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Spotlight PA: Pennsylvania news and investigations
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Spotlight PA: Find Pennsylvania news and investigations about state and local governments, businesses and special interests.
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twitter:descriptionSpotlight PA: Find Pennsylvania news and investigations about state and local governments, businesses and special interests.
og:titleSpotlight PA: Pennsylvania news and investigations
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URLAtributo ALTTítulo
data:[...] Base64Support Spotlight PA and for our year-end member drive, your gift will be TRIPLED.
...nljZzl0bjQ0ZTJ5djNnNjNieHIuanBlZw==.jpegPenn State’s University Park campus in State College, Pennsylvania.Penn State’s University Park campus in State College, Pennsylvania.
...i8wMWtuLTQ0MzQtdmQzeS1xdHFjLmpwZWc=.jpegPennsylvania Treasurer Stacy GarrityPennsylvania Treasurer Stacy Garrity
...i8wMWttLXZzcTctMTdray03ejF0LmpwZWc=.jpegElectors filling out their ballots on Dec. 14, 2020.Electors filling out their ballots on Dec. 14, 2020.
...S8wMWpnLTZqNGMtZ3kzMi00eHpwLmpwZWc=.jpegOld Main on Penn State’s University Park campusOld Main on Penn State’s University Park campus
...S8wMWtlLXA4dzEtZ3JoZi1tdDNqLmpwZWc=.jpegExterior of Mount Penn Borough's municipal buildingExterior of Mount Penn Borough's municipal building
data:[...] Base64Get 20% off Spotlight PA's famous totes with exclusive designs made just for us.
...C8wMWtnLXhwaGUtMzF3dy1xczJmLmpwZWc=.jpegAfter Hershey Medical Center stopped performing kidney transplants, Jessica Clark scrambled to find another hospital that would add her to its waiting list.After Hershey Medical Center stopped performing kidney transplants, Jessica Clark scrambled to find another hospital that would add her to its waiting list.
...C8wMWtjLWE2MTMtcm5hYi02eW04LmpwZWc=.jpegPennsylvania's medical marijuana program has allowed doctors with past misconduct to certify patients.Pennsylvania's medical marijuana program has allowed doctors with past misconduct to certify patients.
...S8wMWp0LWcxNjItMG1xeC1tdDdxLmpwZWc=.jpegA transformer station.A transformer station.
...S8wMWpuLTUwZHAteWtrZS1laDF4LmpwZWc=.jpegAn installation at the Pennsylvania Capitol shows how many days and hours have passed since the state House passed gun control bills.An installation at the Pennsylvania Capitol shows how many days and hours have passed since the state House passed gun control bills.
...C8wMWtoLWQwcm4tcWdzaC1jcmR5LmpwZWc=.jpegPennsylvania Secretary of Aging Jason Kavulich (center)Pennsylvania Secretary of Aging Jason Kavulich (center)
...C8wMWtjLTc5cTgtamYzbi10dndkLmpwZWc=.jpegThe Secret Service immediately surround former President Trump after he was shot during his campaign stop at the Butler Farm Show grounds on Saturday, July 13, 2024.The Secret Service immediately surround former President Trump after he was shot during his campaign stop at the Butler Farm Show grounds on Saturday, July 13, 2024.
...C8wMWtjLWE2MTMtcm5hYi02eW04LmpwZWc=.jpegPennsylvania's medical marijuana program has allowed doctors with past misconduct to certify patients.Pennsylvania's medical marijuana program has allowed doctors with past misconduct to certify patients.
...C8wMWtqLTJ6dnQteTIweC1mMXFnLnBuZw==.jpegSpotlight PA reporting airs on PHL17 in Philadelphia, PASpotlight PA reporting airs on PHL17 in Philadelphia, PA
...C8wMWtiLXczcTktNzduMy1rMnNuLmpwZWc=.jpegThe inauguration of Gov. Josh Shapiro at the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg on Jan. 17, 2023.The inauguration of Gov. Josh Shapiro at the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg on Jan. 17, 2023.
...i8wMWdjLTRrNWItY3g5MS1mcHBjLmpwZWc=.jpegCarece de atributo ALT
...i8wMWttLXZ4OHotenc3ay04OGM1LmpwZWc=.jpegThe Old Gregg School Community and Recreation Center in Spring Mills, which houses Gregg Township's municipal office.The Old Gregg School Community and Recreation Center in Spring Mills, which houses Gregg Township's municipal office.
...HI2YnF2a3RqeG0yZTZrd2E1Nm0uanBlZw==.jpegTwo deer standing in grassTwo deer standing in grass
...C8wMWtjLWhybjYtc2o0YS1zYzZ6LmpwZWc=.jpegA child receives a vaccine from a nurse.A child receives a vaccine from a nurse.
...C8wMWpkLWFoODYtNzE4dC16amFuLmpwZWc=.jpegThe exterior of the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg.The exterior of the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg.
...XQ1Ym13azJtZzRoazU5NTVyMm0uanBlZw==.jpegAustin Davis (center) is sworn in as lieutenant governor flanked by his wife Blayre Holmes Davis (right).Austin Davis (center) is sworn in as lieutenant governor flanked by his wife Blayre Holmes Davis (right).
...S8wMWtqLW43NnYtaDRqei1kazEyLmpwZWc=.jpegPeople wait in line to vote Nov. 5, 2024, at the Banana Factory in Bethlehem, Northampton County, Pennsylvania.People wait in line to vote Nov. 5, 2024, at the Banana Factory in Bethlehem, Northampton County, Pennsylvania.
...S8wMWtlLWdydGstMmdjNy02dGJqLmpwZWc=.jpegA patient room at Milton S. Hershey Medical Center.A patient room at Milton S. Hershey Medical Center.
...S8wMWp0LWcxNjItMG1xeC1tdDdxLmpwZWc=.jpegA transformer station.A transformer station.
...S8wMWpuLTUwZHAteWtrZS1laDF4LmpwZWc=.jpegAn installation at the Pennsylvania Capitol shows how many days and hours have passed since the state House passed gun control bills.An installation at the Pennsylvania Capitol shows how many days and hours have passed since the state House passed gun control bills.
...S8wMWttLWMyeDAtaGhnei14ZTZxLmpwZWc=.jpegDickinson College Farm in Cumberland County.Dickinson College Farm in Cumberland County.
...S8wMWpnLTZqNGMtZ3kzMi00eHpwLmpwZWc=.jpegOld Main on Penn State's University Park campus in State College, PennsylvaniaOld Main on Penn State's University Park campus in State College, Pennsylvania
...C8wMWptLTAybnQtNzdzei03dzZmLmpwZWc=.jpegA wooded area near the border between Elk and Cameron Counties.A wooded area near the border between Elk and Cameron Counties.
...C8wMWpjLXRoMDgtNmVyYS1rOXAwLmpwZWc=.jpegPenn State campusPenn State campus
...zBucmEtNHMzbS1ldGgxLWs0NDAuanBlZw==.jpegBob CaseyBob Casey
...GdtaGtqcWV5MTk3djNkZ2hrd20uanBlZw==.jpegA sticker proclaiming "I voted" in a Pennsylvania election.A sticker proclaiming "I voted" in a Pennsylvania election.
data:[...] Base64Support unmatched election and investigative reporting for Pennsylvania. the top news from across Pennsylvania, plus some fun and a puzzle, all in one free daily email newsletter.Get the top news from across Pennsylvania, plus some fun and a puzzle, all in one free daily email newsletter.

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Latest Pennsylvania news covering state and local issues
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 106 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Latest Pennsylvania news covering state and local issues
H2 Most Popular Stories
H2 Support Nonpartisan, Independent Journalism
H2 Editor's Picks
H2 The Capitol
H2 Investigations
H2 Impact
H2 Latest From Our Daily Newsletter
H2 Start your morning with PA Post
H2 State College Bureau
H2 More top stories
H2 Encabezado vacío
H2 Upcoming Events
H2 Spotlight PA Event: Test your PA knowledge at our virtual trivia night
H2 Elections
H2 Encabezado vacío
H2 Search
H2 Encabezado vacío
H3 News
H3 Newsletters
H3 About
H3 Donate
H3 An average trustees meeting costs Penn State $52,100, a major drop compared to recent years
H3 Republicans are thinking about who will run for Pa. governor in 2026. One name tops lists.
H3 Elections 101: Meet Trump’s 2024 electors and learn about the Electoral College
H3 Penn State trustees pass almost 85% of measures without a single dissenting vote
H3 This struggling Pa. community could raise more revenue with a new form of government. But the process is complex.
H3 Sign up for our newsletters
H3 As problems roiled Penn State Health’s transplant programs, unknowing patients kept hope. Then they were blindsided.
H3 Prior misconduct rarely an obstacle for doctors in Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program
H3 Utility law will lapse after Pa. legislature deadlocks on expanding consumer protections
H3 A court loss isn’t the end of the fight for stricter gun laws in Pa., advocates say
H3 Breaking rules intended to keep Pa.’s older adults safe is rarely met with state sanctions
H3 Trump assassination attempt shows long-standing flaws in Secret Service protections
H3 New limits, oversight for Pa.’s medical marijuana doctors proposed in response to Spotlight PA investigation
H3 Groundbreaking deal between Spotlight PA, TV stations to bring in-depth reporting to millions more people
H3 Activists target guv's 'scandalous' conduct rule
H3 The real history behind Trump’s Philly falsehoods
H3 What a court ruling means for rejected mail voters
H3 More than $532K went missing from a rural Pa. township. Now the former secretary has been charged with 4 felonies.
H3 The Game Commission changed the 1st day of rifle deer season in 2019. Some rural Pa. businesses want to see it switched back.
H3 Doctors in Pa. recommend RSV, flu vaccines as winter approaches
H3 PA Local Heroes: The accidental activist lobbying Harrisburg to protect older adults from abuse
H3 Great PA News Quiz: New role for Lt. Gov. Davis, politician pay bump, and Farm Show milkshakes
H3 Pa. certifies 2024 election results as Trump electors prepare to meet in Harrisburg
H3 A range of workers provide maternal care in Pa. Learn their roles.
H3 Utility law will lapse after Pa. legislature deadlocks on expanding consumer protections Texto duplicado
H3 A court loss isn’t the end of the fight for stricter gun laws in Pa., advocates say Texto duplicado
H3 On the range with Pennsylvania’s professional farm sitters
H3 Great PA News Quiz: Shapiro cabinet official resigns, law school consolidation, and deer season
H3 Answers to Spotlight PA’s 2024 Thanksgiving Day Scrambler, Riddler, and trivia puzzles
H3 Botched FAFSA rollout, state upgrades mean college students are still waiting for critical grant money
H3 Democrats in Pennsylvania had a horrible 2024 election. They say it's still a swing state
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Dec 12
H3 How Spotlight PA will cover Pennsylvania’s 2024 election
H3 About Texto duplicado
H3 News Texto duplicado
H3 Newsletters Texto duplicado
H3 Follow Us
H3 Encabezado vacío
H4 by Wyatt Massey of Spotlight PA State College
H4 Penn State kept its pledge to reduce the meeting costs of its 36-member board, but each gathering still totals tens of thousands of dollars.
H4 Related Stories
H4 by Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA
H4 by Sarah Anne Hughes of Spotlight PA
H4 by Wyatt Massey of Spotlight PA State College Texto duplicado
H4 by Amanda Fries for Spotlight PA
H4 by Charlotte Keith of Spotlight PA and Wyatt Massey of Spotlight PA State College
H4 Already sick, former patients of the failed kidney and liver transplant units face rejection and despair as they look elsewhere and grapple with the one thing they cannot afford to lose: time.
H4 by Ed Mahon of Spotlight PA
H4 by Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
H4 The law was designed to make it easier for utility companies to reclaim unpaid bills while increasing consumer protections. Advocates say it’s not strong enough.
H4 by Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA Texto duplicado
H4 by Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA
H4 Despite chronic issues, the Department of Aging has never taken punitive action against county agencies that don’t meet state standards.
H4 by Danielle Ohl of Spotlight PA; Jessica Lussenhop of ProPublica; and Irina Bucur, Tracy Leturgey and Eddie Trizzino of The Butler Eagle
H4 by Ed Mahon of Spotlight PA Texto duplicado
H4 The bill would give the Department of Health discretion on which doctors in the medical marijuana program would receive extra scrutiny.
H4 by Christopher Baxter
H4 Plus, the faulty tests tearing families apart.
H4 Plus, tonight's presidential debate.
H4 Plus, 'massive violations' inside an ICE facility.
H4 by Min Xian of Spotlight PA State College
H4 Pamela Hackenburg allegedly stole more than half a million dollars in public funds. She has been charged by State Police with theft, receiving stolen property, identity theft, and access device fra...
H4 by Marley Parish of Spotlight PA State College
H4 by Sarah Boden for Spotlight PA
H4 Physicians in Pennsylvania don’t anticipate the surges of patients they saw during the first winters of the COVID-19 pandemic, but encouraged RSV and flu vaccinations.
H4 by Colin Deppen of Spotlight PA
H4 After Lynn Fiedler’s mother was abused in a memory care center near Lewisburg, Fiedler went to Harrisburg to change the laws.
H4 by Asha Prihar of Spotlight PA
H4 In this week’s news quiz: Court ruling on preemption, missing money in Centre County, and Shapiro activates the National Guard.
H4 by Carter Walker of Votebeat
H4 More than 7 million Pennsylvanians cast ballots in the 2024 election — a turnout rate of nearly 77%.
H4 by Sarah Boden for Spotlight PA Texto duplicado
H4 The federal government argues a more robust maternal health workforce is key to improving mortality before, during, and after childbirth.
H4 by Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA Texto duplicado
H4 The law was designed to make it easier for utility companies to reclaim unpaid bills while increasing consumer protections. Advocates say it’s not strong enough. Texto duplicado
H4 by Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA Texto duplicado
H4 Pennsylvania is one of 42 states with a law that preempts local governments from passing or enforcing gun statutes stricter than those allowed by the legislature.
H4 by Colin Deppen of Spotlight PA Texto duplicado
H4 Pennsylvania has tens of thousands of farms, most family-owned. So who’s watching the animals when they’re gone?
H4 by Asha Prihar of Spotlight PA Texto duplicado
H4 In this week’s news quiz: The status of the Senate recount, grad student unionization, and a beloved Pennsylvania pie.
H4 by Spotlight PA staff
H4 Rather than make you wait until next week, we’re providing answers to the Thanksgiving Day Scramblers, Riddlers, and trivia from our newsletters here.
H4 by Charlotte Keith of Spotlight PA
H4 Federal delays and changes to the PA grant system have left many college students waiting anxiously for aid meant to cover tuition and living expenses.
H4 by Associated Press
H4 The introspection over voters' rejection of Democrats comes amid growing speculation about Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as a contender for the party's 2028 presidential nomination.
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 by Elizabeth Estrada of Spotlight PA
H4 Encabezado vacío
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 16 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content texto
/topics/how-harrisburg-works/How Harrisburg Works
/topics/justice-system/Justice System
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/topics/penn-state/Penn State
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/topics/the-capitol/State Capitol
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/about/partnersSpotlight PA Partners
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/support/funders-and-membersHow We're Funded
/support/leaders-in-actionLeaders in Action Subdominio Spotlight PA Store ancla Menu
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/donate/Texto duplicado Donate
/statecollege/State College
/topics/events/Texto duplicado Events
/about/Texto duplicado About
https://spotlightpa.donorsuppo...Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Support Spotlight PA and for our year-end member drive, your gift will be TRIPLED.
/topics/penn-state/State College Region
/topics/penn-state/Texto duplicado Penn State
/statecollege/2024/12/penn-sta...IMG-ALT Penn State’s University Park campus in State College, Pennsylvania.
/statecollege/2024/12/penn-sta...An average trustees meeting costs Penn State $52,100, a major drop compared to recent years
/statecollege/2024/12/ Wyatt Massey of Spotlight PA State College
/statecollege/2024/12/penn-sta...Penn State kept its pledge to reduce the meeting costs of its 36-member board, but each gathering still totals tens of thousands of dollars.
/statecollege/2022/09/penn-sta...Amid budget crunch, Penn State trustees spent nearly $318,000 on meals, lodging, and more for meetings
/statecollege/2024/12/penn-sta...Penn State trustees pass almost 85% of measures without a single dissenting vote
/statecollege/2024/11/penn-sta...Penn State trustees rarely discuss key issues before voting — unless they’re related to athletics or rules for members
/statecollege/2024/11/penn-sta...Penn State will pay more than $564K after investigation into drinking water contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’
/topics/elections/Texto duplicado Elections
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-ele...IMG-ALT Pennsylvania Treasurer Stacy Garrity
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-ele...Republicans are thinking about who will run for Pa. governor in 2026. One name tops lists.
/news/2024/12/ Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA
/series/elections-101/Texto duplicado Elections
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-ele...IMG-ALT Electors filling out their ballots on Dec. 14, 2020.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-ele...Elections 101: Meet Trump’s 2024 electors and learn about the Electoral College
/news/2024/12/ Sarah Anne Hughes of Spotlight PA
/topics/penn-state/Texto duplicado Penn State
/statecollege/2024/12/penn-sta...IMG-ALT Old Main on Penn State’s University Park campus
/statecollege/2024/12/penn-sta...Texto duplicado Penn State trustees pass almost 85% of measures without a single dissenting vote
/statecollege/2024/12/penn-sta...Texto duplicado by Wyatt Massey of Spotlight PA State College
/news/2024/12/mount-penn-home-...IMG-ALT Exterior of Mount Penn Borough's municipal building
/news/2024/12/mount-penn-home-...This struggling Pa. community could raise more revenue with a new form of government. But the process is complex.
/news/2024/12/ Amanda Fries for Spotlight PA Subdominio IMG-ALT Get 20% off Spotlight PA's famous totes with exclusive designs made just for us.
/series/penn-state-health/Texto duplicado Penn State
/statecollege/2024/10/penn-sta...IMG-ALT After Hershey Medical Center stopped performing kidney transplants, Jessica Clark scrambled to find another hospital that would add her to its waiting list.
/statecollege/2024/10/penn-sta...As problems roiled Penn State Health’s transplant programs, unknowing patients kept hope. Then they were blindsided.
/statecollege/2024/10/ Charlotte Keith of Spotlight PA and Wyatt Massey of Spotlight PA State College
/statecollege/2024/10/penn-sta...Already sick, former patients of the failed kidney and liver transplant units face rejection and despair as they look elsewhere and grapple with the one thin...
/topics/health/Texto duplicado Health
/news/2024/08/medical-marijuan...IMG-ALT Pennsylvania's medical marijuana program has allowed doctors with past misconduct to certify patients.
/news/2024/08/medical-marijuan...Prior misconduct rarely an obstacle for doctors in Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program
/news/2024/08/ Ed Mahon of Spotlight PA
/topics/the-capitol/Dec. 3, 2024
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-win...IMG-ALT A transformer station.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-win...Utility law will lapse after Pa. legislature deadlocks on expanding consumer protections
/news/2024/12/ Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-win...The law was designed to make it easier for utility companies to reclaim unpaid bills while increasing consumer protections. Advocates say it’s not strong eno...
/topics/the-capitol/Dec. 2, 2024
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-sup...IMG-ALT An installation at the Pennsylvania Capitol shows how many days and hours have passed since the state House passed gun control bills.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-sup...A court loss isn’t the end of the fight for stricter gun laws in Pa., advocates say
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-sup...Texto duplicado by Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/10/pennsylvania-eld...IMG-ALT Pennsylvania Secretary of Aging Jason Kavulich (center)
/news/2024/10/pennsylvania-eld...Breaking rules intended to keep Pa.’s older adults safe is rarely met with state sanctions
/news/2024/10/ Angela Couloumbis of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/10/pennsylvania-eld...Despite chronic issues, the Department of Aging has never taken punitive action against county agencies that don’t meet state standards.
/topics/elections/Elections 2024
/news/2024/08/trump-assassinat...IMG-ALT The Secret Service immediately surround former President Trump after he was shot during his campaign stop at the Butler Farm Show grounds on Saturday, July 1...
/news/2024/08/trump-assassinat...Trump assassination attempt shows long-standing flaws in Secret Service protections
/news/2024/08/ Danielle Ohl of Spotlight PA; Jessica Lussenhop of ProPublica; and Irina Bucur, Tracy Leturgey and Eddie Trizzino of The Butler Eagle
/topics/health/Texto duplicado Health
/news/2024/10/medical-marijuan...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Pennsylvania's medical marijuana program has allowed doctors with past misconduct to certify patients.
/news/2024/10/medical-marijuan...New limits, oversight for Pa.’s medical marijuana doctors proposed in response to Spotlight PA investigation
/news/2024/10/medical-marijuan...Texto duplicado by Ed Mahon of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/10/medical-marijuan...The bill would give the Department of Health discretion on which doctors in the medical marijuana program would receive extra scrutiny.
/topics/editors-notes/Editor’s Notes
/news/2024/10/pennsylvania-tv-...IMG-ALT Spotlight PA reporting airs on PHL17 in Philadelphia, PA
/news/2024/10/pennsylvania-tv-...Groundbreaking deal between Spotlight PA, TV stations to bring in-depth reporting to millions more people
/news/2024/10/ Christopher Baxter
/newsletters/papost/activists-...Sept. 11, 2024
/newsletters/papost/activists-...IMG-ALT The inauguration of Gov. Josh Shapiro at the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg on Jan. 17, 2023.
/newsletters/papost/activists-...Activists target guv's 'scandalous' conduct rule
/newsletters/papost/activists-...Plus, the faulty tests tearing families apart.
/newsletters/papost/real-histo...Sept. 10, 2024
/newsletters/papost/real-histo...The real history behind Trump’s Philly falsehoods
/newsletters/papost/real-histo...Plus, tonight's presidential debate.
/newsletters/papost/what-penns...Sept. 9, 2024
/newsletters/papost/what-penns...What a court ruling means for rejected mail voters
/newsletters/papost/what-penns...Plus, 'massive violations' inside an ICE facility.
/topics/local-government/Texto duplicado Dec. 2, 2024
/statecollege/2024/12/rural-pe...IMG-ALT The Old Gregg School Community and Recreation Center in Spring Mills, which houses Gregg Township's municipal office.
/statecollege/2024/12/rural-pe...More than $532K went missing from a rural Pa. township. Now the former secretary has been charged with 4 felonies.
/statecollege/2024/12/ Min Xian of Spotlight PA State College
/statecollege/2024/12/rural-pe...Pamela Hackenburg allegedly stole more than half a million dollars in public funds. She has been charged by State Police with theft, receiving stolen propert...
/topics/rural-issues/Nov. 27, 2024
/statecollege/2024/11/rifle-de...IMG-ALT Two deer standing in grass
/statecollege/2024/11/rifle-de...The Game Commission changed the 1st day of rifle deer season in 2019. Some rural Pa. businesses want to see it switched back.
/statecollege/2024/11/ Marley Parish of Spotlight PA State College
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-rsv...Texto duplicado Caregiving
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-rsv...IMG-ALT A child receives a vaccine from a nurse.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-rsv...Doctors in Pa. recommend RSV, flu vaccines as winter approaches
/news/2024/12/ Sarah Boden for Spotlight PA
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-rsv...Physicians in Pennsylvania don’t anticipate the surges of patients they saw during the first winters of the COVID-19 pandemic, but encouraged RSV and flu vac...
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-nur...Texto duplicado PA Local
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-nur...IMG-ALT The exterior of the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-nur...PA Local Heroes: The accidental activist lobbying Harrisburg to protect older adults from abuse
/news/2024/12/ Colin Deppen of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-nur...After Lynn Fiedler’s mother was abused in a memory care center near Lewisburg, Fiedler went to Harrisburg to change the laws.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-new...Week of Dec. 2, 2024
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-new...IMG-ALT Austin Davis (center) is sworn in as lieutenant governor flanked by his wife Blayre Holmes Davis (right).
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-new...Great PA News Quiz: New role for Lt. Gov. Davis, politician pay bump, and Farm Show milkshakes
/news/2024/12/ Asha Prihar of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-new...In this week’s news quiz: Court ruling on preemption, missing money in Centre County, and Shapiro activates the National Guard.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-ele...Texto duplicado Elections
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-ele...IMG-ALT People wait in line to vote Nov. 5, 2024, at the Banana Factory in Bethlehem, Northampton County, Pennsylvania.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-ele...Pa. certifies 2024 election results as Trump electors prepare to meet in Harrisburg
/news/2024/12/ Carter Walker of Votebeat
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-ele...More than 7 million Pennsylvanians cast ballots in the 2024 election — a turnout rate of nearly 77%.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-pre...Texto duplicado Caregiving
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-pre...IMG-ALT A patient room at Milton S. Hershey Medical Center.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-pre...A range of workers provide maternal care in Pa. Learn their roles.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-pre...Texto duplicado by Sarah Boden for Spotlight PA
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-pre...The federal government argues a more robust maternal health workforce is key to improving mortality before, during, and after childbirth.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-win...The Capitol
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-win...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT A transformer station.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-win...Texto duplicado Utility law will lapse after Pa. legislature deadlocks on expanding consumer protections
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-win...Texto duplicado by Stephen Caruso of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-win...Texto duplicado The law was designed to make it easier for utility companies to reclaim unpaid bills while increasing consumer protections. Advocates say it’s not strong eno...
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-sup...Texto duplicado The Capitol
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-sup...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT An installation at the Pennsylvania Capitol shows how many days and hours have passed since the state House passed gun control bills.
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-sup...Texto duplicado A court loss isn’t the end of the fight for stricter gun laws in Pa., advocates say
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-sup...Texto duplicado by Katie Meyer of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/12/pennsylvania-sup...Pennsylvania is one of 42 states with a law that preempts local governments from passing or enforcing gun statutes stricter than those allowed by the legisla...
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-ani...Texto duplicado PA Local
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-ani...IMG-ALT Dickinson College Farm in Cumberland County.
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-ani...On the range with Pennsylvania’s professional farm sitters
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-ani...Texto duplicado by Colin Deppen of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-ani...Pennsylvania has tens of thousands of farms, most family-owned. So who’s watching the animals when they’re gone?
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-new...Week of Nov. 25, 2024
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-new...IMG-ALT Old Main on Penn State's University Park campus in State College, Pennsylvania
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-new...Great PA News Quiz: Shapiro cabinet official resigns, law school consolidation, and deer season
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-new...Texto duplicado by Asha Prihar of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-new...In this week’s news quiz: The status of the Senate recount, grad student unionization, and a beloved Pennsylvania pie.
/news/2024/11/thanksgiving-day...IMG-ALT A wooded area near the border between Elk and Cameron Counties.
/news/2024/11/thanksgiving-day...Answers to Spotlight PA’s 2024 Thanksgiving Day Scrambler, Riddler, and trivia puzzles
/news/2024/11/ Spotlight PA staff
/news/2024/11/thanksgiving-day...Rather than make you wait until next week, we’re providing answers to the Thanksgiving Day Scramblers, Riddlers, and trivia from our newsletters here.
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-col...IMG-ALT Penn State campus
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-col...Botched FAFSA rollout, state upgrades mean college students are still waiting for critical grant money
/news/2024/11/ Charlotte Keith of Spotlight PA
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-col...Federal delays and changes to the PA grant system have left many college students waiting anxiously for aid meant to cover tuition and living expenses.
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-ele...Texto duplicado Elections
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-ele...IMG-ALT Bob Casey
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-ele...Democrats in Pennsylvania had a horrible 2024 election. They say it's still a swing state
/news/2024/11/ Associated Press
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-ele...The introspection over voters' rejection of Democrats comes amid growing speculation about Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as a contender for the party's 2028... again? Stories
/news/2024/11/pennsylvania-tri...Spotlight PA Event: Test your PA knowledge at our virtual trivia night Attend Dec 12
/eventsMore events
/news/2024/01/pennsylvania-202...IMG-ALT A sticker proclaiming "I voted" in a Pennsylvania election.
/news/2024/01/pennsylvania-202...How Spotlight PA will cover Pennsylvania’s 2024 election
/news/2024/01/ Elizabeth Estrada of Spotlight PA
https://spotlightpa.donorsuppo...Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Support unmatched election and investigative reporting for Pennsylvania. texto
/about/Texto duplicado About
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/about/staff/Texto duplicado Meet the Team
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/berks/Texto duplicado Berks County duplicado Careers
/about/mobile-apps/Texto duplicado Mobile Apps
/contact/Texto duplicado Contact duplicado Send a Tip duplicado News
/topics/economy/Texto duplicado Economy
/elections/Texto duplicado Elections
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/events/Texto duplicado Events
/topics/health/Texto duplicado Health
/topics/how-harrisburg-works/Texto duplicado How Harrisburg Works
/topics/justice-system/Texto duplicado Justice System
/topics/local-government/Texto duplicado Local Government
/topics/penn-state/Texto duplicado Penn State
/topics/rural-issues/Texto duplicado Rural Issues
/topics/the-capitol/Texto duplicado State Capitol
/topics/Texto duplicado More Topics duplicado Archives
/newsletters/Texto duplicado Newsletters
/newsletters/papost/Texto duplicado PA Post
/newsletters/investigator/Texto duplicado The Investigator
/newsletters/palocal/Texto duplicado PA Local
/newsletters/howwecare/Texto duplicado How We Care
/newsletters/pennstatealert/Texto duplicado Penn State Alerts
/newsletters/talkofthetown/Texto duplicado Talk of the Town
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