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Eva Kor Documentary by Ted Green, Mika Brown and WFYI
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EVA E-LEARNING FREE IN APRIL Teachers can bring Eva's message of hope into students' homes with the 56-minute educational version of "Eva: A-7063" and Educator's Guide.
Eva Mozes Kor: At 10, she survived experiments by Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. At 50, she helped launch the biggest manhunt in history. Now 85, after decades of pain and anger, she travels the world to promote what her life journey has taught: HOPE. HEALING. HUMANITY. "Eva: A-7063," a documentary by Ted Green, Mika Brown and WFYI, tells her full, unvarnished story for the first time, inspiring viewers around the world.
The Eva Education Program focuses on Eva’s 12 life-affirming messages — including Acceptance, Forgiveness and Moral Courage — and emphasizes social-emotional learning. It consists of a shortened version of the documentary and the interactive Eva Educator’s Guide, and it’s available for free digitally on PBS Learning Media, or on hard copy on the links to the right.
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IMG-ALT The Eva Education Program focuses on Eva’s 12 life-affirming messages — including Acceptance, Forgiveness and Moral Courage — and emphasizes social-emotional...
Con 0,72 segundos, el tiempo de respuesta de la página es superior al límite recomendado de 0,4 segundos. Un tiempo de respuesta elevado ralentiza innecesariamente el rastreo de los buscadores y propicia una mala experiencia de uso.
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