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shots | The best of cutting edge creativity
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
shots spotlights the world's most creative advertising every day.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (392 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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URL de la página
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(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Hay 31 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: You can be inspired by many things; poetry, art, the glint of sunlight...
  • Texto duplicado 2: As we continue this month's Inspiration Focus, we hear from five more ...
  • Texto duplicado 3: Work Editorial editor and Co-Founder, Neil Smith, wonders where Tony's...
  • Texto duplicado 4: With the best work of the past 12 months from the APAC region having b...
  • Texto duplicado 5: From tight budgets to production logistics and legal compliance, are c...
  • Texto duplicado 6: A heartfelt and cinematic film from the Finnish energy provider spotli...
  • Texto duplicado 7: Park Village and The Woolmark Company create a chilling look at a worl...
  • Texto duplicado 8: In a powerful film commissioned by the European Human Rights Advocacy ...
  • Texto duplicado 9: The Swedish online bookmaker's new spot highlights how having somethin...
  • Texto duplicado 10: A new campaign for the Australian telecommunications company sees dire...
  • Texto duplicado 11: In time for the new school term, this powerful new campaign for Dove t...
  • Texto duplicado 12: A man struggling with PTSD fights through walls of trauma in a powerfu...
  • Texto duplicado 13: Epoch Films’ award-winning roster of directors will now be represented...
  • Texto duplicado 14: The award-winning director, screenwriter, and cinematographer joins fo...
  • Texto duplicado 15: The alliance between Rocket Science Music and Grand Central underscore...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1944 palabras.
Un 31.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 45 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 24.54 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 39 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 2 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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.../inspired.png?v=1&quality=80&format=jpegInspired thinking; the ads that made me
...-14.52.44.png?v=1&quality=80&format=jpegOn My Radar: Neil Smith
...editorial.jpg?v=1&quality=80&format=jpegshots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
...346499091.jpg?v=1&quality=80&format=jpegBorder force; the power of creative constraints
...-b3027dd850c2/helen.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegHelen’s electric feels
...wear-wool-not-waste.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegNight of the living thread
...25e35ab3a3/in-limbo.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegAfterman find themselves in limbo
.../betsson-dc-still-1.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegBetsson's epic gamble
...strawwg-film-still-5.jpg?v=1&format=jpegTelstra travels in style
...bers-director-s-cut.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegMeridian's digit dystopia
...t-likely-to-still-1.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegDove goes back to school
...24-09-20-at-17.09.03.png?v=1&format=jpegBoulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough
...7d49ec/1727180730625.jpg?v=1&format=jpegHelen’s electric feels
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...dcfcc1/1727076802478.jpg?v=1&format=jpegDove goes back to school
...ebe51d/1726848424699.jpg?v=1&format=jpegBoulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough
...ellity-10.png?v=1&quality=70&format=jpegHow Adrien & Roman hit the Big ligue
...ts-image6.jpg?v=1&quality=70&format=jpegHow Signature's TikTok campaign is a sign of the times
...dscf8194.jpeg?v=1&quality=70&format=jpegHow Bodyform rewrote 300 millenniums of menstrual myths
...inlove-1.jpeg?v=1&quality=70&format=jpegHow Raman Djafari animated a love story for the ages
...ic-games.jpeg?v=1&quality=70&format=jpegHow Nexus Studios brought the BBC's Olympic love story to life
...24-09-24-at-17.08.08.png?v=1&format=jpegEpoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
...0819-rm-press-718-1.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegPark Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison signs Warwick Thornton
...24-09-24-at-13.53.09.png?v=1&format=jpegGrand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
...462b9e4796/editorial.jpg?v=1&format=jpegshots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
...db/silence-director.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegSlutet är Nära signs Silence
...24-09-24-at-17.08.08.png?v=1&format=jpegEpoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
...0819-rm-press-718-1.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegPark Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison signs Warwick Thornton
...24-09-24-at-13.53.09.png?v=1&format=jpegGrand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
...462b9e4796/editorial.jpg?v=1&format=jpegshots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
...db/silence-director.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegSlutet är Nära signs Silence
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...adad164ff/dc3-plane1.jpg?v=1&format=jpegFlying through the glass ceiling with Nicolas Ivan Bori
...first-speech-russia.jpeg?v=1&format=jpegHow Stink Films cares for directors who care
.../inspired.png?v=1&quality=70&format=jpegInspired thinking; the ads that made me
...-14.52.44.png?v=1&quality=70&format=jpegOn My Radar: Neil Smith
...-15.35.10.png?v=1&quality=70&format=jpegWetherspoons; fashion inspiration to be floored by
...09080/ss.jpg?v=1&quality=70&format=jpeg)Selena Schleh
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URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 49 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Wetherspoons;fashioninspirationtobeflooredby
H2 Inspiredthinking;theadsthatmademe
H2 OnMyRadar:NeilSmith
H2 shotsAwardsAsiaPacific2024shortlistannounced
H2 Borderforce;thepowerofcreativeconstraints
H2 Border force; the power of creative constraints
H3 Helen’s electric feels
H3 Night of the living thread
H3 Afterman find themselves in limbo
H3 Betsson's epic gamble
H3 Telstra travels in style
H3 Meridian's digit dystopia
H3 Dove goes back to school
H3 Boulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough
H3 Helen’s electric feels Texto duplicado
H3 Night of the living thread Texto duplicado
H3 Afterman find themselves in limbo Texto duplicado
H3 Betsson's epic gamble Texto duplicado
H3 Telstra travels in style Texto duplicado
H3 Meridian's digit dystopia Texto duplicado
H3 Dove goes back to school Texto duplicado
H3 Boulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough Texto duplicado
H3 HowAdrien&RomanhittheBigligue
H3 How Signature's TikTok campaign is a sign of the times
H3 How Bodyform rewrote 300 millenniums of menstrual myths
H3 How Raman Djafari animated a love story for the ages
H3 How Nexus Studios brought the BBC's Olympic love story to life
H3 Epoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
H3 Park Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison
H3 Photoplay signs Warwick Thornton
H3 Grand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
H3 shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
H3 Slutet är Nära signs Silence
H3 Epoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion Texto duplicado
H3 Park Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison Texto duplicado
H3 Photoplay signs Warwick Thornton Texto duplicado
H3 Grand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner Texto duplicado
H3 shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced Texto duplicado
H3 Slutet är Nära signs Silence Texto duplicado
H3 shots Unsigned: Jason Osborne
H3 Flying through the glass ceiling with Nicolas Ivan Bori
H3 How Stink Films cares for directors who care
H3 Inspired thinking; the ads that made me
H3 On My Radar: Neil Smith
H3 Wetherspoons; fashion inspiration to be floored by
H4 the Showcase
H4 the Focus
H4 shots Awards
H4 shots Unsigned
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 22 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla texto
/projects/124/visitNueva ventana Cannes Party 2024
A-TITLE Out of the Box ventana Out of the Box
A-TITLE Out of the Box ventana Externo EMEA Awards
A-TITLE EMEA ventana Externo Americas Awards
A-TITLE Americas ventana Externo Asia Pacific Awards
A-TITLE Asia Pacific
A-TITLE The Work
A-TITLE The Craft
A-TITLE The Talent
A-TITLE The Inspiration
A-TITLE The News
A-TITLE The Insight
A-TITLE The Showcase
A-TITLE The Focus ventana Externo theNewsletter The best new work, curated by shots.
A-TITLE The Work Q&As and behind-the-scenes.
A-TITLE The Craft The people who make the spots you love.
A-TITLE The Talent Inspiration for creative minds.
A-TITLE The Inspiration Industry moves and breaking campaigns.
A-TITLE The News Thought-pieces and opinions.
A-TITLE The Insight Showreels and monthly round-ups.
A-TITLE The Showcase Our monthly digital magazine.
A-TITLE The Focus ventana Externo shots Awards
A-TITLE Shots Awards
https://sourcecreative.extreme...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio shots Unsigned
A-TITLE shots Unsigned
https://sourcecreative.extreme...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Source Membership
A-TITLE Source Membership shots
A-TITLE About Shots Your Work
A-TITLE Submit Your Work
https://sourcecreative.us9.lis...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Newsletter & Conditions
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https://sourcecreative.extreme...Externo Subdominio Log in Logged in the archives
/news/view/wetherspoons-fashio...IMG-ALT Wetherspoons; fashion inspiration to be floored by
A-TITLE Wetherspoons; fashion inspiration to be floored by
A-TITLE Wetherspoons; fashion inspiration to be floored by
/news/view/inspired-thinking-t...IMG-ALT Inspired thinking; the ads that made me
A-TITLE Inspired thinking; the ads that made me duplicado Inspiration
A-TITLE Inspired thinking; the ads that made me
/news/view/on-my-radar-neil-smithIMG-ALT On My Radar: Neil Smith
A-TITLE On My Radar: Neil Smith duplicado Inspiration
A-TITLE On My Radar: Neil Smith
/news/view/shots-awards-asia-p...IMG-ALT shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
A-TITLE shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
A-TITLE shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
/news/view/border-force-the-po...IMG-ALT Border force; the power of creative constraints
A-TITLE Border force; the power of creative constraints
A-TITLE Border force; the power of creative constraints Work
/news/view/helens-electric-feelsIMG-ALT Helen’s electric feels
A-TITLE Helen’s electric feels
/news/view/helens-electric-feelsTexto duplicado Helen’s electric feels
A-TITLE Helen’s electric feels
/news/view/night-of-the-living...IMG-ALT Night of the living thread
A-TITLE Night of the living thread
/news/view/night-of-the-living...Texto duplicado Night of the living thread
A-TITLE Night of the living thread
/news/view/afterman-find-thems...IMG-ALT Afterman find themselves in limbo
A-TITLE Afterman find themselves in limbo
/news/view/afterman-find-thems...Texto duplicado Afterman find themselves in limbo
A-TITLE Afterman find themselves in limbo
/news/view/betssons-epic-gambleIMG-ALT Betsson's epic gamble
A-TITLE Betsson's epic gamble
/news/view/betssons-epic-gambleTexto duplicado Betsson's epic gamble
A-TITLE Betsson's epic gamble
/news/view/telstra-travels-in-...IMG-ALT Telstra travels in style
A-TITLE Telstra travels in style
/news/view/telstra-travels-in-...Texto duplicado Telstra travels in style
A-TITLE Telstra travels in style
/news/view/meridians-digit-dys...IMG-ALT Meridian's digit dystopia
A-TITLE Meridian's digit dystopia
/news/view/meridians-digit-dys...Texto duplicado Meridian's digit dystopia
A-TITLE Meridian's digit dystopia
/news/view/dove-goes-back-to-s...IMG-ALT Dove goes back to school
A-TITLE Dove goes back to school
/news/view/dove-goes-back-to-s...Texto duplicado Dove goes back to school
A-TITLE Dove goes back to school
/news/view/boulder-crest-found...IMG-ALT Boulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough
A-TITLE Boulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough
/news/view/boulder-crest-found...Texto duplicado Boulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough
A-TITLE Boulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough
/news/view/helens-electric-feelsTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Helen’s electric feels
A-TITLE Helen’s electric feels
/news/view/helens-electric-feelsTexto duplicado Helen’s electric feels
A-TITLE Helen’s electric feels
/news/view/night-of-the-living...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Night of the living thread
A-TITLE Night of the living thread
/news/view/night-of-the-living...Texto duplicado Night of the living thread
A-TITLE Night of the living thread
/news/view/afterman-find-thems...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Afterman find themselves in limbo
A-TITLE Afterman find themselves in limbo
/news/view/afterman-find-thems...Texto duplicado Afterman find themselves in limbo
A-TITLE Afterman find themselves in limbo
/news/view/betssons-epic-gambleTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Betsson's epic gamble
A-TITLE Betsson's epic gamble
/news/view/betssons-epic-gambleTexto duplicado Betsson's epic gamble
A-TITLE Betsson's epic gamble
/news/view/telstra-travels-in-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Telstra travels in style
A-TITLE Telstra travels in style
/news/view/telstra-travels-in-...Texto duplicado Telstra travels in style
A-TITLE Telstra travels in style
/news/view/meridians-digit-dys...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Meridian's digit dystopia
A-TITLE Meridian's digit dystopia
/news/view/meridians-digit-dys...Texto duplicado Meridian's digit dystopia
A-TITLE Meridian's digit dystopia
/news/view/dove-goes-back-to-s...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Dove goes back to school
A-TITLE Dove goes back to school
/news/view/dove-goes-back-to-s...Texto duplicado Dove goes back to school
A-TITLE Dove goes back to school
/news/view/boulder-crest-found...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Boulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough
A-TITLE Boulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough
/news/view/boulder-crest-found...Texto duplicado Boulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough
A-TITLE Boulder Crest Foundation makes a breakthrough Craft
/news/view/how-adrien-and-roma...IMG-ALT How Adrien & Roman hit the Big ligue
A-TITLE How Adrien & Roman hit the Big ligue
A-TITLE How Adrien & Roman hit the Big ligue
/news/view/how-signatures-tikt...IMG-ALT How Signature's TikTok campaign is a sign of the times
A-TITLE How Signature's TikTok campaign is a sign of the times
/news/view/how-signatures-tikt...Texto duplicado How Signature's TikTok campaign is a sign of the times
A-TITLE How Signature's TikTok campaign is a sign of the times
/news/view/how-bodyform-rewrot...IMG-ALT How Bodyform rewrote 300 millenniums of menstrual myths
A-TITLE How Bodyform rewrote 300 millenniums of menstrual myths
/news/view/how-bodyform-rewrot...Texto duplicado How Bodyform rewrote 300 millenniums of menstrual myths
A-TITLE How Bodyform rewrote 300 millenniums of menstrual myths
/news/view/how-raman-djafari-a...IMG-ALT How Raman Djafari animated a love story for the ages
A-TITLE How Raman Djafari animated a love story for the ages
/news/view/how-raman-djafari-a...Texto duplicado How Raman Djafari animated a love story for the ages
A-TITLE How Raman Djafari animated a love story for the ages
/news/view/how-nexus-studios-b...IMG-ALT How Nexus Studios brought the BBC's Olympic love story to life
A-TITLE How Nexus Studios brought the BBC's Olympic love story to life
/news/view/how-nexus-studios-b...Texto duplicado How Nexus Studios brought the BBC's Olympic love story to life
A-TITLE How Nexus Studios brought the BBC's Olympic love story to life More News
/news/view/epoch-partners-with...IMG-ALT Epoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
A-TITLE Epoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
/news/view/epoch-partners-with...Texto duplicado Epoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
A-TITLE Epoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
/news/view/park-pictures-signs...IMG-ALT Park Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison
A-TITLE Park Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison
/news/view/park-pictures-signs...Texto duplicado Park Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison
A-TITLE Park Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison
/news/view/photoplay-signs-war...IMG-ALT Photoplay signs Warwick Thornton
A-TITLE Photoplay signs Warwick Thornton
/news/view/photoplay-signs-war...Texto duplicado Photoplay signs Warwick Thornton
A-TITLE Photoplay signs Warwick Thornton
/news/view/grand-central-annou...IMG-ALT Grand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
A-TITLE Grand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
/news/view/grand-central-annou...Texto duplicado Grand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
A-TITLE Grand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
/news/view/shots-awards-asia-p...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
A-TITLE shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
/news/view/shots-awards-asia-p...Texto duplicado shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
A-TITLE shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
/news/view/slutet-ar-nara-sign...IMG-ALT Slutet är Nära signs Silence
A-TITLE Slutet är Nära signs Silence
/news/view/slutet-ar-nara-sign...Texto duplicado Slutet är Nära signs Silence
A-TITLE Slutet är Nära signs Silence
/news/view/dr-prakti-takes-the...Dr. Prakti takes the fight to the dishwasher
A-TITLE Dr. Prakti takes the fight to the dishwasher
/news/view/finneas-and-ravisha...Finneas and Ravishankara collaborate on Cleats
A-TITLE Finneas and Ravishankara collaborate on Cleats
/news/view/an-icon-returns-for...An icon returns for Maybelline
A-TITLE An icon returns for Maybelline
/news/view/gia-coppola-directs...Gia Coppola directs Mejuri's new episodic campaign
A-TITLE Gia Coppola directs Mejuri's new episodic campaign
/news/view/apple-watch-series-...Apple Watch Series 9 gets animated with MinimalChat
A-TITLE Apple Watch Series 9 gets animated with MinimalChat
/news/view/yle-the-worlds-most...Yle - The world’s most trusted news
A-TITLE Yle - The world’s most trusted news
/news/view/f-and-f-creates-sto...​F&F creates storming campaign for AW2024 collection​
A-TITLE ​F&F creates storming campaign for AW2024 collection​
/news/view/m-and-ms-show-up-fo...M&Ms show up for an acrobatic showdown
A-TITLE M&Ms show up for an acrobatic showdown
/news/view/sky-ireland-sets-up...Sky Ireland sets up their wall
A-TITLE Sky Ireland sets up their wall
/news/view/ixyxi-scores-a-part...IXYXI scores a party with Audemars Piguet and KeineMusik
A-TITLE IXYXI scores a party with Audemars Piguet and KeineMusik
/news/view/epoch-partners-with...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Epoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
A-TITLE Epoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
/news/view/epoch-partners-with...Texto duplicado Epoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
A-TITLE Epoch partners with Knucklehead UK for European expansion
/news/view/park-pictures-signs...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Park Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison
A-TITLE Park Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison
/news/view/park-pictures-signs...Texto duplicado Park Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison
A-TITLE Park Pictures signs director Rachel Morrison
/news/view/photoplay-signs-war...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Photoplay signs Warwick Thornton
A-TITLE Photoplay signs Warwick Thornton
/news/view/photoplay-signs-war...Texto duplicado Photoplay signs Warwick Thornton
A-TITLE Photoplay signs Warwick Thornton
/news/view/grand-central-annou...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Grand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
A-TITLE Grand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
/news/view/grand-central-annou...Texto duplicado Grand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
A-TITLE Grand Central announces Rocket Science Music as Official Music Partner
/news/view/shots-awards-asia-p...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
A-TITLE shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
/news/view/shots-awards-asia-p...Texto duplicado shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
A-TITLE shots Awards Asia Pacific 2024 shortlist announced
/news/view/slutet-ar-nara-sign...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Slutet är Nära signs Silence
A-TITLE Slutet är Nära signs Silence
/news/view/slutet-ar-nara-sign...Texto duplicado Slutet är Nära signs Silence
A-TITLE Slutet är Nära signs Silence ventana Externo Learn More ventana Externo Request a demo Talent
/news/view/shots-unsigned-jaso...IMG-ALT shots Unsigned: Jason Osborne
A-TITLE shots Unsigned: Jason Osborne
/news/view/shots-unsigned-jaso...Texto duplicado shots Unsigned: Jason Osborne
A-TITLE shots Unsigned: Jason Osborne
/news/view/flying-through-the-...IMG-ALT Flying through the glass ceiling with Nicolas Ivan Bori
A-TITLE Flying through the glass ceiling with Nicolas Ivan Bori
/news/view/flying-through-the-...Texto duplicado Flying through the glass ceiling with Nicolas Ivan Bori
A-TITLE Flying through the glass ceiling with Nicolas Ivan Bori
/news/view/how-stink-films-car...IMG-ALT How Stink Films cares for directors who care
A-TITLE How Stink Films cares for directors who care
/news/view/how-stink-films-car...Texto duplicado How Stink Films cares for directors who care
A-TITLE How Stink Films cares for directors who care Inspiration
/news/view/inspired-thinking-t...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Inspired thinking; the ads that made me
A-TITLE Inspired thinking; the ads that made me
/news/view/inspired-thinking-t...Texto duplicado Inspired thinking; the ads that made me
A-TITLE Inspired thinking; the ads that made me
/news/view/on-my-radar-neil-smithTexto duplicado IMG-ALT On My Radar: Neil Smith
A-TITLE On My Radar: Neil Smith
/news/view/on-my-radar-neil-smithTexto duplicado On My Radar: Neil Smith
A-TITLE On My Radar: Neil Smith
/news/view/wetherspoons-fashio...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Wetherspoons; fashion inspiration to be floored by
A-TITLE Wetherspoons; fashion inspiration to be floored by
/news/view/wetherspoons-fashio...Texto duplicado Wetherspoons; fashion inspiration to be floored by
A-TITLE Wetherspoons; fashion inspiration to be floored by Insight
/news/view/border-force-the-po...Texto duplicado Border force; the power of creative constraints
A-TITLE Border force; the power of creative constraints Showcase Monthly round-ups, technique focusses and entertaining showreels, curated by the shots team.
A-TITLE The Showcase Focus Our monthly digital magazine, bringing you an indispensable look at specific territories, techniques and themes within the advertising industry.
A-TITLE The Focus ventana Externo shots Awards Think you have what it takes to put your work up against the best in the world? The shots Awards is ready and open for entries soon.
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