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0,90 s
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366,80 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
190 internos / 11 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Ars Technica - Serving the Technologist since 1998. News, reviews, and analysis.
Con 730 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
News and reviews, covering IT, AI, science, space, health, gaming, cybersecurity, tech policy, computers, mobile devices, and operating systems.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (893 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en-us
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en-us.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionNews and reviews, covering IT, AI, science, space, health, gaming, cybersecurity, tech policy, computers, mobile devices, and operating systems.
twitter:titleArs Technica
twitter:descriptionNews and reviews, covering IT, AI, science, space, health, gaming, cybersecurity, tech policy, computers, mobile devices, and operating systems.
og:site_nameArs Technica
og:titleArs Technica
og:descriptionNews and reviews, covering IT, AI, science, space, health, gaming, cybersecurity, tech policy, computers, mobile devices, and operating systems.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del título no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
Hay 4 textos duplicados en esta página:
  • Texto duplicado 1: Discover all the benefits of an Ars sub, including a 100% ad and track...
  • Texto duplicado 2: Spoilers ahead! This imaginative sequel to WandaVision is a reminder o...
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1570 palabras.
Un 28.9% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 9 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 14.58 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 31 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 30 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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...loads/2024/11/ai_eyeball_spy-150x150.jpgA digital iris eyeball, blue illustration.
...024/01/GettyImages-474325206-150x150.jpgVMware logo on a glass building
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...024/01/GettyImages-474325206-384x216.jpgVMware logo on a glass building
...oads/2024/11/matter_14_cover-384x216.jpgPurple/blue rendering of a home with a number of different colored lights inside, with a circuit-like line leading into it.
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...t/uploads/2024/11/crazy_taxi-384x216.jpgCrazy Taxi shot with a car flipped upside down over a convertible taxi, with $342.69 in fare money showing, on a steep street with railcar divider.
...t/uploads/2024/11/crazy_taxi-150x150.jpgCrazy Taxi shot with a car flipped upside down over a convertible taxi, with $342.69 in fare money showing, on a steep street with railcar divider.
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...2024/02/openai_glowing_green-384x216.jpgAn OpenAI logo over a green background.
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...ds/2024/11/trump_speech_2024-150x150.jpgFormer US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump makes a speech during an election night event at the Palm Beach Convention Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, United States, on November 06, 2024.
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Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Ars Technica homepage
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 45 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Ars Technica homepage
H2 Space policy is about to get pretty wild, y’all
H2 Review: Catching up with the witchy brew of Agatha All Along
H2 Research monkeys still having a ball days after busting out of lab, police say
H2 Claude AI to process secret government data through new Palantir deal
H2 New SMB-friendly subscription tier may be too late to stop VMware migrations
H2 Review: Catching up with the witchy brew of Agatha All Along Texto duplicado
H2 Research monkeys still having a ball days after busting out of lab, police say Texto duplicado
H2 Claude AI to process secret government data through new Palantir deal Texto duplicado
H2 New SMB-friendly subscription tier may be too late to stop VMware migrations Texto duplicado
H2 Matter 1.4 has some solid ideas for the future home—now let’s see the support
H2 Verizon, AT&T tell courts: FCC can’t punish us for selling user location data
H2 Discord terrorist known as “Rabid” gets 30 years for preying on kids
H2 DNA shows Pompeii’s dead aren’t who we thought they were
H2 Meta beats suit over tool that lets Facebook users unfollow everything
H2 The voice of America Online’s “You’ve got mail” has died at age 74
H2 Review: M4 and M4 Pro Mac minis are probably Apple’s best Mac minis ever
H2 Apple botched the Apple Intelligence launch, but its long-term strategy is sound
H2 TSMC will stop making 7 nm chips for Chinese customers
H2 Notepad.exe, now an actively maintained app, has gotten its inevitable AI update
H2 Rocket Report: Australia says yes to the launch; Russia delivers for Iran
H2 After decades, FDA finally moves to pull ineffective decongestant off shelves
H2 Law enforcement operation takes down 22,000 malicious IP addresses worldwide
H2 Amazon’s Mass Effect TV series is actually going to be made
H2 Max needs higher prices, more ads to help support WBD’s flailing businesses
H2 Trump’s likely FCC chair wrote Project 2025 chapter on how he’d run the agency
H2 Sega is delisting 60 classic games from Steam, so now’s the time to grab them
H2 Man sick of crashes sues Intel for allegedly hiding CPU defects
H2 Secondhand EVs will flood the market in 2026, JD Power says
H2 What makes baseball’s “magic mud” so special?
H2 Recap: Our “AI in DC” conference was great—here’s what you missed
H2 Mercedes-Benz previews next CLA, breaks EV distance record in testing
H2 ChatGPT has a new vanity domain name, and it may have cost $15 million
H2 Airborne microplastics aid in cloud formation
H2 Thoughts on the M4 iMac, and making peace with the death of the 27-inch model
H2 Nearly three years since launch, Webb is a hit among astronomers
H2 For fame or a death wish? Kids’ TikTok challenge injuries stump psychiatrists
H2 Fate of Google’s search empire could rest in Trump’s hands
H2 Trump plans to dismantle Biden AI safeguards after victory
H2 The Ars redesign is out. Experience its ad-free glory for just $25/year.
H2 The next Starship launch may occur in less than two weeks
H4 Included stories
H4 Most read
H4 These settings are only available for Ars Pro subscribers
H4 These settings are only available for Ars Pro subscribers Texto duplicado
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
31 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 11 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to content Technica home
/store/product/subscriptions/Subscribe texto
/information-technology/Biz & IT
/tech-policy/Policy duplicado AI
/information-technology/Texto duplicado Biz & IT duplicado Cars duplicado Culture duplicado Gaming duplicado Health
/tech-policy/Texto duplicado Policy duplicado Science duplicado Security duplicado Space duplicado Tech duplicado Forum
/store/product/subscriptions/Texto duplicado Subscribe
/store/product/subscriptions/Discover all the benefits of an Ars sub
/store/product/subscriptions/Texto duplicado Discover all the benefits of an Ars sub
/space/2024/11/space-policy-is...Sin texto
/space/2024/11/space-policy-is...Space policy is about to get pretty wild, y’all
/space/2024/11/space-policy-is...Texto ancla 488
A-TITLE 488 comments
/culture/2024/11/review-catchi...IMG-ALT Dark-haired woman in witch's robes with arms aloft, about to cast a spell
/culture/2024/11/review-catchi...Review: Catching up with the witchy brew of Agatha All Along
/culture/2024/11/review-catchi...Texto ancla 39
A-TITLE 39 comments
/science/2024/11/43-research-m...Sin texto
/science/2024/11/43-research-m...Research monkeys still having a ball days after busting out of lab, police say
/science/2024/11/43-research-m...Texto ancla 136
A-TITLE 136 comments
/ai/2024/11/safe-ai-champ-anth...IMG-ALT A digital iris eyeball, blue illustration.
/ai/2024/11/safe-ai-champ-anth...Claude AI to process secret government data through new Palantir deal
/ai/2024/11/safe-ai-champ-anth...Texto ancla 64
A-TITLE 64 comments
/information-technology/2024/1...IMG-ALT VMware logo on a glass building
/information-technology/2024/1...New SMB-friendly subscription tier may be too late to stop VMware migrations
/information-technology/2024/1...Texto ancla 56
A-TITLE 56 comments
/culture/2024/11/review-catchi...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Dark-haired woman in witch's robes with arms aloft, about to cast a spell
/culture/2024/11/review-catchi...Texto duplicado Review: Catching up with the witchy brew of Agatha All Along
/culture/2024/11/review-catchi...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 39
A-TITLE 39 comments
/science/2024/11/43-research-m...Sin texto
/science/2024/11/43-research-m...Texto duplicado Research monkeys still having a ball days after busting out of lab, police say
/science/2024/11/43-research-m...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 136
A-TITLE 136 comments
/ai/2024/11/safe-ai-champ-anth...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT A digital iris eyeball, blue illustration.
/ai/2024/11/safe-ai-champ-anth...Texto duplicado Claude AI to process secret government data through new Palantir deal
/ai/2024/11/safe-ai-champ-anth...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 64
A-TITLE 64 comments
/information-technology/2024/1...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT VMware logo on a glass building
/information-technology/2024/1...Texto duplicado New SMB-friendly subscription tier may be too late to stop VMware migrations
/information-technology/2024/1...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 56
A-TITLE 56 comments
/information-technology/2024/1...IMG-ALT Purple/blue rendering of a home with a number of different colored lights inside, with a circuit-like line leading into it.
/information-technology/2024/1...Matter 1.4 has some solid ideas for the future home—now let’s see the support
/information-technology/2024/1...Texto ancla 72
A-TITLE 72 comments
/tech-policy/2024/11/verizon-a...IMG-ALT Illustration of map pins on a cityscape in an abstract representation of network connections
/tech-policy/2024/11/verizon-a...Verizon, AT&T tell courts: FCC can’t punish us for selling user location data
/tech-policy/2024/11/verizon-a...Texto ancla 78
A-TITLE 78 comments
/tech-policy/2024/11/discord-t...Sin texto
/tech-policy/2024/11/discord-t...Discord terrorist known as “Rabid” gets 30 years for preying on kids
/tech-policy/2024/11/discord-t...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 78
A-TITLE 78 comments
/science/2024/11/dna-shows-pom...IMG-ALT Pompeii body casts
/science/2024/11/dna-shows-pom...DNA shows Pompeii’s dead aren’t who we thought they were
/science/2024/11/dna-shows-pom...Texto ancla 44
A-TITLE 44 comments
/tech-policy/2024/11/meta-beat...Sin texto
/tech-policy/2024/11/meta-beat...Meta beats suit over tool that lets Facebook users unfollow everything
/tech-policy/2024/11/meta-beat...Texto ancla Texto duplicado 72
A-TITLE 72 comments
/gadgets/2024/11/the-voice-of-...IMG-ALT A classic AOL login screen.
/gadgets/2024/11/the-voice-of-...The voice of America Online’s “You’ve got mail” has died at age 74
/gadgets/2024/11/the-voice-of-...Texto ancla 47
A-TITLE 47 comments
/apple/2024/11/review-m4-and-m...Review: M4 and M4 Pro Mac minis are probably Apple’s best Mac minis ever
/apple/2024/11/review-m4-and-m...Texto ancla 430
A-TITLE 430 comments
/apple/2024/11/review-m4-and-m...Sin texto
/ai/2024/11/despite-unforced-e...Sin texto
/ai/2024/11/despite-unforced-e...Apple botched the Apple Intelligence launch, but its long-term strategy is sound
/ai/2024/11/despite-unforced-e...Texto ancla 121
A-TITLE 121 comments
/space/2024/11/space-policy-is...IMG-ALT Listing image for first story in Most Read: Space policy is about to get pretty wild, y’all
/space/2024/11/space-policy-is...Texto duplicado Space policy is about to get pretty wild, y’all
/information-technology/2024/1...Texto duplicado New SMB-friendly subscription tier may be too late to stop VMware migrations
/science/2024/11/dna-shows-pom...Texto duplicado DNA shows Pompeii’s dead aren’t who we thought they were
/tech-policy/2024/11/verizon-a...Texto duplicado Verizon, AT&T tell courts: FCC can’t punish us for selling user location data
/space/2024/11/rocket-report-a...Rocket Report: Australia says yes to the launch; Russia delivers for Iran
/tech-policy/2024/11/tsmc-will...Sin texto
/tech-policy/2024/11/tsmc-will...TSMC will stop making 7 nm chips for Chinese customers
/tech-policy/2024/11/tsmc-will...Texto ancla 120
A-TITLE 120 comments
/gadgets/2024/11/notepad-exe-n...Sin texto
/gadgets/2024/11/notepad-exe-n...Notepad.exe, now an actively maintained app, has gotten its inevitable AI update
/gadgets/2024/11/notepad-exe-n...Texto ancla 190
A-TITLE 190 comments
/space/2024/11/rocket-report-a...Sin texto
/space/2024/11/rocket-report-a...Texto duplicado Rocket Report: Australia says yes to the launch; Russia delivers for Iran
/space/2024/11/rocket-report-a...Texto ancla 143
A-TITLE 143 comments
/health/2024/11/fda-proposes-d...After decades, FDA finally moves to pull ineffective decongestant off shelves
/health/2024/11/fda-proposes-d...Texto ancla 200
A-TITLE 200 comments
/health/2024/11/fda-proposes-d...Sin texto
/health/2024/11/fda-proposes-d...Sin texto
/information-technology/2024/1...Law enforcement operation takes down 22,000 malicious IP addresses worldwide
/information-technology/2024/1...Texto ancla 22
A-TITLE 22 comments
/information-technology/2024/1...Sin texto
/information-technology/2024/1...Sin texto
/gaming/2024/11/amazons-mass-e...Amazon’s Mass Effect TV series is actually going to be made
/gaming/2024/11/amazons-mass-e...Texto ancla 131
A-TITLE 131 comments
/gaming/2024/11/amazons-mass-e...IMG-ALT Garrus from Mass Effect
/gaming/2024/11/amazons-mass-e...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Garrus from Mass Effect
/uncategorized/2024/11/why-you...Max needs higher prices, more ads to help support WBD’s flailing businesses
/uncategorized/2024/11/why-you...Texto ancla 146
A-TITLE 146 comments
/uncategorized/2024/11/why-you...Sin texto
/uncategorized/2024/11/why-you...Sin texto
/tech-policy/2024/11/trumps-li...Trump’s likely FCC chair wrote Project 2025 chapter on how he’d run the agency
/tech-policy/2024/11/trumps-li...Texto ancla 446
A-TITLE 446 comments
/tech-policy/2024/11/trumps-li...IMG-ALT FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr speaking at a conference and gesturing with his hands.
/tech-policy/2024/11/trumps-li...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr speaking at a conference and gesturing with his hands.
/gaming/2024/11/sega-is-delist...Sega is delisting 60 classic games from Steam, so now’s the time to grab them
/gaming/2024/11/sega-is-delist...Texto ancla 62
A-TITLE 62 comments
/gaming/2024/11/sega-is-delist...IMG-ALT Crazy Taxi shot with a car flipped upside down over a convertible taxi, with $342.69 in fare money showing, on a steep street with railcar divider.
/gaming/2024/11/sega-is-delist...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Crazy Taxi shot with a car flipped upside down over a convertible taxi, with $342.69 in fare money showing, on a steep street with railcar divider.
/tech-policy/2024/11/man-sick-...Man sick of crashes sues Intel for allegedly hiding CPU defects
/tech-policy/2024/11/man-sick-...Texto ancla 85
A-TITLE 85 comments
/tech-policy/2024/11/man-sick-...Sin texto
/tech-policy/2024/11/man-sick-...Sin texto
/cars/2024/11/second-hand-evs-...Secondhand EVs will flood the market in 2026, JD Power says
/cars/2024/11/second-hand-evs-...Texto ancla 155
A-TITLE 155 comments
/cars/2024/11/second-hand-evs-...IMG-ALT Salesman handling keys to customer
/cars/2024/11/second-hand-evs-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Salesman handling keys to customer
/science/2024/11/what-makes-ba...What makes baseball’s “magic mud” so special?
/science/2024/11/what-makes-ba...Texto ancla 45
A-TITLE 45 comments
/science/2024/11/what-makes-ba...IMG-ALT a human hand gripping the baseball surface
/science/2024/11/what-makes-ba...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT a human hand gripping the baseball surface
/ai/2024/11/recap-ars-in-dc/Recap: Our “AI in DC” conference was great—here’s what you missed
/ai/2024/11/recap-ars-in-dc/Texto ancla 17
A-TITLE 17 comments
/ai/2024/11/recap-ars-in-dc/IMG-ALT Photograph of the exterior of the International Spy Museum in DC
/ai/2024/11/recap-ars-in-dc/Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Photograph of the exterior of the International Spy Museum in DC
/cars/2024/11/mercedes-benz-pr...Mercedes-Benz previews next CLA, breaks EV distance record in testing
/cars/2024/11/mercedes-benz-pr...Texto ancla 98
A-TITLE 98 comments
/cars/2024/11/mercedes-benz-pr...IMG-ALT A camouflaged Mercedes CLA prototype driving on a test track
/cars/2024/11/mercedes-benz-pr...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT A camouflaged Mercedes CLA prototype driving on a test track
/ai/2024/11/multimillion-dolla...ChatGPT has a new vanity domain name, and it may have cost $15 million
/ai/2024/11/multimillion-dolla...Texto ancla 54
A-TITLE 54 comments
/ai/2024/11/multimillion-dolla...IMG-ALT An OpenAI logo over a green background.
/ai/2024/11/multimillion-dolla...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT An OpenAI logo over a green background.
/science/2024/11/airborne-micr...Airborne microplastics aid in cloud formation
/science/2024/11/airborne-micr...Texto ancla 55
A-TITLE 55 comments
/science/2024/11/airborne-micr...IMG-ALT Big white clouds against an azure sky.
/science/2024/11/airborne-micr...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Big white clouds against an azure sky.
/apple/2024/11/thoughts-on-the...Thoughts on the M4 iMac, and making peace with the death of the 27-inch model
/apple/2024/11/thoughts-on-the...Texto ancla 113
A-TITLE 113 comments
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A-TITLE 114 comments
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/space/2024/11/more-and-more-a...Sin texto
/health/2024/11/for-fame-or-a-...For fame or a death wish? Kids’ TikTok challenge injuries stump psychiatrists
/health/2024/11/for-fame-or-a-...Texto ancla 89
A-TITLE 89 comments
/health/2024/11/for-fame-or-a-...Sin texto
/health/2024/11/for-fame-or-a-...Sin texto
/tech-policy/2024/11/fate-of-g...Fate of Google’s search empire could rest in Trump’s hands
/tech-policy/2024/11/fate-of-g...Texto ancla 68
A-TITLE 68 comments
/tech-policy/2024/11/fate-of-g...Sin texto
/tech-policy/2024/11/fate-of-g...Sin texto
/ai/2024/11/trump-victory-sign...Trump plans to dismantle Biden AI safeguards after victory
/ai/2024/11/trump-victory-sign...Texto ancla 371
A-TITLE 371 comments
/ai/2024/11/trump-victory-sign...IMG-ALT Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump makes a speech during an election night event at the Palm Beach Convention Center in W...
/ai/2024/11/trump-victory-sign...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump makes a speech during an election night event at the Palm Beach Convention Center in W...
/staff/2024/11/the-ars-redesig...The Ars redesign is out. Experience its ad-free glory for just $25/year.
/staff/2024/11/the-ars-redesig...Texto ancla 210
A-TITLE 210 comments
/staff/2024/11/the-ars-redesig...Sin texto
/staff/2024/11/the-ars-redesig...Sin texto
/space/2024/11/the-next-starsh...The next Starship launch may occur in less than two weeks
/space/2024/11/the-next-starsh...Texto ancla 377
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