Waterwinterwonderland.com - SEO Checker

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229,00 kB
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526 internos / 0 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Michigan Theaters Drive-Ins Amusement Parks Auto Racing Motels Resorts
Con 678 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Michigan Drive-Ins Theaters Amusement Parks Auto Racing Motels Photos
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (462 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El nombre del dominio es demasiado extenso.
El dominio no es un subdominio.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
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La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
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La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
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El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionMichigan Drive-Ins Theaters Amusement Parks Auto Racing Motels Photos
keywordsmichigan photos, movie theater, movie theatre, drive-in theater, cinemas, tourism, movie, history, amusement, park, old, vintage, hotel, motel, retail, weather, detroit, walled lake, auto racing, speedway, raceway, 1950's, 1960's
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • pavillion => Pavillon; pavilion
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2452 palabras.
Un 8.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 3 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 15 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 49 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de Schema.org) adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...mages/drivein/2200/a001^2000s photos.jpgStar Auto TheatreStar Auto Theatre
...63/a001^From_American_classic_images.jpgKnickerbocker TheatreKnickerbocker Theatre
...ages/amusement/3839/a00001^June 2002.jpgLakeshore Putt-Putt GolfLakeshore Putt-Putt Golf
...ages/speedways/1739/a000^1954 aerial.jpgJones SpeedwayJones Speedway
...mages/lodging/5553/a0000^web listing.jpgLakeside Motor Lodge (Lakeside Motel)Lakeside Motor Lodge (Lakeside Motel)
...sons restaurant which closed in 2022.jpgHoward Johnson's RestaurantHoward Johnson's Restaurant
...00^old photo from midland daily news.jpgPerry DrugsPerry Drugs
...ges/sports/4000/a01^from web listing.jpgOgemaw Lanes & Lounge (Beeman Lanes)Ogemaw Lanes & Lounge (Beeman Lanes)
...5/a01^2023 photo from sabrina barman.jpgCalumet Air Force Station (Open Skies Project)Calumet Air Force Station (Open Skies Project)
.../images/automotive/5657/a00^Nov 2022.JPGSunocoSunoco

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Over 22 Years and 73 Million Views of Michigan History!
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Over 22 Years and 73 Million Views of Michigan History!
H2 Webmaster Updates
H2 Update for Tuesday, July 2, 2024
H2 Latest Location Updates
H2 Updates for Week of Sunday, June 30, 2024
H2 Updates for Week of Sunday, June 23, 2024
H2 Updates for Week of Sunday, June 16, 2024
H2 Updates for Week of Sunday, June 2, 2024
H2 Random selection from the over 20,000 photos on this site
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (526) en esta página.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
Hay 1 links con un texto ancla que no es suficientemente relevante.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Esta página no contiene ningún enlace externo.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
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/driveintheaters.aspx?id=239&t...Subdominio Sunset in Hartford
/dragway.aspx?id=1344&type=6Northern Michigan Dragway - Bear Lake
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2407&t...Johnson's Rustic Dance Palace (Johnson's Rustic Resort, Krause's Hotel) - Prudenville
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=2475&ty...Land of Lakes Motel - Harrison
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=2798&ty...Rose O'Day Motel (Rose-O-Day Motel) - Houghton Lake
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=2880&ty...Swiss Inn (Vina Del Mar Motel) - Prudenville
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=2929&ty...Korbinskis Lakeview Motel (McKee's Coffee Bar and Cabins, Denton Creek Motel) - Prudenville
/movietheaters.aspx?id=968&type=5Pines Theatre - Houghton Lake
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3031&t...Rockin Chair Gift Shope - Houghton Lake
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3329&t...Chick Museum - Sterling
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=3805&ty...Sea Breeze Motel - Houghton Lake
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5426&ty...In Town Inn Motel (Northern Trails Motel) - Standish
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=5433&t...Zubler's Indian Craft Shop - Houghton Lake
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5541&ty...Red Rose Motel (Blessings Motel) - West Branch
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5761&ty...Alger Motel (Old Alger Motel) - Alger
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5842&ty...Unknown Motel (Markey Township Hall) - Houghton Lake
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5858&ty...Motel Grand - Houghton Lake
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5980&ty...O and M Motel - Alger
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6226&ty...Duncan's Motel and Restaurant - Gould City
/diningdetail.aspx?id=5397&typ...Barrel + Beam (Northwoods Supper Club) - Marquette
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=3737&ty...City Motel - Manistique
/Subdominio IMG-ALT tekonsha
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=226&t...Capri Drive-In Theatre - Coldwater
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=254&t...Getty 4 Drive-In Theatre - Muskegon
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=11&ty...Pine Aire Drive-In Theatre (Pine-Aire) - Baldwin
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=24&ty...Hiawatha Drive-In Theatre - Chassell
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=29&ty...Bel Air Drive-In Theatre - Detroit
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=53&ty...Jackson Drive-In Theatre - Jackson
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=1816&...Silverdome Drive-In Theatre - Pontiac
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=2226&...Speedway Auto Theatre - Greenville
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=265&t...Sundowner Drive-In Theatre - Traverse City
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=68&ty...M-60 Drive-In Theatre - Mendon
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=83&ty...Miracle Mile Drive-In Theatre - Pontiac
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=241&t...55-Hi Drive-In Theatre - Houghton Lake
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=19&ty...Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Burnside
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=247&t...Starlite Drive-In - Sandusky
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=259&t...Starlite Drive-In Theatre - Sault Ste. Marie
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=56&ty...Woodland Drive-In Theatre - Kentwood
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=27&ty...Skyway Drive-In Theatre - Corunna
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=37&ty...West Side Drive-In Theatre - Flint
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=63&ty...Starlite Drive-In Theatre - Ludington
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=59&ty...Northside Drive-In Theatre - Lansing
/movietheaters.aspx?id=968&type=5Texto duplicado Pines Theatre - Houghton Lake
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1553&ty...Holly Theatre - Holly
/movietheaters.aspx?id=339&type=5Sanctuary Cinema (Royal Knight Cinema) - Alpena
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1073&ty...New Theatre - New Baltimore
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2163&ty...Ishpeming Theatre - Ishpeming
/movietheaters.aspx?id=633&type=5Hollywood Theatre - Detroit
/movietheaters.aspx?id=551&type=5Delray Theatre - Detroit
/movietheaters.aspx?id=618&type=5Gratiot Theatre - Detroit
/movietheaters.aspx?id=522&type=5Bijou Theatre - Detroit
/movietheaters.aspx?id=791&type=5Vendome Theatre - Detroit
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1318&ty...Milan Cinema (Milan Theatre) - Milan
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1304&ty...Vaudette Theatre - Muskegon
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1299&ty...Majestic Theatre - Muskegon
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1298&ty...Lyric Theatre - Muskegon
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1297&ty...Lion Theatre - Muskegon
/movietheaters.aspx?id=3058&ty...State Theatre (Jefferson Theatre) - Muskegon
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1295&ty...Gem Theatre - Muskegon
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1292&ty...Chateau Theatre - Muskegon
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1293&ty...Crystal Theatre - Muskegon
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1290&ty...Bijou Theatre - Muskegon
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2328&ty...Bad Axe Opera House - Bad Axe
/movietheaters.aspx?id=558&typ...Detroit Opera House - Detroit
/movietheaters.aspx?id=418&typ...Calumet Theatre - Calumet
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1300&ty...Opera House - Muskegon
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2138&ty...Concord Opera House - Concord
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1987&ty...Carsonville Opera House - Carsonville
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2155&ty...Burt Opera House - Birch Run
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2177&ty...Smith's Opera House - Grand Rapids
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1345&ty...Howell Opera House - Howell
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2147&ty...Vermontville Opera House - Vermontville
/movietheaters.aspx?id=447&typ...Tibbits Opera House - Coldwater
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2168&ty...Train's Opera House - Lowell
/movietheaters.aspx?id=3044&ty...Menominee Opera House - Menominee
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1954&ty...Alma Opera House - Alma
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2151&ty...Grays Opera House - Romeo
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2133&ty...Munising Opera House - Munising
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1959&ty...Cadillac Opera House - Cadillac
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2139&ty...Byron Opera House - Byron
/movietheaters.aspx?id=2175&ty...Albion Opera House - Albion
/movietheaters.aspx?id=1201&ty...City Opera House - Traverse City
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/amusementpark.aspx?id=2127&ty...King's Animaland Park - Richmond
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/amusementpark.aspx?id=1310&ty...Michigan's Adventure (Deer Park) - Muskegon
/amusementpark.aspx?id=1332&ty...House of David Park - Benton Harbor
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/amusementpark.aspx?id=1331&ty...Liberty Amusement Park - Battle Creek
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/amusementpark.aspx?id=4108&ty...Sawmill City - Kimball
/amusementpark.aspx?id=3839&ty...Lakeshore Putt-Putt Golf - Fort Gratiot
/amusementpark.aspx?id=5868&ty...Puttin' 4 Paws - Lexington
/amusementpark.aspx?id=5708&ty...Kate’s Sweet Shop & Mini Golf (Bud's Mini Golf, Lochen Wood Mini Golf and Ice Cream) - Interlochen
/amusementpark.aspx?id=5684&ty...Gold Rush Family Recreation Park - Schoolcraft
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/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2647&t...Wenona Park Dance Pavillion - Bay City
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2665&t...Weko Beach Pavillion (Weco Beach) - Bridgman
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2399&t...Sandy Beach Inn - Waterford
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=5992&t...Barry's Dance Hall at Cedar Island Lake - White Lake Township
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=5631&t...Park of the Lakes Pavilion - Cadillac
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2586&t...Shadowland Ballroom - St. Joseph
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2427&t...The Music Box - Prudenville
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=5404&t...Silver Crown Ballroom (Amber House) - Warren
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=5399&t...Russellville Ballroom - Davison
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2447&t...Ellinee Amusement Center - Coloma
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=4128&t...Crystal Palladium - Crystal
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/paviliondetail.aspx?id=3970&t...Summit Heights Resort Dance Hall - Fenton
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2429&t...Marine Ballroom - Frankfort
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2643&t...Oakwood Park Dance Pavillion - Kalamazoo
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2587&t...Avery Beach Casino - South Haven
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2590&t...Woodward Pavillion - Coloma
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2393&t...Crystal Palace Ballroom at Paw Paw Lake - Coloma
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2426&t...Pleasant View Hotel and Dance Pavillion - Clark Lake
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/dragway.aspx?id=1335&type=6Detroit Dragway - Brownstown Twp
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/autoracing.aspx?id=1811&type=9Yale (Riverside Driving Club) - Yale
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/autoracing.aspx?id=1704&type=9Western Michigan Fairgrounds - Grand Rapids
/autoracing.aspx?id=1705&type=9Grand Rapids Motor Speedway (Kamp's Speedway) - Wyoming
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/autoracing.aspx?id=1738&type=9Joe's Speedway - Farwell
/autoracing.aspx?id=1695&type=9East Jordan Fair - East Jordan
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/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3031&t...Texto duplicado Rockin Chair Gift Shope - Houghton Lake
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=5433&t...Texto duplicado Zubler's Indian Craft Shop - Houghton Lake
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3329&t...Texto duplicado Chick Museum - Sterling
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3186&t...Devil's Slide - Grand Marais
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=2933&t...The Oval at Saugatuck - Saugatuck
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3190&t...Robinett's Trout Ponds - Harrison
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3028&t...Askwith's Oldtown - Sault Ste. Marie
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3030&t...Sleeping Bear Dunesmobiles - Glen Haven
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3188&t...Animal Land - Grayling
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3191&t...The Paddle Princess River Boat - Beulah
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3219&t...Kitch-iti-kipi - Manistique
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3029&t...Iron Mountain Iron Mine - Vulcan
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=2169&t...Irish Hills Area - Onsted
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3032&t...Miniature City at Clinch Park - Traverse City
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=1998&t...Deer Forest - Coloma
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=6109&t...The Phlopp House (Hotel Jefferson) - Frederic
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=2287&t...Prehistoric Forest - Onsted
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=6103&t...Hazensile - Houghton Lake
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=6093&t...Bavarian Belle Riverboat - Frankenmuth
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3160&t...Fred Bear Museum and Bear Mountain - Grayling
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=3805&ty...Texto duplicado Sea Breeze Motel - Houghton Lake
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5541&ty...Texto duplicado Red Rose Motel (Blessings Motel) - West Branch
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=2880&ty...Texto duplicado Swiss Inn (Vina Del Mar Motel) - Prudenville
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=2929&ty...Texto duplicado Korbinskis Lakeview Motel (McKee's Coffee Bar and Cabins, Denton Creek Motel) - Prudenville
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5761&ty...Texto duplicado Alger Motel (Old Alger Motel) - Alger
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5980&ty...Texto duplicado O and M Motel - Alger
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5426&ty...Texto duplicado In Town Inn Motel (Northern Trails Motel) - Standish
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=2798&ty...Texto duplicado Rose O'Day Motel (Rose-O-Day Motel) - Houghton Lake
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5858&ty...Texto duplicado Motel Grand - Houghton Lake
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=2475&ty...Texto duplicado Land of Lakes Motel - Harrison
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5842&ty...Texto duplicado Unknown Motel (Markey Township Hall) - Houghton Lake
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6226&ty...Texto duplicado Duncan's Motel and Restaurant - Gould City
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=3737&ty...Texto duplicado City Motel - Manistique
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=4040&ty...Holiday on the Lake Motel (Holiday Motel) - Houghton Lake
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6225&ty...Cady's Cove Cabins (Cadys Motel, Cady's Motel) - Hulbert
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6224&ty...Hulbert Hills Motel - Hulbert
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=3164&ty...Arbor Hills Motel - Jackson
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=4055&ty...White Cloud Motel - Newberry
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=3427&ty...Adoba Hotel (King's Motel) - Naubinway
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5570&ty...Williams House Motel - Battle Creek
/diningdetail.aspx?id=5397&typ...Texto duplicado Barrel + Beam (Northwoods Supper Club) - Marquette
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2838&typ...101 Ranch Motel and Restaurant - Galesburg
/diningdetail.aspx?id=6219&typ...Brown Bungalow - Paris
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2999&typ...Cedar Tavern (Burry's Dining Room) - Cedar
/diningdetail.aspx?id=3935&typ...Gross Point Inn (Big D Liquor) - Flint
/diningdetail.aspx?id=5548&typ...Hillcrest Drive-In (Hillcrest Family Restaurant) - Cadillac
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2839&typ...The Cottage Motel and Restaurant - Whitehall
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2451&typ...The Pagoda Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge (Prock's) - Clawson
/diningdetail.aspx?id=6205&typ...Swissel Inn - Fort Gratiot
/diningdetail.aspx?id=6203&typ...Greenbush Tavern - Greenbush
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2456&typ...Teysen's - Mackinaw City
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2834&typ...Jan's Restaurant - Mackinaw City
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2500&typ...Silver Lake Resort - Hart
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2845&typ...Hostess Cafe - Frankfort
/diningdetail.aspx?id=4043&typ...Faw's Drive-In - Watervliet
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2807&typ...Miller's Restaurant and Gift Room - Mackinaw City
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2840&typ...Liberty Cafe (Boardwalk Bar & Grill) - Manistique
/diningdetail.aspx?id=5918&typ...Tam-A-Rac Lodge (Tam-A-Rac Lounge, Tam-A-Rack) - Houghton Lake Heights
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2509&typ...Heights Inn Dining Rooms (Heights Inn and Motel) - Houghton Lake Heights
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2998&typ...Ernie Pisula's Encore - Farmington
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2583&typ...Hampton Towne Centre (Hampton Square Mall) - Essexville
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2581&typ...Summit Place Mall (Pontiac Mall) - Pontiac
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2574&typ...Westland Center - Westland
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2573&typ...Wonderland Mall (Wonderland Shopping Center) - Livonia
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2563&typ...Tel-Ex Plaza - Southfield
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2555&typ...Northland Center (Northland Mall) - Southfield
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2855&typ...Ike's Place - Newaygo
/retaildetail.aspx?id=6085&typ...Juliana's Christmas Shop - Copper Harbor
/retaildetail.aspx?id=5928&typ...Porter House of Gifts - Honor
/retaildetail.aspx?id=3457&typ...Jack's Resort Store - Cadillac
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2791&typ...Horton Bay General Store - Boyne City
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2692&typ...Milliken's - Traverse City
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2707&typ...Pants Galore - Taylor
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2767&typ...Kern's - Detroit
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2716&typ...Winchester Mall - Rochester Hills
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2685&typ...Sanders - Detroit
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2856&typ...Crago's Shopping Center - Petoskey
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2706&typ...T-Way Plaza - Union Lake
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2694&typ...Miracle Mile Shopping Center - Pontiac
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2584&typ...Fort Saginaw Mall - Saginaw
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3145...Belding - Belding
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=5998...Christmas - Christmas
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=6044...Curtis - Curtis
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=2425...Argyle - Argyle
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=5983...Ensign - Rapid River
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=5970...Ashmore - Tuscola
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=2594...Deerfield Twp - Deerfield Twp
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3350...Fairview - Fairview
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3072...Comins - Comins
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=2265...Tunk - Arcadia
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3505...St. James (Beaver Island) - Beaver Island
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3445...Salton Sea Area - Niland
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=2288...Lum - Lum
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3382...Newburg - Newburg
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3381...Newark - Newark
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3380...Munith - Munith
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3379...Munger - Munger
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3378...Muir - Muir
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3377...Mt Forest - Mt Forest
/namedplacedetail.aspx?id=3376...Morrice - Morrice
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=4153...The Pines at Bostwick Lake - Rockford
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=3010...Camp Emery YWCA - Twin Lake
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=6138...The Old Club - Harsens Island
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=3000...Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp - Twin Lake
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=3001...Interlochen Center for the Arts - Interlochen
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=3014...Double JJ Resort (Jack and Jill Ranch) - Rothbury
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=6084...Duggan's Family Campground (Port Austin Shores Campground) - Port Austin
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=6073...Sojourn Lakeside Resort (Gay El Rancho Ranch, El Rancho Stevens Ranch) - Gaylord
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=6064...Villa St. Thomas (Funk's Northern Holiday Resort) - Marenisco
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=6059...White Lake Villa Resort - Whitehall
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=4139...Camp Grace Bentley - Burtchville Twp
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=5693...Silver Lodge Resort - Cheboygan
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=5581...Portage Point Resort (Portage Point Inn) - Onekema
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=3012...Camp Warren - Coloma
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=5432...Cedar Oaks Resort (Riviera Resort) - Prudenville
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=5416...Tuveson's Resort - Dowagiac
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=5346...Lake St. Clair Metropark (Metro Beach, Metropolitan Beach) - Harrison Township
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=3547...Lakeside Inn - Whitehall
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=5302...CYO Camp - Carsonville
/resortparkdetail.aspx?id=5295...Twin Lakes Park - Traverse City
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=3986&typ...Argyle Lanes (Argyle Recreation) - Snover
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=3227&typ...Wildwood Roller Rink - Houghton Lake
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=6054&typ...Au Sable Ranch and Ski Resort (Au Sable Ski Ranch) - Gaylord
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5996&typ...Crystal Creek Golf Center - New Haven
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5982&typ...Johhny's Skate Center (Johnny's Bandstand, Johnny's Entertainment) - Custer
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5978&typ...Sunnybrook Lanes (Sunnybrook Motel) - Sterling Heights
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5312&typ...Mt Holly Ski & Snowboard Resort - Holly
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=3560&typ...Alpine Valley - White Lake Township
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=3985&typ...Hillside Lanes - Hillsdale
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=3223&typ...Brooklyn Lanes - Brooklyn
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5897&typ...Stockbridge Bowl & Sparty Victors Bar & Grill - Stockbridge
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=3423&typ...Sheridan Lanes - Sheridan
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5899&typ...Plainwell Lanes - Plainwell
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5898&typ...State Lanes - Saginaw
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5896&typ...Hi-Skore Lanes & Bar - West Branch
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5895&typ...Kautz Shore Lanes (Shore Lane Bowling) - Lexington
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5894&typ...Spartan Lanes (Spartan Alleys, Silver Dollar Saloon) - Lansing
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5893&typ...Spare Time Entertainment Center (Holiday Lanes) - Lansing
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=5892&typ...Will-O-Paw Lanes - Coloma
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=3412&typ...Middle Villa Inn and Bowling Alley - Middleville
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Spencer Landing Field - Wixom
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...McMath-Hulbert Observatory - Lake Angelus
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant - Bridgman
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Calumet Air Force Station (Open Skies Project) - Mohawk
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Nike Missile Base Park, Site D-87 - Commerce
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Grand Traverse Lighthouse - Northport
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Port Austin Air Force Station - Port Austin
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Willow Run Airport - Ypsilanti
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Midland Nuclear Power Plant (Cancelled) - Midland
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Greenwood Nuclear Power Plant (Cancelled) - Avoca
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Palisades Nuclear Generating Station - Covert
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Enrico Fermi Nuclear Generating Station - Newport
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Big Rock Point Nuclear Power Plant - Charlevoix
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...LA-96C Nike Missile Base - Encino
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Utica D-06 Nike Missile Site - Shelby Township
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Camp Grayling - Grayling
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Nike Missile Site D-58 - Carleton - Newport
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5406...Joseph Pontiac (Johnson Pontiac) - Holly
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=6204...Standish RV Sales (Gas Station) - Standish
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5949...Royal Pontiac - Royal Oak
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5948...Sturgis Auto Dealers - Sturgis
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5947...Way Oldsmobile and Cadillac - Coldwater
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5933...Old Time Gas Station (Polly's, Pure Oil) - Breckenridge
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5648...Carl's 76 Gas Station - Brighton
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5891...Shell Gas - Kilmanagh
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5890...4 Star Gas - Grand Rapids
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5660...Juddville Gas Station - New Lothrop
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5659...Kings Mill Gas Station - North Branch
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5658...Middleton Car Care - Middleton
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5657...Sunoco - Mt Morris
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5656...Sinclair Gas - Leonard
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5655...Smyrna Gas & Oil - Belding
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5654...Goodland Gas Station - Imlay City
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5652...Brott's Garage (Sunoco, Amoco) - Tekonsha
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5651...Otter Lake Gas Station - Otter Lake
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5650...Zephyr Gas Station - Thompsonville
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5649...L.A. Wesch Service station - Sandusky
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6226&ty...Subdominio Duncan's Motel and Restaurant - Gould City - 6/4/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6225&ty...Subdominio Cady's Cove Cabins (Cadys Motel, Cady's Motel) - Hulbert - 5/29/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6224&ty...Subdominio Hulbert Hills Motel - Hulbert - 5/29/2024
/movietheaters.aspx?id=6223&ty...Subdominio Holly Theatre - Holly - 5/21/2024
/movietheaters.aspx?id=6222&ty...Subdominio Texto duplicado Holly Theatre - Holly - 5/21/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6221&ty...Subdominio Quality Inn Lakefront (Heritage Inn Motel) - St. Ignace - 5/21/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6220&ty...Subdominio Eagle Harbor Inn (Fletcher's Motel) - Eagle River - 5/11/2024
/diningdetail.aspx?id=6219&typ...Subdominio Brown Bungalow - Paris - 3/17/2024
/movietheaters.aspx?id=6218&ty...Subdominio Lafayette Theatre - Bay City - 3/10/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6217&ty...Subdominio Downtowner Motel - Houghton - 2/24/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6216&ty...Subdominio Colonial Motor Inn (Howard Johnson's) - Port Huron - 2/24/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6215&ty...Subdominio Garden Grove Motel - Manistique - 2/24/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6214&ty...Subdominio Ramada Inn (Best Western Greenfield Inn) - Allen Park - 2/24/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6213&ty...Subdominio El Mirador Beach Motel - Oscoda - 2/20/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6212&ty...Subdominio Sterling Motel - Sterling Heights - 2/20/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6211&ty...Subdominio Superior Motel & Suites (Star-Lite Motel, Star Lite Motel) - Munising - 5/21/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6210&ty...Subdominio Brown's Pine Grove Cabins - Sault Ste. Marie - 2/20/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6209&ty...Subdominio Macatawa Inn - Holland - 2/20/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6208&ty...Subdominio Moon Lake Motel - Iron Mountain - 2/27/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6207&ty...Subdominio Bambi Motel - East Tawas - 2/19/2024
/amusementpark.aspx?id=6206&ty...Subdominio Stoney Creek Mini Golf - Oscoda - 2/18/2024
/diningdetail.aspx?id=6205&typ...Subdominio Swissel Inn - Fort Gratiot - 2/18/2024
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=6204...Subdominio Standish RV Sales (Gas Station) - Standish - 2/17/2024
/diningdetail.aspx?id=6203&typ...Subdominio Greenbush Tavern - Greenbush - 2/17/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6202&ty...Subdominio Barbarossa Cabin Rental - Presque Isle - 2/17/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6201&ty...Subdominio Charlevoix Hotel - Detroit - 2/16/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6200&ty...Subdominio Cliff's Hotel (Heights Inn) - Houghton Lake Heights - 2/11/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6199&ty...Subdominio Bay View Motel - St. Ignace - 2/11/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6198&ty...Subdominio Cedars Motel (Northernaire Motel) - St. Ignace - 2/9/2024
/amusementpark.aspx?id=6197&ty...Subdominio Funland Amusement Park - Houghton Lake - 2/5/2024
/dragway.aspx?id=1344&type=6Subdominio Northern Michigan Dragway - Bear Lake - 7/1/2024
/autoracing.aspx?id=1770&type=9Subdominio Battle Creek Speedway - Battle Creek - 6/23/2024
/paviliondetail.aspx?id=2407&t...Subdominio Johnson's Rustic Dance Palace (Johnson's Rustic Resort, Krause's Hotel) - Prudenville - 6/23/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=4041&ty...Subdominio Indian Trail Lodge - Traverse City - 6/21/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=3498&ty...Subdominio Parkview Motel - Gaylord - 6/16/2024
/roadsidedetail.aspx?id=3329&t...Subdominio Chick Museum - Sterling - 6/16/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5384&ty...Subdominio Wiltjer's Shoreline Motel - East Jordan - 6/11/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5414&ty...Subdominio Welker's Lodge - Grand Marais - 6/11/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=2785&ty...Subdominio Vagabond Resort - Iron Mountain - 6/11/2024
/diningdetail.aspx?id=2768&typ...Subdominio Top Hat Hamburgers - Detroit - 6/8/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6226&ty...Subdominio Texto duplicado Duncan's Motel and Restaurant - Gould City - 6/4/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=3737&ty...Subdominio City Motel - Manistique - 6/4/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6225&ty...Subdominio Texto duplicado Cady's Cove Cabins (Cadys Motel, Cady's Motel) - Hulbert - 5/29/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=6224&ty...Subdominio Texto duplicado Hulbert Hills Motel - Hulbert - 5/29/2024
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5562&ty...Subdominio White Wagon Motel and Coffee Shop - Rosebush - 5/24/2024
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=2200&...IMG-ALT Star Auto Theatre
/driveintheaters.aspx?id=2200&...Texto duplicado Star Auto Theatre
/movietheaters.aspx?id=963&type=5IMG-ALT Knickerbocker Theatre
/movietheaters.aspx?id=963&type=5Texto duplicado Knickerbocker Theatre
/amusementpark.aspx?id=3839&ty...IMG-ALT Lakeshore Putt-Putt Golf
/amusementpark.aspx?id=3839&ty...Texto duplicado Lakeshore Putt-Putt Golf
/autoracing.aspx?id=1739&type=9IMG-ALT Jones Speedway
/autoracing.aspx?id=1739&type=9Texto duplicado Jones Speedway
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5553&ty...IMG-ALT Lakeside Motor Lodge (Lakeside Motel)
/lodgingdetail.aspx?id=5553&ty...Texto duplicado Lakeside Motor Lodge (Lakeside Motel)
/diningdetail.aspx?id=3883&typ...IMG-ALT Howard Johnson's Restaurant
/diningdetail.aspx?id=3883&typ...Texto duplicado Howard Johnson's Restaurant
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2686&typ...IMG-ALT Perry Drugs
/retaildetail.aspx?id=2686&typ...Texto duplicado Perry Drugs
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=4000&typ...IMG-ALT Ogemaw Lanes & Lounge (Beeman Lanes)
/sportsdetail.aspx?id=4000&typ...Texto duplicado Ogemaw Lanes & Lounge (Beeman Lanes)
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...IMG-ALT Calumet Air Force Station (Open Skies Project)
/infrastructuredetail.aspx?id=...Texto duplicado Calumet Air Force Station (Open Skies Project)
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5657...IMG-ALT Sunoco
/automotivedetail.aspx?id=5657...Texto duplicado Sunoco

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