- SEO Checker

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Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,43 s
Tamaño HTML
111,90 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
469 internos / 23 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Age UK | The UK's leading charity helping every older person who needs us
Con 680 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
Algunas palabras se repiten en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Age UK is the leading charity for older people. Visit Age UK today for help, information and advice or to see how you can donate or give support.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (886 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-gb
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-gb.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta markup doctype no está en la primera línea del documento HTML. No debe haber espacios en blanco antes del marcado doctype.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
descriptionAge UK is the leading charity for older people. Visit Age UK today for help, information and advice or to see how you can donate or give support.
og:site_nameAge UK

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2145 palabras.
Un 29% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 9 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 17.23 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 43 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 11 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...ts/media/logos/age-uk-logo-strapline.pngAge UK - Let's change how we age
...inter25/peter-homepage-hero-1600x500.jpgAn older man in profile, looking pensive
...a/featured/500x300/500x300-asian-man.jpgCarece de atributo ALT de atributo ALT
...ck_000005518658large-rt-lighter-bgnd.jpgAn older man and woman looking at the laptop
.../500x300/500x300_arranging_care_hero.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...tured/500x300/lady-on-laptop-500x300.pngLady on laptop
.../500x300/500x300_youngwom_oldwom_014.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...dia/hero/1200x383youngwom_oldwom_002.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...ured/500x300/dash-high-fives-500x300.jpgWoman giving high fives to the crowd whilst running in the Age UK Leeds Abbey Dash
...00x300/500x300_older_and_younger_man.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...00/leave-a-gift-in-your-will-500x300.jpgWoman reading through the options of leaving gifts in her will person UK shop volunteers
...rvind-candid-campaigns-image-500x300.jpgAge UK campaigns
/siteassets/media/icons/news_white.pngCarece de atributo ALT
...mpaigns/wfp/fuel-bills_1600x500_grey.jpgAn older couple look anxiously at their heating bill de atributo ALT de atributo ALT
...atured/500x300/pf-dec24-hero-500x300.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
.../media/hero/katie_meets_participants.jpgCarece de atributo ALT
...assets/media/icons/40x40_phone-white.pngPhone icon
...1581b0f/fundraising-regulator_246x75.pngRegistered with the Fundraising Regulator

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Save the Winter Fuel Payment for struggling pensioners
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 38 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Save the Winter Fuel Payment for struggling pensioners
H2 Age UK Advice Line 0800 678 1602
H2 Telephone friendship
H2 Popular services
H2 Making older people's voices heard
H2 Help change a life this winter
H2 Get information
H2 Winter Fuel Payment
H2 Cost of living support
H2 Help for carers
H2 Finding and arranging care
H2 Benefits calculator
H2 Power of attorney
H2 Find your place with us
H2 Get involved
H2 Fundraise for us
H2 Make a donation
H2 Leave a gift in your will
H2 Volunteer with us
H2 Shop with us
H2 Campaign with us
H2 Stay up to date with the latest news from Age UK
H2 Latest news and views
H2 Reclaiming retirement
H2 A DJ set with a difference
H2 Hope through adversity
H2 Katie Boulter supports ace walking tennis sessions
H2 Get in touch Phone icon
H2 Become part of our story
H2 About Age UK
H2 Services
H2 Popular pages
H2 Latest
H2 Support links
H3 Let's change how we age
H3 How your support helps
H3 Errors
H3 Errors Texto duplicado
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (469) en esta página.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
10 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 23 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content
/services/in-your-area/Find your local Age UK
/contact-us/Contact us Age UK - Let's change how we age
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/Please donate
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/Texto duplicado Please donate
/information-advice/Information and advice
/information-advice/Texto duplicado Information and advice
/information-advice/money-legal/Money & legal
/information-advice/money-legal/Texto duplicado Money & legal
/information-advice/money-lega...Benefits and entitlements
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Benefits and entitlements
/information-advice/money-lega...Attendance Allowance
/information-advice/money-lega...Benefit rates 2024-25
/information-advice/money-lega...Benefits Calculator – what are you entitled to?
/information-advice/money-lega...Bereavement Support Payment
/information-advice/money-lega...Carer's Allowance
/information-advice/money-lega...Benefits for mixed age couples
/information-advice/money-lega...Changes to the benefits system
/information-advice/money-lega...Cold Weather Payment
/information-advice/money-lega...Council Tax Reduction
/information-advice/money-lega...Disability Living Allowance
/information-advice/money-lega...Employment and Support Allowance
/information-advice/money-lega...Free bus pass and transport concessions
/information-advice/money-lega...Free prescriptions for over 60s
/information-advice/money-lega...Housing Benefit
/information-advice/money-lega...How to apply for a Blue Badge
/information-advice/money-lega...How to challenge a benefits decision through mandatory reconsideration
/information-advice/money-lega...How to get help with urgent or one-off expenses
/information-advice/money-lega...How your benefits are means tested
/information-advice/money-lega...Income Support
/information-advice/money-lega...Jobseeker's Allowance
/information-advice/money-lega...Pension Credit
/information-advice/money-lega...Personal Independence Payment
/information-advice/money-lega...Returning to the UK after living abroad
/information-advice/money-lega...Search for a grant
/information-advice/money-lega...Support for Mortgage Interest
/information-advice/money-lega...TV licence concessions
/information-advice/money-lega...Universal Credit
/information-advice/money-lega...Warm Home Discount
/information-advice/money-lega...Winter Fuel Payment
/information-advice/money-lega...More money in your pocket information guide
/information-advice/money-lega...Debt and savings
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Debt and savings
/information-advice/money-lega...Debt help and advice
/information-advice/money-lega...Energy advice for the home
/information-advice/money-lega...Financial jargon buster: financial terms explained
/information-advice/money-lega...How to reduce your water bills
/information-advice/money-lega...How to trace old bank accounts & lost money
/information-advice/money-lega...Income and tax
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Income and tax
/information-advice/money-lega...What is equity release and how does it work?
/information-advice/money-lega...Ways to reduce Council Tax
/information-advice/money-lega...How does income tax work?
/information-advice/money-lega...How does Inheritance Tax work?
/information-advice/money-lega...How to boost your income in retirement
/information-advice/money-lega...Equity release information guide
/information-advice/money-lega...End of life issues
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado End of life issues
/information-advice/money-lega...Legal issues
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Legal issues
/information-advice/money-lega...Finding legal advice
/information-advice/money-lega...How to be an executor information guide
/information-advice/money-lega...Making a will
/information-advice/money-lega...Power of attorney
/information-advice/money-lega...Power of attorney information guide
/information-advice/money-lega...Thinking about end of life information guide
/information-advice/money-lega...What is a living will (advance decision)?
/information-advice/money-lega...What is an executor?
/information-advice/money-lega...What to do when someone dies
/information-advice/money-lega...Wills and estate planning information guide
/information-advice/money-lega...What is probate?
/information-advice/money-lega...Pensions advice
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Pensions advice
/information-advice/money-lega...Annuities explained
/information-advice/money-lega...Finding old pensions
/information-advice/money-lega...Pension calculator
/information-advice/money-lega...Pensions scams and fraud
/information-advice/money-lega...State Pension
/information-advice/money-lega...What are workplace pensions?
/information-advice/money-lega...What pension options do I have?
/information-advice/money-lega...Scams and fraud
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Scams and fraud
/information-advice/money-lega...How to spot a catfish
/information-advice/money-lega...Spotting TV Licence scams
/information-advice/money-lega...Doorstep scams
/information-advice/money-lega...Postal scams
/information-advice/money-lega...Phone scams
/information-advice/money-lega...What to do if you're the victim of a scam
/information-advice/money-lega...Investment scams and fraud
/information-advice/money-lega...Avoiding scams information guide
/information-advice/money-lega...Help with the cost of living
/information-advice/money-lega...Consumer advice
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Consumer advice
/information-advice/money-lega...Are landlines being phased out?
/information-advice/health-wel...Health & wellbeing
/information-advice/health-wel...Texto duplicado Health & wellbeing
/information-advice/health-wel...Conditions and illnesses
/information-advice/health-wel...Texto duplicado Conditions and illnesses
/information-advice/health-wel...Bladder and bowel problems information guide
/information-advice/health-wel...Bowel problems
/information-advice/health-wel...Depression and anxiety
/information-advice/health-wel...Eye health
/information-advice/health-wel...Hearing loss
/information-advice/health-wel...High blood pressure
/information-advice/health-wel...Influenza (flu) prevention
/information-advice/health-wel...Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
/information-advice/health-wel...Urinary incontinence
/information-advice/health-wel...Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
/information-advice/health-wel...Health services
/information-advice/health-wel...Texto duplicado Health services
/information-advice/health-wel...Dental services for older people
/information-advice/health-wel...9 health tests that could save your life
/information-advice/health-wel...Getting the most from your medicines
/information-advice/health-wel...Getting help when feeling unwell
/information-advice/health-wel...NHS continuing healthcare
/information-advice/health-wel...Your hospital stay
/information-advice/health-wel...GP services for older people
/information-advice/health-wel...Leaving hospital
/information-advice/health-wel...Complaining about NHS services and hospitals
/information-advice/health-wel...What standards you should expect from NHS services
/information-advice/health-wel...Your hospital stay information guide
/information-advice/health-wel...Being active
/information-advice/health-wel...Texto duplicado Being active
/information-advice/health-wel...Getting active when you find exercise difficult
/information-advice/health-wel...Getting active but not sure where to start
/information-advice/health-wel...Helping someone to get active
/information-advice/health-wel...Preventing falls
/information-advice/health-wel...How to look after your feet
/information-advice/health-wel...Walking tips
/information-advice/health-wel...Physical activity videos to use at home
/information-advice/health-wel...Staying steady information guide
/information-advice/health-wel...Mind and body
/information-advice/health-wel...Texto duplicado Mind and body
/information-advice/health-wel...10 tips for ageing better
/information-advice/health-wel...5 tips to boost your mood
/information-advice/health-wel...Getting a good night's sleep
/information-advice/health-wel...Your mind matters
/information-advice/health-wel...Staying cool in a heatwave
/information-advice/health-wel...Staying sharp
/information-advice/health-wel...Preventing and treating burns
/information-advice/health-wel...Texto duplicado Loneliness
/information-advice/health-wel...Feeling lonely? information guide
/information-advice/health-wel...Things to do to feel less lonely
/information-advice/health-wel...A Life Less Lonely
/information-advice/health-wel...I'm worried about someone feeling lonely
/information-advice/health-wel...I'm feeling lonely
/information-advice/health-wel...Looking after your health and money this winter
/information-advice/health-wel...Texto duplicado Looking after your health and money this winter
/information-advice/health-wel...Keeping warm and well in winter
/information-advice/health-wel...Keep your spirits up
/information-advice/money-lega...Managing money in winter
/information-advice/health-wel...Winter wrapped up information guide
/information-advice/health-wel...Winter illnesses
/information-advice/health-wel...Relationships and family
/information-advice/health-wel...Texto duplicado Relationships and family
/information-advice/health-wel...Financial and legal tips before remarrying
/information-advice/health-wel...Planning for end of life
/information-advice/health-wel...Protection from abuse and neglect
/information-advice/health-wel...Dating in later life
/information-advice/health-wel...Sex in later life
/information-advice/health-wel...How to deal with grief after a bereavement
/information-advice/health-wel...How to adjust to living alone
/information-advice/health-wel...Top tips for grandparents
/information-advice/worried-ab...Worried about someone?
/information-advice/care/Care & support
/information-advice/care/Texto duplicado Care & support
/information-advice/care/arran...Finding and arranging social care
/information-advice/care/arran...Texto duplicado Finding and arranging social care
/information-advice/care/arran...Care needs assessment
/information-advice/care/arran...Homecare: how to find the care you need at home
/information-advice/care/arran...Care homes
/information-advice/care/payin...Paying for care
/information-advice/care/payin...Texto duplicado Paying for care
/information-advice/care/payin...Financial assessment explained
/information-advice/care/payin...Paying for residential care
/information-advice/care/payin...Paying for homecare
/information-advice/care/payin...How much does care cost?
/information-advice/care/helpi...Help & advice for carers
/information-advice/care/helpi...Texto duplicado Help & advice for carers
/information-advice/care/helpi...What is a carer's assessment?
/information-advice/care/helpi...Financial support for carers
/information-advice/care/helpi...Balancing working and caring responsibilities
/information-advice/care/helpi...Caring for someone with dementia
/information-advice/care/helpi...Looking after yourself as a carer
/information-advice/care/helpi...What is respite care?
/information-advice/care/helpi...What to do when your caring role changes or ends
/information-advice/care/helpi...Carer's checklist
/information-advice/care/housi...Housing options in later life
/information-advice/care/housi...Texto duplicado Housing options in later life
/information-advice/care/housi...Assisted living and extra-care housing
/information-advice/care/housi...Safety in the home
/information-advice/care/housi...How to make your home safer and more comfortable
/information-advice/care/housi...Specialist housing options
/information-advice/care/housi...Renting and social housing
/information-advice/care/housi...Moving in with children and family
/information-advice/care/housi...Park homes (mobile homes)
/information-advice/care/housi...Sheltered housing
/information-advice/care/probl...Problems with care
/information-advice/care/probl...Texto duplicado Problems with care
/information-advice/care/probl...How to complain about care to your local council
/information-advice/care/probl...Problems with homecare
/information-advice/work-learn...Work & learning
/information-advice/work-learn...Texto duplicado Work & learning
/information-advice/work-learn...Making the most of the internet
/information-advice/work-learn...Texto duplicado Making the most of the internet
/services/in-your-area/it-trai...Computer training courses
/information-advice/work-learn...Glossary of online terms
/information-advice/work-learn...Getting started on the internet
/information-advice/work-learn...Staying safe online
/information-advice/work-learn...Keeping in touch using a video call
/information-advice/work-learn...Making your device easier to use
/information-advice/work-learn...How to download apps
/information-advice/work-learn...Email essentials
/information-advice/work-learn...What's WhatsApp?
/information-advice/work-learn...Using social media
/information-advice/work-learn...Is online banking safe?
/information-advice/work-learn...How to transfer money and make payments
/information-advice/work-learn...Shopping safely online
/information-advice/work-learn...Online password security
/information-advice/work-learn...Age UK's digital instruction guides
/information-advice/work-learn...Discrimination and rights
/information-advice/work-learn...Texto duplicado Discrimination and rights
/information-advice/work-learn...Changes to immigration status – what is an eVisa?
/information-advice/work-learn...EU citizens and settled status after Brexit
/information-advice/work-learn...Help for Ukrainian nationals in the UK
/information-advice/work-learn...Human rights
/information-advice/work-learn...The Equality Act
/information-advice/work-learn...Windrush Compensation Scheme information guide
/information-advice/work-learn...Windrush Scheme
/information-advice/work-learn...Your rights at work
/information-advice/work-learn...Education and training
/information-advice/work-learn...Texto duplicado Education and training
/information-advice/work-learn...Build up your skills
/information-advice/work-learn...Classes and courses
/information-advice/work-learn...Higher education and university
/information-advice/work-learn...u3a – Later life learning
/services/in-your-area/it-trai...Texto duplicado Computer training courses
/information-advice/work-learn...Looking for work
/information-advice/work-learn...Texto duplicado Looking for work
/information-advice/work-learn...Be your own boss
/information-advice/work-learn...CVs and job applications
/information-advice/work-learn...Job interview tips
/information-advice/work-learn...Texto duplicado Retirement
/information-advice/work-learn...Preparing emotionally for retirement
/information-advice/work-learn...Paul Lewis: Retirement planning advice
/information-advice/work-learn...Living abroad after retirement
/information-advice/work-learn...Retirement age
/information-advice/for-profes...For professionals
/information-advice/for-profes...Texto duplicado For professionals
/information-advice/for-profes...End of life hub for professionals
/information-advice/for-profes...Benefits hub for professionals
/information-advice/for-profes...Mental health hub for professionals
/information-advice/for-profes...Winter hub for professionals
/services/information-advice/g...Information guides and factsheets
/services/age-uk-advice-line/Find out more
/services/befriending-services...Sign up for telephone befriending
/services/in-your-area/Find services near you
/services/charity-shops/Find charity shops near you
/services/age-uk-advice-line/Age UK Advice Line
/services/befriending-services/Befriending services
/services/silverline/The Silver Line Helpline
/services/in-your-area/day-cen...Day Centres
/services/in-your-area/exercise/Exercise and physical activity
/services/in-your-area/handype...Handyperson services
/services/information-advice/g...Texto duplicado Information guides and factsheets
/services/in-your-area/it-trai...IT Training
/services/in-your-area/social-...Social activities
/services/silver-sunday/Silver Sunday
A-TITLE Silver Sunday
/services/Texto duplicado Services
/services/befriending-services...Texto duplicado Sign up for telephone befriending
/services/in-your-area/Texto duplicado Find services near you
/services/charity-shops/Texto duplicado Find charity shops near you
/services/age-uk-advice-line/Texto duplicado Age UK Advice Line
/services/befriending-services/Texto duplicado Befriending services
/services/silverline/Texto duplicado The Silver Line Helpline
/services/in-your-area/day-cen...Texto duplicado Day Centres
/services/in-your-area/exercise/Texto duplicado Exercise and physical activity
/services/in-your-area/handype...Texto duplicado Handyperson services
/services/information-advice/g...Texto duplicado Information guides and factsheets
/services/in-your-area/it-trai...Texto duplicado IT Training
/services/in-your-area/social-...Texto duplicado Social activities
/services/silver-sunday/Texto duplicado Silver Sunday
/get-involved/Get involved
/get-involved/Texto duplicado Get involved
/get-involved/donate/Texto duplicado Donate
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/Make a donation
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...Leave a legacy donation in your will
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...Texto duplicado Leave a legacy donation in your will
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...How to leave a gift in your will
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...Get your free gifts in wills guide
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...Request your free will writing guide
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...Making and amending your will to include a gift to Age UK
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...Information for executors
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...The difference a gift in your will could make
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...Ways to write your will
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...Free Wills Month 2025
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...Will Aid November 2024
/get-involved/donate/charity-s...Donate to our shops
/get-involved/donate/charity-s...Texto duplicado Donate to our shops
/get-involved/donate/charity-s...Shop online
/get-involved/donate/donate-in...Donate in memory
/get-involved/donate/donate-in...Texto duplicado Donate in memory
/get-involved/donate/donate-in...Make a donation in memory
/get-involved/donate/donate-in...Fundraise for Age UK in memory of your loved one
/get-involved/donate/donate-in...Make a one-off donation
/get-involved/donate/donate-in...Funeral donations and collections
/get-involved/donate/donate-in...Set up a Tribute Fund
/get-involved/donate/donate-in...Meaningful ways to remember your loved one
/get-involved/donate/make-a-ma...Make a major gift
/our-impact/the-difference-you...The difference your money makes
/get-involved/donate/our-profe...Our professional fundraisers
/get-involved/fundraise/Texto duplicado Fundraise
/get-involved/fundraise/the-bi...The innocent Big Knit – get knitting for Age UK
/get-involved/fundraise/the-bi...Texto duplicado The innocent Big Knit – get knitting for Age UK
/get-involved/fundraise/the-bi...innocent Big Knit updates
/get-involved/fundraise/sporti...Run for charity
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra...Fundraising ideas
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra...Texto duplicado Fundraising ideas
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra...Most popular ideas
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra...Sporty ideas
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra...Fundraise at work
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra...Fundraise at school
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra...Fundraise while you celebrate
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra...Fundraise as a community
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra...A-Z of fundraising ideas
/get-involved/fundraise/share-...Get your free fundraising guide
/get-involved/fundraise/pay-fu...Pay in your fundraising
/get-involved/fundraise/resour...Fundraising resources
/get-involved/fundraise/sporti...Leeds Abbey Dash
/get-involved/fundraise/stream...Stream for Ages
/get-involved/fundraise/stream...Texto duplicado Stream for Ages
/get-involved/fundraise/stream...Your free downloads
/get-involved/play/Lottery and raffle
/get-involved/play/Texto duplicado Lottery and raffle the Age UK lottery
/lottery/tuesday-treat/Tuesday Treat Draw the Age UK raffle
/get-involved/play/age-uk-lott...Gift the Lottery Subdominio Player Zone
/lottery/how-your-entry-helps/How every entry helps
/lottery/areyouawinner/Are you a winner?
/get-involved/play/rules/Lottery and Raffle rules
/get-involved/volunteer/Texto duplicado Volunteering
/get-involved/volunteer/teleph...Telephone Friendship Service volunteering
/get-involved/volunteer/silver...The Silver Line Helpline volunteering
/get-involved/volunteer/connec...Connect and Support Service volunteering
/get-involved/volunteer/shop-v...Age UK shops volunteering
/get-involved/volunteer/local-...Local Age UK volunteering
/our-impact/campaigning/Support our campaigns
/get-involved/corporate-partne...Corporate partnerships
/get-involved/corporate-partne...Texto duplicado Corporate partnerships
/get-involved/corporate-partne...Why partner with Age UK
/get-involved/corporate-partne...Ways we could work together
/get-involved/corporate-partne...Texto duplicado Ways we could work together
/get-involved/corporate-partne...Can your company support the Age UK Telephone Friendship Service?
/about-us/jobs/Latest jobs with Age UK
/our-impact/Our impact
/get-involved/letschange/Make change happen
A-TITLE Let's change how we age
/our-impact/the-difference-you...See the difference your donations make
/our-impact/campaigning/Campaigning with older people
/discover/Discover - news, stories and features
/latest-press/Media Centre
/our-impact/policy-research/Policy and research
/our-impact/programmes/Wellbeing programmes
/our-impact/politics-and-gover...Politics and government
/our-impact/Texto duplicado Our impact
/our-impact/the-difference-you...Texto duplicado See the difference your donations make
/our-impact/campaigning/Texto duplicado Campaigning with older people
/discover/Texto duplicado Discover - news, stories and features
/latest-press/Texto duplicado Media Centre
/our-impact/policy-research/Texto duplicado Policy and research
/our-impact/programmes/Texto duplicado Wellbeing programmes
/our-impact/politics-and-gover...Texto duplicado Politics and government
/products/Buy products
/products/Texto duplicado Buy products Subdominio Over-50s Insurance Subdominio Texto duplicado Over-50s Insurance Subdominio Car insurance Subdominio Home insurance Subdominio Motor breakdown cover Subdominio Travel insurance Subdominio Travel insurance with medical conditions Subdominio Independent living Subdominio Texto duplicado Independent living
/products/mobility-and-indepen...Bathing Solutions
/products/mobility-and-indepen...Stairlifts and Homelifts
/products/mobility-and-indepen...Personal Alarms Subdominio Financial services Subdominio Texto duplicado Financial services Subdominio Funeral Plans Subdominio Legal services Subdominio Healthcare Subdominio Texto duplicado Healthcare
https://www.ageukincontinence....Externo Subdominio Incontinence products
/contact-us/Texto duplicado Contact us
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/IMG-ALT An older man in profile, looking pensive
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/Donate now
/information-advice/money-lega...Sin texto
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Winter Fuel Payment
/information-advice/money-lega...Sin texto
/information-advice/money-lega...Cost of living support
/information-advice/care/helpi...IMG-ALT An older man and woman looking at the laptop
/information-advice/care/helpi...Help for carers
/information-advice/care/arran...Sin texto
/information-advice/care/arran...Finding and arranging care
/information-advice/money-lega...IMG-ALT Lady on laptop
/information-advice/money-lega...Benefits calculator
/information-advice/money-lega...Sin texto
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Power of attorney
/get-involved/volunteer/Sin texto
/get-involved/volunteer/See all opportunities
/get-involved/fundraise/IMG-ALT Woman giving high fives to the crowd whilst running in the Age UK Leeds Abbey Dash
/get-involved/fundraise/Fundraise for us
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/Sin texto
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/Texto duplicado Make a donation
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...IMG-ALT Woman reading through the options of leaving gifts in her will
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg...Leave a gift in your will
/get-involved/volunteer/IMG-ALT Older person
/get-involved/volunteer/Volunteer with us
/services/charity-shops/IMG-ALT Age UK shop volunteers
/services/charity-shops/Shop with us
/our-impact/campaigning/IMG-ALT Age UK campaigns
/our-impact/campaigning/Campaign with us
/email/newsletter-registration/Sign up to our newsletters
/our-impact/campaigning/save-t...IMG-ALT An older couple look anxiously at their heating bill
/our-impact/campaigning/save-t...Sign the petition
/discover/2025/january/reclaim...Sin texto
/discover/2025/january/reclaim...Reclaiming retirement
/discover/2025/january/a-dj-se...Sin texto
/discover/2025/january/a-dj-se...A DJ set with a difference
/discover/2024/december/hope-t...Sin texto
/discover/2024/december/hope-t...Hope through adversity
/discover/2024/november/katie-...Sin texto
/discover/2024/november/katie-...Katie Boulter supports ace walking tennis sessions
/discover/Read more articles
A-TITLE Link to Discover page
/services/age-uk-advice-line/About the advice line Subdominio Facebook
A-TITLE Facebook ventana Externo Twitter
A-TITLE Twitter Subdominio Youtube
A-TITLE Youtube Instagram
A-TITLE Instagram
/about-us/what-we-do/What we do
/about-us/jobs/Work for us
https://www.ageinternational.o...Externo Subdominio Age International
/latest-press/Media / Press
/discover/Latest news
/about-us/people/Who we are
/services/age-uk-advice-line/Texto duplicado Age UK Advice Line
/services/befriending-services/Texto duplicado Befriending services
/services/charity-shops/Charity shops
/services/in-your-area/In your area
/information-advice/money-lega...Benefits Calculator
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado TV licence concessions
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Pension Credit
/information-advice/money-lega...Texto duplicado Making a will
/get-involved/letschange/Let's change how we age
/our-impact/campaigning/save-t...Save Winter Fuel Payment campaign
/get-involved/together-were-no...Our Christmas appeal
/our-impact/the-difference-you...The difference your support makes
/help/linking-policy/Linking policy
/help/terms-and-conditions/Terms and conditions
/help/privacy-policy/Privacy policy
/about-us/About us
/contact-us/Texto duplicado Contact us
/about-us/modern-slavery-and-h...Modern slavery statement
https://www.fundraisingregulat...Nueva ventana Nofollow Externo Subdominio IMG-ALT Registered with the Fundraising Regulator ancla Back to top

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Age UK | The UK's leading charity helping every older person w...
Age UK is the leading charity for older people. Visit Age UK today for help, information and advice or to see how you can donate or give support.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Age UK81%Check
local Age UK68%Check
Age UK Advice Line65%Check
Play Age UK64%Check
help advice60%Check

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