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(Extremadamente importante)
Perth Criminal Lawyer | Andrew Williams Criminal Law Offices
La longitud del título es óptima (554 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Andrew Williams Criminal Law Offices are experienced criminal lawyers in Perth, WA, handling criminal & traffic charges at affordable rates. Call now!
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (923 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
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No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
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La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
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Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
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No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
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URL de la página
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descriptionAndrew Williams Criminal Law Offices are experienced criminal lawyers in Perth, WA, handling criminal & traffic charges at affordable rates. Call now!

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(Extremadamente importante)
El contenido de esta página es demasiado extenso (7405 palabras). Tal vez podrías dividirlo en varias páginas según el tema.
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • cant => cannot, can not, can't
  • reccomend => recommend
  • occured => occurred
  • ocurred => occurred
Hay 10 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: Traffic and driving offences can result in substantial fines, the revo...
  • Texto duplicado 2: Sex offences are generally very serious matters. Upon conviction of a ...
  • Texto duplicado 3: Drug offences are one of the most commonly prosecuted matters in Weste...
  • Texto duplicado 4: For years the laws offices of Andrew Williams have provided strong, ef...
  • Texto duplicado 5: Whether you are convicted of an offence by way of your own plea of gui...
Un 42.6% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 162 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 23.07 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
Algunas etiquetas se repiten, como por ejemplo: perth criminal lawyer.
Algunas etiquetas de negritas son demasiado largas (más de 70 caracteres). Con 109 caracteres:
"i will ensure that your voice is heard, that your position is communicated, and that you are given a f...".
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 2 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
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(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
/images/bt_top.pngGo to top
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Andrew Williams Perth Criminal Lawyer
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
Hay 154 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Andrew Williams Perth Criminal Lawyer
H2 Our Law Services
H2 Our Criminal Law Services
H2 Contact Us Our locations and availability
H2 Enquire Now Get in touch with us now
H2 Testimonials Hear from our valued Clients
H2 Criminal Law Articles Industry and Legal news
H3 Driving Charges
H3 Sex Charges
H3 Drug Charges
H3 Assault Charges
H3 Bail Applications
H3 Sentencing
H3 What You Can Expect From A Perth Criminal Lawyer
H3 Legal Representation From An Expert
H3 Police Interviews
H3 Driving Charges Texto duplicado
H3 Sex Charges Texto duplicado
H3 Drug Charges Texto duplicado
H3 Assault Charges Texto duplicado
H3 Bail Applications Texto duplicado
H3 Sentencing Texto duplicado
H3 Perth
H3 Fremantle
H3 Call us on:
H3 Rel M Rel M
H3 Colin W
H3 Jason M
H3 Pamela J Pamela J
H3 Joly M Joly M
H3 Ryan B Ryan B
H3 Matt K Matt K
H3 Wesley H Wesley H
H3 Aaron J
H3 Danni H
H3 Harry
H3 Joe Y
H3 Kyley S
H3 Kieran C
H3 Franciosco R
H3 Kyran H
H3 George M
H3 Trent W
H3 Abraham A
H3 Timothy R
H3 David C
H3 Helen M
H3 Phillip C
H3 Damian A
H3 Andrew H
H3 Dan G
H3 Methamphetamine (Ice) Offences in Western Australia
H3 Conviction On The Basis of False Confessions in WA
H3 When Does An Online Threat Become An Offence in Western Australia?
H3 The Laws Regarding Sexual Choking in WA
H3 The Offence of Sextortion in Western Australia
H3 What Can You Do If You’ve Been Wrongfully Convicted in Western Australia?
H3 WA State laws governing the possession of child exploitation material
H3 Laws Relating to Sex Work (Prostitution) in Western Australia
H3 The Very Real Risk of Driving in a Foreign Country
H3 Mandatory Reporting Laws
H3 Truth Serum On Convicted Murderers - A Breach Of Human Rights?
H3 Further Changes to WA Family & Domestic Violence Laws 2021
H3 The Rule of Law, Legal Professional Privilege and the Lawyer X Issue
H3 Children on the Sex Offender Register
H3 Meth Buster Laws To Stop Drug Dealers At The WA Border
H3 Teen charged with serious firearms offences
H3 Violence in schools and the age of criminal responsibility
H3 Man Sentenced to 13+ Years Imprisonment for Child Abduction in WA
H3 Allegations Involving an Assault of a Public Officer on Jetstar Flight
H3 AFL Class Action Explained in Western Australia
H3 Juvenile Justice: The need for a national review and a national approach
H3 What is the crime of bigamy?
H3 The Process of Prosecutions in the Courts of WA
H3 Stronger data protection - High-profile data leaks
H3 Does Western Australia need ‘One-Punch’ laws?
H3 What Is Juror Misconduct & How Does It Impact A Fair Trial?
H3 Recent Change to Criminal Appeal Laws in WA
H3 Possessing Child Exploitation Material in WA
H3 The Offence Of Persistent Sexual Conduct With A Child
H3 Misconduct in a Public Office
H3 Prohibited & Controlled Weapons - What's The Difference?
H3 Can You Record Someone Without Permission in Western Australia?
H3 The Difficulties Associated With The Incarceration Of Children
H3 Proposed Law Reforms to Operation of Bail Act 1982 WA
H3 Affirmative Sexual Consent Laws Now In Effect In NSW
H3 The Perth Drug Court Explained
H3 Extension of the Emergency Powers under the Management Act
H3 Community Based Sentences in Western Australia
H3 Will Smith Slap - Would He Face Criminal Charges if it Ocurred in Australia?
H3 New Firearm Laws To Be Introduced In WA 2022
H3 Possession of Illegal Firearms Perth WA
H3 Intimate Images & ‘Revenge Porn’ Laws in Western Australia
H3 Jarryd Hayne’s Successful Appeal Against Conviction
H3 Charges Laid Against a Perth Man Highlight the Potential Dangers of Dating Online
H3 Offence of Making Threats in Western Australia
H3 Reporting Traffic Accidents & Ensuring Assistance
H3 Novak Djokovic vs the Australian Government
H3 Perth Children Charged Attempting to Kill Teacher
H3 Offence of Child Stealing and Kidnapping in WA
H3 Don’t Break Any Laws Celebrating Halloween!
H3 The Premier Versus Clive Palmer
H3 Fraud & Stealing: The Subtle Differences
H3 What Is The Effect Of The Pandemic On Crime?
H3 Edith Cowan’s Enduring Legacy of Social Justice
H3 Vaccination Passports Are Coming
H3 How Much Force Can Police Officers Use During An Arrest?
H3 Western Australian Courts - The Backlog Crisis Continues
H3 New Drink & Drug Driving Laws In Effect Across The State
H3 Why Can’t The Murugappan Family Return To Biloela?
H3 Christian Porter vs the ABC - Who Won The Defamation Case?
H3 Conviction of Derek Chauvin & Police Reform in the US
H3 Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility in WA?
H3 Cannabis Possession Laws: A Movement Toward Change
H3 No Body, No Parole Laws in Western Australia
H3 Should coercive control be a criminal offence?
H3 Epidemic of violence against women
H3 National Inquiry Into Alleged Sexual Misconduct Of Attorney General?
H3 Allegations Of Sexual Assault In Federal Government
H3 New Laws To Tackle Family & Domestic Violence In Our Community
H3 Lawyer X Royal Commission Makes Recommendations For Change
H3 Covid-19: Phase 4 in WA
H3 Facing Drug Charges in Perth? You Need A Criminal Lawyer
H3 Covid 19 Restrictions Updated: Stage 3 in WA
H3 Covid-19: District and Supreme Courts trial to resume
H3 COVID-19 Restrictions Updated: Phase 2 in WA (May 2020)
H3 Overview Of Police Interviews
H3 Criminal Code Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 Explained
H3 FAQs: Criminal Law Courts & Jury Empanelment
H3 Covid-19 And Bail Applications
H3 Perth Drug Charge Defence Lawyer Advice
H3 Legal Aid Lawyer Perth WA
H3 Criminal Offences Relating to Communication Technology
H3 Qualities For A Criminal Defence Lawyer
H3 First Appointment With A Criminal Lawyer
H3 The Difference Between A Solicitor & Barrister
H3 WA's Drug Crisis: Tough Sentencing Laws Not Working
H3 3 Questions to Ask A Potential Criminal Lawyer
H3 How a Criminal Trial Can Impact Your Reputation
H3 5 Reasons To Choose Us
H3 Assault Lawyer Perth: Why You Need A Criminal Lawyer
H3 Criminal Trials Before A Judge Alone: Is It Possible?
H3 To Plead Guilty Or Not Guilty: Things You Should Know
H3 Mandatory Sentencing Laws In WA
H3 Legalisation Of Cannabis In The ACT
H3 8 Reasons Why You Should Use A Criminal Lawyer
H3 The Law on Indecent Assault
H3 New Mobile Phone Laws in WA
H3 COVID-19: Government Directions, Police Powers & Criminal Court
H3 COVID-19: The Law Offices of Andrew Williams Are Open
H3 Where to
H3 Keep in the loop
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 1 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
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A-TITLE Perth Criminal Lawyer | Andrew Williams Criminal Law Offices
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A-TITLE Criminal Defence Lawyer Perth, WA | Criminal Law Firm
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A-TITLE Criminal Law Services Perth, WA
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A-TITLE Traffic Lawyers Perth
A-TITLE Testimonials
A-TITLE Criminal Law Articles
A-TITLE Contact Information
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/criminal-lawyer-fremantle.htmlTexto duplicado Fremantle
/driving-charges.htmlDriving Charges Traffic and driving offences can result in substantial fines, the revocation of your drivers license and, in serious cases, imprisonment... L...
/sex-charges.htmlSex Charges Sex offences are generally very serious matters. Upon conviction of a sex charge not only is imprisonment likely but in most cases an order is au...
/drug-charges.htmlDrug Charges Drug offences are one of the most commonly prosecuted matters in Western Australia and constitute a large percentage of cases in the Magistrates...
/assault-charges.htmlAssault Charges For years the laws offices of Andrew Williams have provided strong, effective and passionate representation to individuals in Western Austral...
/bail-in-western-australia.htmlBail Applications A person who is charged with an offence is often required to enter into a bail undertaking... Learn More
/sentencing-in-western-austral...Sentencing Whether you are convicted of an offence by way of your own plea of guilty or you are found guilty following a trial the court then proceeds to sen...
/your-first-appointment-with-a...the first meeting at my office
/criminal-law.htmlexperienced criminal defence lawyer
/sentencing-in-western-austral...sentencing hearings
/contact-us.htmlonline enquiry
/a-criminal-lawyers-overview-o...attending a police station for an interview
/driving-charges.htmlTexto duplicado Driving Charges Traffic and driving offences can result in substantial fines, the revocation of your drivers license and, in serious cases, imprisonment... L...
/sex-charges.htmlTexto duplicado Sex Charges Sex offences are generally very serious matters. Upon conviction of a sex charge not only is imprisonment likely but in most cases an order is au...
/drug-charges.htmlTexto duplicado Drug Charges Drug offences are one of the most commonly prosecuted matters in Western Australia and constitute a large percentage of cases in the Magistrates...
/assault-charges.htmlTexto duplicado Assault Charges For years the laws offices of Andrew Williams have provided strong, effective and passionate representation to individuals in Western Austral...
/bail-in-western-australia.htmlTexto duplicado Bail Applications A person who is charged with an offence is often required to enter into a bail undertaking... Learn More
/sentencing-in-western-austral...Texto duplicado Sentencing Whether you are convicted of an offence by way of your own plea of guilty or you are found guilty following a trial the court then proceeds to sen...
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/contact-us.htmlphone Andrew
/methamphetamine-ice-offences-...Methamphetamine (Ice) Offences in Western Australia Crystal methamphetamine, also known as "meth" or "ice," continues to be a popular recreational drug in Au...
/conviction-on-the-basis-of-fa...Conviction On The Basis of False Confessions in WA There is a long, sad history of false confessions in WA leading to miscarriages of justice, the most infam...
/when-does-an-online-threat-be...When Does An Online Threat Become An Offence in Western Australia? The internet can sometimes be a nasty place with people making comments to others they wou...
/the-laws-regarding-sexual-cho...The Laws Regarding Sexual Choking in WA The use of strangulation or choking during sexual intercourse is becoming an increasingly popular ‘kink’. However, th...
/the-offence-of-sextortion-in-...The Offence of Sextortion in Western Australia Rates of ‘sextortion’ or ‘sexual extortion’ are on the rise in Western Australia with many people, particularl...
/what-to-do-if-wrongfully-conv...What Can You Do If You’ve Been Wrongfully Convicted in Western Australia? Being convicted of a crime you didn’t commit is a devastating experience, particula...
/state-laws-relating-to-posses...WA State laws governing the possession of child exploitation material A South Australian man is currently facing Federal criminal charges related to the impo...
/laws-relating-to-sex-work-pro...Laws Relating to Sex Work (Prostitution) in Western Australia It’s the world’s oldest profession, and also the most controversial. Whilst sex work (‘prostitu...
/the-risks-of-driving-in-a-for...The Very Real Risk of Driving in a Foreign Country West Australian man Luke Nardini, who has reportedly been charged with manslaughter over a deadly crash in...
/mandatory-reporting-laws.htmlMandatory Reporting Laws Mandatory reporting laws for child abuse, child sexual abuse and neglect have been legislated throughout Australia’s States and Terr...
/the-use-of-truth-serum-on-con...Truth Serum On Convicted Murderers - A Breach Of Human Rights? In cases where a person has been convicted of murder and the body has never been found former ...
/further-changes-to-family-and...Further Changes to WA Family & Domestic Violence Laws 2021 Following on from our previous article on the Family Violence Legislation Reform Act 2020, further...
/the-rule-of-law-legal-profess...The Rule of Law, Legal Professional Privilege and the Lawyer X Issue When Victoria’s gangland wars were in full swing the Victorian police engaged Nicola Gob...
/children-on-the-sex-offender-...Children on the Sex Offender Register How does a 15-year-old boy who expressed sexual curiosity with a classmate end up on the sex offender’s register? What ...
/new-meth-buster-laws-to-stop-...Meth Buster Laws To Stop Drug Dealers At The WA Border New “meth-busting laws’ are set to be introduced into Western Australia with the passing of legislatio...
/teen-charged-with-serious-fir...Teen charged with serious firearms offences A 15-year-old boy accused of firing three shots at a school north of Perth has been granted bail. But he won’t be...
/violence-in-schools-and-the-a...Violence in schools and the age of criminal responsibility 11-year-old girl arrested, charged for violent assault on school student in Perth. Alleged attacke...
/man-sentenced-to-13-years-imp...Man Sentenced to 13+ Years Imprisonment for Child Abduction in WA Terence Kelly sentenced to 13+ years for abducting Cleo Smith. Minimum 11.5 years before pa...
/man-who-abducted-child-senten...Allegations Involving an Assault of a Public Officer on Jetstar Flight A Melbourne man was recently arrested and charged with assaulting a public officer on ...
/afl-class-action-explained.htmlAFL Class Action Explained in Western Australia 60+ players have joined a class action lawsuit, seeking compensation for injuries sustained while training or...
/juvenile-justice-the-need-for...Juvenile Justice: The need for a national review and a national approach Recently in Western Australia, four youth custodial officers were badly injured when...
/what-is-the-crime-of-bigamy.htmlWhat is the crime of bigamy? A Perth man was recently arrested and charged with bigamy – allegedly being married to two women at the same time. In Australia,...
/process-of-prosecutions-in-th...The Process of Prosecutions in the Courts of WA If you have been charged you need to understand the prosecution, the court process, the nature of the charge ...
/calls-for-stronger-data-prote...Stronger data protection - High-profile data leaks Optus, Medibank and My Deal (a subsidiary of Woolworths) have all suffered massive data breaches in recent...
/western-australia-one-punch-l...Does Western Australia need ‘One-Punch’ laws? There are now also calls for Western Australia to introduce a ‘One Punch’ law, similar to that which exists in ...
/juror-misconduct-how-does-it-...What Is Juror Misconduct & How Does It Impact A Fair Trial? A recent high profile case where juror misconduct occurred, highlighted the importance of an impa...
/recent-change-to-criminal-app...Recent Change to Criminal Appeal Laws in WA Western Australians who have been convicted of serious crimes will be able to pursue more direct avenues for appe...
/the-offence-of-possessing-chi...Possessing Child Exploitation Material in WA Western Australian Police working with the Australian Federal Police have been conducting one of the state’s big...
/the-offence-of-persistent-sex...The Offence Of Persistent Sexual Conduct With A Child Ms Tame was groomed when she was 15 and then repeatedly sexually abused by her 58-year-old teacher, Nic...
/misconduct-in-a-public-office...Misconduct in a Public Office At the centre of the news this week a senior police officer was reportedly stood down amid misconduct allegations being investi...
/prohibited-and-controlled-wea...Prohibited & Controlled Weapons - What's The Difference? An adult entertainer was recently arrested in Perth after frightening locals dressed in military-sty...
/can-you-record-someone-withou...Can You Record Someone Without Permission in Western Australia? In recent weeks, a Melbourne man found himself in a video that went viral on TikTok has since...
/the-difficulties-associated-w...The Difficulties Associated With The Incarceration Of Children Australia’s harsh juvenile detention regime was in the spotlight again last week, with a repor...
/proposed-law-reforms-to-the-b...Proposed Law Reforms to Operation of Bail Act 1982 WA A proposed law reform to be introduced into parliament this week is a reform to WA’s legislation relati...
/affirmative-sexual-consent-la...Affirmative Sexual Consent Laws Now In Effect In NSW Affirmative sexual consent laws are now in effect in NSW – what does that mean? And how is it different ...
/perth-drug-court.htmlThe Perth Drug Court Explained The Perth Drug Court deals with offenders who suffer from substance abuse issues. Learn more about what the drug court is, how...
/extension-of-emergency-powers...Extension of the Emergency Powers under the Management Act The State Government has been criticised for its recent move to extend emergency powers across Wes...
/community-based-sentences-in-...Community Based Sentences in Western Australia Penalties that involve community-based intervention will be imposed if the court determines that the offender ...
/would-will-smith-face-crimina...Will Smith Slap - Would He Face Criminal Charges if it Ocurred in Australia? Last week at the Hollywood Oscar’s ceremony, Will Smith slapped comedian and mas...
/new-firearm-laws-to-be-introd...New Firearm Laws To Be Introduced In WA 2022 In Western Australia new firearm laws are being introduced to give police officers sweeping powers to target bik...
/crackdown-on-the-possession-o...Possession of Illegal Firearms Perth WA Possessing, purchasing, selling, or carrying firearms without a licence is a criminal offense, punishable by up to 14...
/intimate-images-revenge-porn-...Intimate Images & ‘Revenge Porn’ Laws in Western Australia If a person sends intimate media of themself engaging in a private act, it is an offence for the r...
/jarryd-hayne-successful-appea...Jarryd Hayne’s Successful Appeal Against Conviction Former NRL Superstar Jarryd Hayne has been released on bail after having his convictions for sexual assau...
/potential-dangers-of-dating-o...Charges Laid Against a Perth Man Highlight the Potential Dangers of Dating Online A Perth man has been charged for allegedly drugging & sexually assaulting t...
/threats-in-western-australia....Offence of Making Threats in Western Australia Making a threat is a serious offence under Western Australian criminal law. Learn more about the offence, exam...
/reporting-traffic-accidents-a...Reporting Traffic Accidents & Ensuring Assistance If you are involved in a road accident or an accident that occurs on a road or any place commonly used by t...
/novak-djokovic-vs-the-austral...Novak Djokovic vs the Australian Government Djokovic deported from Australia for Australian Open, potential Visa ban for 3 years. What does the law say? Read...
/perth-children-charged-attemp...Perth Children Charged Attempting to Kill Teacher Two children were recently charged with attempting to unlawfully kill a teacher. The female teacher was all...
/offence-of-child-stealing-in-...Offence of Child Stealing and Kidnapping in WA For the past week Australians have shared the horrendous situation being experienced by Cleo Smith’s family as...
/dont-break-any-laws-celebrati...Don’t Break Any Laws Celebrating Halloween! Halloween is looming. It’s supposed to be a night of fun so make sure you take care, and always be aware of the e...
/the-premier-versus-clive-palm...The Premier Versus Clive Palmer The various legal actions launched by the mining magnate are costing Western Australian taxpayers millions to defend. Read More
/fraud-and-stealing-the-subtle...Fraud & Stealing: The Subtle Differences In Western Australia there is some overlap between the meaning of stealing and the meaning of fraud. The distinction...
/what-is-the-effect-of-pandemi...What Is The Effect Of The Pandemic On Crime? The Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns and stay-at-home orders have had an interesting effect on crime rates across We...
/edith-cowans-enduring-legacy-...Edith Cowan’s Enduring Legacy of Social Justice Edith Cowan made an inaugural address to Parliament a century ago. Her tireless work furthering the rights of...
/vaccination-passports-are-com...Vaccination Passports Are Coming The Australian Federal Government intends to implement vaccination certificates or ‘vaccination passports’ as a requirement ...
/how-much-force-can-police-off...How Much Force Can Police Officers Use During An Arrest? A recent investigation by the Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC) regarding an incident with a you...
/western-australian-courts-bac...Western Australian Courts - The Backlog Crisis Continues The pressure is mounting on the State Government to find solutions to the backlog in Western Austral...
/new-drink-drug-driving-laws-i...New Drink & Drug Driving Laws In Effect Across The State At the start of this month, the Western Australian government’s newly legislated drink and drug driv...
/why-cant-the-murugappan-famil...Why Can’t The Murugappan Family Return To Biloela? A Tamil Family has become the international face of Australia’s shameful treatment of asylum seekers. The ...
/christian-porter-vs-abc-defam...Christian Porter vs the ABC - Who Won The Defamation Case? The defamation law suit brought by the former Attorney General Christian Porter against the ABC ha...
/police-reform-in-the-us.htmlConviction of Derek Chauvin & Police Reform in the US Last month former police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty by a 12-member jury of second-and third...
/calls-to-raise-the-age-of-cri...Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility in WA? More than 70 organisations have endorsed a report which calls for the Western Australian Government to rais...
/cannabis-possession-laws-a-mo...Cannabis Possession Laws: A Movement Toward Change Cannabis law reform is taking time in Australia. In Western Australia, drug laws are tough though the Cann...
/no-body-no-parole-laws-in-wes...No Body, No Parole Laws in Western Australia Under these laws persons convicted of homicide offences who refuse to cooperate with police and law enforcement ...
/should-coercive-control-be-a-...Should coercive control be a criminal offence? Coercive control has been called ‘intimate terrorism’ and is said to occur when a person exhibits control over...
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/difference-between-solicitors...The Difference Between A Solicitor & Barrister Andrew Williams criminal lawyers strive to attain a good relationship with their clients in order to build com...
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Perth Criminal Lawyer | Andrew Williams Criminal Law Offices
Andrew Williams Criminal Law Offices are experienced criminal lawyers in Perth, WA, handling criminal & traffic charges at affordable rates. Call now!

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Andrew Williams Criminal Law91%Check
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