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(Extremadamente importante)
SIGG Trinkflaschen | Hochwertige Trinkflaschen seit 1908
Algunas palabras se repiten en el título.
La longitud del título es óptima (517 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
SIGG ist die Marke für hochwertige, moderne und nachhaltige Trinkflaschen für jede Lebenslage. Trinkflaschen aus Glas, Aluminium, Edelstahl und Kunststoff.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (976 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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URL de la página
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titleSIGG Trinkflaschen | Hochwertige Trinkflaschen seit 1908
descriptionSIGG ist die Marke für hochwertige, moderne und nachhaltige Trinkflaschen für jede Lebenslage. Trinkflaschen aus Glas, Aluminium, Edelstahl und Kunststoff.
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(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1377 palabras.
Un 21% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 3 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.8 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
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Optimización para móviles
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El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Se han encontrado etiquetas de negritas vacías en esta página.
Hay demasiadas etiquetas de negritas en esta página: 102. Utiliza un máximo de 28 etiquetas.
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: language & shipping country.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 13 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...ulsar_transparent_white_no_shadow-rb.pngTrinkflasche Pulsar Transparent White 0.75 L
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data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
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...355/0/_/0.55l_8997.90_h_c_light_pink.pngThermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Light Shy Pink 0.55 L
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...d_therm_one_dusk_rf_products_146x440.pngTrinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 1.0 L
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...5l_total_clear_one_myplanet_berry-rf.pngTrinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Berry 1.5 L
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Die Fahrradsaison ist eröffnet
H2 Die Farhrradsaison ist eröffnet
H2 NEU: KIDS LUNCHBOX SETS Texto duplicado
H2 GEMSTONE FOOD BOX Texto duplicado
H3 Unsere coolste Flasche
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
12 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Hay 5 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/de/?___from_store=chTexto ancla Menü deine Flasche
/de/thermo-trinkflaschen/Thermo Trinkflaschen
/de/kinder-trinkflaschen/Kinder Trinkflaschen Trinkflaschen und ZubehörÜber SIGG
/de/sustainabilityNACHHALTIGKEIT made
/de/aluminium-produktionAluminium Produktion & Materialien
/de/schweizer-trinkflaschenUnsere Produkte
/de/?___from_store=chTexto ancla Konto
/de/?___from_store=chTexto ancla Einstellungen
/de/checkout/cart/Mein Warenkorb
/de/fahrrad-trinkflaschen-pulsarSin texto
/de/fahrrad-trinkflaschen-pulsarDie Fahrradsaison ist eröffnet
A-TITLE Fahrrad Trinkflasche
/de/fahrrad-trinkflaschen-pulsarJETZT ENTDECKEN
A-TITLE Fahrrad Trinkflasche
/de/fahrrad-trinkflaschen-pulsarSin texto
/de/fahrrad-trinkflaschen-pulsarDie Farhrradsaison ist eröffnet
A-TITLE Fahrrad Trinkflaschen
/de/fahrrad-trinkflaschen-pulsarTexto duplicado JETZT ENTDECKEN
A-TITLE Fahrrad Trinkflaschen
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-white-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar White 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-white-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar White 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar White 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Frost 0.65 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Frost 0.65 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Frost 0.65 L
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A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent Pink 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-transp...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent Yellow 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-transp...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent Yellow 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent Yellow 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Snow 0.65 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Snow 0.65 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Snow 0.65 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-transp...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent White 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-transp...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent White 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent White 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Night 0.65 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Night 0.65 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Night 0.65 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-glacie...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Glacier 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-glacie...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Glacier 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Glacier 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-black-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Black 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-black-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Black 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Black 0.75 L
/de/shield-therm-one/Sin texto
/de/shield-therm-one/NEU: SHIELD THERM ONE
A-TITLE Shield Therm one
/de/shield-therm-one/Unsere coolste Flasche
A-TITLE shield therm one
/de/shield-therm-one/JETZT KAUFEN
/de/shield-therm-one/Sin texto
/de/shield-therm-one/NEU SHIELD THERM ONE
A-TITLE shield therm one
/de/shield-therm-one/Texto duplicado JETZT KAUFEN
A-TITLE shield therm one
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A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Jungle 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Opti Yellow 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Opti Yellow 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Opti Yellow 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 1.0 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 1.0 L
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A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Green 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Green 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Green 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Uni-Stars 0.5 L
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A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Uni-Stars 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Green 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Green 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Green 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Nocturne Dunkel Lila 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Nocturne Dunkel Lila 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Nocturne Dunkel Lila 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Sunshine 0.5 L
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A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Sunshine 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Blue World 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Blue World 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Blue World 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Red 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Red 1.0 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Red 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Fly Away 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Fly Away 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Fly Away 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Ballgame 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Ballgame 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Ballgame 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Pompiers 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Pompiers 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Pompiers 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Green 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Green 1.0 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Green 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Opti Yellow 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Opti Yellow 1.0 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Opti Yellow 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Red 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Red 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Red 0.75 L
/de/helia-travel-mug/Sin texto
/de/helia-travel-mug/Texto duplicado JETZT KAUFEN
/de/helia-travel-mug/Sin texto
/de/helia-travel-mug/HELIA THERMOBECHER
/de/helia-travel-mug/Texto duplicado JETZT KAUFEN
/de/thermobecher-helia-lingonb...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Lingonberry 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-lingonb...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Lingonberry 0.45 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Lingonberry 0.45 L
/de/kaffeebecher-helia-milky-g...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Milky Green 0.6 L
/de/kaffeebecher-helia-milky-g...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Milky Green 0.6 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Milky Green 0.6 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-optimis...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Optimistic Yellow 0.6 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-optimis...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Optimistic Yellow 0.6 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Optimistic Yellow 0.6 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-peacefu...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Peaceful Blue 0.6 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-peacefu...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Peaceful Blue 0.6 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Peaceful Blue 0.6 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-night-i...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Night Ink 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-night-i...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Night Ink 0.45 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Night Ink 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-muted-p...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Muted Peach 0.6 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-muted-p...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Muted Peach 0.6 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Muted Peach 0.6 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-milky-g...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Milky Green 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-milky-g...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Milky Green 0.45 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Milky Green 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-peacefu...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Peaceful Blue 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-peacefu...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Peaceful Blue 0.45 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Peaceful Blue 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-muted-p...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Muted Peach 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-muted-p...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Muted Peach 0.45 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Muted Peach 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-lingonb...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Lingonberry 0.6 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-lingonb...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Lingonberry 0.6 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Lingonberry 0.6 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-optimis...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Optimistic Yellow 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-optimis...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Optimistic Yellow 0.45 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Optimistic Yellow 0.45 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-night-i...IMG-ALT Thermobecher Helia Night Ink 0.6 L
/de/thermobecher-helia-night-i...Texto duplicado Thermobecher Helia Night Ink 0.6 L
A-TITLE Thermobecher Helia Night Ink 0.6 L
/de/kids-lunchbox-sets/Sin texto
/de/kids-lunchbox-sets/NEU: KIDS LUNCHBOX SETS
/de/kids-lunchbox-sets/Texto duplicado JETZT KAUFEN
/de/kids-lunchbox-sets/Sin texto
/de/kids-lunchbox-sets/Texto duplicado NEU: KIDS LUNCHBOX SETS
/de/kids-lunchbox-sets/Texto duplicado JETZT KAUFEN
/de/viva-kids-lunchbox-jurassica/IMG-ALT VIVA Kids Lunchbox Jurassica
/de/viva-kids-lunchbox-jurassica/Texto duplicado VIVA Kids Lunchbox Jurassica
A-TITLE VIVA Kids Lunchbox Jurassica
/de/set-viva-kids-lunchbox-uni...IMG-ALT Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Unicorn
/de/set-viva-kids-lunchbox-uni...Texto duplicado Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Unicorn
A-TITLE Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Unicorn
/de/viva-kids-lunchbox-horses/IMG-ALT VIVA Kids Lunchbox Horses
/de/viva-kids-lunchbox-horses/Texto duplicado VIVA Kids Lunchbox Horses
A-TITLE VIVA Kids Lunchbox Horses
/de/set-viva-kids-lunchbox-foo...IMG-ALT Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Football Tag
/de/set-viva-kids-lunchbox-foo...Texto duplicado Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Football Tag
A-TITLE Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Football Tag
/de/set-viva-kids-lunchbox-jur...IMG-ALT Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Jurassica
/de/set-viva-kids-lunchbox-jur...Texto duplicado Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Jurassica
A-TITLE Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Jurassica
/de/jungle-fever-set/IMG-ALT Jungle Fever Set
/de/jungle-fever-set/Texto duplicado Jungle Fever Set
A-TITLE Jungle Fever Set Back to School Set duplicado Back to School Set
A-TITLE Back to School Set
/de/mermaid-love-set/IMG-ALT Mermaid Love Set
/de/mermaid-love-set/Texto duplicado Mermaid Love Set
A-TITLE Mermaid Love Set
/de/viva-kids-lunchbox-unicorn/IMG-ALT VIVA Kids Lunchbox Unicorn
/de/viva-kids-lunchbox-unicorn/Texto duplicado VIVA Kids Lunchbox Unicorn
A-TITLE VIVA Kids Lunchbox Unicorn
/de/set-viva-kids-lunchbox-hor...IMG-ALT Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Horses
/de/set-viva-kids-lunchbox-hor...Texto duplicado Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Horses
A-TITLE Set VIVA Kids Lunchbox Horses
/de/viva-kids-lunchbox-footbal...IMG-ALT VIVA Kids Lunchbox Football Tag
/de/viva-kids-lunchbox-footbal...Texto duplicado VIVA Kids Lunchbox Football Tag
A-TITLE VIVA Kids Lunchbox Football Tag
/de/kids-cup-set-daydream-0-35-l/IMG-ALT Kids Cup Set Daydream 0.35 L
/de/kids-cup-set-daydream-0-35-l/Texto duplicado Kids Cup Set Daydream 0.35 L
A-TITLE Kids Cup Set Daydream 0.35 L
/de/kids-cup-set-0-35-l/IMG-ALT Kids Cup Set 0.35 L
/de/kids-cup-set-0-35-l/Texto duplicado Kids Cup Set 0.35 L
A-TITLE Kids Cup Set 0.35 L
/de/thermo-trinkflaschen/Sin texto
/de/thermo-trinkflaschen/THERMO TRINKFLASCHEN
A-TITLE Thermoflaschen
/de/thermo-trinkflaschen/ENTDECKE JETZT
A-TITLE Thermoflaschen
/de/thermo-trinkflaschen/Sin texto
/de/thermo-trinkflaschen/Texto duplicado THERMO TRINKFLASCHEN
A-TITLE Thermotrinkflaschen
/de/thermo-trinkflaschen/Texto duplicado ENTDECKE JETZT
A-TITLE Thermotrinkflaschen
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...IMG-ALT SIGG Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold Brushed
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold Brushed 0.5l
A-TITLE Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold Brushed 0.5l
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Blue World 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Blue World 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Blue World 0.5 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...IMG-ALT SIGG Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE White
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE White 0.5 L
A-TITLE Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE White 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Red 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Red 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Eco Red 0.5 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...IMG-ALT Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Light Shy Pink 0.55 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...Texto duplicado Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Light Shy Pink 0.55 L
A-TITLE Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Light Shy Pink 0.55 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-gemsto...IMG-ALT Thermo Trinkflasche IBT 0.5l Selenite
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-gemsto...Thermo Trinkflasche Gemstone IBT Selenite 0.5l
A-TITLE Thermo Trinkflasche Gemstone IBT Selenite 0.5l
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...IMG-ALT Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Light Ultra Lemon 0.55 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...Texto duplicado Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Light Ultra Lemon 0.55 L
A-TITLE Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Light Ultra Lemon 0.55 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-meridi...IMG-ALT Thermo Trinkflasche Meridian Sumatra Tiger 0.5 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-meridi...Texto duplicado Thermo Trinkflasche Meridian Sumatra Tiger 0.5 L
A-TITLE Thermo Trinkflasche Meridian Sumatra Tiger 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-meridian-shy-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Meridian Shy Pink 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-meridian-shy-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Meridian Shy Pink 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Meridian Shy Pink 0.5 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...IMG-ALT SIGG Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Brushed
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Brushed 0.3 L
A-TITLE Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Brushed 0.3 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Morning Blue 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Nocturne Dunkel Lila 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Nocturne Dunkel Lila 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Nocturne Dunkel Lila 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 1.0 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 1.0 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...IMG-ALT Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold One Sophia Oasis 0.5 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...Texto duplicado Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold One Sophia Oasis 0.5 L
A-TITLE Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold One Sophia Oasis 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-meridian-brus...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Meridian Brushed 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-meridian-brus...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Meridian Brushed 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Meridian Brushed 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Dusk 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Fly Away 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-shield-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Fly Away 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Shield Therm ONE Fly Away 0.5 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...IMG-ALT Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Light Black 0.55 L
/de/thermo-trinkflasche-hot-co...Texto duplicado Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Light Black 0.55 L
A-TITLE Thermo Trinkflasche Hot & Cold ONE Light Black 0.55 L
/de/trinkflasche-meridian-blac...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Meridian Black 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-meridian-blac...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Meridian Black 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Meridian Black 0.5 L textoÜR EINEN SPORTLICHEN LIFESTYLE
A-TITLE Sportflaschen duplicado ENTDECKE JETZT
A-TITLE Sportflaschen
/de/trinkflasche-move-myplanet...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche MOVE MyPlanet Copper 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-move-myplanet...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche MOVE MyPlanet Copper 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche MOVE MyPlanet Copper 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Aqua 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Aqua 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Aqua 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE Blue 0.5l
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE Blue 0.5l
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE Blue 0.5l
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE Berry 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE Berry 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE Berry 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Anthracite 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Anthracite 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Anthracite 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-black-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Black 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-black-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Black 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Black 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-therm-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Snow 0.65 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Snow 0.65 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Snow 0.65 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-transp...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent Yellow 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-transp...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent Yellow 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent Yellow 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Blue 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Blue 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Blue 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-color-g...IMG-ALT SIGG Water Bottle Total Color Green 0.6l
/de/trinkflasche-total-color-g...Trinkflasche Total Color Green 0.6 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Total Color Green 0.6 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-color-a...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Total Color Aqua 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-color-a...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Total Color Aqua 1.0 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Total Color Aqua 1.0 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-glacie...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Glacier 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-glacie...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Glacier 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Glacier 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Berry 1.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Berry 1.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Berry 1.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Aqua 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-clear-o...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Aqua 0.5 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Total Clear ONE MyPlanet Aqua 0.5 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-therm-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Night 0.65 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-therm-...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Night 0.65 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm Night 0.65 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-transp...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent White 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-pulsar-transp...Texto duplicado Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent White 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Pulsar Transparent White 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-total-color-b...IMG-ALT SIGG Trinkflasche Total Color Blue 0.6l
/de/trinkflasche-total-color-b...Trinkflasche Total Color Blue 0.6 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Total Color Blue 0.6 L
/de/trinkflasche-sports-blue-0...IMG-ALT SIGG Trinkflasche Sports Blue
/de/trinkflasche-sports-blue-0...Trinkflasche Sports Blue 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Sports Blue 0.75 L
/de/trinkflasche-hero-berry-0-6l/IMG-ALT Trinkflasche HERO Berry 0.6l
/de/trinkflasche-hero-berry-0-6l/Texto duplicado Trinkflasche HERO Berry 0.6l
A-TITLE Trinkflasche HERO Berry 0.6l
/de/trinkflasche-sports-black-...IMG-ALT SIGG Trinkflasche Sports Black
/de/trinkflasche-sports-black-...Trinkflasche Sports Black 0.75 L
A-TITLE Trinkflasche Sports Black 0.75 L
/de/aluminium-trinkflaschen/IMG-ALT Aluminium
A-TITLE Trinkflaschen
/de/glas-trinkflaschen/IMG-ALT Glas
A-TITLE Glas Trinkflaschen
/de/kunststoff-trinkflaschen/IMG-ALT Polypropylen
A-TITLE Kunststoff Trinkflaschen
/de/edelstahl-trinkflaschen/IMG-ALT Edelstahl
A-TITLE Edelstahl Trinkflaschen
/de/catalogsearch/result/?q=tr...IMG-ALT Tritan
/de/original-trinkflasche/Texto duplicado JETZT KAUFEN
A-TITLE SIGG Original Trinkflasche
/de/aluminium-trinkflaschen/Zur Kollektion
A-TITLE Aluminium Trinkflaschen
/de/lunchbox-edelstahl-gemston...Zum Produkt
A-TITLE Lunchbox Edelstahl Gemstone Selenite
/de/lunchbox-edelstahl-gemston...Zum Produkt →
A-TITLE Lunchbox Edelstahl Gemstone Selenite duplicado SALE duplicado Stories duplicado Co-Branding Geschichte
/de/widerrufsbelehrung/Widerrufsbelehrung duplicado Jobs
/de/schweizer-trinkflaschen/UNSERE PRODUKTE ventana Externo Subdominio Media
/de/legal-notice-de/Nueva ventana Impressum ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook ventana Externo Subdominio Instagram ventana Externo Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio Youtube Kontaktformular

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#Disallow: /ch/*?dir*
#Disallow: /ch/*?dir=desc
#Disallow: /ch/*?dir=asc
#Disallow: /ch/*?limit=all
#Disallow: /ch/*?mode*
# Disallow CMS Directories:
Disallow: /ch/app/
Disallow: /ch/bin/
Disallow: /ch/dev/
Disallow: /ch/lib/
Disallow: /ch/phpserver/
#Disallow: /ch/pub/
# Disallow Duplicate Content:
Disallow: /ch/tag/
Disallow: /ch/review/
#Disallow: /ch/*?*product_list_mode=
#Disallow: /ch/*?*product_list_order=
#Disallow: /ch/*?*product_list_limit=
#Disallow: /ch/*?*product_list_dir=
# Server Settings
# Disallow general technical directories and files on a server
Disallow: /ch/cgi-bin/
Disallow: /ch/cleanup.php
Disallow: /ch/apc.php
Disallow: /ch/memcache.php
Disallow: /ch/phpinfo.php
# Disallow version control folders and others
Disallow: /ch/*.git
Disallow: /ch/*.CVS
Disallow: /ch/*.Zip$
Disallow: /ch/*.Svn$
Disallow: /ch/*.Idea$
Disallow: /ch/*.Sql$
Disallow: /ch/*.Tgz$

##### ch-en ###########
Disallow: /ch-en/lib/
Disallow: /ch-en/*.php$
Disallow: /ch-en/pkginfo/
Disallow: /ch-en/report/
Disallow: /ch-en/var/
Disallow: /ch-en/catalog/
Disallow: /ch-en/customer/
Disallow: /ch-en/sendfriend/
Disallow: /ch-en/review/
Disallow: /ch-en/*SID=
# Disallow common Magento files in the root directory:
Disallow: /ch-en/cron.php
Disallow: /ch-en/
Disallow: /ch-en/error_log
Disallow: /ch-en/install.php
Disallow: /ch-en/LICENSE.html
Disallow: /ch-en/LICENSE.txt
Disallow: /ch-en/LICENSE_AFL.txt
Disallow: /ch-en/STATUS.txt
# Disallow User Account & Checkout Pages:
Disallow: /ch-en/checkout/
Disallow: /ch-en/onestepcheckout/
Disallow: /ch-en/customer/
Disallow: /ch-en/customer/account/
Disallow: /ch-en/customer/account/login/
# Disallow Catalog Search Pages:
Disallow: /ch-en/catalogsearch/
Disallow: /ch-en/catalog/product_compare/
Disallow: /ch-en/catalog/category/view/
Disallow: /ch-en/catalog/product/view/
# Disallow URL Filter Searches
#Disallow: /ch-en/*?dir*
#Disallow: /ch-en/*?dir=desc
#Disallow: /ch-en/*?dir=asc
#Disallow: /ch-en/*?limit=all
#Disallow: /ch-en/*?mode*
# Disallow CMS Directories:
Disallow: /ch-en/app/
Disallow: /ch-en/bin/
Disallow: /ch-en/dev/
Disallow: /ch-en/lib/
Disallow: /ch-en/phpserver/
#Disallow: /ch-en/pub/
# Disallow Duplicate Content:
Disallow: /ch-en/tag/
Disallow: /ch-en/review/
#Disallow: /ch-en/*?*product_list_mode=
#Disallow: /ch-en/*?*product_list_order=
#Disallow: /ch-en/*?*product_list_limit=
#Disallow: /ch-en/*?*product_list_dir=
# Server Settings
# Disallow general technical directories and files on a server
Disallow: /ch-en/cgi-bin/
Disallow: /ch-en/cleanup.php
Disallow: /ch-en/apc.php
Disallow: /ch-en/memcache.php
Disallow: /ch-en/phpinfo.php
# Disallow version control folders and others
Disallow: /ch-en/*.git
Disallow: /ch-en/*.CVS
Disallow: /ch-en/*.Zip$
Disallow: /ch-en/*.Svn$
Disallow: /ch-en/*.Idea$
Disallow: /ch-en/*.Sql$
Disallow: /ch-en/*.Tgz$

#### ch-fr ##############
Disallow: /ch-fr/lib/
Disallow: /ch-fr/*.php$
Disallow: /ch-fr/pkginfo/
Disallow: /ch-fr/report/
Disallow: /ch-fr/var/
Disallow: /ch-fr/catalog/
Disallow: /ch-fr/customer/
Disallow: /ch-fr/sendfriend/
Disallow: /ch-fr/review/
Disallow: /ch-fr/*SID=
# Disallow common Magento files in the root directory:
Disallow: /ch-fr/cron.php
Disallow: /ch-fr/
Disallow: /ch-fr/error_log
Disallow: /ch-fr/install.php
Disallow: /ch-fr/LICENSE.html
Disallow: /ch-fr/LICENSE.txt
Disallow: /ch-fr/LICENSE_AFL.txt
Disallow: /ch-fr/STATUS.txt
# Disallow User Account & Checkout Pages:
Disallow: /ch-fr/checkout/
Disallow: /ch-fr/onestepcheckout/
Disallow: /ch-fr/customer/
Disallow: /ch-fr/customer/account/
Disallow: /ch-fr/customer/account/login/
# Disallow Catalog Search Pages:
Disallow: /ch-fr/catalogsearch/
Disallow: /ch-fr/catalog/product_compare/
Disallow: /ch-fr/catalog/category/view/
Disallow: /ch-fr/catalog/product/view/
# Disallow URL Filter Searches
#Disallow: /ch-fr/*?dir*
#Disallow: /ch-fr/*?dir=desc
#Disallow: /ch-fr/*?dir=asc
#Disallow: /ch-fr/*?limit=all
#Disallow: /ch-fr/*?mode*
# Disallow CMS Directories:
Disallow: /ch-fr/app/
Disallow: /ch-fr/bin/
Disallow: /ch-fr/dev/
Disallow: /ch-fr/lib/
Disallow: /ch-fr/phpserver/
#Disallow: /ch-fr/pub/
# Disallow Duplicate Content:
Disallow: /ch-fr/tag/
Disallow: /ch-fr/review/
#Disallow: /ch-fr/*?*product_list_mode=
#Disallow: /ch-fr/*?*product_list_order=
#Disallow: /ch-fr/*?*product_list_limit=
#Disallow: /ch-fr/*?*product_list_dir=
# Server Settings
# Disallow general technical directories and files on a server
Disallow: /ch-fr/cgi-bin/
Disallow: /ch-fr/cleanup.php
Disallow: /ch-fr/apc.php
Disallow: /ch-fr/memcache.php
Disallow: /ch-fr/phpinfo.php
# Disallow version control folders and others
Disallow: /ch-fr/*.git
Disallow: /ch-fr/*.CVS
Disallow: /ch-fr/*.Zip$
Disallow: /ch-fr/*.Svn$
Disallow: /ch-fr/*.Idea$
Disallow: /ch-fr/*.Sql$
Disallow: /ch-fr/*.Tgz$

###### de #############
Disallow: /de/lib/
Disallow: /de/*.php$
Disallow: /de/pkginfo/
Disallow: /de/report/
Disallow: /de/var/
Disallow: /de/catalog/
Disallow: /de/customer/
Disallow: /de/sendfriend/
Disallow: /de/review/
Disallow: /de/*SID=
# Disallow common Magento files in the root directory:
Disallow: /de/cron.php
Disallow: /de/
Disallow: /de/error_log
Disallow: /de/install.php
Disallow: /de/LICENSE.html
Disallow: /de/LICENSE.txt
Disallow: /de/LICENSE_AFL.txt
Disallow: /de/STATUS.txt
# Disallow User Account & Checkout Pages:
Disallow: /de/checkout/
Disallow: /de/onestepcheckout/
Disallow: /de/customer/
Disallow: /de/customer/account/
Disallow: /de/customer/account/login/
# Disallow Catalog Search Pages:
Disallow: /de/catalogsearch/
Disallow: /de/catalog/product_compare/
Disallow: /de/catalog/category/view/
Disallow: /de/catalog/product/view/
# Disallow URL Filter Searches
#Disallow: /de/*?dir*
#Disallow: /de/*?dir=desc
#Disallow: /de/*?dir=asc
#Disallow: /de/*?limit=all
#Disallow: /de/*?mode*
# Disallow CMS Directories:
Disallow: /de/app/
Disallow: /de/bin/
Disallow: /de/dev/
Disallow: /de/lib/
Disallow: /de/phpserver/
#Disallow: /de/pub/
# Disallow Duplicate Content:
Disallow: /de/tag/
Disallow: /de/review/
#Disallow: /de/*?*product_list_mode=
#Disallow: /de/*?*product_list_order=
#Disallow: /de/*?*product_list_limit=
#Disallow: /de/*?*product_list_dir=
# Server Settings
# Disallow general technical directories and files on a server
Disallow: /de/cgi-bin/
Disallow: /de/cleanup.php
Disallow: /de/apc.php
Disallow: /de/memcache.php
Disallow: /de/phpinfo.php
# Disallow version control folders and others
Disallow: /de/*.git
Disallow: /de/*.CVS
Disallow: /de/*.Zip$
Disallow: /de/*.Svn$
Disallow: /de/*.Idea$
Disallow: /de/*.Sql$
Disallow: /de/*.Tgz$

##### de-en #########
Disallow: /de-en/lib/
Disallow: /de-en/*.php$
Disallow: /de-en/pkginfo/
Disallow: /de-en/report/
Disallow: /de-en/var/
Disallow: /de-en/catalog/
Disallow: /de-en/customer/
Disallow: /de-en/sendfriend/
Disallow: /de-en/review/
Disallow: /de-en/*SID=
# Disallow common Magento files in the root directory:
Disallow: /de-en/cron.php
Disallow: /de-en/
Disallow: /de-en/error_log
Disallow: /de-en/install.php
Disallow: /de-en/LICENSE.html
Disallow: /de-en/LICENSE.txt
Disallow: /de-en/LICENSE_AFL.txt
Disallow: /de-en/STATUS.txt
# Disallow User Account & Checkout Pages:
Disallow: /de-en/checkout/
Disallow: /de-en/onestepcheckout/
Disallow: /de-en/customer/
Disallow: /de-en/customer/account/
Disallow: /de-en/customer/account/login/
# Disallow Catalog Search Pages:
Disallow: /de-en/catalogsearch/
Disallow: /de-en/catalog/product_compare/
Disallow: /de-en/catalog/category/view/
Disallow: /de-en/catalog/product/view/
# Disallow URL Filter Searches
#Disallow: /de-en/*?dir*
#Disallow: /de-en/*?dir=desc
#Disallow: /de-en/*?dir=asc
#Disallow: /de-en/*?limit=all
#Disallow: /de-en/*?mode*
# Disallow CMS Directories:
Disallow: /de-en/app/
Disallow: /de-en/bin/
Disallow: /de-en/dev/
Disallow: /de-en/lib/
Disallow: /de-en/phpserver/
#Disallow: /de-en/pub/
# Disallow Duplicate Content:
Disallow: /de-en/tag/
Disallow: /de-en/review/
#Disallow: /de-en/*?*product_list_mode=
#Disallow: /de-en/*?*product_list_order=
#Disallow: /de-en/*?*product_list_limit=
#Disallow: /de-en/*?*product_list_dir=
# Server Settings
# Disallow general technical directories and files on a server
Disallow: /de-en/cgi-bin/
Disallow: /de-en/cleanup.php
Disallow: /de-en/apc.php
Disallow: /de-en/memcache.php
Disallow: /de-en/phpinfo.php
# Disallow version control folders and others
Disallow: /de-en/*.git
Disallow: /de-en/*.CVS
Disallow: /de-en/*.Zip$
Disallow: /de-en/*.Svn$
Disallow: /de-en/*.Idea$
Disallow: /de-en/*.Sql$
Disallow: /de-en/*.Tgz$

##### en ######
Disallow: /en/lib/
Disallow: /en/*.php$
Disallow: /en/pkginfo/
Disallow: /en/report/
Disallow: /en/var/
Disallow: /en/catalog/
Disallow: /en/customer/
Disallow: /en/sendfriend/
Disallow: /en/review/
Disallow: /en/*SID=
# Disallow common Magento files in the root directory:
Disallow: /en/cron.php
Disallow: /en/
Disallow: /en/error_log
Disallow: /en/install.php
Disallow: /en/LICENSE.html
Disallow: /en/LICENSE.txt
Disallow: /en/LICENSE_AFL.txt
Disallow: /en/STATUS.txt
# Disallow User Account & Checkout Pages:
Disallow: /en/checkout/
Disallow: /en/onestepcheckout/
Disallow: /en/customer/
Disallow: /en/customer/account/
Disallow: /en/customer/account/login/
# Disallow Catalog Search Pages:
Disallow: /en/catalogsearch/
Disallow: /en/catalog/product_compare/
Disallow: /en/catalog/category/view/
Disallow: /en/catalog/product/view/
# Disallow URL Filter Searches
#Disallow: /en/*?dir*
#Disallow: /en/*?dir=desc
#Disallow: /en/*?dir=asc
#Disallow: /en/*?limit=all
#Disallow: /en/*?mode*
# Disallow CMS Directories:
Disallow: /en/app/
Disallow: /en/bin/
Disallow: /en/dev/
Disallow: /en/lib/
Disallow: /en/phpserver/
#Disallow: /en/pub/
# Disallow Duplicate Content:
Disallow: /en/tag/
Disallow: /en/review/
#Disallow: /en/*?*product_list_mode=
#Disallow: /en/*?*product_list_order=
#Disallow: /en/*?*product_list_limit=
#Disallow: /en/*?*product_list_dir=
# Server Settings
# Disallow general technical directories and files on a server
Disallow: /en/cgi-bin/
Disallow: /en/cleanup.php
Disallow: /en/apc.php
Disallow: /en/memcache.php
Disallow: /en/phpinfo.php
# Disallow version control folders and others
Disallow: /en/*.git
Disallow: /en/*.CVS
Disallow: /en/*.Zip$
Disallow: /en/*.Svn$
Disallow: /en/*.Idea$
Disallow: /en/*.Sql$
Disallow: /en/*.Tgz$

##### uk #########
Disallow: /uk/lib/
Disallow: /uk/*.php$
Disallow: /uk/pkginfo/
Disallow: /uk/report/
Disallow: /uk/var/
Disallow: /uk/catalog/
Disallow: /uk/customer/
Disallow: /uk/sendfriend/
Disallow: /uk/review/
Disallow: /uk/*SID=
# Disallow common Magento files in the root directory:
Disallow: /uk/cron.php
Disallow: /uk/
Disallow: /uk/error_log
Disallow: /uk/install.php
Disallow: /uk/LICENSE.html
Disallow: /uk/LICENSE.txt
Disallow: /uk/LICENSE_AFL.txt
Disallow: /uk/STATUS.txt
# Disallow User Account & Checkout Pages:
Disallow: /uk/checkout/
Disallow: /uk/onestepcheckout/
Disallow: /uk/customer/
Disallow: /uk/customer/account/
Disallow: /uk/customer/account/login/
# Disallow Catalog Search Pages:
Disallow: /uk/catalogsearch/
Disallow: /uk/catalog/product_compare/
Disallow: /uk/catalog/category/view/
Disallow: /uk/catalog/product/view/
# Disallow URL Filter Searches
#Disallow: /uk/*?dir*
#Disallow: /uk/*?dir=desc
#Disallow: /uk/*?dir=asc
#Disallow: /uk/*?limit=all
#Disallow: /uk/*?mode*
# Disallow CMS Directories:
Disallow: /uk/app/
Disallow: /uk/bin/
Disallow: /uk/dev/
Disallow: /uk/lib/
Disallow: /uk/phpserver/
#Disallow: /uk/pub/
# Disallow Duplicate Content:
Disallow: /uk/tag/
Disallow: /uk/review/
#Disallow: /uk/*?*product_list_mode=
#Disallow: /uk/*?*product_list_order=
#Disallow: /uk/*?*product_list_limit=
#Disallow: /uk/*?*product_list_dir=
# Server Settings
# Disallow general technical directories and files on a server
Disallow: /uk/cgi-bin/
Disallow: /uk/cleanup.php
Disallow: /uk/apc.php
Disallow: /uk/memcache.php
Disallow: /uk/phpinfo.php
# Disallow version control folders and others
Disallow: /uk/*.git
Disallow: /uk/*.CVS
Disallow: /uk/*.Zip$
Disallow: /uk/*.Svn$
Disallow: /uk/*.Idea$
Disallow: /uk/*.Sql$
Disallow: /uk/*.Tgz$

##### us #########
Disallow: /us/lib/
Disallow: /us/*.php$
Disallow: /us/pkginfo/
Disallow: /us/report/
Disallow: /us/var/
Disallow: /us/catalog/
Disallow: /us/customer/
Disallow: /us/sendfriend/
Disallow: /us/review/
Disallow: /us/*SID=
# Disallow common Magento files in the root directory:
Disallow: /us/cron.php
Disallow: /us/
Disallow: /us/error_log
Disallow: /us/install.php
Disallow: /us/LICENSE.html
Disallow: /us/LICENSE.txt
Disallow: /us/LICENSE_AFL.txt
Disallow: /us/STATUS.txt
# Disallow User Account & Checkout Pages:
Disallow: /us/checkout/
Disallow: /us/onestepcheckout/
Disallow: /us/customer/
Disallow: /us/customer/account/
Disallow: /us/customer/account/login/
# Disallow Catalog Search Pages:
Disallow: /us/catalogsearch/
Disallow: /us/catalog/product_compare/
Disallow: /us/catalog/category/view/
Disallow: /us/catalog/product/view/
# Disallow URL Filter Searches
#Disallow: /us/*?dir*
#Disallow: /us/*?dir=desc
#Disallow: /us/*?dir=asc
#Disallow: /us/*?limit=all
#Disallow: /us/*?mode*
# Disallow CMS Directories:
Disallow: /us/app/
Disallow: /us/bin/
Disallow: /us/dev/
Disallow: /us/lib/
Disallow: /us/phpserver/
#Disallow: /us/pub/
# Disallow Duplicate Content:
Disallow: /us/tag/
Disallow: /us/review/
#Disallow: /us/*?*product_list_mode=
#Disallow: /us/*?*product_list_order=
#Disallow: /us/*?*product_list_limit=
#Disallow: /us/*?*product_list_dir=
# Server Settings
# Disallow general technical directories and files on a server
Disallow: /us/cgi-bin/
Disallow: /us/cleanup.php
Disallow: /us/apc.php
Disallow: /us/memcache.php
Disallow: /us/phpinfo.php
# Disallow version control folders and others
Disallow: /us/*.git
Disallow: /us/*.CVS
Disallow: /us/*.Zip$
Disallow: /us/*.Svn$
Disallow: /us/*.Idea$
Disallow: /us/*.Sql$
Disallow: /us/*.Tgz$

####### without language #############
# Default instructions:
Disallow: /lib/
Disallow: /*.php$
Disallow: /pkginfo/
Disallow: /report/
Disallow: /var/
Disallow: /catalog/
Disallow: /customer/
Disallow: /sendfriend/
Disallow: /review/
Disallow: /*SID=
# Disallow common Magento files in the root directory:
Disallow: /cron.php
Disallow: /
Disallow: /error_log
Disallow: /install.php
Disallow: /LICENSE.html
Disallow: /LICENSE.txt
Disallow: /LICENSE_AFL.txt
Disallow: /STATUS.txt
# Disallow User Account & Checkout Pages:
Disallow: /checkout/
Disallow: /onestepcheckout/
Disallow: /customer/
Disallow: /customer/account/
Disallow: /customer/account/login/
# Disallow Catalog Search Pages:
Disallow: /catalogsearch/
Disallow: /catalog/product_compare/
Disallow: /catalog/category/view/
Disallow: /catalog/product/view/
# Disallow URL Filter Searches
#Disallow: /*?dir*
#Disallow: /*?dir=desc
#Disallow: /*?dir=asc
#Disallow: /*?limit=all
#Disallow: /*?mode*
# Disallow CMS Directories:
Disallow: /app/
Disallow: /bin/
Disallow: /dev/
Disallow: /lib/
Disallow: /phpserver/
#Disallow: /pub/
# Disallow Duplicate Content:
Disallow: /tag/
Disallow: /review/
#Disallow: /*?*product_list_mode=
#Disallow: /*?*product_list_order=
#Disallow: /*?*product_list_limit=
#Disallow: /*?*product_list_dir=
# Server Settings
# Disallow general technical directories and files on a server
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /cleanup.php
Disallow: /apc.php
Disallow: /memcache.php
Disallow: /phpinfo.php
# Disallow version control folders and others
Disallow: /*.git
Disallow: /*.CVS
Disallow: /*.Zip$
Disallow: /*.Svn$
Disallow: /*.Idea$
Disallow: /*.Sql$
Disallow: /*.Tgz$

### disallow sigg 3d product
#Disallow: /ch/sigg-unique-bottle
#Disallow: /ch-en/sigg-unique-bottle
#Disallow: /ch-fr/sigg-unique-bottle
#Disallow: /de/sigg-unique-bottle
#Disallow: /en/sigg-unique-bottle
#Disallow: /uk/sigg-unique-bottle

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
SIGG Trinkflaschen | Hochwertige Trinkflaschen seit 1908
SIGG ist die Marke für hochwertige, moderne und nachhaltige Trinkflaschen für jede Lebenslage. Trinkflaschen aus Glas, Aluminium, Edelstahl und Kunststoff.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
SIGG Trinkflaschen84%Check
Thermo Trinkflasche66%Check
Trinkflasche Total65%Check
Trinkflasche Pulsar65%Check
Trinkflasche Meridian65%Check
Trinkflasche Sports64%Check
Trinkflasche Pulsar Therm62%Check

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