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Home | The Art Institute of Chicago
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Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Located downtown by Millennium Park, this top art museum is TripAdvisor's #1 Chicago attraction—a must when visiting the city.
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descriptionLocated downtown by Millennium Park, this top art museum is TripAdvisor's #1 Chicago attraction—a must when visiting the city.
twitter:titleHome | The Art Institute of Chicago
twitter:descriptionLocated downtown by Millennium Park, this top art museum is TripAdvisor's #1 Chicago attraction—a must when visiting the city.
og:site_nameThe Art Institute of Chicago
og:titleHome | The Art Institute of Chicago
og:descriptionLocated downtown by Millennium Park, this top art museum is TripAdvisor's #1 Chicago attraction—a must when visiting the city.

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  • scuptures => sculptures
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"four chicago artists: theodore halkin, evelyn statsinger, barbara rossi, and christina ramberg".
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Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
...ces,center&w=750&h=auto&blur=1200&sat=20Carece de atributo ALT
...ces,center&w=750&h=auto&blur=1200&sat=20Carece de atributo ALT
...ces,center&w=750&h=auto&blur=1200&sat=20Carece de atributo ALT
...aces,center&w=750&h=750&blur=1200&sat=20Art Institute Fc 1123 0170
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20Slightly abstract rendering of two images: on the left, two tightly made brown braids weave down the sides of the person’s head to create a braided bun at the base of their skull. Tufts of featherlike hair emerge through the space between the braids and the sides of the head. On the right side, there’s a torso of a figure wearing a brown, long sleeved dress, cinched at the waist in three thick bands.
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20A colored pencil and chalk drawing of wavy machine parts on a red gridded background. The machine fades from blue to orange to pink and green, with some parts ending in bulbous knobs with metal patched onto the protruding parts.
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20J17947 Int Press 300ppi 3000px Srgb Jpeg
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20A man stand in a darkened art gallery, dark, cylindrical columns all around him and a wall of illuminated artwork beyond him.
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20A flat, geometric, somewhat abstract painting in shades of gray and brown features a narrow skyscraper dappled with golden circles suggesting sunlight. At the uppermost tier of the building, slightly to its right and partially hidden behind the building itself, a bright white circle suggesting the sun blasts a radius of white light onto and around the building, creating a halo-like effect. Streams of fog or steam descend down around the structure.
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20A woman in a yellow skirt and blouse dances with a tall, blue insect beneath the moon. On either side of them are two abstract forms, teal trees or beehives. Behind them is a red wall. Their limbs are long narrow lines, and their hands and feet look almost robotic.
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20Ek D 51 115 Press 300ppi 3000px Srgb Jpeg
data:[...] Base64Large painting of people in a crowded park, brushstrokes are dots.
data:[...] Base64Gold knife with figure on handle, round turquoise inlays on crown.
data:[...] Base64Abstract painting composed of a central tangle of vibrant colors—purple, pink, orange, green, red—on a mostly gray background, subtly divided into rectangular areas.
data:[...] Base64Dark stone sculpture of Buddha sitting cross-legged, hands in lap, eyes closed.
data:[...] Base64Painting of a pond seen up close spotted with thickly painted pink and white water lilies and a shadow across the top third of the picture.
data:[...] Base64Painting of a bone-white cow's skull directly centered in a vertical canvas, adorned with gray-white roses. The background behind the skull is similarly pale and appears to depict stone, a deep black gap between sheets of stone bisecting the painting from top to bottom.
data:[...] Base64Wooden sculpture of seated king surrounded by family.
data:[...] Base64St. George on white horse, piercing green, gold dragon
data:[...] Base64Painting, mostly in shades of blue, of a thin, bent, older man wearing ragged clothes and sitting cross-legged playing a guitar positioned upright in his lap.
data:[...] Base64A work made of oil on canvas.
data:[...] Base64Abstract painting composed of small vertical dabs of multiple shades of blue with a small area of similar strokes of red, orange, and yellow in the upper right.
data:[...] Base64Painting of bedroom, blue walls, green window, tan bed, red bedding.
data:[...] Base64Painting of mother in blue, purple, and green-stripped dress washing child's feet.
data:[...] Base64Portrait of man wearing voluminous black cloak, feathered hat, and gold medallion.
data:[...] Base64Large black sculpture in the shape of Africa. The form is covered in gold chains, circular photographs or "medallions" depicting prominent African American figures, and other images and text. The sculpture hangs on a white wall. "
data:[...] Base64Painting of a woman and an older white man holding a pitchfork, both seen from the waist up. They stand side by side with stern expressions, in front of a white house with a peaked roof.
data:[...] Base64Scene in a diner, viewed through wrap-around glass windows, at night on an empty urban street. A light-skinned man and woman, he in a suit and she in a red dress, sit together at a triangular wood bar, eyes downcast. At left sits another man, his back to the viewer. Behind the counter is a light-skinned man in a white uniform. The interior lights cast a yellow glow that spills onto the street in pale green. Above the diner a sign reads, "Phillies."
data:[...] Base64White marble bust of woman wearing headband and tunic.
data:[...] Base64Abstract painting, black background covered with flicks and smudges of white and other colors.
data:[...] Base64Miniature room with two tall windows framing a small Cubist painting and a fireplace, two golden scuptures set before the windows. At right, a small red couch is flanked by two Lucite chairs. At left, an open glass door is flanked by oak chaises with red cushions. A plush cream rug fills the space.
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20G35128 Fullsize
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20Photograph in a gray art gallery of a large glass case with two large vessels in orange and black inside it, a podium with an iPad display at right.
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20A gleaming dark brown sculpture of a female form seen in 3/4 view, from the knees up. Her shoulders press against the wall, while her neck inclines her head forward at an angle. Her arms hang at her side with her hands pressed on top of her thighs. While her prominent breasts are fully delineated, the rest of her figure is obscured by a full-length abstracted dress.
...aces,center&w=750&h=422&blur=1200&sat=20Fig 2 After Treatment
data:[...] Base64Carece de atributo ALT
...ces,center&w=750&h=auto&blur=1200&sat=20Carece de atributo ALT
...ces,center&w=750&h=auto&blur=1200&sat=20Carece de atributo ALT
...ces,center&w=750&h=auto&blur=1200&sat=20Carece de atributo ALT

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
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No se ha detectado ningún encabezado H1.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.
Hay 29 encabezados H en esta página. La cantidad de encabezados debería guardar una mejor proporción en relación al texto.

Estructura de los encabezados

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H2 Primary Navigation
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Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay demasiados enlaces externos (30) en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to Content texto Visit Visit Find all the information you need—plus helpful tips—to plan your visit Start planning Texto ancla Hours Texto ancla Admission Texto ancla Plan Your Visit Texto ancla Texto duplicado Plan Your Visit
/visit/explore-on-your-own/mus...Museum Map
/events?audience=3&type=6Subdominio Free Daily Tours
/my-museum-tourSubdominio My Museum Tour
/highlights/3/what-to-see-in-a...Subdominio What to See in an Hour
/visit/dining-and-shoppingShopping and Dining
/visit/accessibilityAccessibility Texto ancla Who's Visiting? Texto ancla Texto duplicado Who's Visiting?
/visit/whos-visiting/first-tim...First-Time Visitors
/visit/whos-visiting/adult-gro...Group Visits
/visit/explore-on-your-own/mob...Mobile App
/ryan-learning-centerRyan Learning Center Exhibitions Texto duplicado Exhibitions Current
/exhibitions/upcomingSubdominio Upcoming
/exhibitions/historySubdominio Archive Art & Artists Art & Artists Explore the works in our collection and delve deeper into their stories. Start your discovery Artworks
/articles-and-videosSubdominio Articles & Videos
/collection/research_resourcesSubdominio Research
/collection/research_resourcesSubdominio Texto duplicado Research
/archival-collectionsArchival Collections
/collection-informationCollection Information
/about-us/departments/conserva...Conservation and Science
/articles_publicationsSubdominio Publications
/articles_publicationsSubdominio Texto duplicado Publications
/print-publicationsSubdominio Print Catalogues
/digital-publicationsSubdominio Digital Publications Events Events Join us for a wide range of programs—there's something for visitors of all ages. Check out the calendar Calendar
/events?type=6Subdominio Daily Tours
/events?type=5Subdominio Talks
/events?type=1Subdominio Art Making
/events?audience=2Subdominio Member Programs Subdominio Become a Member Subdominio Buy Tickets Subdominio Texto duplicado Become a Member Subdominio Shop Texto duplicado Visit Texto duplicado Plan Your Visit ventana Subdominio collection of art ventana Subdominio your visit ventana Subdominio exhibitions
/events?type=6&audience=3Nueva ventana Subdominio free daily tours 111 S Michigan Ave Subdominio Texto duplicado Buy Tickets Subdominio Sin texto Subdominio Sin texto Sin texto Subdominio Sin texto
/exhibitions/9539/georgia-o-ke...Learn more all current exhibitions
/exhibitions/9723Subdominio Christina Ramberg: A Retrospective Apr 20–Aug 11, 2024
IMG-ALT Slightly abstract rendering of two images: on the left, two tightly made brown braids weave down the sides of the person’s head to create a braided bun at th...
/exhibitions/10097Subdominio Four Chicago Artists: Theodore Halkin, Evelyn Statsinger, Barbara Rossi, and Christina Ramberg May 11–Aug 26, 2024
IMG-ALT A colored pencil and chalk drawing of wavy machine parts on a red gridded background. The machine fades from blue to orange to pink and green, with some part...
/exhibitions/10262Subdominio Threaded Visions: Contemporary Weavings from the Collection Feb 24–Aug 26, 2024
IMG-ALT J17947 Int Press 300ppi 3000px Srgb Jpeg all upcoming events
/events/5923/Subdominio Gallery Conversation: Mindful Looking Thurs, July 25 | 12:00–12:45
IMG-ALT A man stand in a darkened art gallery, dark, cylindrical columns all around him and a wall of illuminated artwork beyond him.
/events/5963/Subdominio Teen Studio Workshop: Painting Personal Landscapes Thurs, Jul 25 | 1:00–4:00
IMG-ALT A flat, geometric, somewhat abstract painting in shades of gray and brown features a narrow skyscraper dappled with golden circles suggesting sunlight. At th...
/events/5918/Subdominio Member Conversation: Four Chicago Artists Thurs, July 25 | 6:00–7:00
IMG-ALT A woman in a yellow skirt and blouse dances with a tall, blue insect beneath the moon. On either side of them are two abstract forms, teal trees or beehives....
/events/5957/Subdominio Drop-In Sketching Thurs, Aug 1 | 12:00–2:00
IMG-ALT Ek D 51 115 Press 300ppi 3000px Srgb Jpeg Subdominio Texto duplicado Become a Member
/artworks/27992/a-sunday-on-la...Subdominio IMG-ALT Large painting of people in a crowded park, brushstrokes are dots.
/artworks/18757/ceremonial-kni...Subdominio IMG-ALT Gold knife with figure on handle, round turquoise inlays on crown.
/artworks/86385/city-landscapeSubdominio IMG-ALT Abstract painting composed of a central tangle of vibrant colors—purple, pink, orange, green, red—on a mostly gray background, subtly divided into rectangula...
/artworks/21023/buddha-shakyam...Subdominio IMG-ALT Dark stone sculpture of Buddha sitting cross-legged, hands in lap, eyes closed.
/artworks/16568/water-liliesSubdominio IMG-ALT Painting of a pond seen up close spotted with thickly painted pink and white water lilies and a shadow across the top third of the picture.
/artworks/61428/cow-s-skull-wi...Subdominio IMG-ALT Painting of a bone-white cow's skull directly centered in a vertical canvas, adorned with gray-white roses. The background behind the skull is similarly pale...
/artworks/102611/veranda-post-...Subdominio IMG-ALT Wooden sculpture of seated king surrounded by family.
/artworks/15468/saint-george-a...Subdominio IMG-ALT St. George on white horse, piercing green, gold dragon
/artworks/28067/the-old-guitaristSubdominio IMG-ALT Painting, mostly in shades of blue, of a thin, bent, older man wearing ragged clothes and sitting cross-legged playing a guitar positioned upright in his lap.
/artworks/80084/the-crucifixionSubdominio IMG-ALT A work made of oil on canvas.
/artworks/129884/starry-night-...Subdominio IMG-ALT Abstract painting composed of small vertical dabs of multiple shades of blue with a small area of similar strokes of red, orange, and yellow in the upper rig...
/artworks/28560/the-bedroomSubdominio IMG-ALT Painting of bedroom, blue walls, green window, tan bed, red bedding.
/artworks/111442/the-child-s-bathSubdominio IMG-ALT Painting of mother in blue, purple, and green-stripped dress washing child's feet.
/artworks/95998/old-man-with-a...Subdominio IMG-ALT Portrait of man wearing voluminous black cloak, feathered hat, and gold medallion.
/artworks/193320/africa-restor...Subdominio IMG-ALT Large black sculpture in the shape of Africa. The form is covered in gold chains, circular photographs or "medallions" depicting prominent African American f...
/artworks/6565/american-gothicSubdominio IMG-ALT Painting of a woman and an older white man holding a pitchfork, both seen from the waist up. They stand side by side with stern expressions, in front of a wh...
/artworks/111628/nighthawksSubdominio IMG-ALT Scene in a diner, viewed through wrap-around glass windows, at night on an empty urban street. A light-skinned man and woman, he in a suit and she in a red d...
/artworks/159136/portrait-bust...Subdominio IMG-ALT White marble bust of woman wearing headband and tunic.
/artworks/83642/greyed-rainbowSubdominio IMG-ALT Abstract painting, black background covered with flicks and smudges of white and other colors.
/artworks/45418/a37-california...Subdominio IMG-ALT Miniature room with two tall windows framing a small Cubist painting and a fireplace, two golden scuptures set before the windows. At right, a small red couc... the Collection Subdominio Texto duplicado Buy Tickets
/my-museum-tourBuild Your Tour
/articles-and-videosSee more
/articles/1137/Subdominio article Dancing with Cecilia Beaux Looking deeper into a painting can reveal more mysteries than it solves.
IMG-ALT G35128 Fullsize
/articles/1128/Subdominio article What’s in a Case?
IMG-ALT Photograph in a gray art gallery of a large glass case with two large vessels in orange and black inside it, a podium with an iPad display at right.
/articles/1122/Subdominio article Simone Leigh’s Sharifa
IMG-ALT A gleaming dark brown sculpture of a female form seen in 3/4 view, from the knees up. Her shoulders press against the wall, while her neck inclines her head ...
/articles/1123/Subdominio article The Cycle of Destruction and Repair: Conserving a Thanjavur Painting
IMG-ALT Fig 2 After Treatment
/articles/1119/Subdominio article Museum FAQs: Are the Artworks Real?
IMG-ALT C24178 Subdominio Explore the Shop ancla Back to top texto Texto duplicado Visit Exhibitions and Events The Collection ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio 111 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60603 ventana Externo Subdominio 159 East Monroe Street Chicago, IL 60603 us
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/about-us/financial-reportingFinancial Reporting us
/support-us/ways-to-give/plann...Planned Giving
/support-us/ways-to-give/corpo...Corporate Sponsorship
/learn-with-usLearn with us
/learn-with-us/familiesTexto duplicado Families
/learn-with-us/teensTexto duplicado Teens
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/venue-rentalVenue Rental
/image-licensingImage Licensing Subdominio SAIC ancla Sin texto texto Subdominio Texto duplicado Buy Tickets Subdominio Texto duplicado Become a Member Subdominio Texto duplicado Shop Texto duplicado Visit Texto duplicado Visit Texto duplicado Visit Find all the information you need—plus helpful tips—to plan your visit Start planning Texto ancla Texto duplicado Hours Texto ancla Texto duplicado Admission Texto ancla Texto duplicado Plan Your Visit Texto ancla Texto duplicado Plan Your Visit
/visit/explore-on-your-own/mus...Texto duplicado Museum Map
/events?audience=3&type=6Subdominio Texto duplicado Free Daily Tours
/my-museum-tourSubdominio Texto duplicado My Museum Tour
/highlights/3/what-to-see-in-a...Subdominio Texto duplicado What to See in an Hour
/visit/dining-and-shoppingTexto duplicado Shopping and Dining
/visit/accessibilityTexto duplicado Accessibility Texto ancla Texto duplicado Who's Visiting? Texto ancla Texto duplicado Who's Visiting?
/visit/whos-visiting/first-tim...Texto duplicado First-Time Visitors
/visit/whos-visiting/families-2Texto duplicado Families
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/visit/whos-visiting/teens-2Texto duplicado Teens
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/visit/explore-on-your-own/mob...Texto duplicado Mobile App
/ryan-learning-centerTexto duplicado Ryan Learning Center Texto duplicado Exhibitions Texto duplicado Exhibitions Texto duplicado Current
/exhibitions/upcomingSubdominio Texto duplicado Upcoming
/exhibitions/historySubdominio Texto duplicado Archive Texto duplicado Art & Artists Texto duplicado Art & Artists Explore the works in our collection and delve deeper into their stories. Start your discovery Texto duplicado Artworks
/articles-and-videosSubdominio Texto duplicado Articles & Videos
/collection/research_resourcesSubdominio Texto duplicado Research
/collection/research_resourcesSubdominio Texto duplicado Research duplicado Library
/archival-collectionsTexto duplicado Archival Collections
/collection-informationTexto duplicado Collection Information
/about-us/departments/conserva...Texto duplicado Conservation and Science
/articles_publicationsSubdominio Texto duplicado Publications
/articles_publicationsSubdominio Texto duplicado Publications
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/digital-publicationsSubdominio Texto duplicado Digital Publications Texto duplicado Events Texto duplicado Events Join us for a wide range of programs—there's something for visitors of all ages. Check out the calendar Texto duplicado Calendar
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/events?type=1Subdominio Texto duplicado Art Making
/events?audience=2Subdominio Texto duplicado Member Programs Subdominio Texto duplicado Become a Member duplicado Press duplicado Careers duplicado Contact
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/visit/free-admissionSubdominio Free Admission
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Home | The Art Institute of Chicago
Located downtown by Millennium Park, this top art museum is TripAdvisor's #1 Chicago attraction—a must when visiting the city.

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