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Christian Post | Christian News & Commentaries
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An online Christian news publication with the latest headlines relevant to Christians. New stories updated daily from a Christian worldview.
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...image/15/27/152777_a_707_471_529_257.jpgNorthwestern professor tells students at anti-Israel protest journalism 'not about objectivity'
...image/15/27/152788_a_300_200_238_150.jpgMuslims armed with guns, batons attack Christians, seize family's farmland
...s/cache/image/15/27/152776_a_300_200.jpgUMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’
...image/15/27/152784_a_300_200_747_163.jpgAs the world mourns Mandisa, we explore her life, music and legacy
...image/15/27/152780_a_300_200_407_152.jpgAfrican delegates denounce UMC votes to allow LGBT marriage, ordination: ‘We are devastated’
...image/15/27/152774_a_300_200_288_190.png'The Office' actress says she objected to 'super judgy' Christian joke about gay character
...image/15/05/150555_a_300_200_593_341.jpgUSCIRF labels Azerbaijan a top religious freedom violator for the first time
.../image/15/27/152783_a_300_200_169_64.jpgProtestant pastor's prison sentence upheld in Algeria over 'illegal worship' conviction
...image/15/27/152785_a_300_200_531_208.jpgPortland State protesters 'delusional,' mayor says; university reopens after 30 demonstrators arrested
...image/15/20/152040_a_300_200_519_190.jpgTrump says states should decide whether to prosecute women for abortions
...image/15/27/152779_a_300_200_566_245.png'There was Jesus' singer makes 'American Idol' top 7
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.../image/15/27/152774_a_140_93_288_190.png'The Office' actress says she objected to 'super judgy' Christian joke about gay character
...ache/image/15/27/152776_a_140_93_7_7.jpgUMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’
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.../image/15/27/152780_a_140_93_407_152.jpgAfrican delegates denounce UMC votes to allow LGBT marriage, ordination: ‘We are devastated’
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...image/14/47/144753_a_300_200_728_699.jpgMandisa 'did not harm herself,' was 'weak' from COVID-19 at time of death, claims father
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.../image/15/27/152747_a_300_200_215_50.pngAssyrian bishop loses sight in eye after being stabbed during sermon
...s/cache/image/15/18/151881_a_300_200.jpgPolitics in the Pews: Evangelical Christian engagement in elections from the Moral Majority to today
...s/cache/image/15/27/152772_a_469_313.pngAnna Crenshaw rejects Hillsong’s offer after megachurch allegedly asked her to sign NDA, lie
...image/15/27/152713_a_469_313_721_117.jpgGlobal Methodist Church reacts to UMC votes to allow LGBT clergy, same-sex weddings
...s/cache/image/14/58/145862_a_469_313.jpgHouse antisemitism bill sponsor calls MTG's claim it criminalizes the Gospel 'absurdity'
...s/cache/image/15/24/152422_a_469_313.pngLiberty's Jonathan Falwell on whether the 'perfect candidate' exists, a Christian's role in politics
...image/15/27/152722_a_707_471_617_441.jpgWatchdog warns of growing hostility to Christians in US: 'Frogs in the kettle'
...s/cache/image/14/15/141525_a_300_200.jpgBeth Moore, doctor criticize John MacArthur for claiming mental illness isn’t real
...image/15/05/150595_a_300_200_535_162.jpg'Powerful moment in our history': Americans to gather for National Day of Prayer observances
...s/cache/image/15/14/151416_a_300_200.jpgJudge upholds hate crime charge against Christian facing 5 years in jail for toppling satanic altar
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...s/cache/image/15/27/152771_a_300_200.jpgUCLA anti-Israel protests: Violence erupts as delayed police response sparks criticism
...thumbnail/25/93/259349_a_469_313_7_7.jpgAnna Crenshaw rejects Hillsong’s offer after megachurch allegedly asked her to sign NDA, lie
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...thumbnail/25/93/259361_a_469_313_7_7.jpg Egypt security services failed to protect Christians’ homes from gasoline bombs, human rights group says
...thumbnail/25/93/259343_a_469_313_7_7.jpgHouse antisemitism bill sponsor calls MTG's claim it criminalizes the Gospel 'absurdity'
...bnail/25/93/259318_a_469_313_784_236.jpg'Unsung Hero' the latest smash hit in faith-based film world, exceeding expectations opening weekend
...bnail/25/92/259219_a_469_313_658_146.jpgChristian psychologist: Kids must develop 'resilience' to fulfill God's purpose for them
...bnail/25/90/259030_a_469_313_685_369.jpgNaked man claiming to be trans at Planet Fitness arrested for indecent exposure
...bnail/25/92/259290_a_469_313_171_127.jpgFrench volleyball star to join Catholic order, wants to become a priest
...thumbnail/25/93/259337_a_469_313_7_7.jpgLiberty's Jonathan Falwell on whether the 'perfect candidate' exists, a Christian's role in politics
...bnail/25/93/259315_a_469_313_405_164.jpgChonda Pierce says comedy helped her find God's faithfulness after loss, abuse: 'He delivered me'
...thumbnail/25/91/259167_a_469_313_7_7.jpg6 highlights from Joe Rogan's interview with Tucker Carlson
...4--t2-fVOrMXaRypTWEJ8QM.jpeg&w=3840&q=75'Garden to Garden' Devotional Book Rooted in Our Longing for Eden
...s/cache/image/15/27/152746_a_469_313.jpgPodcaster's claim that women who get abortions 'should be killed' sparks intense debate
...s/cache/image/14/23/142355_a_469_313.jpgFlorida AG says Title IX rule change impacts girls' sports despite Biden admin.'s claims
...image/14/63/146375_a_469_313_641_211.jpgBiden asks 'for God’s continued guidance’ in National Day of Prayer proclamation
...image/14/56/145636_a_469_313_646_635.pngArizona Senate repeals abortion ban, governor expected to sign
...s/cache/image/15/14/151459_a_469_313.jpg12 Christians killed by herdsmen in Nigerian village attack Christian Post Today Daily International Portal Press to Homepage de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT de atributo ALT

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H3 Pastor says his mentally troubled wife died by suicide, but some refuse to believe
H3 Suicide of pastor’s wife illuminates silent, deadly ‘public health crisis’ among mothers
H3 Wife of California megachurch pastor, mother of 5 dies by suicide
H3 Chonda Pierce says comedy helped her find God's faithfulness after loss: 'He delivered me'
H3 Florida agency releases new rule to combat Biden 'disinformation' about women's healthcare
H3 Portrait artist's fascinating decision about how to paint Jesus after 'encounter with Christianity'
H3 Northwestern professor tells students at anti-Israel protest journalism 'not about objectivity'
H3 Muslims armed with guns, batons attack Christians, seize family's farmland
H3 UMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’
H3 As the world mourns Mandisa, we explore her life, music and legacy
H3 African delegates denounce UMC votes to allow LGBT marriage, ordination: ‘We are devastated’
H3 'The Office' actress says she objected to 'super judgy' Christian joke about gay character
H3 USCIRF labels Azerbaijan a top religious freedom violator for the first time
H3 Protestant pastor's prison sentence upheld in Algeria over 'illegal worship' conviction
H3 Portland State protesters 'delusional,' mayor says; university reopens after 30 demonstrators arrested
H3 Trump says states should decide whether to prosecute women for abortions
H3 'There was Jesus' singer makes 'American Idol' top 7
H3 Arizona repeals Civil War-era abortion ban ahead of 2024 referendum vote
H3 Did the House just outlaw quoting parts of the New Testament?
H3 How to land a job after working in an abortion clinic
H3 Absurd: Parents are 'domestic terrorists' but real terrorists on campuses are 'protestors'
H3 Do we deserve to be canceled by our grandchildren?
H3 Anti-Israel campus protesters are pampered, spoiled
H3 Genocidal antisemitism in America?
H3 Biblical marriage must remain intact in the Republican Party
H3 Pro-choice and anti-suicide: A conflicting message to students
H3 Hamas must release all hostages or Israel has to escalate war in Rafah
H3 Ask Chuck: Guaranteed income programs will create more poverty
H3 Why is the US turning a blind eye to Nigeria’s genocide?
H3 On National Day of Prayer, how should we pray for our nation?
H3 Russell Brand just got baptized. But what does it mean?
H3 6 spiritual ingredients that foster Christian growth
H3 The paradox of life through death: Embracing our spiritual journey
H3 No, I don’t believe suddenly, American students care deeply about Palestinians
H3 Why National Foster Care Month is our call to biblical hospitality
H3 Plummeting US fertility rates: What can we learn from Israel?
H3 Left-wing activists are showing who's really in charge on Ivy League campuses
H3 Does the Bible speak of demonic ruler reigning over Iran?
H3 Is it a sin to listen to Taylor Swift?
H3 Hamas founder’s son delivers chilling testimony to Jordan Peterson
H3 The need for a coherent biblical perspective on abortion
H3 How can you be loved yet also under God's wrath?
H3 Health care choices are a matter of religious freedom
H3 Answered prayer is for other people
H3 Universities of America: You are directly responsible for the rise of Jew hatred on your campuses
H3 The weaponization of ‘mental health’ and ‘trauma’: A review of Abigail Shrier's 'Bad Therapy'
H3 Reaching converts to the religion of social justice
H3 Robert Jeffress identifies common misconceptions about the End Times
H3 Pastor says his mentally troubled wife died by suicide, but some refuse to believe Texto duplicado
H3 'The Office' actress says she objected to 'super judgy' Christian joke about gay character Texto duplicado
H3 UMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’ Texto duplicado
H3 'There was Jesus' singer makes 'American Idol' top 7 Texto duplicado
H3 African delegates denounce UMC votes to allow LGBT marriage, ordination: ‘We are devastated’ Texto duplicado
H3 Violence Erupts at UCLA, House Passes Anti-Semitism Bill, Global Methodist Church Reacts to UMC LGBT Changes
H3 As the World Mourns Mandisa, We Explore Her Life, Music, and Legacy
H3 A Father Fights Back: How the Family Courts Facilitated The Sterilization Of His Gender-Confused Minor Son
H3 UMC drops decades-old ban on ordaining LGBT clergy without debate
H3 Real Life Ministries processes suicide of Pastor Gene Jacobs, founder says he’s in Heaven
H3 Jack Graham says lack of biblical worldview biggest issue facing the Church: 'People don't know what the Bible says' (part 2)
H3 Mandisa 'did not harm herself,' was 'weak' from COVID-19 at time of death, claims father
H3 Russell Brand announces baptism after months-long spiritual journey: 'Taking the plunge'
H3 Assyrian bishop loses sight in eye after being stabbed during sermon
H3 Politics in the Pews: Evangelical Christian engagement in elections from the Moral Majority to today
H3 Anna Crenshaw rejects Hillsong’s offer after megachurch allegedly asked her to sign NDA, lie
H3 Global Methodist Church reacts to UMC votes to allow LGBT clergy, same-sex weddings
H3 House antisemitism bill sponsor calls MTG's claim it criminalizes the Gospel 'absurdity'
H3 Liberty's Jonathan Falwell on whether the 'perfect candidate' exists, a Christian's role in politics
H3 Watchdog warns of growing hostility to Christians in US: 'Frogs in the kettle'
H3 Eric Metaxas' new book 'Religionless Christianity' warns hour 'extremely late' for American Church to resist evil
H3 Cuba Gooding Jr. says role as drug dealer-turned-Christian reflects own redemption story: 'Time to get back to God'
H3 Beth Moore, doctor criticize John MacArthur for claiming mental illness isn’t real
H3 'Powerful moment in our history': Americans to gather for National Day of Prayer observances
H3 Judge upholds hate crime charge against Christian facing 5 years in jail for toppling satanic altar
H3 Egypt security services failed to protect Christians’ homes from gasoline bombs, human rights group says
H3 Catholic bishop says Biden admin. advancing 'ideological view of sex'
H3 UCLA anti-Israel protests: Violence erupts as delayed police response sparks criticism
H3 Anna Crenshaw rejects Hillsong’s offer after megachurch allegedly asked her to sign NDA, lie Texto duplicado
H3 Beth Moore, doctor criticize John MacArthur for claiming mental illness isn’t real Texto duplicado
H3 Global Methodist Church reacts to UMC votes to allow LGBT clergy, same-sex weddings Texto duplicado
H3 Pastor John MacArthur says there is no such thing as mental illness, calls PTSD ‘grief’
H3 UMC drops decades-old ban on ordaining LGBT clergy without debate Texto duplicado
H3 Judge upholds hate crime charge against Christian facing 5 years in jail for toppling satanic altar Texto duplicado
H3 Biden asks 'for God’s continued guidance’ in National Day of Prayer proclamation
H3 UCLA anti-Israel protests: Violence erupts as delayed police response sparks criticism Texto duplicado
H3 Man jailed for burning historic church says he was only trying to scare bugs
H3 'Powerful moment in our history': Americans to gather for National Day of Prayer observances Texto duplicado
H3 Egypt security services failed to protect Christians’ homes from gasoline bombs, human rights group says Texto duplicado
H3 12 Christians killed by herdsmen in Nigerian village attack
H3 'Most wanted' New York fugitive arrested at the Vatican with knives during papal audience
H3 13-year-old Christian girl abducted, forced into Islamic marriage in Pakistan
H3 Catholic bishops in England, Wales issue pastoral statement against transgender interventions
H3 House antisemitism bill sponsor calls MTG's claim it criminalizes the Gospel 'absurdity' Texto duplicado
H3 Arizona Senate repeals abortion ban, governor expected to sign
H3 Catholic bishop says Biden admin. advancing 'ideological view of sex' Texto duplicado
H3 Florida AG says Title IX rule change impacts girls' sports despite Biden admin.'s claims
H3 Supreme Court rejects request to block Texas porn site age verification law
H3 'Unsung Hero' the latest smash hit in faith-based film world, exceeding expectations opening weekend
H3 'The Chosen’ now streaming on Disney+; Dallas Jenkins says it opens door for a 'new audience'
H3 Russell Brand says recent baptism left him feeling 'changed,' 'surrendered in Christ'
H3 'American Idol' alums pay tribute to Mandisa with performance of 'Shackles': 'Heaven's gain'
H3 Cuba Gooding Jr. says role as drug dealer-turned-Christian reflects own redemption story: 'Time to get back to God' Texto duplicado
H3 Christian psychologist: Kids must develop 'resilience' to fulfill God's purpose for them
H3 Travel: 2 New York City landmark churches
H3 Master portrait artist Zimou Tan revives the Gospel in art but won’t depict the face of Jesus
H3 Travel: Postcard from Skirlaugh
H3 OnlyFans model leaves career behind after finding Jesus, gets baptized
H3 Naked man claiming to be trans at Planet Fitness arrested for indecent exposure
H3 Chloe Cole urges Disney to cover healthcare for detransitioners, warns 'lawsuits are coming'
H3 Planet Fitness founder slams trans locker room policies: 'No common sense'
H3 Apple, Roblox, LinkedIn: 12 mainstream contributors to sexual exploitation
H3 Shake Shack offers free chicken sandwiches on Sundays in an apparent jab at Chick-fil-A
H3 French volleyball star to join Catholic order, wants to become a priest
H3 Radio host wants Pastor Charlie Dates to repent for praying over Chicago Bears stadium plans
H3 Retired WNBA star Charlotte Smith on finding Jesus amid struggles with sexual sin, idolatry
H3 Scottie Scheffler dedicates second Masters win to God: 'My victory was secure on the cross'
H3 South Carolina coach Dawn Staley faces backlash for supporting male athletes in women's sports
H3 Liberty's Jonathan Falwell on whether the 'perfect candidate' exists, a Christian's role in politics Texto duplicado
H3 Tenn. gov. signs bill requiring public schools to show development of preborn babies
H3 Louisiana's education chief tells schools to ignore Biden's Title IX rule change
H3 Leading DEI official at UCLA medical school plagiarized doctoral dissertation on diversity: report
H3 Elementary school accused of discrimination for rejecting creation of interfaith prayer club
H3 Chonda Pierce says comedy helped her find God's faithfulness after loss, abuse: 'He delivered me'
H3 Eric Metaxas' new book 'Religionless Christianity' warns hour 'extremely late' for American Church to resist evil Texto duplicado
H3 Dog the Bounty Hunter on witnessing 'demonic possession,' God's faithfulness during career
H3 Christian expert on near-death experiences reveals 1 thing they all have in common
H3 Granger Smith reveals what he's learned about theology of suffering 5 years after son's death
H3 6 highlights from Joe Rogan's interview with Tucker Carlson
H3 For King & Country’s Luke Smallbone on faith, family and the vital message of ‘Unsung Hero’
H3 Who are some of the biggest drivers of sexual exploitation? Inside the new report
H3 John Piper: Churches should ‘excommunicate,’ not ‘execute’ gay couples
H3 Dr. Josh Axe on the best way to find your sense of purpose
H3 'Garden to Garden' Devotional Book Rooted in Our Longing for Eden
H3 5 Etiquette Rules for Giving Corporate Gifts
H3 A Pleasing Aroma To The Lord
H3 Praying for Marriages on the National Day of Prayer 2024
H3 Podcaster's claim that women who get abortions 'should be killed' sparks intense debate
H3 Florida AG says Title IX rule change impacts girls' sports despite Biden admin.'s claims Texto duplicado
H3 Biden asks 'for God’s continued guidance’ in National Day of Prayer proclamation Texto duplicado
H3 Arizona Senate repeals abortion ban, governor expected to sign Texto duplicado
H3 12 Christians killed by herdsmen in Nigerian village attack Texto duplicado
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EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla The Christian Post
/news/pastor-says-his-mentally...Subdominio Pastor's Wife
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/news/african-delegates-denoun...Subdominio Africans Denounce UMC
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/news/pastor-says-his-mentally...Subdominio Texto duplicado Pastor's Wife
/news/as-the-world-mourns-mand...Subdominio Texto duplicado Mandisa
/news/african-delegates-denoun...Subdominio Texto duplicado Africans Denounce UMC
/news/john-macarthur-says-ther...Subdominio Texto duplicado John MacArthur
/news/anna-crenshaw-rejects-hi...Subdominio Texto duplicado Hillsong
/news/pastor-says-his-mentally...IMG-ALT Pastor says his mentally troubled wife died by suicide, but some refuse to believe
/news/pastor-says-his-mentally...Texto duplicado Pastor says his mentally troubled wife died by suicide, but some refuse to believe
/news/suicide-of-pastors-wife-...Suicide of pastor’s wife illuminates silent, deadly ‘public health crisis’ among mothers
/news/wife-of-california-megac...Wife of California megachurch pastor, mother of 5 dies by suicide
/books/chonda-pierce-says-come...Chonda Pierce says comedy helped her find God's faithfulness after loss: 'He delivered me'
/news/florida-combats-disinfor...Florida agency releases new rule to combat Biden 'disinformation' about women's healthcare
/news/portrait-artists-fascina...Portrait artist's fascinating decision about how to paint Jesus after 'encounter with Christianity'
/news/northwestern-professor-s...IMG-ALT Northwestern professor tells students at anti-Israel protest journalism 'not about objectivity'
/news/northwestern-professor-s...Texto duplicado Northwestern professor tells students at anti-Israel protest journalism 'not about objectivity'
/news/muslims-armed-with-guns-...IMG-ALT Muslims armed with guns, batons attack Christians, seize family's farmland
/news/muslims-armed-with-guns-...Texto duplicado Muslims armed with guns, batons attack Christians, seize family's farmland
/news/umc-removes-rule-saying-...IMG-ALT UMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’
/news/umc-removes-rule-saying-...Texto duplicado UMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’
/news/as-the-world-mourns-mand...IMG-ALT As the world mourns Mandisa, we explore her life, music and legacy
/news/as-the-world-mourns-mand...Texto duplicado As the world mourns Mandisa, we explore her life, music and legacy
/news/african-delegates-denoun...IMG-ALT African delegates denounce UMC votes to allow LGBT marriage, ordination: ‘We are devastated’
/news/african-delegates-denoun...Texto duplicado African delegates denounce UMC votes to allow LGBT marriage, ordination: ‘We are devastated’
/news/office-actress-says-she-...IMG-ALT 'The Office' actress says she objected to 'super judgy' Christian joke about gay character
/news/office-actress-says-she-...Texto duplicado 'The Office' actress says she objected to 'super judgy' Christian joke about gay character
/news/uscirf-labels-azerbaijan...IMG-ALT USCIRF labels Azerbaijan a top religious freedom violator for the first time
/news/uscirf-labels-azerbaijan...Texto duplicado USCIRF labels Azerbaijan a top religious freedom violator for the first time
/news/protestant-pastors-priso...IMG-ALT Protestant pastor's prison sentence upheld in Algeria over 'illegal worship' conviction
/news/protestant-pastors-priso...Texto duplicado Protestant pastor's prison sentence upheld in Algeria over 'illegal worship' conviction
/news/anti-israel-protesters-a...IMG-ALT Portland State protesters 'delusional,' mayor says; university reopens after 30 demonstrators arrested
/news/anti-israel-protesters-a...Texto duplicado Portland State protesters 'delusional,' mayor says; university reopens after 30 demonstrators arrested
/news/trump-states-should-deci...IMG-ALT Trump says states should decide whether to prosecute women for abortions
/news/trump-states-should-deci...Texto duplicado Trump says states should decide whether to prosecute women for abortions
/news/there-was-jesus-singer-m...IMG-ALT 'There was Jesus' singer makes 'American Idol' top 7
/news/there-was-jesus-singer-m...Texto duplicado 'There was Jesus' singer makes 'American Idol' top 7
/news/arizona-repeals-civil-wa...IMG-ALT Arizona repeals Civil War-era abortion ban ahead of 2024 referendum vote
/news/arizona-repeals-civil-wa...Texto duplicado Arizona repeals Civil War-era abortion ban ahead of 2024 referendum vote
/opinionTexto duplicado Opinion
/by/michael-brownMichael Brown
/by/michael-brownTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Michael Brown
/voices/did-the-house-just-out...Did the House just outlaw quoting parts of the New Testament?
/by/abby-johnsonAbby Johnson
/by/abby-johnsonTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Abby Johnson
/voices/how-to-land-a-job-afte...How to land a job after working in an abortion clinic
/by/sheri-fewSheri Few
/by/sheri-fewTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Sheri Few
/voices/parents-are-domestic-t...Absurd: Parents are 'domestic terrorists' but real terrorists on campuses are 'protestors'
/by/gary-l-weltonGary L. Welton
/by/gary-l-weltonTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Gary L. Welton
/voices/do-we-deserve-to-be-ca...Do we deserve to be canceled by our grandchildren?
/by/jerry-newcombeJerry Newcombe
/by/jerry-newcombeTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Jerry Newcombe
/voices/anti-israel-campus-pro...Anti-Israel campus protesters are pampered, spoiled
/by/richard-landRichard D. Land
/by/richard-landTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Richard D. Land
/voices/genocidal-antisemitism...Genocidal antisemitism in America?
/by/john-k-amanchukwu-srJohn K. Amanchukwu Sr.
/by/john-k-amanchukwu-srTexto duplicado IMG-ALT John K. Amanchukwu Sr.
/voices/biblical-marriage-must...Biblical marriage must remain intact in the Republican Party
/by/laura-gallierLaura Gallier
/by/laura-gallierTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Laura Gallier
/voices/pro-choice-and-anti-su...Pro-choice and anti-suicide: A conflicting message to students
/by/david-rubinDavid Rubin
/by/david-rubinTexto duplicado IMG-ALT David Rubin
/voices/hamas-must-release-all...Hamas must release all hostages or Israel has to escalate war in Rafah
/by/chuck-bentleyChuck Bentley
/by/chuck-bentleyTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Chuck Bentley
/voices/ask-chuck-guaranteed-i...Ask Chuck: Guaranteed income programs will create more poverty
/by/lela-gilbertLela Gilbert
/by/lela-gilbertTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Lela Gilbert
/voices/why-is-the-us-turning-...Why is the US turning a blind eye to Nigeria’s genocide?
/by/james-spencerJames Spencer
/by/james-spencerTexto duplicado IMG-ALT James Spencer
/voices/on-national-day-of-pra...On National Day of Prayer, how should we pray for our nation?
/by/david-hoffmanDavid Hoffman
/by/david-hoffmanTexto duplicado IMG-ALT David Hoffman
/voices/russell-brand-just-got...Russell Brand just got baptized. But what does it mean?
/by/ray-comfortRay Comfort
/by/ray-comfortTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Ray Comfort
/voices/6-spiritual-ingredient...6 spiritual ingredients that foster Christian growth
/by/jerry-mcglothlinJerry McGlothlin
/by/jerry-mcglothlinTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Jerry McGlothlin
/voices/paradox-of-life-throug...The paradox of life through death: Embracing our spiritual journey
/by/michael-brownTexto duplicado Michael Brown
/by/michael-brownTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Michael Brown
/voices/no-i-dont-believe-amer...No, I don’t believe suddenly, American students care deeply about Palestinians
/by/keith-curetonKeith Cureton
/by/keith-curetonTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Keith Cureton
/voices/national-foster-care-m...Why National Foster Care Month is our call to biblical hospitality
/by/bill-connorBill Connor
/by/bill-connorTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Bill Connor
/voices/plummeting-us-fertilit...Plummeting US fertility rates: What can we learn from Israel?
/by/jarrett-stepmanJarrett Stepman
/by/jarrett-stepmanTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Jarrett Stepman
/voices/left-wing-activists-ar...Left-wing activists are showing who's really in charge on Ivy League campuses
/by/jason-jimenezJason Jimenez
/by/jason-jimenezTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Jason Jimenez
/voices/does-the-bible-speak-o...Does the Bible speak of demonic ruler reigning over Iran?
/by/samuel-seySamuel Sey
/by/samuel-seyTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Samuel Sey
/voices/is-it-a-sin-to-listen-...Is it a sin to listen to Taylor Swift?
/by/dusty-may-taylorDusty May Taylor
/by/dusty-may-taylorTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Dusty May Taylor
/voices/hamas-founders-son-chi...Hamas founder’s son delivers chilling testimony to Jordan Peterson
/by/josue-sierraJosue Sierra
/by/josue-sierraTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Josue Sierra
/voices/the-need-for-a-coheren...The need for a coherent biblical perspective on abortion
/by/dan-delzellDan Delzell
/by/dan-delzellTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Dan Delzell
/voices/how-can-you-be-loved-y...How can you be loved yet also under God's wrath?
/by/katy-talentoKaty Talento
/by/katy-talentoTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Katy Talento
/voices/health-care-choices-ar...Health care choices are a matter of religious freedom
/by/robin-schumacherRobin Schumacher
/by/robin-schumacherTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Robin Schumacher
/voices/answered-prayer-is-for...Answered prayer is for other people
/by/michael-brownTexto duplicado Michael Brown
/by/michael-brownTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Michael Brown
/voices/universities-are-respo...Universities of America: You are directly responsible for the rise of Jew hatred on your campuses
/by/brandon-showalterBrandon Showalter
/by/brandon-showalterTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Brandon Showalter
/voices/the-weaponization-of-m...The weaponization of ‘mental health’ and ‘trauma’: A review of Abigail Shrier's 'Bad Therapy'
/by/christopher-l-reeseChristopher L. Reese
/by/christopher-l-reeseTexto duplicado IMG-ALT Christopher L. Reese
/voices/reaching-converts-to-t...Reaching converts to the religion of social justice
/videoTexto duplicado Videos
/video/robert-jeffress-identif...Robert Jeffress identifies common misconceptions about the End Times
/news/pastor-says-his-mentally...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Pastor says his mentally troubled wife died by suicide, but some refuse to believe
/news/pastor-says-his-mentally...Texto duplicado Pastor says his mentally troubled wife died by suicide, but some refuse to believe
/news/office-actress-says-she-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT 'The Office' actress says she objected to 'super judgy' Christian joke about gay character
/news/office-actress-says-she-...Texto duplicado 'The Office' actress says she objected to 'super judgy' Christian joke about gay character
/news/umc-removes-rule-saying-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT UMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’
/news/umc-removes-rule-saying-...Texto duplicado UMC removes rule that homosexuality is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’
/news/there-was-jesus-singer-m...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT 'There was Jesus' singer makes 'American Idol' top 7
/news/there-was-jesus-singer-m...Texto duplicado 'There was Jesus' singer makes 'American Idol' top 7
/news/african-delegates-denoun...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT African delegates denounce UMC votes to allow LGBT marriage, ordination: ‘We are devastated’
/news/african-delegates-denoun...Texto duplicado African delegates denounce UMC votes to allow LGBT marriage, ordination: ‘We are devastated’
/podcastTexto duplicado Podcasts
/podcast/channel/the-christian...IMG-ALT The Christian Post Daily
/podcast/violence-erupts-at-uc...Violence Erupts at UCLA, House Passes Anti-Semitism Bill, Global Methodist Church Reacts to UMC LGBT Changes
/podcast/channel/the-christian...IMG-ALT The Inside Story: From the Christian Post
/podcast/as-the-world-mourns-m...As the World Mourns Mandisa, We Explore Her Life, Music, and Legacy
/podcast/channel/generation-in...IMG-ALT Generation Indoctrination: Inside the Transgender Battle
/podcast/a-father-fights-back-...A Father Fights Back: How the Family Courts Facilitated The Sterilization Of His Gender-Confused Minor Son
/news/umc-repeals-decades-old-...IMG-ALT UMC drops decades-old ban on ordaining LGBT clergy without debate
/news/umc-repeals-decades-old-...Texto duplicado UMC drops decades-old ban on ordaining LGBT clergy without debate
/news/real-life-ministries-pro...IMG-ALT Real Life Ministries processes suicide of Pastor Gene Jacobs, founder says he’s in Heaven
/news/real-life-ministries-pro...Texto duplicado Real Life Ministries processes suicide of Pastor Gene Jacobs, founder says he’s in Heaven
/news/jack-graham-identifies-t...IMG-ALT Jack Graham says lack of biblical worldview biggest issue facing the Church: 'People don't know what the Bible says' (part 2)
/news/jack-graham-identifies-t...Texto duplicado Jack Graham says lack of biblical worldview biggest issue facing the Church: 'People don't know what the Bible says' (part 2)
/news/mandisa-did-not-harm-her...IMG-ALT Mandisa 'did not harm herself,' was 'weak' from COVID-19 at time of death, claims father
/news/mandisa-did-not-harm-her...Texto duplicado Mandisa 'did not harm herself,' was 'weak' from COVID-19 at time of death, claims father
/news/russell-brand-announces-...IMG-ALT Russell Brand announces baptism after months-long spiritual journey: 'Taking the plunge'
/news/russell-brand-announces-...Texto duplicado Russell Brand announces baptism after months-long spiritual journey: 'Taking the plunge'
/news/bishop-loses-sight-in-ey...IMG-ALT Assyrian bishop loses sight in eye after being stabbed during sermon
/news/bishop-loses-sight-in-ey...Texto duplicado Assyrian bishop loses sight in eye after being stabbed during sermon
/special-series/politics-in-th...IMG-ALT Politics in the Pews: Evangelical Christian engagement in elections from the Moral Majority to today
/special-series/politics-in-th...Texto duplicado Politics in the Pews: Evangelical Christian engagement in elections from the Moral Majority to today
/featured-newsMore Top Stories
/news/anna-crenshaw-rejects-hi...IMG-ALT Anna Crenshaw rejects Hillsong’s offer after megachurch allegedly asked her to sign NDA, lie
/news/anna-crenshaw-rejects-hi...Texto duplicado Anna Crenshaw rejects Hillsong’s offer after megachurch allegedly asked her to sign NDA, lie
/news/global-methodist-church-...IMG-ALT Global Methodist Church reacts to UMC votes to allow LGBT clergy, same-sex weddings
/news/global-methodist-church-...Texto duplicado Global Methodist Church reacts to UMC votes to allow LGBT clergy, same-sex weddings
/news/antisemitism-bill-sponso...IMG-ALT House antisemitism bill sponsor calls MTG's claim it criminalizes the Gospel 'absurdity'
/news/antisemitism-bill-sponso...Texto duplicado House antisemitism bill sponsor calls MTG's claim it criminalizes the Gospel 'absurdity'
/news/jonathan-falwell-on-whet...IMG-ALT Liberty's Jonathan Falwell on whether the 'perfect candidate' exists, a Christian's role in politics
/news/jonathan-falwell-on-whet...Texto duplicado Liberty's Jonathan Falwell on whether the 'perfect candidate' exists, a Christian's role in politics
/category/featured-newsTexto duplicado Featured
/news/watchdog-warns-americans...IMG-ALT Watchdog warns of growing hostility to Christians in US: 'Frogs in the kettle'
/news/watchdog-warns-americans...Texto duplicado Watchdog warns of growing hostility to Christians in US: 'Frogs in the kettle'
/books/eric-metaxas-new-book-w...Eric Metaxas' new book 'Religionless Christianity' warns hour 'extremely late' for American Church to resist evil
/news/cuba-gooding-jr-opens-up...Cuba Gooding Jr. says role as drug dealer-turned-Christian reflects own redemption story: 'Time to get back to God'
/news/john-macarthur-criticize...IMG-ALT Beth Moore, doctor criticize John MacArthur for claiming mental illness isn’t real
/news/john-macarthur-criticize...Texto duplicado Beth Moore, doctor criticize John MacArthur for claiming mental illness isn’t real
/news/americans-gather-for-nat...IMG-ALT 'Powerful moment in our history': Americans to gather for National Day of Prayer observances
/news/americans-gather-for-nat...Texto duplicado 'Powerful moment in our history': Americans to gather for National Day of Prayer observances
/news/judge-upholds-charges-ag...IMG-ALT Judge upholds hate crime charge against Christian facing 5 years in jail for toppling satanic altar
/news/judge-upholds-charges-ag...Texto duplicado Judge upholds hate crime charge against Christian facing 5 years in jail for toppling satanic altar
/news/egypt-security-services-...IMG-ALT Egypt security services failed to protect Christians’ homes from gasoline bombs, human rights group says
/news/egypt-security-services-...Texto duplicado Egypt security services failed to protect Christians’ homes from gasoline bombs, human rights group says
/news/catholic-bishop-says-bid...IMG-ALT Catholic bishop says Biden admin. advancing 'ideological view of sex'
/news/catholic-bishop-says-bid...Texto duplicado Catholic bishop says Biden admin. advancing 'ideological view of sex'
/news/violence-erupts-at-ucla-...IMG-ALT UCLA anti-Israel protests: Violence erupts as delayed police response sparks criticism
/news/violence-erupts-at-ucla-...Texto duplicado UCLA anti-Israel protests: Violence erupts as delayed police response sparks criticism
/category/church-ministriesTexto duplicado Church & Ministries
/news/anna-crenshaw-rejects-hi...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Anna Crenshaw rejects Hillsong’s offer after megachurch allegedly asked her to sign NDA, lie
/news/anna-crenshaw-rejects-hi...Texto duplicado Anna Crenshaw rejects Hillsong’s offer after megachurch allegedly asked her to sign NDA, lie
/news/john-macarthur-criticize...Texto duplicado Beth Moore, doctor criticize John MacArthur for claiming mental illness isn’t real
/news/global-methodist-church-...Texto duplicado Global Methodist Church reacts to UMC votes to allow LGBT clergy, same-sex weddings
/news/john-macarthur-says-ther...Pastor John MacArthur says there is no such thing as mental illness, calls PTSD ‘grief’
/news/umc-repeals-decades-old-...Texto duplicado UMC drops decades-old ban on ordaining LGBT clergy without debate
/category/usTexto duplicado U.S.
/news/judge-upholds-charges-ag...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Judge upholds hate crime charge against Christian facing 5 years in jail for toppling satanic altar
/news/judge-upholds-charges-ag...Texto duplicado Judge upholds hate crime charge against Christian facing 5 years in jail for toppling satanic altar
/news/biden-asks-for-gods-guid...Biden asks 'for God’s continued guidance’ in National Day of Prayer proclamation
/news/violence-erupts-at-ucla-...Texto duplicado UCLA anti-Israel protests: Violence erupts as delayed police response sparks criticism
/news/man-jailed-for-burning-h...Man jailed for burning historic church says he was only trying to scare bugs
/news/americans-gather-for-nat...Texto duplicado 'Powerful moment in our history': Americans to gather for National Day of Prayer observances
/category/worldTexto duplicado World
/news/egypt-security-services-...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Egypt security services failed to protect Christians’ homes from gasoline bombs, human rights group says
/news/egypt-security-services-...Texto duplicado Egypt security services failed to protect Christians’ homes from gasoline bombs, human rights group says
/news/12-christians-killed-by-...12 Christians killed by herdsmen in Nigerian village attack
/news/most-wanted-new-york-fug...'Most wanted' New York fugitive arrested at the Vatican with knives during papal audience
/news/christian-girl-abducted-...13-year-old Christian girl abducted, forced into Islamic marriage in Pakistan
/news/catholic-bishops-in-uk-i...Catholic bishops in England, Wales issue pastoral statement against transgender interventions
/category/politicsTexto duplicado Politics
/news/antisemitism-bill-sponso...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT House antisemitism bill sponsor calls MTG's claim it criminalizes the Gospel 'absurdity'
/news/antisemitism-bill-sponso...Texto duplicado House antisemitism bill sponsor calls MTG's claim it criminalizes the Gospel 'absurdity'
/news/arizona-senate-repeals-a...Arizona Senate repeals abortion ban, governor expected to sign
/news/catholic-bishop-says-bid...Texto duplicado Catholic bishop says Biden admin. advancing 'ideological view of sex'
/news/florida-ag-says-title-ix...Florida AG says Title IX rule change impacts girls' sports despite Biden admin.'s claims
/news/supreme-court-refuses-to...Supreme Court rejects request to block Texas porn site age verification law
/category/entertainmentTexto duplicado Entertainment
/news/unsung-hero-the-latest-s...IMG-ALT 'Unsung Hero' the latest smash hit in faith-based film world, exceeding expectations opening weekend
/news/unsung-hero-the-latest-s...Texto duplicado 'Unsung Hero' the latest smash hit in faith-based film world, exceeding expectations opening weekend
/news/the-chosen-now-streaming...'The Chosen’ now streaming on Disney+; Dallas Jenkins says it opens door for a 'new audience'
/news/russell-brand-says-hes-s...Russell Brand says recent baptism left him feeling 'changed,' 'surrendered in Christ'
/news/american-idol-alums-pay-...'American Idol' alums pay tribute to Mandisa with performance of 'Shackles': 'Heaven's gain'
/news/cuba-gooding-jr-opens-up...Texto duplicado Cuba Gooding Jr. says role as drug dealer-turned-Christian reflects own redemption story: 'Time to get back to God'
/category/livingTexto duplicado Living
/news/kids-must-build-resilien...IMG-ALT Christian psychologist: Kids must develop 'resilience' to fulfill God's purpose for them
/news/kids-must-build-resilien...Texto duplicado Christian psychologist: Kids must develop 'resilience' to fulfill God's purpose for them
/news/travel-2-new-york-city-l...Travel: 2 New York City landmark churches
/news/master-portrait-artist-z...Master portrait artist Zimou Tan revives the Gospel in art but won’t depict the face of Jesus
/news/travel-postcard-from-ski...Travel: Postcard from Skirlaugh
/news/onlyfans-model-quits-aft...OnlyFans model leaves career behind after finding Jesus, gets baptized
/category/businessTexto duplicado Business
/news/naked-man-claiming-to-be...IMG-ALT Naked man claiming to be trans at Planet Fitness arrested for indecent exposure
/news/naked-man-claiming-to-be...Texto duplicado Naked man claiming to be trans at Planet Fitness arrested for indecent exposure
/news/chloe-cole-warns-disney-...Chloe Cole urges Disney to cover healthcare for detransitioners, warns 'lawsuits are coming'
/news/planet-fitness-founder-s...Planet Fitness founder slams trans locker room policies: 'No common sense'
/news/dirrty-dozen-12-mainstre...Apple, Roblox, LinkedIn: 12 mainstream contributors to sexual exploitation
/news/shake-shacks-jab-at-chic...Shake Shack offers free chicken sandwiches on Sundays in an apparent jab at Chick-fil-A
/category/sportsTexto duplicado Sports
/news/french-volleyball-star-w...IMG-ALT French volleyball star to join Catholic order, wants to become a priest
/news/french-volleyball-star-w...Texto duplicado French volleyball star to join Catholic order, wants to become a priest
/news/radio-host-wants-pastor-...Radio host wants Pastor Charlie Dates to repent for praying over Chicago Bears stadium plans
/news/wnba-star-charlotte-smit...Retired WNBA star Charlotte Smith on finding Jesus amid struggles with sexual sin, idolatry
/news/scottie-scheffler-dedica...Scottie Scheffler dedicates second Masters win to God: 'My victory was secure on the cross'
/news/sc-coach-dawn-staley-cri...South Carolina coach Dawn Staley faces backlash for supporting male athletes in women's sports
/category/educationTexto duplicado Education
/news/jonathan-falwell-on-whet...Texto duplicado IMG-ALT Liberty's Jonathan Falwell on whether the 'perfect candidate' exists, a Christian's role in politics
/news/jonathan-falwell-on-whet...Texto duplicado Liberty's Jonathan Falwell on whether the 'perfect candidate' exists, a Christian's role in politics
/news/tennessee-law-requires-p...Tenn. gov. signs bill requiring public schools to show development of preborn babies
/news/louisiana-education-sec-...Louisiana's education chief tells schools to ignore Biden's Title IX rule change
/news/dei-official-at-ucla-med...Leading DEI official at UCLA medical school plagiarized doctoral dissertation on diversity: report
/news/school-accused-of-discri...Elementary school accused of discrimination for rejecting creation of interfaith prayer club
/booksTexto duplicado Books
/books/chonda-pierce-says-come...IMG-ALT Chonda Pierce says comedy helped her find God's faithfulness after loss, abuse: 'He delivered me'
/books/chonda-pierce-says-come...Texto duplicado Chonda Pierce says comedy helped her find God's faithfulness after loss, abuse: 'He delivered me'
/books/eric-metaxas-new-book-w...Texto duplicado Eric Metaxas' new book 'Religionless Christianity' warns hour 'extremely late' for American Church to resist evil
/books/dog-the-bounty-hunter-o...Dog the Bounty Hunter on witnessing 'demonic possession,' God's faithfulness during career
/books/christian-expert-on-nea...Christian expert on near-death experiences reveals 1 thing they all have in common
/books/granger-smith-on-what-h...Granger Smith reveals what he's learned about theology of suffering 5 years after son's death
/news/6-highlights-from-joe-ro...IMG-ALT 6 highlights from Joe Rogan's interview with Tucker Carlson
/news/6-highlights-from-joe-ro...Texto duplicado 6 highlights from Joe Rogan's interview with Tucker Carlson
/news/for-king-countrys-luke-s...For King & Country’s Luke Smallbone on faith, family and the vital message of ‘Unsung Hero’
/news/who-are-some-of-the-bigg...Who are some of the biggest drivers of sexual exploitation? Inside the new report
/news/john-piper-churches-shou...John Piper: Churches should ‘excommunicate,’ not ‘execute’ gay couples
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