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Fitted Kitchen Specialists & Kitchen Design Experts | Magnet
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Discover a range of quality fitted kitchens at Magnet. Our kitchen design experts and specialists can help you find the perfect fitted kitchen for your home.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (941 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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descriptionDiscover a range of quality fitted kitchens at Magnet. Our kitchen design experts and specialists can help you find the perfect fitted kitchen for your home.
og:titleMagnet | Kitchen Suppliers & Kitchen Design Specialists

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En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • recieve => receive
Hay 10 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: Magnet are the longest-running kitchen suppliers and manufacturers in ...
  • Texto duplicado 2: Not only are we the UK’s longest-running kitchen retailer, but we’re a...
  • Texto duplicado 3: We’re the only kitchen specialists in the UK to design, manufacture an...
  • Texto duplicado 4: Whether you prefer a modern or traditional style, calming neutrals or ...
  • Texto duplicado 5: Why not sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date about our latest ...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2071 palabras.
Un 29.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
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Se han encontrado 14 párrafos en esta página.
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Lista de medios

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...n-store_design_consult_colleague_shots_6Magnet kitchen designer consulting customers in a Magnet store, woman browsing a brochure.
...hens_Customer_and_trade_entering_store_8Trade customer entering Magnet Store looking at oak interior in larder cabinet in a showroom neutral shade Shaker kitchen from Magnet.
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...hens/Ludlow/LUDLOW_MORELLO_PARCHMENT_S01Traditional Shaker-style tactile woodgrain Ludlow kitchen in bold shade Morello with matching wall panel and shelves, brass accents such as knobs and brass tap, a white ceramic sink, Ludlow parchment kitchen island with open end shelves and dusty oak vinyl flooring.
...g/Magnet_Kitchens_Looking___browsing_8-1Woman in a kitchen at Magnet showroom holding opened larder door and looking at the oak interior.
...e/PTO/Magnet_Kitchens_Choosing_samples_9Kitchen designer holding a colour sample while pointing in the brochure held by a customer in a Magnet Showroom.
...n-store_design_consult_colleague_shots_6Magnet kitchen designer consulting customers in a Magnet store, woman browsing a brochure.
...g/Magnet_Kitchens_Looking___browsing_8-1Woman in a kitchen at Magnet showroom holding opened larder door and looking at the oak interior.
...e/PTO/Magnet_Kitchens_Choosing_samples_9Kitchen designer holding a colour sample while pointing in the brochure held by a customer in a Magnet Showroom.
...n-store_design_consult_colleague_shots_6Magnet kitchen designer consulting customers in a Magnet store, woman browsing a brochure. card/Magnet_Kitchens_Paying_by_card_6Close-up of hand holding a credit card over a smartphone held by another person for payment at Magnet store
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.../Magnet/Kitchens/Luna/LUNA_LIMESTONE_S01Full room view of open plan contemporary Luna Gloss kitchen with a kitchen island, breakfast bar with wood stools, tall cabinetry, matching open shelves in living room with natural material decorations and Amtico smouldering oak parquet flooring.
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...2279/Magnet/Kitchens/ambleside_limestoneGloss Limestone
...gnet/Kitchens/Frontals/Luna_Laurel_GreenLaurel Green
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
..._KITCHEN_MOSS_AND_LIMESTONE_S01_ADOBE_98Ambleside Shaker kitchen in Moss and Limestone colours, featuring cup handles, and a spacious open-plan layout.
...ITCHEN_MOSS_AND_LIMESTONE_S02_ADOBE_98_1A contemporary kitchen with green and cream cabinets in Ambleside, featuring a Shaker-style design.
...swatches Ambleside/ambleside_fern_swatchFern Ambleside/ambleside_smoke_swatchSmoke
...hes Ambleside/ambleside_limestone_swatchLimestone
...swatches Ambleside/ambleside_moss_swatchMoss
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle plan living room and Traditional Shaker-style kitchen Ludlow Parchment with tactile woodgrain, flute glass vitrine cabinets, brass acessories like handles and tap, integrated ovens, a kitchen island and light wood herringbone flooring.
.../Magnet/Kitchens/Ludlow/LUDLOW_PARCHMENTTraditional Shaker-style Ludlow Parchment and French Clay utility room with white ceramic sink, washing machine and tumble dryer with white marbled Silestone worktop and upstand, wallpanel matching the cabinetry, traditional brass tap and towels hanging on wood drying rack.
...13/Magnet/Kitchens/Tailored-Green_swatchTailored Green Black
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...54/Magnet/Kitchens/Soho/SOHO_MORELLO_S02Modern slab front Soho Morello kitchen, kitchen island with rattan bar stools at breakfast bar, Bianco calacatta worktop and upstand, brass knobs and open shelf in kitchen island holding eclectic eramics, utility room with matching Soho cabinetry in the shade Shell.
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data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...itchens/Ascoli/ASCOLI_WOODLAND_GREEN_S01Contemporary scandinavian influenced Ascoli kitchen in fresh shade green Woodland and light grey, wall cabinets with timber accents like open shelves and oak laminate worktop, matched with oak laminate flooring and wood barstools at breakfast bar.
...itchens/Ascoli/ASCOLI_WOODLAND_GREEN_S03Oak laminate worktop in contemporary scandi influenced Ascoli Woodland and light grey kitchen, with a steel sink and tap and knurled brushed nickel t-bar knobs.
...itchens/Ascoli/ASCOLI_WOODLAND_GREEN_S02Woodland Green
...chens/Frontals/Ascoli_White_Gloss_angledGloss White
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...chens/Wardley/WARDLEY_TAILORED_GREEN_S01Premium Shaker kitchen Wardley Tailored green with traditional detailing, brass accessories, fluted glass wall vitrine cabinets, standalone Wardley Chalk Blush pantry, Classic Flint Grey oiled oak engineered wood flooring.
...chens/Wardley/WARDLEY_TAILORED_GREEN_S03Tailored Green Black
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...294_MAGNET_SC02_NOVA_LAUREL_S01_ADOBE_98Nova Laurel green is a smooth slab surface that i available in a matt or gloss finish.
...agnet/Kitchens/Nova/Nova_MattWhite_FrontGloss White
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data:[...] Base64Circle
...chens/Brunswick/BRUNSWICK_SUMI_BLACK_S01Modern Shaker kitchen Brunswick Sumi Black handleless with integrated ovens in tall cabinetry, open layout living room with wood dining table, hallway cabinetry with coat hangers and akupanel.
.../Kitchens/Brunswick/BRUNSWICK_SPRUCE_S02Modern Shaker kitchen Brunswick Spruce, a muted green shade, wall cabinets with fluted glass doors, Quartz Bianco Calacatta worktop and splashback, brass accessories like knobs, handles and tap, and a light wood herringbone floor.
...chens/Brunswick/BRUNSWICK_SUMI_BLACK_S05Sumi Black
...13944/Magnet/Kitchens/Dunham/Voyage_blueVoyage Blue
data:[...] Base64Circle
...hot_3_Kitchen_Showing_Pantry_HERO_EVE_v3View of natural oak Nordic Craft kitchen island contrasting against the dark Sumi Black Hoxton cabinetry behind it.
...World_Shot_4_Wide_Showing_Pantry_HERO_v1Magnet's Mindful World kitchen concept - An amalgamation of two contemporary kitchen ranges, creating elegance in contrast – and crafted woodwork, inspired by wood craft.
...573417/Magnet/Kitchens/Hoxton/Untitled-1Sumi Black
...e Configurator/Colors/luna-matt-midnightMetallic Midnight
...0/v1637657430/Magnet/Xmas/Festive_NordicNordic Nature. Modern wooden kitchen design with a Nordic influence. Featured floating worktops, a ribbed plinth and rounded end panels
...MAG_0322_11732636_NORDICNATURE_Detail_01Close-up of Nordic Nature cabinets with wood fronts and handles.
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...0/v1629962301/Magnet/Kitchens/Nordic_OakNordic Oak
data:[...] Base64Circle
...gra Soho/Integra-SOHO-TAILORED_GREEN_S01Integra Soho Tailored Green kitchen and kitchen island with contrasting dark wood Portobello Etna, black accessories, integrated ovens in tall cabinets, Dekton worktop and fluted glass vitrin wall cabinets with wood dining room table in foreground.
...NTEGRA_SOHO_THYME_LIMESTONE_S02_ADOBE_98Painted handleless slab front Integra Soho from Magnet in shade Thyme paired with wall cabinets in shade Limestone, finished with brass details and plants.
...gra Soho/Integra-SOHO-TAILORED_GREEN_S02Tailored Green
...15601077/Magnet/Kitchens/Swatch_Duck-EggDuck Egg
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...chens/Brunswick/BRUNSWICK_SUMI_BLACK_S01Modern Shaker kitchen Brunswick Sumi Black handleless with integrated ovens in tall cabinetry, open layout living room with wood dining table, hallway cabinetry with coat hangers and akupanel.
.../Kitchens/Brunswick/BRUNSWICK_SPRUCE_S02Modern Shaker kitchen Brunswick Spruce, a muted green shade, wall cabinets with fluted glass doors, Quartz Bianco Calacatta worktop and splashback, brass accessories like knobs, handles and tap, and a light wood herringbone floor.
...chens/Brunswick/BRUNSWICK_SUMI_BLACK_S05Sumi Black
...13944/Magnet/Kitchens/Dunham/Voyage_blueVoyage Blue
data:[...] Base64Circle
...runswick/INTEGRA_BRUNSWICK_LIMESTONE_S01Handleless Wabi sabi inspired Integra Brunswick Limestone kitchen combined with living area, wood barstools for breakfast bar, natural materials, Euros oak flooring.
...chens/Brunswick/BRUNSWICK_SUMI_BLACK_S05Sumi Black
data:[...] Base64Circle plan living room and Traditional Shaker-style kitchen Ludlow Parchment with tactile woodgrain, flute glass vitrine cabinets, brass acessories like handles and tap, integrated ovens, a kitchen island and light wood herringbone flooring.
.../Magnet/Kitchens/Ludlow/LUDLOW_PARCHMENTTraditional Shaker-style Ludlow Parchment and French Clay utility room with white ceramic sink, washing machine and tumble dryer with white marbled Silestone worktop and upstand, wallpanel matching the cabinetry, traditional brass tap and towels hanging on wood drying rack.
...13/Magnet/Kitchens/Tailored-Green_swatchTailored Green Black
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...chens/Wardley/WARDLEY_TAILORED_GREEN_S01Premium Shaker kitchen Wardley Tailored green with traditional detailing, brass accessories, fluted glass wall vitrine cabinets, standalone Wardley Chalk Blush pantry, Classic Flint Grey oiled oak engineered wood flooring.
...chens/Wardley/WARDLEY_TAILORED_GREEN_S03Tailored Green Black
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...gra Soho/Integra-SOHO-TAILORED_GREEN_S01Integra Soho Tailored Green kitchen and kitchen island with contrasting dark wood Portobello Etna, black accessories, integrated ovens in tall cabinets, Dekton worktop and fluted glass vitrin wall cabinets with wood dining room table in foreground.
...NTEGRA_SOHO_THYME_LIMESTONE_S02_ADOBE_98Painted handleless slab front Integra Soho from Magnet in shade Thyme paired with wall cabinets in shade Limestone, finished with brass details and plants.
...gra Soho/Integra-SOHO-TAILORED_GREEN_S02Tailored Green
...15601077/Magnet/Kitchens/Swatch_Duck-EggDuck Egg
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...54/Magnet/Kitchens/Soho/SOHO_MORELLO_S02Modern slab front Soho Morello kitchen, kitchen island with rattan bar stools at breakfast bar, Bianco calacatta worktop and upstand, brass knobs and open shelf in kitchen island holding eclectic eramics, utility room with matching Soho cabinetry in the shade Shell.
...ho/MAG01002_SS24_FEB24_SC04_S05_ADOBE_98Carece de atributo ALT
...13/Magnet/Kitchens/Tailored-Green_swatchTailored Green
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...Integra Wardley/INTEGRA_WARDLEY_SUMI_S01Handleless frame doors Integra Wardley Sumi black kitchen with kitchen island, Integra Soho Limestone tall cabinets with integrated ovens, black dining table and chairs, pale oak chevron flooring.
...Integra Wardley/INTEGRA_WARDLEY_SUMI_S03Sumi Black
...13/Magnet/Kitchens/Tailored-Green_swatchTailored Green
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
..._LUDLOW_INTEGRA_MIDNIGHT_S02_01_ADOBE_98Open plan kitchen with kitchen island. Integra Ludlow is a contemporary take on a Shaker kitchen, with integrated handles.
..._LUDLOW_INTEGRA_MIDNIGHT_S06_01_ADOBE_98Close-up of kitchen island in Integra Ludlow, a contemporary take on a Shaker kitchen, with integrated handles.
...13/Magnet/Kitchens/Tailored-Green_swatchTailored Green
...Integra Wardley/INTEGRA_WARDLEY_SUMI_S03Sumi Black
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...0/v1637657434/Magnet/Xmas/Dunham_FestiveDunham kitchen by Magnet. Smooth matt finish traditional or modern style available in over 20 colours.
...13/Magnet/Kitchens/Tailored-Green_swatchTailored Green
...601077/Magnet/Kitchens/Swatch_Baked-ClayBaked Clay
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
..._KITCHEN_MOSS_AND_LIMESTONE_S01_ADOBE_98Ambleside Shaker kitchen in Moss and Limestone colours, featuring cup handles, and a spacious open-plan layout.
...ITCHEN_MOSS_AND_LIMESTONE_S02_ADOBE_98_1A contemporary kitchen with green and cream cabinets in Ambleside, featuring a Shaker-style design.
...swatches Ambleside/ambleside_fern_swatchFern Ambleside/ambleside_smoke_swatchSmoke
...hes Ambleside/ambleside_limestone_swatchLimestone
...swatches Ambleside/ambleside_moss_swatchMoss
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
...2_DUX_ARBORETUM_PORTO_UMBRA_S01_ADOBE_98An open plan Magnet kitchen, showcasing our modern Duxbury range in Arboretum.
...2_DUX_ARBORETUM_PORTO_UMBRA_S02_ADOBE_98Black appliances integrated into full-height door units from Magnet's Duxbury range, seen in a rich dark green. Duxbury/duxbury_arboretum_swatchArboretum Duxbury/duxbury_limestone_swatchLimestone
...our swatches Duxbury/duxbury_fawn_swatchFawn
...3_SET_01_DUXBURY_LIMESTONE_S02__ADOBE_98Portobello kitchen cabinets in a light woodgrain are set behind Magnet's Duxbury range in Limestone, creating a light and modern open plan kitchen with a breakfast bar island.
...3_SET_01_DUXBURY_LIMESTONE_S06__ADOBE_98Modern Portobello kitchen cabinets in Bosco are finished with brass bar handles.
...tobello swatches/portobello_umbra_swatchUmbra
...rtobello swatches/portobello_etna_swatchEtna
...tobello swatches/portobello_bosco_swatchBosco
...01_INTEGRA_SOHO_PORTOBELLO_S01__ADOBE_98Integrated handles give Integra Portobello a sleek modern finish, perfectly offset by its organic woodgrain texture - crafted from premium Italian materials.
...01_INTEGRA_SOHO_PORTOBELLO_S02__ADOBE_98Integrated handles give Integra Portobello a sleek modern finish, perfectly offset by its organic woodgrain texture - crafted from premium Italian materials.
...tobello swatches/portobello_umbra_swatchUmbra
...rtobello swatches/portobello_etna_swatchEtna
...tobello swatches/portobello_bosco_swatchBosco
...AGNET_SUMMER_22_MAR_22_SC01_S01_ADOBE_98Tatton Sage from Magnet, a contemporary narrow frame shaker door, with a grey sofa in the foreground
...AGNET_SUMMER_22_MAR_22_SC01_S03_ADOBE_98Tatton Sage kitchen from Magnet, a contemporary narrow frame shaker door.
data:[...] Base64Circle
data:[...] Base64Circle
.../w_400/v1725878803/Magnet/Icons/100yearsCarece de atributo ALT
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..._400/v1725984448/Magnet/Icons/showrooms1Carece de atributo ALT
...o/w_400/v1725879109/Magnet/Icons/kitchenCarece de atributo ALT
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..._auto/w_400/v1725878947/Magnet/Icons/IDHCarece de atributo ALT
..._400/v1725984448/Magnet/Icons/showrooms1Carece de atributo ALT
...o/w_400/v1725879109/Magnet/Icons/kitchenCarece de atributo ALT
..._fill/w_1600/v1733331642/Magnet/IMG_5955Carece de atributo ALT
...net_Kitchens_Colleague_on_laptop_phone_9Over the shoulder view of Magnet colleague at a desk, wearing a headset browsing kitchens on a laptop computer
...chens/Brunswick/BRUNSWICK_SUMI_BLACK_S02View of modern shaker kitchen Brunswick Sumi Black, with screen extractor over induction hob, tall fluted glass doorsvitrine cabinets, black frame skylights with wood dining table and chairs in foreground.
...net_Kitchens_Colleague_on_laptop_phone_4Magnet colleague at a desk at a Magnet store designing a kitchen on a computer
...und the retail store/PTO/meet-our-makersCarece de atributo ALT
...v1631864614/Magnet/Icons/icon-stores.svgIcon of a building
...73677/Magnet/Icons/trust-icon-reward.svgIcon of a medal
...4273678/Magnet/Icons/trust-icon-star.svgIcon of a star

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
El encabezado H1 está vacío.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 90 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Encabezado vacío
H2 Latest kitchen offers View all offers
H2 Explore kitchens by colour
H2 How to buy with Magnet
H2 How to buy with Magnet Texto duplicado
H2 Why Magnet Service
H2 Why Magnet Service Texto duplicado
H2 Our bespoke design service
H2 Our most loved kitchens
H2 Our new additions
H2 Better. By design
H2 Better. By design Texto duplicado
H2 Our online services & tools
H2 Magnet Kitchens
H2 Are you in the trade?
H3 Kitchen finance options
H3 Designed by us, styled by you
H3 Meet our makers
H3 Icon of a building
H3 Icon of a medal
H3 Icon of a star
H3 Accessories & appliances
H3 About Magnet
H3 Kitchen trends
H3 Kitchens by colour
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IMG-ALT Utility room with Traditional Shaker-style tactile woodgrain Ludlow French Clay cabinets, washing machine and tumble dryer, Ludlow Sumi Black kitchen with br... Sale 50% off kitchens + £500 off bespoke worktops starting from £15 per month Spread the cost with flexible finance
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/book-a-consultation/Sale. 50% OFF ALL KITCHENS Book a free appointment Rated EXCELLENT on Trustpilot ★★★★★
IMG-ALT Traditional Shaker-style tactile woodgrain Ludlow kitchen in bold shade Morello with matching wall panel and shelves, brass accents such as knobs and brass t... all offers
/kitchens/50% OFF all kitchen cabinets
/accessories/worktops/£500 OFF Bespoke worktops OFF APPLIANCES With Bosch & Neff£1,100 CASHBACK On selected appliance brands
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/kitchen-style-finder/Texto duplicado Find kitchen style
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/book-a-consultation/Appointments filling up fast In-store design appointment Meet your dedicated designer Recieve a quote tailored to your style and budget 3D design to visualis...
/book-a-consultation/Virtual design appointment Expert design advice from the comfort of your home Recieve a quote tailored to your style and budget 3D design to visualise your d...
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/kitchens/luna/IMG-ALT Full room view of open plan contemporary Luna Gloss kitchen with a kitchen island, breakfast bar with wood stools, tall cabinetry, matching open shelves in l...
/kitchens/luna/limestone/IMG-ALT Gloss Limestone
/kitchens/luna/laurel-green/IMG-ALT Laurel Green
/kitchens/luna/seagrass/IMG-ALT Seagrass
/kitchens/luna/pebble/IMG-ALT Pebble
IMG-ALT Circle
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/luna/View Luna
/kitchens/ambleside/IMG-ALT Ambleside Shaker kitchen in Moss and Limestone colours, featuring cup handles, and a spacious open-plan layout.
/kitchens/ambleside/fern/IMG-ALT Fern
/kitchens/ambleside/smoke/IMG-ALT Smoke
/kitchens/ambleside/limestone/IMG-ALT Limestone
/kitchens/ambleside/moss/IMG-ALT Moss
IMG-ALT Circle
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/ambleside/View Ambleside
/kitchens/ludlow/IMG-ALT Open plan living room and Traditional Shaker-style kitchen Ludlow Parchment with tactile woodgrain, flute glass vitrine cabinets, brass acessories like handl...
/kitchens/ludlow/morello/IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/ludlow/parchment/IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/ludlow/tailored-green/IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/ludlow/sumi-black/IMG-ALT Sumi Black
IMG-ALT Circle
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/ludlow/View Ludlow
/kitchens/soho/IMG-ALT Modern slab front Soho Morello kitchen, kitchen island with rattan bar stools at breakfast bar, Bianco calacatta worktop and upstand, brass knobs and open sh...
/kitchens/soho/morello/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/soho/tailored-green/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/soho/parchment/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/soho/thyme/IMG-ALT Thyme
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/soho/Texto duplicado +24
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/soho/View Soho
/kitchens/ascoli/IMG-ALT Contemporary scandinavian influenced Ascoli kitchen in fresh shade green Woodland and light grey, wall cabinets with timber accents like open shelves and oak...
/kitchens/ascoli/mineral-blue/IMG-ALT Mineral Blue
/kitchens/ascoli/woodland-green/IMG-ALT Woodland Green
/kitchens/ascoli/gloss-white/IMG-ALT Gloss White
/kitchens/ascoli/anthracite/IMG-ALT Anthracite
IMG-ALT Circle
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/ascoli/View Ascoli
/kitchens/wardley/IMG-ALT Premium Shaker kitchen Wardley Tailored green with traditional detailing, brass accessories, fluted glass wall vitrine cabinets, standalone Wardley Chalk Blu...
/kitchens/wardley/morello/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/wardley/parchment/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/wardley/tailored-green/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/wardley/sumi-black/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sumi Black
/kitchens/wardley/Texto duplicado +24
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/wardley/Texto duplicado +25
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/wardley/View Wardley
/kitchens/nova/IMG-ALT Nova Laurel green is a smooth slab surface that i available in a matt or gloss finish.
/kitchens/nova/white/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Gloss White
/kitchens/nova/matt-grey/IMG-ALT Matt Grey
/kitchens/nova/matt-slate/IMG-ALT Matt Slate
/kitchens/nova/seagrass/IMG-ALT Matt Seagrass
/kitchens/nova/Texto duplicado +1
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/nova/View Nova
/kitchens/brunswick/IMG-ALT Modern Shaker kitchen Brunswick Sumi Black handleless with integrated ovens in tall cabinetry, open layout living room with wood dining table, hallway cabine...
/kitchens/brunswick/sumi-black/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sumi Black
/kitchens/brunswick/spruce/IMG-ALT Spruce
/kitchens/brunswick/limestone/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Limestone
/kitchens/brunswick/voyage-blue/IMG-ALT Voyage Blue
/kitchens/brunswick/Texto duplicado +1
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/brunswick/View Brunswick
/kitchens/hoxton/IMG-ALT View of natural oak Nordic Craft kitchen island contrasting against the dark Sumi Black Hoxton cabinetry behind it.
/kitchens/hoxton/sumi-black/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sumi Black
/kitchens/hoxton/metallic-midn...IMG-ALT Metallic Midnight
/kitchens/hoxton/View Hoxton
/kitchens/nordic-nature/IMG-ALT Nordic Nature. Modern wooden kitchen design with a Nordic influence. Featured floating worktops, a ribbed plinth and rounded end panels
/kitchens/nordic-nature/Nordic Nature
/kitchens/nordic-nature/nordic...IMG-ALT Nordic Wave
/kitchens/nordic-nature/vitrin...IMG-ALT Vitrine Wave
/kitchens/nordic-nature/nordic...IMG-ALT Nordic & Hoxton
/kitchens/nordic-nature/nordic...IMG-ALT Nordic Oak
/kitchens/nordic-nature/Texto duplicado +1
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/nordic-nature/View Nordic Nature
/kitchens/integra-soho/IMG-ALT Integra Soho Tailored Green kitchen and kitchen island with contrasting dark wood Portobello Etna, black accessories, integrated ovens in tall cabinets, Dekt...
/kitchens/integra-soho/Integra Soho
/kitchens/integra-soho/parchment/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/integra-soho/morello/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/integra-soho/tailore...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/integra-soho/duck-egg/IMG-ALT Duck Egg
/kitchens/integra-soho/Texto duplicado +23
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/integra-soho/Texto duplicado +24
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/integra-soho/View Integra Soho
/kitchens/Texto duplicado View all kitchens
/kitchens/brunswick/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Modern Shaker kitchen Brunswick Sumi Black handleless with integrated ovens in tall cabinetry, open layout living room with wood dining table, hallway cabine...
/kitchens/brunswick/Texto duplicado Brunswick
/kitchens/brunswick/sumi-black/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sumi Black
/kitchens/brunswick/spruce/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Spruce
/kitchens/brunswick/limestone/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Limestone
/kitchens/brunswick/voyage-blue/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Voyage Blue
/kitchens/brunswick/Texto duplicado +1
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/brunswick/Texto duplicado View Brunswick
/kitchens/integra-brunswick/IMG-ALT Handleless Wabi sabi inspired Integra Brunswick Limestone kitchen combined with living area, wood barstools for breakfast bar, natural materials, Euros oak f...
/kitchens/integra-brunswick/Integra Brunswick
/kitchens/integra-brunswick/vo...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Voyage Blue
/kitchens/integra-brunswick/su...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sumi Black
/kitchens/integra-brunswick/sp...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Spruce
/kitchens/integra-brunswick/li...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Limestone
/kitchens/integra-brunswick/Texto duplicado +1
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/integra-brunswick/View Integra Brunswick
/kitchens/ludlow/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Open plan living room and Traditional Shaker-style kitchen Ludlow Parchment with tactile woodgrain, flute glass vitrine cabinets, brass acessories like handl...
/kitchens/ludlow/Texto duplicado Ludlow
/kitchens/ludlow/morello/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/ludlow/parchment/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/ludlow/tailored-green/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/ludlow/sumi-black/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sumi Black
/kitchens/ludlow/Texto duplicado +24
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/ludlow/Texto duplicado +25
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/ludlow/Texto duplicado View Ludlow
/kitchens/wardley/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Premium Shaker kitchen Wardley Tailored green with traditional detailing, brass accessories, fluted glass wall vitrine cabinets, standalone Wardley Chalk Blu...
/kitchens/wardley/Texto duplicado Wardley
/kitchens/wardley/morello/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/wardley/parchment/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/wardley/tailored-green/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/wardley/sumi-black/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sumi Black
/kitchens/wardley/Texto duplicado +24
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/wardley/Texto duplicado +25
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/wardley/Texto duplicado View Wardley
/kitchens/integra-soho/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Integra Soho Tailored Green kitchen and kitchen island with contrasting dark wood Portobello Etna, black accessories, integrated ovens in tall cabinets, Dekt...
/kitchens/integra-soho/Texto duplicado Integra Soho
/kitchens/integra-soho/parchment/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/integra-soho/morello/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/integra-soho/tailore...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/integra-soho/duck-egg/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Duck Egg
/kitchens/integra-soho/Texto duplicado +23
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/integra-soho/Texto duplicado +24
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/integra-soho/Texto duplicado View Integra Soho
/kitchens/soho/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Modern slab front Soho Morello kitchen, kitchen island with rattan bar stools at breakfast bar, Bianco calacatta worktop and upstand, brass knobs and open sh...
/kitchens/soho/Texto duplicado Soho
/kitchens/soho/morello/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/soho/tailored-green/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/soho/parchment/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/soho/thyme/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Thyme
/kitchens/soho/Texto duplicado +23
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/soho/Texto duplicado +24
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/soho/Texto duplicado View Soho
/kitchens/integra-wardley/IMG-ALT Handleless frame doors Integra Wardley Sumi black kitchen with kitchen island, Integra Soho Limestone tall cabinets with integrated ovens, black dining table...
/kitchens/integra-wardley/Integra Wardley
/kitchens/integra-wardley/more...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/integra-wardley/sumi...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sumi Black
/kitchens/integra-wardley/tail...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/integra-wardley/parc...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/integra-wardley/Texto duplicado +24
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/integra-wardley/Texto duplicado +25
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/integra-wardley/View Integra Wardley
/kitchens/integra-ludlow/IMG-ALT Open plan kitchen with kitchen island. Integra Ludlow is a contemporary take on a Shaker kitchen, with integrated handles.
/kitchens/integra-ludlow/Integra Ludlow
/kitchens/integra-ludlow/morello/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/integra-ludlow/parch...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/integra-ludlow/tailo...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/integra-ludlow/sumi-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Sumi Black
IMG-ALT Circle
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/integra-ludlow/View Integra Ludlow
/kitchens/dunham/IMG-ALT Dunham kitchen by Magnet. Smooth matt finish traditional or modern style available in over 20 colours.
/kitchens/dunham/morello/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Morello
/kitchens/dunham/parchment/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Parchment
/kitchens/dunham/tailored-green/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Tailored Green
/kitchens/dunham/baked-clay/IMG-ALT Baked Clay
/kitchens/dunham/Texto duplicado +23
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/dunham/Texto duplicado +24
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/dunham/View Dunham
/kitchens/ambleside/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Ambleside Shaker kitchen in Moss and Limestone colours, featuring cup handles, and a spacious open-plan layout.
/kitchens/ambleside/Texto duplicado Ambleside
/kitchens/ambleside/fern/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Fern
/kitchens/ambleside/smoke/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Smoke
/kitchens/ambleside/limestone/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Limestone
/kitchens/ambleside/moss/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Moss
/kitchens/ambleside/Texto duplicado +1
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/ambleside/Texto duplicado +2
IMG-ALT Circle
/kitchens/ambleside/Texto duplicado View Ambleside
/kitchens/duxbury/IMG-ALT An open plan Magnet kitchen, showcasing our modern Duxbury range in Arboretum.
/kitchens/duxbury/arboretum/IMG-ALT Arboretum
/kitchens/duxbury/limestone/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Limestone
/kitchens/duxbury/fawn/IMG-ALT Fawn
/kitchens/duxbury/View Duxbury
/kitchens/portobello/IMG-ALT Portobello kitchen cabinets in a light woodgrain are set behind Magnet's Duxbury range in Limestone, creating a light and modern open plan kitchen with a bre...
/kitchens/portobello/umbra/IMG-ALT Umbra
/kitchens/portobello/etna/IMG-ALT Etna
/kitchens/portobello/bosco/IMG-ALT Bosco
/kitchens/portobello/View Portobello
/kitchens/integra-portobello/IMG-ALT Integrated handles give Integra Portobello a sleek modern finish, perfectly offset by its organic woodgrain texture - crafted from premium Italian materials.
/kitchens/integra-portobello/Integra Portobello
/kitchens/integra-portobello/u...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Umbra
/kitchens/integra-portobello/e...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Etna
/kitchens/integra-portobello/b...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Bosco
/kitchens/integra-portobello/View Integra Portobello
/kitchens/tatton/IMG-ALT Tatton Sage from Magnet, a contemporary narrow frame shaker door, with a grey sofa in the foreground
/kitchens/tatton/sage/IMG-ALT Sage
/kitchens/tatton/pebble/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Pebble
/kitchens/tatton/midnight/IMG-ALT Midnight
/kitchens/tatton/graphite/IMG-ALT Graphite
/kitchens/tatton/Texto duplicado +2
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/doors-and-floors/flooring/Kitchen Flooring
/doors-and-floors/external-doors/External Doors
/accessories/sinks/Texto duplicado Sinks
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/accessories/lighting/Kitchen Lighting Subdominio Magnet Trade
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Fitted Kitchen Specialists & Kitchen Design Experts | Magnet
Discover a range of quality fitted kitchens at Magnet. Our kitchen design experts and specialists can help you find the perfect fitted kitchen for your home.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Magnet kitchen75%Check
Kitchen Design74%Check
Magnet Kitchens68%Check
kitchen design experts68%Check
kitchen specialists67%Check
Find kitchen65%Check
Kitchens Kitchen64%Check

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