#Robots.txt for SOEST
# This file is used to allow crawlers to index our site.
# It is NOT used for any other purpose, such as filtering
# impressions or clicks.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /images/
Disallow: /IMAGES/
Disallow: /SOESTdbms/
Disallow: /gyong/
#Disallowing /coasts/oceansafety/ on 6/20/2006 BBES - Not wished to be seen by Honolulu Lifeguards quite yet in Google Cache
Disallow: /coasts/oceansafety/
Disallow: /oceanography/courses/OCN310/
Disallow: /pwessel/SOESTMAPS/
# Disallows added by Ben Studer (BBES) during development of projects 03/08/06
Disallow: /asp/x/
Disallow: /asp/kai/
Disallow: /asp/database/
Disallow: /asp/innova/
# Disallow for Michael Chandler
Disallow: /GG/STUDENTS/mtchandl/
Disallow: /gmt4/
Disallow: /gmttest/
# Disallow to try and stop Google bot
Disallow: /islandwx