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Home – Physics World
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Physics World represents a key part of IOP Publishing's mission to communicate world-class research and innovation to the widest possible audience. The website forms part of the Physics World portfolio, a collection of online, digital and print information services for the global scientific community.
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descriptionPhysics World represents a key part of IOP Publishing's mission to communicate world-class research and innovation to the widest possible audience. The website forms part of the Physics World portfolio, a collection of online, digital and print information services for the global scientific community.
og:titleHome – Physics World
og:descriptionPhysics World represents a key part of IOP Publishing's mission to communicate world-class research and innovation to the widest possible audience. The website forms part of the Physics World portfolio, a collection of online, digital and print information services for the global scientific community.
og:site_namePhysics World
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es elevada: 33.78 palabras.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1941 palabras.
Un 28.1% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 25 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
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Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: are you an iop member?.
Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 78 caracteres:
"ask me anything: raghavendra srinivas – ‘experimental physics is never boring’".
Optimización de imágenes
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 26 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...-Res_Hedgehog_Titelbild_16_9-350x197.jpgA bright white wave peak passes through spheres of red and blue arrows pointing outward, resembling spiky hedgehogs
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...2237637-iStock-Meinzahn_crop-350x197.jpgAerial photo of a crowd of people in Frankfurt, Germany
...4/10/Andreea-and-Carsten-new-350x197.jpgAndreea and Carsten new
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...4/10/10-10-24-Cullison-Mellon-155x90.jpgEric Mellon and Kaylie Cullison at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
IOP Physics World
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (17 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Hay 64 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 IOP Physics World
H2 Browse articles by topic
H2 Browse articles by content type
H2 Short reads
H2 Long reads
H2 Multimedia
H2 Editor's choice
H2 Research updates
H2 Physics World podcasts
H2 The latest opinion and reviews
H2 Read more of our latest articles
H3 Imaging method could detect Parkinson’s disease up to 20 years before symptoms appear
H3 Ask me anything: Raghavendra Srinivas – ‘Experimental physics is never boring’
H3 Eco-friendly graphene composite recovers gold from e-waste
H3 Cosmic antimatter could be created by annihilating WIMPs
H3 Orbital angular momentum monopoles appear in a chiral crystal
H3 Multi-qubit entangled states boost atomic clock and sensor performance
H3 Objects with embedded spins could test whether quantum measurement affects gravity
H3 Physics-based model helps pedestrians and cyclists avoid city pollution
H3 Liquid-crystal bifocal lens excels at polarization and edge imaging
H3 Century-old photoelectric effect inspires a new search for quantum gravity
H3 Mountaintop observations of gamma-ray glow could shed light on origins of lightning
H3 Spiders use physics, not chemistry, to cut silk in their webs
H3 ‘Mock asteroids’ deflected by X-rays in study that could help us protect Earth
H3 Progress in Energy
H3 Julia Sutcliffe: chief scientific adviser explains why policymaking must be underpinned by evidence
H3 Flocking together: the physics of sheep herding and pedestrian flows
H3 Data-intensive PhDs at LIV.INNO prepare students for careers outside of academia
H3 Confused by the twin paradox? Maybe philosophy can help
H3 Around the world in 16 orbits: a day in the life of the International Space Station
H3 Fusion, the Web and electric planes: how spin-offs from big science are transforming the world
H3 Medical physics and biophysics
H3 First look at prototype telescope for the LISA gravitational-wave mission
H3 On the proper use of a Warburg impedance
H3 Gems from the Physics World archive: Isaac Asimov
H3 Negative triangularity tokamaks: a power plant plasma solution from the core to the edge?
H3 How a next-generation particle collider could unravel the mysteries of the Higgs boson
H3 Passing the torch: The “QuanTour” light source marks the International Year of Quantum
H3 Operando NMR methods for redox flow batteries and ammonia synthesis
H3 US Department of Energy announces new Fermilab contractor
H3 Semiconductor pioneer Richard Friend bags 2024 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize
H3 Patient-specific quality assurance (PSQA) based on independent 3D dose calculation
H3 Quantum material detects tiny mechanical strains
H3 Electrical sutures accelerate wound healing
H3 Top-cited authors from China discuss the importance of citation metrics
H3 MRI-linac keeps track of brain tumour changes during radiotherapy
H3 Unlocking the future of materials science with magnetic microscopy
H3 Deep connections: why two AI pioneers won the Nobel Prize for Physics
H3 Aluminium oxide reveals its surface secrets
H3 Enigmatic particle might be a molecular pentaquark
H3 Featured employer
H3 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
H3 Featured webinar
H3 Vacuum for physics research
H3 Featured event
H3 ESSRI 2024
H4 Reset your password
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H4 Our mission
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H4 Physics World Weekly
H4 Physics World Stories
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Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (27) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content ventana Externo Sin texto to homepage
IMG-ALT IOP Physics World logo
/c/astronomy-space/Astronomy and space
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/c/condensed-matter/Condensed matter
/c/culture-history-society/Culture, history and society
/c/environment-energy/Environment and energy
/c/instrumentation-measurement/Instrumentation and measurement
/c/mathematics-computation/Mathematics and computation
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/a/imaging-method-could-detect...IMG-ALT Uri Ashery and Ofir Sade of Tel Aviv University
/c/medical-physics/diagnostic-...Diagnostic imaging
/l/research-updates/Research update
/a/imaging-method-could-detect...Imaging method could detect Parkinson’s disease up to 20 years before symptoms appear
/a/ask-me-anything-raghavendra...Ask me anything: Raghavendra Srinivas – ‘Experimental physics is never boring’
A-TITLE Ask me anything: Raghavendra Srinivas – ‘Experimental physics is never boring’
/c/materials/2d-materials/2D materials
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/eco-friendly-graphene-compo...Eco-friendly graphene composite recovers gold from e-waste
A-TITLE Eco-friendly graphene composite recovers gold from e-waste
/c/astronomy-space/dark-matter...Dark matter and energy
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/cosmic-antimatter-could-be-...Cosmic antimatter could be created by annihilating WIMPs
A-TITLE Cosmic antimatter could be created by annihilating WIMPs
/a/orbital-angular-momentum-mo...IMG-ALT A bright white wave peak passes through spheres of red and blue arrows pointing outward, resembling spiky hedgehogs
/c/condensed-matter/magnetism-...Magnetism and spin
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/orbital-angular-momentum-mo...Orbital angular momentum monopoles appear in a chiral crystal
/a/multi-qubit-entangled-state...IMG-ALT GHZ atomic clock team
/c/quantum/Texto duplicado Quantum
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/multi-qubit-entangled-state...Multi-qubit entangled states boost atomic clock and sensor performance
/a/objects-with-embedded-spins...IMG-ALT Massive spins
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/objects-with-embedded-spins...Objects with embedded spins could test whether quantum measurement affects gravity
/c/mathematics-computation/mod...Modelling and simulation
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/physics-based-model-helps-p...Physics-based model helps pedestrians and cyclists avoid city pollution
A-TITLE Physics-based model helps pedestrians and cyclists avoid city pollution
/c/optics-photonics/Texto duplicado Optics and photonics
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/liquid-crystal-bifocal-lens...Liquid-crystal bifocal lens excels at polarization and edge imaging
A-TITLE Liquid-crystal bifocal lens excels at polarization and edge imaging
/c/astronomy-space/gravity/Texto duplicado Gravity
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/century-old-photoelectric-e...Century-old photoelectric effect inspires a new search for quantum gravity
A-TITLE Century-old photoelectric effect inspires a new search for quantum gravity
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/mountaintop-observations-of...Mountaintop observations of gamma-ray glow could shed light on origins of lightning
A-TITLE Mountaintop observations of gamma-ray glow could shed light on origins of lightning
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/spiders-use-physics-not-che...Spiders use physics, not chemistry, to cut silk in their webs
A-TITLE Spiders use physics, not chemistry, to cut silk in their webs
/c/astronomy-space/planetary-s...Planetary science
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/mock-asteroids-deflected-by...‘Mock asteroids’ deflected by X-rays in study that could help us protect Earth
A-TITLE ‘Mock asteroids’ deflected by X-rays in study that could help us protect Earth Subdominio IMG-ALT Progress in Energy Subdominio Texto duplicado Progress in Energy
/a/julia-sutcliffe-chief-scien...IMG-ALT Julia Sutcliffe 1280 player
/c/scientific-enterprise/Texto duplicado Scientific enterprise duplicado Podcasts
/a/julia-sutcliffe-chief-scien...Julia Sutcliffe: chief scientific adviser explains why policymaking must be underpinned by evidence
/a/flocking-together-the-physi...IMG-ALT Aerial photo of a crowd of people in Frankfurt, Germany
/c/mathematics-computation/mod...Texto duplicado Modelling and simulation duplicado Podcasts
/a/flocking-together-the-physi...Flocking together: the physics of sheep herding and pedestrian flows
/a/data-intensive-phds-at-liv-...IMG-ALT Andreea and Carsten new
/c/people/careers/Texto duplicado Careers duplicado Podcasts
/a/data-intensive-phds-at-liv-...Data-intensive PhDs at LIV.INNO prepare students for careers outside of academia
/a/confused-by-the-twin-parado...IMG-ALT Abstract concept of time
/c/mathematics-computation/mat...Mathematical physics
/l/opinion-reviews/Texto duplicado Opinion and reviews
/a/confused-by-the-twin-parado...Confused by the twin paradox? Maybe philosophy can help
/a/around-the-world-in-16-orbi...IMG-ALT NASA astronaut Terry Virts on the ISS
/c/culture-history-society/Texto duplicado Culture, history and society
/l/opinion-reviews/Texto duplicado Opinion and reviews
/a/around-the-world-in-16-orbi...Around the world in 16 orbits: a day in the life of the International Space Station
/c/scientific-enterprise/busin...Business and innovation
/l/opinion-reviews/Texto duplicado Opinion and reviews
/a/fusion-the-web-and-electric...Fusion, the Web and electric planes: how spin-offs from big science are transforming the world
A-TITLE Fusion, the Web and electric planes: how spin-offs from big science are transforming the world Subdominio Sin texto Subdominio Medical physics and biophysics
/a/first-look-at-prototype-tel...Read article: First look at prototype telescope for the LISA gravitational-wave mission
IMG-ALT LISA prototype telescope
/c/astronomy-space/Texto duplicado Astronomy and space duplicado Blog
/a/first-look-at-prototype-tel...First look at prototype telescope for the LISA gravitational-wave mission
A-TITLE First look at prototype telescope for the LISA gravitational-wave mission
/a/on-the-proper-use-of-a-warb...Read article: On the proper use of a Warburg impedance
/c/instrumentation-measurement/Texto duplicado Instrumentation and measurement
/a/on-the-proper-use-of-a-warb...On the proper use of a Warburg impedance
A-TITLE On the proper use of a Warburg impedance
/a/gems-from-the-physics-world...Read article: Gems from the Physics World archive: Isaac Asimov
IMG-ALT Cartoon illustration of Isaac Asimov
/c/people/personalities/Personalities duplicado Blog
/a/gems-from-the-physics-world...Gems from the Physics World archive: Isaac Asimov
A-TITLE Gems from the Physics World archive: Isaac Asimov
/a/negative-triangularity-toka...Read article: Negative triangularity tokamaks: a power plant plasma solution from the core to the edge?
/c/atomic-molecular/plasma-phy...Plasma physics
/l/webinars/Texto duplicado Webinar
/a/negative-triangularity-toka...Negative triangularity tokamaks: a power plant plasma solution from the core to the edge?
A-TITLE Negative triangularity tokamaks: a power plant plasma solution from the core to the edge?
/a/how-a-next-generation-parti...Read article: How a next-generation particle collider could unravel the mysteries of the Higgs boson
IMG-ALT Fractal art created from particle paths in the Large Hadron Collider
/c/particle-nuclear/Texto duplicado Particle and nuclear
/a/how-a-next-generation-parti...How a next-generation particle collider could unravel the mysteries of the Higgs boson
A-TITLE How a next-generation particle collider could unravel the mysteries of the Higgs boson
/a/passing-the-torch-the-quant...Read article: Passing the torch: The “QuanTour” light source marks the International Year of Quantum
IMG-ALT Image of a quantum technology laboratory at the University of Cambridge
/c/quantum/Texto duplicado Quantum duplicado Blog
/a/passing-the-torch-the-quant...Passing the torch: The “QuanTour” light source marks the International Year of Quantum
A-TITLE Passing the torch: The “QuanTour” light source marks the International Year of Quantum
/a/operando-nmr-methods-for-re...Read article: Operando NMR methods for redox flow batteries and ammonia synthesis
/c/environment-energy/Texto duplicado Environment and energy
/l/webinars/Texto duplicado Webinar
/a/operando-nmr-methods-for-re...Operando NMR methods for redox flow batteries and ammonia synthesis
A-TITLE Operando NMR methods for redox flow batteries and ammonia synthesis
/a/us-department-of-energy-ann...Read article: US Department of Energy announces new Fermilab contractor
IMG-ALT Fermilab
/c/scientific-enterprise/Texto duplicado Scientific enterprise duplicado News
/a/us-department-of-energy-ann...US Department of Energy announces new Fermilab contractor
A-TITLE US Department of Energy announces new Fermilab contractor
/a/semiconductor-pioneer-richa...Read article: Semiconductor pioneer Richard Friend bags 2024 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize
IMG-ALT Richard Friend
/c/people/Texto duplicado People duplicado News
/a/semiconductor-pioneer-richa...Semiconductor pioneer Richard Friend bags 2024 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize
A-TITLE Semiconductor pioneer Richard Friend bags 2024 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize
/a/patient-specific-quality-as...Read article: Patient-specific quality assurance (PSQA) based on independent 3D dose calculation
/c/medical-physics/Texto duplicado Medical physics
/l/webinars/Texto duplicado Webinar
/a/patient-specific-quality-as...Patient-specific quality assurance (PSQA) based on independent 3D dose calculation
A-TITLE Patient-specific quality assurance (PSQA) based on independent 3D dose calculation
/a/quantum-material-detects-ti...Read article: Quantum material detects tiny mechanical strains
IMG-ALT The flexible mechanical sensor
/c/materials/devices-structures/Devices and structures
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/quantum-material-detects-ti...Quantum material detects tiny mechanical strains
A-TITLE Quantum material detects tiny mechanical strains
/a/electrical-sutures-accelera...Read article: Electrical sutures accelerate wound healing
IMG-ALT Bioabsorbable electrical stimulation suture
/c/biophysics-bioengineering/b...Biomedical devices
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/electrical-sutures-accelera...Electrical sutures accelerate wound healing
A-TITLE Electrical sutures accelerate wound healing
/a/top-cited-authors-from-chin...Read article: Top-cited authors from China discuss the importance of citation metrics
IMG-ALT Huijuan Cui and Xin Wang
/c/scientific-enterprise/publi...Publishing duplicado Blog
/a/top-cited-authors-from-chin...Top-cited authors from China discuss the importance of citation metrics
A-TITLE Top-cited authors from China discuss the importance of citation metrics
/a/mri-linac-keeps-track-of-br...Read article: MRI-linac keeps track of brain tumour changes during radiotherapy
IMG-ALT Eric Mellon and Kaylie Cullison at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/mri-linac-keeps-track-of-br...MRI-linac keeps track of brain tumour changes during radiotherapy
A-TITLE MRI-linac keeps track of brain tumour changes during radiotherapy
/a/unlocking-the-future-of-mat...Read article: Unlocking the future of materials science with magnetic microscopy
/c/materials/Texto duplicado Materials
/l/webinars/Texto duplicado Webinar
/a/unlocking-the-future-of-mat...Unlocking the future of materials science with magnetic microscopy
A-TITLE Unlocking the future of materials science with magnetic microscopy
/a/deep-connections-why-two-ai...Read article: Deep connections: why two AI pioneers won the Nobel Prize for Physics
/c/mathematics-computation/art...Artificial intelligence duplicado Podcasts
/a/deep-connections-why-two-ai...Deep connections: why two AI pioneers won the Nobel Prize for Physics
A-TITLE Deep connections: why two AI pioneers won the Nobel Prize for Physics
/a/aluminium-oxide-reveals-its...Read article: Aluminium oxide reveals its surface secrets
IMG-ALT noncontact atomic force microscopy and computational modelling was used to determine the structure of the aluminium oxide surface
/c/materials/characterization-...Characterization and modelling
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/aluminium-oxide-reveals-its...Aluminium oxide reveals its surface secrets
A-TITLE Aluminium oxide reveals its surface secrets
/a/enigmatic-particle-might-be...Read article: Enigmatic particle might be a molecular pentaquark
IMG-ALT CERN pentaquark
/c/particle-nuclear/Texto duplicado Particle and nuclear
/l/research-updates/Texto duplicado Research update
/a/enigmatic-particle-might-be...Enigmatic particle might be a molecular pentaquark
A-TITLE Enigmatic particle might be a molecular pentaquark Subdominio Featured employer
https://www.physicsworldjobs.c...Externo Subdominio View the employer profile
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