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(Extremadamente importante)
GIS Panorama :: GIS ToolKit :: GIS WebServer SE
Algunas palabras se repiten en el título.
La longitud del título es óptima (453 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
PANORAMA project is a set of geo-information technologies, including the professional GIS Panorama, Professional vectorizer of digital maps the Panorama-Editor, tools for development of GIS applications for various platforms GIS ToolKit, system of accounting and registration of land holdings the Land and the right, converters for data exchange with other GIS (DXF/DBF, MIF/MID, Shape, S57/S52, etc.) and specialized applications (communications, navigation, environmental monitoring, etc.).
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
No se especifica ningún enlace canónico.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Federación de Rusia
El idioma no ha sido declarado en el código HTML.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
HTTP-Header Content-Type: windows-1251
Meta http-equiv Content-Type: utf-8
Las codificaciones de caracteres especificadas son diferentes.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionPANORAMA project is a set of geo-information technologies, including the professional GIS Panorama, Professional vectorizer of digital maps the Panorama-Editor, tools for development of GIS applications for various platforms GIS ToolKit, system of accounting and registration of land holdings the Land and the right, converters for data exchange with other GIS (DXF/DBF, MIF/MID, Shape, S57/S52, etc.) and specialized applications (communications, navigation, environmental monitoring, etc.).
keywordsGIS, map, geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry, topography, digital map, classifier, three-dimensional modeling, terrain model, map of Moscow, Noginsk, cadastre, land surveying business, Gauss, Krasovsky ellipsoid, 1942, orthographic photograph, WGS, raster, plan, scheme, blank map, photo document, map, sit, mtw, mtr, rsw, rsc, s57, s52
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1
og:titleKB Panorama official website
og:descriptionLeading Russian company in the development of geographic information systems and technologies. Creation and implementation of federal, regional, corporate GIS.
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (5043 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
Hay 26 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Ghana, formed acco...
  • Texto duplicado 2: In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of agronomist" version 14.5.7 has be...
  • Texto duplicado 3: Specialists of KB "Panorama" have refined a digital classifier for gen...
  • Texto duplicado 4: Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of t...
  • Texto duplicado 5: In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 15.1.3 has been developed....
  • Texto duplicado 6: Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and updated on the geoporta...
  • Texto duplicado 7: Specialists of KB "Panorama" have improved topographical fonts designe...
  • Texto duplicado 8: In KB "Panorama" the Complex of hydrological tasks version 6.3.5 has b...
  • Texto duplicado 9: Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of t...
  • Texto duplicado 10: Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on creating ...
  • Texto duplicado 11: In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban-planner" version 15.1.3 has...
  • Texto duplicado 12: Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of t...
  • Texto duplicado 13: In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 15.1....
Un 34.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 90 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 15.49 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
Esta página carga 16 archivos JavaScript. Esto puede afectar negativamente a la velocidad de carga.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: panorama agro.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 24 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 164 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 Panorama AGRO
H2 Professional GIS "Panorama"
H2 GIS "MapView"
H2 Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data
H2 GIS WebServer SE
H2 Panorama AGRO Texto duplicado
H2 Professional GIS "Panorama" Texto duplicado
H2 GIS "MapView" Texto duplicado
H2 Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data Texto duplicado
H2 GIS WebServer SE Texto duplicado
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ...
H2 In GIS "Operator" 15 the tools of preparing special digital maps and...
H2 Maps of five regions of the Central and Volga Federal Districts,...
H2 Topographical fonts and classifiers for preparation of cartographic...
H2 GIS "Panorama" allows to model a breakthrough wave during the...
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ... Texto duplicado
H2 Training video material on generalization of multiscale objects has...
H2 In GIS "Operator" 15 the tools of preparing special digital maps and... Texto duplicado
H2 Maps of five regions of the Central and Volga Federal Districts,... Texto duplicado
H2 Topographical fonts and classifiers for preparation of cartographic... Texto duplicado
H2 GIS "Panorama" allows to model a breakthrough wave during the... Texto duplicado
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ... Texto duplicado
H2 Training video material on generalization of multiscale objects has... Texto duplicado
H2 In the "Workstation of urban-planner" the establishment of types of...
H2 New version of GIS WebService SE for Astra Linux Special Edition is...
H2 GIS WebServer SE provides web clients with tools for publication of...
H2 Imagery Service generates and updates pyramids of tiles based on users
H2 GIS WebService SE provides publication of user layers based on data...
H2 GIS WebServer SE allows users to expand the basic functionality by...
H2 GIS Server version 11 supports user authentication in the...
H2 Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides input...
H2 "Workstation of agronomist" forms reports on crossing the borders of...
H2 In a GIS "Panorama AGRO" a work with large amounts of data in the...
H2 GIS WebServer AGRO is presented in Kursk at the inter-regional forum...
H2 In GIS WebServer AGRO the State catalog of pesticides and...
H2 GIS WebServer AGRO is presented on the webinar " Software and...
H2 Training video materials on determination of the contours of...
H2 Complex of agronomical tasks simplifies preparation of initial data...
H2 Digital classifier for displaying cadastral data on cadastral maps...
H2 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" provides formation of...
H2 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" processes an extract about object ...
H2 In "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools of formation of...
H2 "Workstation of urban planner" forms urban planning documents using...
H2 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" supports the maintenance of the...
H2 "Workstation of urban planner" forms the urban planning plan of the...
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ... Texto duplicado
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ... Texto duplicado
H2 On the basis of data from open sources the maps and matrixes of...
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Gabonese ...
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ... Texto duplicado
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Togolese ...
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Arab...
H2 GIS "Operator" version 15 provides new tools of preparing special...
H2 GIS Panorama Mini forms the pyramids of Mbtiles tiles from various...
H2 Tools for preparing operational maps of the area have been expanded...
H2 In GIS "Operator" the tools of displaying high-precision digital...
H2 In GIS "Operator" SE the tools of automated analysis of spatial data...
H2 In GIS "Operator" the tools of studying the terrain and processing of ...
H2 In GIS ToolKit the tools of automating processes of creating terrain...
H2 In GIS Constructor the tools of processing digital terrain models...
H2 Certification tests of GIS Constructor for the OS "Astra Linux...
H2 GIS ToolKit Active improves the performance of search and analytical...
H2 GIS "Panorama" version 15 for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition"...
H2 GIS ToolKit provides multi-threaded downloading data from geoportals
H2 GIS Constructor toolkit for Qt Designer provides cross-platform...
H2 GIS ToolKit perform search of objects with use of the address...
H2 In GIS "Panorama Mobile" the tools of obtaining information about...
H2 GIS "Panorama" expands the tools of automated creation of complex...
H2 In the GIS "Panorama Mobile" for the Aurora OS, quick application of...
H2 In GIS "Operator" 15 for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" the...
H2 In Panorama Mini GIS for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" the tools...
H2 GIS "Panorama Mobile" provides autonomous work with cloud storages of ...
H2 GIS Constructor provides advanced possibilities of visualisation of...
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Ghana
H2 In GIS "Operator" 15 the tools of preparing special digital maps and plans have been improved
H2 Maps of five regions of the Central and Volga Federal Districts, through which the M-12 Vostok highway...
H2 Topographical fonts and classifiers for preparation of cartographic materials of various scales in the GIS...
H2 GIS "Panorama" allows to model a breakthrough wave during the destruction of a hydraulic structure
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Seychelles
H2 Training video material on generalization of multiscale objects has been prepared
H2 In the "Workstation of urban-planner" the establishment of types of permitted use and parameters for the...
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Rwanda
H2 In the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools of maintaining information on the accuracy of cadastral...
H2 In GIS "Operator" 15 the tools of preparing special digital maps and plans have been improved Texto duplicado
H2 Maps of five regions of the Central and Volga Federal Districts, through which the M-12 Vostok highway... Texto duplicado
H2 Topographical fonts and classifiers for preparation of cartographic materials of various scales in the GIS... Texto duplicado
H2 GIS "Panorama" allows to model a breakthrough wave during the destruction of a hydraulic structure Texto duplicado
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Seychelles Texto duplicado
H2 Training video material on generalization of multiscale objects has been prepared Texto duplicado
H2 In the "Workstation of urban-planner" the establishment of types of permitted use and parameters for the... Texto duplicado
H2 In the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools of maintaining information on the accuracy of cadastral... Texto duplicado
H2 In the application development kit for GIS "Panorama" 15 the source texts of the task of building...
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
H2 New version of GIS WebService SE for Astra Linux Special Edition is aimed at certification in the information ...
H2 GIS WebServer SE provides web clients with tools for publication of vector maps in exchange formats for...
H2 Imagery Service generates and updates pyramids of tiles based on users Texto duplicado
H2 GIS WebService SE provides publication of user layers based on data from SXF, TXF, KML, SHP, MIF formats
H2 GIS WebServer SE allows users to expand the basic functionality by connecting external modules
H2 GIS Server version 11 supports user authentication in the heterogeneous domain
H2 Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides input control of spatial data in federal and...
H2 In GIS WebServer SE, tools for analyzing the socio-economic state of territories have been improved
H2 In GIS WebServer SE the tools for analyzing zones of flooding of territories have been implemented
H2 GIS WebServer SE perform search of map objects by crossing their borders for solving various tasks of...
H2 "Workstation of agronomist" forms reports on crossing the borders of arable land with cadastral objects of...
H2 In a GIS "Panorama AGRO" a work with large amounts of data in the register of field passports has been...
H2 GIS WebServer AGRO is presented in Kursk at the inter-regional forum devoted to transition to domestic...
H2 In GIS WebServer AGRO the State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of...
H2 GIS WebServer AGRO is presented on the webinar " Software and services in agro-industrial complex"
H2 Training video materials on determination of the contours of agricultural lands in the "Workstation of...
H2 Complex of agronomical tasks simplifies preparation of initial data for management of agriculture with use of ...
H2 In the Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data the procedure for differentiating access rights for...
H2 "Workstation of Agronomist" automates agro scouting at any stage of crop production
H2 Workstation of Agronomist uses artificial intelligence for interpretation of arable land contours
H2 Digital classifier for displaying cadastral data on cadastral maps and documents has been updated
H2 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" provides formation of XML-document of the technical plan in accordance...
H2 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" processes an extract about object under construction from the Unified...
H2 In "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools of formation of cadastral documents have been expanded
H2 "Workstation of urban planner" forms urban planning documents using report forms customized by users
H2 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" supports the maintenance of the engineering communications plan
H2 "Workstation of urban planner" forms the urban planning plan of the land plot in accordance with the order of ...
H2 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" automates data conversion from EGRN in several local coordinate systems...
H2 "Workstation of urban-planner" uses for the accounting of objects of an infrastructure and formation of...
H2 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" ensures the maintenance of addresses of cadastral objects in the updated...
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Ghana Texto duplicado
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Rwanda Texto duplicado
H2 On the basis of data from open sources the maps and matrixes of heights of a relief for mobile devices have...
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Gabonese Republic
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Botswana
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Togolese Republic
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Arab Republic of Egypt
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Zambia
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Mauritania
H2 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Sierra Leone
H2 GIS "Operator" version 15 provides new tools of preparing special maps and terrain analysis
H2 GIS Panorama Mini forms the pyramids of Mbtiles tiles from various types of spatial data
H2 Tools for preparing operational maps of the area have been expanded in GIS "Operator" SE for OS "Astra Linux ...
H2 In GIS "Operator" the tools of displaying high-precision digital terrain models according to data of UAV...
H2 In GIS "Operator" SE the tools of automated analysis of spatial data have been expanded
H2 In GIS "Operator" the tools of studying the terrain and processing of spatial data have been added
H2 In GIS ToolKit the tools of automating processes of creating terrain models in Python language have been...
H2 In GIS "Operator" the tools of creating a model "Units on the march" on a three-dimensional map have been...
H2 In GIS "Operator" the possibilities on using the means of objective control and gathering the information...
H2 In GIS "Operator" the tools of preparing command-staff documents have been improved
H2 In GIS Constructor the tools of processing digital terrain models have been improved
H2 Certification tests of GIS Constructor for the OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" in the information security...
H2 GIS ToolKit Active improves the performance of search and analytical operations over spatial data
H2 GIS "Panorama" version 15 for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" provides connection of video streams from...
H2 GIS ToolKit provides multi-threaded downloading data from geoportals Texto duplicado
H2 GIS Constructor toolkit for Qt Designer provides cross-platform development of GIS applications
H2 GIS ToolKit perform search of objects with use of the address database formed on the basis of the State...
H2 GIS Constructor provides tools for visualisation of spatial data on the basis of various graphic libraries
H2 GIS WebToolKit for 1C allows to develop GIS-modules of extension 1C: Enterprise
H2 A new version of GIS Constructor for Astra Linux Special Edition is aimed at certification in the information ...
H2 Safety
H2 Professionalism
H2 Forum
H4 Products
H4 Education
H4 Industry solutions
H4 Price
H4 About
H4 Forum Texto duplicado
H4 Download
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (428) en esta página.
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
4 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (32) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Panorama
IMG-ALT KB Panorama
/products/products.htmTexto duplicado Products
/products/products_panorama.htmGIS "Panorama"
/products/products_server.htmServer applications
/products/products_agro.htmGIS for Agriculture
/products/products_cadastre.htmCadastre and urban building
/products/products_cartography...Cartography, photogrammetry
/products/products_special.htmSpecialised GIS
/products/products_tools.htmTools for development of GIS-applications
/products/products_linsol.htmApplication for Linux
/classifiers/classifiers.htmTopographic maps
/classifiers/classifiers.htmAeronautical maps
/item/item.htmIndustry solutions
/download/download.htmSoftware for Windows
/download/download_linux.htmSoftware for Linux
/price/price_map.htmDigital maps
/edu/edu_video.htmVideo lessons
/price/price.htmTexto duplicado Software for Windows
/price/price_linux.htmTexto duplicado Software for Linux
/price/price_update.htmProducts Update
/price/price_order.htmHow to buy Forum
/edu/edu.htmTexto duplicado Education
/edu/edu_video.htmTexto duplicado Video lessons
/about/about.htmAbout firm
/about/about.htmTechnical support
/about/about.htmList of management staff
/spread/dilers.htmOfficial dealers Rus Blg Texto duplicado Rus duplicado Eng Texto duplicado Blg duplicado Esp duplicado Fra Panorama AGRO Software solutions for the creation of the agricultural GIS for agricultural enterprise
/products/map12_prof.htmProfessional GIS "Panorama" the basis for building information systems for various purposes
/products/mapviewandroid.htmGIS "MapView" GIS for mobile devices based on Android
/products/geodbse.htmDatabank of digital maps and remote sensing data
/products/giswebserverse.htmGIS WebServer SE a complete set of components to create standalone Web information system Texto duplicado Panorama AGRO Software solutions for the creation of the agricultural GIS for agricultural enterprise
/products/map12_prof.htmTexto duplicado Professional GIS "Panorama" the basis for building information systems for various purposes
/products/mapviewandroid.htmTexto duplicado GIS "MapView" GIS for mobile devices based on Android
/products/geodbse.htmTexto duplicado Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data
/products/giswebserverse.htmTexto duplicado GIS WebServer SE a complete set of components to create standalone Web information system
/newspages-news-2669-0IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2669-0Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ... ventana Nofollow Externo "Bank of spatial data"
/newspages-news-2669-0A-TITLE Show completely
/newspages-news-2668-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2668-0In GIS "Operator" 15 the tools of preparing special digital maps and...
/newspages-news-2667-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2667-0Maps of five regions of the Central and Volga Federal Districts,...
/newspages-news-2666-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2666-0Topographical fonts and classifiers for preparation of cartographic...
/newspages-news-2665-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2665-0GIS "Panorama" allows to model a breakthrough wave during the...
/newspages-news-2664-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2664-0Texto duplicado Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ...
/newspages-news-2663-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2663-0Training video material on generalization of multiscale objects has...
/newspages-news-2668-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2668-0Texto duplicado In GIS "Operator" 15 the tools of preparing special digital maps and... ventana Nofollow Externo GIS "Operator"
/newspages-news-2668-0Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show completely
/newspages-news-2667-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2667-0Texto duplicado Maps of five regions of the Central and Volga Federal Districts,...
/newspages-news-2666-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2666-0Texto duplicado Topographical fonts and classifiers for preparation of cartographic...
/newspages-news-2665-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2665-0Texto duplicado GIS "Panorama" allows to model a breakthrough wave during the...
/newspages-news-2664-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2664-0Texto duplicado Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ...
/newspages-news-2663-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2663-0Texto duplicado Training video material on generalization of multiscale objects has...
/newspages-news-2662-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2662-0In the "Workstation of urban-planner" the establishment of types of...
/newspages-news-2634-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2634-0New version of GIS WebService SE for Astra Linux Special Edition is...
/products/giswebservicese.htmNueva ventana Nofollow "GIS WebService (GIS WebService SE)"
/newspages-news-2634-0Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show completely
/newspages-news-2628-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2628-0GIS WebServer SE provides web clients with tools for publication of...
/newspages-news-2617-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2617-0Imagery Service generates and updates pyramids of tiles based on users
/newspages-news-2600-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2600-0GIS WebService SE provides publication of user layers based on data...
/newspages-news-2599-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2599-0GIS WebServer SE allows users to expand the basic functionality by...
/newspages-news-2595-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2595-0GIS Server version 11 supports user authentication in the...
/newspages-news-2571-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2571-0Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides input...
/newspages-news-2523-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2523-0"Workstation of agronomist" forms reports on crossing the borders of... "Workstation of agronomist"
/newspages-news-2523-0Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show completely
/newspages-news-2470-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2470-0In a GIS "Panorama AGRO" a work with large amounts of data in the...
/newspages-news-2340-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2340-0GIS WebServer AGRO is presented in Kursk at the inter-regional forum...
/newspages-news-2320-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2320-0In GIS WebServer AGRO the State catalog of pesticides and...
/newspages-news-2243-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2243-0GIS WebServer AGRO is presented on the webinar " Software and...
/newspages-news-2206-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2206-0Training video materials on determination of the contours of...
/newspages-news-2200-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2200-0Complex of agronomical tasks simplifies preparation of initial data...
/newspages-news-2633-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2633-0Digital classifier for displaying cadastral data on cadastral maps... Texto ancla digital classifier
/newspages-news-2633-0Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show completely
/newspages-news-2620-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2620-0"Workstation of cadastral engineer" provides formation of...
/newspages-news-2596-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2596-0"Workstation of cadastral engineer" processes an extract about object ...
/newspages-news-2580-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2580-0In "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools of formation of...
/newspages-news-2577-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2577-0"Workstation of urban planner" forms urban planning documents using...
/newspages-news-2565-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2565-0"Workstation of cadastral engineer" supports the maintenance of the...
/newspages-news-2562-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2562-0"Workstation of urban planner" forms the urban planning plan of the...
/newspages-news-2669-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2669-0Texto duplicado Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ... ventana Nofollow Externo Texto duplicado "Bank of spatial data"
/newspages-news-2669-0Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show completely
/newspages-news-2661-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2661-0Texto duplicado Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ...
/newspages-news-2654-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2654-0On the basis of data from open sources the maps and matrixes of...
/newspages-news-2653-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2653-0Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Gabonese ...
/newspages-news-2650-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2650-0Texto duplicado Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic ...
/newspages-news-2649-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2649-0Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Togolese ...
/newspages-news-2648-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2648-0Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Arab...
/newspages-news-2584-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2584-0GIS "Operator" version 15 provides new tools of preparing special... ventana Nofollow Externo Texto duplicado GIS "Operator"
/newspages-news-2584-0Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show completely
/newspages-news-2512-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2512-0GIS Panorama Mini forms the pyramids of Mbtiles tiles from various...
/newspages-news-2440-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2440-0Tools for preparing operational maps of the area have been expanded...
/newspages-news-2423-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2423-0In GIS "Operator" the tools of displaying high-precision digital...
/newspages-news-2400-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2400-0In GIS "Operator" SE the tools of automated analysis of spatial data...
/newspages-news-2381-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2381-0In GIS "Operator" the tools of studying the terrain and processing of ...
/newspages-news-2345-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2345-0In GIS ToolKit the tools of automating processes of creating terrain...
/newspages-news-2641-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2641-0In GIS Constructor the tools of processing digital terrain models...
/products/lin_gk_qt.htmNueva ventana Nofollow GIS Constructor
/newspages-news-2641-0Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show completely
/newspages-news-2606-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2606-0Certification tests of GIS Constructor for the OS "Astra Linux...
/newspages-news-2602-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2602-0GIS ToolKit Active improves the performance of search and analytical...
/newspages-news-2597-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2597-0GIS "Panorama" version 15 for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition"...
/newspages-news-2591-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2591-0GIS ToolKit provides multi-threaded downloading data from geoportals
/newspages-news-2550-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2550-0GIS Constructor toolkit for Qt Designer provides cross-platform...
/newspages-news-2528-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2528-0GIS ToolKit perform search of objects with use of the address...
/newspages-news-2651-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2651-0In GIS "Panorama Mobile" the tools of obtaining information about...
/products/mapviewandroid.htmNueva ventana Nofollow GIS "Panorama Mobile"
/newspages-news-2651-0Texto duplicado A-TITLE Show completely
/newspages-news-2645-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2645-0GIS "Panorama" expands the tools of automated creation of complex...
/newspages-news-2636-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2636-0In the GIS "Panorama Mobile" for the Aurora OS, quick application of...
/newspages-news-2626-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2626-0In GIS "Operator" 15 for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" the...
/newspages-news-2611-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2611-0In Panorama Mini GIS for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" the tools...
/newspages-news-2608-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2608-0GIS "Panorama Mobile" provides autonomous work with cloud storages of ...
/newspages-news-2587-0Texto duplicado IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2587-0GIS Constructor provides advanced possibilities of visualisation of...
/new/news.htm?year=2024News Archive ancla Sin texto ancla Texto duplicado GIS "Panorama" ancla Texto duplicado Server applications ancla GIS for agriculture ancla Texto duplicado Cadastre and urban building ancla Texto duplicado Cartography, photogrammetry ancla Texto duplicado Specialised GIS ancla Developers GIS-applications ancla Texto duplicado Application for Linux ancla News ancla Sin texto ancla Texto duplicado GIS "Panorama" ancla Texto duplicado Server applications ancla Texto duplicado GIS for agriculture ancla Texto duplicado Cadastre and urban building ancla Texto duplicado Cartography, photogrammetry ancla Texto duplicado Specialised GIS ancla Texto duplicado Developers GIS-applications ancla Texto duplicado Application for Linux
/newspages-news-2669-004.03.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Ghana
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2669-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Ghana, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map,...
/newspages-news-2668-029.02.2024 In GIS "Operator" 15 the tools of preparing special digital maps and plans have been improved
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2668-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 15.1.3 has been developed. In the new version the tools of creation and updating of digital topographical and...
/newspages-news-2667-028.02.2024 Maps of five regions of the Central and Volga Federal Districts, through which the M-12 Vostok highway...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2667-0Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" the maps of five regions of the Russian Federation (Moscow, ...
/newspages-news-2666-027.02.2024 Topographical fonts and classifiers for preparation of cartographic materials of various scales in the GIS...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2666-0Specialists of KB "Panorama" have improved topographical fonts designed to prepare for the publication of topographic and geographical maps of various...
/newspages-news-2665-026.02.2024 GIS "Panorama" allows to model a breakthrough wave during the destruction of a hydraulic structure
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2665-0In KB "Panorama" the Complex of hydrological tasks version 6.3.5 has been developed for the GIS "Panorama" 15. The complex is intended for modelling of...
/newspages-news-2664-024.02.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Seychelles
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2664-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Seychelles, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the...
/newspages-news-2663-022.02.2024 Training video material on generalization of multiscale objects has been prepared
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2663-0Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on creating a multiscale map using the "Map Sorting" and "Classifier Editor" tasks. These modes are...
/newspages-news-2662-021.02.2024 In the "Workstation of urban-planner" the establishment of types of permitted use and parameters for the...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2662-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban-planner" version 15.1.3 has been developed. In the new version the group of modes automating an order of...
/newspages-news-2661-020.02.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Rwanda
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2661-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Rwanda, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, ...
/newspages-news-2660-019.02.2024 In the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools of maintaining information on the accuracy of cadastral...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2660-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 15.1.3 has been developed. The program has updated algorithms and methods for using...
/new/news.htm?year=2024All news
/newspages-news-2668-0Texto duplicado 29.02.2024 In GIS "Operator" 15 the tools of preparing special digital maps and plans have been improved
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2668-0Texto duplicado In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 15.1.3 has been developed. In the new version the tools of creation and updating of digital topographical and...
/newspages-news-2667-0Texto duplicado 28.02.2024 Maps of five regions of the Central and Volga Federal Districts, through which the M-12 Vostok highway...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2667-0Texto duplicado Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared and updated on the geoportal "Bank of spatial data" the maps of five regions of the Russian Federation (Moscow, ...
/newspages-news-2666-0Texto duplicado 27.02.2024 Topographical fonts and classifiers for preparation of cartographic materials of various scales in the GIS...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2666-0Texto duplicado Specialists of KB "Panorama" have improved topographical fonts designed to prepare for the publication of topographic and geographical maps of various...
/newspages-news-2665-0Texto duplicado 26.02.2024 GIS "Panorama" allows to model a breakthrough wave during the destruction of a hydraulic structure
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2665-0Texto duplicado In KB "Panorama" the Complex of hydrological tasks version 6.3.5 has been developed for the GIS "Panorama" 15. The complex is intended for modelling of...
/newspages-news-2664-0Texto duplicado 24.02.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Seychelles
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2664-0Texto duplicado Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Seychelles, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the...
/newspages-news-2663-0Texto duplicado 22.02.2024 Training video material on generalization of multiscale objects has been prepared
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2663-0Texto duplicado Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson on creating a multiscale map using the "Map Sorting" and "Classifier Editor" tasks. These modes are...
/newspages-news-2662-0Texto duplicado 21.02.2024 In the "Workstation of urban-planner" the establishment of types of permitted use and parameters for the...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2662-0Texto duplicado In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban-planner" version 15.1.3 has been developed. In the new version the group of modes automating an order of...
/newspages-news-2660-0Texto duplicado 19.02.2024 In the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools of maintaining information on the accuracy of cadastral...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2660-0Texto duplicado In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 15.1.3 has been developed. The program has updated algorithms and methods for using...
/newspages-news-2659-016.02.2024 In the application development kit for GIS "Panorama" 15 the source texts of the task of building...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2659-0Specialists from KB "Panorama" have updated the application development kit for GIS "Panorama" 15. In the new version the source texts of the task "Navigator...
/newspages-news-2658-015.02.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2658-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work ...
/new/news.htm?year=2024Texto duplicado All news
/newspages-news-2634-026.12.2023 New version of GIS WebService SE for Astra Linux Special Edition is aimed at certification in the information ...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2634-0KB "Panorama" began certification tests of the updated software product "GIS WebService (GIS WebService SE)" PARB.00160-02 in the certification system for ...
/newspages-news-2628-015.12.2023 GIS WebServer SE provides web clients with tools for publication of vector maps in exchange formats for...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2628-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.18.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. In the new version...
/newspages-news-2617-028.11.2023 Imagery Service generates and updates pyramids of tiles based on users
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2617-0In KB "Panorama" the Imagery Service version 11.2.0 has been developed. The new version of the program has the same functionality as the Imagery Creator....
/newspages-news-2600-025.10.2023 GIS WebService SE provides publication of user layers based on data from SXF, TXF, KML, SHP, MIF formats
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2600-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebService SE version 15.5.1 has been developed. In the new version a loading of data from formats SXF, TXF, KML, SHP, MIF has...
/newspages-news-2599-024.10.2023 GIS WebServer SE allows users to expand the basic functionality by connecting external modules
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2599-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.17.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. In the new version...
/newspages-news-2595-018.10.2023 GIS Server version 11 supports user authentication in the heterogeneous domain
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2595-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS Server version 11.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux SE, Ubuntu 18.04, CentOS 8, CentOS 7 and MS Windows. The ...
/newspages-news-2571-007.09.2023 Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data provides input control of spatial data in federal and...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2571-0In KB "Panorama" the Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data version 8.4 has been developed. In the new version the tools of structural control...
/newspages-news-2567-031.08.2023 In GIS WebServer SE, tools for analyzing the socio-economic state of territories have been improved
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2567-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.16.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu and MS Windows. In the new...
/newspages-news-2549-028.07.2023 In GIS WebServer SE the tools for analyzing zones of flooding of territories have been implemented
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2549-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.15.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. In the new version...
/newspages-news-2530-020.06.2023 GIS WebServer SE perform search of map objects by crossing their borders for solving various tasks of...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2530-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer SE version 6.14.0 has been developed for operating systems Astra Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, MS Windows. The new version...
/new/news.htm?year=2024Texto duplicado All news
/newspages-news-2523-007.06.2023 "Workstation of agronomist" forms reports on crossing the borders of arable land with cadastral objects of...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2523-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of agronomist" version 14.5.7 has been developed. In the program for performing an analysis of the relative position of...
/newspages-news-2470-002.03.2023 In a GIS "Panorama AGRO" a work with large amounts of data in the register of field passports has been...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2470-0In KB "Panorama" is developed the GIS "Panorama AGRO" version 5.3. The program is adapted for work with the vector, raster and matrix data, created by GIS...
/newspages-news-2340-029.06.2022 GIS WebServer AGRO is presented in Kursk at the inter-regional forum devoted to transition to domestic...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2340-0KB "Panorama" together with JSC Megaphone have presented GIS WebServer AGRO on a ...
/newspages-news-2320-017.05.2022 In GIS WebServer AGRO the State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2320-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS WebServer AGRO version 3.1 has been developed. The new version adds the ability to keep records of the processing the fields with ...
/newspages-news-2243-027.12.2021 GIS WebServer AGRO is presented on the webinar " Software and services in agro-industrial complex"
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2243-0On December 23, 2021, an online intensive the "Software and services in the agro-industrial complex" took place. The event was organized by the FGBU VO the...
/newspages-news-2206-011.10.2021 Training video materials on determination of the contours of agricultural lands in the "Workstation of...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2206-0Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared a video lesson about working the mode "Automatic determination of the contours of arable land" in the "Workstation...
/newspages-news-2200-001.10.2021 Complex of agronomical tasks simplifies preparation of initial data for management of agriculture with use of ...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2200-0In KB "Panorama" the "Complex of agronomical tasks" version 6.12.1 has been developed. In the new version for the "Automatic determination of the contours ...
/newspages-news-2196-027.09.2021 In the Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data the procedure for differentiating access rights for...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2196-0In KB "Panorama" the Databank of digital maps and remote sensing data version 6.2.0 has been developed. For the joint work of divisions of enterprises...
/newspages-news-2183-007.09.2021 "Workstation of Agronomist" automates agro scouting at any stage of crop production
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2183-0In KB "Panorama" the agrarian geoinformation system "Workstation of agronomist" version has been developed. The new version adds a mechanism for...
/newspages-news-2166-011.08.2021 Workstation of Agronomist uses artificial intelligence for interpretation of arable land contours
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2166-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of Agronomist" version 14 has been developed. The new version adds the ability to automatically build maps of land holdings...
/new/news.htm?year=2024Texto duplicado All news
/newspages-news-2633-025.12.2023 Digital classifier for displaying cadastral data on cadastral maps and documents has been updated
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2633-0Specialists of KB "Panorama" have refined a digital classifier for generating an electronic xml document sent to the registration authority, state... Texto ancla digital classifier for generating an electronic xml document sent to the registration authority, state...
/newspages-news-2620-001.12.2023 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" provides formation of XML-document of the technical plan in accordance...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2620-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 15.1.1 has been developed. In the new version in modes the "Technical plan" (building, ...
/newspages-news-2596-019.10.2023 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" processes an extract about object under construction from the Unified...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2596-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 15.1.0 has been developed. In the new version a number of modes of the tasks "Cadastral...
/newspages-news-2580-027.09.2023 In "Workstation of cadastral engineer" the tools of formation of cadastral documents have been expanded
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2580-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 15.0.1 has been developed. In the new version the modes in the "Cadastral documents" task ha...
/newspages-news-2577-022.09.2023 "Workstation of urban planner" forms urban planning documents using report forms customized by users
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2577-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban planner" version 15.0.1 has been developed. In the new version for urban planning documents which do not have...
/newspages-news-2565-029.08.2023 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" supports the maintenance of the engineering communications plan
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2565-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 15.0 has been developed. In the new version of the program the group of modes "Earth and Und...
/newspages-news-2562-024.08.2023 "Workstation of urban planner" forms the urban planning plan of the land plot in accordance with the order of ...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2562-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban planner" version 15.0 has been developed. The program implements the formation of the document "Urban-planning pla...
/newspages-news-2537-005.07.2023 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" automates data conversion from EGRN in several local coordinate systems...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2537-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 14.6.0 has been developed. In the new version the mode "Reading the cadastral plan of the te...
/newspages-news-2524-008.06.2023 "Workstation of urban-planner" uses for the accounting of objects of an infrastructure and formation of...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2524-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of urban-planner" version 14.5.7 has been developed. In the new version, all modes and functions have been adapted to...
/newspages-news-2521-005.06.2023 "Workstation of cadastral engineer" ensures the maintenance of addresses of cadastral objects in the updated...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2521-0In KB "Panorama" the "Workstation of cadastral engineer" version 14.5.7 has been developed. In the new version, the module for obtaining the structured...
/new/news.htm?year=2024Texto duplicado All news
/newspages-news-2669-0Texto duplicado 04.03.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Ghana
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2669-0Texto duplicado Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Ghana, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map,...
/newspages-news-2661-0Texto duplicado 20.02.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Rwanda
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2661-0Texto duplicado Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Rwanda, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, ...
/newspages-news-2654-007.02.2024 On the basis of data from open sources the maps and matrixes of heights of a relief for mobile devices have...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2654-0Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared maps for mobile devices on the basis of data OpenStreetMap and matrix of heights of a relief in MTW format.... Texto ancla maps for mobile devices on the basis of data OpenStreetMap and Texto ancla matrix of heights of a relief in MTW format....
/newspages-news-2653-006.02.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Gabonese Republic
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2653-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Gabonese Republic, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you...
/newspages-news-2650-001.02.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Botswana
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2650-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Botswana, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the...
/newspages-news-2649-029.01.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Togolese Republic
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2649-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Togolese Republic, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, you...
/newspages-news-2648-025.01.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Arab Republic of Egypt
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2648-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Arab Republic of Egypt, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the...
/newspages-news-2646-019.01.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Zambia
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2646-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Zambia, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the map, ...
/newspages-news-2644-015.01.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Mauritania
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2644-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Mauritania, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with the...
/newspages-news-2642-010.01.2024 Bank of spatial data has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Sierra Leone
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2642-0Geoportal "Bank of spatial data" has been supplemented with a map of the Republic of Sierra Leone, formed according to OpenStreetMap data. To work with...
/new/news.htm?year=2024Texto duplicado All news
/newspages-news-2584-003.10.2023 GIS "Operator" version 15 provides new tools of preparing special maps and terrain analysis
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2584-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 15.0.1 has been developed. The new version updated the basic tasks of creating and updating digital terrain...
/newspages-news-2512-023.05.2023 GIS Panorama Mini forms the pyramids of Mbtiles tiles from various types of spatial data
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2512-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS Panorama Mini version 14.2.6 has been developed for operating systems "Astra Linux Special Edition", "Alt Linux", "RED OS" and GIS P...
/newspages-news-2440-007.01.2023 Tools for preparing operational maps of the area have been expanded in GIS "Operator" SE for OS "Astra Linux ...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2440-0KB "Panorama" developed GIS "Operator" version 14.2.4 for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" (release "Smolensk"), OS "Alt 8 SP" (architecture x86-64) and...
/newspages-news-2423-006.12.2022 In GIS "Operator" the tools of displaying high-precision digital terrain models according to data of UAV...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2423-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.5.0 has been developed. In the new version, the tools for using terrain data received from unmanned aerial...
/newspages-news-2400-027.10.2022 In GIS "Operator" SE the tools of automated analysis of spatial data have been expanded
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2400-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.2.3 has been developed for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" (Release "Smolensk") and OS "Alt 8 SP"...
/newspages-news-2381-029.09.2022 In GIS "Operator" the tools of studying the terrain and processing of spatial data have been added
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2381-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.3.4 has been developed. In the new version there are improved the tools of reports designing, search of...
/newspages-news-2345-012.07.2022 In GIS ToolKit the tools of automating processes of creating terrain models in Python language have been...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2345-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS ToolKit version 14.3.0 has been developed for creating GIS-applications. The new version expands the possibilities for formation, ...
/newspages-news-2337-023.06.2022 In GIS "Operator" the tools of creating a model "Units on the march" on a three-dimensional map have been...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2337-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.3.2 has been developed. In the new version the tools of three-dimensional modelling, construction of...
/newspages-news-2318-013.05.2022 In GIS "Operator" the possibilities on using the means of objective control and gathering the information...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2318-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.3.1 has been developed. In the new version the tools for selecting and analyzing events from remote video...
/newspages-news-2298-005.04.2022 In GIS "Operator" the tools of preparing command-staff documents have been improved
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2298-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Operator" version 14.3.0 has been developed. In the new version of the program, the operator.rsc classifier has been improved,...
/new/news.htm?year=2024Texto duplicado All news
/newspages-news-2641-008.01.2024 In GIS Constructor the tools of processing digital terrain models have been improved
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2641-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS Constructor for Qt Designer SE version 15.0.1 has been developed. In the new version a support of WebP format has been added,...
/newspages-news-2606-002.11.2023 Certification tests of GIS Constructor for the OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" in the information security...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2606-0KB "Panorama" received a certificate of conformity for the software product the GIS Constructor of geoinformation systems (GIS Constructor for Qt...
/newspages-news-2602-027.10.2023 GIS ToolKit Active improves the performance of search and analytical operations over spatial data
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2602-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS ToolKit Active version 15.0.0 has been developed for creating geoinformation systems with a free license in any programming...
/newspages-news-2597-020.10.2023 GIS "Panorama" version 15 for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" provides connection of video streams from...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2597-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS "Panorama" version 15.0.0 has been developed for OS "Astra Linux Special Edition" (release "Smolensk"). In the new version the...
/newspages-news-2591-012.10.2023 GIS ToolKit provides multi-threaded downloading data from geoportals
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2591-0In KB "Panorama" a toolkit for creating GIS applications the GIS ToolKit version 15.0.0 has been developed. In the new version, the component for...
/newspages-news-2550-031.07.2023 GIS Constructor toolkit for Qt Designer provides cross-platform development of GIS applications
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2550-0In KB "Panorama" the toolkit has been developed for creating cross-platform GIS applications (for Linux and MS Windows) - GIS Constructor for Qt Designer...
/newspages-news-2528-016.06.2023 GIS ToolKit perform search of objects with use of the address database formed on the basis of the State...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2528-0In KB "Panorama" the toolkit has been developed for creating GIS-applications of GIS ToolKit version In the new version, the "Address Locator"...
/newspages-news-2507-015.05.2023 GIS Constructor provides tools for visualisation of spatial data on the basis of various graphic libraries
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2507-0In KB "Panorama" the GIS Constructor for Qt Designer SE version 14.3.0 has been developed. In the new version the universal interface of interaction with...
/newspages-news-2499-028.04.2023 GIS WebToolKit for 1C allows to develop GIS-modules of extension 1C: Enterprise
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2499-0In KB "Panorama" the toolkit has been developed for creation of GIS-modules for a typical configuration 1C:Enterprise - GIS WebToolKit for 1C. The toolkit ...
/newspages-news-2467-025.02.2023 A new version of GIS Constructor for Astra Linux Special Edition is aimed at certification in the information ...
IMG-ALT news
/newspages-news-2467-0Specialists of KB "Panorama" have prepared the GIS Constructor version 14.2.3 for Astra Linux Special Edition. The new version is aimed at certification...
/new/news.htm?year=2024Texto duplicado All news
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GIS Panorama :: GIS ToolKit :: GIS WebServer SE
PANORAMA project is a set of geo-information technologies, including the professional GIS Panorama, Professional vectorizer of digital maps the Panorama-Editor, tools for development of GIS applications for various platforms GIS ToolKit, system of accounting and registration of land holdings the Land and the right, converters for data exchange with other GIS (DXF/DBF, MIF/MID, Shape, S57/S52, etc.) and specialized applications (communications, navigation, environmental monitoring, etc.).

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
GIS Panorama66%Check
GIS ToolKit63%Check
Panorama AGRO60%Check
kit GIS60%Check

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