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Jan Karow Photography
La longitud del título es óptima (218 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
Jan Karow is an Germany-based photographer with a unique focus. His personal projects favor seemingly lonely and abandoned places, the rough and rugged emptiness of nature, traces of human impact, some weird situations and those unobtrusive scenes right next door that not uncommonly bare a certain kind of humor.
Jan Karow is an Germany-based photographer with a unique focus. His personal projects favor seemingly lonely and abandoned places, the rough and rugged emptiness of nature, traces of human impact, some weird situations and those unobtrusive scenes right next door that not uncommonly bare a certain kind of humor.
Jan Karow
photography, Jan Karow, portfolio, careaux,
Jan Karow /Photography
Jan Karow is an Germany based photographer with a unique intuitive focus. This site features his personal works favouring seemingly lonely and abandoned places, the rough and rugged emptiness of nature, traces of human impact, some weird situations and those unobtrusive scenes right next door that not uncommonly bare a certain kind of humor or tragic. Though currently being full-time employed as head of photography and cgi at a local agency he is also available for freelance commissioned work.
Jan Karow /Photography
Jan Karow /Photography
Jan Karow is an Germany based photographer with a unique intuitive focus. This site features his personal works favouring seemingly lonely and abandoned places, the rough and rugged emptiness of nature, traces of human impact, some weird situations and those unobtrusive scenes right next door that not uncommonly bare a certain kind of humor or tragic. Though currently being full-time employed as head of photography and cgi at a local agency he is also available for freelance commissioned work.
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Jan Karow is an Germany-based photographer with a unique focus. His personal projects favor seemingly lonely and abandoned places, the rough and rugged emptiness of nature, traces of human impact, some weird situations and those unobtrusive scenes right next door that not uncommonly bare a certain kind of humor.
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