- SEO Checker

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0,63 s
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409,30 kB
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169 internos / 18 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Shape Software - The All in One Business Management Solution
La longitud del título es óptima (576 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Shape CRM is an all-in-one solution for managing contacts, streamlining operations, and driving sales. Improve communication and maximize your business.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (966 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
authorShape System
descriptionShape CRM is an all-in-one solution for managing contacts, streamlining operations, and driving sales. Improve communication and maximize your business.
generatorElementor 3.27.3; features: e_font_icon_svg, additional_custom_breakpoints, e_element_cache; settings: css_print_method-external, google_font-enabled, font_display-swap
twitter:titleHome Page
twitter:descriptionShape's CRM platform contains the best marketing suite, sales automation, and 500+ features all in one easy-to-use software
og:site_nameShape Software - Shape's CRM platform contains the best marketing suite, sales automation, and 500+ features all in one easy-to-use software
og:titleHome Page
og:descriptionShape's CRM platform contains the best marketing suite, sales automation, and 500+ features all in one easy-to-use software

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Hay 2 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado: Click "Get Started" and choose a best-practice industry template. Inst...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1398 palabras.
Un 22.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 19 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 17.28 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 28 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 6 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...t/uploads/2022/12/shape-logo-color-1.svgShape Software
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.../Shape-Software-CRM-Lead-Engine-Icon.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's CRM Lead Engine, featuring CRO-optimized landing pages and websites designed to enhance lead capture, user engagement, and conversion rates.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Icon-1.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's built-in email automation features, including bulk emails, newsletters, email drip campaigns, trigger-based email automation, conversational emailing with unsubscribe compliance, and more for comprehensive communication management.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Icon.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's built-in calling feature, highlighting capabilities such as inbound and outbound calls, call transfers, dedicated phone numbers, and more for streamlined phone communication within the CRM.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Icon-3.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's built-in bi-directional business texting feature, enabling seamless two-way communication for effective customer engagement and interaction within the CRM platform.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/portal.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's customer portal (point of sale), providing a secure login for customers seamlessly integrated with the CRM backend for efficient interaction and data management.
...Software-CMS-Content-Management-Icon.svgIcon representing Shape Software's Content Management System (CMS), showcasing tools for managing website content seamlessly and efficiently.
...0/Shape-Software-CRM-Mobile-App-Icon.svgIcon representing the Shape Software CRM mobile app, illustrating on-the-go access to CRM features for managing leads, customer interactions, and sales processes from a mobile device. representing Shape Software's Lead Management System (LMS), showcasing tools for effective lead tracking, nurturing, and management to boost sales and engagement.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Icon-12.svgIcon representing Shape Software's comprehensive support services, featuring live 24/7 AI chat, an extensive knowledgebase, tutorial videos, ticket submission capabilities, and access to FAQs for complete customer assistance.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Icon-2-1.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's live weekly training webinars, designed to help users become experts in using Shape and learn how to leverage its technology for optimal results.
...tent/uploads/2024/04/Onboarding-Icon.svgIcon representing Shape Software's expert onboarding services, highlighting personalized support and professional guidance to ensure a smooth and successful setup process.
...s/2023/10/Professional-Services-Icon.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's professional services expertise in CRM and system administration, emphasizing support for configuration, integrations, and tailored solutions to enhance business operations.
...ent/uploads/2022/12/shape-logo-color.svgShape Software all-in-one CRM logo
/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Icon.svgIcon representing ShapeAI, the built-in AI feature of Shape Software, designed to save time with call transcription, actionable insights, follow-up guidance, and live coaching for enhanced productivity and performance.
.../Shape-Software-CRM-Lead-Engine-Icon.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's CRM Lead Engine, featuring CRO-optimized landing pages and websites designed to enhance lead capture, user engagement, and conversion rates.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Icon-1.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's built-in email automation features, including bulk emails, newsletters, email drip campaigns, trigger-based email automation, conversational emailing with unsubscribe compliance, and more for comprehensive communication management.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Icon.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's built-in calling feature, highlighting capabilities such as inbound and outbound calls, call transfers, dedicated phone numbers, and more for streamlined phone communication within the CRM.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Icon-3.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's built-in bi-directional business texting feature, enabling seamless two-way communication for effective customer engagement and interaction within the CRM platform.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/portal.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's customer portal (point of sale), providing a secure login for customers seamlessly integrated with the CRM backend for efficient interaction and data management.
...Software-CMS-Content-Management-Icon.svgIcon representing Shape Software's Content Management System (CMS), showcasing tools for managing website content seamlessly and efficiently.
...0/Shape-Software-CRM-Mobile-App-Icon.svgIcon representing the Shape Software CRM mobile app, illustrating on-the-go access to CRM features for managing leads, customer interactions, and sales processes from a mobile device. representing Shape Software's Lead Management System (LMS), showcasing tools for effective lead tracking, nurturing, and management to boost sales and engagement.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Icon-12.svgIcon representing Shape Software's comprehensive support services, featuring live 24/7 AI chat, an extensive knowledgebase, tutorial videos, ticket submission capabilities, and access to FAQs for complete customer assistance.
/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Icon-2-1.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's live weekly training webinars, designed to help users become experts in using Shape and learn how to leverage its technology for optimal results.
...tent/uploads/2024/04/Onboarding-Icon.svgIcon representing Shape Software's expert onboarding services, highlighting personalized support and professional guidance to ensure a smooth and successful setup process.
...s/2023/10/Professional-Services-Icon.svgIcon showcasing Shape Software's professional services expertise in CRM and system administration, emphasizing support for configuration, integrations, and tailored solutions to enhance business operations.
.../10/Shape-Software-Mortgage-CRM-Icon.pngThis is an icon for Shape Software tailored for the mortgage industry. Clicking on it will direct you to a page showcasing how Shape serves mortgage professionals.
...2024/10/Shape-Software-Insurance-CRM.pngThis is an icon for Shape Software tailored for P&C insurance. Clicking on it will direct you to a page showcasing how Shape serves the P&C insurance industry. is an icon for Shape Software customized for the solar industry. Clicking on it will take you to a page highlighting Shape's offerings for solar businesses.
...2024/10/Shape-Software-Education-CRM.pngThis icon represents Shape Software's solutions specifically designed for the higher education sector. Clicking on it will lead you to a dedicated page showcasing Shape's offerings for the education industry.
...10/Shape-Software-Small-Business-CRM.pngThis is an icon for Shape Software designed for small businesses. Clicking on it will lead to a dedicated page explaining how Shape caters to small business needs.
...Shape-Software-CRM-Suite-of-Products.pngThis image showcases Shape Software's comprehensive suite of services, featuring Shape CRM + Lead Manager, Lead Engine, Customer Portal, and Mobile App, accessible across multiple devices. software suite of products mobile.
...ntent/uploads/2024/08/5-Stars-Yellow.pngShape Software 5 star rating
/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Awards.pngShape Software Users Love Us, High Performer and Top 50 awards
...RM-Automated-Drip-Campaigns-1024x809.pngShape CRM Automated Drip Campaigns
...Bulk-Messaging-Email-Text-1-1024x802.pngShape Software CRM Bulk Messaging Email & Text
...-Marketing-Template-Library-1024x807.pngShape Software CRM Marketing Template Library
...CRM-Video-Message-Marketing-1024x764.pngShape Software CRM Video Message Marketing
...oftware-CRM-AI-Lead-Scoring-1024x779.pngShape Software CRM AI Lead Scoring
...Duplicate-Lead-Management-1-1024x748.pngShape Software CRM Duplicate Lead Management
...are-CRM-Lead-Distribution-2-1024x718.pngShape Software CRM Lead Distribution
...t-In-Calling-Icon-Shape-Software-CRM.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...onal-Texting-Icon-Shape-Software-CRM.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...grated-Email-Icon-Shape-Software-CRM.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...e-CRM-Call-Text-Email-Communications.pngShape Software CRM Call, Text, Email Communications
...oftware-CRM-Lead-Management-Platform.pngShape Software CRM Lead Management Platform
...ploads/2024/10/CRM-Lead-Engine-Suite.pngCRM Lead Engine Suite
...ds/2024/10/Shape-CRM-Call-Text-Email.pngShape CRM Call, Text & Email
.../10/Shape-Software-CRM-Email-Metrics.pngShape Software CRM Email Metrics
...-Software-CRM-Secure-Customer-Portal.pngShape Software CRM Secure Customer Portal
...ware-CRM-Content-Management-Solution.pngShape Software CRM Content Management Solution
...nt/uploads/2022/12/google-play-shape.svgGoogle Play
...tent/uploads/2022/12/app-store-shape.svgClicking here will open Shape in the app store to download.
...uploads/2024/10/Shape-CRM-Mobile-App.pngShape CRM Mobile App
...e-Software-CRM-Award-Winning-Support.pngShape Software CRM Award Winning Support
...Shape-Software-CRM-Training-Webinars.pngShape Software CRM Training Webinars
.../2024/09/Call-Transcripts-Icon-White.svgCall Transcripts Icon
...oads/2024/09/Call-Scoring-Icon-White.svgCall Scoring Icon
...24/09/Automated-Summaries-Icon-White.svgAutomated Summaries Icon
...s/2024/09/Follow-Up-Plans-Icon-White.svgFollow Up Plans Icon
...24/09/Areas-of-Improvment-Icon-White.svgAreas of Improvement Icon
...24/09/Scored-Based-Alerts-Icon-White.svgScored Based Alerts Ico
...2024/09/Compliance-Checks-Icon-White.svgCompliance Checks Icon
...024/09/Reporting-Insights-Icon-White.svgReporting Insights Icon
.../2024/09/Call-Transcripts-Icon-White.svgCall Transcripts Icon
...oads/2024/09/Call-Scoring-Icon-White.svgCall Scoring Icon
...24/09/Automated-Summaries-Icon-White.svgAutomated Summaries Icon
...s/2024/09/Follow-Up-Plans-Icon-White.svgFollow Up Plans Icon
...24/09/Areas-of-Improvment-Icon-White.svgAreas of Improvement Icon
...24/09/Scored-Based-Alerts-Icon-White.svgScored Based Alerts Ico
...2024/09/Compliance-Checks-Icon-White.svgCompliance Checks Icon
...024/09/Reporting-Insights-Icon-White.svgReporting Insights Icon
...siness-CRM-AI-Insights-Bottom-Center.pngShape All In One CRM AI Insights
...ds/2024/06/Shape-Mobile-App-749x1024.pngShape Software CRM Mobile App
...nt/uploads/2022/12/google-play-shape.svgGoogle Play
...tent/uploads/2022/12/app-store-shape.svgClicking here will open Shape in the app store to download.
...Software-CRM-Customer-Support-Team-1.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...e-Small-Business-CRM-Integrations-1.webpShape Software CRM Integrations
...oads/2024/10/Sign-Up-Onboarding-Icon.svgIcon illustrating Step 1 of the sign-up process for getting started with Shape Software, symbolizing the initial user onboarding stage. representing Step 2 of the sign-up process for Shape Software, highlighting seamless expert onboarding to guide users through setup and integration.
...024/10/Closing-Sales-Automation-Icon.svgIcon representing Step 3 of the sign-up process for Shape Software, emphasizing the start of using Shape's sales and marketing automation CRM to convert more leads and close deals efficiently.
...s/2022/12/shape-software-get-started.pngget started shape software woman pointing
...ent/uploads/2022/12/shape-white-logo.svgShape Software white logo
...tent/uploads/2022/12/app-store-shape.svgClicking here will open Shape in the app store to download.
...nt/uploads/2022/12/google-play-shape.svgGoogle Play
/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/SOC2Shape.pngAICPA SOC Shape Software CRM
...ent/uploads/2022/12/shape-white-logo.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...t/uploads/2023/02/SOC2Shape-120x120.webpCarece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
All in one AI-powered CRM
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 63 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 All in one AI-powered CRM
H2 See custom solutions unique for your industry:
H2 Power your entire business in one easy platform
H2 Centralize your communication tools
H2 Unlock the power of AI Insights
H2 Integrate with thousands of your favorite apps
H2 Unlock the power of Shape in a matter of minutes!​
H2 Get started with Shape today
H2 Encabezado vacío
H3 Over 100,000 customers served
H3 Keep every lead engaged with automated follow-up
H3 Reach more leads, faster—send, track, and watch the results roll in
H3 Launch faster with pre-built templates and data-driven workflows
H3 Build authentic connections with video messaging
H3 Instantly identify your most promising, top-converting leads
H3 Maintain data quality and operational efficiency
H3 Maximize efficiency by routing leads to the right team member
H3 Lead management platform
H3 Lead funnels & CRO-optimized landing pages
H3 Built-in call, text, and email
H3 Tailored industry CRM systems
H3 Secure customer portal
H3 Content management solution
H3 Use Shape on the go
H3 Award winning support
H3 Training Webinars
H3 Use Shape on the go with our mobile app
H3 Award winning customer support team
H3 1. Sign Up
H3 2. Seamless Onboarding
H3 3. Start Growing
H4 Mortgage
H4 Insurance
H4 Solar
H4 Education
H4 Small Business
H4 Call Transcripts
H4 AI Scoring
H4 Automated Summaries
H4 Follow-Up Plans
H4 Areas of Improvement
H4 Score Based Alerts
H4 Compliance Checks
H4 Reporting Insights
H4 Call Transcripts Texto duplicado
H4 AI Scoring Texto duplicado
H4 Automated Summaries Texto duplicado
H4 Follow-Up Plans Texto duplicado
H4 Areas of Improvement Texto duplicado
H4 Score Based Alerts Texto duplicado
H4 Compliance Checks Texto duplicado
H4 Reporting Insights Texto duplicado
H4 Get in Touch
H4 Download
H4 Solutions
H4 Features
H4 Resources
H4 Contact Sales
H4 Get in Touch Texto duplicado
H4 Download Texto duplicado
H4 Features Texto duplicado
H4 Solutions Texto duplicado
H4 Resources Texto duplicado
H4 Contact Sales Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 18 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Shape Software
A-TITLE Shape Software AI – Leverage artificial intelligence
IMG-ALT Icon representing ShapeAI, the built-in AI feature of Shape Software, designed to save time with call transcription, actionable insights, follow-up guidance,... Engine – Convert more web traffic
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's CRM Lead Engine, featuring CRO-optimized landing pages and websites designed to enhance lead capture, user engagement, and c...
/email-automation-softwareEmail Automation – Pre-built templates & campaigns
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's built-in email automation features, including bulk emails, newsletters, email drip campaigns, trigger-based email automation...
/crm-and-dialerBuilt-in Phone – Call faster with the integrated dialer
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's built-in calling feature, highlighting capabilities such as inbound and outbound calls, call transfers, dedicated phone numb...
/crm-text-messagingText Messaging – SMS, MMS & automation
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's built-in bi-directional business texting feature, enabling seamless two-way communication for effective customer engagement ... Point of Sale – Online portal for your customers
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's customer portal (point of sale), providing a secure login for customers seamlessly integrated with the CRM backend for effic... Scoring – Score leads with ShapeIQ
IMG-ALT support Tool – Create and manage content
IMG-ALT Icon representing Shape Software's Content Management System (CMS), showcasing tools for managing website content seamlessly and efficiently. App – Take your work on the go
IMG-ALT Icon representing the Shape Software CRM mobile app, illustrating on-the-go access to CRM features for managing leads, customer interactions, and sales proce...
/lead-managementLead Management – De-dupe, prioritize and distribute
IMG-ALT Icon representing Shape Software's Lead Management System (LMS), showcasing tools for effective lead tracking, nurturing, and management to boost sales and e... – Mortgage brokers, LOs, & lenders
IMG-ALT icon-shape-mortgage-crm – Solar sales, financing, & installations
IMG-ALT solar – Higher education institutions
IMG-ALT education – P&C insurance agents and brokers
/debt-settlementDebt – Debt settlement & consolidation
IMG-ALT debt
/small-business-crmSmall Business – For business owners & entrepreneurs
IMG-ALT small-business
/support-guidesCustomer Support – Get technical support
IMG-ALT Icon representing Shape Software's comprehensive support services, featuring live 24/7 AI chat, an extensive knowledgebase, tutorial videos, ticket submissio... Webinars – Live training webinars with Q&A
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's live weekly training webinars, designed to help users become experts in using Shape and learn how to leverage its technology... Customer Onboarding – Resources for a smooth start
IMG-ALT Icon representing Shape Software's expert onboarding services, highlighting personalized support and professional guidance to ensure a smooth and successful ... Services – Expert administration & consultation
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's professional services expertise in CRM and system administration, emphasizing support for configuration, integrations, and t... ventana Externo Subdominio Login Started Shape Software all-in-one CRM logo duplicado Shape AI – Leverage artificial intelligence
IMG-ALT Icon representing ShapeAI, the built-in AI feature of Shape Software, designed to save time with call transcription, actionable insights, follow-up guidance,... duplicado Lead Engine – Convert more web traffic
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's CRM Lead Engine, featuring CRO-optimized landing pages and websites designed to enhance lead capture, user engagement, and c...
/email-automation-softwareTexto duplicado Email Automation – Pre-built templates & campaigns
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's built-in email automation features, including bulk emails, newsletters, email drip campaigns, trigger-based email automation...
/crm-and-dialerTexto duplicado Built-in Phone – Call faster with the integrated dialer
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's built-in calling feature, highlighting capabilities such as inbound and outbound calls, call transfers, dedicated phone numb...
/crm-text-messagingTexto duplicado Text Messaging – SMS, MMS & automation
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's built-in bi-directional business texting feature, enabling seamless two-way communication for effective customer engagement ... duplicado Customer Point of Sale – Online portal for your customers
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's customer portal (point of sale), providing a secure login for customers seamlessly integrated with the CRM backend for effic... duplicado Lead Scoring – Score leads with ShapeIQ
IMG-ALT support duplicado CMS Tool – Create and manage content
IMG-ALT Icon representing Shape Software's Content Management System (CMS), showcasing tools for managing website content seamlessly and efficiently. duplicado Mobile App – Take your work on the go
IMG-ALT Icon representing the Shape Software CRM mobile app, illustrating on-the-go access to CRM features for managing leads, customer interactions, and sales proce...
/lead-managementTexto duplicado Lead Management – De-dupe, prioritize and distribute
IMG-ALT Icon representing Shape Software's Lead Management System (LMS), showcasing tools for effective lead tracking, nurturing, and management to boost sales and e... duplicado Mortgage – Mortgage brokers, LOs, & lenders
IMG-ALT icon-shape-mortgage-crm duplicado Solar – Solar sales, financing, & installations
IMG-ALT solar duplicado Education – Higher education institutions
IMG-ALT education duplicado Insurance – P&C insurance agents and brokers
/debt-settlementTexto duplicado Debt – Debt settlement & consolidation
IMG-ALT debt
/small-business-crmTexto duplicado Small Business – For business owners & entrepreneurs
IMG-ALT small-business
/support-guidesTexto duplicado Customer Support – Get technical support
IMG-ALT Icon representing Shape Software's comprehensive support services, featuring live 24/7 AI chat, an extensive knowledgebase, tutorial videos, ticket submissio... duplicado Training Webinars – Live training webinars with Q&A
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's live weekly training webinars, designed to help users become experts in using Shape and learn how to leverage its technology... duplicado New Customer Onboarding – Resources for a smooth start
IMG-ALT Icon representing Shape Software's expert onboarding services, highlighting personalized support and professional guidance to ensure a smooth and successful ... duplicado Professional Services – Expert administration & consultation
IMG-ALT Icon showcasing Shape Software's professional services expertise in CRM and system administration, emphasizing support for configuration, integrations, and t... duplicado Pricing Subdominio Texto duplicado Login duplicado Get Started This is an icon for Shape Software tailored for the mortgage industry. Clicking on it will direct you to a page showcasing how Shape serves mortgage professi... This is an icon for Shape Software tailored for P&C insurance. Clicking on it will direct you to a page showcasing how Shape serves the P&C insurance industry. This is an icon for Shape Software customized for the solar industry. Clicking on it will take you to a page highlighting Shape's offerings for solar busines... This icon represents Shape Software's solutions specifically designed for the higher education sector. Clicking on it will lead you to a dedicated page showc...
/small-business-crmIMG-ALT This is an icon for Shape Software designed for small businesses. Clicking on it will lead to a dedicated page explaining how Shape caters to small business ...
/small-business-crmSmall Business
/home-page-demoGet a Demo
/home-page-demoBuy Now ventana ― from 2,000 reviews
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Google Play ventana Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Clicking here will open Shape in the app store to download.
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Google Play ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Clicking here will open Shape in the app store to download.
/home-page-demoBook a Demo
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Buy Now ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Clicking here will open Shape in the app store to download. ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Google Play ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Nofollow Externo Sin texto ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Sin texto duplicado Mortgage duplicado Solar duplicado Insurance
/small-business-crmTexto duplicado Small Business duplicado Education
/debt-settlementDebt duplicado Mortgage duplicado Solar duplicado Insurance
/small-business-crmTexto duplicado Small Business duplicado Education
/debt-settlementTexto duplicado Debt
/email-automation-softwareEmail Automation
/crm-text-messagingBi-Directional Texting Portal Lead Scoring App
/email-automation-softwareTexto duplicado Email Automation
/crm-and-dialerTexto duplicado Built-in-Calling
/crm-text-messagingTexto duplicado Bi-Directional Texting duplicado Customer Portal duplicado A.I. Lead Scoring duplicado Mobile App duplicado Pricing
/support-guidesSupport Guides
/technical-requirementsTechnical Requirements
/partner-marketplacePartner Marketplace
/become-a-partnerBecome a Partner duplicado Pricing
/support-guidesTexto duplicado Support Guides
/technical-requirementsTexto duplicado Technical Requirements
/partner-marketplaceTexto duplicado Partner Marketplace
/become-a-partnerTexto duplicado Become a Partner duplicado Reviews duplicado Blog
/home-page-demoTexto duplicado Get a Demo
/soc-certificationIMG-ALT AICPA SOC Shape Software CRM
/terms-of-serviceTerms of Service
/privacy-policyPrivacy Policy
/acceptable-use-policyAcceptable Use
/refund-policyRefund Policy
/soc-certificationTexto duplicado SOC duplicado HIPAA duplicado PCI duplicado Security
/terms-of-serviceTexto duplicado Terms of Service
/privacy-policyTexto duplicado Privacy Policy
/acceptable-use-policyTexto duplicado Acceptable Use
/anti-spam-policyTexto duplicado Anti-Spam
/confidentiality-policyTexto duplicado Confidentiality
/refund-policyTexto duplicado Refund Policy
/support-policyTexto duplicado Support
/10dlc-registration-guidelinesTexto duplicado 10DLC ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE App Store ventana Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado A-TITLE App Store Subdominio LinkedIn Subdominio Facebook Twitter Subdominio YouTube
/email-automation-softwareTexto duplicado Email Automation
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/small-business-crmTexto duplicado Small Business duplicado Education
/debt-settlementTexto duplicado Debt duplicado Pricing
/support-guidesTexto duplicado Support Guides
/technical-requirementsTexto duplicado Technical Requirements
/partner-marketplaceTexto duplicado Partner Marketplace
/become-a-partnerTexto duplicado Become a Partner duplicado Reviews duplicado Blog Demo
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/soc-certificationTexto duplicado SOC duplicado HIPAA duplicado PCI duplicado Security
/terms-of-serviceTexto duplicado Terms of Service
/privacy-policyTexto duplicado Privacy Policy
/acceptable-use-policyTexto duplicado Acceptable Use
/anti-spam-policyTexto duplicado Anti-Spam
/confidentiality-policyTexto duplicado Confidentiality
/refund-policyTexto duplicado Refund Policy
/support-policyTexto duplicado Support
/10dlc-registration-guidelinesTexto duplicado 10DLC
/support-guidesNueva ventana Contact us

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Shape Software - The All in One Business Management Solution
Shape CRM is an all-in-one solution for managing contacts, streamlining operations, and driving sales. Improve communication and maximize your business.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
power Shape68%Check
One Business Management Solution66%Check
Management Solution64%Check
Business Management64%Check

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