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Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
1,35 s
Tamaño HTML
1.990,70 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
81 internos / 34 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
A Way to Self-Mastery (12-month Online Program) | Shaolin.Online
Con 599 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Discover and join the official Self-Mastery program by the Shaolin Temple Europe. Unleash your Shaolin Spirit and master your life through body, mind and emotions.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
robotsindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, max-snippet:-1, max-video-preview:-1
descriptionDiscover and join the official Self-Mastery program by the Shaolin Temple Europe. Unleash your Shaolin Spirit and master your life through body, mind and emotions.
generatorWordPress 6.5.4
twitter:title歐洲少林寺 - Shaolin.Online - A Way to Self-Mastery
twitter:descriptionShaolin Online is the official online training platform from the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺. Learn more about Shaolin Kung Fu, Qi Gong and other Shaolin Arts. Discover ancient methods that inherit the knowledge to change your life. Start your journey!
og:title歐洲少林寺 - Shaolin.Online - A Way to Self-Mastery
og:descriptionShaolin Online is the official online training platform from the Shaolin Temple Europe 歐洲少林寺. Learn more about Shaolin Kung Fu, Qi Gong and other Shaolin Arts. Discover ancient methods that inherit the knowledge to change your life. Start your journey!

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (13460 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • wanna => want to
Hay 62 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: The vision of the Shaolin Temple Europe is to spread the knowledge of ...
  • Texto duplicado 2: The Shaolin teachings have always been a source and cultivation method...
  • Texto duplicado 3: To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to brin...
  • Texto duplicado 4: There are six areas from which the teachings of Shaolin are derived. T...
  • Texto duplicado 5: After the first year you will have everything that we the Shaolin Temp...
  • Texto duplicado 6: If you want to continue this journey with us the Shaolin Temple Europe...
  • Texto duplicado 7: With the provided resources and informations you will learn to see and...
  • Texto duplicado 8: Build confidence in yourself and rediscover the knowledge from an over...
  • Texto duplicado 9: Develop a strong and healthy physique in the long term so you can take...
  • Texto duplicado 10: Live in the present moment and build a trust in yourself that’s so dee...
  • Texto duplicado 11: Discover how to treat yourself with the respect you deserve and rise u...
  • Texto duplicado 12: Change your default emotional state towards unshakable calm and clear....
  • Texto duplicado 13: On your journey to Self-Mastery you will discover yourself at deeper l...
  • Texto duplicado 14: Share your experiences with others from all over the world that suppor...
  • Texto duplicado 15: Find everything fast with your smartphone or tablet. Download the vide...
  • Texto duplicado 16: Master Shi Heng Yi (释恒義) is the leading master in the Shaolin Temple E...
  • Texto duplicado 17: His goal and endeavor is not only to explain and convey theoretical pr...
  • Texto duplicado 18: Laoshi Xiao Shen was the first novice in the Shaolin Temple Europe. No...
  • Texto duplicado 19: He is an expert when it comes to movement. Throughout his life time he...
  • Texto duplicado 20: Shi Xiao Long (Thanh) became a novice in 2010 when he was 17 years old...
  • Texto duplicado 21: His main goals in the temple were to learn 1. discipline; 2. why peopl...
  • Texto duplicado 22: After that while using the Shaolin principles he studied fitness and n...
  • Texto duplicado 23: Shi Miao Hai was born in 1997. He joined Shaolin Temple Europe at 19 a...
  • Texto duplicado 24: Despite his young age, he always impresses people with his friendly, o...
  • Texto duplicado 25: Upon successful completion of the Self-Mastery 12-month-program, you w...
Un 33.1% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
Se han encontrado 95 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.49 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
Con 1990.7 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Se han encontrado etiquetas de negritas vacías en esta página.
Hay demasiadas etiquetas de negritas en esta página: 278. Utiliza un máximo de 269 etiquetas.
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: unleash your shaolin spirit.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 201 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

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/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Tea-en.pngCarece de atributo ALTThe Way of Tea E-Book
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...ontent/uploads/2022/09/Shu-Jing-Gong.pngCarece de atributo ALTShu Jing Gong
...content/uploads/2022/09/Self-Massage.pngCarece de atributo ALTSelf Massage
...t/uploads/2022/09/Live-Sessions-2021.pngCarece de atributo ALTLive Sessions 2021
...s/2021/11/Design-ohne-Titel-2-1.png.webpCarece de atributo ALTShi Heng Yi
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...ontent/uploads/2022/09/Shu-Jing-Gong.pngCarece de atributo ALTShu Jing Gong
...t/uploads/2022/10/Wu-Xing-Quan-Cover.jpgCarece de atributo ALTWu Xing Quan Cover
...t/uploads/2022/09/Live-Sessions-2021.pngCarece de atributo ALTLive Sessions 2021
...content/uploads/2022/09/Self-Massage.pngCarece de atributo ALTSelf Massage
...s/2021/11/Design-ohne-Titel-2-1.png.webpCarece de atributo ALTShi Heng Yi
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
A way to Self-Mastery
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 300 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 A way to Self-Mastery
H1 A way to
H1 Self-mastery
H2 Discover ancient methods that inherit the wisdom to master your life.
H2 Discover ancient methods that inherit the wisdom to master your life. Texto duplicado
H2 Curriculum
H2 The sequence of one month
H2 starting with the date of your purchase
H2 Discover Self-Mastery
H2 Curriculum Texto duplicado
H2 The sequence of one month Texto duplicado
H2 starting with the date of your purchase Texto duplicado
H2 The sequence of one month Texto duplicado
H2 starting with the date of your purchase Texto duplicado
H2 Pricing options
H2 About the main teacher
H2 Master Shi Heng Yi
H2 About the other teachers
H2 Laoshi Xiao Shen
H2 Shi Xiao Long
H2 Shi Miao Hai
H2 About the main teacher Texto duplicado
H2 Master Shi Heng Yi Texto duplicado
H2 About the other teachers Texto duplicado
H2 Laoshi
H2 Xiao Shen
H2 Shi Xiao Long Texto duplicado
H2 Shi Miao Hai Texto duplicado
H2 About the main teacher Texto duplicado
H2 Master Shi Heng Yi Texto duplicado
H2 About the other teachers Texto duplicado
H2 Laoshi Xiao Shen Texto duplicado
H2 Shi Xiao Long Texto duplicado
H2 Shi Miao Hai Texto duplicado
H2 get YOUR official
H2 get YOUR official Texto duplicado
H2 CERTIFICATE Texto duplicado
H2 Frequently Asked Questions
H2 Other Courses
H2 by Shaolin.Online
H2 Other Courses Texto duplicado
H2 by Shaolin.Online Texto duplicado
H2 Other Courses Texto duplicado
H2 by Shaolin.Online Texto duplicado
H3 what are the Shaolin teachings that help us become better versions of ourselves?
H3 what are the Shaolin teachings that help us become better versions of ourselves? Texto duplicado
H3 Why Students like you choose a way to Self-Mastery
H3 with the Shaolin Temple Europe
H3 Why Students like you choose a way to Self-Mastery Texto duplicado
H3 with the Shaolin Temple Europe Texto duplicado
H3 Why Students like you choose a way to Self-Mastery with the Shaolin Temple Europe
H3 what you'll discover on your journey to Self-Mastery
H3 what you'll discover on your journey to Self-Mastery Texto duplicado
H3 what you'll discover on your journey to Self-Mastery Texto duplicado
H3 Bonus
H3 Now it’s time to introduce your Bonuses!
H3 Bonus Texto duplicado
H3 Now it’s time to introduce your Bonuses! Texto duplicado
H3 Here’s what our students are saying about Shaolin.Online
H3 „You are the sum of all the informations you let into your life. The people you surround yourself with, the food you eat, the decisions you make, the informations you watch and listen to. Your envi...
H3 Choose wisely!“
H4 learn more
H4 learn more Texto duplicado
H4 learn more Texto duplicado
H4 Learn more
H4 Learn more Texto duplicado
H4 Learn more Texto duplicado
H4 learn more Texto duplicado
H4 learn more Texto duplicado
H4 learn more Texto duplicado
H4 - I like everything about this Program -
H4 - I am more confident, more joyful. In general, I have become more efficient -
H4 - The self-mastery program has the potential to help everyone -
H4 "My physical strength is marvelously improved."
H4 "Profound changes in my life in terms of my physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing."
H4 - My mind is clearer and body is stronger -
H4 "I love the concept of self mastery introduced by Shifu."
H4 "I noticed some changes even within a month or two."
H4 - These last four months have transformed me in ways I could not have imagined -
H4 - Master Shi Heng Yi's teachings on living, mindset, problem-solving, and Shaolin arts resonated deeply with me -
H4 - The course has enabled me to develop life long techniques that I found easily explained and are beneficial to my health and well being -
H4 "In fact I cannot imagine my life without the Shaolin practices."
H4 - I now have a set of lifelong tools for my personal growth and wellbeing -
H4 "I would recommend with my whole heart."
H4 - I no longer struggle against racing thoughts, and I no longer slip into rumination -
H4 - It’s an investment that is available to you for life -
H4 - The Self-Mastery program has been a revelation, unlocking layers of understanding within me. -
H4 - I am calmer and much more controlled when encountering difficult people or situations and find my level of awareness of my surroundings, noises, colours etc much sharper. -
H4 "Simply impressive! It's like magic."
H4 This program is literally just a guide to get you to whatever journey you want to see in your lifetime.
H4 "I feel more energetic, positive and loving than before."
H4 - There is nothing like it -
H4 - Experiencing a profound integration of mind and body, my mental outlook has become more positive, less prone to anger. -
H4 - I didn't think that it would have such impact on the way of apprehending life -
H4 - You can feel the love for Shaolin Arts in every word, movement, video, workbook and in the way how well this course is planned and implemented -
H4 - The program helped me finding answers, opening new routes & enlarging my vision -
H4 - It's a valuable asset for the well-being of individuals and society as a whole. -
H4 - The course deepened my appreciation for Shaolin Arts, broadened my understanding of Buddhism, and shifted my perspective on life. -
H4 - I feel a huge overall transformation on every level -
H4 - Following the practices, I feel energized, younger and strong -
H4 - I suspected that there would be some kind of change, but that it would be like this, I didn't even think about it -
H4 "Through the Shaolin teachings I achieved everything and beyond."
H4 - Taking part in the online Mastery Course, I find immense satisfaction in the program's structure -
H4 - My entire world inside myself has changed .. inside and outside -
H4 - As if I was actually at the temple -
H4 - I pursued my life goals with increased acuity and performed at my best in the goals I set for myself -
H4 - My testimony is a living example of the transformative power of Shaolin martial arts, fostering physical well-being, mental resilience, and heightened mindfulness. -
H4 - I wholeheartedly recommend Shaolin.Online for a transformative and joyful journey. -
H4 - I get great response from my surroundings. -
H4 - A gift for yourself and all the people around yourself -
H4 For whom is this program for?
H4 Do I have to become a monk to master myself?
H4 Can only men join the program?
H4 Do I need specific equipment or experience to take this online course?
H4 How much time does this program take?
H4 for whom is this program not suitable?
H4 Are there any discounts?
H4 How do I register?
H4 Can I get a refund if I am unable to continue the program?
H4 My payment did not go through. What do I do now?
H4 How do I access the course?
H4 Is Shu Jing Gong in Self-Mastery included?
H5 & master your life through
H5 body, mind and emotions
H5 click the button to download the detailed Self-Mastery curriculum
H5 WHAT HAPPENS after finishing the first year?
H5 click the button to download the detailed Self-Mastery curriculum Texto duplicado
H5 WHAT HAPPENS after finishing the first year? Texto duplicado
H5 WHAT HAPPENS after finishing the first year? Texto duplicado
H5 Join Self-MASTERY &
H5 Discover your true potential.
H5 Bonus 1
H5 Bonus 2
H5 Workbooks
H5 Bonus 3
H5 App
H5 Bonus 1 Texto duplicado
H5 Bonus 2 Texto duplicado
H5 Workbooks Texto duplicado
H5 Bonus 3 Texto duplicado
H5 App Texto duplicado
H5 Course content
H5 SELF-MASTERY Texto duplicado
H5 SELF-MASTERY Texto duplicado
H5 start your journey NOW
H5 Course content Texto duplicado
H5 SELF-MASTERy Texto duplicado
H5 SELF-MASTERY Texto duplicado
H5 CHOOSE YOUR PLAN AND Texto duplicado
H5 SELF-MASTERY Texto duplicado
H5 SELF-MASTERY Texto duplicado
H5 SELF-MASTERY Texto duplicado
H5 CHOOSE YOUR PLAN AND Texto duplicado
H5 Join over
H5 24.000 Students
H5 Over 35 Years
H5 of Experience
H5 Join over Texto duplicado
H5 24.000 Students Texto duplicado
H5 Over 35 Years of Experience
H5 Join over Texto duplicado
H5 24.000 Students Texto duplicado
H5 Over 35 Years Texto duplicado
H5 of Experience Texto duplicado
H5 Choose your personal Plan &
H5 Start your Journey Now
H6 Kung Fu
H6 Qi gong
H6 Meditation
H6 Buddhism
H6 Daoism
H6 Confucianism
H6 Kung Fu Texto duplicado
H6 Qi gong Texto duplicado
H6 Meditation Texto duplicado
H6 Buddhism Texto duplicado
H6 Daoism Texto duplicado
H6 Confucianism Texto duplicado
H6 Build physical resilience
H6 Deal with fear and anxiety
H6 Develop mental health
H6 Gain stability
H6 Life Purpose
H6 Build physical resilience Texto duplicado
H6 Deal with fear and anxiety Texto duplicado
H6 Develop mental health Texto duplicado
H6 Gain stability Texto duplicado
H6 Life Purpose Texto duplicado
H6 Build physical resilience Texto duplicado
H6 Deal with fear & anxiety
H6 Develop mental health Texto duplicado
H6 Gain stability Texto duplicado
H6 Life Purpose Texto duplicado
H6 I like everything about this Program. From the content to its organization of lessons and materials is just unbelievable. I’ve noticed that my sleep has been better, and the anxieties have subsided...
H6 I can tell Sifu Shi Heng Yi and his team have put a lot of thought and planning into it. There is a progression of the curriculum. Also, the downloadable notes / questions section is just amazing. ...
H6 At the end of the day, Sifu Shi Heng Yi has thought of every aspect of our learning, not just for the 12-month period; but for our lifetime. If I had to pinpoint the one thing. It will be the holis...
H6 Through the Self Mastery course, the movement in the shoulder girdle has become freer and I am beginning to notice an opening of the chest, and an increase in my breathing volume. I feel more stabl...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I was and am extremely enthusiastic about the entire course, be it the organization, the timing, the content, the workbooks, the lists, the live sessions, the constant information via emails ... I ...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 What I found very helpful, to name a few points more specifically: - the always same routine every month and therefore every week, helped me a lot to develop routine and to keep track. - The routin...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 What was not expected was the actual variety of what the course offered. What I liked most was the passion and good intentions behind everything. I can (have) highly recommend Shaolin.Online. Why: ...
H6 Having the chance to directly learn from the temple every week, getting such a variety of insights into the Shaolin practices and being looked after by the whole Shaolin Online community during the...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I observe more, I know what to focus on and do not feel overwhelmed that easily anymore. I found stability within myself, yet I’m still learning and evolving. I notice how it has changed me and my ...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I can only speak for myself but I believe that the self-mastery program has the potential to help everyone who is willing to trust, open up and learn. I dearly recommend to give it a try and maybe ...
H6 Firstly, my physical strength is marvelously improved. My legs are a lot stronger and firmer. My breaths are deeper and my inner power is so strong. My body feels so light. And since I watch and pr...
H6 Shifu has opened a whole new world to me: the world of Shaolin Arts. They have brought profound changes to my life in terms of my physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Qigong has improved my mo...
H6 By the 3rd month my body has gotten used to waking at the same time everyday that I did not need an alarm clock anymore. My mind is clearer and body is stronger. Shaolin teachings change my life fo...
H6 I recommend Shaolin online program to anyone who wants to learn about him/herself from the inside out. Whenever my patients ask me how I can utter my advice to them in such a beautiful flow, I owe ...
H6 When I first saw Shifu Shi Heng Yi online, I was very impressed by his martial arts skills. His physical abilities equate to that of a professional athlete. But at the same time, the way he carries...
H6 After practicing regularly I noticed some changes even within a month or two. The most important thing I'd say is the general feeling of calmness. I began to feel more grounded, more relaxed, easy ...
H6 Whatever work the week's lesson demanded, it brought me a certain well-being: intellectual satisfaction, emotional calm, physical improvement, and even almost childlike feelings of happiness by lea...
H6 These last four months have transformed me in ways I could not have imagined. I have found the courage to take on things that I had been procrastinating on for many months, even years. The video co...
H6 Master Shi Heng Yi's teachings on living, mindset, problem-solving, and Shaolin arts resonated deeply with me. His authenticity was evident as he embodied the principles he shared. Upon incorporati...
H6 I am a 69 year old retiree. In my middle years I had been an avid wushu practitioner. Since retiring I had found it difficult to get back into an exercise routine, until I found Shaolin.Online. I b...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 Thanks to the course structure, I have developed a training routine that I find full filling. I find that I can easily assimilate the practice into my daily life. It is a habit that I will endeavou...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I enjoyed the way the course was structured. Each Sunday afternoon a new challenge presented itself via my email. I had time to assimilate this new challenge into my routine, yet also allow me to c...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I would recommend Shaolin.Online to all ages. The course is well structured - enabling even elderly students to involve themselves in most of the practices. I congratulate those that designed the c...
H6 The results caught me by surprise. My body shape is transformed. My body joints work way much better, much less pain and stiffness. Strength and endurance are very satisfying for my standards. Mayb...
H6 I have created a solid, regular daily routine. Even though I am going through a quite stressful period at work, I am applying as much as possible a ‘letting go’ attitude. While doing qigong sequenc...
H6 I would recommend Shaolin Online without any doubt. Because it works, because there is a vibrant and supportive online community, because master Shi Heng Yi and all the people involved really care ...
H6 I now see the importance of taking responsibility for myself and have the confidence to stand up for what is right even when that means standing alone without support. This may not seem significant...
H6 When I started the Self-Mastery program, I was dealing with a lot of anxiety, rumination and racing thoughts. I suffered from shallow breathing and would sometimes stop breathing for a few moments ...
H6 Since the start of the program, my mental state is much calmer and clearer. I no longer struggle against racing thoughts, and I no longer slip into rumination. My anxiety has been greatly reduced a...
H6 My favorite part of the program was the breathing lesson because it made such a huge impact on my day-to-day life--mentally and physically. The online Facebook community exceeded my expectations be...
H6 I definitely recommend Shaolin.Online because it is a platform where students can learn authentic ancient teachings from teachers who thoughtfully cultivate that knowledge and provide it with the i...
H6 From the very first exercise I experienced deep relief in the form of clarity. I felt my functioning improve as I became more mentally alert, less agitated and more patient. This simple yet profoun...
H6 My sense of compassion towards others has noticeably increased. I also love the aspect of the community, going through transformation, together. The best part for me was the authenticity of the pro...
H6 I would recommend Shaolin Online to anyone seeking a deeper connection within themselves or those who are curious exploring a different perspective on life. This program is different, in that respe...
H6 I'm Yuni Sriwitono, 42, from Indonesia, happily single, and immersed in the worlds of dance and design. The Self-Mastery program has been a revelation, unlocking layers of understanding within me. ...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 It introduced me to perspectives different from the dogmas of my upbringing essential revelations that challenge my old beliefs. I often found myself lost in thought during practice, grappling with...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 In practical terms, this expanded understanding of our bodies and energy development has significantly enriched my work in dance. The course compelled me to release prior judgments, allowing me to ...
H6 Shaolin Self Mastery Course - physical level - I have been amazed by the rapid increase in weight loss, endurance and ability to endure with the physical exercises as the course has progressed. I h...
H6 Since encountering SHY and STE, my life as drastically changed. I sadly lost my mother in August 2021 and I sincerely feel that if it were not for your teachings, this deep pain would have been muc...
H6 Also, I am finding that I am consciously planning my life for the first time in my life. Before, I was on the reactive foot - always in a stress situation as I was not in control - low confidence a...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I would suggest it to everyone who is interested to go further with Shi Heng Yi. The changes in me were so noticeable that in such a short time, I became much calmer and more relaxed, found answers...
H6 Since I started the program, it taught me a lot of patience and a lot of discipline. You understand why you’re doing these techniques. It’s to help end suffering and help you become better, stronge...
H6 What I liked best about the course was how easily accessible it was. Its right on your phone or your computer - wherever you need it. All these teachings and methods that I’m learning they are appl...
H6 If you’re at a point in your life where you are not sure what you wanna do or you’re very stressed and need some directionality: I think you will benefit from this program if you come in open minde...
H6 The Temple’s online training and talks motivated me to achieve something remarkable. The Shaolin way helped me to become more centered, balanced, mindful, patient and compassionate – I feel more en...
H6 For me the most important aspect about the Self-Mastery Program is that there is nothing like it. It really offers the full package for body, mind and spirit with such a great structure. The commit...
H6 The Program has become a kind of compass for me in all imaginable life areas. My physical fitness has without doubt improved a lot. Thanks to the variety of exercises and how the program is structu...
H6 Shaolin Online gives such a high quality of teachings and without doubt is improving my life in all areas, the Online Platform does offer all you need. I would definitely recommend Shaolin Online. ...
H6 Since starting with Shifu’s 2019 Ba Duan Jin video, I've experienced profound changes in both my body and mind. Almost immediately, I noticed my body realigning, with growing endurance and focus. I...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 Shifu's emphasis on structure, strength, endurance, relaxation, and breathing initiated a self-healing process. My spine is straighter, and proper alignment in MaBu, GongBu, and DunHouShi is realig...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 Experiencing a profound integration of mind and body, my mental outlook has become more positive, less prone to anger. I frequently contemplate the Wu De (Martial Virtues) before acting, shifting f...
H6 Since starting this program I feel better in my body, I have getting more stability in Tai chi. I get a better breathing. I have a better organization in my daily life and I'm more dynamic. I have ...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I like very much the form we learn in live training but all the program is very good and I wait for every session. I didn't think that it would have such impact on the way of apprehending life.
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 The Self Mastery program is useful for everyone, it is very complete, every month brings something new. I feel well, I'm on a new way and I'm very grateful for the Shaolin teachings.
H6 When starting the Self-Mastery course, our Dojo had been closed down because of the pandemic. This was the problem outside. My personal problem was that I was not strong enough to go my own way thr...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 As hoped, I could develop independancy in the mind and also was able to find the time only for the training, keeping all other external demands out. The Self-Mastery course touched every life area ...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 The best thing about this course was that my lifelong dream of learning about Shaolin Arts finally came true and I enjoyed and loved every second of practice and theory !!! My expectations are exce...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 To anyone who likes to improve physical resistance, a healthy mind, better personal relationships, and is looking for wisdom even in daily life, I recommend the teachings of Shaolin.Online. No matt...
H6 I wanted to deepen my knowledge of the martial arts. The program helped me finding answers. It also helped opening new routes, enlarging my vision. The program gave me a structure, a little sense o...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I really appreciated the rhythm: practice, theory, live sessions, bonus sessions and so on. Everything was worth focusing and doing the homeworks. If I had to choose, I think the best is the Chan G...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I would absolutely recommend this training. Self-mastery is a beautiful method more people should endeavour.
H6 My main hurdle was bolstering self-discipline and carving out time for daily meditation. Since integrating meditation into my routine, I've witnessed a transformation in my body, state of mind, and...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 For me, the program has ushered in unity, harmony, and a joyous mindset. I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone, as it brings attention back to the vital aspects of self-discipline and responsib...
H6 The Shaolin Online Self Mastery Course has been a transformative journey for me. Initially hesitant, I sought advice, and an insightful dream featuring Shi Heng Yi reinforced the decision. The ment...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 Observing Shi Heng Yi's teaching methods, his responses to student questions, and the development of the Shaolin community platform provided valuable insights. The course deepened my appreciation f...
H6 I feel a huge overall transformation on every level. Thanks to the exercises, I have experienced complete peace and focus before a concert, that before was stress and anxiety. On the body level, I ...
H6 On the physical level I was struggling with the degenerative effects of Sjögren's syndrome and Raynauld phenomenon, in addition to lower back problems. On the mental level, I received a diagnosis o...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 Following the course I can feel improvements in every single aspect. Despite the struggles with disciplining and creating a routine (which I am still working on) I was able to develop my practice e...
H6 I am also amazed to see how we can regain energy. Following the practices, all of this is over, I feel energized, younger and strong. People here in Brazil even stop calling "senhora" (old lady) an...
H6 Instead of feeling hopeless as it happened before, now I am able to remind myself that progress is not a straight line up, but a journey made of many ups and downs, and I am looking forward to keep...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I definitely recommend Shaolin.Online. As Master Shi Heng Yi points in his Final Talk, this course presents the foundation for living a health and fulfilling life. He beautifully managed to summari...
H6 I signed up for self-mastery because I wanted to change my life, especially in terms of self-control and my health. During that year, from the beginning of self-mastery to the end, I changed above ...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I don't know if I can say what I liked the most. Because I liked everything I learned all year. The most relaxing and calming thing for me is meditation. I really fell in love with you. It's my nig...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I definitely recommend Shaolin.Online. I actually do it in practice. Mostly at work when people ask me about the changes they have noticed in me. I work as a librarian in a library that is visited ...
H6 My problem was that I suffered from repeated extreme violence, capture and torture in my childhood. These teachings completed my healing - which is often considered not possible for this type of ea...
H6 I, Yehoshua Zohar, at 69 years old, hailing from Israel, married, a father of 4 adult children, and a proud grandfather of 7, want to share my transformative journey with Shaolin Online. It all beg...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 Taking part in the Self Mastery Course, I find immense satisfaction in the program's structure. As a lifelong amateur athlete, I sense that I've embarked on a new phase of development with the inte...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 While I recognize the mental and spiritual aspects, my primary focus lies on the physical program. With multiple university degrees and being autodidactic, I appreciate the mind-physical connection...
H6 I was looking for my path and needed some guidance. My entire world inside myself has changed .. inside and outside. The amount of self growth the course provided me exceeded my expectations.
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I would recommend mainly for anyone wanting to deepen and enrich themselves through the ancient arts.
H6 Being just four months into the Shaolin Self-Mastery program, I already notice a shift in my focus, my nutritional choices, my physical strength and stamina, my mental and emotional awareness and I...
H6 I highly recommend the Self-Mastery program because it is a rare opportunity to be introduced and offered the training and heritage of the lineage of the Shaolin teachings as well as connect with l...
H6 By starting the self-mastery program, I engaged in the practice in order to improve my physical form, to open my body, to strengthen my legs, to work on the alignment of the spine. I intended to mo...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 My physical condition has improved, my legs have gained strength. My will to always go further has been maintained. The ability to mobilize and concentrate energy unfolded in me. My mind has sharpe...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I was, on several occasions, delighted and surprised that an exercise fell at the right time and was exactly in phase with what I needed to continue to evolve. What exceeded my expectations were th...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 The program has been beneficial for me. The commitment of Shi Heng Yi and his team at Shaolin Temple Europe is clear and honest. I encourage this vision that I feel is mine. Everyone has to find th...
H6 Hello, I'm Hanny (J.M.) Keulers, 74 years old, residing here in Greece. Today, I'd like to share my profound experience with Shaolin Online. As a thinker, translator, and writer, I've led a life in...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 Chronic back pain and my history as a smoker presented additional challenges. However, in Greece, I discovered the healing power of Iyengar Yoga, particularly in breath control and relaxing tense b...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 For me, the essence of Shaolin martial arts lies in the significance of breath and self-awareness. Though I align with Buddhist principles, I do not practice any religion. Health tests in 2021 atte...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 I share a poignant anecdote about a wooden spoon that has faithfully served me for half a century. This spoon bears the marks of my daily use and serves as a reminder of how we often overlook the s...
H6 Embarking on the Self-Mastery program, I faced initial challenges: a lack of motivation for Qi Gong and meditation, coupled with a firm commitment to stay in the IT sector until retirement. Redisco...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 Despite health setbacks, including a kidney stone, I opted for self-healing without invasive medical interventions. The program, covering breathwork, stability, meditation, and more, surpassed expe...
H6 Encabezado vacío
H6 In today's tumultuous Western society, Shaolin teachings offer stability, inner peace, and a fulfilling life, countering disruptions to self-integrity and inner balance. I wholeheartedly recommend ...
H6 As I enrolled in the Selfmastery I have changed from being tense controlling and forceful in relations to be more relaxed happy and calm. In bigger groups before I would feel much pressure to do be...
H6 I really like to participate with the Shaolin community in the live zoom. I have this feeling of the global Qi Gong family in every repeat. Every month the practice videos exceed my expectations I ...
H6 I have found more peace and balance, which affects all areas of my life. I have become more flexible and lost some excess kilos, although I was not concerned with that. I run faster (and I think th...
H6 Very sure I would recommend, a gift for yourself and all the people around yourself. Very helpful employees. Very user-friendly program and so much to discover. A living helpline if you wouldn't fi...
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
A Way to Self-Mastery (12-month Online Program) | Shaolin.Online
Discover and join the official Self-Mastery program by the Shaolin Temple Europe. Unleash your Shaolin Spirit and master your life through body, mind and emotions.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Self Mastery86%Check
Shaolin Self Mastery84%Check
Shaolin Online79%Check
Shaolin Way78%Check
Self Mastery program78%Check
Shaolin Self-Mastery program77%Check
Mastery program75%Check
Self-Mastery program75%Check

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