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528,10 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
323 internos / 46 externos

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No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
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No hay ninunga meta descripción.
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
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El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
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El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


tncms-access-version2024-03-19 14:57:31
keywordsthe record
authorThe Record
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Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1638 palabras.
Un 22.3% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 7 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 11.78 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
Esta página carga 27 archivos JavaScript. Esto puede afectar negativamente a la velocidad de carga.
Con 528.1 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 33 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 69 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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data:[...] Base64Kitchener reverses parking lot fee changes after residents complain
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data:[...] Base6414 years, 140 officers and a dark secret that consumed a small Ontario town. How the Lucas Shortreed case was solved
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data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64'There's no companies that are waiting to get the land' — Premier Doug Ford offers support for land assembly, but disagrees with process unfolding in Wilmot
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data:[...] Base64UPDATE: Guelph 7-Eleven temporarily closed after reported robbery
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data:[...] Base64Kitchener gets $14M to spur housing but there's nothing for Cambridge or Waterloo
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data:[...] Base64Flash From the Past: 1950s medical scare hinted at the COVID threat
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data:[...] Base64Cambridge mayor and councillor back ACO request for heritage designation extension
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data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64People are asking ‘How old do I look?’ on TikTok. A plastic surgeon walked us through what makes you look older than you are
...0/6616f75411b86.image.jpg?resize=200,138Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64These ‘lunch-break facelifts' are popular at GTA medical spas. But patients are being misled about the procedure — and potentially put at risk
...c/65f602c7dfc85.image.jpg?resize=200,133Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64A new doc explores the rise, fall and rebirth of troubled fashion genius John Galliano
...b/65f07758aa0ff.image.jpg?resize=200,133Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Washer fluid level sensor in my truck has failed again. What's going on?
...8/6601e696d0d45.image.jpg?resize=200,150Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Fun to drive, dull interior, zany steering. What is up with this Toyota?
...b/66031ff3bad0e.image.jpg?resize=200,133Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64This affordable home comes from an historic library and church and includes a bedroom that was once a choir loft. It’s Home of the Week
...b/660ec8be2ca02.image.jpg?resize=200,133Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Toronto home prices expected to overtake Vancouver's later this year, report finds
...8/66191bbdc1726.image.jpg?resize=200,133Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Canada needs to build 1.3M additional homes by 2030 to close housing gap, says PBO
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data:[...] Base64Ottawa to allow 30-year amortization for first-time buyers' mortgages on new homes
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Waterloo Region Record News - Breaking News Stories
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 63 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Waterloo Region Record News - Breaking News Stories
H2 Opinion
H2 Recommended For You
H2 Waterloo Region
H2 Communities News
H2 Politics
H2 Canada
H2 World
H2 Business
H2 Entertainment
H2 Life
H2 Sports
H2 The Kit Fashion
H2 Autos
H2 Real Estate
H3 Kitchener man, 32, killed in overnight 'targeted' shooting
H3 'There's no companies that are waiting to get the land' — Premier Doug Ford offers support for land assembly, but disagrees with process unfolding in Wilmot
H3 Doug Ford's comments make the Wilmot land assembly even harder to understand
H3 Bill 162 opening thousands of acres to developers
H3 Kitchener reverses parking lot fee changes after residents complain
H3 14 years, 140 officers and a dark secret that consumed a small Ontario town. How the Lucas Shortreed case was solved
H3 Rangers haunted by another goal review in London
H3 Bridgeport dike in Kitchener needs $5M in repairs
H3 Flash From the Past: 1950s medical scare hinted at the COVID threat
H3 Cambridge mayor and councillor back ACO request for heritage designation extension
H3 Kitchener gets $14M to spur housing but there's nothing for Cambridge or Waterloo
H3 Waterloo highway closures for planned roadwork on April 12
H3 New From the Record
H3 How many jobs is Wilmot farmland worth?
H3 We must reignite our community’s spirit
H3 Ask Justin Trudeau about foreign interference and he'll tell you about Pierre Poilievre
H3 O.J. Simpson: How a hero became a monster and turned true crime into must-see TV
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 'There's no companies that are waiting to get the land' — Premier Doug Ford offers support for land assembly, but disagrees with process unfolding in Wilmot Texto duplicado
H3 Wilmot appoints new treasurer, deputy treasurer
H3 Bill 162 opening thousands of acres to developers Texto duplicado
H3 Woman charged in human trafficking investigation at Cambridge spa
H3 UPDATE: Guelph 7-Eleven temporarily closed after reported robbery
H3 Kitchener gets $14M to spur housing but there's nothing for Cambridge or Waterloo Texto duplicado
H3 Decision deferred on highrise development, amid calls to save Kitchener climbing gym
H3 Region of Waterloo recruiting new manager for industrial land reserves and affordable housing
H3 'Help me': Witnesses describe finding shooting victims at trial of Oliver Karafa and Lucy Li
H3 Flash From the Past: 1950s medical scare hinted at the COVID threat Texto duplicado
H3 Kitchener reverses parking lot fee changes after residents complain Texto duplicado
H3 Cambridge mayor and councillor back ACO request for heritage designation extension Texto duplicado
H3 How many jobs is Wilmot farmland worth? Texto duplicado
H3 We must reignite our community’s spirit Texto duplicado
H3 Outdoor space at University of Waterloo designed as teaching tool on Indigenous culture
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 Encabezado vacío
H3 People are asking ‘How old do I look?’ on TikTok. A plastic surgeon walked us through what makes you look older than you are
H3 These ‘lunch-break facelifts' are popular at GTA medical spas. But patients are being misled about the procedure — and potentially put at risk
H3 A new doc explores the rise, fall and rebirth of troubled fashion genius John Galliano
H3 Washer fluid level sensor in my truck has failed again. What's going on?
H3 Fun to drive, dull interior, zany steering. What is up with this Toyota?
H3 This affordable home comes from an historic library and church and includes a bedroom that was once a choir loft. It’s Home of the Week
H3 Toronto home prices expected to overtake Vancouver's later this year, report finds
H3 Canada needs to build 1.3M additional homes by 2030 to close housing gap, says PBO
H3 Ottawa to allow 30-year amortization for first-time buyers' mortgages on new homes
H3 The Record
H3 Helpful Links
H3 Advertising
H3 Become a Customer
H4 Weather Alert
H4 More from The Record & Partners
H4 Browser Compatibility
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (46) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content
https://waterloorecord.pressre...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Today's paper
https://pubads.g.doubleclick.n...Externo Betting
/sports/hockey/rangers/OHL Rangers
/news/topics/true-crime/True Crime
/news/topics/trending/What's happening in Wilmot?
/news/waterloo-regionWaterloo Region
/ontario-communities/new-hamburg/New Hamburg
/news/topics/indigenous-local/Indigenous Local
/ontario-regionsOntario Regional News
/ontario-communitiesOntario Communities News
/news/canada/british-columbiaBritish Columbia
/news/canada/nova-scotiaNova Scotia
/politics/federalFederal Politics
/politics/provincial/Provincial Politics
/politics/political-opinionPolitical Opinion
/news/world/united-statesUnited States
/news/world/middle-eastMiddle East
/opinion/letters-to-the-editorLetters to the Editor
/opinion/editorial-cartoonsEditorial Cartoons
/life/food-and-drinkFood and Drink
/life/home-and-gardenHome and Garden
/life/beauty-and-fashionBeauty and Fashion
/sports/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Local
/sports/waterloo-region/high-s...High School
/sports/sports-bettingSports Betting
/sports/auto-racingAuto Racing
/entertainment/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Local
/entertainment/visual-artsVisual Arts
/fun-and-games/Fun & Games
/business/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Local
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/business/personal-financePersonal Finance
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/special-features/readers-choi...Readers' Choice Awards
/sponsored-sections/Sponsored and Partners
/print-editionPrint Editions
/volunteer-opportunities/Volunteer Opportunities site-logo Subdominio Sale: Only 77¢ per week Subscribe Now Subdominio Texto duplicado Sale: Only 77¢ per week Subscribe Now
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/users/admin/savedsearch/Nofollow Followed Authors and Searches
/newsletters/Texto duplicado Newsletters
/newsletters/?itm_source=newsl...Texto duplicado Newsletters
https://waterloorecord.pressre...Nueva ventana Externo Subdominio Today's Paper ventana Externo Texto duplicado Betting
/weather/?weather_zip=N2J 4P9 duplicado IMG-ALT site-logo duplicado IMG-ALT site-logo
/subscribeSubscribe Now
/subscribeSubscribe Today
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/users/admin/list/Nofollow Texto duplicado Saved Articles
/users/admin/savedsearch/Nofollow Texto duplicado Followed Authors and Searches
/newsletters/Texto duplicado Newsletters Subdominio Texto duplicado Sale: Only 77¢ per week Subscribe Now Subdominio Texto duplicado Sale: Only 77¢ per week Subscribe Now
/newsletters/?itm_source=newsl...Texto duplicado Sign up for Newsletters duplicado Home
/news/topics/waterloo-region-d...Texto duplicado Development
/sports/hockey/rangers/Texto duplicado OHL Rangers
/news/topics/true-crime/Texto duplicado True Crime
/news/topics/trending/Texto duplicado What's happening in Wilmot?
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/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/ontario-communities/cambridge/Texto duplicado Cambridge
/ontario-communities/guelph/Texto duplicado Guelph
/ontario-communities/new-hamburg/Texto duplicado New Hamburg
/ontario-communities/waterloo/Texto duplicado Waterloo
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/news/topics/Texto duplicado Topics
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/news/canada/albertaTexto duplicado Alberta
/news/canada/quebecTexto duplicado Quebec
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/special-features/readers-choi...Texto duplicado Readers' Choice Awards
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/sponsored-sections/Texto duplicado Sponsored and Partners
/print-editionTexto duplicado Print Editions
/volunteer-opportunities/Texto duplicado Volunteer Opportunities duplicado Weather more details about weather visit our Weather page.
/news/crime/kitchener-man-32-k...IMG-ALT Kitchener man, 32, killed in overnight 'targeted' shooting
/news/crimeTexto duplicado Crime
/news/crime/kitchener-man-32-k...Texto duplicado Kitchener man, 32, killed in overnight 'targeted' shooting
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/theres-n...'There's no companies that are waiting to get the land' — Premier Doug Ford offers support for land assembly, but disagrees with process unfolding in Wilmot
/opinion/columnists/doug-fords...IMG-ALT Doug Ford's comments make the Wilmot land assembly even harder to understand
/opinion/columnistsTexto duplicado Columnists
/opinion/columnists/doug-fords...Texto duplicado Doug Ford's comments make the Wilmot land assembly even harder to understand
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/bill-162...Bill 162 opening thousands of acres to developers
/news/council/kitchener-revers...IMG-ALT Kitchener reverses parking lot fee changes after residents complain
/news/councilCity Council
/news/council/kitchener-revers...Texto duplicado Kitchener reverses parking lot fee changes after residents complain
/news/ontario/forsaken-14-year...IMG-ALT 14 years, 140 officers and a dark secret that consumed a small Ontario town. How the Lucas Shortreed case was solved
/news/ontario/forsaken-14-year...Texto duplicado 14 years, 140 officers and a dark secret that consumed a small Ontario town. How the Lucas Shortreed case was solved
/sports/hockey/rangersTexto duplicado Rangers
/sports/hockey/rangers/rangers...Rangers haunted by another goal review in London
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/bridgepo...Bridgeport dike in Kitchener needs $5M in repairs
/life/waterloo-regionWaterloo Region Life
/life/waterloo-region/flash-fr...Flash From the Past: 1950s medical scare hinted at the COVID threat
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/cambridg...Cambridge mayor and councillor back ACO request for heritage designation extension
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/kitchene...Kitchener gets $14M to spur housing but there's nothing for Cambridge or Waterloo
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/waterloo...Waterloo highway closures for planned roadwork on April 12 HERE TO PLAY duplicado Opinion
/opinion/columnistsTexto duplicado Columnists
/opinion/columnists/how-many-j...How many jobs is Wilmot farmland worth?
/opinion/contributorsTexto duplicado Contributors
/opinion/contributors/we-must-...We must reignite our community’s spirit
/politics/political-opinion/as...Ask Justin Trudeau about foreign interference and he'll tell you about Pierre Poilievre
/opinion/columnists/o-j-simpso...O.J. Simpson: How a hero became a monster and turned true crime into must-see TV
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/theres-n...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT 'There's no companies that are waiting to get the land' — Premier Doug Ford offers support for land assembly, but disagrees with process unfolding in Wilmot
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/theres-n...Texto duplicado 'There's no companies that are waiting to get the land' — Premier Doug Ford offers support for land assembly, but disagrees with process unfolding in Wilmot
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/wilmot-a...Wilmot appoints new treasurer, deputy treasurer
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/bill-162...Texto duplicado Bill 162 opening thousands of acres to developers
/news/crimeTexto duplicado Crime
/news/crime/woman-charged-in-h...Woman charged in human trafficking investigation at Cambridge spa
/news/crime/update-guelph-7-el...IMG-ALT UPDATE: Guelph 7-Eleven temporarily closed after reported robbery
/news/crimeTexto duplicado Crime
/news/crime/update-guelph-7-el...Texto duplicado UPDATE: Guelph 7-Eleven temporarily closed after reported robbery
/news/waterloo-region/kitchene...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Kitchener gets $14M to spur housing but there's nothing for Cambridge or Waterloo
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/kitchene...Texto duplicado Kitchener gets $14M to spur housing but there's nothing for Cambridge or Waterloo
/news/councilTexto duplicado City Council
/news/council/decision-deferre...Decision deferred on highrise development, amid calls to save Kitchener climbing gym
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/region-o...Region of Waterloo recruiting new manager for industrial land reserves and affordable housing
/news/crimeTexto duplicado Crime
/news/crime/help-me-witnesses-...'Help me': Witnesses describe finding shooting victims at trial of Oliver Karafa and Lucy Li
/ontario-communitiesCommunities News
/life/waterloo-region/flash-fr...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Flash From the Past: 1950s medical scare hinted at the COVID threat
/life/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region Life
/life/waterloo-region/flash-fr...Texto duplicado Flash From the Past: 1950s medical scare hinted at the COVID threat
/news/councilTexto duplicado City Council
/news/council/kitchener-revers...Texto duplicado Kitchener reverses parking lot fee changes after residents complain
/news/waterloo-region/cambridg...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Cambridge mayor and councillor back ACO request for heritage designation extension
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/cambridg...Texto duplicado Cambridge mayor and councillor back ACO request for heritage designation extension
/opinion/columnistsTexto duplicado Columnists
/opinion/columnists/how-many-j...Texto duplicado How many jobs is Wilmot farmland worth?
/opinion/contributorsTexto duplicado Contributors
/opinion/contributors/we-must-...Texto duplicado We must reignite our community’s spirit
/news/waterloo-regionTexto duplicado Waterloo Region
/news/waterloo-region/outdoor-...Outdoor space at University of Waterloo designed as teaching tool on Indigenous culture
/politicsTexto duplicado Politics
/news/canadaTexto duplicado Canada
/news/worldTexto duplicado World
/businessTexto duplicado Business
/entertainmentTexto duplicado Entertainment duplicado Life duplicado Sports
/life/beauty-and-fashionThe Kit Fashion
/life/beauty-and-fashion/peopl...IMG-ALT People are asking ‘How old do I look?’ on TikTok. A plastic surgeon walked us through what makes you look older than you are
/life/beauty-and-fashionBeauty And Fashion
/life/beauty-and-fashion/peopl...Texto duplicado People are asking ‘How old do I look?’ on TikTok. A plastic surgeon walked us through what makes you look older than you are
/life/beauty-and-fashion/these...IMG-ALT These ‘lunch-break facelifts' are popular at GTA medical spas. But patients are being misled about the procedure — and potentially put at risk
/life/beauty-and-fashionTexto duplicado Beauty And Fashion
/life/beauty-and-fashion/these...Texto duplicado These ‘lunch-break facelifts' are popular at GTA medical spas. But patients are being misled about the procedure — and potentially put at risk
/life/beauty-and-fashion/a-new...IMG-ALT A new doc explores the rise, fall and rebirth of troubled fashion genius John Galliano
/life/beauty-and-fashionTexto duplicado Beauty And Fashion
/life/beauty-and-fashion/a-new...Texto duplicado A new doc explores the rise, fall and rebirth of troubled fashion genius John Galliano
/life/autosTexto duplicado Autos
/life/autos/washer-fluid-level...IMG-ALT Washer fluid level sensor in my truck has failed again. What's going on?
/life/autosTexto duplicado Autos
/life/autos/washer-fluid-level...Texto duplicado Washer fluid level sensor in my truck has failed again. What's going on?
/life/autos/fun-to-drive-dull-...IMG-ALT Fun to drive, dull interior, zany steering. What is up with this Toyota?
/life/autosTexto duplicado Autos
/life/autos/fun-to-drive-dull-...Texto duplicado Fun to drive, dull interior, zany steering. What is up with this Toyota?
/life/home-and-garden/this-aff...IMG-ALT This affordable home comes from an historic library and church and includes a bedroom that was once a choir loft. It’s Home of the Week
/life/home-and-gardenHome And Garden
/life/home-and-garden/this-aff...Texto duplicado This affordable home comes from an historic library and church and includes a bedroom that was once a choir loft. It’s Home of the Week
/business/real-estateTexto duplicado Real Estate
/business/real-estate/toronto-...IMG-ALT Toronto home prices expected to overtake Vancouver's later this year, report finds
/business/real-estateTexto duplicado Real Estate
/business/real-estate/toronto-...Texto duplicado Toronto home prices expected to overtake Vancouver's later this year, report finds
/business/canada-needs-to-buil...IMG-ALT Canada needs to build 1.3M additional homes by 2030 to close housing gap, says PBO
/businessTexto duplicado Business
/business/canada-needs-to-buil...Texto duplicado Canada needs to build 1.3M additional homes by 2030 to close housing gap, says PBO
/business/ottawa-to-allow-30-y...IMG-ALT Ottawa to allow 30-year amortization for first-time buyers' mortgages on new homes
/businessTexto duplicado Business
/business/ottawa-to-allow-30-y...Texto duplicado Ottawa to allow 30-year amortization for first-time buyers' mortgages on new homes Subdominio terms of use privacy policy
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