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(Extremadamente importante)
News, sport, celebrities and gossip | The Sun
La longitud del título es óptima (405 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Get the latest news, exclusives, sport, celebrities, showbiz, politics, business and lifestyle from The Sun
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (637 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
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Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-gb
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
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URL de la página
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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2445 palabras.
Un 27.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 12 párrafos en esta página.
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
News, sport, celebrities and gossip | The Sun
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Hay 118 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 News, sport, celebrities and gossip | The Sun
H2 Sponsored Stories
H3 LIVING NIGHTMAREMy boyfriend was raped & murdered by sick strangers days after our 4th baby was born...tragic memento is all they have of him
H3 Baby girl found dead at home as woman, 21, and man, 41, arrested
H3 Dancing On Ice shock as show favourite axed in first skate off
H3 BBC star chef suddenly closes restaurant after 9 months despite £400k revamp
H3 Isla Fisher finally breaks silence after 'difficult' Sacha Baron Cohen split
H3 'Multiple people stabbed' as cops rush to 'serious incident' in Dublin
H3 Clarkson's Farm star Kaleb Cooper reveals he's going to be a dad again
H3 Woman 'raped in property overnight' as 5 men arrested over horrific 'attack'
H3 Fury as 10p Freddo bars now being sold for outrageous sum due to inflation
H3 I bought my dream home but couldn't move in for a YEAR - now I'm £20k in debt
H3 NHS must be inoculated against woke virus if it is to regain health
H3 My hubby refused to have open marriage - so I'm forced to have bisexual affairs
H3 I tried Lovehoney’s Valentine’s lingerie - their steamiest collection EVER
H3 Eagles vs Chiefs: Get your Big Game LIX bet matched up to £50 with Betano
H3 AT ROCK BOTTOMI jumped from hotel balcony to kill myself during drunken gambling binge... I thought I had nothing left, says Jack Fincham
H3 Devastated pals of 'murdered' Brit couple refuse to believe chilling theory
H3 Oasis fans fume as Ticketmaster CANCELS tickets & accuses them of being 'bots'
H3 Chiefs eye historic three-peat while Eagles seek revenge in showpiece finale
H3 Devon and hellPlymouth 1 Liverpool 0: Prem leaders OUT of FA Cup as rock bottom club cause shock seen for just fourth time in history
H3 Emery leaves Ange on brink of sack with Spurs' second cup exit in four days
H3 Biggest FA Cup giantkillings after Liverpool are humiliated by Plymouth
H3 Arteta to axe SEVEN Arsenal stars to fund transfer spending spree for new No 9
H3 David Moyes pulled out of late January transfer ex-Chelsea title-winning striker
H3 Brighton vs Chelsea preview: Free betting tips, odds and predictions for FA Cup
H3 Meg 'trying to prove' how happy she is with Harry in '2-finger salute to Trump'
H3 Tragedy as teen found dead at Scots uni halls as cops probe ‘unexplained’ death
H3 Lipreader reveals Harry's five-word 'instruction' to Meghan at Invictus Games
H3 Man and woman, in their 90s, die in house fire as inferno rips through home
H3 Mobile and broadband bills to go up by 13% after inflation-busting price hikes
H3 PARTY PALACEInside racy club where Kate & Wills downed ‘crack babies’, pop stars splashed £360 on fake champagne...& Meghan is BANNED
H3 EasyJet pilot 'collapses' on UK-bound flight forcing emergency landing
H3 Katie Price's friends seriously worried for her health after 'risky' move
H3 The NHS has got to stop doing daft woke nonsense and get back to basics
H3 Moment Putin's £11m fighter jet is shot out of sky before fireball explosion
H3 Trump 'spoke to Putin about ending war' & tyrant 'wants to stop people dying'
H3 Paloma Faith confesses she was caught in middle of sex act on the STREET
H3 Is your 'dodgy' Fire TV Stick spying on you? Crooks 'could empty your bank'
H3 12 Valentines gifts for her: luxury hampers to lingerie to long-distance toys
H3 Helen Flanagan strips down to lacy lingerie for sizzling Valentine's shoot
H3 I'm homeless due to neighbour's lies - they left me with impossible choice
H3 The Apprentice star slams ‘fame hungry’ accusations & calls show ‘hardest on TV’
H3 Ex-champion motorbike racer jailed for raping seven-year-old girl
H3 Sex worries, cheating, heartbreak... Dear Deidre is here to help
H3 ROAD TO RUINDark reality of life in UK's caravan 'shanty town'... frost-bitten winters with broken heating & immigration raids at dawn
H3 Claim thousands of FREE items with little-known newsletter - here's how to join
H3 'The ingredients are amazing!' rave fans of anti-ageing Gallinée youth serum
H3 Best foundation for dry skin: NARS to Charlotte Tilbury
H3 The jobs that are doomed and the ones set to boom with salaries of up to £120k
H3 Meghan's Invictus speech was 'like the Oscars' & Harry kiss shows 'united front'
H3 Bloodied Chisora forgets nasty cut to BASH Wallin and earn huge final fight
H3 I was on Four in a Bed - an accident and ‘inappropriate behaviour’ wasn't aired
H3 Sun Motors: Buy your next vehicle easily and safely
H3 LIVING IN TERRORMy sister was sent back to North Korea after 25 years - now she faces sickening death while I live in safe haven Britain
H3 Michael McIntyre’s Big Show viewers slam show as they brand jokes ‘offensive’
H3 Trump believes he's King of the World but Gaza plan makes it more dangerous
H3 New McDonald’s menu to launch in DAYS as it adds four new items
H3 The weekend takeaway orders that WON’T make you fat - from curries to pizza
H3 Why you should take up jeffing - and how it can boost fitness and weight loss
H3 20 mins after Jack hit his head he was fighting for life - but 3 words saved him
H3 From bras to deodorant - the things that DO and DON'T give you cancer
H3 The dangerous side effects of fat jabs revealed - as crackdown announced
H3 Lucy Fallon looks amazing as she is seen for the first time since giving birth
H3 Ekin-Su makes shock sex confession about a stranger which was cut from main show
H3 Samie Elishi breaks silence on Love Island feud with Grace & takes swipe at Luca
H3 Corrie star unrecognisable as she reunites with ex co-star Michelle Keegan
H3 Love Island's Shaughna Phillips sparks concerns as she reveals bruised face
H3 My hubby wanted to murder the man who killed our girl, I forgave him
H3 Jupiter urges you to see the joy in everyday things
H3 I'd drink 2 bottles of wine a night until going sober, says TV host Briony
H3 Six steps to save your relationship... from a divorce lawyer & psychologist
H3 Exact 3 styles hairdresser of 20 years swears by to make your face look thinner
H3 Haunting tale of couple who vanished on scuba trip & left mystery 'help us' note
H3 We're 'fatty' sisters but it's not our fault - our town is UK's UNHEALTHIEST
H3 Moment drug dealer caught with GUN tells cops 'it's real, be careful'
H3 Mum, 43, killed by debris from 'exploding' tree after lightning strike
H3 I came face to face with Rudakubana during massacre & carried victims out
H3 Rare 60s Ferrari with 4-litre V12 engine and wood interior goes on sale
H3 Top 10 forgotten cars that have almost disappeared... how to get one for cheap
H3 Iconic Ferrari which won Le Mans 24 in 1965 sells for jaw-dropping amount
H3 Do YOU own Britain’s rarest car? From 70s Nissan driven by 8 people to 80s Lancia
H3 Iconic car firm unveils 'new era' of models with £100k EV that has no back window
H3 Nepo baby actress looks stylish at NYFW but can you guess her famous dad?
H3 Jacqueline Jossa on THOSE Dan Osborne split rumours as they sell £1.6m home
H3 David Beckham drives fans wild with 'self care Sunday' snap just a towel
H3 Kanye West posts sickening rant mocking domestic abuse and supporting Diddy
H3 Gigi Hadid looks sensational as she shows some leg in cashmere sweater
H3 How your fave supermarket treats have shrunk or changed but prices have soared
H3 Terry's Chocolate Orange launches brand new product as excited fans spot them
H3 Top 10 areas in UK that use LISAs to get on property ladder - is yours on list?
H3 Hard up households can get up to £110 in cost of living vouchers
H3 Five ways to pay less for your feast this National Pizza Day
H3 One of the most beautiful train stations in the world is right by a UK beach
H3 Stunning English village that was once owned by the Queen of England
H3 I used to be a flight attendant - my tricks to getting cheap upgrades
H3 Europe’s biggest theme park to open new ride to celebrate 50th birthday
H3 My Greek island holiday with world’s best kids club & Ibiza-style beach clubs
H3 Incredible plan for 'giant greenhouse' with 330ft tower of pools & water slides
H3 Elon Musk to drop 'extreme' Nasa space car on Moon for lunar roadtrip
H3 Sky could reveal major new TV product in DAYS - but fans might be disappointed
H3 Brits misplace phones 48 times a year as tech addicts can't live without devices
H3 Little-known Android phone has mega battery that lasts 20 DAYS & a hidden extra
H3 Follow The Sun
H3 Services
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Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
95 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (26) en esta página.
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/news/33279962/baby-girl-dead-...Subdominio TOT TRAGEDY Baby girl found dead at home as woman, 21, and man, 41, arrested
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/tvandshowbiz/33281297/isla-fi...Subdominio ISLA'S PAIN Isla Fisher finally breaks silence after 'difficult' Sacha Baron Cohen split THE couple announced last April that they had separated in 2023 afte...
/tvandshowbiz/celebrities/Subdominio Celebrity
/tvandshowbiz/33281297/isla-fi...Subdominio Sin texto
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/tv/33283020/kaleb-cooper-clar...Subdominio baby joy Clarkson's Farm star Kaleb Cooper reveals he's going to be a dad again Texto duplicado TV
/tv/33283020/kaleb-cooper-clar...Subdominio Sin texto
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