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Transliteration of The Holy Quran in Roman Script with English and Arabic
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Transliteration of The Holy Quran in Roman Script by M.A.H. Eliyasee with English translation by Adbullah Yusuf Ali, Arabic text and maududi tafseer
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (914 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
authorDeen khederoo
descriptionTransliteration of The Holy Quran in Roman Script by M.A.H. Eliyasee with English translation by Adbullah Yusuf Ali, Arabic text and maududi tafseer
keywordsQuran,transliteration quran,roman script transliteration of quran,surah,surah yaseen, surah yasin, quran recitation, quran mp3
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Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Solo se han encontrado 1 párrafos en esta página.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 855 palabras.
Un 16.6% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 14 palabras.
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H4 Quran Transliteration
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 3 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
https://quran411.com/surah-fatiha1. Al-Fatiha
/surah-baqarah2. Al-Baqarah
https://quran411.com/surah-imran3. Al-Imran
https://quran411.com/surah-nisa4. An-Nisa
https://quran411.com/surah-maidah5. Al-Maidah
https://quran411.com/surah-anam6. Al-An'am
https://quran411.com/surah-araf7. Al-A'raf
https://quran411.com/surah-anfal8. Al-Anfal
https://quran411.com/surah-taubah9. At-Taubah
https://quran411.com/surah-yunus10. Yunus
https://quran411.com/surah-hud11. Hud
https://quran411.com/surah-yusuf12. Yusuf
https://quran411.com/surah-rad13. Ar-Ra'd
/surah-ibrahim14. Ibrahim
https://quran411.com/surah-hijr15. Al-Hijr
https://quran411.com/surah-nahl16. An-Nahl
/surah-al-isra17. Al-Isra
https://quran411.com/surah-kahf18. Al-Kahf
https://quran411.com/surah-maryam19. Maryam
https://quran411.com/surah-taha20. Ta-Ha
https://quran411.com/surah-anbiya21. Al-Anbiya
https://quran411.com/surah-hajj22. Al-Hajj
/surah-muminun23. Al-Mu'minun
https://quran411.com/surah-nur24. An-Nur
https://quran411.com/surah-furqan25. Al-Furqan
https://quran411.com/surah-shuara26. Ash-Shuara
https://quran411.com/surah-naml27. An-Naml
https://quran411.com/surah-qasas28. Al-Qasas
/surah-ankabut29. Al-Ankabut
https://quran411.com/surah-ar-rum30. Ar-Rum
https://quran411.com/surah-luqman31. Luqman
https://quran411.com/surah-sajdah32. As-Sajdah
https://quran411.com/surah-ahzab33. Al-Ahzab
https://quran411.com/surah-saba34. Saba
https://quran411.com/surah-fatir35. Fatir
https://quran411.com/surah-yaseen36. Yaseen
/surah-as-saffat37. As-Saffat
https://quran411.com/surah-sad38. Sad
/surah-az-zumar39. Az-Zumar
https://quran411.com/surah-gafir40. Gafir
/surah-fussilat41. Fussilat
/surah-ash-shura42. Ash-Shura
/surah-zukhruf43. Az-Zukhruf
https://quran411.com/surah-dukhan44. Ad-Dukhan
/surah-jasiyah45. Al-Jasiyah
https://quran411.com/surah-ahqaf46. Al-Ahqaf
/surah-muhammad47. Muhammad
https://quran411.com/surah-fath48. Al-Fath
/surah-hujurat49. Al-Hujurat
https://quran411.com/surah-qaf50. Qaf
/surah-dhariyat51. Ad-Dhariyat
https://quran411.com/surah-tur52. At-Tur
https://quran411.com/surah-najm53. An-Najm
https://quran411.com/surah-qamar54. Al-Qamar
/surah-ar-rahman55. Ar-Rahman
https://quran411.com/surah-waqiah56. Al-Waqi'ah
https://quran411.com/surah-hadid57. Al-Hadid
/surah-mujadilah58. Al-Mujadilah
https://quran411.com/surah-hashr59. Al-Hashr
/surah-mumtahanah60. Al-Mumtahanah
https://quran411.com/surah-saff61. As-Saff
https://quran411.com/surah-jumuah62. Al-Jumu'ah
/surah-munafiqun63. Al-Munafiqun
/surah-taghabun64. At-Taghabun
https://quran411.com/surah-talaq65. At-Talaq
https://quran411.com/surah-tahrim66. At-Tahrim
https://quran411.com/surah-mulk67. Al-Mulk
https://quran411.com/surah-qalam68. Al-Qalam
https://quran411.com/surah-haqqah69. Al-Haqqah
https://quran411.com/surah-maarij70. Al-Ma'arij
https://quran411.com/surah-nuh71. Nuh
https://quran411.com/surah-jinn72. Al-Jinn
/surah-muzzammil73. Al-Muzzammil
/surah-muddaththir74. Al-Muddaththir
/surah-qiyamah75. Al-Qiyamah
https://quran411.com/surah-insan76. Al-Insan
/surah-mursalat77. Al-Mursalaat
https://quran411.com/surah-naba78. An-Naba
https://quran411.com/surah-naziat79. An-Naziat
https://quran411.com/surah-abasa80. Abasa
https://quran411.com/surah-takwir81. At-Takwir
/surah-infitaar82. Al-Infitaar
/surah-mutaffifin83. Al-Mutaffifin
/surah-inshiqaq84. Al-Inshiqaq
https://quran411.com/surah-burooj85. Al-Burooj
https://quran411.com/surah-tariq86. At-Tariq
https://quran411.com/surah-ala87. Al-A'la
/surah-ghaashiyah88. Al-Ghaashiyah
https://quran411.com/surah-fajr89. Al-Fajr
https://quran411.com/surah-balad90. Al-Balad
/surah-ash-shams91. Ash-Shams
https://quran411.com/surah-lail92. Al-Lail
https://quran411.com/surah-duha93. Ad-Duha
/surah-inshirah94. Al-Inshirah
https://quran411.com/surah-tin95. At-Tin
https://quran411.com/surah-alaq96. Al-Alaq
https://quran411.com/surah-qadr97. Al-Qadr
/surah-bayyinah98. Al-Bayyinah
https://quran411.com/surah-zilzal99. Az-Zalzalah
https://quran411.com/surah-adiyat100. Al-'Adiyat
https://quran411.com/surah-qariah101. Al-Qari'ah
/surah-takathur102. At-Takathur
https://quran411.com/surah-asr103. Al-'Asr
/surah-humazah104. Al-Humazah
https://quran411.com/surah-fil105. Al-Fil
/surah-quraish106. Quraish
https://quran411.com/surah-maun107. Al-Ma'un
/surah-kauthar108. Al-Kauthar
/surah-kafirun109. Al-Kafirun
https://quran411.com/surah-nasr110. An-Nasr
https://quran411.com/surah-masad111. Al-Masad
https://quran411.com/surah-ikhlas112. Al-Ikhlas
https://quran411.com/surah-falaq113. Al-Falaq
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https://quran411.com/surah-fatiha1. Al-Fatiha - The Opening
/surah-baqarah2. Al-Baqarah - The Cow
https://quran411.com/surah-imran3. Al-Imran - The Family of Imran
https://quran411.com/surah-nisa4. An-Nisa - The Women
https://quran411.com/surah-maidah5. Al-Maidah - The Table Spread
https://quran411.com/surah-anam6. Al-An'am - The Cattle
https://quran411.com/surah-araf7. Al-A'raf - The Heights
https://quran411.com/surah-anfal8. Al-Anfal - The Spoil of War
https://quran411.com/surah-taubah9. At-Taubah - The Repentance
https://quran411.com/surah-yunus10. Yunus - Yunus or Jonah
https://quran411.com/surah-hud11. Hud - Prophet Hud
https://quran411.com/surah-yusuf12. Yusuf - Prophet Joseph
https://quran411.com/surah-rad13. Ar-Ra'd - Thunder
/surah-ibrahim14. Ibrahim - Abraham
https://quran411.com/surah-hijr15. Al-Hijr - The Rocky Tract
https://quran411.com/surah-nahl16. An-Nahl - The Bee
/surah-al-isra17. Al-Isra - The Night Journey
https://quran411.com/surah-kahf18. Al-Kahf - The Cave
https://quran411.com/surah-maryam19. Maryam - Mary
https://quran411.com/surah-taha20. Ta-Ha - Mystic Letters T.H.
https://quran411.com/surah-anbiya21. Al-Anbiya - The Prophets
https://quran411.com/surah-hajj22. Al-Hajj - The Pilgrimage
/surah-muminun23. Al-Mu'minun - The Believers
https://quran411.com/surah-nur24. An-Nur - The Light
https://quran411.com/surah-furqan25. Al-Furqan - The Criterion
https://quran411.com/surah-shuara26. Ash-Shuara - The Poets
https://quran411.com/surah-naml27. An-Naml - The Ant
https://quran411.com/surah-qasas28. Al-Qasas - The Stories
/surah-ankabut29. Al-Ankabut - The Spider
https://quran411.com/surah-ar-rum30. Ar-Rum - The Romans
https://quran411.com/surah-luqman31. Luqman - Luqman
https://quran411.com/surah-sajdah32. As-Sajdah - The Prostration
https://quran411.com/surah-ahzab33. Al-Ahzab - The Combined Forces
https://quran411.com/surah-saba34. Saba - Sheba
https://quran411.com/surah-fatir35. Fatir - Originator
https://quran411.com/surah-yaseen36. Yaseen - Yaseen
/surah-as-saffat37. As-Saffat - Those who set the Ranks
https://quran411.com/surah-sad38. Sad - The Letter 'Saad'
/surah-az-zumar39. Az-Zumar - The Companies
https://quran411.com/surah-gafir40. Gafir - The Forgiver
/surah-fussilat41. Fussilat - Explained in Detail
/surah-ash-shura42. Ash-Shura - Counsel
/surah-zukhruf43. Az-Zukhruf - The Ornaments of Gold
https://quran411.com/surah-dukhan44. Ad-Dukhan - The Smoke
/surah-jasiyah45. Al-Jasiyah - The Kneeling
https://quran411.com/surah-ahqaf46. Al-Ahqaf - The Sandhills
/surah-muhammad47. Muhammad - Muhammad
https://quran411.com/surah-fath48. Al-Fath - The Victory
/surah-hujurat49. Al-Hujurat - The Apartments
https://quran411.com/surah-qaf50. Qaf - Qaf
/surah-dhariyat51. Ad-Dhariyat - The Scatterers
https://quran411.com/surah-tur52. At-Tur - The Mountain
https://quran411.com/surah-najm53. An-Najm - The Star
https://quran411.com/surah-qamar54. Al-Qamar - The Moon
/surah-ar-rahman55. Ar-Rahman - The Most Gracious
https://quran411.com/surah-waqiah56. Al-Waqi'ah - The Event
https://quran411.com/surah-hadid57. Al-Hadid - Iron
/surah-mujadilah58. Al-Mujadilah - The Pleading Woman
https://quran411.com/surah-hashr59. Al-Hashr - The Banishment
/surah-mumtahanah60. Al-Mumtahanah - The Woman Who Is Examined
https://quran411.com/surah-saff61. As-Saff -The Ranks
https://quran411.com/surah-jumuah62. Al-Jumu'ah - The Congregation
/surah-munafiqun63. Al-Munafiqoon - The Hypocrites
/surah-taghabun64. At-Taghabun - The Manifestation of Losses
https://quran411.com/surah-talaq65. At-Talaq - Divorce
https://quran411.com/surah-tahrim66. At-Tahrim - The Prohibition
https://quran411.com/surah-mulk67. Al-Mulk - The Kingdom
https://quran411.com/surah-qalam68. Al-Qalam - The Pen
https://quran411.com/surah-haqqah69. Al-Haqqah - The Sure Truth
https://quran411.com/surah-maarij70. Al-Ma'arij - The Ways of Ascent
https://quran411.com/surah-nuh71. Nuh - Prophet Noah
https://quran411.com/surah-jinn72. Al-Jinn - Jinn
/surah-muzzammil73. Al-Muzzammil - The One Covering Himself
/surah-muddaththir74. Al-Muddaththir - The One Wrapping Himself Up
/surah-qiyamah75. Al-Qiyamah - The Resurrection
https://quran411.com/surah-insan76. Al-Insan - The Man
/surah-mursalat77. Al-Mursalaat - Those sent forth
https://quran411.com/surah-naba78. An-Naba - The News
https://quran411.com/surah-naziat79. An-Naziat - Those Who Pull Out
https://quran411.com/surah-abasa80. Abasa - He Frowned
https://quran411.com/surah-takwir81. At-Takwir - The Overthrowing
/surah-infitaar82. Al-Infitaar - The Cleaving
/surah-mutaffifin83. Al-Mutaffifin - The Defrauding
/surah-inshiqaq84. Al-Inshiqaq - The Splitting Asunder
https://quran411.com/surah-burooj85. Al-Burooj - The Big Stars
https://quran411.com/surah-tariq86. At-Tariq - The Night Comer
https://quran411.com/surah-ala87. Al-A'la - The Most High
/surah-ghaashiyah88. Al-Ghaashiyah - The Overwhelming
https://quran411.com/surah-fajr89. Al-Fajr - The Dawn
https://quran411.com/surah-balad90. Al-Balad - The City
/surah-ash-shams91. Ash-Shams - The Sun
https://quran411.com/surah-lail92. Al-Lail - The Night
https://quran411.com/surah-duha93. Ad-Duha - The Early Hours
/surah-inshirah94. Al-Inshirah - The Opening Up
https://quran411.com/surah-tin95. At-Tin - The Fig
https://quran411.com/surah-alaq96. Al-Alaq - The Clot
https://quran411.com/surah-qadr97. Al-Qadr - The Majesty
/surah-bayyinah98. Al-Bayyinah - The Clear Evidence
https://quran411.com/surah-zilzal99. Az-Zalzalah - The Shaking
https://quran411.com/surah-adiyat100. Al-'Adiyat - The Assaulters
https://quran411.com/surah-qariah101. Al-Qari'ah - The Calamity
/surah-takathur102. At-Takathur - The Rivalry in World Increase
https://quran411.com/surah-asr103. Al-'Asr - The Time
/surah-humazah104. Al-Humazah - The Slanderer
https://quran411.com/surah-fil105. Al-Fil - The Elephant
/surah-quraish106. Quraish - Quraish
https://quran411.com/surah-maun107. Al-Ma'un - Act of Kindness
/surah-kauthar108. Al-Kauthar - The Abundance of Good
/surah-kafirun109. Al-Kafirun - The Disbelievers
https://quran411.com/surah-nasr110. An-Nasr - The Help
https://quran411.com/surah-masad111. Al-Masad - The Palm Fiber
https://quran411.com/surah-ikhlas112. Al-Ikhlas - The Unity
https://quran411.com/surah-falaq113. Al-Falaq - The Dawn
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dateWed, 04 Sep 2024 10:59:40 GMT

Factores externos

Listas negras
Esta página no está clasificada como “contenido para adultos”.
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Esta página recibe backlinks de 326 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 965 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 181 direcciones IP distintas.
Popularidad en Facebook
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Backlinks desde Wikipedia

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

Transliteration of The Holy Quran in Roman Script with English and ...
Transliteration of The Holy Quran in Roman Script by M.A.H. Eliyasee with English translation by Adbullah Yusuf Ali, Arabic text and maududi tafseer

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Quran Roman61%Check
Holy Quran48%Check
Quran Roman Script45%Check

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