- SEO Checker

Visión general del análisis SEO
Calidad de la página
Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,17 s
Tamaño HTML
1.024,70 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
545 internos / 7 externos

Lista de tareas pendientes para mejorar tu SEO


(Extremadamente importante)
Modern Design Furniture, Modern Home Furniture | CA Modern Home
Con 625 píxeles, el título de esta página es demasiado largo. Optimizar el título
Algunas palabras se repiten en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Modern furniture retailer selling Herman Miller, Knoll, Vitra, Cherner Chair, Carl Hansen,USM Haller, Flos, Artemide, Kartell, and more.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (828 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionModern furniture retailer selling Herman Miller, Knoll, Vitra, Cherner Chair, Carl Hansen,USM Haller, Flos, Artemide, Kartell, and more.
authorCA Modern Home
og:site_nameCA Modern Home
og:titleModern Design Furniture, Modern Home Furniture | CA Modern Home
og:descriptionModern furniture retailer selling Herman Miller, Knoll, Vitra, Cherner Chair, Carl Hansen,USM Haller, Flos, Artemide, Kartell, and more.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
En esta página hay faltas de ortografía:
  • skagerak => Skagerrak
  • thru => through
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 1959 palabras.
Un 14.1% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 8 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 18.67 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
Con 1024.7 kB, el documento HTML es demasiado grande.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width,initial-scale=1).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 39 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 42 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza F2 storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza F2 storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza F2 storage USM Steel Blue
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza F2 storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza F2 storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza F2 storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza F2 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza F2 storage USM Pure orange
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza E2 storage USM Pure White
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O2 storage USM Pure White
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O2 storage USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O2 storage USM USM Green
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O2 storage USM USM Brown
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P2 storage USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P2 storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P2 storage USM Anthracite Gray
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P2 storage USM Mid-gray
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P2 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P2 storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P2 storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P2 storage USM USM Brown
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Olive Green
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM Golden yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM USM Beige
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media B218 storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Serving Cart L18 Carts / Trolleys USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Table QS_T59 table USM Black Lacquered Oak Veneer
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Table QS_T59 table USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Table QS_T59 table USM Pearl Gray Laminate
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Table QS_T59 table USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Side Table O118 storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Pure orange
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Inos organizing box set, 5 drawers storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller File Pedestal M office USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Table QS_T69 table USM Pearl Gray Laminate
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Table QS_T69 table USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Nightstand P1 storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2A storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2A storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2A storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2A storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2A storage USM Light Grey
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2A storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2A storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2A storage USM Light Grey Silver
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2A storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2A storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Anthracite Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Graphite Black
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data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Credenza C1A18 storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Golden yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Graphite black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Pure white
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Steel blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Media O3 storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Pedestal V office USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Custom Desk Unit DU2 Desk's USM Anthracite
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Custom Desk Unit DU2 Desk's USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Custom Desk Unit DU2 Desk's USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Custom Desk Unit DU2 Desk's USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Custom Desk Unit DU2 Desk's USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Custom Desk Unit DU2 Desk's USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving RE119 storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern Credenza E2F storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Modern File Credenza E2F storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller shelving R1 office USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage S2 storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G118 storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving Q118 storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Silver
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Storage G2AF storage USM Olive Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Anthracite Gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Gentian Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Golden Yellow
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Graphite Black
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Steel Blue
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Mid-gray
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Pure Orange
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Pure White
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Ruby Red
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Light Grey
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM USM Beige
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM USM Brown
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM USM Green
data:[...] Base64USM Haller Shelving H2 office USM Olive Green

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Multi Brand Sale
Más de un encabezado H1.
El encabezado H1 es demasiado corto (16 caracteres). Debería tener al menos 20 caracteres.
Algunos de los encabezados H se repiten dos veces.
En la estructura de los encabezados H faltan uno o varios niveles.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Multi Brand Sale
H2 FROM EAMES TO AERON. Texto duplicado
H2 WOMB CHAIR AND MORE. Texto duplicado
H2 ICONIC CLASSICS. Texto duplicado
H2 USM Quick Ship Program
H2 Iconic design for beautiful spaces
H6 Footer
Hay demasiados enlaces internos (545) en esta página.
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
41 enlaces cerecen de un texto ancla.
Hay 7 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla
/pages/book-appointmentBook an appointment
/account/loginLogin CA Modern Home
A-TITLE CA Modern Home Search Cart duplicado Login
A-TITLE My Account texto duplicado IMG-ALT CA Modern Home
A-TITLE CA Modern Home
/pages/book-appointmentTexto duplicado Book an appointment duplicado A-TITLE Search
/collections/task-chairsCHAIRS - OFFICE & TASK
/collections/lounge-chairsCHAIRS - LOUNGE
/collections/rocking-chairsCHAIRS - ROCKING CHAIRS
/collections/side-diningCHAIRS - SIDE & DINING
/collections/beds-1BEDROOM - BEDS
/collections/pillowsBEDROOM - PILLOWS & BEDDING
/collections/bedroom-dressersBEDROOM - DRESSER
/collections/night-stand-bedsi...BEDROOM - NIGHT STANDS & BEDSIDE TABLES
/collections/bar-height-tablesTABLES - BAR HEIGHT
/collections/coffeetablesTABLES - COFFEE
/collections/console-tablesTABLES - CONSOLE TABLE
/collections/bar-height-tablesTABLES - COUNTER HEIGHT TABLES
/collections/side-end-tablesTABLES - DINNING TABLES
/collections/kids-tablesTABLES - KIDS
/collections/side-end-tablesTABLES - SIDE & END
/collections/sideboards-credenzasSIDEBOARDS & CREDENZAS
/collections/outdoor-seating-1OUTDOOR - SEATING
/collections/outdoor-accessoriesOUTDOOR - ACCESSORIES
/collections/outdoor-dining-1OUTDOOR - DINING
/collections/outdoor-loungeOUTDOOR - LOUNGE
/collections/outdoor-sofa-sect...OUTDOOR - SOFA & SECTIONALS
/pages/furnitureView All Furniture
/collections/benchesTexto duplicado BENCHES
/collections/task-chairsTexto duplicado CHAIRS - OFFICE & TASK
/collections/lounge-chairsTexto duplicado CHAIRS - LOUNGE
/collections/rocking-chairsTexto duplicado CHAIRS - ROCKING CHAIRS
/collections/side-diningTexto duplicado CHAIRS - SIDE & DINING
/collections/sofasTexto duplicado SOFAS
/collections/ottomans-1Texto duplicado OTTOMANS
/collections/stoolsTexto duplicado STOOLS
/collections/beds-1Texto duplicado BEDROOM - BEDS
/collections/pillowsTexto duplicado BEDROOM - PILLOWS & BEDDING
/collections/bedroom-dressersTexto duplicado BEDROOM - DRESSER
/collections/night-stand-bedsi...Texto duplicado BEDROOM - NIGHT STANDS & BEDSIDE TABLES
/collections/bar-height-tablesTexto duplicado TABLES - BAR HEIGHT
/collections/coffeetablesTexto duplicado TABLES - COFFEE
/collections/console-tablesTexto duplicado TABLES - CONSOLE TABLE
/collections/bar-height-tablesTexto duplicado TABLES - COUNTER HEIGHT TABLES
/collections/side-end-tablesTexto duplicado TABLES - DINNING TABLES
/collections/kids-tablesTexto duplicado TABLES - KIDS
/collections/side-end-tablesTexto duplicado TABLES - SIDE & END
/collections/desksTexto duplicado DESKS
/collections/storageTexto duplicado STORAGE
/collections/sideboards-credenzasTexto duplicado SIDEBOARDS & CREDENZAS
/collections/outdoor-seating-1Texto duplicado OUTDOOR - SEATING
/collections/outdoor-accessoriesTexto duplicado OUTDOOR - ACCESSORIES
/collections/outdoor-dining-1Texto duplicado OUTDOOR - DINING
/collections/outdoor-loungeTexto duplicado OUTDOOR - LOUNGE
/collections/outdoor-sofa-sect...Texto duplicado OUTDOOR - SOFA & SECTIONALS
/collections/candles-and-candl...CANDLES & DIFFUSERS
/collections/carts-trolleysCARTS & TROLLEYS
/collections/ceiling-fansCEILING FANS
/collections/coat-hooksCOAT HOOKS
/collections/pillowsPILLOWS & BEDDING
/collections/coffee-teaCOFFEE & TEA
/collections/magazine-standMAGAZINE STAND
/collections/office-accessoriesOFFICE ACCESSORIES
/collections/vitra-miniaturesVITRA MINIATURES
/pages/etcView All Accessories
/collections/candles-and-candl...Texto duplicado CANDLES & DIFFUSERS
/collections/carts-trolleysTexto duplicado CARTS & TROLLEYS
/collections/ceiling-fansTexto duplicado CEILING FANS
/collections/clocksTexto duplicado CLOCKS
/collections/coat-hooksTexto duplicado COAT HOOKS
/collections/mirrorsTexto duplicado MIRRORS
/collections/pillowsTexto duplicado PILLOWS & BEDDING
/collections/coffee-teaTexto duplicado COFFEE & TEA
/collections/kitchenTexto duplicado KITCHEN
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/collections/planterTexto duplicado PLANTER
/collections/vasesTexto duplicado VASES
/collections/vitra-miniaturesTexto duplicado VITRA MINIATURES
/collections/wine-barTexto duplicado WINE/BAR
/collections/floor-lampsFLOOR LAMP
/collections/hanging-lampsHANGING LAMPS
/collections/wall-ceiling-lampsWALL & CEILING
/collections/outdoor-lightingOUTDOOR LIGHTING
/collections/table-lampsTABLE LAMPS
/collections/task-desk-lampsTASK & DESK LAMPS
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/collections/floor-lampsTexto duplicado FLOOR LAMP
/collections/hanging-lampsTexto duplicado HANGING LAMPS
/collections/wall-ceiling-lampsTexto duplicado WALL & CEILING
/collections/outdoor-lightingTexto duplicado OUTDOOR LIGHTING
/collections/table-lampsTexto duplicado TABLE LAMPS
/collections/task-desk-lampsTexto duplicado TASK & DESK LAMPS
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/collections/alessandro-mendiniALESSANDRO MENDINI
/collections/alexander-girardALEXANDER GIRARD
/collections/alfredo-haberliALFREDO HABERLI
/collections/alvar-aaltoALVAR AALTO
/collections/anna-castelli-fer...ANNA CASTELLI FERRIERI
/collections/antonio-citterioANTONIO CITTERIO
/collections/arne-jacobsenARNE JACOBSEN
/collections/barber-osgerbyBARBER & OSGERBY
/collections/carlo-alessiCARLO ALESSI
/collections/carlo-mollinoCARLO MOLLINO
/collections/charles-and-ray-e...CHARLES & RAY EAMES
/collections/charlotte-perriandCHARLOTTE PERRIAND
/collections/eero-saarinenEERO SAARINEN
/collections/eileen-grayEILEEN GRAY
/collections/enzo-mariENZO MARI
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/collections/ettore-sottsassETTORE SOTTSASS
/collections/ferruccio-lavianiFERRUCCIO LAVIANI
/collections/florence-knollFLORENCE KNOLL
/collections/frank-gehryFRANK GEHRY
/collections/geoffrey-harcourtGEOFFREY HARCOURT
/collections/george-nakashimaGEORGE NAKASHIMA
/collections/george-nelsonGEORGE NELSON
/collections/grete-jalkGRETE JALK
/collections/marcel-wandersHANS WEGNER
/collections/harry-bertoia-1HARRY BERTOIA
/collections/hella-jongeriusHELLA JONGERIUS
/collections/isamu-noguchiISAMU NOGUCHI
/collections/jasper-morrisonJASPER MORRISON
/collections/jean-prouve-1JEAN PROUVE
/collections/jehs-laubJEHS & LAUB
/collections/jesse-brodyJESSE BRODY
/collections/joe-colomboJOE COLOMBO
/collections/jorge-pensiJORGE PENSI
/collections/kaj-franckKAJ FRANCK
/collections/karim-rashidKARIM RASHID
/collections/kastholm-fabriciusKASTHOLM & FABRICIUS
/collections/konstantin-grcicKONSTANTIN GRCIC
/collections/maarten-severenMAARTEN SEVEREN
/collections/marc-newsonMARC NEWSON
/collections/marcel-breuerMARCEL BREUER
/collections/massimo-giaconMASSIMO GIACON
/collections/massimo-vignelliMASSIMO VIGNELLI
/collections/michael-gravesMICHAEL GRAVES
/collections/michele-de-lucchiMICHELE DE LUCCHI
/collections/mies-van-der-roheMIES VAN DER ROHE
/collections/mogens-kochMOGENS KOCH
/collections/naoto-fukasawaNAOTO FUKASAWA
/collections/niels-bendtsenNIELS BENDTSEN
/collections/niels-diffrientNIELS DIFFRIENT
/collections/norman-chernerNORMAN CHERNER
/collections/oiva-toikkaOIVA TOIKKA
/collections/patricia-urquiolaPATRICIA URQUIOLA
/collections/patrick-norguetPATRICK NORGUET
/collections/philippe-starck-1PHILIPPE STARCK
/collections/piero-lissoniPIERO LISSONI
/collections/pierre-paulinPIERRE PAULIN
/collections/poul-henningsenPOUL HENNINGSEN
/collections/rene-holtenRENE HOLTEN
/collections/richard-sapperRICHARD SAPPER
/collections/richard-schultzRICHARD SCHULTZ
/collections/ron-aradRON ARAD
/collections/ronan-erwan-bouro...RONAN & ERWAN BOUROULLEC
/collections/ross-lovegroveROSS LOVEGROVE
/collections/stefano-giovannoniSTEFANO GIOVANNONI
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/collections/verner-pantonVERNER PANTON
/collections/vico-magistrettiVICO MAGISTRETTI
/collections/warren-platnerWARREN PLATNER
/collections/yanagi-soriYANAGI SORI
/pages/designersView All Designers
/collections/achille-castiglioniTexto duplicado ACHILLE CASTIGLIONI
/collections/alberto-medaTexto duplicado ALBERTO MEDA
/collections/alessandro-mendiniTexto duplicado ALESSANDRO MENDINI
/collections/alexander-girardTexto duplicado ALEXANDER GIRARD
/collections/alfredo-haberliTexto duplicado ALFREDO HABERLI
/collections/alvar-aaltoTexto duplicado ALVAR AALTO
/collections/anna-castelli-fer...Texto duplicado ANNA CASTELLI FERRIERI
/collections/antonio-citterioTexto duplicado ANTONIO CITTERIO
/collections/arne-jacobsenTexto duplicado ARNE JACOBSEN
/collections/barber-osgerbyTexto duplicado BARBER & OSGERBY
/collections/carlo-alessiTexto duplicado CARLO ALESSI
/collections/carlo-mollinoTexto duplicado CARLO MOLLINO
/collections/charles-and-ray-e...Texto duplicado CHARLES & RAY EAMES
/collections/charlotte-perriandTexto duplicado CHARLOTTE PERRIAND
/collections/eero-saarinenTexto duplicado EERO SAARINEN
/collections/eileen-grayTexto duplicado EILEEN GRAY
/collections/enzo-mariTexto duplicado ENZO MARI
/collections/ernesto-gismondiTexto duplicado ERNESTO GISMONDI
/collections/ettore-sottsassTexto duplicado ETTORE SOTTSASS
/collections/ferruccio-lavianiTexto duplicado FERRUCCIO LAVIANI
/collections/florence-knollTexto duplicado FLORENCE KNOLL
/collections/frank-gehryTexto duplicado FRANK GEHRY
/collections/geoffrey-harcourtTexto duplicado GEOFFREY HARCOURT
/collections/george-nakashimaTexto duplicado GEORGE NAKASHIMA
/collections/george-nelsonTexto duplicado GEORGE NELSON
/collections/grete-jalkTexto duplicado GRETE JALK
/collections/marcel-wandersTexto duplicado HANS WEGNER
/collections/harry-bertoia-1Texto duplicado HARRY BERTOIA
/collections/hella-jongeriusTexto duplicado HELLA JONGERIUS
/collections/isamu-noguchiTexto duplicado ISAMU NOGUCHI
/collections/jasper-morrisonTexto duplicado JASPER MORRISON
/collections/jean-prouve-1Texto duplicado JEAN PROUVE
/collections/jehs-laubTexto duplicado JEHS & LAUB
/collections/jesse-brodyTexto duplicado JESSE BRODY
/collections/joe-colomboTexto duplicado JOE COLOMBO
/collections/jorge-pensiTexto duplicado JORGE PENSI
/collections/kaj-franckTexto duplicado KAJ FRANCK
/collections/karim-rashidTexto duplicado KARIM RASHID
/collections/kastholm-fabriciusTexto duplicado KASTHOLM & FABRICIUS
/collections/konstantin-grcicTexto duplicado KONSTANTIN GRCIC
/collections/maarten-severenTexto duplicado MAARTEN SEVEREN
/collections/marc-newsonTexto duplicado MARC NEWSON
/collections/marcel-breuerTexto duplicado MARCEL BREUER
/collections/massimo-giaconTexto duplicado MASSIMO GIACON
/collections/massimo-vignelliTexto duplicado MASSIMO VIGNELLI
/collections/michael-gravesTexto duplicado MICHAEL GRAVES
/collections/michele-de-lucchiTexto duplicado MICHELE DE LUCCHI
/collections/mies-van-der-roheTexto duplicado MIES VAN DER ROHE
/collections/mogens-kochTexto duplicado MOGENS KOCH
/collections/naoto-fukasawaTexto duplicado NAOTO FUKASAWA
/collections/niels-bendtsenTexto duplicado NIELS BENDTSEN
/collections/niels-diffrientTexto duplicado NIELS DIFFRIENT
/collections/norman-chernerTexto duplicado NORMAN CHERNER
/collections/oiva-toikkaTexto duplicado OIVA TOIKKA
/collections/patricia-urquiolaTexto duplicado PATRICIA URQUIOLA
/collections/patrick-norguetTexto duplicado PATRICK NORGUET
/collections/philippe-starck-1Texto duplicado PHILIPPE STARCK
/collections/piero-lissoniTexto duplicado PIERO LISSONI
/collections/pierre-paulinTexto duplicado PIERRE PAULIN
/collections/poul-henningsenTexto duplicado POUL HENNINGSEN
/collections/rene-holtenTexto duplicado RENE HOLTEN
/collections/richard-sapperTexto duplicado RICHARD SAPPER
/collections/richard-schultzTexto duplicado RICHARD SCHULTZ
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/collections/usm-quick-ship-3-...USM Haller Serving Cart L18 $1,345.00
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/collections/usm-quick-ship-3-...USM Haller Modern Table T59 from $1,701.00
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/collections/usm-quick-ship-3-...USM Haller 3 Drawer Storage Y $4,475.00
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/collections/usm-quick-ship-3-...USM Haller Shelving RE119 $3,344.00
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/collections/usm-quick-ship-3-...USM Haller shelving R1 $4,093.00
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/collections/usm-quick-ship-3-...USM Haller Storage S2 $6,441.00
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/collections/usm-quick-ship-3-...USM Haller Storage G118 $3,422.00
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/collections/usm-quick-ship-3-...USM Haller Shelving Q118 $4,495.00
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/collections/usm-quick-ship-3-...USM Haller Storage G2AF $5,876.00
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/collections/usm-quick-ship-3-...USM Haller Shelving H2 $5,069.00
/collections/stocked-tables/pr...Isamu Noguchi's
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Modern Design Furniture, Modern Home Furniture | CA Modern Home
Modern furniture retailer selling Herman Miller, Knoll, Vitra, Cherner Chair, Carl Hansen,USM Haller, Flos, Artemide, Kartell, and more.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
CA Modern75%Check
Modern Furniture62%Check
Modern Design61%Check
Haller Modern61%Check
Modern Design Furniture60%Check
USM Haller Modern59%Check
Design Furniture54%Check

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