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Study in Denmark
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Official gateway to higher education in Denmark. Study for an internationally recognized PhD, Master's, Bachelor's or AP degree - taught in English. Find programmes and learn about tuition fees, scholarships, housing, visa and admission requirements and more. Study abroad. Study in Europe. Study in Scandinavia. Study in Denmark.
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DC.typePortlet Page
descriptionOfficial gateway to higher education in Denmark. Study for an internationally recognized PhD, Master's, Bachelor's or AP degree - taught in English. Find programmes and learn about tuition fees, scholarships, housing, visa and admission requirements and more. Study abroad. Study in Europe. Study in Scandinavia. Study in Denmark.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
generatorPlone -
og:titleStudy in Denmark
og:descriptionOfficial gateway to higher education in Denmark. Study for an internationally recognized PhD, Master's, Bachelor's or AP degree - taught in English. Find programmes and learn about tuition fees, scholarships, housing, visa and admission requirements and more. Study abroad. Study in Europe. Study in Scandinavia. Study in Denmark.

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  • unforgetable => unforgettable
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Encabezado H1
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Think, play, participate
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Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Think, play, participate
H2 How to apply
H2 Tuition fees & Scholarships
H2 Testimonials from our students
H3 Master's, Bachelor's or Academy Profession Degrees. Short‑term courses, Summer Schools, Maritime Training – more than 600 programmes.
H3 News
H4 Application deadline for 2024 is approaching
H4 Time to Mind
H4 Do you have questions about applying for a study programme in Denmark?
H4 Are you going to apply for an education in Denmark?
H4 The 2022 edition of International students' survival guide
H5 Study in Denmark
Página base:
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
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Hay 7 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content. ancla Skip to navigation ancla Go to page content ancla Go to navigation of subsection
/why-denmarkGo to section "Why Denmark"
/study-in-denmarkGo to subsection "Study in Denmark"
/live-in-denmarkGo to subsection "Live in Denmark" "Guides" to "News"
/about-usAbout this site
/about-usAbout us to go!
/start-page/sendto_formA-TITLE Send this page to a friend A-TITLE Submit this post to Twitter Subdominio A-TITLE Share this post on Facebook Subdominio A-TITLE Share this post on Google Plus
/why-denmarkStudy in Denmark
A-TITLE Studying abroad is like any travel - it inspires you to see things in new ways. Studying in Denmark you will be inspired and gain a foundation for your futur...
/why-denmark/quality-of-life-1About Denmark
A-TITLE Denmark is a kingdom of thriving cities and idyllic landscapes; an innovative society with a green lifestyle
/why-denmark/quality-of-life-1...The Danish lifestyle
A-TITLE Danes are overall highly educated and well informed, and they are still known for their informality, and often humorous attitude with a spark of sarcasm
/why-denmark/quality-of-life-1...Denmark - an innovation leader
A-TITLE Coming up with creative ideas is part of the Danish DNA. Denmark is internationally recognized as a frontrunner in several areas of technology and research w...
/why-denmark/education-in-denmarkEducation in Denmark
A-TITLE Danish qualifications are recognised throughout the world and provide an excellent foundation for your future career
/why-denmark/education-in-denm...Study in English
A-TITLE Danish higher education institutions offer programmes taught in English. All programmes are internationally recognised and of high quality
/why-denmark/education-in-denm...High academic standards
A-TITLE Danish higher education institutions combine traditional lectures with student-centred teaching methods that will help you turn new learning into innovative ...
/why-denmark/education-in-denm...Guarantee for a quality experience
A-TITLE An ongoing evaluation process of all Danish higher education institutions by the State is your guarantee for obtaining an education of high international qua...
/why-denmark/what-to-expectStudent life
A-TITLE What can you expect as a student in Denmark?
/why-denmark/what-to-expect/st...Money-Saving Tips
A-TITLE Living in Denmark can be quite expensive. There is no way of getting around that. Here is a list of money-saving tips for students headed to the land of Viki...
/why-denmark/what-to-expect/in...International students’ survival guide to life in Denmark
A-TITLE You have decided to study in Denmark, and for that we salute you! We hope that you will enjoy your stay.
/why-denmark/Meet the studentsMeet the students
A-TITLE Why do many international students choose to study in Denmark? And what is it like being an international student here? Explore these videos and articles wit...
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Webisodes and video-blogs from our students
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Patrik
A-TITLE Patrik is from Budapest in Hungary. He is studying Engineering in Biotechnology here in Denmark. Get to know Patrik, his studies and his life as an internati...
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Phoebe
A-TITLE Phoebe is from California, USA. She is studying a master's degree in Linguistics here in Denmark. Get to know Phoebe, her studies and her life as an internat...
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Vincent
A-TITLE Vincent is 26 years old and from New Zealand. He is studying in Denmark to become an orchestral conductor. Get to know Vincent, his studies and his life in D...
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Ricardo
A-TITLE Ricardo is 22 years old and from Portugal. He is studying a master's degree in Robotics here in Denmark. Get to know Ricardo, his studies and his life as an ...
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Texto duplicado Vincent
A-TITLE Vincent is an international student in Denmark. View some glimpses of his student and everyday life in this vlog.
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Texto duplicado Ricardo
A-TITLE Ricardo is an international student in Denmark. View some glimpses of his student and everyday life in this vlog.
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Texto duplicado Phoebe
A-TITLE Phoebe is an international student in Denmark. View some glimpses of her student and everyday life in this vlog.
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Texto duplicado Patrik
A-TITLE Patrik is an international student in Denmark. View some glimpses of his student and everyday life in this vlog.
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Watch more videos from Study in Denmark
A-TITLE Study in Denmark Youtube Channel
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Video testimonials
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Article testimonials
/why-denmark/Meet the students...Student testimonials - Working in Denmark after graduation
/why-denmark/Meet the students...“Don’t be afraid of challenges”
A-TITLE Joanna Siara talks on settling down in Denmark after graduation, despite former plans of going back to Poland.
/study-optionsPlan Your Studies
A-TITLE Study abroad programs in Denmark. PhD opportunities in Denmark. Admission requirements in Denmark. Tuitions fees and scholarships in Denmark. Higher educatio...
/study-options/what-can-i-studyWhat can I study?
A-TITLE Are you finishing high school and just about to enter the higher education field? Or you have already finished a degree and want to continue your studies? We...
/study-options/what-can-i-stud...Academy Profession (AP) degree programme
A-TITLE Acedemy Profession programmes in Denmark are developed in close cooperation with companies and businesses, and as a student you will be in close contact with...
/study-options/what-can-i-stud...Bachelor's degree programmes
A-TITLE Most bachelor's programmes in Denmark combine excellent theoretical study with research and practical application, and many offer the opportunity to complete...
/study-options/what-can-i-stud...Master's degree programmes
A-TITLE A Master's degree from will give you exceptional theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply it practically.
/study-options/what-can-i-stud...PhD programmes
A-TITLE Did you know that Denmark ranks in the world's top six countries for research and development, which makes it a strong prospect for PhD study? Interested? Re...
/study-options/what-can-i-stud...Exchange programmes
A-TITLE Are you already enrolled in a study? Then you might want to consider coming to Denmark as a exchange student!
/study-options/what-can-i-stud...Summer schools
A-TITLE Do you want an unforgetable summer full of new knowledge, experiences and friendships? Then attending a summer school in Denmark might just be the thing for ...
/study-options/danish-higher-e...Higher Education Institutions
A-TITLE If you are considering to study in denmark, there are plenty of quality institutions to choose from.
/study-options/how-to-apply-2How to apply
A-TITLE If you want to study in one of in one of the greenest, innovative and happiest countries in the world - Denmark is the place for you! Read on to find out how...
/study-options/how-to-apply-2/...Language requirements
A-TITLE To study in Denmark, you don't have to be a native English or Danish speaker, but you do need very good language skills.
/study-options/how-to-apply-2/...Regulations of Admission (Quota 1 and Quota 2)
A-TITLE There are certain general rules concerning the application for undergraduate higher education programme. Read here to learn more
/study-options/how-to-apply-2/...Stand-by list
A-TITLE If you are not accepted into a programme this year, you have the opportunity to be placed on a stand-by list.
/study-options/tuition-fees-sc...Tuition Fees
A-TITLE Higher education in Denmark is free for students from the EU/EEA and for students participating in an exchange programme. For other students annual tuition r...
A-TITLE A number of scholarships and grants are available from the institutions and from public funded schemes
/live-in-denmarkLiving in Denmark
A-TITLE Visa requirements for international students in Denmark. How to obtain a residence permit to study in Denmark. Accommodation, safety and healthcare for inter...
/live-in-denmark/permits-visas...Permits, Visas & Red Tape
A-TITLE We want to make it easy for you to come to Denmark and experience our first-class education. But obviously, there are some official forms to be filled first....
/live-in-denmark/permits-visas...Do I need a visa?
A-TITLE Read here to learn, whether or not you need to apply for a visa before coming to Denmark
/live-in-denmark/permits-visas...Registration certificates (EU/EEA/Swiss citizens)
A-TITLE As an EU/EEA citizen or Swiss national you may stay in Denmark for up to three months without a registration certificate. But if you stay longer, you will ne...
/live-in-denmark/permits-visas...Residence permits (non-EU/EEA citizens)
A-TITLE As a non-EU/EAA citizen you will need to apply for a Danish residence permit to study in Denmark - before coming to Denmark. Here is what you need to know!
/live-in-denmark/permits-visas...How do I register my residence in Denmark?
A-TITLE Here you will find the recommended steps for registering your residence in Denmark
/live-in-denmark/permits-visas...How do I get a Danish ID-number? (CPR)
A-TITLE Here is how to register with the Danish Civil Registration System to get yout personal ID-number!
/live-in-denmark/health-safetyHealth & Safety
A-TITLE With one of the world's lowest crime rates and free healthcare for international students, Denmark is a safe choice for international students. Read on to se...
/live-in-denmark/health-safety...Emergency (112) and police (114)
A-TITLE Should you need emergency assistance, dial 112. Should you need general police assistance, dial 114
A-TITLE As a student and resident in Denmark you will have access to the Danish healthcare system. Here is what you need to know:
A-TITLE Danish educational institutions cannot be held liable in the event of theft or loss of property. Therefore, be sure to take out adequate insurance while stud...
A-TITLE Denmark does not have a tradition for on-campus housing. Most students live together in residences situated some distance from campus. But as most students h...
/live-in-denmark/housing-1/fin...Finding housing
A-TITLE Finding housing in Denmark can be difficult, especially if you are moving to Copenhagen, which is the most populated city. However, regardless of whether you...
/live-in-denmark/housing-1/how...Housing links
A-TITLE In Denmark, it is common to use the internet as the main source in the hunt for an apartment. We have gathered a list of relevant student housing here. You'r...
/live-in-denmark/learning-danishLearn Danish
A-TITLE Most Danes speak English quite well. Nevertheless, being able to speak some Danish will benefit you both socially and if you want to look for a job
/live-in-denmark/bank-budgetBank & Budget
A-TITLE If you are sensible and follow local habits – such as riding your bike and eating at home – life in Denmark shouldn’t blow your budget. Read about living exp...
/live-in-denmark/student-jobsStudent jobs
A-TITLE Getting a student job is not only going to get you the money to pay the rent; a student job will be valuable for your CV and it will expand your professional...
/live-in-denmark/travelTravel & Transport
A-TITLE As an international student in Denmark, you will find it easy to get around. Public transport is highly efficient and Denmark's location makes it a gateway b...
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...Working in Denmark after graduation
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...The practicalities
A-TITLE So you want to stay in Denmark after graduation to work here? Great! Here are some practicalities that you need to know before going job-hunting.
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...Starting up your own business
A-TITLE You want to explore the opportunity of starting up your own business in Denmark? Great! We are here to help!
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...Paying taxes
A-TITLE Denmark is an advanced welfare state. This means that a number of important services are covered through taxes, such as healthcare. Here is what you need to ...
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...Work life balance
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...Testimonials - working in Denmark after graduation
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...“My best decision ever!”
A-TITLE Ágnes Grélinger talks about the cultural shock when moving to Denmark and working on her passion and profession, dance.
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...“In Denmark you always have something to do”
A-TITLE Jinyuhan Wan tells about her life in Denmark and hopes in finding “a satisfying job in the engineering field”.
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...Texto duplicado “Don’t be afraid of challenges”
A-TITLE Joanna Siara talks on settling down in Denmark after graduation, despite former plans of going back to Poland.
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...“I am on the right track.”
A-TITLE Mohsen Ghahremani decided to settle down in Denmark and plans to become “one of the best developers” here.
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...“The safe option is not always the best option”
A-TITLE Rosa Bui talks about getting a job right out of graduation and friends helping her feel more at home.
/working-in-denmark-after-grad...“Hard, but I gained a lot of valuable knowledge”
A-TITLE Yi Guo tells about staying in Denmark for the people and working culture.
/start-pageTexto duplicado Study in Denmark
A-TITLE Official gateway to higher education in Denmark. Study for an internationally recognized PhD, Master's, Bachelor's or AP degree - taught in English. Find pro...
/studyindenmark-youtube-channelStudyindenmark Youtube Channel
/videos/patrikTexto duplicado Patrik
A-TITLE Patrik is from Budapest in Hungary. He is studying Engineering in Biotechnology here in Denmark. Get to know Patrik, his studies and his life as an internati...
/videos/phoebeTexto duplicado Phoebe
A-TITLE Phoebe is from California, USA. She is studying a master's degree in Linguistics here in Denmark. Get to know Phoebe, her studies and her life as an internat...
/videos/vincentTexto duplicado Vincent
A-TITLE Vincent is 26 years old and from New Zealand. He is studying in Denmark to become an orchestral conductor. Get to know Vincent, his studies and his life in D...
/videos/ricardoTexto duplicado Ricardo
A-TITLE Ricardo is 22 years old and from Portugal. He is studying a master's degree in Robotics here in Denmark. Get to know Ricardo, his studies and his life as an ...
/videos/vincent-1Texto duplicado Vincent
A-TITLE Vincent is an international student in Denmark. View some glimpses of his student and everyday life in this vlog.
/videos/ricardo-1Texto duplicado Ricardo
A-TITLE Ricardo is an international student in Denmark. View some glimpses of his student and everyday life in this vlog.
/videos/phoebe-1Texto duplicado Phoebe
A-TITLE Phoebe is an international student in Denmark. View some glimpses of her student and everyday life in this vlog.
/videos/patrik-1Texto duplicado Patrik
A-TITLE Patrik is an international student in Denmark. View some glimpses of his student and everyday life in this vlog.
/videos/see-more-videos-from-s...See more videos from Study in Denmark
A-TITLE Study in Denmark Youtube Channel
A-TITLE When you visit the website of Study in Denmark, cookies are placed on your computer. Read here about the website's use of cookies, cookies in general and how...
/search_formAdvanced Search… duplicado IMG-ALT Study in Denmark
A-TITLE Study in Denmark
/start-page/study-options/how-...How to apply Read about the application process and the steps you need to take to study at a Danish Institution of Higher Education
IMG-ALT How to apply
/start-page/study-options/scho...Tuition fees & Scholarships Here's the quick guide to all you need to know about tuition fees and scholarships
IMG-ALT Tuition fees & Scholarships ancla degree ancla topic ancla institution
/start-page/videosTestimonials from our students What do other international students think about studying in Denmark? Watch their videos
IMG-ALT Testimonials from our students
/news/aggregator/RSSGet our RSS-feed
/news/application-deadline-for...Feb 26, 2024 11:05 AM Application deadline for 2024 is approaching If you want to be enrolled in a higher education study programme in Denmark, the applicati...
A-TITLE Application deadline for 2024 is approaching
/news/time-to-mindFeb 06, 2024 12:02 PM Time to Mind Are you planning to study abroad in the future? Then be prepared for a possible "culture shock".
A-TITLE Time to Mind
/news/do-you-have-questions-ab...Jan 04, 2024 11:50 AM Do you have questions about applying for a study programme in Denmark? If you want to apply for a higher education study programme in D...
A-TITLE Do you have questions about applying for a study programme in Denmark?
/news/are-you-going-to-apply-f...Feb 02, 2023 11:25 AM Are you going to apply for an education in Denmark? If you plan on applying for a higher education in Denmark then you can participate ...
A-TITLE Are you going to apply for an education in Denmark?
/news/the-2022-edition-of-inte...Sep 23, 2022 02:10 PM The 2022 edition of International students' survival guide You may be new to Denmark and excited to start your study programme here. Th...
A-TITLE The 2022 edition of International students' survival guide Subdominio is managed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science Subdominio Contact Subdominio Find us on social media on cookiesængelighedserklæringen Subdominio

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Study in Denmark
Official gateway to higher education in Denmark. Study for an internationally recognized PhD, Master's, Bachelor's or AP degree - taught in English. Find programmes and learn about tuition fees, scholarships, housing, visa and admission requirements and more. Study abroad. Study in Europe. Study in Scandinavia. Study in Denmark.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
study programme68%Check
Study Abroad66%Check
higher education study programme63%Check

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