcoal XS
/collections/resort25-collecti...Bianca Crew
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Diana Cardigan RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC XS Ash
/collections/resort25-collecti...Diana Cardigan
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Bianca Skirt RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/resort25-collecti...Bianca Skirt
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Gummy Bear Crew RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC XS Granny Smith
/collections/resort25-collecti...Gummy Bear Crew
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Brooke Cardigan RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Burgundy XS
/collections/resort25-collecti...Brooke Cardigan
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Minnelli Halter Dress RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC XS Cherry
/collections/resort25-collecti...Minnelli Halter Dress
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Mushroom Crewneck RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC XS Lemon Drop
/collections/resort25-collecti...Mushroom Crewneck
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT High On Life Crewneck RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC XS Pale Pink
/collections/resort25-collecti...High On Life Crewneck
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Debbie Pleated Skirt RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/resort25-collecti...Debbie Pleated Skirt
/collections/resort25-collecti...IMG-ALT Goldie Fringe Top RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC XS Cherry Multi
/collections/resort25-collecti...Goldie Fringe Top
/collections/rtw-shop-allSin texto
/collections/fall-2024Texto duplicado SHOP HERE
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Charlie Oversized Polo RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/fall-2024/product...Charlie Oversized Polo
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Jade Cable Knit Crewneck RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Ivory XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...Jade Cable Knit Crewneck
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Jade Cable Knit Skirt RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Ivory XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...Jade Cable Knit Skirt
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Mekas Knit Combo Top RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/fall-2024/product...Mekas Knit Combo Top
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Mekas Knit Combo Drop Waist Skirt RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Black XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...Mekas Knit Combo Drop Waist Skirt
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Bianca Plaid Fair Isle Robe RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Ivory Plaid XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...Bianca Plaid Fair Isle Robe
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Jackie Double Breasted Blazer RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Navy Twill XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...Jackie Double Breasted Blazer
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Brushed Wool Cardigan RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Linen XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...Brushed Wool Cardigan
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT All Good Things Button Down RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC White XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...All Good Things Button Down
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Brushed Wool A-Line Skirt RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Linen XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...Brushed Wool A-Line Skirt
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Oyster Rosette Oversized Cardigan RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Cream XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...Oyster Rosette Oversized Cardigan
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Wire Daisy Cardigan RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Cream XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...Wire Daisy Cardigan
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Crochet Collar RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC Natural XS
/collections/fall-2024/product...Crochet Collar
/collections/fall-2024/product...IMG-ALT Wire Montauk Cardigan RTW LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/fall-2024/product...Wire Montauk Cardigan
/collections/fall-2024/product...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Custom Oversized Button Down Shirts & Tops LINGUA FRANCA NYC
/collections/fall-2024/product...Texto duplicado Custom Oversized Button Down
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IMG-ALT mom with son both wearing Lingua Franca NYC custom apparel
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/products/lingua-franca-gift-cardGift Cards
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Lingua Franca NYC
Luxury Cashmere Hand Embroidered Sweaters and More

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Lingua Franca61%Check
Lingua Franca NYC61%Check

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