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...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngus birds love eggs ... we love sitting on them, hatching them or even coloring them with fun colors. this little friend is named Henny and well, as the name implies, she lays eggs all day long and has a blast doing it. the coop where she lives is home to a couple of very nice humans and they care a lot for this little chick – i totally get it ... she is such a kind creature and a bundle of joy. when i visit her i can just make myself comfy in an empty nest at the hen house and we chat all day. there's always something to talk about on a lively farm and so many eggs to lay while doing so <3 #digitaldrawing #creature #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreate #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #chick #chicken #birb #bird #birdsketch #birbart #egg
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngmeet Glowy and his little rabbit familiar. lately i've seen them a few times at dusk and just looking at this little odd couple fills my heart with warmth. i guess it's always good to have a friend that lights up the darker hours of your day. they told me that they are living in a big barn not far beyond the forest with a lot of little creatures just like Glowy ... well not exactly like him but each very different in shape and traits. i can't wait to get to know them all <3 #digitaldrawing #creature #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreate #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #fire #glowy #familiar
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pnghope everybody is nice and comfy wherever you are ... Pip and i have made a habit of hanging out with Dschay while they are busy with work or playing games. it's never too late to learn a few new tricks while watching other people or animals doing their daily stuff and sometimes it's just fun to hang out and enjoy some time together. we've made a quite cuddly nest in Dschays bun – do you have a cozy place too where you just love spending time in? #digitaldrawing #creature #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreate #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #crown #birdsketch #birds #birb #birbart #birdsona
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngwhile strolling through the forest a few weeks back i met a cute new friend. it was close to nightfall when a chipper little batmouse named Bram jumped out of the woodwork and wanted to have a chat. he said he was a bit lonely because one side of his relatives already prepared for bedtime and the other side was still sleeping. so while going for a stroll by himself he was very happy to meet somebody to spend a little time with. we talked about how lovely the forest is around that time of the day and he showed me a few of his favourite spots and plants – it was a lot of fun and i promised Bram that i would bring Pip along the next time i come around. i bet they're gonna get along great since they both are very sweet and open minded. i'm sure it's the same in the human world ... as long as people are friendly and without fear or prejudice, they could become awesome friends anytime! <3 #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #mouse #bat #batmouse
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngmeet Lemon – one of our new little friends we met last fall while roaming the wheatfields beyond the big forest. he was collecting leftovers from the harvest for his winter stocks back then. we were wondering what kind of animal he was so we asked but he did not know and told us a lovely story about the feather that was attached to his back instead: when Lemon woke up from hibernation a few years ago this feather was actually the first thing he stumbled upon when leaving his burrow and since the color of it resembled his fur he instantly fell in love with it and it's been his favorite accessoire ever since. therefore he wears it wherever he goes ... it really looks lovely and it adds to the mystery of Lemon – who turns out to be just a cute little guy <3 #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #yellow #feathered #feather
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngafter a quite long hibernation phase i think it's time to finally welcome the new year and get a little more active again. if you were worried about me or little Pip there was no need. we had a chill time in our new old home and spent our days making new friends while hanging out in the nearby forests, meadows and along the river. so ... how has everybody been around here? i'm sure i missed a lot of amazing art once again but i'll try to catch up over the next couple weeks ... if that is even possible. see you around my dear birdfriends! <3 oh ... and also happy belated lunar new year! i guess that makes welcoming the new year late a bit less weird, right? #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngi've already told you about Bella and Ruby from the mouse-folk back in the old forest but to my surprise they have relatives around my new home as well! this week i met Robert who is a lovely little fellow even if he might look a bit scary at first glance since he is always wearing skull-accessories. i don't mind skulls ... i think they look cute especially on a proper little mouse like Robert. oh, and i also love the color of his fur! it's like Pip and I found our lost sibling at last ... #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #mouseart #mouseartist #skullartwork #sweetskull
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngsometimes it's the small things in life that make a difference. i'm not talking about me of course – though i'm but a tiny bird i don't impact anything too much. but taking each little good that happens and celebrating it became a habit over the past couple of years. of course this can also apply in a negative way if something bad happens – well, just don't waste too much time troubling yourself if you can't change something about it. look at the little things – like this tiny yellow bird – and just be happy! #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #birdsketch #birds #birb #birbart
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngwhenever i miss my friends from the old forest i just send them a little message ... well, i used to – since the elders aquired a computer and set up a video-conference call room as well as a live feed i could watch what happens in the village all day! nothing has changed, all the animals are just their same old lovely selves. we even met for an online session of the forest art club and made some cute creatures. this time we came up with some star-sign animals – i chose the midnight mouse in the far away mice galaxies in the constellation Coma Berenices. maybe someday when us birds can safely spacetravel i could meet that mouse? well, one can dream ... if you wanna join our lovely little #forestartclub just pick one of our previous topics and show us what you can come up with? probably you have a favourite star-sign as well that you could turn into a cute animal or creature? we'd love to see it! #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #mouseart #mouseartist #forestartclub
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngever since moving back to my old forest the weather has been quite indecisive. lovely sunshine on one day and rain on the next. i'm not complaining though since there's beauty in everything. look at this sweet picture i took of Pip when we made an excursion to the river after a rainy couple of days. you can't even tell that the little one is only standing in a puddle ... such a cute little birdie looking all fancy in his new yellow raincoat – what a proper fledgling! <3 #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #birdsketch #birds #birb #birbart #birdsona
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngthere's been very little time lately to create something new so here's a friendly human with tattoos. that's what i think they look like at least. as a bird there isn't a really good reason to get inked ... even if you're unfortunate and are a naked bird like my distant auntie Gretchen, you'd probably rather put on a nice cozy turtleneck sweater to stay warm than getting a tattoo and still be frozen to the bone. it's not like i didn't think about it though. tattoos are cool. and my human even knows a very good tattoo artist ... maybe i'll someday make an appointment with @raginggodstattoo if i decide on a fitting motive! anyways ... hope to be back with some new tiny artworks soon. i've met a lot of really sweet creatures in my old new forest home since i moved here! 😀 #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #tattoo
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngwhile packing all my birdly possessions into boxes (since i'll soon move back to the forest where i was born) i couldn't help but notice the similarities to a well known puzzle game. it's funny how much stuff you can fit into a very tiny space if you stack everything nicely. it made me think of bird tetris and it might just look a little bit like this ... oh no, poor Pip! D: #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #birdsketch #birds #birb #birbart #birdsona #tetris
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngit took a while (and a lot of coffee) but i finally managed to get Dschay out of hibernation and back on track for the shiny new year. what mood are you in and did you make big plans for 2023 yet? i can already tell that Dschay is up to some mischief just by the look on their face – it’s gonna be great fun! #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngremember how when you were born the year 2023 was still in the distant future? even »back to the future« didn't think that far ahead when the second movie came along all the way back in 1989 ... well, we've come a long way, one year at a time! here's to another year, slowly making our way to the future and in hindsight already living in it – kinda cool, huh? all the best to everybody and lets make 2023 an awesome year with many lovely, fun memories – together! <3 #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #skull #crown #glow #neoncolors #neonsignart #neonsign #neonlights
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngsince christmas is over it is high time to return all the borrowed trees to the forest. i spotted this little weirdo doing just that and instantly fell in love with their cute smile. they even put some colorful birdseed baubles on as decoration after planting the trees back into their original environment. the pink one tasted like cranberries, the blue one reminded me of blueberries and the yellow ones had a citrus flavor to it. it felt like a pretaste of the spring and summer that has yet to come to our lovely little forest in 2023 – i hope the little weirdo will be back by then as well ... #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #christmas
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngit's been a while again and all the busywork in the forest has kept me from being around here. i'm sure that the lovely people who follow me or who i follow have been up to creating the most amazing artworks again and i probably missed a bunch of very cool stuff. a birds life isn't easy *sigh* *chirp* anyways ... i was thinking and obviously being inspired by the cult of the lamb: if i teach enough of the fledgelings in my ways of being a tale telling blackbird and feathered helper in our little community, i'd have way more time to browse all the lovely artworks around here. but then again letting others do my busywork so i can chill isn't really who i am – a cult of the blackbird has a nice ring to it though ... #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #cultofthelamb #birdsketch #birds #birb #birbart #birdsona
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngeven a birb like me has to take a little break from social media every now and then. and while i was gone for quite a bit nothing too fancy happened here in the forest. i mostly spent time with my friends and tried to learn a few new things along the way, like when my cousin from sierra leone visited and tried to teach me how to dive since he's a kingfisher. i'm not made for the sea i have to admit ... maybe i could see myself as a sailor in the crow's nest of a notorious pirate ship but i just didn't enjoy being under water. i saw something cool down there though: it was a kinda birdheaded horsefish and it stared at me with its glowing eyes. or maybe it was the lack of oxygen and i was just hallucinating. either way – i really missed seeing all the inspiring cool works of art you lovely people share on here so of course i'm happy to be back to find out what you all been up to ... #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngthe forest art club was in a rather silly mood last time we met so we decided that the topic of our drawings should reflect that. we wanted to invent some funnymals – animal characters that don't exist (obviously) but would be fun if they did. since i really like cats and birds i came up with sausage cat! this kitten is very flexible and has no problem being in the best shape possible for every occasion. because sausage cat loves birds it got a pattern tattooed all over its body – kinda like a birdy bodysuit ... what's not to like about that!? if you wanna join the #forestartclub you are free to pick any of our topics and just come up with something yourself – so far we had: ghost, environment friendly forest decorations & funnymals ... we would love for you to join our little club! 🧡 #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #forestartclub #catart #funnymal #funnymals #sausagecat #birdsketch #birds #birb #birbart #birdsona
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngevery once in a full moon i fly to the windowsill of a friend who has trouble sleeping. i'm not the best singer amongst the avians but my great grandmother taught me a lullaby that calms the mind and helps you find sleep when you're restless. i can proudly say that the success rate of my nightly visits is at a steady 100% plus the flight to the windowsill and back makes me tired enough to sleep as well – win-win ... #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #birdsketch #bird #birb #birbart #birdsona #lullaby
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngif you are really strong and really kind the whole forest community will vote for you as protector of the wilds – meet Rocky! he and his siblings were born along the coastline beyond our lovely woods but even though his family stayed near the ocean, Rocky always has been too energetic to enjoy the simple slow life of a beach turtle and became a tortoise by choice. he still loves floating in the water every now and then but he spends most of his days scouting dangerous places and watching out for our youngest and pretty much every creature in need of help. it wasn't a surprise that he won the title two years in a row now ... without his protection many of us would have been harmed. the lovely thing about him is that he doesn't do it for the title but because he truly believes that every life however small it may be is important and contributes to our forest family in some way – that's why he looks out for everybody. there's a really big heart in the chum shell that is Rocky and we love him for that ... #digitaldrawing #creaturedesign #digitalart #procreatecharacters #cutecharacters #friendshaped #sketching #characterdesign #illustration #tortoise #tortoiseart #turtle #turtleart
/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Dschay.jpgCarece de atributo ALT

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Shecro Media Design
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H1 Shecro Media Design
H1 Let’s tell a story with your brands, games and products
H2 fields of expertise
H2 Project Flashback
H2 Principles of labour
H2 the Tales of a Blackbird
H2 Welcome to the Post Office
H3 what happened so far ...
H3 why i do what i do
H3 Welcome to the Box
H3 Become a Unicorn
H3 Spread your Wings
H3 Make Life better
H3 Let me know, what I can do for you ...
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H4 Brand Communications
H4 Products & Packaging
H4 Game Design & Concept
H4 Illustration & Visuals
H4 Dschay Media Designer
H6 Holzmanufaktur Website
H6 Koncept Hotels Stationary & more
H6 Dree VR – Virtuelles Immobilienmarketing
H6 jurpartner Illustrationen
H6 Dietrex Website & Packaging
H6 DSW – Let’s Save Lives
H6 RPP Immobilienprojekt
H6 Bag for Goods
H6 Johnny Bytes Website
H6 Holzmanufaktur Website Texto duplicado
H6 Koncept Hotels Stationary & more Texto duplicado
H6 Dree VR – Virtuelles Immobilienmarketing Texto duplicado
H6 jurpartner Illustrationen Texto duplicado
H6 Dietrex Website & Packaging Texto duplicado
H6 DSW – Let’s Save Lives Texto duplicado
H6 RPP Immobilienprojekt Texto duplicado
H6 Bag for Goods Texto duplicado
H6 Johnny Bytes Website Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
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A-TITLE Shecro Media Design - Design, Concept, Illustration & more ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Folge mir auf Instagram ancla UX/UI ancla Brand ancla Products ancla Games ancla Illustration ancla Let's tell a Story
/projects/ux-ui-design/holzman...Holzmanufaktur Website ux/ui design
/projects/brand/koncept-hotels...Koncept Hotels Stationary & more brand
/projects/brand,print-marketin...Dree VR – Virtuelles Immobilienmarketing brand, print marketing
/projects/illustration/jurando...jurpartner Illustrationen illustration
/projects/brand,packaging,ux-u...Dietrex Website & Packaging brand, packaging, ux/ui design
/projects/illustration/dsw-let...DSW – Let’s Save Lives illustration
/projects/print-marketing/rpp-...RPP Immobilienprojekt print marketing
/projects/illustration/bag-for...Bag for Goods illustration
/projects/ux-ui-design/johnny-...Johnny Bytes Website ux/ui design
/projects/ux-ui-design/holzman...Texto duplicado Holzmanufaktur Website ux/ui design
/projects/brand/koncept-hotels...Texto duplicado Koncept Hotels Stationary & more brand
/projects/brand,print-marketin...Texto duplicado Dree VR – Virtuelles Immobilienmarketing brand, print marketing
/projects/illustration/jurando...Texto duplicado jurpartner Illustrationen illustration
/projects/brand,packaging,ux-u...Texto duplicado Dietrex Website & Packaging brand, packaging, ux/ui design
/projects/illustration/dsw-let...Texto duplicado DSW – Let’s Save Lives illustration
/projects/print-marketing/rpp-...Texto duplicado RPP Immobilienprojekt print marketing
/projects/illustration/bag-for...Texto duplicado Bag for Goods illustration
/projects/ux-ui-design/johnny-...Texto duplicado Johnny Bytes Website ux/ui design ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio us birds love eggs ... we love sitting on them, ha
IMG-ALT us birds love eggs ... we love sitting on them, hatching them or even coloring them with fun colors. this little friend is named Henny and well, as the name ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio meet Glowy and his little rabbit familiar. lately
IMG-ALT meet Glowy and his little rabbit familiar. lately i've seen them a few times at dusk and just looking at this little odd couple fills my heart with warmth. i... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio hope everybody is nice and comfy wherever you are
IMG-ALT hope everybody is nice and comfy wherever you are ... Pip and i have made a habit of hanging out with Dschay while they are busy with work or playing games. ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio while strolling through the forest a few weeks bac
IMG-ALT while strolling through the forest a few weeks back i met a cute new friend. it was close to nightfall when a chipper little batmouse named Bram jumped out o... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio meet Lemon – one of our new little friends we me
IMG-ALT meet Lemon – one of our new little friends we met last fall while roaming the wheatfields beyond the big forest. he was collecting leftovers from the harvest... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio after a quite long hibernation phase i think it's
IMG-ALT after a quite long hibernation phase i think it's time to finally welcome the new year and get a little more active again. if you were worried about me or li... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio i've already told you about Bella and Ruby from th
IMG-ALT i've already told you about Bella and Ruby from the mouse-folk back in the old forest but to my surprise they have relatives around my new home as well! this... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio sometimes it's the small things in life that make
IMG-ALT sometimes it's the small things in life that make a difference. i'm not talking about me of course – though i'm but a tiny bird i don't impact anything too m... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio whenever i miss my friends from the old forest i j
IMG-ALT whenever i miss my friends from the old forest i just send them a little message ... well, i used to – since the elders aquired a computer and set up a video... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio ever since moving back to my old forest the weathe
IMG-ALT ever since moving back to my old forest the weather has been quite indecisive. lovely sunshine on one day and rain on the next. i'm not complaining though si... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio there's been very little time lately to create som
IMG-ALT there's been very little time lately to create something new so here's a friendly human with tattoos. that's what i think they look like at least. as a bird ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio while packing all my birdly possessions into boxes
IMG-ALT while packing all my birdly possessions into boxes (since i'll soon move back to the forest where i was born) i couldn't help but notice the similarities to ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio it took a while (and a lot of coffee) but i finall
IMG-ALT it took a while (and a lot of coffee) but i finally managed to get Dschay out of hibernation and back on track for the shiny new year. what mood are you in a... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio remember how when you were born the year 2023 was
IMG-ALT remember how when you were born the year 2023 was still in the distant future? even »back to the future« didn't think that far ahead when the second movie ca... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio since christmas is over it is high time to return
IMG-ALT since christmas is over it is high time to return all the borrowed trees to the forest. i spotted this little weirdo doing just that and instantly fell in lo... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio it's been a while again and all the busywork in th
IMG-ALT it's been a while again and all the busywork in the forest has kept me from being around here. i'm sure that the lovely people who follow me or who i follow ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio even a birb like me has to take a little break fro
IMG-ALT even a birb like me has to take a little break from social media every now and then. and while i was gone for quite a bit nothing too fancy happened here in ... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio the forest art club was in a rather silly mood las
IMG-ALT the forest art club was in a rather silly mood last time we met so we decided that the topic of our drawings should reflect that. we wanted to invent some fu... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio every once in a full moon i fly to the windowsill
IMG-ALT every once in a full moon i fly to the windowsill of a friend who has trouble sleeping. i'm not the best singer amongst the avians but my great grandmother t... ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio if you are really strong and really kind the whole
IMG-ALT if you are really strong and really kind the whole forest community will vote for you as protector of the wilds – meet Rocky! he and his siblings were born a... ventana Externo Subdominio Follow me on Instagram ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado A-TITLE Folge mir auf Instagram ventana Datenschutzerklärung ancla Sin texto duplicado Hello duplicado Expertise duplicado Projects duplicado Tales ancla Let's tell a Story! ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado A-TITLE Folge mir auf Instagram

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