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Politics Forum - Political Discussion Community -
Con 653 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante) is the premiere Political Forum with many areas of discussions including Current Events, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Politics, US Affairs...
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (983 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
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No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
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Codificación de caracteres
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La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
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La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
No se detecta ningún favicon enlazado en el código HTML.


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apple-mobile-web-app-titleUSMB 🦅 is the premiere Political Forum with many areas of discussions including Current Events, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Politics, US Affairs...
langen-us is the premiere Political Forum with many areas of discussions including Current Events, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Politics, US Affairs, Congress, Stock Market, Economy, Energy...
twitter:titleUS Message Board 🦅
twitter:cardsummary is the premiere Political Forum with many areas of discussions including Current Events, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Politics, US Affairs, Congress, Stock Market, Economy, Energy, Immigration, Law, Education, Science, Religion, Health, Military, Conspiracy Theories President...
og:site_nameUS Message Board 🦅
og:titleUS Message Board 🦅

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 3138 palabras.
Un 20.5% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 11 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 10.8 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
Con 886.8 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, viewport-fit=cover).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
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El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 63 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
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La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/data/assets/logo/usmb-new-logo.pngUS Message Board 🦅
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/data/avatars/s/72/72953.jpg?1625323553San Souci
/data/avatars/s/59/59451.jpg?1674059590EvilCat Breath
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/data/avatars/s/73/73849.jpg?1624675922Captain Caveman
/data/avatars/s/62/62138.jpg?1505711435Fort Fun Indiana
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/data/avatars/s/89/89927.jpg?1718707494John Edgar Slow Horses
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...-lexus-gx-luxury-front-6488a99822987.jpgLexus GX550 Forum
.../data/assets/logo/hummer-ev-forum-og.jpgHummer EV Forum
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URL del VídeoAnchoAlto

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
US Message Board 🦅
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (18 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 94 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 US Message Board 🦅
H2 🏢 USMB Office
H2 🇺🇸 US Discussion
H2 🌎 Global Discussion
H2 🏘️ Community
H2 ⚾ Hobbies
H2 Politics
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H3 Introduce Yourself
H3 Announcements and Feedback
H3 Politics Texto duplicado
H3 Election 2024
H3 Current Events Texto duplicado
H3 Clean Debate Zone
H3 Congress
H3 Election Forums
H3 Healthcare/Insurance/Govt Healthcare
H3 Media Texto duplicado
H3 Immigration/Illegal Immigration
H3 Stock Market
H3 Law and Justice System Texto duplicado
H3 US Constitution
H3 2nd Amendment
H3 Environment
H3 Education
H3 Energy
H3 Economy Texto duplicado
H3 Science and Technology
H3 Religion and Ethics Texto duplicado
H3 History
H3 Health and Lifestyle
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H3 Conspiracy Theories
H3 Race Relations/Racism
H3 General Global Topics
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H3 Europe Texto duplicado
H3 Iraq
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H3 Israel and Palestine Texto duplicado
H3 Latin America
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H3 Debate Now - Structured Discussion Forum
H3 General Discussion Texto duplicado
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H4 Sub-forums Texto duplicado
H4 Sub-forums Texto duplicado
H4 Sub-forums Texto duplicado
H4 Sub-forums Texto duplicado
H4 Sub-forums Texto duplicado
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (556) en esta página.
El texto ancla es una URL.
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
Hay 10 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla US Message Board 🦅
/whats-new/posts/New posts
/search/?type=postSearch forums
/whats-new/What's new
/whats-new/posts/Nofollow Texto duplicado New posts
/whats-new/posts/?skip=1All posts
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/misc/style?style_id=29&t=1721...A-TITLE Change style
/whats-new/Texto duplicado What's new
A-TITLE What's new
A-TITLE Search
/search/Advanced search...
/whats-new/posts/Texto duplicado New posts
/trending/Texto duplicado Trending
/search/?type=postTexto duplicado Search forums
/login/Texto duplicado Log in
/login/registerTexto duplicado Register
/misc/style?style_id=29&t=1721...Texto duplicado Change style
A-TITLE Change style
/misc/contactContact us ventana Externo Subdominio alternative browser
/whats-new/posts/Texto duplicado New posts
/whats-new/posts/?skip=1Nofollow Latest Discussions
/members/marvin-martian.75364/IMG-ALT marvin martian
/threads/cnn-hypes-gop-2024-co...CNN hypes GOP 2024 convention as best since Obama in 2008
/members/marvin-martian.75364/Texto duplicado marvin martian
/threads/cnn-hypes-gop-2024-co...Nofollow 7 minutes ago
/forums/election-forums.121/Election Forums
/threads/cnn-hypes-gop-2024-co...Nofollow A moment ago
/members/evilcat-breath.59451/EvilCat Breath
/members/evilcat-breath.59451/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT EvilCat Breath
/members/digitaldrifter.42777/IMG-ALT DigitalDrifter
/threads/donald-trump-breaks-h...Donald Trump Breaks His Record in New Poll
/members/digitaldrifter.42777/Texto duplicado DigitalDrifter
/threads/donald-trump-breaks-h...Nofollow Yesterday at 4:08 PM
/forums/election-2024.203/Election 2024
/threads/donald-trump-breaks-h...Nofollow Texto duplicado A moment ago
/members/magicmike.83153/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT MagicMike
/members/tommy-tainant.56584/IMG-ALT Tommy Tainant
/threads/article-49-of-the-fou..."article 49 of the fourth geneva convention”.- Israels illegal theft of west bank land and sponsoring of thug settlers is illegal
/members/tommy-tainant.56584/Texto duplicado Tommy Tainant
/threads/article-49-of-the-fou...Nofollow 6 minutes ago
/forums/israel-and-palestine.30/Israel and Palestine
/threads/article-49-of-the-fou...Nofollow Texto duplicado A moment ago
/members/mac-7.72594/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Mac-7
/members/toobfreak.63059/IMG-ALT toobfreak
/threads/are-the-gop-being-pla...Are The GOP Being Played / Set-Up Again?
/members/toobfreak.63059/Texto duplicado toobfreak
/threads/are-the-gop-being-pla...Nofollow 24 minutes ago
/threads/are-the-gop-being-pla...Nofollow Texto duplicado A moment ago
/members/whitehall.27324/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT whitehall
/threads/rent-a-hacker-https-t...Texto ancla URL
Rent a hacker (
/threads/rent-a-hacker-https-t...Nofollow 2 minutes ago
/forums/politics.19/Texto duplicado Politics
/threads/rent-a-hacker-https-t...Nofollow Texto duplicado A moment ago
/members/backagain.84964/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT BackAgain
/members/denizen.71442/IMG-ALT Denizen
/threads/donald-trump-full-up-...Donald Trump: Full up to the eyeballs with hate. He won on that once, and hopes to do it again
/members/denizen.71442/Texto duplicado Denizen
/threads/donald-trump-full-up-...Nofollow Aug 31, 2019
/forums/politics.19/Texto duplicado Politics
/threads/donald-trump-full-up-...Nofollow 1 minute ago
/members/dstar777.18739/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT DStar777
/members/tyroneweaver.35873/IMG-ALT tyroneweaver
/threads/remember-when-king-da...Remember when King David was able to murder Uriah by omission rather than commission? That's what you have here
/members/tyroneweaver.35873/Texto duplicado tyroneweaver
/threads/remember-when-king-da...Nofollow Texto duplicado 1 minute ago
/forums/politics.19/Texto duplicado Politics
/threads/remember-when-king-da...Nofollow Texto duplicado 1 minute ago
/members/tyroneweaver.35873/Texto duplicado tyroneweaver
/members/tyroneweaver.35873/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT tyroneweaver
/members/thehawk.2921/IMG-ALT theHawk
/threads/biden-campaign-outrag...Biden Campaign Outraged Trump didn’t mention Project 2025
/members/thehawk.2921/Texto duplicado theHawk
/threads/biden-campaign-outrag...Nofollow Today at 9:17 AM
/forums/politics.19/Texto duplicado Politics
/threads/biden-campaign-outrag...Texto duplicado 2
/threads/biden-campaign-outrag...Nofollow Texto duplicado 1 minute ago
/members/rightwinger.20321/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT rightwinger
/threads/biden-must-win-to-kee...Biden MUST win to keep from being jailed!
/threads/biden-must-win-to-kee...Nofollow Yesterday at 5:28 PM
/forums/politics.19/Texto duplicado Politics
/threads/biden-must-win-to-kee...Texto duplicado 2
/threads/biden-must-win-to-kee...Texto duplicado 3
/threads/biden-must-win-to-kee...Nofollow Texto duplicado 1 minute ago
/members/billo_really.2873/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Billo_Really
/members/fdr_reagan.91012/IMG-ALT FDR_Reagan
/threads/islamist-iran-global-...Islamist Iran: Global domination: Latin Ametica plots too
/members/fdr_reagan.91012/Texto duplicado FDR_Reagan
/threads/islamist-iran-global-...Nofollow Mar 9, 2024
/threads/islamist-iran-global-...Nofollow Texto duplicado 1 minute ago
/whats-new/posts/?skip=1Nofollow View more...🏢 USMB Office
/link-forums/usmb-guidelines-f...USMB Guidelines for Posting
/forums/introduce-yourself.93/Introduce Yourself
/threads/introductory-thread-f...Zone1 Introductory thread for all
A-TITLE Introductory thread for all
/forums/announcements-and-feed...Announcements and Feedback
/members/captain-caveman.73849/IMG-ALT Captain Caveman
/threads/trying-to-stop-the-eu...Trying to stop the Europe section derailing
A-TITLE Trying to stop the Europe section derailing
/members/captain-caveman.73849/Texto duplicado Captain Caveman🇺🇸 US Discussion
/forums/politics.19/Texto duplicado Politics
/forums/political-satire.132/Political Satire
/members/whitehall.27324/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT whitehall
/threads/are-the-gop-being-pla...Texto duplicado Are The GOP Being Played / Set-Up Again?
A-TITLE Are The GOP Being Played / Set-Up Again?
/members/whitehall.27324/Texto duplicado whitehall
/forums/election-2024.203/Texto duplicado Election 2024
/members/magicmike.83153/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT MagicMike
/threads/donald-trump-breaks-h...Texto duplicado Donald Trump Breaks His Record in New Poll
A-TITLE Donald Trump Breaks His Record in New Poll
/members/magicmike.83153/Texto duplicado MagicMike
/forums/current-events.20/Current Events
/members/leftofleft.33282/IMG-ALT LeftofLeft
/threads/democrats-dont-fall-f...Democrats: Don't Fall For The Trap. Truth Is Civility, Acquiescing To Autocracy And Fascism Aren't
A-TITLE Democrats: Don't Fall For The Trap. Truth Is Civility, Acquiescing To Autocracy And Fascism Aren't
/members/leftofleft.33282/Texto duplicado LeftofLeft
/forums/clean-debate-zone.120/Clean Debate Zone
/members/m14-shooter.6581/IMG-ALT M14 Shooter
/threads/anyone-rather-than-do...Zone1 Anyone rather than Donald Trump!!
A-TITLE Anyone rather than Donald Trump!!
/members/m14-shooter.6581/Texto duplicado M14 Shooter
/members/san-souci.72953/IMG-ALT San Souci
/threads/i-remember-when-democ...I Remember When Democrats Worshiped A Felon
A-TITLE I Remember When Democrats Worshiped A Felon
/members/san-souci.72953/Texto duplicado San Souci
/forums/election-forums.121/Texto duplicado Election Forums
/forums/election-2022.202/Election 2022
/members/evilcat-breath.59451/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT EvilCat Breath
/threads/cnn-hypes-gop-2024-co...Texto duplicado CNN hypes GOP 2024 convention as best since Obama in 2008
A-TITLE CNN hypes GOP 2024 convention as best since Obama in 2008
/members/evilcat-breath.59451/Texto duplicado EvilCat Breath
/forums/healthcare-insurance-g...Healthcare/Insurance/Govt Healthcare
/members/john-edgar-slow-horse...IMG-ALT John Edgar Slow Horses
/threads/study-shows-74-of-dea...Study shows 74% of deaths were directly related to COVID Vaccine shots
A-TITLE Study shows 74% of deaths were directly related to COVID Vaccine shots
/members/john-edgar-slow-horse...Texto duplicado John Edgar Slow Horses
/members/shockedcanadian.38845/IMG-ALT shockedcanadian
/threads/the-medias-push-to-du...The Media's Push to Dump Biden: What's behind it?
A-TITLE The Media's Push to Dump Biden: What's behind it?
/members/shockedcanadian.38845/Texto duplicado shockedcanadian
/forums/immigration-illegal-im...Immigration/Illegal Immigration
/members/1srelluc.85128/IMG-ALT 1srelluc
/threads/fed-3-8-million-illeg...Fed: 3.8 million illegal immigrants could enter U.S. in 2024, affecting wage growth
A-TITLE Fed: 3.8 million illegal immigrants could enter U.S. in 2024, affecting wage growth
/members/1srelluc.85128/Texto duplicado 1srelluc
/forums/stock-market.103/Stock Market
/members/marathonmike.52782/IMG-ALT MarathonMike
/threads/how-much-is-a-pension...How much is a pension worth compared to retirement savings.
A-TITLE How much is a pension worth compared to retirement savings.
/members/marathonmike.52782/Texto duplicado MarathonMike
/forums/law-and-justice-system...Law and Justice System
/members/backagain.84964/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT BackAgain
/threads/the-most-corrupt-just...The Most Corrupt Justice In the History of SCOTUS
A-TITLE The Most Corrupt Justice In the History of SCOTUS
/members/backagain.84964/Texto duplicado BackAgain
/forums/us-constitution.142/US Constitution
/threads/does-the-militia-clau...does the militia clause in art 1 section 8
A-TITLE does the militia clause in art 1 section 8
/forums/2nd-amendment.201/2nd Amendment
/members/sealybobo.11281/IMG-ALT sealybobo
/threads/why-dont-battered-wom...Why Don’t Battered Women Get Guns?
A-TITLE Why Don’t Battered Women Get Guns?
/members/sealybobo.11281/Texto duplicado sealybobo
/threads/dr-ben-miles-tells-us...Dr. Ben Miles tells us the Earth is adding to the ice age.
A-TITLE Dr. Ben Miles tells us the Earth is adding to the ice age.
/members/matted-joybeard.52405/Matted Joybeard
/members/woodznutz.85328/IMG-ALT Woodznutz
/threads/should-public-schools...Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?
A-TITLE Should public schools be mandated to teach the Bible?
/members/woodznutz.85328/Texto duplicado Woodznutz
/members/captain-caveman.73849/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Captain Caveman
/threads/fusion-reactor-sparc....Fusion Reactor SPARC
A-TITLE Fusion Reactor SPARC
/members/captain-caveman.73849/Texto duplicado Captain Caveman
/members/sealybobo.11281/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT sealybobo
/threads/the-algebra-of-wealth...The Algebra of Wealth
A-TITLE The Algebra of Wealth
/members/sealybobo.11281/Texto duplicado sealybobo
/forums/science-and-technology...Science and Technology
/members/fort-fun-indiana.62138/IMG-ALT Fort Fun Indiana
/threads/evidence-of-common-de...Evidence of Common Descent (LOTS, across the sciences)
A-TITLE Evidence of Common Descent (LOTS, across the sciences)
/members/fort-fun-indiana.62138/Texto duplicado Fort Fun Indiana
/forums/religion-and-ethics.25/Religion and Ethics
/members/mashmont.85679/Texto duplicado M
/threads/the-trump-jesus-compa...The Trump/Jesus Comparison
A-TITLE The Trump/Jesus Comparison
/members/alang1216.49658/IMG-ALT alang1216
/threads/when-india-was-ruled-...when India was ruled by Moslems ....
A-TITLE when India was ruled by Moslems ....
/members/alang1216.49658/Texto duplicado alang1216
/forums/health-and-lifestyle.47/Health and Lifestyle
/members/the-duke.87481/IMG-ALT The Duke
/threads/why-people-are-heavie...Why people are heavier these days
A-TITLE Why people are heavier these days
/members/the-duke.87481/Texto duplicado The Duke
/members/litwin.66086/IMG-ALT Litwin
/threads/muscovite-ukrainian-w...Muscovite-Ukrainian WAR, regular updates I VIDEO , PICTURES, STATISTIC I Big Muscovite Losses Near Vuhledar/Shevchenko -- Over 20 Vehicles Destroyed
A-TITLE Muscovite-Ukrainian WAR, regular updates I VIDEO , PICTURES, STATISTIC I Big Muscovite Losses Near Vuhledar/Shevchenko -- Over 20 Vehicles Destroyed
/members/litwin.66086/Texto duplicado Litwin
/forums/conspiracy-theories.80/Conspiracy Theories
/members/donald-h.76415/Texto duplicado D
/threads/i-didnt-want-to-belie...I didn't want to believe it - not even to consider it. But, it seems less and less likely that the Secret Service was simply incompetent.
A-TITLE I didn't want to believe it - not even to consider it. But, it seems less and less likely that the Secret Service was simply incompetent.
/members/donald-h.76415/Donald H
/forums/race-relations-racism.81/Race Relations/Racism
/members/backagain.84964/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT BackAgain
/threads/everyone-is-prejudice...Zone1 Everyone is prejudiced
A-TITLE Everyone is prejudiced
/members/backagain.84964/Texto duplicado BackAgain🌎 Global Discussion
/forums/general-global-topics.45/General Global Topics
/members/glasnost.58468/IMG-ALT GLASNOST
/threads/how-many-countries-ar...How many countries are there in the world?
A-TITLE How many countries are there in the world?
/members/glasnost.58468/Texto duplicado GLASNOST
/members/luiza.86585/Texto duplicado L
/threads/parents-dont-know-bes...Parents dont know best
A-TITLE Parents dont know best
/members/ringo.81451/IMG-ALT Ringo
/threads/american-taxpayers-mo...American taxpayers’ money is ending up in the hands of the Taliban,...
A-TITLE American taxpayers’ money is ending up in the hands of the Taliban,...
/members/ringo.81451/Texto duplicado Ringo
/members/litwin.66086/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Litwin
/threads/african-students-and-...African students and workers are threatened not to renew their visas if they do not agree to join the Muscovite army. WHERE IS BLM ?
A-TITLE African students and workers are threatened not to renew their visas if they do not agree to join the Muscovite army. WHERE IS BLM ?
/members/litwin.66086/Texto duplicado Litwin
/members/marvin-martian.75364/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT marvin martian
/threads/the-rest-of-the-world...The rest of the world understands where our hyperpartisanship is taking us...
A-TITLE The rest of the world understands where our hyperpartisanship is taking us...
/members/marvin-martian.75364/Texto duplicado marvin martian
/members/donald-h.76415/Texto duplicado D
/threads/great-success-canada....Great Success Canada!
A-TITLE Great Success Canada!
/members/donald-h.76415/Texto duplicado Donald H
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/threads/covid-report-lacerate...Covid report lacerates conservatives for shambolic covid response.
A-TITLE Covid report lacerates conservatives for shambolic covid response.
/members/ozro.47543/Texto duplicado ozro
/members/there4eyem.38058/IMG-ALT there4eyeM
/threads/the-20-year-anniversa...The 20 year anniversary of the United States invasion of Iraq. What are your thoughts all these years later?
A-TITLE The 20 year anniversary of the United States invasion of Iraq. What are your thoughts all these years later?
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/members/irosie91.38243/Texto duplicado I
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A-TITLE Islamist Iran: Global domination: Latin Ametica plots too
/members/irosie91.38243/Texto duplicado irosie91
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/members/mac-7.72594/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Mac-7
/threads/article-49-of-the-fou...Texto duplicado "article 49 of the fourth geneva convention”.- Israels illegal theft of west bank land and sponsoring of thug settlers is illegal
A-TITLE "article 49 of the fourth geneva convention”.- Israels illegal theft of west bank land and sponsoring of thug settlers is illegal
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/forums/latin-america.122/Latin America
/members/john-edgar-slow-horse...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT John Edgar Slow Horses
/threads/nicolas-maduro-foresa...Nicolás Maduro foresaw a “bloodbath” in his country if he fails to be reelected on July 28
A-TITLE Nicolás Maduro foresaw a “bloodbath” in his country if he fails to be reelected on July 28
/members/john-edgar-slow-horse...Texto duplicado John Edgar Slow Horses
/forums/middle-east-general.15/Middle East - General
/members/litwin.66086/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Litwin
/threads/sanctions-from-iran-b...🇷🇺 Sanctions from Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen: 2 vessels from Muscovy attacked
A-TITLE 🇷🇺 Sanctions from Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen: 2 vessels from Muscovy attacked
/members/litwin.66086/Texto duplicado Litwin🏘️ Community
/forums/debate-now-structured-...Debate Now - Structured Discussion Forum
/members/mr-friscus.77194/IMG-ALT Mr. Friscus
/threads/honest-debate-about-a...Debate Now Honest Debate About Abortion: Rules Posted
A-TITLE Honest Debate About Abortion: Rules Posted
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/forums/general-discussion.5/General Discussion
/members/jlw.39715/IMG-ALT JLW
/threads/you-are-here.1114235/...You Are Here----->
A-TITLE You Are Here----->
/members/jlw.39715/Texto duplicado JLW
/members/auld-phart.42925/IMG-ALT Auld Phart
/threads/funny-pictures-thread...Funny Pictures Thread: Part 2!!
A-TITLE Funny Pictures Thread: Part 2!!
/members/auld-phart.42925/Texto duplicado Auld Phart
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/threads/tucker-carlson-alex-j...Tucker Carlson - Alex Jones
A-TITLE Tucker Carlson - Alex Jones
/members/playtime.55512/Texto duplicado playtime
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/threads/abilene-town.1114264/...Abilene Town
A-TITLE Abilene Town
/members/ozro.47543/Texto duplicado ozro
/forums/the-bull-ring.126/The Bull Ring
/bull-ring-call-outs-and-discu...Subdominio Please review the guidelines for this forum HERE.
/forums/bull-ring-discussions-...Bull Ring Discussions and Call-Outs
/members/leftwinger.55695/IMG-ALT leftwinger
/threads/where-does-mac1958-ac...Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?
A-TITLE Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?
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/forums/word-games-and-other-f...Word Games and Other Fun
/members/quickhitcurepon.44415/IMG-ALT QuickHitCurepon
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A-TITLE Words that Begin with N. (N-Words)
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A-TITLE Art & Illustration of all types
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A-TITLE Blue Screens Of Death Everywhere
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/threads/new-bud-light-brand-a...New Bud Light Brand Ambassador, trans Dylan Mulvaney
A-TITLE New Bud Light Brand Ambassador, trans Dylan Mulvaney
/forums/gardening-and-landscap...Gardening and Landscaping
/threads/we-got-so-many-mice-a...we got so many mice and voles our garden looks like a war zone
A-TITLE we got so many mice and voles our garden looks like a war zone
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/threads/worst-songs-of-the-19...Worst songs of the 1960s
A-TITLE Worst songs of the 1960s
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/members/the-irish-ram.29246/IMG-ALT The Irish Ram
/threads/weird-sea-sex-under-t...Weird Sea Sex Under the water.......Finding a fish mate 1,000 below the sea....
A-TITLE Weird Sea Sex Under the water.......Finding a fish mate 1,000 below the sea....
/members/the-irish-ram.29246/Texto duplicado The Irish Ram
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A-TITLE Dog Lovers Thread
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/members/redheaded-stranger.91...IMG-ALT Redheaded Stranger
/threads/where-do-you-stand.32...Where do you stand?
A-TITLE Where do you stand?
/members/redheaded-stranger.91...Texto duplicado Redheaded Stranger
/forums/photography-and-imagin...Photography and Imaging
/members/p-f-tinmore.21837/IMG-ALT P F Tinmore
/threads/posting-pictures-make...Posting (Pictures) Makes Me Feel Good 😁
A-TITLE Posting (Pictures) Makes Me Feel Good 😁
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/threads/robot-umpires-in-base...Robot umpires in baseball?
A-TITLE Robot umpires in baseball?
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/members/harpy-eagle.61808/IMG-ALT Harpy Eagle
/threads/portugal-or-hickory-n...Portugal or Hickory NC... Costa Rica or Springfield MO
A-TITLE Portugal or Hickory NC... Costa Rica or Springfield MO
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/forums/tv-forum.119/TV Forum
/members/josweetheart.37889/IMG-ALT JOSweetHeart
/threads/top-dog-starring-chuc...Top Dog Starring Chuck Norris
A-TITLE Top Dog Starring Chuck Norris
/members/josweetheart.37889/Texto duplicado JOSweetHeart
/members/ropey.26838/IMG-ALT Ropey
/threads/poets-corner.64331/po...Poet's Corner
A-TITLE Poet's Corner
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/forums/xbox-playstation-ninte...XBox/Playstation/Nintendo Wii
/members/resnic.80752/IMG-ALT Resnic
/threads/sweet-baby-inc-the-wo...Sweet baby inc. The woke consulting company that ruins gaming with DEI and threats.
A-TITLE Sweet baby inc. The woke consulting company that ruins gaming with DEI and threats.
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/forums/the-garage.150/The Garage
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/threads/going-back-to-a-charc...Going Back to a Charcoal Grill
A-TITLE Going Back to a Charcoal Grill
/members/1srelluc.85128/Texto duplicado 1srelluc
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/donate/donation-for-server-ho...Texto duplicado Donate
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/threads/trump-kisses-empty-fi...Trump Kisses Empty Fireman Suit
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/members/thehawk.2921/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT theHawk
/threads/biden-campaign-outrag...Texto duplicado Biden Campaign Outraged Trump didn’t mention Project 2025
/forums/politics.19/Texto duplicado Politics
/members/bulldog.49372/IMG-ALT BULLDOG
/threads/why-is-trump-hiding-t...Why is trump hiding the medical reports?
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/threads/roe-v-wade-getting-ov...Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!
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/forums/current-events.20/Texto duplicado Current Events
/members/rocko.32229/IMG-ALT Rocko
/threads/democrats-and-liberal...Democrats and liberals, whom do you want to be the democratic nominee?
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/members/?key=highest_reaction...Most reactions - Past 7 days
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Politics Forum - Political Discussion Community - is the premiere Political Forum with many areas of discussions including Current Events, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Politics, US Affairs...

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