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...-landing/Section2_infographic_01-min.pngAn infographic titled 'History Facts About Adobe' featuring key milestones and statistics. It highlights the founding of Adobe in 1982, the introduction of Illustrator in 1987, Photoshop in 1989, Acrobat and PDF in 1993, Creative Cloud in 2011, and the name change to Adobe Inc. in 2018. It also lists annual revenue for 2021 at $15.785 billion, 2020 at $12.868 billion, and 2019 at $11.171 billion, with the number of employees growing from 17,973 in 2017 to 22,634 in 2019. Contact information for Rainbow Creative Collective with email and phone number is provided. The infographic includes Adobe product icons such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, InDesign, and Bridge.
...-landing/Section2_infographic_02-min.pngAn infographic detailing the ADDIE Model for instructional design, with five phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Each phase is represented by a block letter that makes up the word 'ADDIE,' colored in shades of yellow, orange, and red, and arranged in a semi-circular flow leading to the final phase, Evaluation. Accompanying each letter is a brief description of the phase's focus. The Analysis phase involves understanding the gaps in needs. Design is based on this analysis to create the best learning experience. Development involves building the end product. Implementation is about distributing the learning product to the audience, and Evaluation assesses if the learning product is effective, with an arrow indicating a return to the Analysis phase if necessary. The graphic is labeled 'The ADDIE Model Explained' and includes the logo for 'eLearning Systems' at the bottom right.
...-landing/Section2_infographic_03-min.pngA pricing chart for 'knowza Website Builder Monthly Pricing Plans' showing three tiers: $0 per month, $14 per month, and $24 per month. Each tier lists whether the following features are included: Free Custom Domain, SEO Control, Email Service, Live Chat, and Forum. The $0 plan includes only Free Custom Domain and SEO Control. The $14 plan includes all except for the Forum. The $24 plan includes all features. The bottom of the chart lists the plan names: Free, Basic, and Ultimate. The color scheme features dark and light teals, oranges, and grays, and the knowza logo is at the top left.
...-landing/Section2_infographic_04-min.pngAn infographic featuring a world map with colored pins indicating different metrics: 20x Engagement (Higher Engagement), 63x Views (Higher Content Views), and 50x Creativity (Higher Creativity). Below the map are three pie charts with percentages: the first in red at 81%, the second in yellow at 76%, and the third in blue at 68%. The infographic likely represents global statistics for user engagement, content views, and creativity levels, with specific increases marked by the pins on the map. The colors of the pins correspond to the colors of the pie charts. The background of the map is black, highlighting the colored elements.
...-landing/Section2_infographic_05-min.pngAn educational infographic titled 'School Project Timeline: Visualize The History Of The Olympics.' It outlines a 1-week project timeline for students, with a different task assigned to each day: Day 1 - Read The Assignment, Day 2 - Map Out The Project, Day 3 - Collect All Materials, Day 4 - Do Your Research, Day 5 - Take Detailed Notes, Day 6 - Paint Or Draw Your Project, Day 7 - Submit The Project. The days are represented by colored blocks along a pencil-shaped timeline, each with an icon symbolizing the task: a book for reading, a molecular structure for mapping, tools for collecting, a magnifying glass for research, a document for notes, an art palette for painting or drawing, and a paper plane for submission. The infographic serves to help students manage their time and tasks effectively.
...-landing/Section2_infographic_06-min.pngAn infographic titled 'How LMS Revolutionizes Modern Businesses' with an illustration of four professionals working at computers against a backdrop featuring an urban skyline. The header is followed by a question 'What Is An LMS?' and an explanation below stating: 'LMS is now dominating instructional delivery in online learning. It is considered the backbone of content delivery in modern learning environments.' The workers are depicted in action, suggesting collaboration and productivity, with a color scheme of blues, greens, and oranges. The image emphasizes the impact of Learning Management Systems (LMS) in the workplace.
...ts/img/homepage-v2/accessible-colors.pngInfographic titled 'Accessible Colors 101' shows the importance of using colors that everyone, including people with color vision deficiencies, can distinguish. It includes statistics such as 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women having color vision deficiency, at least 2.2 billion people globally having a vision impairment, and red-green color blindness being the most common form, affecting 99% of those with color blindness. Icons and color-coded graphics visually represent the statistics. de atributo ALT
...epage-landing/Section2_accessible_02.pngThe image is a case study document from SMART AD MARKETING titled 'How A Simple Squeeze Page Resulted In Getting 1,000+ Leads With A 70% Conversion Rate.' The study outlines how John Doe, owner of the internet marketing website Optimizer, significantly increased his marketing list in 2021 by providing value to customers, resulting in a high conversion rate. It details his initial challenges with low organic visitation and a disorganized blog, and how offering a free download led to widespread sharing and sign-ups. The document features a graphic of a man thinking, symbolizing the strategic thought process behind the marketing success. The design is clean with blue and yellow color accents, and the company logo is displayed at the bottom. de atributo ALT
...adc88560-a653-4a18-9fdb-e98fce5df8db.pngAn infographic titled 'Common Size Analysis' explains the method of analyzing and comparing financial statements by converting items on financial statements into a percentage of a common size. The example provided is from Jads Financial Unlimited's 2020 income statement, showing revenue, expenses, gains, losses, and net income, each with a corresponding icon and amount. The right side of the infographic presents three pie charts with percentages indicating results of the analysis: 67% of revenue is higher than expenses, 28% of gains (losses) are lower than expenses, and 80% of net income (loss) shows that the company makes a profit. The company's address, website, email, phone, and fax information are provided in a side panel. The design uses a color scheme of blue, green, and white for a professional appearance. de atributo ALT
/assets/img/homepage-v2/donut-marketing.pngInfographic segment showing a donut chart for the types of visual content most frequently used in 2021. Original Graphics lead at 36%, followed by Stock Photos at 34%, Videos & Presentations at 13%, Charts & Data Visualization at 7%, GIFs & Memes at 6%, and Multi-page Lead Gen Docs at 5%. It notes that original graphics remain the most popular visual content type, with videos also increasing in popularity. de atributo ALT
...60461f-3872-4aa2-addb-591e59879d91 1.pngAn infographic titled 'How To Build Your Facebook Marketing Strategy' with a header featuring icons of people, a globe, and a rocket ship, suggesting global reach and growth. The infographic includes a section titled 'How to Earn and Expand Your Facebook Stars' which seems to offer steps or tips on maximizing the platform's features for marketing purposes. The content and visual elements imply guidance on increasing visibility and engagement on Facebook. The design incorporates a blue color theme consistent with Facebook's branding. de atributo ALT
...d66392-328b-4abf-851c-d4d406f891cc-1.pngAn infographic titled 'Global Email Statistics' featuring a bar graph that forecasts the number of emails sent per day worldwide from 2022 to 2026. The bars show a rising trend from 333.2 billion in 2022 to 392.5 billion in 2026. The graph indicates a 4.3% increase in email volume from the previous year. The source of the data is noted as Statista. The design incorporates a dark background with light blue accents and dotted elements, emphasizing the global reach and vast quantity of daily email correspondence. de atributo ALT
...f6693188-1adc-40ab-a6a4-a6ad1bba9d04.pngAn infographic depicting 'U.S. States with the Highest Minimum Wage.' It includes a U.S. map shaded in varying degrees of green, indicating the level of minimum wage, with darker shades representing higher wages. The top ten states are numbered, with Washington leading, followed by California and Massachusetts. A sidebar lists these top states with corresponding minimum wages, such as Washington at $13.50 and Colorado at $11.10. The federal minimum wage history is noted, mentioning its establishment in 1938 and the last increase in 2009. There's a visual of cash in the lower right corner, symbolizing wages. The source is VENNGAGE, with a link to read the full report. de atributo ALT
...omepage-landing/Section 2_reports_01.pngThe image is a cover slide for the 'End of Year Financial Report' for Unicorn Company for the fiscal year 2028. It features a modern building facade, suggesting a corporate setting, with the title of the report prominently displayed above the company logo. An introduction text states the report will provide a comprehensive overview of Unicorn Company's financial performance for the year ending December 31, 2028. The slide has a clean and professional design with a slide number indicator showing '1', implying the beginning of the report.
...omepage-landing/Section 2_reports_02.pngThe image is a financial table from ROCKET MECHANICS titled 'Monthly Business Budget Report July 2023'. It lists various expenses such as Swift Books Invoicing Software, Crimson CRM Software, Ergonomic Office Chairs, and more, along with their quantities, monthly expenses, budget, and budget performance percentage. The table shows a comparison between the actual expenses and the budgeted amounts, with percentages indicating whether each item is over or under budget. The design includes a puzzle piece with a dollar sign and a plant, symbolizing strategic financial planning.
...omepage-landing/Section 2_reports_03.pngThe image is a title slide for an 'Executive Summary Report 2028' from AmazonBase Digital Agency. It features a diagonal dark blue banner across the top with the title text, overlaying a photograph of a modern glass building, conveying a professional and corporate aesthetic.
...omepage-landing/Section 2_reports_04.pngThe image is a cover slide from Simplex Marketing Agency for 'A Gaming Case Study.' It illustrates how Bleezard Gaming successfully used Simplex and Twitch streamers to promote the launch of its latest RPG game. The graphic features colorful gaming-related icons like a game controller and decorative stars, and a character with headphones using a laptop, suggesting a gaming or streaming activity. The design is playful and vibrant, targeting a gaming audience.
...omepage-landing/Section 2_reports_05.pngThe image features a cover page for a 'Project Status Progress Report' with a section titled 'GENERAL PROJECT OVERVIEW.' It prompts the reader to provide feedback on the project, which can be critical, constructive, descriptive, and summarized. The overview can address challenges, issues encountered, and recommended solutions. Additionally, it can explain the reasoning behind the ratings given in the report. The design includes a photograph of a diverse group of professionals having a discussion around a table, suggesting a collaborative work environment. The color palette is neutral with brown accents.
...omepage-landing/Section 2_reports_06.pngThe image is a 'Quarterly Performance Review' report featuring employee information and evaluation results. The employee's name is Felicia Nguyen from the Marketing department, reviewed for Q2 on July 10, 2025. The report includes two pie charts: one showing an 82% Overall Performance rating with a note about Felicia's availability and support to her team, and another showing a 71% Improvement rating with a note on her growth and desire to scale experiments for further improvement. The design includes graphical icons representing communication and approval, with a color scheme of blue, red, and teal. image is a presentation slide for the year 2029, titled 'TECHX' with the subtitle 'Innovative Solutions for a Digital World.' It includes the text 'PRESENTED BY: Li Wei' and 'PRESENTED FOR: Nguyen Thi Anh.' The slide has a clean, modern design with a white background, featuring an image of a smartphone, notebook, pen, and computer mouse on a desk. On the right side, there's a purple vertical banner with a website address '' and a forward arrow indicating navigation to the next slide. image is a title slide from a presentation by Finance Innovations Corp titled 'Financial Luminary,' with the tagline 'Illuminating Paths to Prosperity.' It is dated for the year 2029 and includes the names Tim Barnaby and Anselm Berny. The design features a blue abstract background with wave-like patterns and the slide is marked as number 1, suggesting it's the beginning of the presentation. A forward arrow on the right indicates the option to move to the next slide. image is a monochromatic title slide for a 'BUSINESS PROPOSAL' by GLEINCHNER INDUSTRIES. It features an image of modern architectural details of a building in the background with the text overlaying it. There's also a subtitle text that says presentations are communication tools for demonstrations, lectures, speeches, and reports, usually presented before an audience. The design is sleek and professional, with a black and white color scheme. image is a title slide from a presentation named 'Unleashing Imagination: Exploring the Power of Creative Thinking' presented by William O. Mendez. The slide has a purple background with white and pink text and graphics. There's a camera icon in the bottom left and a graphic resembling a person's head in the top right. The image also includes a canvas with a painting on an easel, suggesting a theme of creativity and art. slide from a presentation titled 'MARKETING PRESENTATION' by Marvelous Marketing Solutions, offering comprehensive digital marketing services including analytics, SEO, social media management, and content creation since 2016. The slide features a minimalist design with a large, bold font for the title, a logo on the top left, and an artistic circular graphic on the right side that partially frames an image of a modern building. The color scheme is monochromatic with black and white, and there is a 'Next' button with an arrow at the bottom, indicating navigation to the next slide. image is a vibrant digital graphic with the title 'POWERING THE FUTURE: Exploring the Potential of Renewable Energy'. It features a stylized landscape with mountains under a night sky, a large moon, and a grid that suggests solar panel arrays in the foreground, all rendered in shades of purple and pink.
...omepage-landing/Section2_diagrams_01.pngA diagram titled 'Cloud & Data Analytics' from depicts various IoT (Internet of Things) devices categorized into Personal IoT Devices and Home IoT Devices, all connected to cloud and data analytics. The Personal IoT Devices include Smartphones, Wearables, Voice Assistants, Smart Fashion, and Hearables. The Home IoT Devices are Smart Plugs, Home Appliances, Hubs & Controllers, Lighting & Climate, and Entertainment Devices. Each category and device type is represented by an icon and connected to the central cloud symbol, illustrating the interconnected nature of these technologies.
...omepage-landing/Section2_diagrams_02.pngAn infographic titled 'Pain-Agitate-Solution Sales Venn Diagram' with two overlapping circles. The left circle lists 'Problems your sales manager might face,' highlighting challenges in sales reporting and oversight, which may misalign with company goals. The right circle describes 'Solutions our services provide,' mentioning E-Shopper's software that consolidates sales data for better insights, performance across regions, and helps in making informed decisions. In the center, where the circles overlap, is the logo for 'E-SHOPPERS.' The diagram uses a blue and green color scheme to represent the problem and solution segments, respectively.
...omepage-landing/Section2_diagrams_03.pngAn infographic titled 'Quarterly Product Roadmap' by System Organizer breaks down a product development schedule into four quarters. Q1 focuses on Ideation with product idea generation and market sounding. Q2 continues with Concept, further developing the product idea, creating marketing campaign concepts, and brand development. Q3 is for Testing, involving concept production and market analysis. Q4 concludes with Release, continuing product testing and marking the end of Q4. Each phase is represented by a colored block and an icon illustrating the theme of the phase.
...omepage-landing/Section2_diagrams_04.pngInfographic of a decision tree for PROJECT DEVELOPMENT, guiding through budgeting, project clarity, and profitability. It starts by asking if there is a 'Definite budget?' If yes, it leads to 'Known champion for it?' and based on the response, one can proceed or leave it alone. If no budget, it queries 'Alternative funding?' leading to action or leaving the project alone. If a champion is known and the project scope is clear, the decision tree asks about 'Achievable timescale?' A 'Yes' leads to 'Go for it,' a 'No' to 'Get more time.' If the scope isn't clear, it advises to leave it alone. When alternative funding is sorted out, it asks 'Happy to profit?' with 'Yes' leading to 'Cash in,' and 'No' to 'Explain why it matters.
...omepage-landing/Section2_diagrams_05.pngCOMPETITOR SWOT ANALYSIS chart with four quadrants. Strengths include Same Day Delivery within the city, 1-hour delivery in urban core, over 200 drivers, high-quality foods, and high exposure. Weaknesses list as costly services, lack of monthly subscription options, inaccessibility to a larger audience, and poorly optimized SEO. Opportunities suggest optimizing the current mobile app, attracting a larger audience, and focusing on SEO to improve traffic and rankings. Threats involve potential operation at a loss to outpace competition and stringent state laws affecting grocery delivery and accountability.
...omepage-landing/Section2_diagrams_06.pngFishbone Diagram Healthcare Quality Delivery Template with four categories leading to Healthcare Delivery Quality. 'Machine' includes issues like Medical Equipment Failure, Uncomfortable Environment, and Healthcare Workers Shortages. 'Man' category covers Technical Knowledge, Basic Troubleshooting, Poor Management, Unnecessary Treatment, and Treatment Error. 'Environment' and 'Method' categories are indicated but not detailed. The diagram is used for identifying potential causes of healthcare quality problems. LEAF HEALTHCARE's logo and website are at the bottom.
...homepage-landing/Section 2_charts_01.pngA project timeline for the remodeling of the Hellenic Senior Home, with tasks like Project Planning, Demolition, Plumbing/Electrical, and Framing/Drywall starting from week 1-6, followed by Cabinets, Doors, Cleaning, Flooring, and Finishing in weeks 9-12.
...homepage-landing/Section 2_charts_02.pngOrganizational chart with photographs and titles for a company's staff members, including Amanda Turing as President; Barbara Kessinger, VP Marketing; Boris Yeltsin, Marketing Manager; Maria Mendoza, Assistant Manager; Tommy Nebraska, Shift Supervisor; Anthony Winters, VP Production; Benjamin Manning, Production Manager; Dudley Basin, Assistant Manager; Sheila McArthur, VP Sales; Lucas Villa, Sales Manager; and Julia Vasquez, Assistant Manager.
...homepage-landing/Section 2_charts_03.pngAn infographic by FocusHR on 'Involuntary Termination' outlines a six-step process for human resources procedures when an employee is terminated. Step 1, 'Documentation period,' advises documenting reasons for termination in line with company policies. Step 2, 'Employee is fired,' suggests doing this in person to ensure the employee leaves with dignity. Step 3, 'Employee returns company property,' emphasizes clearing out personal effects. Step 4, 'Logins and emails are cut off,' involves coordinating with IT to revoke access. Step 5, 'Exit interview,' notes that not all employees may agree to one. Lastly, step 6, 'Employee receives last check,' describes the final paycheck delivery, often by mail rather than direct deposit. The infographic uses a flowchart format with numbered steps and corresponding text, utilizing a color scheme of yellow, orange, and purple to distinguish different stages.
...homepage-landing/Section 2_charts_04.pngA bar chart titled 'Sales Performance Analysis' comparing the sales of three products, A, B, and C, over three quarters in 2028. Each product has three bars representing sales in Q1, Q2, and Q3. Product A sales start at 50,000 units in Q1, increase to 62,000 units in Q2, and have no listed figure for Q3. Product B sales begin at 40,000 units in Q1, peak at 71,500 units in Q2, and drop to 55,000 units in Q3. Product C shows 50,000 units sold in Q1, no data for Q2, and 42,000 units in Q3. The chart uses a dark background with light green bars, and each bar is labeled with its respective sales figure. The y-axis ranges from 0 to 80,000 units, with markers at each 10,000 unit increment.
...homepage-landing/Section 2_charts_05.pngInfographic section number 10 asking 'What do you spend the most on budget-wise for visual content?' with a list of categories and percentages. Stock Photos at 9.3%, Animation & Interactivity at 12.2%, Videos at 23.4%, Tools & Softwares at 27.1%, and Design at 28.0%. At the bottom is the Venngage logo with a prompt to read the blog for more statistics.
...homepage-landing/Section 2_charts_06.pngAn infographic titled 'Health Around the Globe' compares health expectancy to healthcare spending across different regions. A scatter plot graph with life expectancy (years) on the y-axis and healthcare spending per person on the x-axis depicts data points for the United States, South America, and Europe from 1970 to 2015. The graph aims to show the relationship between a country's health expenditure per person and the life expectancy of its population. Data points are differentiated by color-coded circles representing each region, with the United States in one color, South America in another, and Europe in a third color. The axes range from $0 to $25K for healthcare spending and from 0 to 35 years for life expectancy.
...landing/homepage-landing/Section3_01.pngAn infographic titled 'The Evolution of Online Education' by Learning & Innovation. It provides a timeline of key developments from 1958 to 2013, marking milestones in distance learning. Starting with the University of London becoming the first university to offer full degrees through distance learning in 1958 to the University of Florida—Online becoming the first online-only public university in 2013. It includes significant advancements such as the use of radio, records, television, and the internet for delivering education. The timeline includes notable entries like the creation of the World Wide Web in 1991, the Electronic University Network in 1992, and free educational resources through MIT's 'OpenCourseWare Project' in 2002. The infographic features icons representing different modes of communication and online tools, and a central illustration shows four individuals at computers, indicating collaboration and digital interaction. The graphic underscores how technology has revolutionized the way education is delivered and accessed.
...landing/homepage-landing/Section3_02.pngAn infographic titled 'Delegative Leadership Style' explains this approach as one where the leader provides complete freedom for team members to plan, strategize, and execute without offering guidance or participating in decision-making. The graphic suggests that this style is viewed as ineffective by some because it relies on highly talented, ambitious self-starters, and few teams are made up of all-stars who don't need direction. The visual elements include stylized figures engaging in various activities such as sitting on a giant lightbulb, moving puzzle pieces, and looking through binoculars, set against a backdrop of blue geometric shapes, symbolizing the various aspects of delegation and leadership.
...landing/homepage-landing/Section3_03.pngAn informative graphic promoting '10+ Project Based Learning Examples for Educators.' It features illustrations of educators engaging in activities associated with project-based learning. Icons and symbols such as a lightbulb for ideas, gears for mechanics, a checkmark for completion, speech bubbles for communication, and documents for planning or results surround the educators. There's also a large blueprint drawing in the background, symbolizing project planning. The color palette consists of dark blue, orange, and lighter shades for accents, creating a dynamic and educational atmosphere.
...landing/homepage-landing/Section3_04.pngAn infographic titled 'Cloud Storage System: Folder Organization Process' by Bibire Corporation LTD, provides a guide on organizing items within their cloud storage system. A summary indicates that the organization process involves chronological ordering and searchable subfolders, with dates and department keys in document names. The document outlines the folder structure with top-level folders including Product, Marketing, Engineering, Customer Support, each with associated keys. Sub-folders are indexed with an ISO 8601 date prefix and contain keys in the name for easier searching, with examples given. It mentions a revision history, with the latest version 1.2 on 2024-07-16 adding a Customer Success folder. The structure is designed for easy tracking and access by employees. Approval for the process is given by Maxence Bourque. The bottom of the infographic provides the headquarters address and contact number. Four numbered icons suggest steps or key points in the process, emphasizing organization and accessibility. de atributo ALT
...landing/homepage-landing/Section3_05.pngAn infographic from Sunshine Recruitment presenting four types of leadership styles: Autocratic, Democratic, Bureaucratic, and Charismatic. Each style is represented by a colorful icon with an image of a leader in action, and numbered 1 to 4. The introduction suggests these styles are tools in a leader's toolbox, providing flexibility to meet the needs of their team and work situations. The overall design is professional and engaging, aiming to educate about different leadership approaches de atributo ALT
...landing/homepage-landing/Section3_06.pngPareto chart titled Project Issue Analysis for 2030, showing common project issues and their frequency. The vertical bars represent the number of occurrences for each issue, with budget overrun being the most common at 24 instances, followed by scope creep and communication breakdown. A line graph overlay indicates the cumulative percentage of issues, reaching 94% by technical challenges. The chart aids in prioritizing issues for problem-solving to improve project success. de atributo ALT
...anding/homepage-landing/Section 4_01.pngCreate 4 Kinds of Employee Separation List Infographic Template de atributo ALT
...anding/homepage-landing/Section 4_02.pngCreate Main Types of Patients List Infographic template de atributo ALT
...anding/homepage-landing/Section 4_03.pngInfographic Online Marketing template de atributo ALT
...anding/homepage-landing/Section 4_04.pngCreate Customer Support Dichotomous Key template de atributo ALT
...anding/homepage-landing/Section 4_05.pngCreate Marketing Infographic Example template de atributo ALT
...anding/homepage-landing/Section 4_06.pngHorizontal Weekly Reporting Template template de atributo ALT
...anding/homepage-landing/Section 4_07.pngCreate Simple White And Blue Project Proposal Template de atributo ALT
/assets/img/homepage-v2/step_1_new.pngA selection of customizable pre-made templates.
/assets/img/homepage-v2/step_2_new.pngVenngage editor showing icon editing functionalities and brand kit.
/assets/img/homepage-v2/step_3_new.pngVenngage editor offering share and download options.
/assets/img/homepage-v2/amanda.pngDr. Amanda Sterk
/assets/img/homepage-v2/amanda.pngDr. Amanda Sterk
/assets/img/homepage-v2/quotation.svgCarece de atributo ALT
/assets/img/homepage-v2/pete.pngPete Dziedzic
/assets/img/homepage-v2/pete.pngPete Dziedzic
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/assets/img/homepage-v2/vera.pngVera Aroca
/assets/img/homepage-v2/quotation.svgCarece de atributo ALT
/assets/img/homepage-v2/company-logo.svgTrusted By Cisco, The New York Times, ClearBanc, AstraZeneca, Canada, and many more
...s/img/homepage-v2/company-logo-small.svgTrusted By Cisco, The New York Times, ClearBanc, AstraZeneca, Canada, and many more
/assets/img/homepage-v2/design-ai.pngVenngage’s DesignAI Infographic generator chat open with a prewritten prompt, “fun facts about planets
/assets/img/homepage-v2/improve-text-ai.pngVenngage editor showing the improve text AI feature.
...img/homepage-v2/generate-alt-text-ai.pngVenngage editor alt text modal, in the process of generating alt text for an image using AI.
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...ts/img/homepage-v2/ai-thumbnail-icon.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...s/img/homepage-v2/one_click_branding.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...ets/img/homepage-v2/diagram_features.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...ets/img/homepage-v2/customer_support.pngCarece de atributo ALT
/assets/img/homepage-v2/collaboration.pngCarece de atributo ALT
/assets/img/homepage-v2/infographics.pngWhat is an infographic?
...ets/img/homepage-v2/friendly-palette.pngHow to use color bliend friendly palette
...homepage-v2/create-accessible-design.pngHow to create accessible designs
...s/img/homepage-v2/infographics_steps.pngHow to make an infographic types of infographic
...e-a-Timeline-Infographic-Blog-header.pngHow to create a timeline infographic
...21/03/Infographic-layout-blog-header.pngHow to choose an infographic layout
...aVisualizationInfographicsBlogheader.pngHow to use data visualizations in infographic
/assets/img/facebook.svgFacebook Logo
/assets/img/open-new-tab.svgCarece de atributo ALT Logo
/assets/img/open-new-tab.svgCarece de atributo ALT
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/assets/img/open-new-tab.svgCarece de atributo ALT
/assets/img/instagram.svgInstagram Logo
/assets/img/open-new-tab.svgCarece de atributo ALT Logo
/assets/img/open-new-tab.svgCarece de atributo ALT Logo
/assets/img/open-new-tab.svgCarece de atributo ALT
/assets/img/pinterest.svgPinterest Logo
/assets/img/open-new-tab.svgCarece de atributo ALT Globe

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Make Infographics for Everyone
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Hay 28 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Make Infographics for Everyone
H2 Need some inspiration? Explore our most popular infographic templates and start with a professional canvas.
H2 Set your business communications apart with professionally designed WCAG and ADA compliant infographic templates.
H2 Make stunning infographics in 3 simple steps
H2 Your stunning design is only 3 simple steps away
H2 There’s a lot to love about Venngage
H2 Supercharge creativity with AI
H2 Take your designs to the next level and make it accessible with AI at your side.
H2 Simple yet powerful design - perfect for all skill levels
H2 Simple but powerful features - perfect for non-designers
H2 Start creating better infographics with Venngage today
H2 Easy-to-apply design tips at your fingertips
H2 Some easy-to-apply design tips coming your way
H3 Explore thousands of professional templates
H3 Create within the simple but powerful editor
H3 Download or share designs with your team
H3 Trusted by
H3 AI-Infographic Generator
H3 Improve your content
H3 AI-Generated Alt Text
H3 Accessible Editor and Templates
H3 AI-Powered Design Tools
H3 Branding and Collaboration
H3 Smart Diagram Features
H3 24/5 Priority Support
H3 Diverse Icons and Free Stock Photos
H3 Make any visual with Venngage
H3 Explore All Features
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Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (30) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Subdominio Learn More. ancla Skip to main content Venngage Create content that shines tools Generate designs powered by AI
/features/accessible-designAccessible design maker Check for contrast, colors, and more
/features/infographic-makerInfographic Maker
/features/brochure-makerBrochure Maker
/features/poster-makerPoster Maker
/features/timeline-infographicsTimeline Maker
/features/letterheadLetterhead Maker
/features/graph-makerGraph Maker
/features/mind-map-makerMind Map Maker
/features/white-paper-designWhite Paper Online
/features/make-an-ebookEbook Maker
/features/flyer-makerFlyer Maker
/features/roadmap-makerRoadmap Maker
/features/genogram-makerGenogram Maker
/features/resume-makerCV Maker
/features/pie-chart-makerPie Chart Maker
/features/newsletter-designNewsletter Creator
/features/create-a-case-studyCase Study Generator
/features/create-business-planBusiness Plan Maker
/features/pamphlet-makerPamphlet Maker
/features/organizational-chart...Organizational Chart Maker
/features/proposal-makerProposal Maker
/features/diagram-makerDiagram Maker
/features/coupon-makerCoupon Maker
/features/report-makerReport Maker
/features/decision-tree-makerDecision Tree Maker
/features/calendar-makerCalendar Maker
/features/flowchart-makerFlowchart Maker
/features/checklist-makerChecklist Maker
/features/presentation-makerPresentation Maker
/features/family-tree-makerFamily Tree Maker
/features/swot-analysisSwot Analysis Maker
/features/spider-diagramSpider Diagram Maker
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/templates/brochuresBrochure Templates
/templates/postersPoster Templates
/templates/white-papersWhite Paper Templates
/templates/flyersFlyer Templates
/templates/mind-mapsMind Map Templates
/templates/diagramsDiagram Templates
/templates/reportsReport Templates All Templates Read our articles and guides Learn from the experts Subdominio Help Center Get help and support
/pricing/premiumFor Individuals
/pricing/businessFor Professionals
/pricing/enterpriseFor Enterprise
/pricing/nonprofitFor Nonprofits
/pricing/educationFor Classrooms Subdominio Log in Subdominio Sign up for free Subdominio Texto duplicado Log in Subdominio Texto duplicado Sign up for free
IMG-ALT Product tools
/features/accessible-designAccessible design maker
/features/infographic-makerTexto duplicado Infographic Maker
/features/brochure-makerTexto duplicado Brochure Maker
/features/poster-makerTexto duplicado Poster Maker
/features/timeline-infographicsTexto duplicado Timeline Maker
/features/letterheadTexto duplicado Letterhead Maker
/features/graph-makerTexto duplicado Graph Maker
/features/mind-map-makerTexto duplicado Mind Map Maker
/features/white-paper-designTexto duplicado White Paper Online
/features/make-an-ebookTexto duplicado Ebook Maker
/features/flyer-makerTexto duplicado Flyer Maker
/features/roadmap-makerTexto duplicado Roadmap Maker
/features/genogram-makerTexto duplicado Genogram Maker
/features/resume-makerTexto duplicado CV Maker
/features/pie-chart-makerTexto duplicado Pie Chart Maker
/features/newsletter-designTexto duplicado Newsletter Creator
/features/create-a-case-studyTexto duplicado Case Study Generator
/features/create-business-planTexto duplicado Business Plan Maker
/features/pamphlet-makerTexto duplicado Pamphlet Maker
/features/organizational-chart...Texto duplicado Organizational Chart Maker
/features/proposal-makerTexto duplicado Proposal Maker
/features/diagram-makerTexto duplicado Diagram Maker
/features/coupon-makerTexto duplicado Coupon Maker
/features/report-makerTexto duplicado Report Maker
/features/decision-tree-makerTexto duplicado Decision Tree Maker
/features/calendar-makerTexto duplicado Calendar Maker
/features/flowchart-makerTexto duplicado Flowchart Maker
/features/checklist-makerTexto duplicado Checklist Maker
/features/presentation-makerTexto duplicado Presentation Maker
/features/family-tree-makerTexto duplicado Family Tree Maker
/features/swot-analysisTexto duplicado Swot Analysis Maker
/features/spider-diagramTexto duplicado Spider Diagram Maker
/solutions/executive-communica...Executive Leadership
/solutions/employee-communicationHuman Resources
/solutions/training-materialsTraining & Development
/solutions/product-managementProduct Development
IMG-ALT IT and Engineering
/solutions/communication-manag...Project Management
/solutions/real-estate-marketi...Real Estate
/templates/infographicsTexto duplicado Infographic Templates
/templates/brochuresTexto duplicado Brochure Templates
/templates/postersTexto duplicado Poster Templates
/templates/white-papersTexto duplicado White Paper Templates
/templates/flyersTexto duplicado Flyer Templates
/templates/mind-mapsTexto duplicado Mind Map Templates
/templates/diagramsTexto duplicado Diagram Templates
/templates/reportsTexto duplicado Report Templates duplicado See All Templates Subdominio Help Center duplicado Plans
/pricing/premiumTexto duplicado For Individuals
/pricing/businessTexto duplicado For Professionals
/pricing/enterpriseTexto duplicado For Enterprise
/pricing/nonprofitTexto duplicado For Nonprofits
/pricing/educationTexto duplicado For Classrooms Subdominio Texto duplicado Sign up for free More duplicado See More
A-TITLE Infographic Templates
/templates/infographics/timelineIMG-ALT An infographic titled 'History Facts About Adobe' featuring key milestones and statistics. It highlights the founding of Adobe in 1982, the introduction of I...
/templates/infographics/processIMG-ALT An infographic detailing the ADDIE Model for instructional design, with five phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Each phas...
/templates/infographics/compar...IMG-ALT A pricing chart for 'knowza Website Builder Monthly Pricing Plans' showing three tiers: $0 per month, $14 per month, and $24 per month. Each tier lists wheth...
/templates/infographics/statis...IMG-ALT An infographic featuring a world map with colored pins indicating different metrics: 20x Engagement (Higher Engagement), 63x Views (Higher Content Views), an...
/templates/educationIMG-ALT An educational infographic titled 'School Project Timeline: Visualize The History Of The Olympics.' It outlines a 1-week project timeline for students, with ...
/templates/infographics/businessIMG-ALT An infographic titled 'How LMS Revolutionizes Modern Businesses' with an illustration of four professionals working at computers against a backdrop featuring...
/templates/infographicsTexto duplicado See More
A-TITLE infographics
/templates/reports/case-study-...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/reports/common-size...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/charts/donut-chart-...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/accessible?preview=...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/accessible?preview=...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/accessible?preview=...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/accessibleTexto duplicado See More
A-TITLE accessible
/templates/reports/annualIMG-ALT The image is a cover slide for the 'End of Year Financial Report' for Unicorn Company for the fiscal year 2028. It features a modern building facade, suggest...
/templates/reports/monthlyIMG-ALT The image is a financial table from ROCKET MECHANICS titled 'Monthly Business Budget Report July 2023'. It lists various expenses such as Swift Books Invoici...
/templates/reports/executive-s...IMG-ALT The image is a title slide for an 'Executive Summary Report 2028' from AmazonBase Digital Agency. It features a diagonal dark blue banner across the top with...
/templates/reports/case-studyIMG-ALT The image is a cover slide from Simplex Marketing Agency for 'A Gaming Case Study.' It illustrates how Bleezard Gaming successfully used Simplex and Twitch s...
/templates/reports/quarterlyIMG-ALT The image features a cover page for a 'Project Status Progress Report' with a section titled 'GENERAL PROJECT OVERVIEW.' It prompts the reader to provide fee...
/templates/reportsIMG-ALT The image is a 'Quarterly Performance Review' report featuring employee information and evaluation results. The employee's name is Felicia Nguyen from the Ma...
/templates/reportsTexto duplicado See More
A-TITLE reports
/templates/presentations/pitch...IMG-ALT The image is a presentation slide for the year 2029, titled 'TECHX' with the subtitle 'Innovative Solutions for a Digital World.' It includes the text 'PRESE...
/templates/presentations/businessIMG-ALT The image is a title slide from a presentation by Finance Innovations Corp titled 'Financial Luminary,' with the tagline 'Illuminating Paths to Prosperity.' ...
/templates/presentations/profe...IMG-ALT The image is a monochromatic title slide for a 'BUSINESS PROPOSAL' by GLEINCHNER INDUSTRIES. It features an image of modern architectural details of a buildi...
/templates/presentations/creativeIMG-ALT The image is a title slide from a presentation named 'Unleashing Imagination: Exploring the Power of Creative Thinking' presented by William O. Mendez. The s...
/templates/presentations/minim...IMG-ALT A slide from a presentation titled 'MARKETING PRESENTATION' by Marvelous Marketing Solutions, offering comprehensive digital marketing services including ana...
/templates/presentations/engagingIMG-ALT The image is a vibrant digital graphic with the title 'POWERING THE FUTURE: Exploring the Potential of Renewable Energy'. It features a stylized landscape wi...
/templates/presentationsTexto duplicado See More
A-TITLE presentations
/templates/mind-mapsIMG-ALT A diagram titled 'Cloud & Data Analytics' from depicts various IoT (Internet of Things) devices categorized into Personal IoT Devices and Home IoT ...
/templates/diagrams/venn-diagramIMG-ALT An infographic titled 'Pain-Agitate-Solution Sales Venn Diagram' with two overlapping circles. The left circle lists 'Problems your sales manager might face,...
/templates/roadmaps/productIMG-ALT An infographic titled 'Quarterly Product Roadmap' by System Organizer breaks down a product development schedule into four quarters. Q1 focuses on Ideation w...
/templates/diagrams/treeIMG-ALT Infographic of a decision tree for PROJECT DEVELOPMENT, guiding through budgeting, project clarity, and profitability. It starts by asking if there is a 'Def...
/templates/diagrams/SWOT-analysisIMG-ALT COMPETITOR SWOT ANALYSIS chart with four quadrants. Strengths include Same Day Delivery within the city, 1-hour delivery in urban core, over 200 drivers, hig...
/templates/diagrams/fishboneIMG-ALT Fishbone Diagram Healthcare Quality Delivery Template with four categories leading to Healthcare Delivery Quality. 'Machine' includes issues like Medical Equ...
/templates/diagramsTexto duplicado See More
A-TITLE diagrams
/templates/diagrams/gantt-chartIMG-ALT A project timeline for the remodeling of the Hellenic Senior Home, with tasks like Project Planning, Demolition, Plumbing/Electrical, and Framing/Drywall sta...
/templates/diagrams/organizati...IMG-ALT Organizational chart with photographs and titles for a company's staff members, including Amanda Turing as President; Barbara Kessinger, VP Marketing; Boris ...
/templates/diagrams/flowchartIMG-ALT An infographic by FocusHR on 'Involuntary Termination' outlines a six-step process for human resources procedures when an employee is terminated. Step 1, 'Do...
/templates/charts/barIMG-ALT A bar chart titled 'Sales Performance Analysis' comparing the sales of three products, A, B, and C, over three quarters in 2028. Each product has three bars ...
/templates/charts/stackedIMG-ALT Infographic section number 10 asking 'What do you spend the most on budget-wise for visual content?' with a list of categories and percentages. Stock Photos ...
/templates/charts/scatterplotIMG-ALT An infographic titled 'Health Around the Globe' compares health expectancy to healthcare spending across different regions. A scatter plot graph with life ex...
/templates/chartsTexto duplicado See More
A-TITLE charts More Templates
/templates/infographics/evolut...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/infographics/delega...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/infographics/10-pro...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/infographics/folder...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/infographics/leader...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/charts/navy-and-ora...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/infographicsTexto duplicado See More
A-TITLE Infographic Templates Subdominio Texto duplicado Sign up for free
/templates/accessibleTexto duplicado See More Templates
/templates/infographics/4-kind...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/infographics/main-t...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/infographics/infogr...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/diagrams/customer-s...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/infographics/market...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/reports/horizontal-...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/proposals/simple-wh...Texto duplicado Create
/templates/accessibleTexto duplicado See More
A-TITLE Infographic Templates
/templates/accessibleTexto duplicado See All Templates Subdominio Texto duplicado Sign up for free
/blog/case-study-venngage-coll...Read Case Study
/blog/case-study-venngage-lisg/Texto duplicado Read Case Study
/blog/case-study-venngage-chad...Texto duplicado Read Case Study Subdominio Texto duplicado Sign up for free Subdominio Texto duplicado Sign up for free Subdominio Texto duplicado Sign up for free Subdominio Texto duplicado Sign up for free All Posts
/blog/what-is-an-infographic/What is an Infographic? Examples, Templates & Design Tips
A-TITLE What is an Infographic? Examples, Templates & Design Tips
/blog/color-blind-friendly-pal...How to Use Color Blind Friendly Palettes to Make Your Charts Accessible
A-TITLE How to Use Color Blind Friendly Palettes to Make Your Charts Accessible
/blog/accessible-designHow to Create Accessible Designs [Tips + Templates]
A-TITLE How to Create Accessible Designs [Tips + Templates]
/blog/how-to-make-an-infograph...How to Make an Infographic in 5 Steps (Guide)
A-TITLE How to Make an Infographic in 5 Steps (Guide)
/blog/9-types-of-infographic-t...What Are the 9 Types of Infographics? (+Infographic Templates)
A-TITLE What Are the 9 Types of Infographics? (+Infographic Templates)
/blog/how-to-create-a-timeline...How to Create a Timeline Infographic: The Definitive Guide
A-TITLE How to Create a Timeline Infographic: The Definitive Guide
/blog/infographic-layout/How to Choose an Infographic Layout (20+ Template Ideas for Beginners)
A-TITLE How to Choose an Infographic Layout (20+ Template Ideas for Beginners)
/blog/data-visualization-infog...How to Use Data Visualization in Your Infographics
A-TITLE How to Use Data Visualization in Your Infographics duplicado See More
A-TITLE See More Posts
/features/infographic-makerTexto duplicado Infographic Maker
/features/brochure-makerTexto duplicado Brochure Maker
/features/poster-makerTexto duplicado Poster Maker
/features/timeline-infographicsTexto duplicado Timeline Maker
/features/graph-makerTexto duplicado Graph Maker
/features/mind-map-makerTexto duplicado Mind Map Maker
/features/white-paper-designTexto duplicado White Paper Online
/features/make-an-ebookTexto duplicado Ebook Maker
/features/flyer-makerTexto duplicado Flyer Maker
/features/roadmap-makerTexto duplicado Roadmap Maker
/features/genogram-makerTexto duplicado Genogram Maker
/features/resume-makerResume Maker
/features/pie-chart-makerTexto duplicado Pie Chart Maker
/features/newsletter-designTexto duplicado Newsletter Creator
/features/create-a-case-studyTexto duplicado Case Study Generator
/features/create-business-planTexto duplicado Business Plan Maker
/features/pamphlet-makerTexto duplicado Pamphlet Maker
/features/organizational-chart...Texto duplicado Organizational Chart Maker
/features/proposal-makerTexto duplicado Proposal Maker
/features/diagram-makerTexto duplicado Diagram Maker
/features/coupon-makerTexto duplicado Coupon Maker
/features/report-makerTexto duplicado Report Maker
/features/decision-tree-makerTexto duplicado Decision Tree Maker
/features/calendar-makerTexto duplicado Calendar Maker
/features/flowchart-makerTexto duplicado Flowchart Maker
/features/checklist-makerTexto duplicado Checklist Maker
/features/presentation-makerTexto duplicado Presentation Maker
/features/family-tree-makerTexto duplicado Family Tree Maker
/features/swot-analysisTexto duplicado Swot Analysis Maker
/features/spider-diagramTexto duplicado Spider Diagram Maker
/features/organizational-chart...Org Chart Creator
/features/certificate-makerCertificate Maker
/features/bar-graph-makerBar Graph Maker
/features/pitch-deck-creatorPitch Deck Creator
/features/book-cover-makerBook Cover Maker
/features/youtube-banner-makerYoutube Banner Maker
/features/user-flow-diagramUser Flow Diagram Tool
/features/chart-makerChart Maker
/features/catalog-makerCatalog Maker duplicado Features
/sitemap/template_directoryDirectory Tools
/features/infographic-makerFree Infographic Maker
/features/timeline-infographicsFree Timeline Maker
/features/brochure-makerFree Brochure Maker
/features/poster-makerFree Poster Maker
/features/proposal-makerFree Proposal Maker
/features/presentation-makerFree Presentation Maker
/features/accessible-designFree Accessible Design Platform
/blog/venngage-vs-powerpoint/Venngage vs. Powerpoint
/blog/venngage-vs-canva/Venngage vs. Canva
/blog/venngage-vs-visme/Venngage vs. Visme
/blog/venngage-vs-piktochart/Venngage vs. Piktochart
/templates/infographicsTexto duplicado Infographic Templates
/templates/infographics/timelineTimeline Templates
/templates/brochuresTexto duplicado Brochure Templates
/templates/flyersTexto duplicado Flyer Templates
/templates/newslettersNewsletter Templates
/templates/reportsTexto duplicado Report Templates
/templates/proposalsProposal Templates
/templates/accessibleAccessible Templates duplicado Plans
/pricing/premiumTexto duplicado For Individuals
/pricing/businessTexto duplicado For Professionals
/pricing/enterpriseTexto duplicado For Enterprise
/pricing/nonprofitTexto duplicado For Nonprofits
/pricing/educationTexto duplicado For Classrooms us Subdominio Careers
/features/accessibility-statementAccessibility Statement Subdominio Privacy Policy Subdominio Terms of Services duplicado IMG-ALT Venngage ventana Externo Facebook
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IMG-ALT Instagram Logo ventana Externo Subdominio Tiktok
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Venngage | Professional Infographic Software | 10,000+ Templates
Join over 5 Million professionals who consider Venngage the infographic maker of choice. Pick from 10,000+ professional templates made for businesses.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Infographic Template74%Check
make Venngage74%Check
Infographic Templates74%Check
Make infographic74%Check
professional templates67%Check

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