- SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,66 s
Tamaño HTML
162,80 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
322 internos / 13 externos

Lista de tareas pendientes para mejorar tu SEO


(Extremadamente importante)
Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Air conditioner & electro Heating to Wellness Products | Whirlpool | outdoor sauna | livestyle - Sonnenkönig
Con 1223 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (549 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se identifica ningún error en los enlaces alternate/hreflang.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • ther => there, their, the
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1450 palabras.
Un 25.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 12 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 12.39 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 29 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 246 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

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URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Our product categories
Más de un encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 82 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Our product categories
H1 Our latest products
H1 At Sonnenkönig, the customer is king!
H1 commentaires des clients
H1 Videos
H2 Best Seller
H2 Dehumidifier
H2 Smart air conditioners
H2 Air conditioner
H2 Fans
H2 Air purification
H2 Dehumidifier Texto duplicado
H2 Smart air conditioners Texto duplicado
H2 Air conditioner Texto duplicado
H2 Fans Texto duplicado
H2 Whirlpools
H2 Pool Care
H2 Barrel Sauna
H2 Saunas
H2 Whirlpool
H2 Pool Care Texto duplicado
H2 Barrel Sauna Texto duplicado
H2 Saunas Texto duplicado
H2 Wine cabinet
H2 Garden flame
H2 Grill
H2 Wine cabinet Texto duplicado
H2 Garden flame Texto duplicado
H2 Grill Texto duplicado
H2 Flame Effect
H2 Towel Radiators
H2 Infrared Lamp
H2 Heat Blower
H2 Flame Effect Texto duplicado
H2 Infrared heating panels
H2 VIND 2 schwarz
H2 Indoor Climate & Lifestyle
H3 We have everything you need to enjoy the fresh spring air to the full. Our carefully selected range of climate products such as SECCO, ZERMATT for allergy sufferers or fans with spray mist will tra...
H3 Explore the new online shop now!
H3 Here you can find our annual catalogue and wellness catalogue
H3 Are you planning an outdoor hot tub for your garden? Then we have the perfect solution for you!
H3 Are you looking for a special offer? Don't hesitate to contact us!
H3 Do you have transport damage to the product and would like to report it? Up to 2 days after receipt of the goods.
H3 Smart App for Sonnenkönig devices*
H3 Service for whirlpool, air conditioning and saunas
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H3 Explore our YouTube account for more information
H4 Products
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H5 UNI 2 schwarz
H5 JANA 2.0
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EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/en/startseite.htmlSkip navigation
A-TITLE Contact
A-TITLE Service | Repairs | Transport damage | Documents
/en/sonnenkoenig-en.htmlA-TITLE Sonnenkönig-logo
/en/startseite.htmlTexto duplicado Skip navigation
A-TITLE CLIME | Air conditioners | Fans - Indoor air at Sonnenkönig
/en/products/clime/air-conditi...Air Conditioner
A-TITLE Air conditioner | fixed air conditioners | mobile air conditioners | conditioning unit
A-TITLE Discover dehumidifier / Secco Casa, Secco Forte | Seccomat
/en/products/clime/air-cleaner...Air cleaner
A-TITLE Air Purifier for Allergies & Fresh Air
/en/products/clime/air-freshen...Air freshener
A-TITLE Air freshener
A-TITLE Humidifier against dry room climate
A-TITLE Fans for every area | ceiling fans, table fans, and more
/en/products/clime/tumble-drye...Tumble dryer
A-TITLE Tumble dryer
A-TITLE Heating | Range of classic heaters | Which heater is the right one?
/en/products/heating/infrared-...Infrared lamp
A-TITLE Infrared outdoor lamp | Infrared radiator | Infrared heating | Infrared radiator
A-TITLE Ceramic heater | small electric fan heater for the office
A-TITLE Modern convectors | mobile or wall-mounted
/en/products/heating/fan-heate...Fan heater
A-TITLE Fan heater
/en/products/heating/frost-rad...Frost radiator
A-TITLE Frost radiator
/en/products/heating/heater-bl...Heater blower
A-TITLE Efficient fan heaters | Heating for construction
/en/products/heating/heating-p...Heating pad
A-TITLE Heating pad
/en/products/heating/heating-b...Heating blanket
A-TITLE Heating blanket
A-TITLE Oil radiators | Electric radiators | Classic design
/en/products/heating/heating-p...Heating Petroleum
A-TITLE Heating Petroleum | Petroleum stove | Combustar
/en/products/heating/electric-...Electric fireplaces
A-TITLE Electric Fireplaces | Flame Effect Fireplace | Fireplace Fire for Home
/en/products/heating/infrared-...Infrared heating panels
A-TITLE Infrared heating panels | Infrared heating wall | app control
/en/products/heating/towel-rad...Towel radiators
A-TITLE Towel Radiator | Bathroom Heater | Thermostat
A-TITLE Garden | Products for your home
A-TITLE Pavillon
/en/products/garden/stone-foun...Stone fountains
A-TITLE Stone fountains
/en/products/garden/garden-fla...Patio heater
A-TITLE Patio Heaters | Outdoor Heaters | Pellet Heaters
/en/products/garden/garden-fir...Fire bowls
A-TITLE Fire bowls, garden fire, wood tray
/en/products/garden/garden-fur...Garden furniture
A-TITLE garden furniture
/en/products/domestic-home.htmlDOMESTIC HOME
A-TITLE DOMESTIC HOME Household | Insect killer, Shoe dryer, Fragrance dispenser, Decoration
/en/products/domestic-home/aro...Aroma diffuser
A-TITLE Aroma diffuser
/en/products/domestic-home/clo...Clothes drying rack
A-TITLE Clothes drying rack | Stewi | heated rack
/en/products/domestic-home/mos...Mosquito killer
A-TITLE Mosquito killer
/en/products/domestic-home/ice...Ice machine
A-TITLE Ice machine
/en/products/domestic-home/bat...Bath accessory
A-TITLE Bath accessory
/en/products/domestic-home/sho...Shoe dryer
A-TITLE Shoe dryer
A-TITLE Decoration
A-TITLE UV-C Cleaning
A-TITLE wellness, whirlpool, saunas, infrared sauna, swim spa, pool maintenance
/en/products/wellness/hot-tub....Hot Tub
A-TITLE Hot tub | Wooden Bath Tube | for cozy evenings
/en/products/wellness/infrared...Infrared sauna
A-TITLE Infrared sauna | Homesauna new health programme
/en/products/wellness/fasssaun...Barrel sauna
A-TITLE Barrel sauna for your own oasis of well-being
A-TITLE Whirlpool & luxury pools - buy in switzerland | service | installation
A-TITLE Large whirlpool | swim spas for sporting activities
A-TITLE Wellness & Whirlpool Accessories | Cover | Aromatherapy
/en/products/wellness/accessor...Pool care
A-TITLE Pool Care | Whirlpool Service | Clean water - for a long life of your pool
A-TITLE Cava wine cabinet, wine climate
/en/products/cava/wine-cabinet...Wine cabinet
A-TITLE Wine cabinet | Wine Storage Cabinet | Wine Refrigerator | Wine Storage
A-TITLE All Products from Clime to Wellness
/en/products/clime.htmlTexto duplicado CLIME
A-TITLE CLIME | Air conditioners | Fans - Indoor air at Sonnenkönig
/en/products/clime/air-conditi...Texto duplicado Air Conditioner
A-TITLE Air conditioner | fixed air conditioners | mobile air conditioners | conditioning unit
/en/products/clime/air-conditi...Mobile air conditioner
A-TITLE Mobile Air Conditioners | Moveable Air Conditioners & Smart Air Conditioners
/en/products/clime/air-conditi...Mounted air conditioner
A-TITLE Mounted Air Conditioner | Mono and dual-block system
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/en/products/clime/dehumidifie...Texto duplicado Dehumidifier
A-TITLE Discover dehumidifier / Secco Casa, Secco Forte | Seccomat
/en/products/clime/dehumidifie...Secco Casa
A-TITLE Secco Casa
/en/products/clime/dehumidifie...Secco Forte
A-TITLE Secco Forte
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/en/products/clime/air-cleaner...Texto duplicado Air cleaner
A-TITLE Air Purifier for Allergies & Fresh Air
/en/products/clime/air-freshen...Texto duplicado Air freshener
A-TITLE Air freshener
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A-TITLE Humidifier against dry room climate
/en/products/clime/fans.htmlTexto duplicado Fans
A-TITLE Fans for every area | ceiling fans, table fans, and more
/en/products/clime/fans/table-...Table fan
A-TITLE Table fan for your office or home
/en/products/clime/fans/pedest...Pedestal fan
A-TITLE Pedestal fan suitable for every performance
/en/products/clime/fans/tower-...Tower fan
A-TITLE Column fan for little space
/en/products/clime/fans/ceilin...Ceiling fan
A-TITLE Ceiling fan | classic and modern models
/en/products/clime/fans/floor-...Floor fan
A-TITLE Floor fans with a lot of power
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
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A-TITLE Tumble dryer
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/en/products/heating.htmlTexto duplicado HEATING
A-TITLE Heating | Range of classic heaters | Which heater is the right one?
/en/products/heating/infrared-...Texto duplicado Infrared lamp
A-TITLE Infrared outdoor lamp | Infrared radiator | Infrared heating | Infrared radiator
/en/products/heating/ceramic.htmlTexto duplicado Ceramic
A-TITLE Ceramic heater | small electric fan heater for the office
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A-TITLE Modern convectors | mobile or wall-mounted
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A-TITLE Fan heater
/en/products/heating/frost-rad...Texto duplicado Frost radiator
A-TITLE Frost radiator
/en/products/heating/heater-bl...Texto duplicado Heater blower
A-TITLE Efficient fan heaters | Heating for construction
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A-TITLE Heating pad
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A-TITLE Heating blanket
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A-TITLE Oil radiators | Electric radiators | Classic design
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A-TITLE Heating Petroleum | Petroleum stove | Combustar
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A-TITLE Electric Fireplaces | Flame Effect Fireplace | Fireplace Fire for Home
/en/products/heating/infrared-...Texto duplicado Infrared heating panels
A-TITLE Infrared heating panels | Infrared heating wall | app control
A-TITLE Thermostat
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
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A-TITLE Towel Radiator | Bathroom Heater | Thermostat
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A-TITLE Thermostat
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
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A-TITLE Garden | Products for your home
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A-TITLE Pavillon
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A-TITLE Stone fountains
/en/products/garden/garden-fla...Texto duplicado Patio heater
A-TITLE Patio Heaters | Outdoor Heaters | Pellet Heaters
A-TITLE Gas heaters and patio heaters for gastronomy and the garden
A-TITLE Patio heater electrically operated
A-TITLE Pellet Outdoor Heating | Energy Efficient
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
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A-TITLE Fire bowls, garden fire, wood tray
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/en/products/garden/garden-fur...Texto duplicado Garden furniture
A-TITLE garden furniture
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/en/products/domestic-home.htmlTexto duplicado DOMESTIC HOME
A-TITLE DOMESTIC HOME Household | Insect killer, Shoe dryer, Fragrance dispenser, Decoration
/en/products/domestic-home/aro...Texto duplicado Aroma diffuser
A-TITLE Aroma diffuser
/en/products/domestic-home/clo...Texto duplicado Clothes drying rack
A-TITLE Clothes drying rack | Stewi | heated rack
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A-TITLE Mosquito killer
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A-TITLE Ice machine
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A-TITLE Bath accessory
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A-TITLE Shoe dryer
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A-TITLE Decoration
A-TITLE Waterwall
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A-TITLE Indoor fountain
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
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A-TITLE UV-C Cleaning
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/en/products/wellness.htmlTexto duplicado WELLNESS
A-TITLE wellness, whirlpool, saunas, infrared sauna, swim spa, pool maintenance
/en/products/wellness/hot-tub....Texto duplicado Hot Tub
A-TITLE Hot tub | Wooden Bath Tube | for cozy evenings
/en/products/wellness/infrared...Texto duplicado Infrared sauna
A-TITLE Infrared sauna | Homesauna new health programme
/en/products/wellness/fasssaun...Texto duplicado Barrel sauna
A-TITLE Barrel sauna for your own oasis of well-being
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A-TITLE Whirlpool & luxury pools - buy in switzerland | service | installation
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A-TITLE Large whirlpool | swim spas for sporting activities
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A-TITLE Wellness & Whirlpool Accessories | Cover | Aromatherapy
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A-TITLE Pool Care | Whirlpool Service | Clean water - for a long life of your pool
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
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A-TITLE Cava wine cabinet, wine climate
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A-TITLE Wine cabinet | Wine Storage Cabinet | Wine Refrigerator | Wine Storage
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/en/service.htmlTexto duplicado Service
A-TITLE Service | Repairs | Transport damage | Documents
A-TITLE Annual catalogue, brochures and more to download for free
A-TITLE Counseling
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A-TITLE Transport damage
A-TITLE Repairs
/en/service/delivery.htmlDelivery and Assembling
A-TITLE Delivery and Assembling | Service Whirlpool & Air Conditioner
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/en/new.htmlTexto duplicado NEW
A-TITLE NEWS from Sonnenkönig
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere
/de/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Deutsch
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig - Raumluft & Wellness | Whirlpool | Klimaanlage, Klimageräte | Wäschetrockner usw.
/fr/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Francais
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
/it/startseite.htmlSubdominio Texto duplicado Italiano
A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere ancla Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio SHOP
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/en/products/heating/infrared-...Subdominio Sin texto
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/en/products/clime.htmlA-TITLE CLIME | Air conditioners | Fans - Indoor air at Sonnenkönig
/en/products/heating.htmlA-TITLE Heating | Range of classic heaters | Which heater is the right one?
/en/products/garden.htmlA-TITLE Garden | Products for your home
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/en/products/cava.htmlA-TITLE Cava wine cabinet, wine climate
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/en/products/wellness/whirlpoo...Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show Details
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/en/products/clime/fans/alias/...Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show Details
/en/products/heating/towel-rad...Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show Details
/en/new.htmlNueva ventana To our News
/en/products/clime/air-conditi...Subdominio A-TITLE air conditioner
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A-TITLE Air conditioner | fixed air conditioners | mobile air conditioners | conditioning unit
/en/products/clime/dehumidifie...Texto duplicado Dehumidifier
A-TITLE Discover dehumidifier / Secco Casa, Secco Forte | Seccomat
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A-TITLE Air Purifier for Allergies & Fresh Air
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A-TITLE Air freshener
/en/products/clime/humidifier....Texto duplicado Humidifier
A-TITLE Humidifier against dry room climate
/en/products/clime/fans.htmlTexto duplicado Fans
A-TITLE Fans for every area | ceiling fans, table fans, and more
/en/products/clime/tumble-drye...Texto duplicado Tumble dryer
A-TITLE Tumble dryer
/en/products/heating.htmlTexto duplicado HEATING
A-TITLE Heating | Range of classic heaters | Which heater is the right one?
/en/products/heating/infrared-...Texto duplicado Infrared lamp
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A-TITLE Ceramic heater | small electric fan heater for the office
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A-TITLE Modern convectors | mobile or wall-mounted
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A-TITLE Fan heater
/en/products/heating/frost-rad...Texto duplicado Frost radiator
A-TITLE Frost radiator
/en/products/heating/heater-bl...Texto duplicado Heater blower
A-TITLE Efficient fan heaters | Heating for construction
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A-TITLE Garden | Products for your home
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/en/products/garden/garden-fla...Texto duplicado Patio heater
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A-TITLE DOMESTIC HOME Household | Insect killer, Shoe dryer, Fragrance dispenser, Decoration
/en/products/domestic-home/aro...Texto duplicado Aroma diffuser
A-TITLE Aroma diffuser
/en/products/domestic-home/clo...Texto duplicado Clothes drying rack
A-TITLE Clothes drying rack | Stewi | heated rack
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A-TITLE Mosquito killer
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A-TITLE Ice machine
/en/products/domestic-home/bat...Texto duplicado Bath accessory
A-TITLE Bath accessory
/en/products/domestic-home/sho...Texto duplicado Shoe dryer
A-TITLE Shoe dryer
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A-TITLE UV-C Cleaning
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A-TITLE wellness, whirlpool, saunas, infrared sauna, swim spa, pool maintenance
/en/products/wellness/hot-tub....Texto duplicado Hot Tub
A-TITLE Hot tub | Wooden Bath Tube | for cozy evenings
/en/products/wellness/infrared...Texto duplicado Infrared sauna
A-TITLE Infrared sauna | Homesauna new health programme
/en/products/wellness/fasssaun...Texto duplicado Barrel sauna
A-TITLE Barrel sauna for your own oasis of well-being
/en/products/wellness/whirlpoo...Texto duplicado Whirlpool
A-TITLE Whirlpool & luxury pools - buy in switzerland | service | installation
/en/products/wellness/swim-spa...Texto duplicado Swim-Spa
A-TITLE Large whirlpool | swim spas for sporting activities
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A-TITLE Wellness & Whirlpool Accessories | Cover | Aromatherapy
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A-TITLE Pool Care | Whirlpool Service | Clean water - for a long life of your pool
/en/products/cava.htmlTexto duplicado CAVA
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Climatisateur | Chauffage & Whirlpool
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A-TITLE Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Aria interna e stile di vita | Clima, riscaldamento e benessere

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Sonnenkönig of Switzerland | Air conditioner & electro Heating ...

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