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(Extremadamente importante)
Visit London - We are London's Official Visitor Guide
La longitud del título es óptima (470 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Discover your ultimate guide to London. From the best activities in the city to top restaurants, bars and hotels, explore what's on in London today.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (890 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
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Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
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El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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URL de la página
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descriptionDiscover your ultimate guide to London. From the best activities in the city to top restaurants, bars and hotels, explore what's on in London today.
og:descriptionDiscover your ultimate guide to London. From the best activities in the city to top restaurants, bars and hotels, explore what's on in London today.
og:titleVisit London - We are London's Official Visitor Guide

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El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1782 palabras.
Un 31.5% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 16 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...5a&hash=DCCCFDC2604C43328B6E881F55E1DD0FTwo yoeman warders dress in red and gold tunics with a black hat stand in front of the tower of london.
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...a8&hash=F3267769B707CFAB42E5BDDBFC5C9745Three actresses dressed with colourful costumes from the disco era are dancing on the stage of Mamma Mia! The Musical.
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...96&hash=C88C6DDCAD9858B0501443911613940BDancer Ivana Bueno performs on the stage of the London Coliseum where snow falling.
...71&hash=04F36E93CCE9C7C476B4C9025CEC31F1Three women, The Schuyler Sisters, stand together on stage with their arms in the air in large pastel dresses.
...d1&hash=0B8714C9934EC66FA085148B2A6FB369The cast of Les Misérables are standing on the stage looking up at their fellow cast members who are raising their arms.
...d4&hash=97ABD4DE054CFDBEC4178A79F5B5C7C1Myles Frost in the role of Michael Jackson is dancing on stage while wearing a black and white suit and the iconic hat. de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT
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...37&hash=BFCC0698EA93CB70B6F4400D812CA724Woman taking a picture with the London Eye skyline.
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...04&hash=DFC869A89AD34F58BE4EF47FE6EFC0F9A crowd walks through London past a bright red telephone box and christmas trees.Christmas in London. © Unsplash/ZhivkoDimitrov
...b7&hash=A5B0CEEB820023B617AE5C04DDFE07DCFriends celebrate the new year together with champagne and sparklers
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...51&hash=A14D17B299BD5A9944D38BB676C363E9Children run through the cathedral of light tunnel at christmas at kew gardens in london. Cathedral of Light at Christmas at Kew. © RBG Kew/Jeff Eden
...4d&hash=0CF5C3CCB0B13525EF9862B03A3C6B44A girl in a white dress holds up a Nutcracker doll as she dances. In the background is a graphic of the Royal Albert Hall and a Christmas tree, while ballerinas are superimposed in the foreground.
...48&hash=315FB4B054783288FF7811586583981APicture of a traditional red telephone box, red double decker bus with Christmas lights and decorations in the background.

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Discover London
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (15 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 89 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Discover London
H2 London's Official Visitor Guide
H2 Must-sees
H2 Visiting London for the first time?
H2 Need some inspiration for what to do?
H2 Find the perfect Hilton hotel
H2 Explore London
H2 Top London tickets
H2 Theatre
H2 Best-selling London theatre tickets
H2 Attractions
H2 Best-selling London attraction tickets
H2 Tours
H2 Best-selling London sightseeing tours tickets
H2 What's coming up in London
H2 Things to do in winter
H2 London musicals
H2 Discover more with London videos
H2 Useful information
H2 Money-saving ideas
H2 Go green in London: Tips for a sustainable stay
H2 What's on in London
H2 Fun festive activities
H3 The Phantom of the Opera
H3 London Eye
H3 The London Pass
H3 Christmas lights tour
H3 London theatre tickets
H3 London attractions
H3 London sightseeing
H3 Royal London
H3 Where to eat
H3 Visit London app
H3 The best musicals in London on now
H3 Best London tours and excursions
H3 Unmissable attractions in London
H3 New Year's Eve cruises and tours
H3 Disney's The Lion King
H3 Harry Potter play
H3 Mamma Mia!
H3 Matilda the Musical
H3 Mrs. Doubtfire
H3 Six The Musical
H3 Tower of London
H3 St Paul's Cathedral
H3 Madame Tussauds
H3 Westminster Abbey tickets
H3 SEA LIFE London Aquarium
H3 Paddington Bear Experience
H3 Hop-on hop-off Bus Tour
H3 Total London Experience
H3 British Museum guided tour
H3 Jack The Ripper Tour
H3 The Ghost Bus Tours
H3 City Cruises 24-hour river pass
H3 Moco Museum London
H3 Afternoon Tea Bus Tour
H3 ABBA Voyage
H3 The London Dungeon
H3 Wicked
H3 The Devil Wears Prada
H3 The Nutcracker
H3 Hamilton
H3 Les Misérables
H3 MJ the Musical
H3 Theatre in London
H3 London Eye Champagne Experience
H3 Westminster Abbey
H3 Tower of London Texto duplicado
H3 St. Paul's Cathedral
H3 Kew Gardens
H3 City Cruises
H3 Hop-on hop-off London bus tour
H3 Shakespeare's Globe
H3 Where to stay
H3 Public transport
H3 Travelling to London
H3 Sustainability
H3 Oyster card
H3 Accessible London
H3 Choose a city pass
H3 London on a budget
H3 Go City London Explorer Pass
H3 Christmas in London
H3 New Year's Eve in London
H3 London events calendar
H3 Christmas activities for kids
H3 Best Christmas shows
H3 Top Christmas tours
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 19 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content ancla Skip to navigation Official Visitor Guide English Deutsch Français Italiano Español 中文
/tickets-and-offersSubdominio Book tickets
/things-to-do/sightseeing/lond...Visit top attractions
/things-to-do/sightseeing/roya...Royal London
/things-to-do/sightseeing/sigh...Find days out of town
/things-to-do/place/593062-lon...Subdominio London attraction pass
/things-to-do/sightseeing/sigh...Join a tour
/things-to-do/sightseeing/one-...Follow our itineraries
/things-to-do/openspaceParks and outdoors
/things-to-do/sightseeingAll sightseeing
/things-to-do/event/6987276-li...Subdominio Lion King London tickets
/things-to-do/event/6573327-wi...Subdominio Wicked London tickets
/things-to-do/event/430290-mam...Subdominio Mamma Mia!
/things-to-do/event/430257-pha...Subdominio Phantom of the Opera London tickets
/things-to-do/event/27016170-b...Subdominio Book of Mormon London tickets
/things-to-do/event/17888493-m...Subdominio Matilda The Musical
/things-to-do/whats-on/theatre...Musicals in London
/things-to-do/whats-on/theatreAll theatre
/things-to-doThings to do
/things-to-do/family-activitiesLondon for kids
/things-to-do/food-and-drinkEat and drink
/things-to-do/whats-onDiscover what's on
/things-to-do/nightlifeExplore London nightlife
/things-to-do/experiencesHave fun with friends
/things-to-do/shoppingGo shopping
/things-to-do/whats-on/christmasChristmas in London
/things-to-doAll things to do
/traveller-informationTraveller information
/traveller-information/travel-...Travel to London
/traveller-information/getting...Get around the city
/traveller-information/essenti...Accessibility in London
/where-to-stay/hotelBook a hotel
/traveller-information/essenti...Know the essentials
/traveller-informationAll traveller information
/where-to-stayLondon accommodation
/things-to-do/place/50716922-v...Find out more
/things-to-do/place/50716922-v...Texto duplicado Find out more
/things-to-do/sightseeing/lond...Visit London's top attractions
/things-to-do/family-activitiesFind the best family activities
/things-to-do/sightseeing/one-...Explore London itineraries
/things-to-do/experiences/imme...Join immersive experiences
/things-to-do/whats-on/art-and...See the latest exhibitions
/things-to-do/sightseeing/sigh...Take a day trip from London
/things-to-do/whats-on/christmasExperience Christmas in London
/where-to-stay/hotelFind a place to stay in London
/things-to-do/event/430257-pha...The Phantom of the Opera Experience spectacular costumes and special effects at Andrew Lloyd-Webber's iconic musical.
/things-to-do/place/282783-lon...Must-see London Eye Soar into the sky and spot iconic landmarks as you enjoy spectacular 360-degree views of London.
/things-to-do/place/593062-lon...Save up to 50% on sightseeing The London Pass Sightsee and save as you explore some of London’s famous landmarks and biggest attractions.
/things-to-do/event/48988586-c...Christmas lights tour See London’s iconic Christmas lights and famous landmarks lit up on this night-time bus tour.
/things-to-do/visiting-london-...Texto duplicado Find out more
/things-to-do/whats-on/theatreLondon theatre tickets
/things-to-do/sightseeing/lond...London attractions
/things-to-do/sightseeing/sigh...London sightseeing
/things-to-do/sightseeing/roya...Texto duplicado Royal London
/things-to-do/food-and-drinkWhere to eat
/london-appSubdominio Visit London app
/where-to-stay/hilton-hotels-l...Texto duplicado Find out more
/things-to-do/whats-on/theatre...The best musicals in London on now Be captivated by dazzling dance and top show tunes in London’s West End.
/things-to-do/sightseeing/sigh...Best London tours and excursions Uncover unique sites and hidden gems on a tour of the city with a local London expert.
IMG-ALT Two yoeman warders dress in red and gold tunics with a black hat stand in front of the tower of london.
/things-to-do/sightseeing/lond...Unmissable attractions in London Spot landmarks from the London Eye, uncover royal history at Buckingham Palace and more.
/things-to-do/whats-on/new-yea...New Year's Eve cruises and tours Celebrate the new year and see London’s world-famous fireworks from a unique view point.
/things-to-do/whats-on/theatreFind all theatre shows
/things-to-do/event/6987276-li...Always sells out Disney's The Lion King Follow Simba’s adventures in the Serengeti in this vibrant and much-loved musical.
/things-to-do/event/42378215-h...Always sells out Harry Potter play Join Harry and his friends as they embark on a magical new adventure in this spellbinding play.
IMG-ALT The cast on stage wearing school scarves and wizarding attire in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
/things-to-do/event/430290-mam...Mamma Mia! Sing along to the ultimate feel-good musical, filled with love, laughter and ABBA tunes.
IMG-ALT Three actresses dressed with colourful costumes from the disco era are dancing on the stage of Mamma Mia! The Musical.
/things-to-do/event/17888493-m...Matilda the Musical Discover the hilarious family-friendly show based on Roald Dahl's much-loved novel.
/things-to-do/event/49235102-m...Mrs. Doubtfire Delight in the antics of the hilarious Mrs Doubtfire in this musical comedy based on the film.
IMG-ALT Mrs Doubtfire musical poster
/things-to-do/event/48943684-s...Six The Musical Be dazzled by a Tudor tale of historical heartbreak set to a soundtrack of iconic pop songs.
/things-to-do/sightseeing/lond...range of attractions
/things-to-do/place/22249-hm-t...London itinerary essential Tower of London Explore London's iconic castle and fortress, home of the world-famous Crown Jewels.
/things-to-do/place/284990-st-...St Paul's Cathedral Discover a cultural icon and architectural masterpiece steeped in history and heritage.
/things-to-do/place/284875-mad...Madame Tussauds Immerse yourself in the world of superstars, as you explore four immersive experiences.
/things-to-do/place/610825-wes...Westminster Abbey tickets Marvel at the impressive architecture and uncover fascinating royal history within.
/things-to-do/place/117322-sea...SEA LIFE London Aquarium Discover London’s exciting underwater world where colourful sea creatures await.
/things-to-do/place/50158904-p...Paddington Bear Experience Embark on an immersive journey into the wonderful world of Paddington Bear.
IMG-ALT Paddington bear in a blue coat and red hat holding a stack of marmalade sandwhiches.
/things-to-do/sightseeing/sigh...all sightseeing tours
/things-to-do/event/32392658-h...Extra 24 hours free Hop-on hop-off Bus Tour See the capital’s epic landmarks from your seat and enjoy unlimited travel around London.
/things-to-do/event/41899347-t...See London in a day Total London Experience Tick off St Paul’s Cathedral, the London Eye and the Tower of London in one day.
IMG-ALT Tower of London viewed from the river Thames.
/things-to-do/place/49286205-b...British Museum guided tour Uncover the museum’s collection of fascinating artefacts and historic treasures.
/things-to-do/place/49022960-j...Jack The Ripper Tour Travel back in time as you follow in the footsteps of London's most infamous murderer.
/things-to-do/place/6462387-gh...The Ghost Bus Tours Prepare to be scared by a spooky tour of the city, as you pass iconic London landmarks at night.
/things-to-do/place/209815-cit...City Cruises 24-hour river pass Spot iconic sights as you roam along the Thames on a scenic river cruise.
/things-to-do/whats-on/things-...things to do this weekend
/en/search?category=/things-to...This week
/en/things-to-do/london-by-mon...This month
/en/search?category=/things-to...This autumn
/things-to-do/whats-on/winterTexto duplicado Find out more
/things-to-do/place/50459952-m...Moco Museum London Explore unique exhibitions and interact with iconic artworks and immersive art.
/things-to-do/place/48299976-a...Afternoon Tea Bus Tour Combine a delicious afternoon tea with spectacular views of London.
/things-to-do/event/49130050-a...Exclusive London show 7 Nov - 11 May ABBA Voyage Singalong to classic ABBA hits in a ground-breaking concert performance like no other.
/things-to-do/place/427295-lon...The London Dungeon Prepare to be scared as you immerse yourself in London's scary history.
/things-to-do/whats-on/theatre...Find London musical tickets
/things-to-do/event/6573327-wi...Wicked Be moved by the untold story of Elphaba, the misunderstood Wicked Witch of the West.
IMG-ALT Glinda in Wicked the musical in a blue ball gown in front of a blue and black background with bubbles.
/things-to-do/event/49768869-d...The Devil Wears Prada Step into the world of fashion in this hilariously fun and fabulously stylish musical.
IMG-ALT Official poster promoting The Devil Wears Prada showing a giant red high heal next to the musical title.
/things-to-do/event/47519798-e...The Nutcracker Enjoy the beloved ballet classic telling the enchanting story of Clara and the Sugar Plum Fairy.
IMG-ALT Dancer Ivana Bueno performs on the stage of the London Coliseum where snow falling.
/things-to-do/event/44256202-h...Hamilton Learn how Washington’s right-hand man helped shape the foundation of the USA.
IMG-ALT Three women, The Schuyler Sisters, stand together on stage with their arms in the air in large pastel dresses.
/things-to-do/event/7601507-le...Les Misérables Immerse yourself in Victor Hugo's famous novel of love, redemption and revolution in France.
IMG-ALT The cast of Les Misérables are standing on the stage looking up at their fellow cast members who are raising their arms.
/things-to-do/event/49374114-m...MJ the Musical Uncover the backstory and immerse yourself in the creative mind of the King of Pop.
IMG-ALT Myles Frost in the role of Michael Jackson is dancing on stage while wearing a black and white suit and the iconic hat. Subdominio Theatre in London Subdominio London Eye Champagne Experience Subdominio Westminster Abbey Subdominio Tower of London Subdominio St. Paul's Cathedral Subdominio Kew Gardens Subdominio City Cruises Subdominio Hop-on hop-off London bus tour Subdominio Shakespeare's Globe
/where-to-stayWhere to stay
/traveller-information/getting...Public transport
/traveller-information/travel-...Travelling to London
/traveller-information/getting...Oyster card
/traveller-information/essenti...Accessible London
/things-to-do/sightseeing/whic...Choose a city pass
IMG-ALT Woman taking a picture with the London Eye skyline.
/things-to-do/budget-londonLondon on a budget
/traveller-information/place/4...Save up to 50% on attractions Go City London Explorer Pass
/things-to-do/sustainabilityDiscover many ways to be sustainable in London
/things-to-do/whats-on/christm...Texto duplicado Christmas in London
IMG-ALT A crowd walks through London past a bright red telephone box and christmas trees.
/things-to-do/whats-on/new-yea...New Year's Eve in London
IMG-ALT Friends celebrate the new year together with champagne and sparklers
/things-to-do/whats-on/special...London events calendar
/things-to-do/whats-on/christm...Christmas activities for kids
IMG-ALT Children run through the cathedral of light tunnel at christmas at kew gardens in london.
/things-to-do/whats-on/theatre...Best Christmas shows
IMG-ALT A girl in a white dress holds up a Nutcracker doll as she dances. In the background is a graphic of the Royal Albert Hall and a Christmas tree, while balleri...
/things-to-do/sightseeing/sigh...Top Christmas tours
IMG-ALT Picture of a traditional red telephone box, red double decker bus with Christmas lights and decorations in the background.
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/things-to-doThings to do in London
/things-to-do/whats-onWhat's on
/things-to-do/whats-on/theatreTexto duplicado London theatre tickets
/things-to-do/sightseeing/lond...Texto duplicado London attractions
/things-to-do/sightseeing/sigh...Sightseeing tours
/things-to-do/food-and-drinkFood & Drink
/things-to-do/whats-on/theatre...London musicals
/where-to-stayWhere to stay in London
/things-to-do/event/6987276-li...The Lion King
/things-to-do/event/48287649-b...Back to The Future the Musical
/things-to-do/event/27016170-b...The Book of Mormon
/things-to-do/event/42378215-h...Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
/things-to-do/event/49235102-m...Mrs. Doubtfire
/things-to-do/event/430290-mam...Texto duplicado Mamma Mia!
/things-to-do/event/430257-pha...Phantom of the Opera
/things-to-do/place/282783-lon...London Eye
/things-to-do/place/427311-buc...Buckingham Palace
/things-to-do/place/284875-mad...Madame Tussauds
/things-to-do/place/117322-sea...Sea Life London
/things-to-do/place/22249-hm-t...Texto duplicado Tower of London
/things-to-do/place/427214-win...Windsor Castle
/things-to-do/place/610825-wes...Texto duplicado Westminster Abbey
/things-to-do/place/284990-st-...St Paul's Cathedral
/things-to-do/place/48289061-w...Windsor Castle, Bath & Stonehenge Tour
/things-to-do/event/32392658-h...Hop-on Hop-off London Bus Tour
/things-to-do/place/48008644-l...London by Night Open Top Bus Tour
/things-to-do/event/41899347-t...Total London Experience
/things-to-do/place/48299976-a...Afternoon Tea Bus Panoramic Tour
/things-to-do/event/27250576-b...Buckingham Palace Tour
/things-to-do/place/48306733-o...Oxford and Cambridge Tour
/things-to-do/place/23035130-w...Warner Bros. Studio Tour
/things-to-do/place/49236784-b...Borough Market Food Tour
https://www.londonandpartners....Externo Subdominio London & Partners Subdominio Supported by Mayor of London
/contact-usContact us
/about-usAbout us
/advertise-with-usAdvertise with us
https://www.londonandpartners....Externo Subdominio Texto duplicado Sustainability
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Visit London - We are London's Official Visitor Guide
Discover your ultimate guide to London. From the best activities in the city to top restaurants, bars and hotels, explore what's on in London today.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Visit London75%Check
Discover London74%Check
Explore London70%Check
Best London68%Check
Top London68%Check
London Eye65%Check

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