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Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
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0,02 s
Tamaño HTML
130,30 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
109 internos / 10 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
Invented for life | Bosch Global
La longitud del título es óptima (277 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
Moving stories and inspiring interviews. Experience the meaning of "invented for life" by Bosch completely new. Visit our international website.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (873 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
La página tiene una redirección canónica correcta.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se identifica ningún error en los enlaces alternate/hreflang.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) no se especifica en los headers HTTP.
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionMoving stories and inspiring interviews. Experience the meaning of "invented for life" by Bosch completely new. Visit our international website.
twitter:titleWant to know how to live #LikeABosch?
twitter:descriptionMoving stories and inspiring interviews. Experience the meaning of "invented for life" by Bosch completely new. Visit our international website.
og:titleWant to know how to live #LikeABosch?
og:site_nameBosch Global
og:descriptionMoving stories and inspiring interviews. Experience the meaning of "invented for life" by Bosch completely new. Visit our international website.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 798 palabras.
Un 29.2% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
Las palabras del encabezado H1 también aparecen en el cuerpo del texto.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 9 párrafos en esta página.
El contenido en formato texto de esta página es óptimo.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 13.9 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
No se ha especificado ningún icono de Apple Touch.
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1).
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 16 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
La descripción del atributo ALT se utiliza correctamente en todas las imágenes rastreadas.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
data:[...] Base64A woman stands in front of an artificial blue surface and explores her surroundings in a virtual world. The picture shows the letters "AI", which stands for artificial intelligence.
data:[...] Base64Stefan Hartung stands in front of the European flag in the background.
data:[...] Base64A woman stands in front of an artificial blue surface and explores her surroundings in a virtual world. The picture shows the letters "AI", which stands for artificial intelligence.
data:[...] Base64A robotic arm hands a flower to a woman.
data:[...] Base64The illustration shows a graphic with colored lines, the representation of the title of the Bosch annual report.
data:[...] Base64A woman stands in front of an artificial blue surface and explores her surroundings in a virtual world. The picture shows the letters "AI", which stands for artificial intelligence.
data:[...] Base64Automated driving functions improve the safety of road traffic, help it flow better, and make it altogether more convenient.
data:[...] Base64Bosch products for home appliances
data:[...] Base64Power tools for private customers from Bosch
data:[...] Base64Garden tools from Bosch
data:[...] Base64Measuring tools from Bosch
data:[...] Base64Cleaning tools from Bosch
data:[...] Base64Bosch products for heating, cooling, and well-being
data:[...] Base64Bosch solutions for your smart home
data:[...] Base64A woman steps through the letters "AI"
data:[...] Base64Shawn points to a couch in the living room, where a sensor chip, a thermostat, and a heat pump are visible in colored bubbles.
data:[...] Base64Various hydrogen applications can be seen in molecules. These include a mobile fuel cell in a truck, hydrogen electrolysis and stationary fuel cells.
data:[...] Base64Wood artist Adam Detre stands surrounded by trees behind a Bosch GCM 18V-305 GDC Professional cordless crosscut and miter saw, carefully aligning a long piece of wood.
data:[...] Base64A hand holds a tiny sensor on his fingertip.
data:[...] Base64A car on a road with software code visualizing the automated driving functions.
data:[...] Base64A woman charges an electric vehicle Xiaomi SU7 at a charging station

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
Artificial intelligence at Bosch for a better future
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 Artificial intelligence at Bosch for a better future
H2 Radar deep learning — helping vehicles move into the fast lane
H2 Our products for your home
H2 Our solutions for business clients
H2 Explore our stories
H2 Our topics
H2 Get in touch with Bosch
H2 Send us a message
H3 Mobility
H3 Industry and trades
H3 Market-specific solutions
H3 Artificial intelligence
H3 Energy efficiency
H3 Hydrogen
H3 Battery technology
H3 MEMS-sensors
H3 Automated driving
H3 Electrification
Página base: /
Algunos textos ancla son demasiado largos.
Algunos enlaces internos contienen parámetros dinámicos. Las URL internas no deberían contener parámetros dinámicos, salvo que estén marcadas como nofollow.
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Hay 10 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content texto
/products-and-services/at-home/At home
/products-and-services/industr...Industry and trades
/products-and-services/market-...Market-specific solutions duplicado Overview
/stories/topics/Texto duplicado Overview
/stories/topics/ai-for-a-bette...Artificial intelligence
/stories/topics/energy-efficie...Energy efficiency at home
/stories/topics/hydrogen-energy/Hydrogen — energy for the future
/stories/topics/battery-techno...Battery Technology
/stories/topics/mems-micro-ele...MEMS Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
/stories/podcast-from-know-how...Podcast — From KNOW-HOW to WOW
/stories/ai-chatbot-frizz/AI Chatbot Frizz
/stories/like-a-bosch/Texto duplicado Overview
/stories/like-a-bosch/sensorte...Sensor tech #LikeABosch
/stories/hightech-likeabosch/High-tech #LikeABosch #LikeABosch
/stories/topics/ai-for-a-bette...Topic Artificial intelligence at Bosch for a better future
IMG-ALT A woman stands in front of an artificial blue surface and explores her surroundings in a virtual world. The picture shows the letters "AI", which stands for ... duplicado Overview
/company/annual-report/Annual report
/company/facts-and-figures/Facts and figures
/company/our-history/Texto duplicado Overview
/company/our-history/A journey through our history
/company/our-history/Company founder Robert Bosch
/company/our-history/videos-ab...Videos about Bosch History
/stories/history-blog/History Blog
/company/supply-chain/Texto duplicado Overview
/company/supply-chain/informat...Information for business partners
/stories/the-unicorn-that-is-e...Blog postCEO blog The unicorn that is Europe
IMG-ALT Stefan Hartung stands in front of the European flag in the background.
/sustainability/Texto duplicado Overview
/sustainability/responsibility/Responsible corporate governance
/sustainability/sustainable-pr...Product responsibility
/sustainability/sustainable-su...Sustainable supply chains
/sustainability/sustainability...Sustainability reports and figures duplicado Overview
/research/research-stories/Research Stories
/research/research-blog/Research Blog
/research/research-fields/Texto duplicado Overview
/research/research-fields/digi...Digitalization and connectivity
/research/research-fields/arti...Texto duplicado Artificial intelligence
/research/research-fields/elec...Texto duplicado Electrification
/research/research-fields/clim...Climate action and sustainability
/research/research-publications/Research Publications
/research/about-bosch-research/Texto duplicado Overview
/research/about-bosch-research...Working at Bosch Research
/research/about-bosch-research...Our research experts
/research/about-bosch-research...Research locations duplicado Overview
/careers/why-bosch/Texto duplicado Overview
/careers/why-bosch/diversity-e...Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
/careers/why-bosch/associate-s...Associate Stories
/careers/career-opportunities/Career opportunities
/careers/job-offers/Job offers
/careers/fields-of-work/Fields of work ventana Externo Subdominio Press
/stories/topics/ai-for-a-bette...Texto duplicado Topic Artificial intelligence at Bosch for a better future
IMG-ALT A woman stands in front of an artificial blue surface and explores her surroundings in a virtual world. The picture shows the letters "AI", which stands for ...
/stories/technology-report-tec...StoryBosch Tech Compass 2024 Will AI have a lasting impact on how we live?
IMG-ALT A robotic arm hands a flower to a woman.
/company/annual-report/Bosch annual report 2023
IMG-ALT The illustration shows a graphic with colored lines, the representation of the title of the Bosch annual report. texto
/websites-worldwide/Find your local website
/stories/topics/ai-for-a-bette...Artificial intelligence at Bosch for a better future
/stories/topics/ai-for-a-bette...IMG-ALT A woman stands in front of an artificial blue surface and explores her surroundings in a virtual world. The picture shows the letters "AI", which stands for ...
/stories/using-ai-for-accurate...Radar deep learning — helping vehicles move into the fast lane
IMG-ALT Automated driving functions improve the safety of road traffic, help it flow better, and make it altogether more convenient. us open positions in touch
/products-and-services/at-home/Show all products
/products-and-services/at-home/Home appliances
IMG-ALT Bosch products for home appliances
/products-and-services/at-home/Power tools
IMG-ALT Power tools for private customers from Bosch
/products-and-services/at-home/Garden tools
IMG-ALT Garden tools from Bosch
/products-and-services/at-home/Measuring tools
IMG-ALT Measuring tools from Bosch
/products-and-services/at-home/Cleaning tools
IMG-ALT Cleaning tools from Bosch
/products-and-services/at-home/Heating, cooling, and well-being
IMG-ALT Bosch products for heating, cooling, and well-being
/products-and-services/at-home/Smart Home
IMG-ALT Bosch solutions for your smart home
/products-and-services/mobility/Discover the entire portfolio
/products-and-services/industr...Learn more about our solutions
/products-and-services/market-...Find your branch all stories
/stories/topics/ai-for-a-bette...Artificial intelligence AI for a better future Is the world prepared for artificial intelligence? This topic takes a look at the most important questions aro...
IMG-ALT A woman steps through the letters "AI"
/stories/topics/energy-efficie...Energy efficiency Saving energy at home is easier than you think The world needs more eco-warriors — but becoming one is easier than you might think. This to...
IMG-ALT Shawn points to a couch in the living room, where a sensor chip, a thermostat, and a heat pump are visible in colored bubbles.
/stories/topics/hydrogen-energy/Hydrogen Energy of the future Hydrogen technologies will be a central enabler of the energy transition. In this topic, you will learn more about the current ...
IMG-ALT Various hydrogen applications can be seen in molecules. These include a mobile fuel cell in a truck, hydrogen electrolysis and stationary fuel cells.
/stories/topics/battery-techno...Battery technology More than just a means of storing energy Innovations from Bosch are making batteries more durable, more powerful, and more sustainable. Th...
IMG-ALT Wood artist Adam Detre stands surrounded by trees behind a Bosch GCM 18V-305 GDC Professional cordless crosscut and miter saw, carefully aligning a long piec...
/stories/topics/mems-micro-ele...MEMS-sensors Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Sensors play a fundamental role in our modern life and are essential for enabling technologies of tomorrow. Rea...
IMG-ALT A hand holds a tiny sensor on his fingertip.
/stories/topics/automated-driv...Automated driving New era on the roads The invention of the automobile revolutionized people’s lives. Now we are on the threshold of the next big technologic...
IMG-ALT A car on a road with software code visualizing the automated driving functions.
/stories/topics/electrification/Electrification Electricity drives us Electricity inspires us to constantly invent new things. It also confronts us with new challenges, such as climate chan...
IMG-ALT A woman charges an electric vehicle Xiaomi SU7 at a charging station ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE LinkedIn ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Facebook ventana Externo Subdominio A-TITLE Twitter contact form #LikeABosch — Apply now. Bosch Global Careers
/company/supply-chain/Become a business partner. Purchasing and logistics contact info ventana Externo Subdominio Product security (PSIRT)
/licenses-and-patents/Innovations, patents, and licenses
/company/supply-chain/Purchasing and logistics ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto ventana Externo Subdominio Sin texto
/corporate-information/?preven...Corporate information
/legal-notice/?prevent-auto-op...Legal notice
/data-protection-notice/?preve...Data protection notice (Privacy Policy)
/statement-of-ada-compliance/?...Web accessibility

Configuración del servidor

Redirecciones HTTP
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no redirige a otra URL.
Cabecera HTTP
La versión del servidor web se especifica dentro de la cabecera HTTP.
La cabecera X-Powered-by no se envía en la cabecera de la página.
Esta página utiliza GZip para la transmisión de datos comprimidos.
(Poco importante)
El tiempo de respuesta de la página HTML es excelente: 0,02 segundos, y se sitúa por debajo de los 0,40 segundos.
El tamaño HTML de la página es adecuado: 130 kB.

Cabecera HTTP

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Factores externos

Listas negras
Esta página no está clasificada como “contenido para adultos”.
Wikipedia enlaza esta página en sus fuentes.
Esta página recibe enlaces de calidad de otros sitios web.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 11.194 dominios de referencia.
Esta página recibe un total de 1.910.292 backlinks.
Esta página recibe backlinks de 6.848 direcciones IP distintas.
Popularidad en Facebook
(Poco importante)
Esta página tiene 0 compartir y comentarios en Facebook.

Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
Invented for life | Bosch Global
Moving stories and inspiring interviews. Experience the meaning of "invented for life" by Bosch completely new. Visit our international website.

Palabras clave más importantes

Se han encontrado las siguientes palabras clave. Comprueba si esta página está bien optimizada para cada palabra clave en concreto.

Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Bosch Global70%Check
Robert Bosch64%Check
Bosch Research64%Check
Artificial Intelligence56%Check

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