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Remo | Rhythm Defines Us.
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
From the classroom to stages worldwide, our drum heads, drums, and accessories set the standard—innovating rhythms for over 65 years.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (857 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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descriptionFrom the classroom to stages worldwide, our drum heads, drums, and accessories set the standard—innovating rhythms for over 65 years.
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twitter:descriptionFrom the classroom to stages worldwide, our drum heads, drums, and accessories set the standard—innovating rhythms for over 65 years.
og:titleRemo | Rhythm Defines Us.
og:descriptionFrom the classroom to stages worldwide, our drum heads, drums, and accessories set the standard—innovating rhythms for over 65 years.

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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...dfcae/652463f10f098ed2abdf7f57_bass.webpProduct photo of a Powerstroke P3 Clear Bass drumhead.
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...cae/652463f288edbc98f381d422_tubano.webpProduct photo of a Tubano drum.
...652463f2eeacb58897b592c8_kids-drums.webpProduct photo of Kids Percussion Tubano drums.
...2463f16547591baae52a7a_buffalo-drum.webpProduct photo of Buffalo drum and mallet. photo of Rototom drums.
...2463efed5c7e4790b5bbe1_practice-pad.webpProduct photo of the Practice Pad accessory.
...db4a641267ce00d2_muffl-control-ring.webpProduct photo of a Muff'l Control Ring accessory.
...652463f1b4ae7c29f4f5c2d5_rhythm-lid.webpProduct photo of a Rhythm Lid drumhead.
...652463f16ea970787ac803f7_falam-slam.webpProduct photo of a Falam Slam accessory.
...e3b0bd9ccfc433266e292b_smt-featured.webpSMT Bass Drumheads
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...85041d8632ac532_p77-coated-featured.webpPowerstroke 77 Coated
...e/64c8a35f4a41024f1f666eae_smt-hero.webpA close up photo of a SMT Ambassador Clear bass drumhead on a black drum set in front of a white background. black and white logo with the word smt.
.../651f0110eb37698aec141efa_drumset-1.webpA man is playing drums in a black and white photo.
...111e761a2b4e108d550_worldpercussion.webpA man sitting in front of and performing on a large set of World Percussion drums.
...dfcae/64a35c7a24c9f578100facd1_kids.webpA group of children sitting around and paying Kids drums.
...e/651f0111c5bd81eb294dccc7_wellness.webpA group of people experiencing sound healing utilizing drums in a Health and Wellness setting.
...651f0111e58bbd0d7c6a8c1e_recreation.webpA man and a woman sitting next to each other, participating in Recreational drumming.
...e/651f0217b981486b2083c692_marching.webpA group of young men playing marching drums on a field.
...78138832_Drum-circle-over-view-full.webpA group of people drumming while sitting in chairs around a man facilitating a drum circle.
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...c53a958c3be57a5f6628_Abe-Cunningham.webpAbe Cunningham drumming live with the Deftones.
...Vanguard-snares and basses-DCI 2024.webpRemo Drum Corps Shine with Santa Clara Vanguard’s Top Percussion and Phantom Regiment’s Fan Favorite...
...e4d7c88ec2_2024.7.24 - Monroe-02127.webpSanta Clara Vanguard returns from hiatus to claim the 2024 Fred Sanford Award for Best Percussion Performance, driven by Remo's world-class drumheads
...b88c5fd5ced804a654_remo_spinner_1960.jpgInvention and Evolution of Polyester Film Drumheads: From Wartime Innovation to Mylar’s Dominance in Music Industry ...
...617214e-f607-4a43-a8a5-df1cf1a3f787.webpDear Remo, Just want to let you know that the heads you sent me in Milwaukee are working out beautifully and they are the only ones I'm going to use from now on.
...86cb350-c8c2-4c64-bc0f-49b0a7e3eda7.webpThe drumhead from the Beatles' Ed Sullivan debut was sold at Julien's auction in Beverly Hills, CA, for $2.125 million ...
...0fc_josh-appel-0nkFvdcM-X4-unsplash.webpArchie slowly wheeled himself over to the drum tent. Despite a large white cast extending a few inches in the direction where his foot used to be ...
...4f_REMO Ami Mickey Bill_2x_2x_JPG 1.webpWe mourn the loss of our dear friend Bill Walton while celebrating the amazing life he lived...
...a5f8f8fddb7acf_conga-drumhead-guide.webpAt the heart of an impeccable conga sound lies not just the drum, but the drumhead. Remo’s Symmetry drumheads are the embodiment of this philosophy, meticulously crafted for unmatched sound quality and stability ...
...2fc7407-ba51-4cf5-aa2d-776862c5acb6.webpThe Remo drumhead is designed to conform to variations in Bearing Edge and Counter Hoop configurations...
...1f8190968d9918_know-how-weatherking.webpRemo's original Weatherking® drumheads have set the industry standard for over 60 years. Remo was the first to use Mylar®, a polyester film made by DuPont, to create drumheads that were unusually durable, inexpensive, and weather-resistant. The Weatherkin ...
...1c805a7674f97e84f1_percussive-story.webpEmpowering kids through music & storytelling! Percussive Storytelling brings classical music to low-income communities ...
...97f5dc5d_RMC-Kids-DC-Miles-and-Jacob.jpgKids Percussion play along songs and demonstrations ...
...e34396a-c6c1-48dd-9bd9-3499c4e27ab7.webpRhythm Wellness and YOU! is the umbrella for which everything under is REMO's dedication to improving the human condition through Rhythm and Wellness. Through the RWY Interview Series, we take time to talk with those making a huge diff ...
...0fe2080-766b-4b79-8f4b-930f3269123f.webpHow to Clean and Disinfect Remo Green and Clean Instruments (Drums, Melodic Instruments and Percussion)I am using Remo drums in a hospital setting, what is the recommended cleaning/sanitizing method?The degree to which instruments are able to cleaned and ...

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
SMT Bass Drumheads
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (18 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 54 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 SMT Bass Drumheads
H2 Experience The Difference
H2 Products
H2 Drum Set Drumheads
H2 World Percussion Drums
H2 Kids Drums
H2 Wellness Tools
H2 Recreation Drums
H2 Marching Drumheads
H2 Team
H2 Support
H2 Stories
H2 Resources
H3 Snare
H3 Tom
H3 Bass
H3 Conga
H3 Djembe
H3 Tubano
H3 Kids Drums Texto duplicado
H3 Buffalo Drum
H3 Rototom
H3 Practice Pad
H3 Muff’l Control Ring
H3 Rhythm Lid
H3 Falam Slam
H3 Come Drum with us
H3 Connor Denis
H3 Yesod Williams
H3 Joshua Dun
H3 Jerrod "J-Rod" Sullivan
H3 Mark Guiliana
H3 Arthur Hull
H3 Anastasia Sereda
H3 Andrew Marshall
H3 Kristina Rybalchenko
H3 Kristina Schiano
H3 Brittany Brooks
H3 Daru Jones
H3 Find Your Drum Head
H4 DCI 2024 Recap
H4 Remo Congratulates SCV on 2024 Fred Sanford Award
H4 History Of The Drumhead
H4 Buddy Rich Letter To Remo Belli
H4 The Most Expensive Drumhead In The World!
H4 Healing For Veterans; One Beat At A Time
H4 In Memory of Bill Walton
H4 Conga Drumhead Guide
H4 Know-How Is The Difference In Drumheads
H4 Know-How: Weatherking®
H4 Percussive Storytelling
H4 Kids Drumming Activities
H4 Rhythm Wellness And You! Interviews
H4 Disinfecting Process For Green & Clean Products
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 14 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/products/drumheads?applicatio...Snare Drum Set
IMG-ALT Product photo of a Ambassador Coated Snare drumhead.
/products/drumheads?applicatio...Tom Drum Set
IMG-ALT Product photo of a Ambassador Clear Tom drumhead.
/products/drumheads?applicatio...Bass Drum Set
IMG-ALT Product photo of a Powerstroke P3 Clear Bass drumhead.
IMG-ALT Product photo of a Conga drumhead
IMG-ALT Product photo of a Djembe drum.
IMG-ALT Product photo of a Tubano drum.
/products/drums?application=KidsKids Drums
IMG-ALT Product photo of Kids Percussion Tubano drums.
/products/drums?type=Buffalo+DrumBuffalo Drum
IMG-ALT Product photo of Buffalo drum and mallet.
IMG-ALT Product photo of Rototom drums.
/product/practice-padPractice Pad
IMG-ALT Product photo of the Practice Pad accessory.
/product/muff-l-control-ringMuff’l Control Ring
IMG-ALT Product photo of a Muff'l Control Ring accessory.
/products/drumheads?type=Rhyth...Rhythm Lid
IMG-ALT Product photo of a Rhythm Lid drumhead.
/product/falam-slamFalam Slam
IMG-ALT Product photo of a Falam Slam accessory. texto Subdominio Support
/products/drumheadsTexto duplicado Drumheads duplicado Drums
/products/accessoriesTexto duplicado Accessories duplicado Programs Subdominio Texto duplicado Support ventana Externo Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Sin texto Bass Drumheads The ultimate solution for drummers seeking power, control, and versatility Wellness & YOU! Enhancing Well-being Through The Experience Of Drumming Your Sound In Color
/product/powerstroke-77-coated...Powerstroke 77 Coated Warm crisp controlled tones and projection A close up photo of a SMT Ambassador Clear bass drumhead on a black drum set in front of a white background. A black and white logo with the word smt. The Difference SMT All
/products/drumheads?applicatio...Drum Set Drumheads Snare, Tom, Bass & more..
IMG-ALT A man is playing drums in a black and white photo.
/products/drums?application=Wo...World Percussion Drums Djembe, Tubano, Buffalo & more...
IMG-ALT A man sitting in front of and performing on a large set of World Percussion drums.
/products/drums?application=KidsKids Drums Gathering Drum, Floor Tom, Shaker & more..
IMG-ALT A group of children sitting around and paying Kids drums.
/products/drums?application=He...Wellness Tools Comfort Sound, Aroma Drums, Lullaby Ocean & more..
IMG-ALT A group of people experiencing sound healing utilizing drums in a Health and Wellness setting.
/products/drums?application=Re...Recreation Drums Festival Drums, Sound Shapes, Versa & more..
IMG-ALT A man and a woman sitting next to each other, participating in Recreational drumming.
/products/drumheads?applicatio...Marching Drumheads Tenor, Marching Snare, Marching Bass & more..
IMG-ALT A group of young men playing marching drums on a field. Drumming Today duplicado View All
/profile/connor-denisConnor Denis Beartooth
/profile/yesod-williamsYesod Williams Pepper
/profile/joshua-dunJoshua Dun 21 Pilots
/profile/jerrod-j-rod-sullivanJerrod "J-Rod" Sullivan The 4 Korners
/profile/mark-guilianaMark Guiliana
/profile/arthur-hullArthur Hull Village Music Circles, Remo, Dcfg, Facilitator
/profile/anastasia-seredaAnastasia Sereda Invertor
/profile/andrew-marshallAndrew Marshall Billie Eilish
/profile/kristina-rybalchenkoKristina Rybalchenko
/profile/kristina-schianoKristina Schiano
/profile/brittany-brooksBrittany Brooks
/profile/daru-jonesDaru Jones Jack White, Pete Rock, DMD the Vibes, th1rt3en
/products/drumheadsBrowse Drumheads Subdominio Support Center
/support/faq/drum-set-drum-tuningTuning Made Easy
/support/faq/drumhead-replacementLearn When to Change Drumheads
/support/faq/single-ply-vs-dou...Explore Ply Differences
/support/faq/what-type-of-drum...Choose the Right Drumhead for Your Genre
/support/faq/what-type-of-drum...Find the Best Drum Circle Drums
/support/faq/whyremoDiscover the Remo Difference duplicado View All
/stories/dci-2024-recapDCI 2024 Recap Remo Drum Corps Shine with Santa Clara Vanguard’s Top Percussion and Phantom Regiment’s Fan Favorite...
IMG-ALT Remo Drum Corps Shine with Santa Clara Vanguard’s Top Percussion and Phantom Regiment’s Fan Favorite...
/stories/remo-congratulates-sc...Remo Congratulates SCV on 2024 Fred Sanford Award Santa Clara Vanguard returns from hiatus to claim the 2024 Fred Sanford Award for Best Percussion Performan...
IMG-ALT Santa Clara Vanguard returns from hiatus to claim the 2024 Fred Sanford Award for Best Percussion Performance, driven by Remo's world-class drumheads
/stories/history-of-the-drumheadHistory Of The Drumhead Invention and Evolution of Polyester Film Drumheads: From Wartime Innovation to Mylar’s Dominance in Music Industry ...
IMG-ALT Invention and Evolution of Polyester Film Drumheads: From Wartime Innovation to Mylar’s Dominance in Music Industry ...
/stories/buddy-rich-letter-to-...Buddy Rich Letter To Remo Belli Dear Remo, Just want to let you know that the heads you sent me in Milwaukee are working out beautifully and they are the onl...
IMG-ALT Dear Remo, Just want to let you know that the heads you sent me in Milwaukee are working out beautifully and they are the only ones I'm going to use from now...
/stories/beatles-drumheadThe Most Expensive Drumhead In The World! The drumhead from the Beatles' Ed Sullivan debut was sold at Julien's auction in Beverly Hills, CA, for $2.125 mill...
IMG-ALT The drumhead from the Beatles' Ed Sullivan debut was sold at Julien's auction in Beverly Hills, CA, for $2.125 million ...
/stories/healing-for-veterans-...Healing For Veterans; One Beat At A Time Archie slowly wheeled himself over to the drum tent. Despite a large white cast extending a few inches in the direct...
IMG-ALT Archie slowly wheeled himself over to the drum tent. Despite a large white cast extending a few inches in the direction where his foot used to be ...
/stories/in-memory-of-bill-waltonIn Memory of Bill Walton We mourn the loss of our dear friend Bill Walton while celebrating the amazing life he lived...
IMG-ALT We mourn the loss of our dear friend Bill Walton while celebrating the amazing life he lived... duplicado View All
/resources/conga-drumhead-guideConga Drumhead Guide At the heart of an impeccable conga sound lies not just the drum, but the drumhead. Remo’s Symmetry drumheads are the embodiment of this...
IMG-ALT At the heart of an impeccable conga sound lies not just the drum, but the drumhead. Remo’s Symmetry drumheads are the embodiment of this philosophy, meticulo...
/resources/know-how-is-the-dif...Know-How Is The Difference In Drumheads The Remo drumhead is designed to conform to variations in Bearing Edge and Counter Hoop configurations...
IMG-ALT The Remo drumhead is designed to conform to variations in Bearing Edge and Counter Hoop configurations...
/resources/know-how-weatherkingKnow-How: Weatherking® Remo's original Weatherking® drumheads have set the industry standard for over 60 years. Remo was the first to use Mylar®, a polyester...
IMG-ALT Remo's original Weatherking® drumheads have set the industry standard for over 60 years. Remo was the first to use Mylar®, a polyester film made by DuPont, t...
/resources/percussive-storytel...Percussive Storytelling Empowering kids through music & storytelling! Percussive Storytelling brings classical music to low-income communities ...
IMG-ALT Empowering kids through music & storytelling! Percussive Storytelling brings classical music to low-income communities ...
/resources/kids-drumming-activ...Kids Drumming Activities Kids Percussion play along songs and demonstrations ...
IMG-ALT Kids Percussion play along songs and demonstrations ...
/resources/rhythm-wellness-and...Rhythm Wellness And You! Interviews Rhythm Wellness and YOU! is the umbrella for which everything under is REMO's dedication to improving the human condition...
IMG-ALT Rhythm Wellness and YOU! is the umbrella for which everything under is REMO's dedication to improving the human condition through Rhythm and Wellness. Throug...
/resources/sanitizing-process-...Disinfecting Process For Green & Clean Products How to Clean and Disinfect Remo Green and Clean Instruments (Drums, Melodic Instruments and Percussion)I am u...
IMG-ALT How to Clean and Disinfect Remo Green and Clean Instruments (Drums, Melodic Instruments and Percussion)I am using Remo drums in a hospital setting, what is t... ancla TOP Defines Us. duplicado Team duplicado Company Subdominio Texto duplicado Support duplicado Stories duplicado Resources ventana Externo Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Sin texto Us
/pages/accessibility-statementAccessibility Statement
/pages/privacy-policyPrivacy Policy
/pages/terms-of-useTerms of Use© Remo, Inc. 2024
/pages/privacy-policyTexto duplicado Privacy Policy

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Remo | Rhythm Defines Us.
From the classroom to stages worldwide, our drum heads, drums, and accessories set the standard—innovating rhythms for over 65 years.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Drum Set63%Check
Rhythm Defines59%Check

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