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Factores externos
Puntuación SEO
Tiempo de carga
0,14 s
Tamaño HTML
158,20 kB
Cantidad de enlaces
391 internos / 11 externos

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(Extremadamente importante)
CPAG | We are the trusted voice on child poverty
La longitud del título es óptima (439 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 580 píxeles).
No se repite ninguna palabra en el título.
Meta descripción
(Extremadamente importante)
We are the strong and trusted voice on child poverty.
La longitud de la meta descripción es óptima (324 píxeles de una longitud máxima de 1000 píxeles).
(Extremadamente importante)
No se detectan problemas para acceder al sitio web.
Redirección canónica
El enlace canónico especificado apunta a una URL diferente.
(Poco importante)
Idioma reconocido automáticamente en el contenido: en
Idioma declarado en el código HTML: en
Ubicación geográfica del servidor: Estados Unidos de América
El idioma ha sido correctamente declarado en el código HTML: en.
Enlaces Alternate/Hreflang
(Poco importante)
No se ha encontrado ningún enlace alternativo (alternate) en esta página.
Otras Metaetiquetas
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel next en la página.
No se detecta ninguna metaetiqueta de paginación rel prev en la página.
(Poco importante)
El dominio no es un subdominio.
La longitud del nombre del dominio es buena.
El dominio no contiene caracteres especiales.
URL de la página
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ningún parámetro dinámico en la URL.
No se detecta ningún ID de sesión en la URL.
La URL no contiene demasiados subdirectorios.
Codificación de caracteres
(Poco importante)
La codificación de caracteres (UTF-8) ha sido declarada correctamente.
La etiqueta doctype HTML 5 está configurada correctamente.
La declaración del doctype se ubica al inicio del código HTML.
El favicon está enlazado correctamente.


descriptionWe are the strong and trusted voice on child poverty.
GeneratorDrupal 10 (; Commerce 2
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
twitter:descriptionWe are the strong and trusted voice on child poverty.
twitter:titleCPAG | We are the trusted voice on child poverty
og:titleCPAG | We are the trusted voice on child poverty
og:descriptionWe are the strong and trusted voice on child poverty.

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Calidad de la página

(Extremadamente importante)
Algunas palabras del encabezado H1 no se repiten en el cuerpo del texto.
El número total de palabras en la página es bueno: 2048 palabras.
Un 27.8% del contenido está constituido por palabras vacías.
Las palabras clave del título también se repiten en el texto del cuerpo.
La página contiene un listado, lo que indica una buena estructuración del contenido.
Se han encontrado 5 párrafos en esta página.
No se detecta ningún placeholder de texto ni imagen.
No se detecta contenido duplicado.
La cantidad media de palabras por frase es buena: 24.4 palabras.
(Extremadamente importante)
Esta página no utiliza ningún frameset.
Optimización para móviles
(Poco importante)
El valor de la etiqueta viewport es correcto: (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0).
Al menos un icono de Apple-Touch ha sido especificado.
Etiquetas Bold y Strong
(Poco importante)
El uso de etiquetas de negritas en esta página es óptimo. Te recomendamos emplear hasta 41 etiquetas de negritas en una página.
Optimización de imágenes
(Poco importante)
No se detecta ninguna descripción del atributo ALT en 9 imágenes. El contenido de los atributos ALT también es evaluado como texto por los buscadores y es muy importante para la búsqueda de imágenes.
Redes Sociales
Esta página apenas ofrece posibilidades de compartir el contenido en redes sociales. Con la integración de widgets puedes conseguir que tus contenidos se popularicen en redes.
Etiquetas markup adicionales
No se detecta ninguna etiqueta markup (de adicional.
(Poco importante)
El sitio utiliza HTTPS para transferir datos de forma segura.
Todos los archivos incluidos se transfieren a través de HTTPS.

Lista de medios

URLAtributo ALTTítulo
data:[...] Base64Home
... outdoors_1.jpg?h=6ae40dd9&itok=hqr9hLeTChildren playing outdoors with bubbles Imagine | A Dream Meal | About Child Poverty | Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) on YouTube.
...irls in school uniform.jpg?itok=h33LT-vagirls in school uniform
...public/6176.png?h=8c2dc3cd&itok=925DV7RsCarece de atributo ALT
...public/6146.png?h=9c815367&itok=d9UsKkMJCarece de atributo ALT
...public/6149.png?h=9c815367&itok=N19WPO4oCarece de atributo ALT
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...tom/cpag_custom_blocks/assets/TikTok.svgCarece de atributo ALT
...custom_blocks/assets/endChildPoverty.svgEnd Child Poverty
...m_blocks/assets/fundraisingRegulator.svgRegistered with Fundaraising Regulator

Estructura de la página

Encabezado H1
(Extremadamente importante)
We are the trusted voice on child poverty
El encabezado H1 es óptimo.
Los encabezados H están perfectamente ordenados.

Estructura de los encabezados

Jerarquía de encabezadosContenido
H1 We are the trusted voice on child poverty
H2 User account menu
H2 Utility menu
H2 Main navigation
H2 Help us imagine a better future for kids
H2 Child poverty facts and figures
H2 Child poverty is not inevitable
H2 How your donation helps
H2 Browse our shop
H2 Train with us
H2 Latest from CPAG
H2 Child Poverty Action Group
H2 Footer
H2 Sign up to support us
H2 Housekeeping (footer)
H3 Briefing for stage 1 debate on Social Security (Scotland) (Amendment) Bill
H3 Managed migration 5
H3 Child poverty campaigners respond to FM statement to Parliament
Algunos textos ancla se repiten más de una vez en varios enlaces.
La cantidad de enlaces internos es adecuada.
Ningún texto ancla es excesivamente largo.
Ningún enlace interno contiene parámetros dinámicos.
Hay 11 enlaces externos en esta página.
EnlacePropiedadesTexto ancla ancla Skip to main content Home in
/training-and-eventsTraining & events cart (0) Subdominio Donate poverty in the UK
A-TITLE Facts about poverty in the UK and how we can solve it
/child-poverty/what-povertyWhat is poverty?
/child-poverty/poverty-facts-a...Poverty: facts and figures
/child-poverty/causes-povertyCauses of poverty
/child-poverty/effects-povertyEffects of poverty
/child-poverty/solutions-povertySolutions to poverty we do
A-TITLE Our objectives, campaigns and projects, and the CPAG team
/what-we-do/our-impactOur impact
/what-we-do/our-vision-and-obj...Our objectives
/what-we-do/our-campaignsOur campaigns
/what-we-do/project-workProject work
/what-we-do/cpags-work-scotlandCPAG in Scotland
/what-we-do/cpag-teamThe CPAG team
A-TITLE Our staff, trustees and ambassadors
/policy-and-researchPolicy and research
A-TITLE Our briefings and reports, and our position on key poverty issues
/policy-and-research/findings-...Findings from our projects
/policy-and-research/latest-po...Policy briefings and reports
/policy-and-research/cpags-pov...CPAG's Poverty Journal
/policy-and-research/policy-bo...Policy books from CPAG
/welfare-rightsWelfare rights
A-TITLE Our support services for welfare rights advisers
/welfare-rights/support-advisersSupport for advisers
/welfare-rights/key-topicsKey topics
/welfare-rights/tools-templatesTools & templates
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotlandBenefits in Scotland
/welfare-rights/bulletins-arti...Bulletins & articles
/welfare-rights/test-casesTest cases involved
A-TITLE How you can help us fight poverty
/get-involved/make-donationTexto duplicado Donate
/get-involved/leave-gift-your-...A gift in your will
/what-we-do/our-campaignsTexto duplicado Our campaigns
/get-involved/help-our-workHelp our work duplicado Donate ancla Menu
A-TITLE Menu the campaign
/child-poverty-uk/poverty-fact...More child poverty facts and figures
/child-poverty/solutions-povertyTexto duplicado Solutions to poverty
/get-involved/make-donationWays to donate shop
/shop/handbook/welfare-benefit...Welfare Benefits & Tax Credits Handbook, 2024/25
/shop/handbook/debt-advice-han...Debt Advice Handbook, 15th ed
/shop/handbook/fuel-rights-han...Fuel Rights Handbook, 21st ed
/shop/handbook/council-tax-han...Council Tax Handbook, 14th ed
/training-and-events/coursesView all our courses
/training-and-events/in-house-...Book some in-house training
/training-and-events/about-cpa...About CPAG training all our posts
/news/briefing-stage-1-debate-...Briefing for stage 1 debate on Social Security (Scotland) (Amendment) Bill
/news/managed-migration-5Managed migration 5
/news/child-poverty-campaigner...Child poverty campaigners respond to FM statement to Parliament Follow us on Twitter Subdominio Follow us on Instagram Subdominio Like us on Facebook Subdominio Subscribe on YouTube Subdominio Follow us on TikTok CPAG us centre Subdominio Sign up now
/privacy-policyPrivacy policy
/terms-and-conditionsTerms and conditions
/contact-us/feedback-and-compl...Feedback and complaints Agile Collective duplicado Child poverty in the UK
A-TITLE Facts about poverty in the UK and how we can solve it
/child-poverty/what-povertyTexto duplicado What is poverty?
/child-poverty/poverty-facts-a...Texto duplicado Poverty: facts and figures
/child-poverty/causes-povertyTexto duplicado Causes of poverty
/child-poverty/effects-povertyTexto duplicado Effects of poverty
/child-poverty/solutions-povertyTexto duplicado Solutions to poverty duplicado What we do
A-TITLE Our objectives, campaigns and projects, and the CPAG team
/what-we-do/our-impactTexto duplicado Our impact
/what-we-do/our-vision-and-obj...Texto duplicado Our objectives
/what-we-do/our-campaignsTexto duplicado Our campaigns
/what-we-do/our-campaigns/end-...End child poverty
/what-we-do/our-campaigns/end-...End child poverty in Scotland
/what-we-do/our-campaigns/scot...Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security
/what-we-do/our-campaigns/past...Past campaigns
/what-we-do/project-workTexto duplicado Project work
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Cost of the School Day
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Resources for tackling poverty in schools
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...All Cost of the School Day resources
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Ideas Bank
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Awareness, values and ethos
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Using data to understand context
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Cost of the School Day Information Booklet for Families
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Nurturing approaches
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Building understanding of the local community
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Ongoing awareness raising
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Entitlements and financial support
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Family support staff
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Information and referrals
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Boosting free school meal uptake
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Supporting and referring
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Highlighting financial support and entitlements
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Costs and money on school website
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...School uniform
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Affordable uniform policy
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Simple, affordable and inclusive uniform policy
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Consultation and provision
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Cluster-wide uniform bank
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...North Ayrshire Plus uniform station
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Parent-led uniform stall
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Uniform provision
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Using PEF for PE kits
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Consulting and planning
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Parents leading consultation
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Listening to families
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Parental engagement and outreach
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Children consulting their school community
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Whole school approaches
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Creating a Cost of the School Day policy with learners
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Eating at school
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Breakfast club open to all
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Toast in classrooms
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Readiness to learn
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Breakfast, breaktimes and lunch
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Events, celebrations and fundraising
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Pre-loved prom initiative
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Supporting attendance and easing pressure
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Word Book Day family event
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...World Book Week tents
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Stress-free Halloween celebrations at school
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Non-stigmatising online fundraising
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Learners in the lead
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Cost of the School Day pupil group
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...School shouldn't cost - let us help
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Learners leading on cost initiatives
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Pupils asking parents and carers about costs
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Cost of the School Day Voice - spotlight pupil groups
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Young people sharing their views about uniform at the Scottish Parliament
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Communicating with families
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Reaching out to communities
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Open and clear communication about support
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Picking up on problems
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Offering non-stigmatising support
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Don't let cost be a barrier
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Communicating commitment to equity
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Letting everyone know
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Building relationships and keeping in touch
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Engaging with partners in the community to share information with families
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Trips, clubs and experiences
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Finding funds to subsidise trips
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Donations and community fundraising
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Relationships and offering support
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Tackling self-exclusion
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Learning and resources
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Curriculum costs and digital devices
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Preparation station
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Digital devices and connectivity
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...After school study cafes
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Local authority approaches
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Equity in South Lanarkshire
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Kit for all, Dundee
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Financial inclusion support officers in Glasgow
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Dundee City Council's Cost of the School Day
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Parental involvement
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Parents in partnership
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Parent equality groups
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Working with parent groups on costs
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Cost of the School Day Voice network
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Contact the Cost of the School Day team
/policy-and-research/findings-...The Cost of the School Day reports, blogs and briefings
/what-we-do/project-work/early...Early Warning System
/what-we-do/project-work/early...About the Early Warning System
/what-we-do/project-work/early...Contact the Early Warning System team
/policy-and-research/findings-...Early Warning System findings
/what-we-do/project-work/manag...Managed migration
/what-we-do/project-work/manag...Tell us about your experience of moving to universal credit
/what-we-do/project-work/proje...Projects in England and Wales
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Texto duplicado Cost of the School Day
/what-we-do/project-work/early...Texto duplicado Early Warning System
/what-we-do/project-work/proje...Secure Futures for Children and Families
/what-we-do/project-work/manag...Texto duplicado Managed migration
/what-we-do/project-work/proje...Universal credit, digitalisation and the rule of law
/policy-and-research/findings-...Your Work Your Way
/what-we-do/project-work/proje...Projects in Scotland
/what-we-do/project-work/proje...Strengthening Social Security: research into the five family payments
/what-we-do/cpags-work-scotlandTexto duplicado CPAG in Scotland
/what-we-do/cpag-teamTexto duplicado The CPAG team
A-TITLE Our staff, trustees and ambassadors
/what-we-do/cpag-team/cpag-staffCPAG staff
A-TITLE About our staff
/what-we-do/cpag-team/cpag-tru...CPAG trustees
/what-we-do/cpag-team/cpags-pa...CPAG's patron and ambassadors
/policy-and-researchTexto duplicado Policy and research
A-TITLE Our briefings and reports, and our position on key poverty issues
/policy-and-research/findings-...Texto duplicado Findings from our projects
/policy-and-research/findings-...The Cost of a Child reports
/policy-and-research/findings-...Cost of the School Day reports, blogs and briefings
/policy-and-research/findings-...Texto duplicado Early Warning System findings
/policy-and-research/findings-...Managed migration research project findings
/policy-and-research/findings-...Your Work Your Way - findings from the project
/what-we-do/project-work/proje...Texto duplicado Secure Futures for Children and Families
/what-we-do/project-work/proje...Texto duplicado Universal credit, digitalisation and the rule of law
/policy-and-research/latest-po...Texto duplicado Policy briefings and reports
/policy-and-research/latest-po...David Webster briefings on benefit sanctions
/policy-and-research/cpags-pov...Texto duplicado CPAG's Poverty Journal
/policy-and-research/policy-bo...Texto duplicado Policy books from CPAG
/welfare-rightsTexto duplicado Welfare rights
A-TITLE Our support services for welfare rights advisers
/welfare-rights/support-advisersTexto duplicado Support for advisers
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Advice line for advisers
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Support for advisers in England and Wales
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Support with the judicial review process
/welfare-rights/support-advise...What judicial review is and how it can help
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Judicial review template letters
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Guide to using CPAG's judicial review pre-action letter templates
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Universal credit and migration to universal credit
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Other benefits and payments
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Benefits for people in particular circumstances
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Decisions, delays and challenging decisions
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Pursuing to court and finding a solicitor
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Support with an Upper Tribunal case
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Support for advisers in Scotland
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Advising low-income families in Scotland
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Advising disabled people and carers in Scotland
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Advising migrant groups in Scotland
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Advising students in Scotland
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Advising kinship carers in Scotland
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Advising care-experienced young people in Scotland
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Advising families with a child in the care system in Scotland
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Tell us about your case
/welfare-rights/online-handbooksTexto duplicado Handbooks
/welfare-rights/online-handbooksOnline handbooks
/welfare-rights/key-topicsTexto duplicado Key topics
/welfare-rights/key-topics/cos...Cost of living
/welfare-rights/key-topics/uni...Universal credit
/welfare-rights/key-topics/uni...Universal credit and sanctions
/welfare-rights/key-topics/uni...Tax credits - moving on to universal credit
/welfare-rights/key-topics/uni...Universal credit - the basics
/welfare-rights/key-topics/mig...Migration to universal credit
/welfare-rights/key-topics/sur...Survivors of domestic abuse
/welfare-rights/key-topics/sur...Financial help for families fleeing domestic abuse
/welfare-rights/key-topics/sur...Unwanted payments of abuser’s benefit into your account
/welfare-rights/key-topics/sur...Exceptions to the two-child limit
/welfare-rights/key-topics/sur...Work-related requirements if you have recently experienced domestic abuse
/welfare-rights/key-topics/sur...Separated but living in the same property
/welfare-rights/key-topics/sur...Value of property and its effect on means-tested benefits
/welfare-rights/key-topics/ben...Benefits for migrants
/welfare-rights/key-topics/hou...Housing costs
/welfare-rights/key-topics/per...Personal independence payment
/welfare-rights/key-topics/san...Sanctions and work-related requirements
/welfare-rights/key-topics/wor...Work capability assessment
/welfare-rights/tools-templatesTexto duplicado Tools & templates
/welfare-rights/tools-template...Texto duplicado Universal credit
/welfare-rights/tools-template...Texto duplicado Migration to universal credit
/welfare-rights/tools-template...Texto duplicado Benefits for migrants
/welfare-rights/tools-template...Texto duplicado Personal independence payment
/welfare-rights/tools-template...Texto duplicado Work capability assessment
/welfare-rights/tools-template...Revision, supersession and appeal procedure
/welfare-rights/tools-template...Judicial review
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotlandTexto duplicado Benefits in Scotland
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Scottish benefits
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Children and young people
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Pregnancy and baby payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Early learning payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...School age payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Best start foods
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Scottish child payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Residence rules for best start grant
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Getting a best start grant if you are not getting a qualifying benefit
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...How to challenge a Social Security Scotland decision
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Disability benefits
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Child disability payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Supporting information for child disability payment claims: suggestions for education staff
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Child winter heating payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Adult disability payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Adult disability payment assessment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...How to challenge a disability benefit decision
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Help with council tax
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Council tax reduction
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Council tax reduction if you live with an adult who is not your partner
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Council tax reduction if you live in a band E to H property
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Calculating the new Scottish council tax reduction
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Challenging a council tax reduction decision
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...When your council tax reduction starts
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...If you get council tax reduction and your circumstances change
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Other ways to reduce your council tax bill
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits for carers
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Carer support payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Carer's allowance supplement
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Young carer grant
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado How to challenge a Social Security Scotland decision
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Help with heating costs
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Child winter heating payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Winter heating payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Scottish welfare fund
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Other Scottish benefits
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Universal credit Scottish choices
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Funeral support payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Discretionary housing payments in Scotland
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Job start payment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...More information about benefits in Scotland
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Universal credit factsheets
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Universal credit
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Universal credit and students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Universal credit for lone parent students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Kinship carers and universal credit
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Tax credits - moving on to universal credit
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Families factsheets
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Financial help in the early years
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Financial help in the school years
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Financial help for young parents
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits and tax credits for lone parent students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Parents claiming for young people in further education or training
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Childcare costs: getting support
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Children looked after by the local authority - impact on family benefits
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Financial help for families fleeing domestic abuse
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Universal credit for lone parent students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Financial help for families affected by imprisonment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Disability benefits factsheets
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits for disabled children and their families - a checklist
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits for disabled students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits for migrants and refugees factsheets
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Rights to benefits and tax credits for European nationals
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...EU citizen guide to claiming benefits in the UK
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits for new refugees
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits for resettled Afghans
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits for resettled Ukrainians
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...No recourse to public funds, person subject to immigration control and benefit entitlement
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Kinship care factsheets
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Kinship care and benefits – the essentials
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Scottish child payment and kinship carers
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Kinship carers and universal credit
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits for students and young people factsheets
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits and tax credits for students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Benefits and tax credits for lone parent students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits for care-experienced students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Benefits for disabled students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Benefits for young people in further education or training
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Universal credit and students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Parents claiming for young people in further education or training
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Universal credit for lone parent students
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Care-experienced young people and benefits
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Prison and benefits factsheets
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Texto duplicado Financial help for families affected by imprisonment
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Prison and benefits
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Veterans and benefits
/welfare-rights/benefits-scotl...Other CPAG resources on benefits in Scotland
/welfare-rights/bulletins-arti...Texto duplicado Bulletins & articles
/welfare-rights/bulletins-arti...Welfare Rights Bulletin Articles
/welfare-rights/test-casesTexto duplicado Test cases
/welfare-rights/test-cases/abo...About legal test cases
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Texto duplicado Support with an Upper Tribunal case
/welfare-rights/test-cases/tes...Test case updates
/welfare-rights/test-cases/ref...Refer a test case
/support-judicial-review-processTexto duplicado Support with the judicial review process duplicado Get involved
A-TITLE How you can help us fight poverty
/get-involved/make-donationTexto duplicado Donate
/get-involved/fundraiseTexto duplicado Fundraise
/get-involved/fundraise/hold-f...Hold a fundraising event
/get-involved/fundraise/our-fu...Our fundraising heroes
/get-involved/fundraise/contac...Contact the fundraising team
/get-involved/leave-gift-your-...Texto duplicado A gift in your will
/get-involved/leave-gift-your-...How to leave a gift in your will
/get-involved/leave-gift-your-...The impact of your legacy
/get-involved/leave-gift-your-...Supporter stories
/get-involved/leave-gift-your-...Mike's story
/get-involved/leave-gift-your-...Ruth's story
/get-involved/leave-gift-your-...Gaynor's story
/get-involved/leave-gift-your-...Donate in memory
/get-involved/become-memberTexto duplicado Membership
/what-we-do/our-campaignsTexto duplicado Our campaigns
/get-involved/help-our-workTexto duplicado Help our work
/get-involved/help-our-work/sh...Share your experience of the benefits system
/welfare-rights/support-advise...Advisers - tell us about your case
/what-we-do/project-work/manag...Texto duplicado Tell us about your experience of moving to universal credit
/what-we-do/project-work/cost-...Voice network: young people take action on school costs duplicado Shop
/training-and-eventsTexto duplicado Training & events
/training-and-events/about-cpa...About CPAG training courses Subdominio Texto duplicado eLearning
/training-and-events/conferenc...Conferences and seminars
/training-and-events/in-house-...In-house training
/training-and-events/cpag-trai...CPAG trainers
/training-and-events/room-hireRoom hire
/training-and-events/programme...Training programme for advisers in England and Wales
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Snippet (vista previa de los resultados de búsqueda)
CPAG | We are the trusted voice on child poverty
We are the strong and trusted voice on child poverty.

Palabras clave más importantes

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Palabra claveResultadoComprobar
Child poverty81%Check
trusted voice child poverty77%Check
trusted voice child76%Check
Child poverty facts66%Check
poverty UK64%Check

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