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Monticello Shop
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No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Monticello Shop, inspired by Thomas Jefferson. Discover unique furniture, home decor, garden, seeds, plants, books, and more. Your purchase supports Monticello and its mission of education and preservation. Shop the Monticello museum store now.
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Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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descriptionMonticello Shop, inspired by Thomas Jefferson. Discover unique furniture, home decor, garden, seeds, plants, books, and more. Your purchase supports Monticello and its mission of education and preservation. Shop the Monticello museum store now.
twitter:titleMonticello Shop
twitter:descriptionMonticello Shop, inspired by Thomas Jefferson. Discover unique furniture, home decor, garden, seeds, plants, books, and more. Your purchase supports Monticello and its mission of education and preservation. Shop the Monticello museum store now.
og:site_nameMonticello Shop
og:titleMonticello Shop
og:descriptionMonticello Shop, inspired by Thomas Jefferson. Discover unique furniture, home decor, garden, seeds, plants, books, and more. Your purchase supports Monticello and its mission of education and preservation. Shop the Monticello museum store now.

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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1615 palabras.
Un 26.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
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Optimización para móviles
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Redes Sociales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Monticello Shop
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (15 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 75 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Monticello Shop
H2 Decor
H2 Inspired by the elegant, classic style of Jefferson’s Monticello.Decor & More
H2 "No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."Thomas Jefferson
H2 Monticello's own gifts, decor, furniture and moreOnly at Monticello
H2 Entertain with elegance and style inspired by Monticello.For outdoors or in the kitchen
H2 100's of unique gifts inspired by Thomas Jefferson and American HistoryFind something for everyone
H2 Browse our full library about Jefferson, Monticello and American History"I cannot live without books"
H2 Monticello Inspired Jewelry, Apparel & AccessoriesDress with style.
H2 Entertaining
H2 Inspired by the elegant, classic style of Jefferson’s Monticello.Decor & More Texto duplicado
H2 "No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."Thomas Jefferson Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello's own gifts, decor, furniture and moreOnly at Monticello Texto duplicado
H2 Entertain with elegance and style inspired by Monticello.For outdoors or in the kitchen Texto duplicado
H2 100's of unique gifts inspired by Thomas Jefferson and American HistoryFind something for everyone Texto duplicado
H2 Browse our full library about Jefferson, Monticello and American History"I cannot live without books" Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello Inspired Jewelry, Apparel & AccessoriesDress with style. Texto duplicado
H2 Garden
H2 Inspired by the elegant, classic style of Jefferson’s Monticello.Decor & More Texto duplicado
H2 "No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."Thomas Jefferson Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello's own gifts, decor, furniture and moreOnly at Monticello Texto duplicado
H2 Entertain with elegance and style inspired by Monticello.For outdoors or in the kitchen Texto duplicado
H2 100's of unique gifts inspired by Thomas Jefferson and American HistoryFind something for everyone Texto duplicado
H2 Browse our full library about Jefferson, Monticello and American History"I cannot live without books" Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello Inspired Jewelry, Apparel & AccessoriesDress with style. Texto duplicado
H2 Fashion
H2 Inspired by the elegant, classic style of Jefferson’s Monticello.Decor & More Texto duplicado
H2 "No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."Thomas Jefferson Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello's own gifts, decor, furniture and moreOnly at Monticello Texto duplicado
H2 Entertain with elegance and style inspired by Monticello.For outdoors or in the kitchen Texto duplicado
H2 100's of unique gifts inspired by Thomas Jefferson and American HistoryFind something for everyone Texto duplicado
H2 Browse our full library about Jefferson, Monticello and American History"I cannot live without books" Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello Inspired Jewelry, Apparel & AccessoriesDress with style. Texto duplicado
H2 Gifts
H2 Inspired by the elegant, classic style of Jefferson’s Monticello.Decor & More Texto duplicado
H2 "No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."Thomas Jefferson Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello's own gifts, decor, furniture and moreOnly at Monticello Texto duplicado
H2 Entertain with elegance and style inspired by Monticello.For outdoors or in the kitchen Texto duplicado
H2 100's of unique gifts inspired by Thomas Jefferson and American HistoryFind something for everyone Texto duplicado
H2 Browse our full library about Jefferson, Monticello and American History"I cannot live without books" Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello Inspired Jewelry, Apparel & AccessoriesDress with style. Texto duplicado
H2 Exclusives
H2 Inspired by the elegant, classic style of Jefferson’s Monticello.Decor & More Texto duplicado
H2 "No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."Thomas Jefferson Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello's own gifts, decor, furniture and moreOnly at Monticello Texto duplicado
H2 Entertain with elegance and style inspired by Monticello.For outdoors or in the kitchen Texto duplicado
H2 100's of unique gifts inspired by Thomas Jefferson and American HistoryFind something for everyone Texto duplicado
H2 Browse our full library about Jefferson, Monticello and American History"I cannot live without books" Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello Inspired Jewelry, Apparel & AccessoriesDress with style. Texto duplicado
H2 Books
H2 Inspired by the elegant, classic style of Jefferson’s Monticello.Decor & More Texto duplicado
H2 "No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden."Thomas Jefferson Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello's own gifts, decor, furniture and moreOnly at Monticello Texto duplicado
H2 Entertain with elegance and style inspired by Monticello.For outdoors or in the kitchen Texto duplicado
H2 100's of unique gifts inspired by Thomas Jefferson and American HistoryFind something for everyone Texto duplicado
H2 Browse our full library about Jefferson, Monticello and American History"I cannot live without books" Texto duplicado
H2 Monticello Inspired Jewelry, Apparel & AccessoriesDress with style. Texto duplicado
H2 Winter Sale
H2 Top Picks for the New Year
H2 Seeds Harvested from Monticello
H2 Fall Clothing
H2 Pillows & Rugs
H2 Shop by Department
H2 About
H2 Customer Service
H2 Sign up for our newsletter
H3 Donation
H3 Historic Seeds
H3 Plants
H3 Curated Collections
H3 Seasonal Collections
H3 Shipping & Handling
H3 Our Guarantee
H3 Return & Exchanges
H3 Gift Services
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
4 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (86) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content
/collections/shop-all-decorShop All
/collections/bed-bath-1Bed & Bath
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Furniture
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Handcrafted Gifts
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Holiday Decorating
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Home Accents
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Lighting
/collections/office-libraryOffice & Library
/collections/outdoor-furnitureOutdoor Furniture & Accents
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Pillow & Rugs
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Wall Decor
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Wreaths
/collections/shop-all-entertai...Texto duplicado Shop All
/collections/food-drinkFood & Drink
/collections/al-fresco-diningAl Fresco Dining
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Garden
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Shop All
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Garden Accents
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Pots, Planters & Tools
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Historic Seeds
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Annual Flower Seeds
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Perennial & Biennial Flower Seeds
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Warm Weather Veggie Seeds
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Vegetable & Herb Seeds
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Cool Weather Veggie Seeds
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Jefferson's Garden
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Harvested from Monticello
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Small Space & Container Gardens
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Seed Collections
/collections/all-plants-archiveAll Plants Archive
/pages/hardiness-zone-mapHardiness Zone Map
/collections/shop-all-fashionTexto duplicado Shop All
/collections/bags-accessoriesBags & Accessories
/collections/clothing-accessoriesClothing Accessories
/collections/giftsTexto duplicado Shop All
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/collections/corporate-giftingCorporate Gifting
/collections/food-drink-giftsFood & Drink Gifts
/collections/gifts-for-herGifts for Her
/collections/gifts-for-himGifts for Him
/collections/gifts-for-kidsGifts for Kids
/collections/gifts-under-25Gifts Under $25
/collections/gifts-under-50Gifts Under $50
/collections/gifts-under-100Gifts Under $100
/collections/gifts-for-gardenersGifts for Gardeners
/collections/gifts-for-book-lo...Gifts for Book Lovers
/collections/gifts-for-history...Gifts for History Lovers
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/collections/personalized-giftsPersonalized Gifts
/collections/wedding-anniversaryWedding & Anniversary
/pages/gift-cardsGift Cards
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Shop All
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Handcrafted
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Jefferson Quotes
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Just Added
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Only at Monticello
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Reproductions
/collections/photographer-seriesPhotographer Series
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Top Rated
/collections/special-collectionsCurated Collections
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Declaration Collection
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Lavender Collection
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Made in USA Best Sellers
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Porch & Entryway
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Scented Collection
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Timeless Blue & White
/collections/vineyard-collectionVineyard Collection
/collections/seasonal-collectionsSeasonal Collections
/collections/evergreen-orangeEvergreen & Orange
/collections/feathered-friendsFeathered Friends
/collections/ornamentsOrnaments Collection
/collections/stocking-stuffersStocking Stuffers
/collections/booksTexto duplicado Shop All
/collections/about-monticelloAbout Monticello
/collections/american-historyAmerican History
/collections/architecture-land...Architecture & Landscaping
/collections/best-sellersBest Sellers
/collections/food-diningFood & Dining
/collections/gardening-booksGardening Books
/collections/kids-booksKids Books
/collections/slavery-in-americaSlavery in America
/collections/thomas-jefferson-...Thomas Jefferson Collection
/collections/what-jefferson-readWhat Jefferson Read
/collections/hot-off-the-pressHot Off the Press
/pages/help-centerHelp Center
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A-TITLE Monticello Shop on Pinterest
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/pages/help-centerTexto duplicado Order Status
/pages/help-centerTexto duplicado Returns
/pages/help-centerTexto duplicado Email
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https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Holiday Decorating
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/collections/outdoor-furnitureTexto duplicado Outdoor Furniture & Accents
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https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Wall Decor
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https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Shop All
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Garden Accents
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Pots, Planters & Tools
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Historic Seeds
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https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Perennial & Biennial Flower Seeds
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https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Jefferson's Garden
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Harvested from Monticello
https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Small Space & Container Gardens
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https://monticello-store.mysho...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Just Added
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/collections/american-historyTexto duplicado American History
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/collections/featured/products...Seed Packet Box with Heirloom Vegetable Seeds $49.00
/collections/featured/products...Blue & White Stoneware Pet Bowl - Small $25.00
/collections/featured/products...Willow Garden Pyramid Trellis $39.00
/collections/featured/products...Library Book Stand $395.00
/collections/featured/products...Porcelain Birds $35.00
/collections/featured/products...Cool-Season Vegetable Seed Collection $36.00
/collections/featured/products...Personalized Jefferson Cup $59.00
/collections/featured/products...Folding Library Steps $349.00
/collections/featured/products...Monticello Garden Friendship Ring Tray $25.00
/collections/featured/products...Monticello Monarch Butterfly Plant Support Set $39.00
/collections/featured/products...Porcelain Butterfly Lamp $159.00
/collections/featured/products...Monticello Toile Lavender Drawer Liners $35.00
/collections/home-accentsHome Accents Elevate your living space.
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/collections/bed-bath-1Bed & Bath Distinctive and gracious touches.
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/collections/furnitureMonticello Furniture Crafted for every space.
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/collections/pots-planters-toolsWillow Pyramid Trells A top-rated customer favorite.
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Monticello Shop
Monticello Shop, inspired by Thomas Jefferson. Discover unique furniture, home decor, garden, seeds, plants, books, and more. Your purchase supports Monticello and its mission of education and preservation. Shop the Monticello museum store now.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Monticello Shop86%Check
Garden Seeds55%Check
Furniture home Decor55%Check

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