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(Extremadamente importante)
Leather Suppliers UK | Wholesale Leather Company – A & A Crack & Sons
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No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
With 35+ years experience, A&A Crack & Sons are a leading supplier of leather in the UK. Stocking a wide range of wholesale, luxury, leathers including; nubuck, patent, nappa, suede, aniline, veg tan leather & many more.
La meta descripción es demasiado larga: 1000 píxelesOptimizar la descripción.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
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descriptionWith 35+ years experience, A&A Crack & Sons are a leading supplier of leather in the UK. Stocking a wide range of wholesale, luxury, leathers including; nubuck, patent, nappa, suede, aniline, veg tan leather & many more.
twitter:titleLeather Suppliers UK | Wholesale Leather Company
twitter:descriptionWith 35+ years experience, A&A Crack & Sons are a leading supplier of leather in the UK. Stocking a wide range of wholesale, luxury, leathers including; nubuck, patent, nappa, suede, aniline, veg tan leather & many more.
og:site_nameA & A Crack & Sons
og:titleLeather Suppliers UK | Wholesale Leather Company
og:descriptionWith 35+ years experience, A&A Crack & Sons are a leading supplier of leather in the UK. Stocking a wide range of wholesale, luxury, leathers including; nubuck, patent, nappa, suede, aniline, veg tan leather & many more.

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En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • tabacco => tobacco
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1239 palabras.
Un 20.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 8 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.75 palabras.
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No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 3 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
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(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...AACRACK_LOGO_WHITE_230x.png?v=1621423513A & A Crack & Sons
...files/AACRACK_LOGO_230x.png?v=1614314434A & A Crack & Sons
...TALINO-TOFFEE-WM-3_533x.jpg?v=1724266424VEGETALINO - TOFFEE - 2.0/2.2mm
...O-SCARLET-RED-WM-3_533x.jpg?v=1724266330VEGETALINO - SCARLET RED - 2.0/2.2mm
...-BOTTLE-GREEN-WM-3_533x.jpg?v=1724266257VEGETALINO - BOTTLE GREEN - 2.0/2.2mm
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...LF-CASHEW-NUT-WM-4_533x.jpg?v=1724159890COUNTRY CALF - CASHEW NUT - 1.2/1.4mm
...-CALF-OXBLOOD-WM-3_533x.jpg?v=1723815978COUNTRY CALF - OXBLOOD - 1.2/1.4mm
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...iles/BADALASSI_SQ_1500x.jpg?v=1660591192Badalassi Carlo
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...r3-sq_900x900_crop_left.jpg?v=1664651259Leather for Bespoke & Handmade Shoes
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...ND-SQ_900x900_crop_left.jpg?v=1664619319Made In England
...ES-SQ_900x900_crop_left.jpg?v=1664622951Tuscany Treasures
...CA_SQ_900x900_crop_left.jpg?v=1664611826Best Of America
..._Tannery_Front-min_533x.jpg?v=1705933301Exploring Walpier Tannery | Tanneries Around the World – A & A Crack & Sons
...ADHESVIES-EDIT-min_533x.jpg?v=1674742703What is the Best Glue for Leather?
...cles/CORDOVAN_BLOG_533x.jpg?v=1670329156Genuine Horween Shell Cordovan Leather
...-83b2-fb697ee3e582_400x.png?v=1670537143Leather UK and Leather naturally members

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
A & A Crack & Sons A & A Crack & Sons
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 64 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.
Algunos encabezados H están vacíos.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 A & A Crack & Sons A & A Crack & Sons
H2 Item added to your cart
H2 Vegetalino
H2 New arrivals
H2 Distributing for some of the worlds finest tanneries and suppliers since 1987...
H2 tanneries
H2 suppliers
H2 Services
H2 A brilliant company... driven by the love of the product
H2 Journal
H2 Exploring Walpier Tannery | Tanneries Around the World – A & A Crack & Sons
H2 What is the Best Glue for Leather?
H2 Horween Shell Cordovan Leather - The Best There Is?
H2 Encabezado vacío
H2 A & A Crack
H2 Services Texto duplicado
H3 Vegetalino - toffee - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Vegetalino - scarlet red - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Vegetalino - bottle green - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Vegetalino - ocean - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Vegetalino - oxblood - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Vegetalino - caribbean rum - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Vegetalino - black - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Country calf - cashew nut - 1.2/1.4mm
H3 Country calf - oxblood - 1.2/1.4mm
H3 Country calf - ruby - 1.2/1.4mm
H3 Badalassi carlo pueblo - ortensia - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Badalassi carlo pueblo - cognac - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Badalassi carlo pueblo - oliva - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Badalassi carlo pueblo - tabacco - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Badalassi carlo pueblo - nero - 2.0/2.2mm
H3 Horween
H3 Badalassi Carlo
H3 Charles F Stead & Co
H3 Walpier
H3 Tempesti
H3 J&FJ Baker & Co Ltd
H3 Cape Karoo
H3 Leather for Bags
H3 Leather for Belts
H3 Leather for Casual Footwear & Sneakers
H3 Leather for Bespoke & Handmade Shoes
H3 Leather for Upholstery Restoration
H3 Leather for Saddlery & Equestrian
H3 Uniters
H3 Saphir Medaille D'or
H3 Intercom
H3 Splitting
H3 Embossing
H3 Colour matching
H3 Made In England
H3 Tuscany Treasures
H3 Best Of America
H4 Unrivalled stock
H4 Delivery
H4 Visit our factory
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
4 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 4 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
https://www.aacrack.com/Texto ancla Skip to content
/collections/shopFree UK shipping over £100
/collections/leatherUp to 6 free samples
/collections/leatherView all Leather
/collections/new-arrivalsNew Arrivals
/collections/dark-brown-leatherDark Brown
/collections/tan-bronze-leatherTan & Bronze
/collections/dark-grey-taupe-l...Dark Grey & Taupe
/collections/grey-silver-leatherGrey & Silver
/collections/natural-neutral-l...Natural & Neutral
/collections/dark-blue-leatherDark Blue
/collections/pale-blue-leatherPale Blue
/collections/dark-green-leatherDark Green
/collections/yellow-and-gold-l...Yellow & Gold
/collections/dark-red-leatherDark red
/collections/leather-for-bespo...Bespoke & Handmade Shoes
/collections/leather-for-casua...Casual Footwear & Sneakers
/collections/leather-for-class...Classic & Vintage Cars
/collections/leather-for-costu...Costume, Garments & Production
/collections/leather-for-hospi...Hospitality & Contract Upholstery
/collections/leather-for-pet-c...Pet Collars
/collections/leather-for-small...Small Leathergoods & Accessories
/collections/leather-for-saddl...Saddlery & Equestrian
/collections/leather-for-uphol...Upholstery Restoration
/collections/leather-for-tooli...Tooling, Crafting & Moulding
/collections/leather-for-watch...Watch Straps
/collections/crust-undyed-russ...Crust & Undyed (Russet)
/collections/distressed-rugged...Distressed & Rugged
/collections/hair-wool-on-leatherHair & Wool On
/collections/oils-waxes-pull-u...Oils & Waxes (Pull Up)
/collections/suede-nubuck-leatherSuede & Nubuck
/collections/vegetable-tanned-...Vegetable Tanned
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/collections/fashion-contemporaryFashion & Contemporary
/collections/luxury-exoticsLuxury & Exotics
/collections/made-in-englandMade In England
/collections/tuscany-treasuresTuscany Treasures
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/collections/limited-editionLimited Edition
/pages/a-a-crackA&A Crack Collection
/pages/badalassi-carloBadalassi Carlo
/pages/cape-karooCape Karoo
/pages/charles-f-stead-coCharles F Stead & Co
/pages/j-fj-baker-co-ltdJ&FJ Baker & Co Ltd
/pages/tannerie-d-annonayTannerie D’Annonay
/pages/consorzio-vera-pella-it...Consorzio Vera Pella Italiana
/pages/saphir-medaille-dorSaphir Médaille d'Or
/pages/the-bespoke-roomThe Bespoke Room
/pages/colour-matchingColour Matching
/pages/choosing-the-right-leatherHow to choose leather
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/collections/brushes-clothsBrushes & Cloths
/collections/cleaners-restorersCleaners & Restorers
/collections/creams-polishesCreams & Polishes
/collections/dyes-edge-paintsDyes & Edge Paints
/collections/edge-treatmentEdge Treatment
/collections/footwear-componentsFootwear Components
/products/gift-cardGift Cards
/collections/swing-tagsSwing Tags
/pages/contact-usContact Us
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https://www.aacrack.com/IMG-ALT A & A Crack & Sons
/collections/leatherTexto duplicado View all Leather
/collections/new-arrivalsTexto duplicado New Arrivals
/collections/black-leatherTexto duplicado Black
/collections/dark-brown-leatherTexto duplicado Dark Brown
/collections/brown-leatherTexto duplicado Brown
/collections/tan-bronze-leatherTexto duplicado Tan & Bronze
/collections/dark-grey-taupe-l...Texto duplicado Dark Grey & Taupe
/collections/grey-silver-leatherTexto duplicado Grey & Silver
/collections/natural-neutral-l...Texto duplicado Natural & Neutral
/collections/white-leatherTexto duplicado White
/collections/pink-leatherTexto duplicado Pink
/collections/purple-leatherTexto duplicado Purple
/collections/dark-blue-leatherTexto duplicado Dark Blue
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/collections/green-leatherTexto duplicado Green
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/collections/leather-for-class...Texto duplicado Classic & Vintage Cars
/collections/leather-for-costu...Texto duplicado Costume, Garments & Production
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/collections/leather-for-small...Texto duplicado Small Leathergoods & Accessories
/collections/leather-for-saddl...Texto duplicado Saddlery & Equestrian
/collections/leather-for-uphol...Texto duplicado Upholstery Restoration
/collections/leather-for-tooli...Texto duplicado Tooling, Crafting & Moulding
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/collections/crust-undyed-russ...Texto duplicado Crust & Undyed (Russet)
/collections/distressed-rugged...Texto duplicado Distressed & Rugged
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/collections/suede-nubuck-leatherTexto duplicado Suede & Nubuck
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/pages/j-fj-baker-co-ltdTexto duplicado J&FJ Baker & Co Ltd
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/collections/adhesivesTexto duplicado Adhesives
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/collections/cleaners-restorersTexto duplicado Cleaners & Restorers
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/collections/swing-tagsTexto duplicado Swing Tags
/collections/leather-working-t...Texto duplicado Tools
/pages/contact-usTexto duplicado Contact Us
/account/loginTexto duplicado Log in
https://www.aacrack.com/cartSin texto
/collections/vegetalinoVIEW COLLECTION
/collections/badalassi-carlo-p...Texto duplicado VIEW COLLECTION
/collections/country-cowTexto duplicado VIEW COLLECTION
/collections/cfs-african-kuduTexto duplicado VIEW COLLECTION
/collections/new-arrivalsView all
/products/vegetalino-toffee-2-...Vegetalino - toffee - 2.0/2.2mm
/products/vegetalino-scarlet-r...Vegetalino - scarlet red - 2.0/2.2mm
/products/vegetalino-bottle-gr...Vegetalino - bottle green - 2.0/2.2mm
/products/vegetalino-ocean-2-0...Vegetalino - ocean - 2.0/2.2mm
/products/vegetalino-oxblood-2...Vegetalino - oxblood - 2.0/2.2mm
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/products/vegetalino-black-2-0...Vegetalino - black - 2.0/2.2mm
/products/country-calf-cashew-...Country calf - cashew nut - 1.2/1.4mm
/products/country-calf-oxblood...Country calf - oxblood - 1.2/1.4mm
/products/country-calf-ruby-1-...Country calf - ruby - 1.2/1.4mm
/collections/new-arrivalsTexto duplicado View all
/products/badalassi-carlo-pueb...Badalassi carlo pueblo - ortensia - 2.0/2.2mm
/products/badalassi-carlo-pueb...Badalassi carlo pueblo - cognac - 2.0/2.2mm
/products/badalassi-carlo-pueb...Badalassi carlo pueblo - oliva - 2.0/2.2mm
/products/badalassi-carlo-pueb...Badalassi carlo pueblo - tabacco - 2.0/2.2mm
/products/badalassi-carlo-pueb...Badalassi carlo pueblo - nero - 2.0/2.2mm
/pages/brandsVIEW ALL BRANDS
/pages/horweenTexto duplicado Horween
IMG-ALT Horween
/pages/badalassi-carloTexto duplicado Badalassi Carlo
IMG-ALT Badalassi Carlo
/pages/charles-f-stead-coTexto duplicado Charles F Stead & Co
IMG-ALT Charles F Stead & Co
/pages/walpierTexto duplicado Walpier
IMG-ALT Walpier
/pages/tempestiTexto duplicado Tempesti
IMG-ALT Tempesti
https://www.aacrack.com/pages/hcpTexto duplicado HCP
/pages/j-fj-baker-co-ltdTexto duplicado J&FJ Baker & Co Ltd
IMG-ALT J&FJ Baker & Co Ltd
/pages/cape-karooTexto duplicado Cape Karoo
IMG-ALT Cape Karoo
/collections/leather-for-bagsLeather for Bags
IMG-ALT Leather for Bags
/collections/leather-for-beltsLeather for Belts
IMG-ALT Leather for Belts
/collections/leather-for-casua...Leather for Casual Footwear & Sneakers
IMG-ALT Leather for Casual Footwear & Sneakers
/collections/leather-for-bespo...Leather for Bespoke & Handmade Shoes
IMG-ALT Leather for Bespoke & Handmade Shoes
/collections/leather-for-uphol...Leather for Upholstery Restoration
IMG-ALT Leather for Upholstery Restoration
/collections/leather-for-saddl...Leather for Saddlery & Equestrian
IMG-ALT Leather for Saddlery & Equestrian
/pages/unitersTexto duplicado Uniters
IMG-ALT Uniters
/pages/saphir-medaille-dorSaphir Medaille D'or
IMG-ALT Saphir Medaille D'or
/pages/intercomTexto duplicado Intercom
IMG-ALT Intercom
/pages/servicesSee all services
/pages/splittingSin texto
/pages/embossingSin texto
/pages/colour-matchingSin texto
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/collections/tuscany-treasuresTuscany Treasures If you’re looking for genuine Italian leather from world renowned tanneries such as Badalassi Carlo, Walpier and Temp...
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/blogs/articles/exploring-walp...Exploring Walpier Tannery | Tanneries Around the World – A & A Crack & Sons Welcome, leather enthusiasts, to the first instalment of our globetrotting advent...
IMG-ALT Exploring Walpier Tannery | Tanneries Around the World – A & A Crack & Sons
/blogs/articles/what-is-the-be...What is the Best Glue for Leather? Having been in the wholesale leather industry for over five decades, supplying leather to trades, industries and artisans ...
IMG-ALT What is the Best Glue for Leather?
/blogs/articles/horween-shell-...Horween Shell Cordovan Leather - The Best There Is? Since 1905, the Horween Leather Co. has refused to falter from its ambition of producing the world’s best...
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)

Leather Suppliers UK | Wholesale Leather Company – A & A Crack ...
With 35+ years experience, A&A Crack & Sons are a leading supplier of leather in the UK. Stocking a wide range of wholesale, luxury, leathers including; nubuck, patent, nappa, suede, aniline, veg tan leather & many more.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
wholesale leather64%Check
Leather Suppliers UK63%Check
leather suppliers61%Check
Leather Company57%Check
Wholesale Leather Company53%Check
Italian Leather52%Check

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