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The Ocean Cleanup
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
The Ocean Cleanup is developing and scaling technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. We aim to remove 90% by 2040 with ocean cleanup systems and river interception technologies.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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descriptionThe Ocean Cleanup is developing and scaling technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. We aim to remove 90% by 2040 with ocean cleanup systems and river interception technologies.
twitter:titleThe Ocean Cleanup
twitter:descriptionThe Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization developing advanced technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. We aim to remove 90% of the floating plastic with the help of ocean cleanup systems and river interception technologies.
og:titleThe Ocean Cleanup
og:descriptionThe Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization developing advanced technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. We aim to remove 90% of the floating plastic with the help of ocean cleanup systems and river interception technologies.
og:site_nameThe Ocean Cleanup
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2365 palabras.
Un 33.5% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 21 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 19.29 palabras.
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Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
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Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 47 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 62 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
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El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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.../440x250/app/uploads/2024/06/Merch-2.jpgGet Merch
...m-002-Trip-1-Inspection-Drone-DvdK-1.jpgSystem 002 deployed in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
.../191002-TheOceanCleanup-02211-scaled.jpgInterceptor 002 in Klang river, Selangor, Malaysia
...ime_For_Action_S5_Mariona_134-scaled.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...edium-Ocean-Crew-Stories-Thumbnail-3.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...a-Assembly-Site-DvdK-Barriers-scaled.jpgAssembly of Interceptor 021 barriers in El Quetzalito, Guatemala
...24/07/TheOceanCleanup-Neuston-Update.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
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...uploads/2024/07/Impact-until-H1-2024.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...mala-May-June-Timelapse-THUMBNAIL-V2.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...uploads/2024/06/step-four-preprocess.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
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...edium-230927-Jamaica-Drone-DvdK-24-1.jpgPlastic pollution in Kingston, Jamaica
...ldschirm­foto-2024-01-15-um-13.51.58.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...-230503_Guatemala_Day3_Val_S1H_pic_8.jpgPlastic trash in Guatemala
..._Interceptor002_July5th_mobile_pic_7.jpgInterceptor 002
...amaica-Mountain-View-Drone-DvdK-19-1.jpgMountain view gully Interceptor 013
...ium-231101-Drone-extraction-shots-10.jpgSystem 03 aboard vessel
...ng_ceremony_17-scaled-e1701083875825.jpgMalaysia MoC signing ceremony
...nsetBothVessels_Day9_Toby-054-scaled.jpgMaersk vessels with System 002
...eanup_Cisadane_river_pllution-scaled.jpgThe Cisadane river, pollution
...eOceanCleanup_system03_sunset-scaled.jpgThe Ocean Cleanup System 03
...leanup_System03_whalewatching-scaled.jpgWhales in the ocean spotted near System 03
...Interceptor-006-Extraction-Sony-51-1.jpgInterceptor 006 Guatemala
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...loyment_FRCInspection_S5_DL75-scaled.jpgCamera skiff on top of the retention zone of System 002. The camera skiff helps us monitor the system from a distance.
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.../02/TheOceanCleanup-UNDP-MOU-Signing.jpgUNDP Administrator Achim Steiner and The Ocean Cleanup founder & CEO Boyan Slat sign the Memorandum of Understanding at UN Headquarters in New York.
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...astic-item-floating-in-GPGP-260x260.jpegPlastic item floating in water
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
The largest cleanup in history
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 86 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 The largest cleanup in history
H2 Cookie preferences
H2 Follow the cleanup
H2 Nice! 🎉
H2 Other
H2 Topics
H2 Featured updates and podcasts
H2 Other ways to help
H2 We develop and scale technologies to rid the oceans of plastic
H2 A planet-sized problem
H2 We aim to clean up 90% of floating ocean plastic pollution by 2040
H2 Cleaning the ocean
H2 Intercepting in rivers
H2 The latest news
H2 Join the cleanup
H2 Partners
H2 Nice! 🎉 Texto duplicado
H3 Help clean
H3 Join the team
H3 Spread the word
H4 Replay the live event: the Great Pacific Garbage Patch can be cleaned for $7.5 billion
H4 What are the hardest parts about the offshore cleanup
H4 Introducing Interceptor: 021 in Guatemala
H4 New research reveals no elevated densities of neuston within plastic hotspots inside the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
H4 The #TeamSeas Campaign Has Successfully Concluded
H4 Impact update: we have passed a total of 15,000,000 kg
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 The Ocean Cleanup and Coldplay Announce LP Made Using Plastic Intercepted in Guatemala
H4 Highlights from the 100th catch livestream
H4 The Dutch State renews its support for The Ocean Cleanup’s activities in the high seas.
H4 Plastic Extraction #100 LIVE from the GPGP this week
H4 The Ocean Cleanup to Complete 100th Extraction Live From the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
H4 The people behind Interceptor 019, Thailand
H4 Experts Debunk 9 Myths About Ocean Plastic Pollution
H4 Global Plastics Treaty: Why Legacy Plastic Cleanup Is Essential
H4 The Ocean Cleanup Breaks 10,000,000 KG Barrier
H4 Will this be our biggest ever river catch?
H4 The Ocean Cleanup Returns to Great Pacific Garbage Patch
H4 Bangkok begins: The Ocean Cleanup comes to Thailand
H4 First System 03 extraction this year
H4 A new way to join the mission: fundraise to help clean up
H4 System 03 - plans for 2024
H4 Interceptor 019 deployment underway in Bangkok, Thailand
H4 How Does Plastic End up in Rivers?
H4 Mumbai Calling: The Ocean Cleanup and Bharat Clean Rivers Foundation Join Forces in India
H4 Kingston, Jamaica: The first Interceptor city
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Malaysia and The Ocean Cleanup Extend Cooperation
H4 Maersk Supply Service and related parties extend their support to The Ocean Cleanup
H4 The Ocean Cleanup And Coldplay Renew Partnership With Interceptor 020 In Jakarta, Indonesia
H4 Lasting Damage: Why Cleanup Is Essential To Tackle Microplastics
H4 How We Ensure An Environmentally Sound Cleanup
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 From CGI to IRL: Ocean Cleaning Made Reality
H4 System 03: Our Biggest Plastic Extraction to Date
H4 System 03: A Beginner’s Guide
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Goodbye System 002, hello System 03
H4 What Jenny Taught Us: Lessons from System 002
H4 Last trip of System 002
H4 Going back to shore to offload 55 metric tons
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Encabezado vacío
H4 Interceptor Barrier and Interceptor Tender stopping trash at Tivoli Gully in Jamaica.
H4 System 002: mission progress report
H4 Interceptor 002 caught a lot of trash from the heavy rains on the Klang River in Malaysia last week.
H4 Over one thousand truckloads of trash removed from the Rio Las Vacas, Guatemala.
H4 The Ocean Cleanup announces partnership with Hyundai Glovis
H4 Over 1.5m kg of trash collected with Interceptor 006 in Guatemala
H4 "We have this super-human level of perseverance. We are focused on the goal."
H4 Interceptor Barricade Makes Promising Start in Guatemala ahead of First Seasonal Heavy Floods
H4 Our Cleanup Progress Offshore as System 002 Gets Bigger
H4 Interceptor 006 Is Ready to Tackle Trash Floods in Guatemala
H4 Humanity Is Addicted to Plastic, but We Can Still Keep It Out of Our Oceans
H4 Introducing the Interceptor Barricade: The Ocean Cleanup returns to Guatemala
H4 Interceptor 020 to be deployed in Cisadane, Indonesia
H4 Ocean Plastic Pollution Explained
H4 System 002/C completes its debut extraction
H4 Interceptor 007's final offload of its first storm season in LA County, US
H4 Our biggest cleanup system so far, System 002/C has been deployed last Friday
H4 Initial deployment of System 002/C scheduled for tomorrow
H4 System 002 and marine life: prevention and mitigation
H4 200,000 kg of plastic extracted from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
H4 We are returning to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch with System 002/B in one week
H4 Celebrating 10 years
H4 The Ocean Cleanup and the United Nations: Partnering with UNDP
H4 Interceptor 002 filled up in less than 2,5 hours on December 19
H4 2022 Recap
H6 Projects and Updates
H6 About us
H6 Help
H6 Legal
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (76) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/privacy-and-cookie-notice/privacy policy
https://staging.admin.theocean...Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado privacy policy ventana Externo Subdominio Follow us on Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio Follow us on Facebook ventana Externo Follow us on Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio Follow us on Youtube ventana Externo Subdominio Follow us on Linkedin ventana Externo Subdominio Follow us on Tiktok
https://assets.theoceancleanup...Externo Subdominio Sin texto ancla Skip to content Ocean Cleanup
/dashboard/Impact Dashboard
/waste-management-and-recycling/Waste Management and Recycling
/environmental-and-social-impact/Environmental and Social Impact
/milestones/Goals and Milestones
/scientific-publications/Scientific Publications
/ocean-plastic-pollution-expla...Ocean Plastic Facts
/great-pacific-garbage-patch/The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
/sources/Top 1000 Polluting Rivers
/the-price-tag-of-plastic-poll...The Price Tag of Plastic Pollution
/updates/Texto duplicado Updates
/updates/introducing-intercept...Introducing Interceptor 021: Could this be the end of plastic pollution in an important part of the Western Caribbean?
/updates/the-ocean-cleanup-and...The Ocean Cleanup and Coldplay Announce LP Made Using Plastic Intercepted in Guatemala
/podcasts/other-impact-buildin...Podcast: Building a Blueprint to Measure the Unknown
/help-clean/Help Clean
/merchandise/Get Merch Subdominio Fundraise
/careers/Join the Crew
/partners-and-funders/Become a Partner
/global-public-affairs/Global Public Affairs
/research-old/citizen-science/Become a Citizen Scientist
/about/About us
/press/Press info
/media-gallery/Media Gallery Subdominio Texto duplicado Fundraise
/donate/Texto duplicado Donate
/donate/Texto duplicado Donate ancla A-TITLE Search The Ocean Cleanup more now the live event
/oceans/Texto duplicado Learn more
/rivers/Texto duplicado Learn more ventana Externo Subdominio 16 September Replay the live event: the Great Pacific Garbage Patch can be cleaned for $7.5 billion See on Youtube ventana Externo 16 August What are the hardest parts about the offshore cleanup See on Youtube
/updates/introducing-intercept...8 August Introducing Interceptor: 021 in Guatemala Read the update
IMG-ALT Assembly of Interceptor 021 barriers in El Quetzalito, Guatemala
/updates/new-research-reveals-...30 July New research reveals no elevated densities of neuston within plastic hotspots inside the Great Pacific Garbage Patch Read the update
/updates/the-teamseas-campaign...16 July The #TeamSeas Campaign Has Successfully Concluded Read the update ventana Externo Subdominio 12 July Impact update: we have passed a total of 15,000,000 kg See on Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio 25 June Timelapse: One month of Interceptor 006 Operations in Guatemala See on Youtube ventana Externo Subdominio 20 June From River Plastic to Coldplay LP See on Youtube
/updates/the-ocean-cleanup-and...17 June The Ocean Cleanup and Coldplay Announce LP Made Using Plastic Intercepted in Guatemala Read the update
/press/press-releases/the-ocea...23 May Highlights from the 100th catch livestream Read the press release
/updates/updated-covenant-dutc...31 May The Dutch State renews its support for The Ocean Cleanup’s activities in the high seas. Read the update ventana Externo Subdominio 27 May Plastic Extraction #100 LIVE from the GPGP this week See on Youtube
/press/press-releases/the-ocea...23 May The Ocean Cleanup to Complete 100th Extraction Live From the Great Pacific Garbage Patch Read the press release ventana Externo 11 May The people behind Interceptor 019, Thailand See on Youtube ventana Externo 1 May Experts Debunk 9 Myths About Ocean Plastic Pollution See on Youtube
/updates/global-plastics-treat...25 April Global Plastics Treaty: Why Legacy Plastic Cleanup Is Essential Read the update
/press/press-releases/the-ocea...22 April The Ocean Cleanup Breaks 10,000,000 KG Barrier Read the press release
/updates/the-ocean-cleanup-mak...17 April Will this be our biggest ever river catch? Read the update
/updates/the-ocean-cleanup-ret...9 April The Ocean Cleanup Returns to Great Pacific Garbage Patch Read the update
/updates/bangkok-begins-the-oc...26 March Bangkok begins: The Ocean Cleanup comes to Thailand Read the update ventana Externo Subdominio 20 March First System 03 extraction this year See on Instagram
/updates/a-new-way-to-join-the...18 March A new way to join the mission: fundraise to help clean up Read the update ventana Externo 12 March System 03 - plans for 2024 See on X ventana Externo 20 February Interceptor 019 deployment underway in Bangkok, Thailand Read more on Twitter
/updates/how-does-plastic-end-...19 February How Does Plastic End up in Rivers? Read the update
/updates/mumbai-calling-the-oc...29 January Mumbai Calling: The Ocean Cleanup and Bharat Clean Rivers Foundation Join Forces in India Read the update
/updates/kingston-jamaica-the-...26 January Kingston, Jamaica: The first Interceptor city Read the update
IMG-ALT Plastic pollution in Kingston, Jamaica ventana Externo Subdominio 13 January The horrific impact of ocean plastic: two turtles entrapped in… See on Instagram ventana Externo 28 December 2023: Our Most Impactful Year Yet See on Youtube
IMG-ALT Plastic trash in Guatemala ventana Externo Subdominio 23 December 2,000,000 kg of trash intercepted by Interceptor 002 See on Instagram
IMG-ALT Interceptor 002 ventana Externo 20 December We now have 7 Interceptors in Kingston's gullies stopping trash… See on Facebook
IMG-ALT Mountain view gully Interceptor 013 ventana Externo Subdominio 18 December We have removed over 8,000,000 kg (17.8m lb) of trash… See on Instagram
IMG-ALT System 03 aboard vessel
/press/press-releases/malaysia...27 November Malaysia and The Ocean Cleanup Extend Cooperation Read the press release
IMG-ALT Malaysia MoC signing ceremony
/press/press-releases/maersk-s...20 November Maersk Supply Service and related parties extend their support to The Ocean Cleanup Read the press release
IMG-ALT Maersk vessels with System 002
/updates/the-ocean-cleanup-and...15 November The Ocean Cleanup And Coldplay Renew Partnership With Interceptor 020 In Jakarta, Indonesia Read the update
IMG-ALT The Cisadane river, pollution
/updates/lasting-damage-why-cl...14 November Lasting Damage: Why Cleanup Is Essential To Tackle Microplastics Read the update
IMG-ALT The Ocean Cleanup System 03
/updates/highest-standards-how...9 November How We Ensure An Environmentally Sound Cleanup Read the update
IMG-ALT Whales in the ocean spotted near System 03 ventana Externo Subdominio 19 October 3,000,000 kg of trash that will not reach the Caribbean… See on Instagram
IMG-ALT Interceptor 006 Guatemala ventana Externo Subdominio 13 October Trash or treasure? Some of the strangest items recovered from… See on Facebook ventana Externo 7 October This Was the First Step of System 03 See on Youtube
IMG-ALT System 03 maiden voyage video ventana Externo 4 October From CGI to IRL: Ocean Cleaning Made Reality See on Youtube
IMG-ALT Vision vs. reality video of System 03 ventana Externo 21 September System 03: Our Biggest Plastic Extraction to Date See on Youtube
IMG-ALT Extraction 2 of System 03 on deck
/updates/system-03-a-beginners...31 August System 03: A Beginner’s Guide Read the update
IMG-ALT System 03 Deployment ventana Externo Subdominio 30 August System 03 nickname reveal See on Tiktok ventana Externo Subdominio 28 August Goodbye System 002, hello System 03 See on Facebook
/updates/what-jenny-taught-us-...25 August What Jenny Taught Us: Lessons from System 002 Read the update ventana Externo 18 August Last trip of System 002 See on Youtube ventana Externo Subdominio 15 August Going back to shore to offload 55 metric tons See on Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio 11 August Record Catch: 11,353 kg of plastic out of the ocean See on Youtube ventana Externo 2 August Interceptor 006 record catch: 89 truckloads in a day. See on X ventana Externo Subdominio 31 July Another 69 truckloads of trash removed in Guatemala last week. See on Facebook ventana Externo Subdominio 26 July Interceptor Barrier and Interceptor Tender stopping trash at Tivoli Gully in Jamaica. View on LinkedIn
IMG-ALT Interceptor Barrier and Interceptor Tender stopping trash ventana Externo Subdominio 21 July System 002: mission progress report View on YouTube
IMG-ALT Team member looking off into the distance ventana Externo Subdominio 12 July Interceptor 002 caught a lot of trash from the heavy rains on the Klang River in Malaysia last week. View on Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio 11 July Over one thousand truckloads of trash removed from the Rio Las Vacas, Guatemala. View on Instagram
/updates/the-ocean-cleanup-ann...6 July The Ocean Cleanup announces partnership with Hyundai Glovis Read the update ventana Externo 29 June Over 1.5m kg of trash collected with Interceptor 006 in Guatemala View on Twitter
/podcasts/boyans-mind-reflecti...Nueva ventana 28 June "We have this super-human level of perseverance. We are focused on the goal." Listen to the podcast
/press/press-releases/intercep...14 June Interceptor Barricade Makes Promising Start in Guatemala ahead of First Seasonal Heavy Floods Read the press release
IMG-ALT Aerial view of the Interceptor 006 with plastic accumulating ventana Externo Subdominio 7 June Our Cleanup Progress Offshore as System 002 Gets Bigger View on YouTube ventana Externo Subdominio 5 June Interceptor 006 Is Ready to Tackle Trash Floods in Guatemala See on YouTube ventana Externo Subdominio 25 May Humanity Is Addicted to Plastic, but We Can Still Keep It Out of Our Oceans Read in The New York Times
IMG-ALT Plastic pollution on a beach in Honduras
/updates/introducing-the-inter...16 May Introducing the Interceptor Barricade: The Ocean Cleanup returns to Guatemala Read the update
/press/press-releases/the-ocea...12 May Interceptor 020 to be deployed in Cisadane, Indonesia Read the press release ventana Externo 11 May Ocean Plastic Pollution Explained See on Youtube ventana Externo Subdominio 9 May System 002/C completes its debut extraction See on Instagram ventana Externo 8 May Interceptor 007's final offload of its first storm season in LA County, US See on X ventana Externo Subdominio 1 May Our biggest cleanup system so far, System 002/C has been deployed last Friday See on Linkedin
/social-updates/auto-draft-197/Nueva ventana 25 April Initial deployment of System 002/C scheduled for tomorrow See on Instagram
/updates/system-002-and-marine...5 April System 002 and marine life: prevention and mitigation Read the update
IMG-ALT Camera skiff on top of the retention zone of System 002. The camera skiff helps us monitor the system from a distance. ventana Externo 4 April 200,000 kg of plastic extracted from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch See on X ventana Externo 28 February We are returning to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch with System 002/B in one week See on X ventana Externo Subdominio 15 February Celebrating 10 years See on Instagram
/updates/the-ocean-cleanup-and...9 February The Ocean Cleanup and the United Nations: Partnering with UNDP Read the update
IMG-ALT UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner and The Ocean Cleanup founder & CEO Boyan Slat sign the Memorandum of Understanding at UN Headquarters in New York. ventana Externo Subdominio 17 January Interceptor 002 filled up in less than 2,5 hours on December 19 See on Instagram ventana Externo 29 December 2022 Recap See on Youtube
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The Ocean Cleanup
The Ocean Cleanup is developing and scaling technologies to rid the oceans of plastic. We aim to remove 90% by 2040 with ocean cleanup systems and river interception technologies.

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clean up93%Check
Ocean Cleanup87%Check
largest cleanup73%Check
Ocean Cleanup Coldplay72%Check
Ocean Cleanup Returns72%Check
Ocean Plastic70%Check
cleanup progress68%Check
Help Clean68%Check

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