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(Extremadamente importante) Where Fine Spirits Meet -
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Find Single Malt Scotch Whiskies and learn all about distilling, cask maturation and the differences between Scotch, Malt Whisky, Rye Whiskey and Bourbon.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (967 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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La misma URL se repite varias veces en los enlaces alternativos.
El idioma de, en se especifica más de una vez en los enlaces alternativos.
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URL de la página
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descriptionFind Single Malt Scotch Whiskies and learn all about distilling, cask maturation and the differences between Scotch, Malt Whisky, Rye Whiskey and Bourbon.

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En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • helpfull => helpful
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1872 palabras.
Un 28.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 14 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
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La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 11.9 palabras.
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Lista de medios

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...oduct/1/380_280_75/image_GROTH11SI_1.jpgGlenrothes - Club Bottle 2022 without Club Membership 11Y-2011/2022
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...uct/1/380_280_75/image_XRSANTI1100_1.jpgSantiago de Cuba Rum Extra Anejo 11 Years
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Welcome to
El encabezado H1 contiene las palabras Welcome to. Utiliza mejor palabras clave importantes en su lugar.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Welcome to
H2 Shop
H2 Information
H2 Forum
H2 Database
H2 Shopping
H3 Discover our large range of Whiskies
H3 Special offers
H3 Interesting Facts & Articles about Whisky
H3 Join the Whisky Community
H3 Explore our extensive Database
H3 Whisky-Ticker
H3 Permanent low prices
H3 Club Membership
H3 Special offers Texto duplicado
H3 Convenient shopping
H4 Any type of Whisky
H4 How are Single Malts made?
H4 Meet & Discuss with other Whisky Lovers
H4 Are You Looking for a Specific Bottle?
H5 Our Shop:
H5 More Topics:
H5 The Community:
H5 Search the Database:
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
9 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 22 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/tfg/register.htmlLog In
/tfg/register.html?tx_felogin_...Forgot your password?
/tfg/register.htmlRegister as a new member Info
A-TITLE Information Forum Forum
/whisky-database/database.htmlDatabase W-DB
A-TITLE Database Subdominio Shop Shop
A-TITLE Information
/ News
/shop/en/Offers/Special-offersNueva ventana Special offers & news
A-TITLE Special offers & news
/alcohol-and-health.htmlAlcohol and Health
A-TITLE Alcohol and Health
/live-tasting.htmlLive Tasting
A-TITLE Live Tasting
A-TITLE Knowledge
A-TITLE Production
A-TITLE Malting
A-TITLE Mashing
A-TITLE Fermentation
A-TITLE Distillation
/maturation-in-casks.htmlMaturation in Casks
A-TITLE Maturation in Casks
A-TITLE Bottling
/different-production-styles.htmlDifferent Production Styles
A-TITLE Different Production Styles
/how-single-malt-whisky-is-mad...How Single Malt Whisky is Made
A-TITLE How Single Malt Whisky is Made
/how-irish-whiskey-is-made.htmlHow Irish Whiskey Is Made
A-TITLE How Irish Whiskey Is Made
/how-bourbon-whiskey-is-made.htmlHow Bourbon Whiskey Is Made
A-TITLE How Bourbon Whiskey Is Made
/tennessee-whiskey.htmlTennessee Whiskey
A-TITLE Tennessee Whiskey
/japanese-whisky-production.htmlJapanese whisky production
A-TITLE Japanese whisky production
/whisky-varieties.htmlWhisky Varieties
A-TITLE Whisky Varieties
/scotch-whisky.htmlScotch Whisky
A-TITLE Scotch Whisky
/irish-whiskey.htmlIrish Whiskey
A-TITLE Irish Whiskey
/japanese-whisky.htmlJapanese Whisky
A-TITLE Japanese Whisky
A-TITLE Fukushima
/american-whiskey.htmlAmerican Whiskey
A-TITLE American Whiskey
/international-whisky.htmlInternational Whisky
A-TITLE International Whisky
/german-whisky.htmlGerman Whisky
A-TITLE German Whisky
/blended-whisky.htmlBlended Whisky
A-TITLE Blended Whisky
/background-knowledge.htmlBackground knowledge
A-TITLE Background knowledge
/single-malt-whisky.htmlSingle Malt Whisky
A-TITLE Single Malt Whisky
/frueherundheute.htmlWhisky production in the past and today
A-TITLE Whisky production in the past and today
A-TITLE Chill-Filtration
/alcohol-and-water.htmlAlcohol and Water
A-TITLE Alcohol and Water
/cask-production.htmlCask Production
A-TITLE Cask Production
A-TITLE Moonshining
/independent-whisky-distilleri...Independent Whisky distilleries
A-TITLE Independent Whisky distilleries
/maturation-factors-where-does...Maturation factors - where does the taste come from?
A-TITLE Maturation factors - where does the taste come from?
/pot-still.htmlPot Still
A-TITLE Pot Still
/the-taste.htmlThe Taste
A-TITLE The Taste
A-TITLE Flavour
/flavour/where-does-the-flavou...Where does the flavour come from
A-TITLE Where does the flavour come from
/flavour/classification-of-the...Classification of the flavour
A-TITLE Classification of the flavour
/smoke-peat.htmlSmoke - Peat
A-TITLE Smoke - Peat
/whisky-scoring.htmlWhisky scoring
A-TITLE Whisky scoring
/cork-nuance.htmlCork nuance
A-TITLE Cork nuance
A-TITLE Tasting
/tasting-guide.htmlTasting guide
A-TITLE Tasting guide
/the-tasting-order.htmlThe tasting order
A-TITLE The tasting order
/tasting-at-home.htmlTasting at home
A-TITLE Tasting at home
/diluting-whisky.htmlDiluting Whisky - the right water
A-TITLE Diluting Whisky - the right water
/alcohol-strength.htmlAlcohol Strength
A-TITLE Alcohol Strength
/blind-tasting.htmlBlind tasting
A-TITLE Blind tasting
/whisky-search-and-recommendat...Whisky search and recommendation
A-TITLE Whisky search and recommendation
/the-10-best-whiskies.htmlThe 10 best Whiskies
A-TITLE The 10 best Whiskies
/whisky-presents.htmlWhisky presents
A-TITLE Whisky presents
/the-favourite-whiskies-of-ben...The favourite Whiskies of Ben and Horst Lüning
A-TITLE The favourite Whiskies of Ben and Horst Lüning
A-TITLE Culinary
/cooking-with-whisky-with-ben....Cooking with whisky - with Ben
A-TITLE Cooking with whisky - with Ben
A-TITLE Cocktails
/whisky-biscuit-recipes.htmlWhisky biscuit recipes
A-TITLE Whisky biscuit recipes
/whisky-and-chocolate.htmlWhisky and chocolate
A-TITLE Whisky and chocolate
/culinary/whisky-food-pairing....Whisky Food Pairing
A-TITLE Whisky Food Pairing
/the-whisky-industry.htmlThe Whisky Industry
A-TITLE The Whisky Industry
/whisky-sector.htmlWhisky Sector
A-TITLE Whisky Sector
/quality-of-the-whisky.htmlQuality of the Whisky
A-TITLE Quality of the Whisky
/closing-of-distilleries.htmlDistillerie Closures
A-TITLE Distillerie Closures
/whisky-advertising.htmlWhisky Advertising
A-TITLE Whisky Advertising
/independent-bottlers.htmlIndependent bottlers
A-TITLE Independent bottlers
/independent-bottlers/ad-rattr...A.D. Rattray
A-TITLE A.D. Rattray
/independent-bottlers/berry-br...Berry Bros & Rudd
A-TITLE Berry Bros & Rudd
/independent-bottlers/c-s.htmlC & S
/independent-bottlers/douglas-...Douglas Laing
A-TITLE Douglas Laing
/independent-bottlers/duncan-t...Duncan Taylor
A-TITLE Duncan Taylor
/independent-bottlers/gordon-a...Gordon & MacPhail
A-TITLE Gordon & MacPhail
/independent-bottlers/hunter-l...Hunter Laing
A-TITLE Hunter Laing
/independent-bottlers/ian-macl...Ian MacLeod
A-TITLE Ian MacLeod
/independent-bottlers/medowsid...Medowside Blending
A-TITLE Medowside Blending
/independent-bottlers/morrison...Morrison & MacKay
A-TITLE Morrison & MacKay
A-TITLE Mossburn
/independent-bottlers/murray-m...Murray McDavid
A-TITLE Murray McDavid
/independent-bottlers/signator...Signatory Vintage
A-TITLE Signatory Vintage
A-TITLE Wemyss
A-TITLE Sustainability
/prices-and-availability.htmlPrices and availability
A-TITLE Prices and availability
A-TITLE Collector
/do-you-collect-malt-whisky.htmlDo you collect Malt Whisky?
A-TITLE Do you collect Malt Whisky?
/how-long-does-whisky-keep-in-...How long does whisky keep in a bottle?
A-TITLE How long does whisky keep in a bottle?
/whisky-collections-and-bars.htmlWhisky collections and bars
A-TITLE Whisky collections and bars
/whisky-fakes.htmlWhisky fakes
A-TITLE Whisky fakes
/informational.htmlTexto duplicado Information
A-TITLE Information
/things-to-know.htmlThings to know
A-TITLE Things to know
/whisky-and-music.htmlWhisky and music
A-TITLE Whisky and music
/scotlands-whisky-regions.htmlScotland's Whisky Regions
A-TITLE Scotland's Whisky Regions
/the-keepers-of-the-quaich.htmlThe Keepers of the Quaich
A-TITLE The Keepers of the Quaich
/whisky-and-whiskey.htmlWhisky and Whiskey
A-TITLE Whisky and Whiskey
A-TITLE Labelling
/bottles-without-age-statement...The Age of Whiskies in Bottles without Age Statement
A-TITLE The Age of Whiskies in Bottles without Age Statement
/the-colour-of-whisky.htmlThe Colour of Whisky
A-TITLE The Colour of Whisky
/7-peculiarities-about-the-whi...7 Peculiarities about the Whisky Industry
A-TITLE 7 Peculiarities about the Whisky Industry
/is-whisky-vegan-kosher-or-glu...Is whisky vegan, kosher or gluten-free?
A-TITLE Is whisky vegan, kosher or gluten-free?
A-TITLE Pronunciation
/pocket-bottles-aka-hip-flasks...Pocket bottles aka hip flasks and possible impurities in the whisky
A-TITLE Pocket bottles aka hip flasks and possible impurities in the whisky
/alcoholic-beverages.htmlAlcoholic Beverages
A-TITLE Alcoholic Beverages
/the-living-cask.htmlThe Living Cask (Video)
A-TITLE The Living Cask (Video)
/tips-and-tricks.htmlTips & Tricks
A-TITLE Tips & Tricks
/around-the-whisky-bottle.htmlAround the whisky bottle
A-TITLE Around the whisky bottle
/whisky-from-your-own-cask.htmlWhisky from your own cask
A-TITLE Whisky from your own cask
/fraud-attempts-with-whisky-ba...Fraud attempts with whisky barrels
A-TITLE Fraud attempts with whisky barrels
/whisky-glossary.htmlWhisky Glossary
A-TITLE Whisky Glossary
A-TITLE Science
/study-on-the-chill-filtration...Study on the Chill Filtration
A-TITLE Study on the Chill Filtration
/whisky-vision-tv.htmlWhisky Vision TV
A-TITLE Whisky Vision TV
/brexit-and-what-it-means-to-o...Brexit and what it means to our Whisky
A-TITLE Brexit and what it means to our Whisky
A-TITLE History
/the-history-of-whisky.htmlThe History of Whisky
A-TITLE The History of Whisky
/the-whisky-success-story.htmlThe Whisky Success Story
A-TITLE The Whisky Success Story
A-TITLE Campbeltown
/united-distillers-vintners-di...United Distillers & Vintners - Diageo
A-TITLE United Distillers & Vintners - Diageo
/whisky-in-germany.htmlWhisky in Germany
A-TITLE Whisky in Germany
/history-bourbon.htmlHistory (Bourbon)
A-TITLE History (Bourbon)
/the-whiskey-rebellion.htmlThe Whiskey Rebellion
A-TITLE The Whiskey Rebellion
/the-history-of-irish-whiskey....The History of Irish Whiskey
A-TITLE The History of Irish Whiskey
/whisky-beginners.htmlWhisky Beginners
A-TITLE Whisky Beginners
/gin-production.htmlGin Production
A-TITLE Gin Production
/gin-varieties.htmlGin Varieties
A-TITLE Gin Varieties
/botanicals-ingredients-in-gin...Botanicals: Ingredients in Gin
A-TITLE Botanicals: Ingredients in Gin
/the-history-of-gin.htmlThe History of Gin
A-TITLE The History of Gin
/gin-cocktails.htmlGin Cocktails
A-TITLE Gin Cocktails
/rum-production.htmlRum Production
A-TITLE Rum Production
/rumvarieties.htmlRum Varieties
A-TITLE Rum Varieties
/the-history-of-rum.htmlThe History of Rum
A-TITLE The History of Rum
/rum-regions.htmlRum regions
A-TITLE Rum regions
/rum/rum-for-beginners.htmlRum for beginners
A-TITLE Rum for beginners
/free-products.htmlFree Products
A-TITLE Free Products
/the-tasting-pad.htmlThe Tasting Pad
A-TITLE The Tasting Pad ventana Subdominio Newsletter
A-TITLE Newsletter
/information/free-products/new...Newsletter Archive
A-TITLE Newsletter Archive
/information/free-products/new...Newsletter 2022
A-TITLE Newsletter 2022
/information/free-products/new...Newsletter 2021
A-TITLE Newsletter 2021
/information/free-products/new...Newsletter 2020
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/information/free-products/new...Newsletter 2019
A-TITLE Newsletter 2019
/information/free-products/new...Newsletter 2018
A-TITLE Newsletter 2018
/about-us.htmlAbout Us
A-TITLE About Us
/tos-community.htmlTerms of Use
A-TITLE Terms of Use
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A-TITLE Company portrait
/chronicle-25-years.htmlChronicle 25 years
A-TITLE Chronicle 25 years
/about-us/companyportrait/chro...Chronicle 30 years
A-TITLE Chronicle 30 years
/information/knowledge/science...References / Manufacturers
A-TITLE References / Manufacturers ventana Externo Subdominio
A-TITLE zum Shop ventana Externo Subdominio online shops
A-TITLE go to shop duplicado Information
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/whiskycom-news.htmlTexto duplicado News
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/alcohol-and-health.htmlTexto duplicado Alcohol and Health
/live-tasting.htmlTexto duplicado Live Tasting
/whisky/knowledge.htmlTexto duplicado Knowledge
/production.htmlTexto duplicado Production
/malting.htmlTexto duplicado Malting
/mashing.htmlTexto duplicado Mashing
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/distillation.htmlTexto duplicado Distillation
/maturation-in-casks.htmlTexto duplicado Maturation in Casks
/bottling.htmlTexto duplicado Bottling
/different-production-styles.htmlTexto duplicado Different Production Styles
/how-single-malt-whisky-is-mad...Texto duplicado How Single Malt Whisky is Made
/how-irish-whiskey-is-made.htmlTexto duplicado How Irish Whiskey Is Made
/how-bourbon-whiskey-is-made.htmlTexto duplicado How Bourbon Whiskey Is Made
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/background-knowledge.htmlTexto duplicado Background knowledge
/single-malt-whisky.htmlTexto duplicado Single Malt Whisky
/frueherundheute.htmlTexto duplicado Whisky production in the past and today
/chill-filtration.htmlTexto duplicado Chill-Filtration
/alcohol-and-water.htmlTexto duplicado Alcohol and Water
/cask-production.htmlTexto duplicado Cask Production
/moonshining.htmlTexto duplicado Moonshining
/independent-whisky-distilleri...Texto duplicado Independent Whisky distilleries
/maturation-factors-where-does...Texto duplicado Maturation factors - where does the taste come from?
/pot-still.htmlTexto duplicado Pot Still
/the-taste.htmlTexto duplicado The Taste
/flavour.htmlTexto duplicado Flavour
/flavour/where-does-the-flavou...Texto duplicado Where does the flavour come from
/flavour/classification-of-the...Texto duplicado Classification of the flavour
/smoke-peat.htmlTexto duplicado Smoke - Peat
/whisky-scoring.htmlTexto duplicado Whisky scoring
/cork-nuance.htmlTexto duplicado Cork nuance
/tasting.htmlTexto duplicado Tasting
/tasting-guide.htmlTexto duplicado Tasting guide
/the-tasting-order.htmlTexto duplicado The tasting order
/tasting-at-home.htmlTexto duplicado Tasting at home
/diluting-whisky.htmlTexto duplicado Diluting Whisky - the right water
/alcohol-strength.htmlTexto duplicado Alcohol Strength
/blind-tasting.htmlTexto duplicado Blind tasting
/whisky-search-and-recommendat...Texto duplicado Whisky search and recommendation
/the-10-best-whiskies.htmlTexto duplicado The 10 best Whiskies
/whisky-presents.htmlTexto duplicado Whisky presents
/the-favourite-whiskies-of-ben...Texto duplicado The favourite Whiskies of Ben and Horst Lüning
/culinary.htmlTexto duplicado Culinary
/cooking-with-whisky-with-ben....Texto duplicado Cooking with whisky - with Ben
/whisky-cocktails.htmlTexto duplicado Cocktails
/whisky-biscuit-recipes.htmlTexto duplicado Whisky biscuit recipes
/whisky-and-chocolate.htmlTexto duplicado Whisky and chocolate
/culinary/whisky-food-pairing....Texto duplicado Whisky Food Pairing
/the-whisky-industry.htmlTexto duplicado The Whisky Industry
/whisky-sector.htmlTexto duplicado Whisky Sector
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/whisky-advertising.htmlTexto duplicado Whisky Advertising
/independent-bottlers.htmlTexto duplicado Independent bottlers
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/independent-bottlers/berry-br...Texto duplicado Berry Bros & Rudd
/independent-bottlers/c-s.htmlTexto duplicado C & S
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/shop/Schottland/Regionen/Inse...Glen Scotia Double Cask Rum Finish /2022
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IMG-ALT Glen Scotia Double Cask Rum Finish /2022
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/shop/Gin/Sorten/Glendalough-R...Glendalough Rose Gin
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/shop/artikel/Laphroaig-Quarte...Laphroaig Quarter Casks
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/shop/Aktuell/Tullibardine-The...Tullibardine The Murray Triple Wood '30 Years' 2007/2023
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda) Where Fine Spirits Meet -
Find Single Malt Scotch Whiskies and learn all about distilling, cask maturation and the differences between Scotch, Malt Whisky, Rye Whiskey and Bourbon.

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Malt Whisky76%Check
Scotch Whisky74%Check
Single Malt Whisky68%Check
Japanese whisky68%Check
whisky production68%Check
Whisky Industry68%Check
Whisky Beginners68%Check
Whisky Tasting68%Check

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