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Home - Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Der Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV) versteht sich als Plattform für die Produktion, Präsentation und Vermittlung von zeitgenössischer beziehungsweise experimenteller (Medien-)Kunst.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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URL de la página
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descriptionDer Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV) versteht sich als Plattform für die Produktion, Präsentation und Vermittlung von zeitgenössischer beziehungsweise experimenteller (Medien-)Kunst.
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  • Texto duplicado: We see arts and culture as open spaces belonging to many. We view our ...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 3416 palabras.
Un 31.7% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 93 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
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Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 98 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H2 News
H2 Silke Schönfeld: You Can’t Make This Up
H3 Exclusive video presentation as part of the Dortmund Museum Night
H3 Jana Kerima Stolzer and Lex Rütten receive prize for young artists
H3 Visitor record for the HMKV: „The Paradise Machine" attracts over 20,000 visitors
H3 Last chance: The last days of the exhibition „Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“
H3 Artist talk, lecture performance and exhibition tour with Niklas Goldbach and Inke Arns
H3 15,000 visitors for “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine”
H3 #savethedate Artist Talk & Lecture Performance
H3 Important information: No ExtraSchicht 2024 at the Dortmunder U
H3 Changed opening hours for ExtraSchicht on Saturday, June 01
H3 Exhibition magazine “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine” now available
H3 Now online: The exhibition film about „Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“.
H3 Opening “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“
H3 +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
H3 Last chance: Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?
H3 IRWIN editions, catalogues and publications at the bookshop
H3 Special opening hours from Christmas to New Year‘s
H3 Research project “Training the Archive“ completed
H3 Give away: Surprises on the Sundays of Advent
H3 Last minute: Only a few GROW bags and wallets still available
H3 The exhibition magazine „Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?“ is now available
H3 Special opening hours on 23 & 24 September
H3 Opening “Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?“
H3 +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++ Texto duplicado
H3 Buttons, magazines and stickers at the HMKV bookshop
H3 Last month of the exhibition “We grow, grow and grow...”
H3 Extraschicht on 24 June 2023
H3 10,000 visitors for “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow...”
H3 Still a few vacant slots for the film workshop: “Fantasy creatures between nature and technology”.
H3 New in the Bookshop: The EP “Extracted Soil"
H3 HMKV's new magazine “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow, grow and grow, we‘re gonna be alright and this is our show“ is now available
H3 New exhibition film
H3 Opening “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow, grow and grow, we're gonna be alright and this is our show”
H3 +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++ Texto duplicado
H3 Small surprises on the Sundays of Advent
H3 Event documentation “House of Mirrors”
H3 Exhibition Talk
H3 Public guided tours in October
H3 Special opening hours on 17 & 18 September
H3 Opening “Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press: Pranayama Typhoon Soft Parts Wing Flap Fin”
H3 Four weeks until the opening of the exhibition “Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press: Pranayama Typhoon Soft Parts Wing Flap Fin”
H3 +++ Construction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
H3 Only two more weeks of „House of Mirrors“
H3 CANCELLED: Lecture by Timo Daum on 02 July 2022
H3 Special opening hours on Science Day on 14 June & for the Extraschicht on 25 & 26 June 2022
H3 HMKV's new magazine "House of Mirrors: Artificial Intelligence as phantasm" is now available
H3 Soft Opening "Soft Opening "House of Mirrors: Artificial Intelligence as Phantasm"" on 08 April 2022
H3 On the war in the Ukraine
H3 THIS TIME WE TALK ABOUT GENDER - Equality and inclusive Practice
H3 Closure on 17 February 2022 due to storm warning
H3 Hack on Instagram channel [UPDATE]
H3 CANCLED: live online guided tour on 30 January 2022
H3 Job opening: Employee for press and public relations
H3 HMKV's new magazine "Technoshamanism" is now available
H3 The HMKV featured in The New York Times!
H3 New access regulation: Vaccinated or recovered as of 17 November 2021
H3 HMKV publication on the shortlist of the DAM Architectural Book Award 2021
H3 Job opening: Head of Communications
H3 Soft Opening "Technoshamanism" on 08 October 2021
H3 +++ Construction phase | HMKV currently closed +++
H3 HMKV ends cooperation with outdoor advertising provider Ströer
H3 EP by Thies Mynther "DEFENDER / Border Control" now signed available!
H3 25th Anniversary of the HMKV Hartware MedienKunstverein
H3 On-site Public guided tours – starting again from Sunday
H3 Edition for the exhibition by Stefan Panhans / Andrea Winkler
H3 2D exhibition space for "The Pow(d)er of I Am"
H3 The HMKV reopens on 01 June 2021!
H3 "Faţadă/Façade" still available as an online 3D tour
H3 HMKV's new magazine covering the exhibition "Computer Grrrls" is now available
H3 Live online opening of the exhibition "The Pow(d)er of I Am"
H3 Premiere! Short film by Zauri Matikashvili
H3 AICA Germany awards "Artists & Agents" as Exhibition of the Year 2020
H3 HMKV's new magazine covering the exhibition "Faţadă/Façade" is now available
H3 Review of 2020 - A year of encounters, despite everything
H3 Preview: The HMKV's Program for 2021
H3 Podcast on the exhibition "Faţadă/Façade" by Olga Felker: First episode online!
H3 HMKV's digital programme during closure
H3 New cooperation between HMKV and the publishing house Verlag Kettler, Dortmund
H3 HMKV's new magazine covering the series "HMKV Video of the Month" is now available
H3 Training the Archive
H3 New exhibition "25 of 78" from 02 June 2020
H3 NEW: “HMKV Video of the Month” Series on view online
H3 Public programme accompanying the exhibition "Artists & Agents" starts 20 February 2020
H3 2019 closes as one of the most successful years for the HMKV - preview of 2020 programm
H3 HMKV is co-organiser of Coding da Vinci – Westfalen/Ruhrgebiet
H3 "Computer Grrrls" on view at MU Eindhoven
H3 Magazine "The Alt-Right Complex" available for download
H3 Preview: Artists & Agents: Performance Art and Secret Services
H3 Justus Bier Award for Curators 2018 goes to Inke Arns, Igor Chubarov and Sylvia Sasse
H3 HMKV among first signatories of NRW Declaration of the Many
H3 HMKV among first signatories of NRW Declaration of the Many Texto duplicado
H3 Afro-Tech magazine finally published!
H3 New EU-General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
H3 Stay up to date?
H3 The HMKV is funded by:
H3 Exhibition space:
H4 HMKV Newsletter
Página base:
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
1 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 5 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund DE
A-TITLE Startseite ancla Sin texto navigation
A-TITLE Exhibition
/exhibition/exhibition-detail/...A-TITLE Silke Schönfeld: You Can’t Make This Up
A-TITLE Events
/hmkv-video-of-the-month.htmlVideo of the Month
A-TITLE HMKV Video of the Month
A-TITLE Archive duplicado Skip navigation
/startseite-leichte-sprache.htmlNofollow Leichte Sprache
A-TITLE Leichte Sprache Texto duplicado DE
A-TITLE Startseite
/hartware-medienkunstverein-do...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund
/exhibition/exhibition-detail/...Subdominio Sin texto
/__article-includes-en/about-u...About us
A-TITLE About us
A-TITLE Subjects
A-TITLE Awarded!
A-TITLE Network
/__article-includes-en/informa...Opening hours
A-TITLE Opening hours
A-TITLE Admission
/__article-includes-en/informa...Guided tours
A-TITLE Guided tours
A-TITLE Contact/Directions
/__article-includes-en/events/...Texto duplicado Events
A-TITLE Events
A-TITLE Exhibitions
/__article-includes-en/shop/ar...HMKV Shop
/news-en/news-details/exclusiv...Exclusive video presentation as part of the Dortmund Museum Night
A-TITLE Read the article: Exclusive video presentation as part of the Dortmund Museum Night
/news-en/news-details/exclusiv...more Exclusive video presentation as part of the Dortmund Museum Night
A-TITLE Read the article: Exclusive video presentation as part of the Dortmund Museum Night
/news-en/news-details/jana-ker...Jana Kerima Stolzer and Lex Rütten receive prize for young artists
A-TITLE Read the article: Jana Kerima Stolzer and Lex Rütten receive prize for young artists
/news-en/news-details/jana-ker...more Jana Kerima Stolzer and Lex Rütten receive prize for young artists
A-TITLE Read the article: Jana Kerima Stolzer and Lex Rütten receive prize for young artists
/news-en/news-details/visitor-...Visitor record for the HMKV: „The Paradise Machine" attracts over 20,000 visitors
A-TITLE Read the article: Visitor record for the HMKV: „The Paradise Machine" attracts over 20,000 visitors
/news-en/news-details/visitor-...more Visitor record for the HMKV: „The Paradise Machine" attracts over 20,000 visitors
A-TITLE Read the article: Visitor record for the HMKV: „The Paradise Machine" attracts over 20,000 visitors
/news-en/news-details/artist-t...Last chance: The last days of the exhibition „Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“
A-TITLE Read the article: Last chance: The last days of the exhibition „Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“
/news-en/news-details/artist-t...more Last chance: The last days of the exhibition „Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“
A-TITLE Read the article: Last chance: The last days of the exhibition „Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“
/news-en/news-details/artist-t...Artist talk, lecture performance and exhibition tour with Niklas Goldbach and Inke Arns
A-TITLE Read the article: Artist talk, lecture performance and exhibition tour with Niklas Goldbach and Inke Arns
/news-en/news-details/artist-t...more Artist talk, lecture performance and exhibition tour with Niklas Goldbach and Inke Arns
A-TITLE Read the article: Artist talk, lecture performance and exhibition tour with Niklas Goldbach and Inke Arns
/news-en/news-details/15000-vi...15,000 visitors for “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine”
A-TITLE Read the article: 15,000 visitors for “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine”
/news-en/news-details/15000-vi...more 15,000 visitors for “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine”
A-TITLE Read the article: 15,000 visitors for “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine”
/news-en/news-details/savethed...#savethedate Artist Talk & Lecture Performance
A-TITLE Read the article: #savethedate Artist Talk & Lecture Performance
/news-en/news-details/savethed...more #savethedate Artist Talk & Lecture Performance
A-TITLE Read the article: #savethedate Artist Talk & Lecture Performance
/news-en/news-details/importan...Important information: No ExtraSchicht 2024 at the Dortmunder U
A-TITLE Read the article: Important information: No ExtraSchicht 2024 at the Dortmunder U
/news-en/news-details/importan...more Important information: No ExtraSchicht 2024 at the Dortmunder U
A-TITLE Read the article: Important information: No ExtraSchicht 2024 at the Dortmunder U
/news-en/news-details/changed-...Changed opening hours for ExtraSchicht on Saturday, June 01
A-TITLE Read the article: Changed opening hours for ExtraSchicht on Saturday, June 01
/news-en/news-details/changed-...more Changed opening hours for ExtraSchicht on Saturday, June 01
A-TITLE Read the article: Changed opening hours for ExtraSchicht on Saturday, June 01
/news-en/news-details/exhibiti...Exhibition magazine “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine” now available
A-TITLE Read the article: Exhibition magazine “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine” now available
/news-en/news-details/exhibiti...more Exhibition magazine “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine” now available
A-TITLE Read the article: Exhibition magazine “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine” now available
/news-en/news-details/now-onli...Now online: The exhibition film about „Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“.
A-TITLE Read the article: Now online: The exhibition film about „Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“.
/news-en/news-details/now-onli...more Now online: The exhibition film about „Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“.
A-TITLE Read the article: Now online: The exhibition film about „Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“.
/news-en/news-details/opening-...Opening “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“
A-TITLE Read the article: Opening “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“
/news-en/news-details/opening-...more Opening “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“
A-TITLE Read the article: Opening “Niklas Goldbach: The Paradise Machine“
/news-en/news-details/last-cha...+++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
A-TITLE Read the article: +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
/news-en/news-details/last-cha...more +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
A-TITLE Read the article: +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
/news-en/news-details/last-cha...Last chance: Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?
A-TITLE Read the article: Last chance: Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?
/news-en/news-details/last-cha...more Last chance: Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?
A-TITLE Read the article: Last chance: Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?
/news-en/news-details/irwin-ed...IRWIN editions, catalogues and publications at the bookshop
A-TITLE Read the article: IRWIN editions, catalogues and publications at the bookshop
/news-en/news-details/irwin-ed...more IRWIN editions, catalogues and publications at the bookshop
A-TITLE Read the article: IRWIN editions, catalogues and publications at the bookshop
/news-en/news-details/special-...Special opening hours from Christmas to New Year‘s
A-TITLE Read the article: Special opening hours from Christmas to New Year‘s
/news-en/news-details/special-...more Special opening hours from Christmas to New Year‘s
A-TITLE Read the article: Special opening hours from Christmas to New Year‘s
/news-en/news-details/research...Research project “Training the Archive“ completed
A-TITLE Read the article: Research project “Training the Archive“ completed
/news-en/news-details/research...more Research project “Training the Archive“ completed
A-TITLE Read the article: Research project “Training the Archive“ completed
/news-en/news-details/give-awa...Give away: Surprises on the Sundays of Advent
A-TITLE Read the article: Give away: Surprises on the Sundays of Advent
/news-en/news-details/give-awa...more Give away: Surprises on the Sundays of Advent
A-TITLE Read the article: Give away: Surprises on the Sundays of Advent
/news-en/news-details/last-min...Last minute: Only a few GROW bags and wallets still available
A-TITLE Read the article: Last minute: Only a few GROW bags and wallets still available
/news-en/news-details/last-min...more Last minute: Only a few GROW bags and wallets still available
A-TITLE Read the article: Last minute: Only a few GROW bags and wallets still available
/news-en/news-details/the-exhi...The exhibition magazine „Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?“ is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: The exhibition magazine „Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?“ is now available
/news-en/news-details/the-exhi...more The exhibition magazine „Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?“ is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: The exhibition magazine „Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?“ is now available
/news-en/news-details/special-...Special opening hours on 23 & 24 September
A-TITLE Read the article: Special opening hours on 23 & 24 September
/news-en/news-details/special-...more Special opening hours on 23 & 24 September
A-TITLE Read the article: Special opening hours on 23 & 24 September
/news-en/news-details/opening-...Opening “Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?“
A-TITLE Read the article: Opening “Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?“
/news-en/news-details/opening-...more Opening “Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?“
A-TITLE Read the article: Opening “Was ist Kunst, IRWIN?“
/news-en/news-details/reconstr...Texto duplicado +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
A-TITLE Read the article: +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
/news-en/news-details/reconstr...Texto duplicado more +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
A-TITLE Read the article: +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
/news-en/news-details/buttons-...Buttons, magazines and stickers at the HMKV bookshop
A-TITLE Read the article: Buttons, magazines and stickers at the HMKV bookshop
/news-en/news-details/buttons-...more Buttons, magazines and stickers at the HMKV bookshop
A-TITLE Read the article: Buttons, magazines and stickers at the HMKV bookshop
/news-en/news-details/last-mon...Last month of the exhibition “We grow, grow and grow...”
A-TITLE Read the article: Last month of the exhibition “We grow, grow and grow...”
/news-en/news-details/last-mon...more Last month of the exhibition “We grow, grow and grow...”
A-TITLE Read the article: Last month of the exhibition “We grow, grow and grow...”
/news-en/news-details/extrasch...Extraschicht on 24 June 2023
A-TITLE Read the article: Extraschicht on 24 June 2023
/news-en/news-details/extrasch...more Extraschicht on 24 June 2023
A-TITLE Read the article: Extraschicht on 24 June 2023
/news-en/news-details/10000-vi...10,000 visitors for “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow...”
A-TITLE Read the article: 10,000 visitors for “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow...”
/news-en/news-details/10000-vi...more 10,000 visitors for “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow...”
A-TITLE Read the article: 10,000 visitors for “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow...”
/news-en/news-details/still-a-...Still a few vacant slots for the film workshop: “Fantasy creatures between nature and technology”.
A-TITLE Read the article: Still a few vacant slots for the film workshop: “Fantasy creatures between nature and technology”.
/news-en/news-details/still-a-...more Still a few vacant slots for the film workshop: “Fantasy creatures between nature and technology”.
A-TITLE Read the article: Still a few vacant slots for the film workshop: “Fantasy creatures between nature and technology”.
/news-en/news-details/new-in-t...New in the Bookshop: The EP “Extracted Soil"
A-TITLE Read the article: New in the Bookshop: The EP “Extracted Soil"
/news-en/news-details/new-in-t...more New in the Bookshop: The EP “Extracted Soil"
A-TITLE Read the article: New in the Bookshop: The EP “Extracted Soil"
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-ne...HMKV's new magazine “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow, grow and grow, we‘re gonna be alright and this is our show“ is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow, grow and grow, we‘re gonna be alright and this is our show“ is now available
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-ne...more HMKV's new magazine “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow, grow and grow, we‘re gonna be alright and this is our show“ is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow, grow and grow, we‘re gonna be alright and this is our show“ is now available
/news-en/news-details/new-exhi...New exhibition film
A-TITLE Read the article: New exhibition film
/news-en/news-details/new-exhi...more New exhibition film
A-TITLE Read the article: New exhibition film
/news-en/news-details/opening-...Opening “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow, grow and grow, we're gonna be alright and this is our show”
A-TITLE Read the article: Opening “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow, grow and grow, we're gonna be alright and this is our show”
/news-en/news-details/opening-...more Opening “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow, grow and grow, we're gonna be alright and this is our show”
A-TITLE Read the article: Opening “Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten – We grow, grow and grow, we're gonna be alright and this is our show”
/news-en/news-details/reconstr...Texto duplicado +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
A-TITLE Read the article: +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
/news-en/news-details/reconstr...Texto duplicado more +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
A-TITLE Read the article: +++ Reconstruction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
/news-en/news-details/small-su...Small surprises on the Sundays of Advent
A-TITLE Read the article: Small surprises on the Sundays of Advent
/news-en/news-details/small-su...more Small surprises on the Sundays of Advent
A-TITLE Read the article: Small surprises on the Sundays of Advent
/news-en/news-details/event-do...Event documentation “House of Mirrors”
A-TITLE Read the article: Event documentation “House of Mirrors”
/news-en/news-details/event-do...more Event documentation “House of Mirrors”
A-TITLE Read the article: Event documentation “House of Mirrors”
/news-en/news-details/exhibiti...Exhibition Talk
A-TITLE Read the article: Exhibition Talk
/news-en/news-details/exhibiti...more Exhibition Talk
A-TITLE Read the article: Exhibition Talk
/news-en/news-details/special-...Public guided tours in October
A-TITLE Read the article: Public guided tours in October
/news-en/news-details/special-...more Public guided tours in October
A-TITLE Read the article: Public guided tours in October
/news-en/news-details/special-...Special opening hours on 17 & 18 September
A-TITLE Read the article: Special opening hours on 17 & 18 September
/news-en/news-details/special-...more Special opening hours on 17 & 18 September
A-TITLE Read the article: Special opening hours on 17 & 18 September
/news-en/news-details/opening-...Opening “Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press: Pranayama Typhoon Soft Parts Wing Flap Fin”
A-TITLE Read the article: Opening “Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press: Pranayama Typhoon Soft Parts Wing Flap Fin”
/news-en/news-details/opening-...more Opening “Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press: Pranayama Typhoon Soft Parts Wing Flap Fin”
A-TITLE Read the article: Opening “Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press: Pranayama Typhoon Soft Parts Wing Flap Fin”
/news-en/news-details/four-wee...Four weeks until the opening of the exhibition “Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press: Pranayama Typhoon Soft Parts Wing Flap Fin”
A-TITLE Read the article: Four weeks until the opening of the exhibition “Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press: Pranayama Typhoon Soft Parts Wing Flap Fin”
/news-en/news-details/four-wee...more Four weeks until the opening of the exhibition “Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press: Pranayama Typhoon Soft Parts Wing Flap Fin”
A-TITLE Read the article: Four weeks until the opening of the exhibition “Fiona Banner aka The Vanity Press: Pranayama Typhoon Soft Parts Wing Flap Fin”
/news-en/news-details/construc...+++ Construction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
A-TITLE Read the article: +++ Construction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
/news-en/news-details/construc...more +++ Construction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
A-TITLE Read the article: +++ Construction phase | HMKV exhibition space closed +++
/news-en/news-details/only-two...Only two more weeks of „House of Mirrors“
A-TITLE Read the article: Only two more weeks of „House of Mirrors“
/news-en/news-details/only-two...more Only two more weeks of „House of Mirrors“
A-TITLE Read the article: Only two more weeks of „House of Mirrors“
/news-en/news-details/cancelle...CANCELLED: Lecture by Timo Daum on 02 July 2022
A-TITLE Read the article: CANCELLED: Lecture by Timo Daum on 02 July 2022
/news-en/news-details/cancelle...more CANCELLED: Lecture by Timo Daum on 02 July 2022
A-TITLE Read the article: CANCELLED: Lecture by Timo Daum on 02 July 2022
/news-en/news-details/special-...Special opening hours on Science Day on 14 June & for the Extraschicht on 25 & 26 June 2022
A-TITLE Read the article: Special opening hours on Science Day on 14 June & for the Extraschicht on 25 & 26 June 2022
/news-en/news-details/special-...more Special opening hours on Science Day on 14 June & for the Extraschicht on 25 & 26 June 2022
A-TITLE Read the article: Special opening hours on Science Day on 14 June & for the Extraschicht on 25 & 26 June 2022
/news-en/news-details/Magazin-...HMKV's new magazine "House of Mirrors: Artificial Intelligence as phantasm" is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine "House of Mirrors: Artificial Intelligence as phantasm" is now available
/news-en/news-details/Magazin-...more HMKV's new magazine "House of Mirrors: Artificial Intelligence as phantasm" is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine "House of Mirrors: Artificial Intelligence as phantasm" is now available
/news-en/news-details/soft-ope...Soft Opening "Soft Opening "House of Mirrors: Artificial Intelligence as Phantasm"" on 08 April 2022
A-TITLE Read the article: Soft Opening "Soft Opening "House of Mirrors: Artificial Intelligence as Phantasm"" on 08 April 2022
/news-en/news-details/soft-ope...more Soft Opening "Soft Opening "House of Mirrors: Artificial Intelligence as Phantasm"" on 08 April 2022
A-TITLE Read the article: Soft Opening "Soft Opening "House of Mirrors: Artificial Intelligence as Phantasm"" on 08 April 2022
/news-en/news-details/on-the-w...On the war in the Ukraine
A-TITLE Read the article: On the war in the Ukraine
/news-en/news-details/on-the-w...more On the war in the Ukraine
A-TITLE Read the article: On the war in the Ukraine
/news-en/news-details/this-tim...THIS TIME WE TALK ABOUT GENDER - Equality and inclusive Practice
A-TITLE Read the article: THIS TIME WE TALK ABOUT GENDER - Equality and inclusive Practice
/news-en/news-details/this-tim...more THIS TIME WE TALK ABOUT GENDER - Equality and inclusive Practice
A-TITLE Read the article: THIS TIME WE TALK ABOUT GENDER - Equality and inclusive Practice
/news-en/news-details/closure-...Closure on 17 February 2022 due to storm warning
A-TITLE Read the article: Closure on 17 February 2022 due to storm warning
/news-en/news-details/closure-...more Closure on 17 February 2022 due to storm warning
A-TITLE Read the article: Closure on 17 February 2022 due to storm warning
/news-en/news-details/hack-on-...Hack on Instagram channel [UPDATE]
A-TITLE Read the article: Hack on Instagram channel [UPDATE]
/news-en/news-details/hack-on-...more Hack on Instagram channel [UPDATE]
A-TITLE Read the article: Hack on Instagram channel [UPDATE]
/news-en/news-details/no-onlin...CANCLED: live online guided tour on 30 January 2022
A-TITLE Read the article: CANCLED: live online guided tour on 30 January 2022
/news-en/news-details/no-onlin...more CANCLED: live online guided tour on 30 January 2022
A-TITLE Read the article: CANCLED: live online guided tour on 30 January 2022
/news-en/news-details/job-open...Job opening: Employee for press and public relations
A-TITLE Read the article: Job opening: Employee for press and public relations
/news-en/news-details/job-open...more Job opening: Employee for press and public relations
A-TITLE Read the article: Job opening: Employee for press and public relations
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-ne...HMKV's new magazine "Technoshamanism" is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine "Technoshamanism" is now available
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-ne...more HMKV's new magazine "Technoshamanism" is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine "Technoshamanism" is now available
/news-en/news-details/the-hmkv...The HMKV featured in The New York Times!
A-TITLE Read the article: The HMKV featured in The New York Times!
/news-en/news-details/the-hmkv...more The HMKV featured in The New York Times!
A-TITLE Read the article: The HMKV featured in The New York Times!
/news-en/news-details/new-acce...New access regulation: Vaccinated or recovered as of 17 November 2021
A-TITLE Read the article: New access regulation: Vaccinated or recovered as of 17 November 2021
/news-en/news-details/new-acce...more New access regulation: Vaccinated or recovered as of 17 November 2021
A-TITLE Read the article: New access regulation: Vaccinated or recovered as of 17 November 2021
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-pub...HMKV publication on the shortlist of the DAM Architectural Book Award 2021
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV publication on the shortlist of the DAM Architectural Book Award 2021
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-pub...more HMKV publication on the shortlist of the DAM Architectural Book Award 2021
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV publication on the shortlist of the DAM Architectural Book Award 2021
/news-en/news-details/job-open...Job opening: Head of Communications
A-TITLE Read the article: Job opening: Head of Communications
/news-en/news-details/job-open...more Job opening: Head of Communications
A-TITLE Read the article: Job opening: Head of Communications
/news-en/news-details/soft-ope...Soft Opening "Technoshamanism" on 08 October 2021
A-TITLE Read the article: Soft Opening "Technoshamanism" on 08 October 2021
/news-en/news-details/soft-ope...more Soft Opening "Technoshamanism" on 08 October 2021
A-TITLE Read the article: Soft Opening "Technoshamanism" on 08 October 2021
/news-en/news-details/construc...+++ Construction phase | HMKV currently closed +++
A-TITLE Read the article: +++ Construction phase | HMKV currently closed +++
/news-en/news-details/construc...more +++ Construction phase | HMKV currently closed +++
A-TITLE Read the article: +++ Construction phase | HMKV currently closed +++
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-end...HMKV ends cooperation with outdoor advertising provider Ströer
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV ends cooperation with outdoor advertising provider Ströer
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-end...more HMKV ends cooperation with outdoor advertising provider Ströer
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV ends cooperation with outdoor advertising provider Ströer
/news-en/news-details/ep-by-th...EP by Thies Mynther "DEFENDER / Border Control" now signed available!
A-TITLE Read the article: EP by Thies Mynther "DEFENDER / Border Control" now signed available!
/news-en/news-details/ep-by-th...more EP by Thies Mynther "DEFENDER / Border Control" now signed available!
A-TITLE Read the article: EP by Thies Mynther "DEFENDER / Border Control" now signed available!
/news-en/news-details/25th-ann...25th Anniversary of the HMKV Hartware MedienKunstverein
A-TITLE Read the article: 25th Anniversary of the HMKV Hartware MedienKunstverein
/news-en/news-details/25th-ann...more 25th Anniversary of the HMKV Hartware MedienKunstverein
A-TITLE Read the article: 25th Anniversary of the HMKV Hartware MedienKunstverein
/news-en/news-details/on-site-...On-site Public guided tours – starting again from Sunday
A-TITLE Read the article: On-site Public guided tours – starting again from Sunday
/news-en/news-details/on-site-...more On-site Public guided tours – starting again from Sunday
A-TITLE Read the article: On-site Public guided tours – starting again from Sunday
/news-en/news-details/edition-...Edition for the exhibition by Stefan Panhans / Andrea Winkler
A-TITLE Read the article: Edition for the exhibition by Stefan Panhans / Andrea Winkler
/news-en/news-details/edition-...more Edition for the exhibition by Stefan Panhans / Andrea Winkler
A-TITLE Read the article: Edition for the exhibition by Stefan Panhans / Andrea Winkler
/news-en/news-details/2d-exhib...2D exhibition space for "The Pow(d)er of I Am"
A-TITLE Read the article: 2D exhibition space for "The Pow(d)er of I Am"
/news-en/news-details/2d-exhib...more 2D exhibition space for "The Pow(d)er of I Am"
A-TITLE Read the article: 2D exhibition space for "The Pow(d)er of I Am"
/news-en/news-details/the-hmkv...The HMKV reopens on 01 June 2021!
A-TITLE Read the article: The HMKV reopens on 01 June 2021!
/news-en/news-details/the-hmkv...more The HMKV reopens on 01 June 2021!
A-TITLE Read the article: The HMKV reopens on 01 June 2021!
/news-en/news-details/faţadă-f..."Faţadă/Façade" still available as an online 3D tour
A-TITLE Read the article: "Faţadă/Façade" still available as an online 3D tour
/news-en/news-details/faţadă-f...more "Faţadă/Façade" still available as an online 3D tour
A-TITLE Read the article: "Faţadă/Façade" still available as an online 3D tour
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-ne...HMKV's new magazine covering the exhibition "Computer Grrrls" is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine covering the exhibition "Computer Grrrls" is now available
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-ne...more HMKV's new magazine covering the exhibition "Computer Grrrls" is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine covering the exhibition "Computer Grrrls" is now available
/news-en/news-details/live-onl...Live online opening of the exhibition "The Pow(d)er of I Am"
A-TITLE Read the article: Live online opening of the exhibition "The Pow(d)er of I Am"
/news-en/news-details/live-onl...more Live online opening of the exhibition "The Pow(d)er of I Am"
A-TITLE Read the article: Live online opening of the exhibition "The Pow(d)er of I Am"
/news-en/news-details/premiere...Premiere! Short film by Zauri Matikashvili
A-TITLE Read the article: Premiere! Short film by Zauri Matikashvili
/news-en/news-details/premiere...more Premiere! Short film by Zauri Matikashvili
A-TITLE Read the article: Premiere! Short film by Zauri Matikashvili
/news-en/news-details/aica-ger...AICA Germany awards "Artists & Agents" as Exhibition of the Year 2020
A-TITLE Read the article: AICA Germany awards "Artists & Agents" as Exhibition of the Year 2020
/news-en/news-details/aica-ger...more AICA Germany awards "Artists & Agents" as Exhibition of the Year 2020
A-TITLE Read the article: AICA Germany awards "Artists & Agents" as Exhibition of the Year 2020
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-ne...HMKV's new magazine covering the exhibition "Faţadă/Façade" is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine covering the exhibition "Faţadă/Façade" is now available
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-ne...more HMKV's new magazine covering the exhibition "Faţadă/Façade" is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine covering the exhibition "Faţadă/Façade" is now available
/news-en/news-details/rückblic...Review of 2020 - A year of encounters, despite everything
A-TITLE Read the article: Review of 2020 - A year of encounters, despite everything
/news-en/news-details/rückblic...more Review of 2020 - A year of encounters, despite everything
A-TITLE Read the article: Review of 2020 - A year of encounters, despite everything
/news-en/news-details/preview-...Preview: The HMKV's Program for 2021
A-TITLE Read the article: Preview: The HMKV's Program for 2021
/news-en/news-details/preview-...more Preview: The HMKV's Program for 2021
A-TITLE Read the article: Preview: The HMKV's Program for 2021
/news-en/news-details/podcast-...Podcast on the exhibition "Faţadă/Façade" by Olga Felker: First episode online!
A-TITLE Read the article: Podcast on the exhibition "Faţadă/Façade" by Olga Felker: First episode online!
/news-en/news-details/podcast-...more Podcast on the exhibition "Faţadă/Façade" by Olga Felker: First episode online!
A-TITLE Read the article: Podcast on the exhibition "Faţadă/Façade" by Olga Felker: First episode online!
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-di...HMKV's digital programme during closure
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's digital programme during closure
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-di...more HMKV's digital programme during closure
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's digital programme during closure
/news-en/news-details/new-coop...New cooperation between HMKV and the publishing house Verlag Kettler, Dortmund
A-TITLE Read the article: New cooperation between HMKV and the publishing house Verlag Kettler, Dortmund
/news-en/news-details/new-coop...more New cooperation between HMKV and the publishing house Verlag Kettler, Dortmund
A-TITLE Read the article: New cooperation between HMKV and the publishing house Verlag Kettler, Dortmund
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-ex...HMKV's new magazine covering the series "HMKV Video of the Month" is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine covering the series "HMKV Video of the Month" is now available
/news-en/news-details/hmkvs-ex...more HMKV's new magazine covering the series "HMKV Video of the Month" is now available
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV's new magazine covering the series "HMKV Video of the Month" is now available
/news-en/news-details/training...Training the Archive
A-TITLE Read the article: Training the Archive
/news-en/news-details/training...more Training the Archive
A-TITLE Read the article: Training the Archive
/news-en/news-details/25-of-78...New exhibition "25 of 78" from 02 June 2020
A-TITLE Read the article: New exhibition "25 of 78" from 02 June 2020
/news-en/news-details/25-of-78...more New exhibition "25 of 78" from 02 June 2020
A-TITLE Read the article: New exhibition "25 of 78" from 02 June 2020
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-vid...NEW: “HMKV Video of the Month” Series on view online
A-TITLE Read the article: NEW: “HMKV Video of the Month” Series on view online
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-vid...more NEW: “HMKV Video of the Month” Series on view online
A-TITLE Read the article: NEW: “HMKV Video of the Month” Series on view online
/news-en/news-details/public-p...Public programme accompanying the exhibition "Artists & Agents" starts 20 February 2020
A-TITLE Read the article: Public programme accompanying the exhibition "Artists & Agents" starts 20 February 2020
/news-en/news-details/public-p...more Public programme accompanying the exhibition "Artists & Agents" starts 20 February 2020
A-TITLE Read the article: Public programme accompanying the exhibition "Artists & Agents" starts 20 February 2020
/news-en/news-details/2019_rev...2019 closes as one of the most successful years for the HMKV - preview of 2020 programm
A-TITLE Read the article: 2019 closes as one of the most successful years for the HMKV - preview of 2020 programm
/news-en/news-details/2019_rev...more 2019 closes as one of the most successful years for the HMKV - preview of 2020 programm
A-TITLE Read the article: 2019 closes as one of the most successful years for the HMKV - preview of 2020 programm
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-is-...HMKV is co-organiser of Coding da Vinci – Westfalen/Ruhrgebiet
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV is co-organiser of Coding da Vinci – Westfalen/Ruhrgebiet
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-is-...more HMKV is co-organiser of Coding da Vinci – Westfalen/Ruhrgebiet
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV is co-organiser of Coding da Vinci – Westfalen/Ruhrgebiet
/news-en/news-details/computer..."Computer Grrrls" on view at MU Eindhoven
A-TITLE Read the article: "Computer Grrrls" on view at MU Eindhoven
/news-en/news-details/computer...more "Computer Grrrls" on view at MU Eindhoven
A-TITLE Read the article: "Computer Grrrls" on view at MU Eindhoven
/news-en/news-details/magazine...Magazine "The Alt-Right Complex" available for download
A-TITLE Read the article: Magazine "The Alt-Right Complex" available for download
/news-en/news-details/magazine...more Magazine "The Alt-Right Complex" available for download
A-TITLE Read the article: Magazine "The Alt-Right Complex" available for download
/news-en/news-details/preview-...Preview: Artists & Agents: Performance Art and Secret Services
A-TITLE Read the article: Preview: Artists & Agents: Performance Art and Secret Services
/news-en/news-details/preview-...more Preview: Artists & Agents: Performance Art and Secret Services
A-TITLE Read the article: Preview: Artists & Agents: Performance Art and Secret Services
/news-en/news-details/justus-b...Justus Bier Award for Curators 2018 goes to Inke Arns, Igor Chubarov and Sylvia Sasse
A-TITLE Read the article: Justus Bier Award for Curators 2018 goes to Inke Arns, Igor Chubarov and Sylvia Sasse
/news-en/news-details/justus-b...more Justus Bier Award for Curators 2018 goes to Inke Arns, Igor Chubarov and Sylvia Sasse
A-TITLE Read the article: Justus Bier Award for Curators 2018 goes to Inke Arns, Igor Chubarov and Sylvia Sasse
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-amo...HMKV among first signatories of NRW Declaration of the Many
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV among first signatories of NRW Declaration of the Many
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-amo...more HMKV among first signatories of NRW Declaration of the Many
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV among first signatories of NRW Declaration of the Many
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-amo...Texto duplicado HMKV among first signatories of NRW Declaration of the Many
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV among first signatories of NRW Declaration of the Many
/news-en/news-details/hmkv-amo...Texto duplicado more HMKV among first signatories of NRW Declaration of the Many
A-TITLE Read the article: HMKV among first signatories of NRW Declaration of the Many
/news-en/news-details/afro-tec...Afro-Tech magazine finally published!
A-TITLE Read the article: Afro-Tech magazine finally published!
/news-en/news-details/afro-tec...more Afro-Tech magazine finally published!
A-TITLE Read the article: Afro-Tech magazine finally published!
/news-en/news-details/new-eu-g...New EU-General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
A-TITLE Read the article: New EU-General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
/news-en/news-details/new-eu-g...more New EU-General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
A-TITLE Read the article: New EU-General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
/exhibition/exhibition-detail/...Texto duplicado Silke Schönfeld: You Can’t Make This Up
/exhibition/exhibition-detail/...More about Silke Schönfeld: You Can’t Make This Up ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Facebook ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Instagram ventana Externo A-TITLE Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Youtube ventana Externo A-TITLE Vimeo duplicado Skip navigation
A-TITLE Team Press
A-TITLE Imprint
/data-protection-declaration.htmlData protection declaration
A-TITLE Data protection declaration

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Der Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV) versteht sich als Plattform für die Produktion, Präsentation und Vermittlung von zeitgenössischer beziehungsweise experimenteller (Medien-)Kunst.

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