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Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis | AGLC
La longitud del título es óptima (406 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis is the agency responsible for administering the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act, regulation and related policy.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (918 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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descriptionAlberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis is the agency responsible for administering the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act, regulation and related policy.
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URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...Online-Services-banner.jpg?itok=3k_DzKY8Man typing on laptop
.../public/2017-12/SEL-01.jpg?itok=TuO-lbXTApply online at for your Special Event Licence
.../lms-trending-1208x738.jpg?itok=2OdM_ZyyA man sits at a computer using AGLC's learning management system holding raffle tickets
...bacco-feature-1200x734.jpg?itok=jjo2uyPvA stack of contraband tobacco

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 28 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis
H2 Top bar menu
H2 Utility navigation
H2 Main navigation
H2 Utility navigation Texto duplicado
H2 Gaming
H2 Liquor
H2 Cannabis
H2 Trending
H2 Supporting a more vibrant Alberta
H2 Gaming Texto duplicado
H2 Liquor Texto duplicado
H2 Cannabis Texto duplicado
H2 About AGLC
H2 Recent news
H2 Footer menu left
H2 Footer menu middle
H2 Footer menu right
H2 footer social links
H3 Apply for a liquor or cannabis licence
H3 Apply for a private special event liquor licence
H3 Check out AGLC's new Learning Management System
H3 Raffle: $20,000 and less
H3 Contraband Tobacco
H3 Alberta continues to tackle the contraband tobacco market
H3 Play Alberta Sportsbook; now on Apple and Android
H3 Play Alberta, CSEC extend partnership
H3 Play Alberta, Edmonton Oilers extend partnership
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 20 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content
A-TITLE AGLC Cannabis Sense Subdominio Drink Sense Game Sense Play Alberta
A-TITLE AGLC is the Government of Alberta's Crown commercial enterprise and agency that oversees the gaming, liquor and cannabis industries in Alberta. Subdominio Careers Services
A-TITLE Online Licensing information Home duplicado IMG-ALT Home
/gaming/about-gaming-albertaAbout gaming in Alberta
A-TITLE Information about Alberta's gaming model, including AGLC's role and where proceeds go.
/gaming/common-gaming-questionsCommon gaming questions
/gaming/gaming-legislation-pol...Gaming legislation & policies
/gaming/gaming-legislation-pol...Gaming bulletins
A-TITLE Gaming bulletins highlight the most recent changes in gaming policies
/gaming/responsible-gamblingResponsible gambling
A-TITLE At AGLC, our goal is to encourage patrons to use gambling as a form of entertainment rather than a way to make money.
/gaming/charitablegamingCharitable Gaming
/gaming/charitablegaming/alber...Alberta's charitable gaming model
/gaming/charitable-gaming/dist...Distribution of revenue
/gaming/charitablegaming/eligi...Eligibility for charitable gaming
/gaming/charitablegaming/host-...Host First Nation casinos
/gaming/charitablegaming/chari...Charitable gaming review
/gaming/charitablegaming/who-b...Who benefits?
/gaming/charitable-gaming/reso...Gaming and Casino Nights (Fun Night Casinos)
/gaming/charitable-gaming/reso...Gaming quick reference guide for charities
A-TITLE Eligible charitable groups can apply to conduct casino events
/gaming/licences/gaming-licenc...Gaming licence fees
A-TITLE Information about the types of gaming licence fees
/gaming/licences/raffle-20000-...Raffle: $20,000 and less
A-TITLE Information on raffles $20,000 and less
/gaming/licences/raffle-20000-...Popular Raffle Eligibility Questions
A-TITLE Popular eligibility questions on raffles $20,000 and less
/gaming/licences/raffle-more-2...Raffle: More than $20,000
A-TITLE Learn about the eligibility and application processes for this type of raffle
/gaming/licences/raffle-more-2...Progressive raffles best practices
/gaming/licences/raffle-faqRaffle FAQ
A-TITLE FAQ for charitable organizations
A-TITLE Eligible charitable groups can apply to conduct bingo events
/gaming/licences/pull-ticketPull ticket
A-TITLE Eligible charitable groups can apply to sell pull tickets
/gaming/licences/use-gaming-pr...Use of gaming proceeds
A-TITLE Learn how to use proceeds earned from casino, raffle, bingo or pull ticket events
/gaming/licences/financial-rep...Reporting your finances
/gaming/licences/reporting-you...Raffles $20,000 and less financial reporting FAQ
/gaming/licences/audit-procedureAudit procedure
/gaming/licences/audit-procedu...Internal control recommendations
A-TITLE Effective internal financial controls ensure that gaming funds and other assets of the group are all documented and reported.
/gaming/licences/gaming-facili...Gaming facility application objections
A-TITLE Proposed gaming licence applications and how to file an objection to an application with AGLC
/gaming/licences/gaming-facili...Facility Relocation Application: Camrose Casino
/gaming/licences/gaming-facili...Pending Gaming Facility Applications
A-TITLE List of proposed gaming facility applications
/gaming/lotteries/how-apply-lo...How to apply for lottery terminals
A-TITLE Information on how to apply for lottery ticket terminals
/gaming/lotteries/what-expect-...What to expect when making a prize claim
A-TITLE Information to help prepare for making an in-person prize claim
/gaming/slot-vlt-gamesSlot and VLT games games
/gaming/slot-and-vlt-games/gam...Gaming information
/gaming/slot-and-vlt-games/rep...Replay Arena
/gaming/slot-and-vlt-games/alb...Wide Area Progressive
/gaming/slot-and-vlt-games/wid...Alberta Gold
/gaming/slot-and-vlt-games/wid...American Original
/gaming/slot-and-vlt-games/wid...Diamond Millions
/gaming/slot-and-vlt-games/wid...Jackpot Junction
/discover-vlt-gamesDiscover VLT games
/gaming/casinos/find-casino-recWhere to play
/gaming/self-exclusion/self-ex...Self-Exclusion community resources
A-TITLE Self-exclusion support and information on local community resources across the province
/gaming/self-exclusion/self-ex...Self-Exclusion questions and answers
/training/gaming-information-c...Information sessions for charities (GAIN)
/gaming/casinos/find-casino-recFind a Casino or Racing Entertainment Centre
/gaming/casinos/casino-operatorsFor casino operators
/gaming/casinos/casino-operato...Casino staff training
/gaming/casinos/casino-operato...Applying for a casino licence
/gaming/casinos/casino-operato...Applying to relocate a casino
A-TITLE Requirements for relocation or major expansion of the casino.
/gaming/vlts/vlt-playersFor VLT players
A-TITLE For VLT players and general public
/gaming/vlts/vlt-operators-and...For vlt operators and staff
A-TITLE Information to apply for vlts, buy or sell a location, common questions for vlt retailers.
/gaming/vlts/vlt-operators-and...VLT operator accounting
/gaming/vlts/vlt-operators-and...Vlt staff training
/gaming/claiming-expired-gamin...Claiming expired gaming tickets
/gaming/gaming-registrationsGaming registrations
A-TITLE Information for individuals and companies that want to work in Alberta's gaming industry and must be registered by the AGLC.
/gaming/gaming-registrations/b...Become a registered gaming worker
A-TITLE Individuals who work in Alberta's gaming industry must be registered by AGLC
/gaming/gaming-registrations/b...Become a registered gaming company
/gaming/bingo-hallsBingo halls
A-TITLE Licensing requirements for new or existing bingo facilities, or an existing facility wanting to expand or move.
/gaming/bingo-halls/bingo-staf...Bingo staff training duplicado Play Alberta
A-TITLE Play Alberta is the only secure, regulated online gambling site in the province.
/gaming/administrative-sanctio...Administrative sanction guideline for violations - gaming
/liquor/about-liquor-albertaAbout liquor in Alberta
A-TITLE Information about Alberta's liquor model, AGLC's role, liquor markup, related liquor legislation and policy, as well as liquor reports and studies.
/liquor/about-liquor-alberta/a...Alberta's liquor model
/liquor/about-liquor-alberta/a...Alberta-BC direct to consumer wine program
/liquor/about-liquor-alberta/l...Liquor markup rate schedule
A-TITLE Information about the liquor markup AGLC collects on the government's behalf
/liquor/liquor-licencesLiquor licences
/liquor/liquor-licences/apply-...Apply for a liquor licence
/liquor/liquor-licences/apply-...Class A
/liquor/liquor-licences/apply-...Class B
A-TITLE Use a Class B liquor licence when there is an entrance fee
/liquor/liquor-licences/apply-...Class C
/liquor/liquor-licences/apply-...Class D
A-TITLE Learn about Class D liquor licences
/liquor/liquor-licences/apply-...Class E
/liquor/liquor-licences/apply-...Class F
A-TITLE Ferment on Premises
/liquor/liquor-licences/apply-...Public special event licences
A-TITLE Liquor licences for one-time events open to the public in Alberta
/liquor/liquor-licences/apply-...Private special event licences
A-TITLE A liquor licence needs to be obtained for any privately held event in Alberta
/liquor/liquor-licences/apply-...Industrial use
/liquor/liquor-licences/liquor...Liquor licence and registration fees
A-TITLE Information about the types of liquor licence and registration fees
/liquor/liquor-licences/liquor...Liquor licensing objections
/liquor/alberta-liquor-manufac...Alberta liquor manufacturers
A-TITLE Helpful links, resources and contacts for new and existing liquor manufacturers in Alberta.
/liquor/liquor-agencies-and-su...Liquor agencies and suppliers
A-TITLE Useful information for liquor agencies and suppliers or those looking to register as a new liquor agency.
/liquor/liquor-agencies-and-su...Become a liquor agency
A-TITLE Information for businesses wanting to market a liquor supplier's product for sale in Alberta including how to register as a liquor agency.
/liquor/liquor-agencies-and-su...Certificates of origin
/liquor/liquor-agencies-and-su...Organic Liquor Products
/liquor/liquor-agencies-and-su...Existing agency
A-TITLE Registered liquor agencies can register new liquor products, change product prices and access forms & reports through AGLC's Liquor Agency Portal.
/liquor/liquor-agencies-and-su...Customs and excise information
A-TITLE Information about AGLC's role to collect and remit federal customs and excise duty charges including links to the Canada Border Services Agency.
/liquor/liquor-agencies-and-su...Container recycling fees and deposit rates
A-TITLE Where to find the current recycling fees and deposit rates applied to liquor beverage containers.
/liquor/liquor-agencies-and-su...Alcohol Container Registration
/liquor/liquor-products-albertaLiquor products in Alberta
A-TITLE Liquor product information including how to find a product, product recalls and faulty products.
/liquor/liquor-products-albert...Find a product
/liquor/liquor-products-albert...Moving to Alberta
A-TITLE Instructions for consumers who are moving to Alberta and wish to bring personal liquor products with them when they move.
/liquor/liquor-products-albert...Faulty liquor products
A-TITLE Information for consumers, retailers and licensees regarding faulty products
/liquor/liquor-products-albert...Product recalls
A-TITLE Information for consumers, retailers and licensees about liquor product recalls.
/liquor/warehouse-and-distribu...Warehouse and distribution
/liquor/warehouse-and-distribu...Liquor licensee payment options
A-TITLE Information for licensees about payments for liquor orders
/liquor/liquor-legislation-and...Liquor legislation and policies
A-TITLE Policies governing liquor activities
/liquor/liquor-legislation-and...Liquor bulletins
A-TITLE Liquor bulletins highlight the most recent changes in liquor policies
/liquor-bulletins/liquor-marku...Liquor Markup Rates and Services
/liquor/liquor-provider-searchLiquor provider search
/liquor/responsible-liquor-ser...Responsible liquor service
/liquor/responsible-liquor-ser...Liquor staff training: SMART programs
/liquor/responsible-liquor-ser...Liquor licensee social responsibility material
/liquor/administrative-sanctio...Administrative Sanction Guideline for Violations - Liquor
/cannabis/aglcs-role-legalizationAGLC's role in legalization
A-TITLE About Alberta's cannabis industry
/cannabis/cannabis-commonly-as...Common cannabis questions CannabisSense
/cannabis/retail-cannabisRetail cannabis
A-TITLE Information and resources about retail cannabis in Alberta
/cannabis/retail-cannabis/appl...Apply for a retail cannabis store licence
A-TITLE How to apply for a new retail cannabis store licence
/cannabis/retail-cannabis/cann...Cannabis licence and registration fees
A-TITLE AGLC establishes fees for gaming, liquor and cannabis licences and registrations. Fees are set by the AGLC Board and are reviewed every three years to ensure...
/cannabis/retail-cannabis/cann...Cannabis licensee search
A-TITLE Search for a list of cannabis retailers in Alberta
/cannabis/retail-cannabis/cann...Cannabis retailer manuals and forms
A-TITLE Resources for cannabis retailers
/cannabis/retail-cannabis/cann...Cannabis retailer social responsibility material
A-TITLE CannabisSense POS/retail materials.
/cannabis/retail-cannabis/obje...Object to a retail cannabis licence
A-TITLE Retail cannabis licensing objections
/cannabis/retail-cannabis/reta...Retail cannabis accessories
/cannabis/cannabis-legislation...Cannabis legislation and policies
A-TITLE AGLC cannabis policies and links to provincial cannabis legislations
/cannabis/cannabis-legislation...Cannabis Bulletins
/documents/retail-cannabis-sto...Retail Cannabis Store Handbook
A-TITLE Retail Cannabis Store Handbook
/documents/cannabis-representa...Cannabis Representative Handbook
A-TITLE Cannabis Representative Handbook
/cannabis/licensed-producersLicensed producers
A-TITLE Resources for licensed cannabis producers
/cannabis/licensed-producers/l...Licensed producer manuals and forms
A-TITLE Resources for licensed producers
/cannabis/licensed-producers/a...AGLC's licensed producers
A-TITLE Licensed Producers working with AGLC
/cannabis/licensed-producers/c...Cannabis representatives
A-TITLE A cannabis representative is a company that markets cannabis products in Alberta.
/cannabis/working-cannabis-ind...Working in the cannabis industry
A-TITLE For those seeking more details on what's needed for positions in the cannabis industry
/cannabis/working-cannabis-ind...Requirements for retail staff
A-TITLE Certain requirements are needed for staff to work in the retail cannabis industry.
/cannabis/administrative-sanct...Administrative Sanction Guideline for Violations - Cannabis duplicado About
A-TITLE AGLC is the Government of Alberta's Crown commercial enterprise and agency that oversees the gaming, liquor and cannabis industries in Alberta. Subdominio Texto duplicado Careers duplicado News duplicado Online Services duplicado Licensing
A-TITLE Online Licensing information AGLC maintains the integrity of gaming activities, while maximizing the financial return to the programs and services that support Albertans. AGLC oversees the province’s liquor industry, offering Albertans unparalleled selection, convenience, and responsible customer service. AGLC is committed to providing the most innovative cannabis model that offers choices Albertans can trust. for a liquor or cannabis licence
IMG-ALT Man typing on laptop for a private special event liquor licence
IMG-ALT Apply online at for your Special Event Licence out AGLC's new Learning Management System
IMG-ALT A man sits at a computer using AGLC's learning management system
/gaming/licences/raffle-20000-...Texto duplicado Raffle: $20,000 and less
IMG-ALT Man holding raffle tickets
/contraband-tobaccoContraband Tobacco Learn more on AGLC's efforts to combat contraband tobacco that impacts the public safety and health of Albertans.
IMG-ALT A stack of contraband tobacco about our modernization initiatives all duplicado Licences
/gaming/gaming-legislation-pol...Texto duplicado Gaming legislation & policies Sin texto Sin texto duplicado Lotteries duplicado VLTs
/gaming/self-exclusionSelf-Exclusion Program
/gaming/charitablegamingCharitable gaming duplicado View all
/liquor/liquor-licencesTexto duplicado Liquor licences
/liquor/liquor-legislation-and...Texto duplicado Liquor legislation and policies for a special event liquor licence Sin texto
/liquor/about-liquor-albertaTexto duplicado About liquor in Alberta
/liquor/liquor-products-albert...Find a liquor product
/liquor/liquor-provider-searchTexto duplicado Liquor provider search Subdominio ProServe Liquor Staff Training
/liquor/liquor-agencies-and-su...Texto duplicado Alcohol Container Registration duplicado View all
/cannabis/retail-cannabisTexto duplicado Retail cannabis
/cannabis/cannabis-legislation...Texto duplicado Cannabis legislation and policies
/cannabis/working-cannabis-ind...Texto duplicado Requirements for retail staff online for a retail cannabis licence
/cannabis/retail-cannabis/cann...Search for a cannabis licensee
/cannabis/licensed-producersTexto duplicado Licensed producers Cannabis facts Subdominio SellSafe Cannabis Staff Training are AGLC
/about-us/financials-and-expensesFinancials and expenses
/about-us/accessible-communica...Accessible communications Subdominio Texto duplicado Careers choices Albertans can trust all news
/news/alberta-continues-tackle...News Release Alberta continues to tackle the contraband tobacco market December 9, 2024
/news/play-alberta-sportsbook-...News Release Play Alberta Sportsbook; now on Apple and Android October 9, 2024
/news/play-alberta-csec-extend...News Release Play Alberta, CSEC extend partnership September 20, 2024
/news/play-alberta-edmonton-oi...News Release Play Alberta, Edmonton Oilers extend partnership September 9, 2024 duplicado Board
/about-us/associations-and-par...Associations and Partnerships Subdominio Texto duplicado Careers
/about-us/doing-business-aglcDoing business with AGLC
/land-acknowledgementLand Acknowledgement
/about-us/BetterFutureBetter Futures
/about-us/financials-and-expensesTexto duplicado Financials and expenses duplicado News
/about-us/publicationsTexto duplicado Publications
A-TITLE Cannabis and Liquor product recalls
/about-us/data-information-sec...Data & Information Security Classification
/information-access-foipInformation Access & FOIP ventana Externo Subdominio Facebook ventana Externo Instagram ventana Externo Subdominio Linkedin ventana Externo Twitter ventana Externo Subdominio Youtube home us statement
/copyright-and-disclaimerCopyright and disclaimer

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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis | AGLC
Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis is the agency responsible for administering the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act, regulation and related policy.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Alberta Gaming78%Check
liquor licence61%Check
Cannabis licence61%Check
Apply liquor61%Check
Play Alberta60%Check

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