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Scandinavian design | furniture, lighting & accessories at Skandium – Skandium London
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Authorised retailer of quintessential Scandinavian design & lifestyle brands since 1999. London showroom & personal shopping team. 365 days FREE returns & Best Price Guaranteed. Trusted by +50,000 UK customers and great reviews on Trustpilot.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
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URL de la página
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descriptionAuthorised retailer of quintessential Scandinavian design & lifestyle brands since 1999. London showroom & personal shopping team. 365 days FREE returns & Best Price Guaranteed. Trusted by +50,000 UK customers and great reviews on Trustpilot.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
twitter:titleScandinavian design | furniture, lighting & accessories at Skandium
twitter:descriptionAuthorised retailer of quintessential Scandinavian design & lifestyle brands since 1999. London showroom & personal shopping team. 365 days FREE returns & Best Price Guaranteed. Trusted by +50,000 UK customers and great reviews on Trustpilot.
og:site_nameSkandium London
og:titleScandinavian design | furniture, lighting & accessories at Skandium
og:descriptionAuthorised retailer of quintessential Scandinavian design & lifestyle brands since 1999. London showroom & personal shopping team. 365 days FREE returns & Best Price Guaranteed. Trusted by +50,000 UK customers and great reviews on Trustpilot.

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En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • momento => memento
  • skagerak => Skagerrak
Hay 2 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado: This item is a recurring or deferred purchase. By continuing, I agree ...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1989 palabras.
Un 17.6% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 8 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 14.1 palabras.
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Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
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Con 655.6 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: date of experience:.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 42 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

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...8312fed3c50.webp?v=1728984550&width=1400The Ultimate Guide to Portable Lights: Enhance Your Space Anytime, Anywhere
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H1 Skandium London
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H2 Cutter Collection by Fritz Hansen 20% OFF
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H2 Panthella 160 Portable Lamp V2
H2 New Panthella Portable Lamp V3
H2 Featured Collections Texto duplicado
H2 The Iconic CH24 Wishbone
H2 CH24 Wishbone chair - Mahogany
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H2 Deals of the week
H2 What our customers say
H2 The Skandium Journal
H3 Grand sideboard (Ex-display)
H3 PLAYdinner Lamé dining table (Outlet)
H3 Kasthall Lav 250x300 - Hurricane Blue 201 (Outlet)
H3 MUSE RUG, 991, 801 Amber (Ex-Display) (165 x 245)
H3 Cocoon Lounge Chair (Ex-display)
H3 Tulip chair - Tulip chair - White - Eva 117 (Ex-display)
H3 Cutter Box - High
H3 Cutter Bench
H3 Cutter Mini Wardrobe
H3 Cutter Stool
H3 Louis Poulsen new launch
H3 Montana Furniture
H3 Panthella 160 Portable Lamp V3
H3 Facet Cabinet
H3 J18 Chair
H3 Kumulo 5200 Pendant Lamp
H3 CH24 - Childrens chair 25% OFF
H3 Buy Chair, Get Free Footstool
H3 Cutter collection 20% Off
H3 Monkey by Kay Bojesen - Teak/limba - Small
H3 Momento Jug Polished Steel
H3 Koppel Wall Clock 22 cm
H3 Lyngby Glass Vase - Clear - 20.5 cm
H3 Union Tray
H3 Bernadotte thermo jug
H3 Vipp
H3 String Furniture
H3 Arum Portable Lamp
H3 Lucca Table Lamp SC51
H3 Pao Portable Lamp
H3 Panthella 160 Portable Lamp V3 Texto duplicado
H3 Bellhop portable table lamp
H3 PC Portable Lamp
H3 HAY x Liberty Matin Table Lamp
H3 Arcs Trolley
H3 Chisel Lounge Chair
H3 Tamoto Bed
H3 AJ Trolley
H3 Arne Jacobsen Egg™ chair
H3 Cutter Bench Texto duplicado
H3 Drop chair
H3 CH24 Wishbone chair - Oak
H3 CH25 - Lounge Chair
H3 CH24 Wishbone chair - Beech
H3 CH24 Wishbone chair - Walnut
H3 &Tradition
H3 Normann Copenhagen
H3 Audo Copenhagen
H3 Carl Hansen
H3 HAY Texto duplicado
H3 Knoll
H3 Tulip armchair - Swivel, Tonus Black 128 (Outlet)
H3 Cushion set - Breeze highback chair - Black, Cane-line Natté (Outlet)
H3 Stacked shelf system 2.0 - Ash - Large with backboard (Outlet)
H3 Cushions - In Situ Modular Sofa - 70x30 cm - Hallingdal 126 (Outlet)
H3 MAGS - 8262 - CHAISE LONGUE SHORT - LEFT END - Fjord 151 (Outlet)
H3 Round Table CPH20 - Black Stained Oak Veneer - Black Stained Solid Oak - Ø90 X H74cm (Outlet)
H3 PLAYdinner Lamé dining table (Outlet) Texto duplicado
H3 Paragon Bar Stool - Frame: Black, Finish: Natural Oak (Outlet)
H3 Space Table - 180x90xH74 cm White Laminate top and table edge - Clear matt lacquer legs (Outlet)
H3 Kasthall Lav 250x300 - Hurricane Blue 201 (Outlet) Texto duplicado
H3 Caroline, 3-seater, ALU natural (Ex-Display)
H3 Langue Chair, leather upholstery - dark smoked beech - dark brown leather (21001) (Outlet)
H3 Choosing the Perfect Lighting for Shorter Days: An Autumn Guide
H3 Start your Christmas shopping now
H3 Affordable Scandinavian Furniture in the UK: Style, Comfort, and Budget-Friendly Design
H3 Scandi Coffee Table: The Perfect Blend of Style, Functionality, and Timeless Design
H3 The Ultimate Guide to Portable Lights: Enhance Your Space Anytime, Anywhere
H3 Plan Your Perfect Wedding with 15% Off Scandinavian Wedding Gifts
H3 Quality Over Quantity: How Early Shopping Supports Slow Design
H3 Things to Consider When Buying a New Home: A Focus on Scandinavian Furniture
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/collections/black-friday-audo...AUDO - 25% OFF Selected Collections
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/collections/50-off-for-a-limi...Shop Now
/products/grand-sideboard-ex-d...IMG-ALT Grand sideboard (Ex-display)
/products/grand-sideboard-ex-d...Texto duplicado Grand sideboard (Ex-display)
/products/play-dinner-dining-t...IMG-ALT Bruunmunch - PLAYdinner Lamé dining table - Skandium London
/products/play-dinner-dining-t...PLAYdinner Lamé dining table (Outlet)
/products/kasthall-lav-250x300...IMG-ALT Kasthall Lav 250x300 - Hurricane Blue 201 (Outlet)
/products/kasthall-lav-250x300...Texto duplicado Kasthall Lav 250x300 - Hurricane Blue 201 (Outlet)
/products/muse-rug-991-801-amb...IMG-ALT MUSE RUG, 991, 801 Amber (Ex-Display) (165 x 245)
/collections/kasthallTexto duplicado Kasthall
/products/muse-rug-991-801-amb...Texto duplicado MUSE RUG, 991, 801 Amber (Ex-Display) (165 x 245)
/products/cocoon-lounge-chair-...IMG-ALT Cocoon Lounge Chair (Ex-display)
/products/cocoon-lounge-chair-...Texto duplicado Cocoon Lounge Chair (Ex-display)
/products/tulip-chair-tulip-ch...IMG-ALT Tulip chair - Tulip chair - White - Eva 117 (Ex-display)
/products/tulip-chair-tulip-ch...Texto duplicado Tulip chair - Tulip chair - White - Eva 117 (Ex-display)
/pages/all-brandsSubdominio Sin texto
/pages/all-brandsSubdominio Sin texto
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/pages/all-brandsSubdominio Sin texto
/pages/all-brandsSubdominio Sin texto
/pages/all-brandsSubdominio Sin texto
/pages/all-brandsSubdominio Sin texto
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/collectionsTexto duplicado Shop Now
/collections/cutter-collection...Sin texto
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/products/cutter-box-largeIMG-ALT Skagerak - Cutter Box - High - Skandium London
/collections/fritz-hansenFritz Hansen
/products/cutter-box-largeCutter Box - High
/products/cutter-box-largeSelect options
/products/cutter-benchIMG-ALT Skagerak - Cutter Bench - Skandium London
/collections/fritz-hansenTexto duplicado Fritz Hansen
/products/cutter-benchCutter Bench
/products/cutter-benchTexto duplicado Select options
/products/cutter-mini-wardrobeIMG-ALT Skagerak - Cutter Mini Wardrobe - Skandium London
/collections/fritz-hansenTexto duplicado Fritz Hansen
/products/cutter-mini-wardrobeCutter Mini Wardrobe
/products/cutter-mini-wardrobeTexto duplicado Select options
/products/cutter-stoolIMG-ALT Skagerak - Cutter Stool - Skandium London
/collections/fritz-hansenTexto duplicado Fritz Hansen
/products/cutter-stoolCutter Stool
/products/cutter-stoolTexto duplicado Select options
/collections/louis-poulsen-new...Louis Poulsen new launch
/collections/louis-poulsen-new...Texto duplicado Louis Poulsen new launch
/collections/louis-poulsen-new...Texto duplicado Shop Now
/collections/montanaMontana Furniture
/collections/montanaTexto duplicado Montana Furniture
/collections/montanaTexto duplicado Shop Now
/collections/boutiqueSin texto
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/collections/new-arrivalsExplore New Arrivals
/products/panthella-portable-t...IMG-ALT Panthella 160 Portable Lamp V3
/collections/louis-poulsenLouis Poulsen
/products/panthella-portable-t...Texto duplicado Panthella 160 Portable Lamp V3
/products/panthella-portable-t...Texto duplicado Select options
/products/facet-cabinetIMG-ALT Facet Cabinet
/products/facet-cabinetTexto duplicado Facet Cabinet
/products/facet-cabinetTexto duplicado Select options
/products/j18-chair-fdb-moblerIMG-ALT J18 Chair
/collections/vendors?q=FDB MøblerFDB Møbler
/products/j18-chair-fdb-moblerTexto duplicado J18 Chair
/products/j18-chair-fdb-moblerTexto duplicado Select options
/products/kumulo-5200-pendant-...IMG-ALT Kumulo 5200 Pendant Lamp
/products/kumulo-5200-pendant-...Texto duplicado Kumulo 5200 Pendant Lamp
/products/kumulo-5200-pendant-...Texto duplicado Select options
/collectionsTexto duplicado All collections
/collections/carl-hansen-ch24-...CH24 - Childrens chair 25% OFF
/collections/carl-hansen-ch24-...Texto duplicado CH24 - Childrens chair 25% OFF
/collections/carl-hansen-ch24-...Texto duplicado Shop Now
/collections/free-stool-campaignBuy Chair, Get Free Footstool
/collections/free-stool-campaignTexto duplicado Buy Chair, Get Free Footstool
/collections/free-stool-campaignTexto duplicado Shop Now
/collections/cutter-collection...Cutter collection 20% Off
/collections/cutter-collection...Texto duplicado Cutter collection 20% Off
/collections/cutter-collection...Texto duplicado Shop Now
/products/kay-bojesen-wooden-m...IMG-ALT Monkey by Kay Bojesen - Teak/limba - Small
/collections/kay-bojesenKay Bojesen
/products/kay-bojesen-wooden-m...Texto duplicado Monkey by Kay Bojesen - Teak/limba - Small
/products/momento-jugIMG-ALT Momento Jug Polished Steel
/products/momento-jugTexto duplicado Momento Jug Polished Steel
/products/koppel-wall-clock-22-cmIMG-ALT Koppel Wall Clock 22 cm
/collections/georg-jensenGeorg Jensen
/products/koppel-wall-clock-22-cmTexto duplicado Koppel Wall Clock 22 cm
/products/koppel-wall-clock-22-cmTexto duplicado Select options
/products/lyngby-glass-vase-cl...IMG-ALT Lyngby Glass Vase - Clear - 20.5 cm
/collections/lyngby-porcelainLyngby Porcelain
/products/lyngby-glass-vase-cl...Texto duplicado Lyngby Glass Vase - Clear - 20.5 cm
/products/union-trayIMG-ALT Union Tray
/products/union-trayTexto duplicado Union Tray
/products/union-trayTexto duplicado Select options
/products/bernadotte-thermo-jugIMG-ALT Georg Jensen - Bernadotte thermo jug - Skandium London
/collections/georg-jensenTexto duplicado Georg Jensen
/products/bernadotte-thermo-jugBernadotte thermo jug
/products/bernadotte-thermo-jugTexto duplicado Select options
/collections/louis-poulsenTexto duplicado Louis Poulsen
/products/panthella-portable-t...View full details
/collections/louis-poulsen-new...Texto duplicado Shop Now
/collections/vippTexto duplicado Vipp
/collections/vippTexto duplicado Shop Now
/collections/new-arrivalsNEW ARRIVALS @ SKANDIUM
/collections/new-arrivalsTexto duplicado NEW ARRIVALS @ SKANDIUM
/collections/carl-hansenCarl Hansen
/products/ch24-wishbone-chair-...Texto duplicado View full details
/collections/stringString Furniture
/collections/stringTexto duplicado String Furniture
/collections/stringTexto duplicado Shop Now
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/collections/hayExplore Now
/products/arum-portable-lampIMG-ALT Arum Portable Lamp
/collections/ferm-livingFerm Living
/products/arum-portable-lampTexto duplicado Arum Portable Lamp
/products/arum-portable-lampTexto duplicado Select options
/products/lucca-sc51IMG-ALT &Tradition - Lucca Table Lamp SC51 - Skandium London
/collections/traditionTexto duplicado &Tradition
/products/lucca-sc51Lucca Table Lamp SC51
/products/lucca-sc51Texto duplicado Select options
/products/hay-pao-portable-lamp-1IMG-ALT HAY - Pao Portable Lamp - Skandium London
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/products/hay-pao-portable-lamp-1Pao Portable Lamp
/products/hay-pao-portable-lamp-1Texto duplicado Select options
/products/panthella-portable-t...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Panthella 160 Portable Lamp V3
/collections/louis-poulsenTexto duplicado Louis Poulsen
/products/panthella-portable-t...Texto duplicado Panthella 160 Portable Lamp V3
/products/panthella-portable-t...Texto duplicado Select options
/products/flos-bellhop-battery...IMG-ALT Flos - Bellhop portable table lamp - Skandium London
/products/flos-bellhop-battery...Bellhop portable table lamp
/products/flos-bellhop-battery...Texto duplicado Select options
/products/pc-portable-lampIMG-ALT HAY - PC Portable Lamp - Skandium London
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/products/pc-portable-lampPC Portable Lamp
/products/pc-portable-lampTexto duplicado Select options
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/collections/fritz-hansenTexto duplicado Fritz Hansen
/collections/carl-hansenTexto duplicado Carl Hansen
/products/hay-x-liberty-matin-...IMG-ALT HAY - HAY x Liberty Matin Table Lamp - Skandium London
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/products/hay-x-liberty-matin-...HAY x Liberty Matin Table Lamp
/products/hay-x-liberty-matin-...Texto duplicado Select options
/products/arcs-trolleyIMG-ALT HAY - Arcs Trolley - Skandium London
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/products/arcs-trolleyArcs Trolley
/products/arcs-trolleyTexto duplicado Select options
/products/chisel-lounge-chairIMG-ALT HAY - Chisel Lounge Chair - Skandium London
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/products/chisel-lounge-chairChisel Lounge Chair
/products/chisel-lounge-chairTexto duplicado Select options
/products/tamoto-bedIMG-ALT HAY - Tamoto Bed - Skandium London
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/products/tamoto-bedTamoto Bed
/products/tamoto-bedTexto duplicado Select options
/products/aj-trolleyIMG-ALT Fritz Hansen - AJ Trolley - Skandium London
/collections/fritz-hansenTexto duplicado Fritz Hansen
/products/aj-trolleyAJ Trolley
/products/egg-chairIMG-ALT Fritz Hansen - Arne Jacobsen Egg™ chair - Skandium London
/collections/fritz-hansenTexto duplicado Fritz Hansen
/products/egg-chairArne Jacobsen Egg™ chair
/products/egg-chairTexto duplicado Select options
/products/cutter-benchTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Skagerak - Cutter Bench - Skandium London
/collections/fritz-hansenTexto duplicado Fritz Hansen
/products/cutter-benchTexto duplicado Cutter Bench
/products/cutter-benchTexto duplicado Select options
/products/drop-chairIMG-ALT Fritz Hansen - Drop chair - Skandium London
/collections/fritz-hansenTexto duplicado Fritz Hansen
/products/drop-chairDrop chair
/products/drop-chairTexto duplicado Select options
/products/ch24-wishbone-chair-oakIMG-ALT Carl Hansen - CH24 Wishbone chair - Oak - Skandium London
/collections/carl-hansenTexto duplicado Carl Hansen
/products/ch24-wishbone-chair-oakCH24 Wishbone chair - Oak
/products/ch24-wishbone-chair-oakTexto duplicado Select options
/products/ch25-chairIMG-ALT Carl Hansen - CH25 - Lounge Chair - Skandium London
/collections/carl-hansenTexto duplicado Carl Hansen
/products/ch25-chairCH25 - Lounge Chair
/products/ch25-chairTexto duplicado Select options
/products/carl-hansen-ch24-wis...IMG-ALT Carl Hansen - CH24 Wishbone chair - Beech - Skandium London
/collections/carl-hansenTexto duplicado Carl Hansen
/products/carl-hansen-ch24-wis...CH24 Wishbone chair - Beech
/products/carl-hansen-ch24-wis...Texto duplicado Select options
/products/ch24-wishbone-chair-...IMG-ALT Carl Hansen - CH24 Wishbone chair - Walnut - Skandium London
/collections/carl-hansenTexto duplicado Carl Hansen
/products/ch24-wishbone-chair-...CH24 Wishbone chair - Walnut
/products/ch24-wishbone-chair-...Texto duplicado Select options
/pages/contact-skandiumContact us
/collections/traditionTexto duplicado &Tradition
/collections/normann-copenhagenNormann Copenhagen
/collections/audoAudo Copenhagen
/collections/carl-hansenTexto duplicado Carl Hansen
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/collections/knollTexto duplicado Knoll
/collections/le-klintLE KLINT
/products/tulip-armchair-swive...IMG-ALT Tulip armchair - Swivel, Tonus Black 128 (Outlet)
/collections/knollTexto duplicado Knoll
/products/tulip-armchair-swive...Texto duplicado Tulip armchair - Swivel, Tonus Black 128 (Outlet)
/products/cushion-set-breeze-h...IMG-ALT Cushion set - Breeze highback chair - Black, Cane-line Natté (Outlet)
/products/cushion-set-breeze-h...Texto duplicado Cushion set - Breeze highback chair - Black, Cane-line Natté (Outlet)
/products/stacked-shelf-system...IMG-ALT Stacked shelf system 2.0 - Ash - Large with backboard (Outlet)
/products/stacked-shelf-system...Texto duplicado Stacked shelf system 2.0 - Ash - Large with backboard (Outlet)
/products/cushions-in-situ-mod...IMG-ALT Cushions - In Situ Modular Sofa - 70x30 cm - Hallingdal 126 (Outlet)
/collections/muutoTexto duplicado Muuto
/products/cushions-in-situ-mod...Texto duplicado Cushions - In Situ Modular Sofa - 70x30 cm - Hallingdal 126 (Outlet)
/products/mags-8262-chaise-lon...IMG-ALT MAGS - 8262 - CHAISE LONGUE SHORT - LEFT END - Fjord 151 (Outlet)
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/products/mags-8262-chaise-lon...Texto duplicado MAGS - 8262 - CHAISE LONGUE SHORT - LEFT END - Fjord 151 (Outlet)
/products/round-table-cph20-bl...IMG-ALT Round Table CPH20 - Black Stained Oak Veneer - Black Stained Solid Oak - Ø90 X H74cm (Outlet)
/collections/hayTexto duplicado HAY
/products/round-table-cph20-bl...Texto duplicado Round Table CPH20 - Black Stained Oak Veneer - Black Stained Solid Oak - Ø90 X H74cm (Outlet)
/products/play-dinner-dining-t...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Bruunmunch - PLAYdinner Lamé dining table - Skandium London
/collections/bruunmunchTexto duplicado Bruunmunch
/products/play-dinner-dining-t...Texto duplicado PLAYdinner Lamé dining table (Outlet)
/products/paragon-bar-stool-fr...IMG-ALT Paragon Bar Stool - Frame: Black, Finish: Natural Oak (Outlet)
/products/paragon-bar-stool-fr...Texto duplicado Paragon Bar Stool - Frame: Black, Finish: Natural Oak (Outlet)
/products/space-table-180x90xh...IMG-ALT Space Table - 180x90xH74 cm White Laminate top and table edge - Clear matt lacquer legs (Outlet)
/collections/vendors?q=Design ...Design Concept Denmark
A-TITLE Design Concept Denmark
/products/space-table-180x90xh...Texto duplicado Space Table - 180x90xH74 cm White Laminate top and table edge - Clear matt lacquer legs (Outlet)
/products/kasthall-lav-250x300...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Kasthall Lav 250x300 - Hurricane Blue 201 (Outlet)
/collections/kasthallTexto duplicado Kasthall
/products/kasthall-lav-250x300...Texto duplicado Kasthall Lav 250x300 - Hurricane Blue 201 (Outlet)
/products/caroline-3-seater-al...IMG-ALT Caroline, 3-seater, ALU natural (Ex-Display)
/collections/sika-designSika Design
/products/caroline-3-seater-al...Texto duplicado Caroline, 3-seater, ALU natural (Ex-Display)
/products/langue-chair-leather...IMG-ALT Langue Chair, leather upholstery - dark smoked beech - dark brown leather (21001) (Outlet)
/products/langue-chair-leather...Texto duplicado Langue Chair, leather upholstery - dark smoked beech - dark brown leather (21001) (Outlet) ventana Externo Subdominio Read more reviews here
/blogs/newsVisit our Journal
/blogs/news/choosing-the-perfe...IMG-ALT Choosing the Perfect Lighting for Shorter Days: An Autumn Guide
A-TITLE Choosing the Perfect Lighting for Shorter Days: An Autumn Guide
/blogs/news/choosing-the-perfe...Texto duplicado Choosing the Perfect Lighting for Shorter Days: An Autumn Guide
/blogs/news/start-your-christm...IMG-ALT Start your Christmas shopping now
A-TITLE Start your Christmas shopping now
/blogs/news/start-your-christm...Texto duplicado Start your Christmas shopping now
/blogs/news/affordable-scandin...IMG-ALT Affordable Scandinavian Furniture in the UK: Style, Comfort, and Budget-Friendly Design
A-TITLE Affordable Scandinavian Furniture in the UK: Style, Comfort, and Budget-Friendly Design
/blogs/news/affordable-scandin...Texto duplicado Affordable Scandinavian Furniture in the UK: Style, Comfort, and Budget-Friendly Design
/blogs/news/scandi-coffee-tabl...IMG-ALT Scandi Coffee Table: The Perfect Blend of Style, Functionality, and Timeless Design
A-TITLE Scandi Coffee Table: The Perfect Blend of Style, Functionality, and Timeless Design
/blogs/news/scandi-coffee-tabl...Texto duplicado Scandi Coffee Table: The Perfect Blend of Style, Functionality, and Timeless Design
/blogs/news/the-ultimate-guide...IMG-ALT The Ultimate Guide to Portable Lights: Enhance Your Space Anytime, Anywhere
A-TITLE The Ultimate Guide to Portable Lights: Enhance Your Space Anytime, Anywhere
/blogs/news/the-ultimate-guide...Texto duplicado The Ultimate Guide to Portable Lights: Enhance Your Space Anytime, Anywhere
/blogs/news/plan-your-perfect-...IMG-ALT Plan Your Perfect Wedding with 15% Off Scandinavian Wedding Gifts
A-TITLE Plan Your Perfect Wedding with 15% Off Scandinavian Wedding Gifts
/blogs/news/plan-your-perfect-...Texto duplicado Plan Your Perfect Wedding with 15% Off Scandinavian Wedding Gifts
/blogs/news/quality-over-quant...IMG-ALT Christmas gifts
A-TITLE Quality Over Quantity: How Early Shopping Supports Slow Design
/blogs/news/quality-over-quant...Quality Over Quantity: How Early Shopping Supports Slow Design
/blogs/news/things-to-consider...IMG-ALT Things to Consider When Buying a New Home: A Focus on Scandinavian Furniture
A-TITLE Things to Consider When Buying a New Home: A Focus on Scandinavian Furniture
/blogs/news/things-to-consider...Texto duplicado Things to Consider When Buying a New Home: A Focus on Scandinavian Furniture
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Con 1,47 segundos, el tiempo de respuesta de la página es superior al límite recomendado de 0,4 segundos. Un tiempo de respuesta elevado ralentiza innecesariamente el rastreo de los buscadores y propicia una mala experiencia de uso.
Con 656 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.

Cabecera HTTP

dateMon, 18 Nov 2024 13:25:02 GMT
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Factores externos

Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 880 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 6.333 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 643 direcciones IP distintas.

Backlinks desde Wikipedia

No se ha encontrado ningún enlace lanzado desde la Wikipedia.


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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Scandinavian design | furniture, lighting & accessories at Skan...
Authorised retailer of quintessential Scandinavian design & lifestyle brands since 1999. London showroom & personal shopping team. 365 days FREE returns & Best Price Guaranteed. Trusted by +50,000 UK customers and great reviews on Trustpilot.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Skandium London80%Check
Scandinavian furniture64%Check
Scandinavian design63%Check
New Arrivals SKANDIUM55%Check

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