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NASA Science
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viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
keywordsNASA Science
parsely-titleNASA Science
parsely-pub-date2023-03-07 13:59:14
parsely-sectionNASA Science
twitter:titleNASA Science
twitter:image:altAn illustration of an ocean wave framed inside a droplet of water in sunset colors of pinks, blues, and purples. The wave sweeps around to the right, following the motion of luminescent pink, golden auroras on the horizon. The auroras and water curve upward through the sky, meeting up with a large bluish/purplish spiral galaxy in the upper left. On the far side of the galaxy is an exoplanet system and distant deep field galaxies. On the auroral path is Earth’s Moon, the asteroid Bennu, Mars, and Europa - all bodies in our solar system where water has been found. Above the horizon, the international space station hovers in the sky, while the Europa Clipper mission hovers near Jupiter’s icy moon. Molecular structures drift up from the ocean’s depths, becoming constellations once they reach the sky. They follow the auroras and cresting water upward toward the galaxy, connecting life to the stars. A few meteors streak across the middle sky. Backlit by the setting sun, a NASA-funded research vessel sails in the foreground. Below the water’s surface, the vessel’s submersible explores the ocean’s depths. A ground-based observatory perches on a cliff on the horizon.
og:titleNASA Science
og:image:altAn illustration of an ocean wave framed inside a droplet of water in sunset colors of pinks, blues, and purples. The wave sweeps around to the right, following the motion of luminescent pink, golden auroras on the horizon. The auroras and water curve upward through the sky, meeting up with a large bluish/purplish spiral galaxy in the upper left. On the far side of the galaxy is an exoplanet system and distant deep field galaxies. On the auroral path is Earth’s Moon, the asteroid Bennu, Mars, and Europa - all bodies in our solar system where water has been found. Above the horizon, the international space station hovers in the sky, while the Europa Clipper mission hovers near Jupiter’s icy moon. Molecular structures drift up from the ocean’s depths, becoming constellations once they reach the sky. They follow the auroras and cresting water upward toward the galaxy, connecting life to the stars. A few meteors streak across the middle sky. Backlit by the setting sun, a NASA-funded research vessel sails in the foreground. Below the water’s surface, the vessel’s submersible explores the ocean’s depths. A ground-based observatory perches on a cliff on the horizon.

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(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1528 palabras.
Un 31.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 18 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.25 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 31 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 4 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/_nuxt/nasa-logo_2x.C0A3w2m0.pngNASA Logo
/_nuxt/nasa-logo_2x.C0A3w2m0.pngNASA Logo
...eanworlds-banner.jpeg?w=4096&format=jpegAn illustration of an ocean wave framed inside a droplet of water in sunset colors of pinks, blues, and purples. The wave sweeps around to the right, following the motion of luminescent pink, golden auroras on the horizon. The auroras and water curve upward through the sky, meeting up with a large bluish/purplish spiral galaxy in the upper left. On the far side of the galaxy is an exoplanet system and distant deep field galaxies. On the auroral path is Earth’s Moon, the asteroid Bennu, Mars, and Europa - all bodies in our solar system where water has been found. Above the horizon, the international space station hovers in the sky, while the Europa Clipper mission hovers near Jupiter’s icy moon. Molecular structures drift up from the ocean’s depths, becoming constellations once they reach the sky. They follow the auroras and cresting water upward toward the galaxy, connecting life to the stars. A few meteors streak across the middle sky. Backlit by the setting sun, a NASA-funded research vessel sails in the foreground. Below the water’s surface, the vessel’s submersible explores the ocean’s depths. A ground-based observatory perches on a cliff on the horizon.
...05/europa-clipper.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegArtist's rendering of NASA's Europa Clipper
...dient2.width-1800.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegBoxy, SmallSat in orbit over the Moon
...h_Artist_Concept.jpeg?w=4096&format=jpegArtist Rendering of NISAR
...ble-m90-potw2442a.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegA spiral galaxy. It has a bright core with light spilling out. Its disk holds thick clumps of dark reddish dust, which swirls around the galaxy following its rotation. Brighter and hotter stars, shown in blue, speckle parts of the disk. A halo of faint gas wraps around the galaxy, extending beyond the edges of the image.
...-10-pia23791-fig2.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegBands of white, tan, and orange clouds shroud Venus in this view from a spacecraft.
...qfsrzn9a2e48f61cx.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegA bright binary star surrounded by a colorful loops of nebula on the black background of space. One loop is vertical the other is horizontal across the center of the image.
...min-00001-cropped.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegOn the left, the Sun shown in gold. It's fairly uniform. On the right, the Sun in gold has several bright active regions.
...s/2024/10/crab4-1.webp?w=4096&format=pngPurple, blue and white swirls overlaid with a pattern of orange dashed lines in the center.
...g-guide-thumbnail.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegThis illustration depicts a cutaway of an ocean wave in sunset colors of pinks, blues, and purples. The wave sweeps up to the right, following the motion of luminescent pink, golden auroras on the horizon. The auroras curve upward through the sky, meeting up with a large bluish/purplish spiral galaxy in the upper left. On the far side of the galaxy is an exoplanet system and distant deep field galaxies. On the auroral path is Earth’s Moon, the asteroid Bennu, Mars, and Europa - all bodies in our solar system where water has been found. Above the horizon, the international space station hovers in the sky, while the Europa Clipper mission hovers near Jupiter’s icy moon. Molecular structures drift up from the ocean’s depths, becoming constellations once they reach the sky. They follow the auroras upward toward the galaxy, connecting life to the stars. A few meteors streak across the middle sky. Backlit by the setting sun, a NASA-funded research vessel sails in the foreground. Below the ocean surface, the vessel’s submersible explores the ocean’s depths. A ground-based observatory perches on a cliff on the horizon.
...qfsrzn9a2e48f61cx.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegA bright binary star surrounded by a colorful loops of nebula on the black background of space. One loop is vertical the other is horizontal across the center of the image.
...ard-27x39-english.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegA scarlet star looms behind the ruins of an exoplanet that resembles the shape of a skull. A red galaxy arm is visible in the background. It is apparent that this galaxy, named MACS 2129-1, has been decaying since it stopped producing stars only a few billion years after the big bang.
...sit-ek-041824-007.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegDr. Nicky fox casually chats with undergraduate students over coffee in a laboratory at the University of Delaware. Students take notes in front of a whiteboard while seated around Dr. Fox. complex info graphic with text, numbers, icons on a dark blue background laid out in a circular design
...topography.jpg?w=4096&format=jpeg&crop=1A rendered image of the Moon in color. Shades of blue, green, and yellow highlight topographical features, whereas blue represents gravitational anomalies.
...excavating.jpg?w=4096&format=jpeg&crop=1A scientist in a safety suit kneels on a bed of simulation regolith and takes measurements from the soil using an instrument that pierces the surface. rendering of the Moon in the foreground, with a larger Earth behind it.
...apollo-sun.jpg?w=4096&format=jpeg&crop=1The Apollo 14 Lunar Module on the surface of the Moon. A small American flag and small antenna are planted a few feet away. In the background, the Sun creates a bright flare.
...l-closeup.jpeg?w=4096&format=jpeg&crop=1Plants growing in small test tubes under growing lights. They are growing in lunar regolith.
...avity-moon.jpg?w=4096&format=jpeg&crop=1A color map of the Moon. The varying colors represent gravitational pull in each area. The map is a mixture of yellows, greens, blues, and reds.
...-from-moon.jpg?w=4096&format=jpeg&crop=1View of Moon limb with Earth on the horizon,Mare Smythii Region. Earth rise. This image was taken before separation of the LM and the Command Module during Apollo 11 Mission.
...cecraft_Over_Earth.gif?w=4096&format=pngAnimated GIF of Spacecraft Over Earth
...ty-tw-thumbnail-1.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegAn artist’s concept of a landscape. The concept is composed of dusky purples, oranges, golds, and greens. In the left foreground, a young woman wearing a white dress basks in the rays of a solar eclipse. She stands under a bright orange fall tree rooted to the side of a rocky mountain trail. The scene overlooks a valley with a river running through the middle towards distant hazy blue mountains. Nocturnal animals – including a fox, owl, possum, and bat – emerge to investigate the sudden onset of night. A deer stands on a grassy knoll at right in front of a line of fall colored trees. The Milky Way trails across the sky, leading up from the young woman to the eclipse and glittering stars at top right. Two hot air balloons float in the distance. This concept was created in celebration of the Heliophysics Big Year, which is bookended by the Annular Eclipse in October of 2023 and the Total Solar Eclipse in April of 2024. It also serves as the cover of the 2024 NASA Science Planning Guide.
...plan-cover-graphic.png?w=4096&format=pngCarece de atributo ALT
...23/07/oc-office-2.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegCarece de atributo ALT
.../07/hull-thruster.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegCarece de atributo ALT
...ble_faq_image-jpg.webp?w=4096&format=pngHubble floating above Earth
...npb227b2p650j-temp.png?w=4096&format=pngRed dual opposing jets coming from young stars fill the darker top half of the image, while a glowing pale-yellow, cave-like structure is bottom center, tilted toward two o’clock, with a bright star at its center. See extended description for more.
...11-51d35bcdff-k-1.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegA person looks through a telescope. There is a large solar filter blocking the front of the telescope.
.../08/hibah-rahmani.jpg?w=4096&format=jpegCarece de atributo ALT
/_nuxt/nasa-logo_2x.C0A3w2m0.pngNASA Logo
URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
NASA Science
Más de un encabezado H1.
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (12 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Hay 30 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 NASA Science
H1 NASA’s Hubble Sees a Stellar Volcano
H2 Featured Missions
H2 Latest News
H2 2025 NASA Science Calendar
H2 Galaxy of Horrors
H2 NASA Science is Delivering
H2 By the Numbers
H2 Lunar Discovery and Exploration
H2 What's out there?
H2 Explore our changing planet
H2 Dive Deeper
H2 More about NASA Science
H2 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
H3 Europa Clipper
H3 Lunar Trailblazer
H3 Ten Mysteries of Venus
H3 Planetary Processes
H3 Volatile Cycles
H3 Impact History
H3 Record of the Ancient Sun
H3 Biological Systems on the Moon
H3 Physical Sciences on the Moon
H3 Platform to the Solar System
H3 SMD Community Town Hall Meetings
H3 NASA Science Strategy
H3 People of NASA Science
H3 NASA Science Careers
H3 Follow NASA
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (88) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content Subdominio Search All NASA Missions Subdominio A to Z List of Missions Subdominio Upcoming Launches and Landings Subdominio Spaceships and Rockets Subdominio Communicating with Missions Subdominio Artemis
/mission/webb/Subdominio James Webb Space Telescope
/mission/hubble/Subdominio Hubble Space Telescope Subdominio International Space Station
/mission/osiris-rex/Subdominio OSIRIS-REx Subdominio Why Go to Space Subdominio Astronauts Subdominio Commercial Space Subdominio Destinations Subdominio Texto duplicado Spaceships and Rockets Subdominio Living in Space
/earth/explore/Subdominio Explore Earth Science
/climate-change/Subdominio Climate Change
/earth/facts/Subdominio Earth, Our Planet
/earth/in-action/Subdominio Earth Science in Action
/earth/multimedia/Subdominio Earth Multimedia
/earth/data/Subdominio Earth Data
/earth-science/Subdominio Earth Science Researchers Subdominio NASA's Impacts Subdominio Centers and Facilities Subdominio Directorates Subdominio Organizations Subdominio People of NASA Subdominio Careers Subdominio Internships Subdominio Our History Subdominio Doing Business with NASA Subdominio Get Involved Subdominio Contact Subdominio For Kids and Students Subdominio For Educators Subdominio For Colleges and Universities Subdominio For Professionals
/for-everyone/Subdominio Science for Everyone Subdominio Request an Exhibit or Speaker Subdominio STEM Engagement at NASA Subdominio Science in the Air Subdominio NASA Aircraft Subdominio Flight Innovation Subdominio Supersonic Flight Subdominio Air Traffic Solutions Subdominio Green Aviation Tech Subdominio Drones & You Subdominio Technology Transfer & Spinoffs Subdominio Space Travel Technology Subdominio Technology Living in Space Subdominio Manufacturing and Materials Subdominio Robotics Subdominio Science Instruments Subdominio Computing
/exoplanets/Subdominio Exoplanets
/universe/search-for-life/Subdominio The Search for Life in the Universe
/universe/stars/Subdominio Stars
/universe/galaxies/Subdominio Galaxies
/universe/black-holes/Subdominio Black Holes
/universe/the-big-bang/Subdominio The Big Bang
/universe/dark-matter-dark-ene...Subdominio Dark Matter & Dark Energy The Sun Mercury Venus Earth The Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
/dwarf-planets/Subdominio Pluto & Dwarf Planets
/asteroids-comets-meteors/Subdominio Asteroids, Comets & Meteors
/solar-system/kuiper-belt/Subdominio The Kuiper Belt
/solar-system/oort-cloud/Subdominio The Oort Cloud
/skywatching/Subdominio Skywatching Subdominio Ciencia Subdominio Aeronáutica Subdominio Ciencias Terrestres Subdominio Sistema Solar Subdominio Universo All NASA Science
/earth-science/Earth Science
/planetary-science/Planetary Science
/astrophysics/Astrophysics & Space Science
/heliophysics/The Sun & Heliophysics
/biological-physical/Biological & Physical Sciences
/lunar-science/Lunar Science
/citizen-science/Citizen Science
/astromaterials/Astromaterials Subdominio Aeronautics Research
/human-space-travel-research/Human Space Travel Research Subdominio IMG-ALT NASA Logo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT NASA Logo Subdominio NASA+
/science-missions/Science Missions duplicado Earth Science
/planetary-science/Texto duplicado Planetary Science
/astrophysics/Astrophysics and Space Science
/heliophysics/The Sun and Heliophysics
/biological-physical/Biological and Physical Sciences
/lunar-science/Lunar Discovery and Exploration
/technology/Science-enabling Technology
/citizen-science/Texto duplicado Citizen Science
/open-science/Open Science
/skywatching/Texto duplicado Skywatching
/researchers/Texto duplicado Overview
/researchers/sara/grant-solici...Solicitations and Announcements
/researchers/sara/faqs/ROSES FAQ
/researchers/smd-bridge-program/SMD Bridge Program
/researchers/solicitations/ros...ROSES Blog
/science-committee/NAC Science Committee
/nasa-postdoc-program/NASA Postdoc Program
/researchers/sara/program-offi...Points of Contact
/citizen-science/Texto duplicado Citizen Science
/researchers/new-pi-resources/PI Resources
/open-science/Texto duplicado Open Science Subdominio Science Data
/researchers/sara/how-to-guide/Help & Support
/researchers/suborbital/Suborbital Program
/about-us/About Us
/about-us/bios/Science Leadership
/about-us/science-strategy/Science Strategy
/about-us/ocsdo/Chief Science Data Officer
/about-us/science-workforce-in...Workforce Initiatives
/about-us/job-opportunities/Texto duplicado Careers
/about-us/contact-usContact Us Subdominio Español
/science-missions/Texto duplicado Science Missions Subdominio Texto duplicado Español duplicado Kids
/multimedia/2025-nasa-science-...2025 NASA Science Calendar Subdominio Life Below Mars Ice? 3D Visualizations
/science-missions/All Science Missions
/mission/europa-clipper/More about Europa Clipper
https://trailblazer.caltech.ed...Externo Subdominio More about Lunar Trailblazer
/mission/nisar/More about NISAR
/science-news/More Science News
/missions/hubble/hubble-captur...Article 2 min read Hubble Captures a New View of Galaxy M90
IMG-ALT A spiral galaxy. It has a bright core with light spilling out. Its disk holds thick clumps of dark reddish dust, which swirls around the galaxy following its...
/centers-and-facilities/goddar...Article 5 min read Old Data Yields New Secrets as NASA’s DAVINCI Preps for Venus Trip
IMG-ALT Bands of white, tan, and orange clouds shroud Venus in this view from a spacecraft.
/missions/hubble/nasas-hubble-...3 min read NASA’s Hubble Sees a Stellar Volcano Article6 days ago
IMG-ALT A bright binary star surrounded by a colorful loops of nebula on the black background of space. One loop is vertical the other is horizontal across the cente...
/science-research/heliophysics...6 min read NASA, NOAA: Sun Reaches Maximum Phase in 11-Year Solar Cycle Article7 days ago
IMG-ALT On the left, the Sun shown in gold. It's fairly uniform. On the right, the Sun in gold has several bright active regions.
/science-research/science-enab...8 min read Revealing the Hidden Universe with Full-shell X-ray Optics at NASA MSFC Article1 week ago
IMG-ALT Purple, blue and white swirls overlaid with a pattern of orange dashed lines in the center.
/multimedia/2025-nasa-science-...Download Options
/missions/hubble/nasas-hubble-...Read the Story
/centers-and-facilities/goddar...Learn more about the mysteries of Venus
/exoplanets/immersive/galaxy-o...Nueva ventana Learn More
/about-us/nicky-notes/Read Nicky Notes
/about-us/Learn More about Science by the Numbers
/nasa-lunar-science/Learn more about Lunar Discovery and Exploration
/lunar-science/focus-areas/pla...IMG-ALT A rendered image of the Moon in color. Shades of blue, green, and yellow highlight topographical features, whereas blue represents gravitational anomalies.
A-TITLE Planetary Processes
/lunar-science/focus-areas/pla...Planetary Processes
A-TITLE Planetary Processes
/lunar-science/focus-areas/vol...IMG-ALT A scientist in a safety suit kneels on a bed of simulation regolith and takes measurements from the soil using an instrument that pierces the surface.
A-TITLE Volatile Cycles
/lunar-science/focus-areas/vol...Volatile Cycles
A-TITLE Volatile Cycles
/lunar-science/focus-areas/imp...IMG-ALT A rendering of the Moon in the foreground, with a larger Earth behind it.
A-TITLE Impact History
/lunar-science/focus-areas/imp...Impact History
A-TITLE Impact History
/lunar-science/focus-areas/rec...IMG-ALT The Apollo 14 Lunar Module on the surface of the Moon. A small American flag and small antenna are planted a few feet away. In the background, the Sun create...
A-TITLE Record of the Ancient Sun
/lunar-science/focus-areas/rec...Record of the Ancient Sun
A-TITLE Record of the Ancient Sun
/lunar-science/focus-areas/bio...IMG-ALT Plants growing in small test tubes under growing lights. They are growing in lunar regolith.
A-TITLE Biological Systems on the Moon
/lunar-science/focus-areas/bio...Biological Systems on the Moon
A-TITLE Biological Systems on the Moon
/lunar-science/focus-areas/phy...IMG-ALT A color map of the Moon. The varying colors represent gravitational pull in each area. The map is a mixture of yellows, greens, blues, and reds.
A-TITLE Physical Sciences on the Moon
/lunar-science/focus-areas/phy...Physical Sciences on the Moon
A-TITLE Physical Sciences on the Moon
/lunar-science/focus-areas/pla...IMG-ALT View of Moon limb with Earth on the horizon,Mare Smythii Region. Earth rise. This image was taken before separation of the LM and the Command Module during A...
A-TITLE Platform to the Solar System
/lunar-science/focus-areas/pla...Platform to the Solar System
A-TITLE Platform to the Solar System Visit the Earth Information Center
/researchers/virtual-townhall/Town Hall Meetings
/about-us/science-strategy/Texto duplicado Science Strategy
/science-people/People of Science
/about-us/job-opportunities/Science Careers
/science-missions/Texto duplicado Science Missions
IMG-ALT Hubble floating above Earth
/science-news/Science News
IMG-ALT Red dual opposing jets coming from young stars fill the darker top half of the image, while a glowing pale-yellow, cave-like structure is bottom center, tilt...
/for-everyone/Texto duplicado Science for Everyone
IMG-ALT A person looks through a telescope. There is a large solar filter blocking the front of the telescope.
/researchers/For Researchers ancla Return to top Subdominio About NASA's Mission Subdominio Join Us Subdominio Home Subdominio News & Events Subdominio Texto duplicado Multimedia Subdominio Texto duplicado NASA+ Subdominio Missions Subdominio Humans in Space Earth & Climate
/solar-system/Subdominio The Solar System
/universe/Subdominio The Universe Science Subdominio Aeronautics Subdominio Technology Subdominio Learning Resources Subdominio About NASA Subdominio NASA en Español ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto Subdominio More NASA Social Accounts Subdominio NASA Newsletters Subdominio Sitemap
A-TITLE Sitemap Subdominio For Media
A-TITLE For Media Subdominio Privacy Policy
A-TITLE Privacy Policy Subdominio FOIA
A-TITLE FOIA Subdominio No FEAR Act
A-TITLE No FEAR Act Subdominio Office of the IG
A-TITLE Office of the IG Subdominio Budget & Annual Reports
A-TITLE Budget & Annual Reports Subdominio Agency Financial Reports
A-TITLE Agency Financial Reports Subdominio Contact NASA
A-TITLE Contact NASA Accessibility
A-TITLE Accessibility

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Factores externos

Wikipedia enlaza esta página en sus fuentes.
Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 36.903 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 3.300.895 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 23.604 direcciones IP distintas.

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
NASA Science

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
NASA Science81%Check
Earth Science61%Check
Science News61%Check
Science Missions61%Check
Science Strategy61%Check
Science Careers61%Check
Science Data59%Check
Astrophysics Space Science54%Check

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